What is the difference between a dentist and a dental therapist?

How is a dentist different from a dentist?

The difference is in the level of education and credentials. According to the job description, a dentist cannot perform certain types of treatment.

In practice, patients often encounter specialists without higher education, “jacks of all trades.” This situation is common in small settlements, where a medical institution has only one staff member for the treatment of oral diseases.

Take note:

  • many specialists with secondary medical education claim that they perform dental treatment no worse than dentists, supporting their arguments with reviews from satisfied patients;
  • but without the necessary level of knowledge it is impossible to correctly deal with a complex case and prevent side effects;
  • without constant professional development, the introduction of new technologies, and modern materials, it is impossible to offer the patient the most gentle method of treatment;
  • It is no coincidence that private dental clinics regularly spend considerable sums on advanced training courses and symposiums for practicing doctors.


There are a lot of specialists in dentistry, and the activities of each of them are different. It is important to remember that you can avoid serious oral health problems and trips to dental clinics if you follow the basic rules:

  • brush your teeth twice a day;
  • visit the dentist once a year, even if there is no reason for this;
  • Do not delay your visit if your gums become sensitive or inflamed.

By following these conditions, you will protect yourself from problems in the future. Do not be afraid of doctors; many diseases begin completely asymptomatically, and only a specialist will be able to identify the threat in time.


The specialist studies at a medical college for 3 years, studies the structure and features of the dental system, and learns simple dental procedures. But a doctor with a secondary medical education should not perform complex prosthetics, correct bites, or treat pulpitis.

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Methods for treating trigeminal neuralgia at home are described on this page.

What does a dentist do:

  • examines the oral cavity;
  • finds out the cause of pain;
  • identifies and treats gum diseases;
  • fills a tooth with a small degree of tissue destruction;
  • explains the rules of oral hygiene;
  • gives advice on choosing toothpaste, mouthwash, dental floss, and oral irrigator;
  • if periodontal disease, periodontitis, deep caries, pulpitis, curvature of tooth units destroyed by 50% or more, or other complex pathologies are detected, he is referred for consultation to a specialist.

Safety precautions during therapeutic treatment

Licensed dental clinics with certificates of conformity must provide a 100% quality guarantee and use only modern equipment for diagnostics and therapeutic treatment. Before you book your treatment after consultation, please pay attention to the following details:

  • The clinic must have certificates and a license that allows it to operate within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • Compliance with regulations in the workplace is a serious consideration. All instruments must be clean and placed in a disinfectant solution, gowns and masks must also be washed before each procedure. The workplace must be in complete order.
  • Before treatment begins, a contract is concluded indicating complete information about the clinic and the client. It indicates the diagnosis, number and cost of procedures. Only a contract guarantees the fulfillment of all obligations on the part of dentistry and the client.
  • Specialists must use clean masks and gowns, gloves, and shoe covers. The pleasant appearance of dental workers is an important factor that shows their accuracy and responsibility.

The CELT dental clinic provides a guarantee, has a license, enters into an agreement and uses only imported equipment of excellent quality.


The specialist spent 5 years gaining knowledge at a medical institute, after 2 years he studied in residency or worked as an intern for a year. In addition to the structure of the dental system, the dentist studied physiology, anatomy, and the interaction of various organs. Biochemistry, psychology, therapy, histology, bacteriology and a dozen other subjects were on the class schedule.

After graduating from medical university, a general dentist chooses one (or several) specializations. Pediatric dentistry differs significantly from orthopedic and orthodontic treatment. A dental therapist has broader powers than a dentist, and a dental surgeon can not only administer anesthesia and remove teeth, but also perform operations on the gums and jaw bones.

Do you know who a dentist is? This is what a dentist is called in other countries. In Europe, the USA, and other Western countries, a specialist with a secondary medical education performs the same functions as a dentist in Russia.

Our diagnostic base

In order to choose the right treatment method, you must first make a correct diagnosis. And this requires modern equipment that allows for full-fledged research.

