Your pediatrician will tell you how to distinguish teething symptoms from signs of illness.

Sequence of appearance of teeth

Most children begin teething between 6 and 12 months. They appear in babies in pairs. The lower front teeth come in first, and the upper front teeth usually take a couple of months to emerge. Then the lower and upper lateral incisors emerge, followed by the first molars (the teeth behind the canines), the canines, and the second molars. So, by the age of three, the child will have a set of 20 primary teeth.

AgeTypes of teeth
Four - seven monthsCentral lower incisors
Eight - twelve monthsCentral upper incisors
Nine - sixteen monthsLateral lower and upper incisors (next to the middle teeth)
One yearThe baby has a set of eight teeth
Thirteen to nineteen monthsFirst molars (two above and below)
Sixteen to twenty-three monthsFangs (two on top and bottom)
Twenty-three to thirty-one monthsSecond molars (lower teeth appear first, then upper teeth)

This is a general dental growth chart, but not all babies will follow it. Some will be ahead of him, while others will be behind him.

When should I start using the paste?

Many moms and dads wonder when to start brushing their teeth with toothpaste. Answering it, our expert says that there are no restrictions as such in this sense. The main thing is to choose the right one according to age.

Today there are many types of pastes on the dental market. All of them are divided by age, so the samples intended for babies can be safely used from scratch. They contain no harmful substances, they are absolutely safe, and therefore can be used from the first tooth.

“Children’s toothpaste differs from adult toothpaste in its abrasiveness, or rather, its absence. Children's pastes are not abrasive, they contain less fluoride and do not have whitening properties. They are more gentle and prevent intoxication. Since children love to swallow toothpastes, there is no risk that it will have an undesirable effect,” explains the dentist.

Also, children's toothpastes, as a rule, contain aromatic additives to make the process of brushing teeth more pleasant and attractive for children. Manufacturers add different flavors to their products - strawberry, banana, apple.

You can switch to adult paste gradually, at the moment when the permanent bite of the teeth completely changes, that is, at the age of 12-13.

When should you worry if your child’s teeth are not cutting?

The average age for teething to begin is about six months. The appearance of teeth before six months is considered early. If a baby has no teeth before 13 months, this is considered a delay.

Don't worry if teething is delayed; it varies from one child to another. As long as your baby's hair, skin and bones are in good condition, there is nothing to worry about. Delayed teething does not indicate any problem in the overall development of the child.

The appearance of teeth may be delayed due to:

  • hereditary factor;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hypothyroidism (thyroid disease);
  • premature birth.

However, if you believe that there is no hereditary cause and the child is receiving adequate nutrition and teeth are not appearing, then you should consult a doctor. But first, pay attention to the signs that will tell you when a tooth might appear.

What parents need to remember

The baby should see the dentist for the first time at six months, and the first tooth should be cleaned with a special brush.
Sweets harm the first teeth, but daily brushing with a special children's brush and toothpaste is beneficial. Tags:

  • Hygiene
  • Teeth
  • Preschoolers
  • Babies
  • Kuzmina

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The level of pain a baby feels will be different for each baby. Some babies may suffer more than others when they are teething. Soreness and swelling of the gums before the tooth emerges are the cause of the discomfort the baby experiences during this change. These symptoms usually begin approximately three to five days before the tooth emerges, and they disappear when the tooth breaks through the gum.

The signs of teething are as follows.

  1. Salivation. A teething baby tends to drool more than at other times as tooth advancement and pain force him to hold his mouth open for longer periods of time. You will end up drooling more than usual. A mild rash may develop due to irritation of the skin around the mouth caused by excessive drooling. If you notice that your baby's clothes are constantly damp, attach a baby bib and gently wipe his chin throughout the day.
  2. Biting. The pressure of teeth pushing under the gums leads to severe discomfort, which can be relieved by applying pressure from the opposite side (chewing and biting). Teething babies will chew on anything they find, from special toys and rattles to their mother's nipples when breastfeeding and fingers.
  3. Irritation. Sore gums and teething cause discomfort and you will find that your baby gets irritated too easily and is fussy most of the time.
  4. Swelling of the gums. When teeth cut, they usually cut through the gums, causing them to swell. If a baby's gums are swollen and painful, this is a sign that a new tooth will soon grow.
  5. Grabbing ears. Another sign of pain; the pain in the mouth radiates throughout the child's head, so they pull their ears, assuming that this will lead to relief.
  6. Crying, restless night's sleep and mild fever. Also associated with teething. Babies may even refuse to eat due to pain.
  7. Teeth visible inside the gums. The most obvious sign that babies are teething is when they appear along the bottom of the jaw.

Symptoms usually resolve on their own, but your doctor should be notified if they worsen or persist. Teething may cause symptoms in the mouth and gums, but the process does not cause problems in other parts of the body.

The type and severity of these manifestations varies greatly from one child to another - for example, for one, teething brings great pain and tears, while another can survive the process without complaint. But you can probably see at least some, and possibly many, of the symptoms listed above.

How to distinguish symptoms of teething from signs of disease?

This is likely an illness if your child:

  • is overly fussy that you can't calm him down. The phrase "teething" makes you think that the baby will have unbearable pain, but it is quite mild. A little extra fuss is okay. But, if your child cries so much that he cannot sleep or calm down, consult a doctor;
  • has a high temperature. A fever of 38°C or higher likely indicates an infection.

