Simple rules for preparing for a visit to the dentist

A visit to the dentist is an exciting event. To make your meeting with your doctor enjoyable and productive for both, it is useful to familiarize yourself with simple tips. It is not difficult to follow them, and the result will be a good mood and well-being.

So, first of all, you need to allocate quality time for the visit. It is better to choose a day off or a day when you do not need to immediately return to work or other active activities. This will help avoid possible inconvenience caused by pain relief.

How to persuade a child that it “doesn’t hurt”?

A visit to the dentist with a child is a special occasion, which often becomes a real test for parents. Parents will make sure to apply the tips described above. But kids (like many adults) are afraid of doctors, especially dentists. Will this be a reason to delay treatment? Under no circumstances, otherwise the problems will get worse. First, parents need to calm down themselves, because your excitement is easily transmitted to the child. It is difficult to give universal advice that will be effective in every case, but some principles will come in handy:

  • the first visit to the dentist (if the situation is not acute) is an informational one, so you can tell your child that you are going, for example, “for a visit”;
  • imagine the visit as a game (freedom for imagination);
  • Do not use the word “pain” or similar root words when talking to your child.

And, of course, our specialists trained in communicating with children will help dispel your child’s last doubts.

We are convinced that visiting the dentist should no longer be a stressful experience, but rather be recognized as a necessary and natural procedure to improve the health of your teeth and oral cavity. We have no doubt that applying these tips will improve your confidence.

Be healthy and smile more often!

Recommendations before tooth extraction

So, the time has come when you finally got to the dentist, and the doctor advised you to pull out one or more teeth. We will not waste time discussing the indications for deletion, since there are many of them and you will need to create a separate record for this.

If a doctor advises you to pull out a tooth, then there are good reasons for this. This is worth understanding and understanding. If you have any doubts about the veracity of what was said, ask another doctor about it. Not satisfied with the answer? Ask another one. Remember, no matter what recommendations you are given, the final decision and all responsibility for it remains on your shoulders.

Remember! Any surgical intervention is more difficult to tolerate during the inflammatory process. It is better to make an appointment when the tooth does not make itself felt much. Otherwise, the pain will be much higher, and the period after the operation will be much more difficult. Therefore, try to remove the tooth in advance. There is no need to think that he will not get sick soon. This will definitely happen, so don’t delay treatment.

Before deletion.

You have registered to visit the dentist. Now you need to plan the operation together with your doctor.

Time to delete.

For some reason, mornings are a great time to visit the dentist's office. Here are some of them:

First. The body is in good shape and full of vital energy and strength. Accordingly, the stress associated with tooth extraction will be much easier to bear.

Second. After you remove the troublemaker, there will be post-operative pain. By evening it will pass, and you will be able to sleep peacefully.

Third. The doctor is in good health in the morning, not tired, so he will be able to devote more time to you, plus, the dental office will be clean.

And one last thing. If problems or complications arise, you do not have to look for a dental clinic around the city; you will just need to contact your doctor.

Many dentists ask their patients to eat before coming into the office. A well-fed patient is less stressed and feels better. Plus, after eating, the blood will clot much faster.

But what is contraindicated is alcohol. It changes the properties of the blood, which can result in swelling and prolonged bleeding. In addition, a drunk person has scattered attention. He may begin to behave inappropriately and forget the basic recommendations that the dentist gave him. All this will lead to additional complications.

If an anesthetic or local anesthesia will be used during the operation, it is better not to eat. The anesthesiologist or attending physician must warn about this in advance. However, if you are very worried, you can use relaxing sedatives, such as tincture of valerian or motherwort, based on indications. It is better if you take them forty minutes before the start of the operation.
30.11.2012 10:18

Don't speak your teeth

This is what the head of the Moscow Dental Clinic, Amiran Lezgishvili, says, who, in particular, has hundreds of successfully performed implantations:

— Before starting treatment, the doctor must clarify the general history: identify systemic diseases, find out about taking medications, risks to the body, etc. If surgery is required, the patient is referred for additional tests, including a blood test. Only after the results are obtained, the doctor begins treatment. Special conversation about pain relief. Unfortunately, doctors sometimes follow the lead of patients. It is possible to understand the patients: the fear of possible pain dictates not just a request, but a requirement to carry out everything under general anesthesia. And clinics where this is practiced are quite popular.