Our dental therapists have a dental computer visiograph at their disposal, thanks to which they receive high-quality images of the diseased tooth. The presence of a computed tomograph allows one to study the individual characteristics of the structure of teeth, their canals and roots. Orthopantomograph images provide information about the condition of the periodontium and dental tissue of the entire dentofacial system.


The specialist performs the same manipulations as a dentist. In addition, a dental therapist deals with more complex problems with teeth and gums.

The doctor has a wide range of responsibilities:

  • treats dental diseases: deep caries, pulpitis;
  • selects and places fillings for severe tooth decay;
  • carries out endodontic treatment;
  • treats severe inflammation of the gums, mucous membranes, tongue;
  • whitens teeth;
  • carries out sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • performs professional teeth cleaning with ultrasound or using Air Flow technology;
  • conducts preventive examinations and gives recommendations on oral care;
  • when identifying malocclusions or diseased teeth that cannot be restored, he refers the patient to specialized dentists: an orthodontist and a surgeon;
  • in the absence of one or more units of the dentition, the dentist-therapist recommends a consultation with an orthopedic dentist, or “in popular parlance” – a prosthetist.

Rating and TOP-7 best dentists and therapists in Moscow based on patient reviews

Dental treatment is an ordinary procedure, but it requires compliance with the rules, the right choice of tactics and materials. Failure to comply with these conditions may lead to complications. These include, for example, an allergic reaction, post-filling pain, perforation of the root wall or incomplete filling of the canals.

In many ways, the occurrence of these and other complications is determined by the qualifications of the dentist-therapist. What kind of doctor puts fillings on teeth carefully, quickly and without complications? According to patient reviews, the list of the best doctors in Moscow may include:

The dentist-therapist conducts an initial examination of the oral cavity and eliminates the most common diseases

Shapovalov Albert Sergeevich, “Teeth for everyone”

The doctor's specializations are therapy, implantology, periodontology. Graduated from the Stavropol Medical Academy, 12 years of work experience. From reviews:

“I have been receiving treatment from Albert Sergeevich for a long time. I like him because he always tries to save the tooth. And not only treats, but gives recommendations, talks in detail about proper care.”

“I had to clean the canals and remove the nerves because... the tooth hurt a lot. During the work, the doctor explained everything in detail, so it was not scary. When they drilled it out, it turned out that there was hidden caries on the adjacent tooth, and that was also cured. I had to put medicine on the first tooth, but everything ended well, the fillings were put in place.”

“I came to the doctor on the advice of my mother, who had already been treated by him. She quickly cured all the caries and did the cleaning, because... I'm planning on installing braces and my teeth should be fine. I recommend the doctor!”

Grechneva Zarida Vladimirovna, “President”

Doctor of the highest category, graduated from Moscow State Medical University named after. Evdokimova, 33 years of experience. Currently, he is the director of the President Clinic on Sukharevskaya.

“The doctor respects his patients very much, is never rude, and takes his work very seriously. Everything is always to the point and clear.”

Albert Sergeevich's specializations are therapy, implantology, periodontology

“The doctor treats well, comments on every movement, this is very supportive morally. It doesn’t hurt and it’s quick.”

“Zarida Vladimirovna is distinguished by her friendliness and tact. I am an elderly person, compassion and patience are important to me, I received them from the doctor. It’s nice to be greeted with a smile.”

Pavlova Marina Leonidovna, Alfa Health Center

Doctor of the highest category, candidate of sciences. Graduated from the Moscow Medical Dental Institute, 22 years of experience.

“Attentive and sensitive doctor. The first time I turned to Marina Leonidovna on a recommendation, the question was whether a tooth should be removed. It was complicated, but the doctor cured it, and the filling has been in place for three years without any problems.”

“Marina Leonidovna spent a lot of time with me and explained everything in detail. Everything went without pain and smoothly.”