A child with a cutting tooth constantly puts his hands in his mouth, as a result of which an infection can enter the body, causing a disease;

  • refuses any food (solids and liquids). Some children avoid hard foods when a new tooth emerges. But if your baby also refuses to breastfeed or put a bottle in his mouth, talk to your pediatrician;
  • has a runny nose, cough, vomiting or diarrhea. There is no evidence that teething causes any of these problems. Most likely, these manifestations indicate that the child is sick;
  • has a rash not only on the face. Often excessive drooling results in a rash around the mouth, but if the rash spreads to the torso, arms or legs, it may be due to illness;
  • symptoms last more than a few days. Irritability, swollen gums and a slightly elevated temperature can be caused by teething, but only in the days before and after the tooth appears.

So if your child feels unwell for several days in a row and you still can't see the tooth, something else is probably bothering your baby.

Research shows that runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea, and high fever (over 38.9°C) are not associated with teething. One study found that these manifestations were not significantly associated with the appearance of teeth. Additionally, no single set of symptoms was found to accurately predict the onset of eruption.

Pediatricians explain that the child’s passive immunity from maternal antibodies disappears at this time, and the baby is exposed to a wide range of pathogens. Thus, it is likely that the child's vomiting or diarrhea has a different etiology.

Remedies for pain relief in children

It is painful for parents to see their child in pain. You can help him get some relief with these remedies.

Simple tricks

Often, pain in the gums is relieved by applying gentle pressure to them. Therefore, many experts advise gently rubbing the gums with a clean finger or letting the child bite on a clean cloth.

If pain is causing feeding problems, sometimes a different shaped nipple or using a cup can reduce discomfort and improve feeding.


Cold objects can also help reduce inflammation. Using special teething rings can be helpful. Experienced parents have found that using a cool, damp sponge, a cold pacifier, a spoon, or frozen bananas can be effective in reducing discomfort.

Avoid prolonged contact of excessively cold objects with your gums. Also, never place objects that may cause choking (small parts) into your child's mouth.

Use of painkillers

There is controversy surrounding the use of these products during teething:

  • Although some parents approve of topical medications, studies have not always shown their benefit. In May 2011, the FDA issued a warning to avoid topical medications containing an anesthetic called benzocaine. Benzocaine is the main ingredient found in many over-the-counter gels and sprays. The FDA warning indicates a link to a rare but extremely dangerous complication called methemoglobinemia. In this condition, the ability of red blood cells to deliver oxygen throughout the body is significantly limited, which can lead to serious consequences and even death. Children with methemoglobinemia experience pallor, shortness of breath, and increased heart rate. This reaction may occur on first use or after several exposures to benzocaine. A child with these symptoms should be taken to the emergency department of the nearest hospital;
  • Systemic medications such as paracetamol or ibuprofen will also help with pain. Check with your pediatrician regarding the use of these and other medications. Care should be taken not to overdo them in their use. The medicine may mask important symptoms that may be necessary to understand the child’s condition;
  • Homeopathic remedies and other folk methods are widely used, there is limited research into their true effectiveness. Using clove oil, licorice sticks, fennel, scallions, olive oil, ginger root and chamomile can be effective.

How to help your child: recommendations from Amel Dental doctors

To cope with the discomfort caused by the eruption of permanent teeth, it is enough to massage the child’s gums. If your gums are inflamed, a teething gel will help relieve the inflammation (your dentist will help you choose the right one).

What to do if complications develop?

Ways to care for children's teeth

Primary (baby) teeth require the same quality care as permanent teeth. Early oral hygiene will help prevent tooth decay.

Here are some tips for caring for children's oral cavity.

  1. Clean your child's gum line with gauze or a soft cloth.
  2. Provide separate cutlery (bowl, spoon and fork) for your child. Do not allow others to use this utensil as this may cause infection.
  3. Give your child foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Your baby needs calcium, fluoride, phosphorus and vitamin C for healthy teeth and gum development.
  4. Avoid sugary foods and drinks as they damage teeth.
  5. Teach your child to drink from a glass, not a bottle. Drinking from bottles leads to tooth decay as the slow flow of milk and juices accumulates in the baby's mouth and remains there for a long time.
  6. As soon as your child turns 18 months old, you can start brushing his teeth.

How to brush baby teeth?

  1. Dentists recommend using fluoride toothpaste after a child's first tooth appears. But the amount of paste on the brush should be the size of a grain of rice until the age of three.
  2. After three years, the amount can be increased to the size of a pea.
  3. Too much or too little fluoride can be bad for children's teeth. Too much of it can cause a condition called fluorosis, a common disorder characterized by erosion of tooth enamel.
  4. Fluoride deficiency leads to dental caries, a condition in which the tooth decays over time due to acid-forming bacteria and saliva-fermentable carbohydrates. Caries develops in the crowns and roots of teeth and affects the primary teeth of infants.
  5. Replace your child's toothbrush every three months to avoid bacterial infection. Following a consistent brushing routine will help your child become comfortable with oral hygiene early on.

Experts' opinion

The effectiveness of ASEPTA wipes has been proven in the laboratories of the VERTEX company. Products have:

  • Certificate of Conformity No. ROSS RU.AG81.N01070;
  • Certificate of Conformity No. ROSS KR.AG81.H01815;
  • Certificate of state registration No.RU.

In addition, a study of the clinical effectiveness of the use of therapeutic and prophylactic agents of the ASEPTA series in the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases in children and adolescents, conducted at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry of the Novosibirsk State Medical University, proved that after the use of Asepta therapeutic and prophylactic agents in children There was a decrease in signs of inflammation in periodontal tissues (disappearance of swelling, bleeding gums).

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