However, to use anesthesia, the clinic must be appropriately equipped: have a hospital, a special license. Anesthesia is performed by an anesthesiologist who is present during and after the operation.

I do not support the use of deep anesthesia for treatment or surgical procedures in dentistry. Firstly, because there is no need for this: modern local anesthetics can completely anesthetize the place where the intervention occurs. The patient is only required to open his mouth. Secondly, this is fraught with complications that can arise during anesthesia. According to most researchers, the most serious complications leading to anesthetic mortality are cardiovascular collapse and disorders associated with pulmonary ventilation. Thirdly, there are often times when we need to control the treatment process through commands. Such as “open your mouth”, “close your mouth”. But you won’t achieve anything from a “sleeping” patient.

Trust the practitioner: the latest generation of anesthetics make the entire dental treatment process completely painless. The use of local anesthesia is the main method of pain relief even for more serious surgical operations than implantation. Usually the effect is achieved quickly, within 10-15 minutes. And in most cases, there are no side effects.

However, complications are possible in everyday practice. Any dentist may encounter an emergency during treatment and must be prepared for it. General complications (fainting, collapse, allergic reactions) are observed in two cases per 10,000 patients. Particular attention should be paid to patients diagnosed with asthma, hypertension and diabetes. In a dental office, a set of medications is required to provide emergency care to a patient, as well as instructions regulating the doctor’s actions in a given situation. After all, seconds are sometimes important for making the right decisions.


How to prepare for a visit to the dentist

— There is no need to go to the doctor on an empty stomach; it is better to have a snack shortly before the appointed time: a well-fed person produces less saliva.

— Brush your teeth especially thoroughly: brush and floss, and before going to the doctor, freshen your mouth by rinsing it with water.

- The night before and just before the visit, you can drink something soothing, for example, valerian or motherwort.

— Alcohol is contraindicated the day before visiting the dentist. Its presence in the blood weakens the effect of anesthetics.

- Be sure to tell your doctor if you are allergic to any medications. Warn if there have been unusual reactions to previous anesthesia.

- Avoid visiting the dentist if you are sick, have a cold, have a runny nose or have herpes on your lips.

- Especially for women. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, tell your doctor: they will select anesthesia that is harmless to you and your baby. On critical days, it is better to postpone the visit, especially if surgical procedures are prescribed.

A comment

Oleg Yanushevich, chief freelance dentist of the Russian Ministry of Health, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

“Unfortunately, a similar situation is possible in any clinic. It doesn't matter whether it is public or private. Therefore, it is very important that the professionals who work there are able to do everything to prevent this from happening. In any medical institution, regardless of its form of ownership, only professionals should work. And every patient coming to the dental clinic must be examined to identify risks. This could be diabetes, heart problems, allergies, and so on. And if the patient receiving dental treatment did not inform the dentist about this, then, to put it mildly, serious complications are possible. Injected painkillers contain substances that can lead to the development of a heart attack, stroke, and can cause shock in an allergic patient.

The use of general anesthesia during dental treatment is indicated in very limited cases. General anesthesia itself has a high rate of complications and requires appropriate skills to administer it. We definitely tell our students about this. And a graduate of the Faculty of Dentistry without this knowledge cannot pass the final state certification.

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  • What you need to know before visiting the dentist

What you need to know before visiting the dentist
Every person should visit the dentist from time to time. Even if you think your teeth are perfect, there is no guarantee that no problems will be found during the examination.

Don't plan too far ahead, but choose a day when you can definitely see the doctor. If the case is advanced and you are suffering from acute pain, the doctor will see you without waiting. In addition, you need to go as soon as the tooth begins to hurt badly: delay can lead to complications.

What should you think about when visiting the dentist for the first time?

  • Arrive early, about fifteen minutes before your appointment starts. You will need to get a card at the clinic and fill out a health questionnaire.
  • Avoid visiting if you suffer from an acute viral or bacterial disease of the throat and respiratory tract (sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis). Stay home, even if you don't have a fever.
  • Even a slight runny nose is a reason to postpone the examination. Otherwise it will be harder to breathe. Frequent breathing through the mouth contributes to increased humidity, which can affect the quality of the filling that is installed on the damaged tooth.
  • If you suffer from chronic diseases (diabetes, asthma), take with you everything that helps you during an attack. The dentist always has a first aid kit, but you know best which drug will most likely help you.