“The first time I went to the nearest clinic by accident, with acute pain, I ended up with Marina Leonidovna. The treatment was at the highest level, painless, nothing hurt after it and now the tooth is not bothering me.”

Marina Leonidovna - doctor of the highest category, candidate of sciences

Belous Stanislav Valerievich, Tserekon

General director of the clinic. Education: Samara State Medical University, 9 years of experience. Features of the work: the use of a photo protocol and an operating microscope.

“I went to Stanislav Valerievich on a recommendation. I haven’t been to the dentist for a long time, I have a lot of problems. The doctor is attentive, calm, and tries to create a friendly atmosphere. I’ve been to him several times, but now all my teeth are cured and don’t bother me.”

“I am very attentive to the condition of my teeth, so it took me a long time to choose a doctor. I went to see Stanislav Valerievich, he examined everything under a microscope and quickly prescribed treatment, telling me everything in detail. Everything was done very well."

Martynova Elena Yurievna, “SM-dentistry” on Voikovskaya

Graduated from Saratov State Medical University. Doctor of the highest category, candidate of sciences. Experience – 19 years.

“A very pleasant person, a competent and knowledgeable doctor, answers questions in detail and does not leave you unattended.”

“Elena Yuryevna immediately described the treatment plan and indicated its cost. All necessary manipulations were carried out painlessly. I saw the doctor twice, each appointment lasted an hour.”

Elena Yurievna - doctor of the highest category, candidate of sciences

“In all the other dentists I went to, they told me that the tooth would have to be removed. But thanks to Elena Yuryevna it was possible to save it. Moreover, thanks to her recommendations, I was able to cope with bleeding gums.”

Cherkashin Denis Sergeevich, OnClinic, German Dental Center

Graduated from the Omsk State Medical Academy, Candidate of Sciences. 16 years of experience.

“Very professional doctor, sociable and calm. He explains everything in detail and does the job efficiently.”

“I was suffering from acute toothache and was sure that the tooth would be removed. But Denis Sergeevich carried out a detailed diagnosis and decided to keep it. The treatment was carried out in two steps, now the tooth is like new and the filling looks very neat.”

“I came without serious problems, to treat ordinary caries, but it was still pleasant that the treatment was not painful at all. I would also like to note the doctor’s attentiveness and detailed answers to my questions.”

Alekseeva Tatyana Viktorovna, Tsentraviamed

Graduated from Moscow Medical and Dental University. Evdokimova, Ph.D. 26 years of experience.

“A nice person and a wonderful specialist. Thanks to her treatment, I calmly go to appointments and am no longer afraid of dentists.”

“I received a detailed consultation from Tatyana Viktorovna about the condition of my teeth, the problematic ones were cured in several visits, without problems or pain.”


The specialist deals with the following issues:

  • removes diseased teeth if the therapist has given a conclusion that restoration is impossible;
  • carries out extraction (removal) of healthy teeth that interfere with the normal growth of neighboring units;
  • performs correction of dental anomalies, removal of impacted (unerupted) wisdom teeth, supernumerary units;
  • the help of a dental surgeon will be needed if certain units grow incorrectly, for example, in 2 rows;
  • The specialist's competence includes implantation and various types of prosthetics.

Where to find a qualified dental surgeon in Ivanteevka?

To receive professional dental care, contact the Sanident clinic, one of the largest dentists in Ivanteyevka. Our prices for dental treatment and quality of service will pleasantly surprise you. We employ experienced specialists who use innovative treatment methods that allow the patient to save even the most damaged teeth. Our doctors also carry out effective treatment of periodontal disease and other aesthetic operations in the field of periodontology.

You can find the Sanident comprehensive dental clinic at the following addresses:

Ivanteevka, st. Novoselki, 4 (Ivanteevka railway station); Shchelkovo, st. Central, 80 (railway station Voronok).


