How to choose a frenulum piercing: frenulum, smile, antismile

Piercing is the piercing of different parts of the body for the purpose of decoration with earrings and special products made from hypoallergenic materials. For quick and successful healing, it is necessary to correctly make the hole and care for it according to the rules and recommendations of the master. There are different types of piercings, but the most popular are those placed in the facial area. If you want to have an earring, but due to certain circumstances it cannot be shown openly, you can choose a frenulum piercing under the tongue.

Smile puncture - what is it?

So, what is smile piercing? Smile is a type of piercing of the frenulum of the upper lip . The smile piercing got its name for a reason - the jewelry can only be seen when its lucky owner smiles. Various types of jewelry are suitable for frenulum piercing: classic titanium rings, circular rings, BCR, bananas. The main thing is to choose hypoallergenic metals such as titanium; ordinary gold or silver will not work; they will oxidize and cause a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Purpose of intimate piercing

When making a piercing, decorative jewelry is attached to the pubic area or scrotum.

A puncture of the frenulum or glans should stimulate the genitals during masturbation or sex and enhance the orgasmic experiences of partners. There is an opinion that jewelry on the genitals increases their sensitivity.

However, scientists do not confirm this point of view. Piercing is completely contraindicated for:

  • blood diseases or poor clotting;
  • skin diseases;
  • genital herpes;
  • ARVI;
  • injuries in the area of ​​the intended puncture;
  • hepatitis of various types;
  • HIV.

Penis piercing is a serious procedure and should only be performed by specialists.

Pros and cons of smiley piercing

The most important advantage of upper frenulum piercing, which worries many people who decide to get this piercing, is that the smile is considered one of the most painless piercings , since there are no large vessels in the frenulum. The puncture also heals very quickly . It is very easy to change jewelry in Smiley depending on your mood and style, fortunately jewelry manufacturers have tried their best, and now you can find a large selection of products for frenulum piercings. Another plus: the smile is suitable even when you need to comply with the dress code, because it is easy to hide by choosing the right decoration (a small ring or a banana).
Like any piercing, the smiley has its downsides. For example, not everyone can pierce a smile : if you have a short frenulum, the specialist will not be able to perform the piercing due to inappropriate anatomy. If you have a thin frenulum, there is a possibility of a frenulum rupture . Smile piercing can harm teeth and gums, so it is better to place the jewelry below the gum line . If you go to perform the procedure at home craftsmen or in beauty salons, where the masters are not qualified, they may supply you with low-quality jewelry, and you will experience rejection of the material, and the master in such a “salon” may perform the puncture unevenly, and you will get an unsuccessful puncture smiley

Types of punctures on the penis

The master demonstrates to the client various piercing options on a silicone penis model.

Among the many types of piercings on the male genitals, the most popular are:

  1. "King's Crown" This option is also called “Dido”. The jewelry is inserted into the edge of the open head of the penis. “Crown” is only suitable for men who have undergone circumcision.
  2. “Hafada” (“Hafoda”). Scrotal piercings are safe as long as they do not touch the testicles.
  3. “Rhino Horn.” The decoration is fixed above the base of the phallus. This type of puncture is practically harmless, but it does not enhance sensations during sex.
  4. “Frenum”. The decoration is inserted into the frenulum from the underside of the genital organ.
  5. "Prince Albert" A ring is inserted into the urethra and removed through a puncture in the lower part of the head. The “Reverse Prince Albert” method involves removing the ring through the upper part of the organ. During sexual intercourse, the decoration has a stimulating effect on the penis from the inside, enhancing orgasm.
  6. “Gish.” A horizontal puncture between the scrotum and anus is designed to enhance orgasmic sensations.
  7. “Ampallang.” This is the most dangerous procedure in which the head of the penis is pierced horizontally. The decoration may pass through the urethra or slightly above it.
  8. "Apadravia". Unlike “Ampallang”, the phallus is pierced in a vertical direction.

The puncture is made on the underside of the penis at the junction of the head and body of the penis.

Foreskin piercing is also popular. A ring inserted in a special way prevents the head from opening.

How is a smiley piercing done, does it hurt?

The procedure begins with the choice of jewelry - the frenulum piercing smile is one of the few types of piercings in which almost any jewelry can be installed . Next, the master begins to prepare the instruments and sterilize them. After preparing the instruments and the workplace, the master treats the oral cavity with a special antiseptic (most often it is octenisept); markings for this puncture are not required. The master lifts the lip slightly and pierces it at an angle of 90 degrees to the frenulum (a clamp is most often not used to avoid deformation of the frenulum). The puncture takes literally a couple of seconds , then the master carefully inserts the jewelry without removing the needle. The procedure is very quick and practically painless, but it all depends on your pain threshold. One thing we can say for sure is that piercing a frenulum is quick, you won’t even have time to realize everything. That's it, the procedure is over, now you are the owner of a rather unusual, but aesthetic puncture!

How is the frenulum pierced?

The frenulum piercing should only be performed by a professional, even if you decide to do the piercing at home, you need to invite an experienced person, and not try to do everything yourself.

Doing it yourself carries great risks; you can damage a large blood vessel or hit a nerve, which will lead to severe pain, profuse hemorrhage and long healing. Also, you should not perform the procedure with improvised means; the instrument must be special and always sterile. This will protect against possible infection and wound festering.

It is best to find a proven salon, where an experienced master will do everything quickly and professionally, and for a fairly reasonable fee, usually no more than 1000 rubles.