The appearance of herpetic stomatitis is a contraindication for visiting the dentist. Because of it, rashes appear on the mucous membranes, lips and skin, and this will seriously interfere, so first of all, visit a specialist who will help get rid of herpes.

Unless you have a good reason, do not miss or reschedule your dental appointment. If you change the date of your visit, three people will suffer from this:

  • you yourself, since the disease will continue to develop and you will not get better,
  • your dentist, since he was ready for your appointment and had already planned it,
  • that person who wanted to take your time by appointment, but couldn’t.

Visiting the dentist requires a responsible attitude.

The day before your appointment, do not drink alcohol - this reduces the effectiveness of painkillers - and especially do not drink immediately before visiting the office. Alcohol stays in the blood for 2-3 days. Also, do not smoke under any circumstances. But it’s worth having a hearty snack: you may have to go without food for another couple of hours after your visit to the doctor.

When planning to have lunch before going to the dentist, do not eat fish, onions and garlic. There is nothing fatal about this, but think about your specialist: he is unlikely to be pleased. Also be sure to brush your teeth properly using a brush and floss.

Treatment is preceded by a survey, so it is better to think through the main answers in advance. Think about whether you have had surgery, whether you have had serious illnesses, or whether you are currently taking any medications. Thanks to your answers, the doctor will select the appropriate medications.

If you have recently had tests, medical examinations, or still have pictures, take all the results with you.

After treatment, be sure to ask which brush you need to buy, which paste will suit you best. The moment is right: the specialist has carefully studied your oral cavity, so he knows what condition it is in and what care it needs.

We hope these tips will help make your visit to the dentist enjoyable and painless. Be healthy!

Is it possible to drink alcohol after tooth extraction?

As you know, toothache is a misfortune. It usually happens suddenly, and, as always, at the most inopportune moment. For example, on the eve of any holidays, at which drinking alcohol is almost a prerequisite for some. And imagine that an urgent tooth extraction was required, just before such a day. So what should we do now? Can I drink alcohol after tooth extraction? Before a detailed analysis, we can say one thing - absolutely prohibited. Now let’s figure out why you can’t drink alcohol after tooth extraction.

Alcoholic drinks are known to increase blood pressure, especially for those people who have problems with blood pressure. In addition, the blood becomes more liquid, which in turn leads to the formation of bleeding from the place where the tooth was located, even if this was not observed before. And in combination with the factors caused by alcohol-containing drinks in the body, it will be extremely difficult to stop bleeding, and this is unlikely to be done with improvised means.

If the tooth was removed using anesthesia, then it is doubly forbidden to take alcoholic drinks, due to the fact that they cannot be combined with medications. This is because ethyl alcohol reacts with the anesthesia, and it is impossible to predict the consequences of the result. The least you can do is neutralize the effect of the painkiller.

The period that follows tooth extraction is often associated with taking various antimicrobial drugs, and taking them together with alcohol can have a destructive effect on the body, because the load on it, in this case, increases several tens of times.

Can I

A huge number of people do not really perceive beer as alcoholic beverages, treating it like lemonade, which can be drunk always, everywhere and under any circumstances, completely ignoring the ethyl alcohol content in it. beer after tooth extraction is even more undesirable than other alcohol.

First of all, this is due to the fact that beer contains yeast-like bacteria, which, when they get into the hole formed at the site of tooth extraction, begin to actively multiply there, which in turn leads to swelling of the face and inflammation of the gums. And drinking beer from a bottle is one of the most destructive things. Air and beer, once in the mouth, simultaneously form a vacuum, which leads to the removal of the protective crust in the socket of the extracted tooth, and as a result, alveolitis develops.

From the above, we can conclude that the answer to the question of whether you can drink alcohol after tooth extraction is negative.

When can you drink alcohol after tooth extraction?

After tooth extraction, the recommended period of abstinence from alcoholic beverages is two to three days.
It is best to start drinking alcohol 72 hours after the procedure. During this time, the wound will stop bleeding and heal. Alcohol will not have a negative effect on it. Get a dental consultation

Drinking alcohol after dental treatment

By drinking alcohol after tooth extraction, the patient runs the risk of encountering the following consequences:

  • prolonged bleeding of the socket due to poor blood clotting;
  • inflammatory process of soft tissues near the hole;
  • high blood pressure due to vasodilation;
  • During the wound healing process, a clot appears, protecting it from infection. Alcohol can dissolve this clot and the wound will be defenseless against infection.
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