Patients who have lost one or more units of dentition turn to this specialist. The doctor will help people who have ugly stumps sticking out instead of teeth, causing injuries to the mucous membrane.

What does an orthopedic dentist do:

  • performs full or partial prosthetics;
  • restores the beauty of a smile;
  • selects the optimal method for normalizing chewing function.

Important! Before consultation with a prosthetist, it is mandatory to sanitize the oral cavity and eliminate inflammatory processes of various etiologies. A visit to the dentist or dental therapist is the first stage of orthopedic treatment.

The main types of diagnostics used in surgical dentistry

The result of treatment largely depends on correct diagnosis. Not a single professional dental surgeon can do without it, since the examination is necessary for a correct diagnosis and drawing up a further effective treatment plan.

Today, there are many diagnostic methods that are used in the work of a dental surgeon. However, the most popular of them is an x-ray, which can be dental or panoramic.

A dental x-ray shows a specific small area, such as an individual tooth. The doctor can refer the patient to undergo it, both before and after treatment.

The image allows the specialist to determine the following:

  • condition of roots and tissues;
  • patency of root canals;
  • the condition of the bone pockets and their depth;
  • location of the tooth in the jaw;
  • inflammatory processes that can be located under fillings or crowns;
  • quality of filling the carious plane with filling material;
  • the presence of unerupted teeth and internal pathologies.

Panoramic photographs show the entire dental system, which allows the specialist to see detailed information about the condition of the oral cavity. Therefore, be prepared that after you have made an appointment with a dental surgeon, you will have to undergo such an examination.

OPTG images are used quite often for:

  • dental therapy. Display the presence and depth of the carious plane, the presence of cysts;
  • gum treatment Shows the condition of bone tissue;
  • preparation for implantation. To assess the condition of the bones, they help in choosing the right design;
  • orthodontic treatment. Used for correct bite correction. Before the planned installation of an orthodontic structure, a specialist must see the complete location of all teeth.

All data obtained during diagnostics can be written to disk, which allows you to use the research results more than once.


Most people encounter a specialist in this category during their lifetime. Bite anomalies, according to statistics, are observed in 80% of residents of different countries. Some studies suggest a higher percentage of patients who are candidates for orthodontic treatment.

The main task of an orthodontist is to restore the beauty of a smile. According to scientists, bite defects not only worsen aesthetics, but also provoke serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, cause headaches, and severe diseases of the gum and bone tissue.

What does an orthodontist do:

  • aligns the dentition;
  • eliminates wide interdental spaces, removes diastema - the gap between the “units” in the center of the dentition;;
  • corrects the growth of milk and permanent units;
  • gives recommendations for the prevention of malocclusions;
  • controls the formation of the jaw in childhood.

Take note:

  • the specialist draws up a treatment plan, takes impressions, sends the jaws for x-rays, sends the collected materials to the dental laboratory;
  • after receiving the finished product, the doctor installs the design, gives recommendations for care and correct correction;
  • During the entire period of treatment, the patient is observed by a doctor who installed braces, retainers or other special devices;
  • The duration of correction is calculated in months, often years (especially in adults).

Removable and non-removable orthodontic structures help correct bite defects:

  • stretching plates;
  • bracket systems;
  • veneers;
  • lumineers;
  • orthodontic devices;
  • lip bumpers;
  • retainers;
  • trainers;
  • aligners;
  • orthodontic aligners;
  • clasp devices.

A reliable doctor always works with quality guarantees

If it is necessary to remove a tooth, the cost and expectation of pain, as well as the fear of complications, often cause the patient to be afraid to go to the clinic.
In our dentistry, everything is created in order to create psychological comfort for the patient. Very high-quality anesthesia, real professionals with many years of experience and modern equipment allow painless removal of any complexity. The financial benefit of visiting our clinic is that the doctor guarantees the absence of complications, and therefore you will not have to visit the dentist again and again. Our specialists can solve dental problems of any complexity without the slightest difficulty.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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