A professional piercing is performed using a piercing needle. It is adapted to grip the jewelry, which allows it to be easily inserted into the resulting hole, without unnecessary problems and impacts on the puncture.

When performing the procedure, the master uses a special tongue clip, which has a hole for a needle. The puncture is performed with a sterile, disposable needle, after which the earring is installed. Then he provides the patient with a disinfectant to rinse his mouth with. After this, the specialist will suggest the necessary procedures and recommendations for caring for the puncture.

If you decide to carry out the procedure at home, you need to take care of safety. You should purchase a special needle, preferably a tongue clip, an earring and an antiseptic, you can use hydrogen peroxide. The earring needs to be treated with alcohol or kept in an antiseptic for some time.

You need to start the procedure by rinsing your mouth with an antiseptic solution (recommendations are indicated on the package). Then, using a clamp, you need to raise your tongue to the palate and insert the needle into the frenulum, moving from right to left. After this, the jewelry is installed in the hole, twisted, and the mouth is rinsed again.

Decoration selection

There are no specific criteria when choosing jewelry for a smiley piercing bridle ; you should choose based on your preferences. There are several types of jewelry for smile piercing:

  • Circulars : these are jewelry that resembles a horseshoe in shape; there are classic titanium, black, anodized gold or other colors.
  • Clicker rings : rings with a fastening clasp, the color can also be any, you can choose with an insert of shiny cubic zirconia or shining opals, or classic titanium.
  • Bananas : curved decorations with balls at the ends.

These are the best jewelry options for smiley piercings, the main thing is to choose small jewelry so as not to harm your teeth. Also, do not forget about the quality of the jewelry; the piercing product must be made of titanium .

Possible complications

Care includes:

  1. Daily disinfection of swollen skin with antiseptic and antimicrobial agents externally and internally (Chlorhexidine, Levomekol) after each meal.
  2. Apply Miramistin ointment to the area.
  3. Do not use decorative cosmetics.
  4. Do not remove jewelry.
  5. If possible, avoid touching the problem area with your hands.
  6. For a week, do not eat hot or cold food, avoid salty and spicy foods. Include as many vegetables as possible in your diet.
  7. Take B vitamins as prescribed by your doctor.
  8. Quit drinking and smoking for at least a week.
  9. Take care of your skin after healing: avoid injury and damage.

The listed antimicrobial ointments and antiseptics for treatment can be purchased at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Possible complications:

  1. The wound may fester and take a long time to heal. This is a common consequence of performing the procedure at home.
  2. Allergic reactions commonly occur to nickel, which is used as an alloying additive in tool steel (surgical steel for jewelry).
  3. Formation of keloids and scars.
  4. Injuries cause swelling and slow healing.
  5. Rejection by the body.
  6. Injuries to the teeth, oral cavity, gums (especially important when piercing the frenulum).
  7. Unsuccessful work of the master: lip piercing when there is no symmetry.

Infection is manifested by the discharge of pus, swelling, and soreness. The best option if such symptoms are detected is to remove the jewelry, treat the puncture site with an antiseptic and consult a doctor. Another possible problem with this type of piercing is frenulum rupture. Such an injury may not only occur during the healing period.

You can minimize the likelihood of rupture by choosing the correct puncture site and handling it with extreme caution throughout the entire period of wearing the jewelry. Other consequences of smiley piercing are dental problems

Many experts argue that any punctures in which jewelry (or parts thereof) are in the oral cavity are harmful to teeth. However, this warning rarely stops real piercing enthusiasts.

Remember also about the contact of jewelry with teeth. Constant friction can damage the enamel. Moreover, the earring can move down if your bridle is too thin.

Piercing Care

You have become the owner of a new piercing, but that’s not all, now you have to take care of it, this is extremely important! For treatment, you need to buy an antiseptic in the form of Miramistin , treat it 2 times a day for the first 2 days, then 1 time a day. Do not twist or turn the decoration under any circumstances , and do not use cotton swabs or cotton pads.

Why do penis piercings be done?

Everyone here has their own reasons. For example, I was just curious, but I chose not the most “hard” type of piercing. Some people want additional sensations, which can be obtained from iron rings at certain points of the penis (but not all). Some people just can't resist trying all kinds of piercings. They say that such controlled and short-lived pain can be addictive. Some people have extravagant ideas about beauty.

Risks and possible consequences

There is an opinion that smiley piercing harms teeth , this is partly true, but this only happens when the jewelry is chosen incorrectly.
If you notice that jewelry has begun to harm your tooth enamel, consult your dentist, he will help you choose the best jewelry. There are also cases when the smile becomes inflamed, this happens due to injury or unsuitable material in the decoration. In the first case, it is enough to treat with miramistin and keep the puncture alone, and in the second case, replace the jewelry with titanium.


Let's say you decide to get a smiley piercing. The price of such a puncture in the Russian Federation is about 1,500 rubles. The client must first rinse his mouth with a special liquid that eliminates all bacteria and germs. After this, the needle is inserted by the master using a special apparatus through the frenulum, and the earring is threaded into the hole made.

The main thing is to be prepared for the fact that the procedure can cause considerable pain. In addition, bleeding is often observed. Therefore, the specialist, as a rule, prescribes ointments or rinses, which will need to be used until the wound heals and stops inflaming.

However, we cannot fail to mention one point regarding pain. Each person has a certain threshold of sensitivity. Some clients don’t even notice the punctures, and some have lip pain for several hours. Therefore, do not stress yourself out and do not be afraid, so as not to worsen the situation.

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