Is lip frenuloplasty worth it?


Lip frenuloplasty is a corrective operation to trim the fold that attaches the lip to the jaw. Lip frenuloplasty was first performed in the middle of the last century. But now this procedure can be performed using a laser. It is laser lip frenuloplasty that will be discussed later in this article.

If there is an incorrect structure of the frenulum, a person begins to experience problems from this even in childhood, and over time they gradually intensify. The development of malocclusion, predisposition to periodontal disease, problems with articulation - this is not all that a person with an irregular lip frenulum may encounter.

Laser lip frenuloplasty can not only make your smile more beautiful, but also correct various problems with speech or with the installation of orthopedic structures, which are often observed in patients with improperly developed labial frenulum.

Laser excision of the labial frenulum is performed without complex special preparation, and the entire operation takes place quite quickly, and the patient does not experience any significant inconvenience. Laser surgery for lip frenuloplasty is a modern and excellent method of correcting it.

Indications for surgery

You should know that not every pathology of the labial frenulum requires mandatory surgery. The advisability of excision of the frenulum is usually determined by the orthodontist or periodontist during an external examination of the patient.

The operation is indicated in the following cases: - For orthodontic treatment. Pathology of the frenulum can prevent the normal installation of dentures (plates and braces). - Presence of a diastema (gap between teeth). The gap between your front teeth can widen and lead to gum disease such as periodontitis. — Periodontal diseases. Due to the incorrect structure of the frenulum, food can accumulate under the lip, which gradually rots, thereby creating favorable conditions for the development of dental diseases. - Problems with speech. Severe pathology can sometimes cause impaired diction.

Upper lip frenulum

Even with a simple smile you can see the frenulum of the upper lip, but few people pay attention to it. During a routine examination, the doctor assesses its length; in order to assess the size of the frenulum at home, parents just need to move the baby’s upper lip, and it will become noticeable where exactly the frenulum is woven. In the event that the frenulum is woven between the two front incisors 5–8 mm higher, this is a normal option. If the frenulum is woven below this level, these are obvious symptoms of a shortened frenulum, but the final word always remains with the doctor.

A short frenulum on the upper lip can provoke a violation of the aesthetics of a smile when a gap is formed between the central incisors - a trema, a diastema. It is worth remembering that tremors can be physiological; this period is observed during the period of primary occlusion, when the child’s jaws are preparing for the change of primary teeth to permanent ones. In addition, trems can be pathological, which are formed as a result of some pathology. Treatment of this problem is most often carried out in tandem by a surgeon and an orthodontist.

A short frenulum in a child’s mouth can cause malocclusion, which is formed due to the constant tension of the mucous membrane on the upper jaw and bone tissue. As a result, the front incisors move forward. In addition, such pressure on the mucous membrane provokes inflammation of the mucous membrane - gingivitis. There is a loss of gums, as a result of which the necks of the teeth are exposed and the child develops hypersensitivity of the teeth, and all the conditions are created for the formation of cervical caries.

How does the correction happen?

Treatment of the problem is exclusively surgical, but with one big “BUT”. The frenulum on the upper lip can be corrected only after the eruption of the permanent central incisors, not earlier!!! In some cases, the doctor will recommend adjusting the oral frenulum at the time of the eruption of the permanent lateral incisors - in order to close the gaps between the teeth, such a correction can eliminate orthodontic treatment.

The reason for this ban is very simple. The fact is that during the growth of the jaws, the frenulum on the upper lip can self-correct. That is why there is no point in correcting the frenulum at an earlier age. The correction itself is carried out in a surgical room, under local anesthesia. There are no nerve endings in the mucous cord itself, and therefore the operation is painless; pain relief is necessary when suturing. The operation lasts no more than half an hour and ends with stitches. Thanks to the use of a laser, there is no need for stitches. But there is a certain condition that must be observed after excision of the frenulum: the little one must immediately be attached to the chest.

Contraindications for surgery

There are practically no contraindications for laser excision of the labial frenulum compared to other operations. The procedure can be performed even on children as young as 6 years old.

Parents should know that laser lip frenuloplasty is the least traumatic and uncomplicated operation that can solve many problems that a child may encounter in adulthood.

Despite this, there are a small number of contraindications, including: - The patient has cancer; — Severe mental and neurological diseases; — Serious defects in the structure of the oral cavity; — Blood diseases; — Infectious diseases in the acute stage; — Advanced caries; - Osteomelit.

As you can see, contraindications are quite serious diseases that are rare. But it should be remembered that a referral for this operation, like any other, can only be given by a qualified dentist after an in-person consultation with the patient.

Frenum of the lower lip

Dentists say that not all babies have a frenulum on the lower lip; it may be completely absent or forked. To study the length of the frenulum, the same technique is used as for studying the frenulum of the upper lip. Normally, the frenulum should be thin and attached in the middle of the body of the jaw. An important condition is that the frenulum of the lower lip must coincide with the center line between the incisors. If these conditions are not met, the bridle is short.

A short oral frenulum interferes with breastfeeding, as the baby cannot properly latch onto the mother's nipple. Fortunately, this situation is quite rare; the most typical manifestation of a short frenulum in the oral cavity is the presence of inflammatory gum diseases in the area of ​​the lower incisors and malocclusion according to the same principle as in the upper jaw.

There are no age restrictions when excision of the mandibular frenulum; usually the mandibular frenulum is diagnosed and corrected at approximately the same time. The principle of the operation is similar to correction on the upper jaw.

Laser plastic surgery of the lip frenulum

There are several methods of performing lip frenuloplasty surgery. In modern dentistry, the following methods are used: frenotomy, frenectomy, frenuloplasty and laser plastic surgery of the labial frenulum. Among all these techniques, the most modern, safe and effective is, of course, performing the operation using special laser equipment.

Among the advantages are the following: - Almost complete absence of pain; - No bleeding; — The whole operation takes just a few minutes; — There are no significant restrictions before and after the operation; — The operation is performed on an outpatient basis, there is no need for hospitalization; — Sterility of the procedure; — Short recovery period.

No special preparation is required before the operation. Laser lip frenuloplasty begins with cleaning the oral cavity; professional teeth cleaning procedures can be performed. This is done to prevent infection, if any.

Next, a special gel is applied to the operated area, which acts as a local anesthetic, and the operation itself begins. The doctor, using special equipment, aims a laser at the lip frenulum, with the help of which the excision occurs. The impact of the laser not only dissolves the tissue, but also simultaneously achieves the effect of sterilization and cauterization of blood. Unlike other techniques, with laser frenuloplasty there is almost no blood or complications after surgery.

The postoperative period also does not require any special actions and does not introduce great restrictions into the normal rhythm of a person’s life.

It is recommended after surgery: - Carefully monitor oral hygiene; — Do not eat hot, spicy, sour or solid foods for several days;

About a week after the operation, you will need to visit the clinic for an examination, where the doctor will make sure that the operation was successful. The doctor will also recommend and help you learn special exercises for the mouth, aimed at strengthening the facial and chewing muscles.

Frenules in the oral cavity

When parents talk about the frenulum in the child’s mouth, most often they mean the frenulum of the baby’s tongue, which is quite natural. Problems arise more often precisely because of this oral frenulum: from improper attachment to the breast in the first days of life to speech impairment in the future.

Even dentists give the leading role and importance to this particular frenulum, but this does not mean that the remaining frenulums are unimportant and cannot provoke any pathology.

There are three frenulums in the child's mouth. A frenulum in the oral cavity is nothing more than a small strand of mucous membrane. But, despite this, the frenulum in the oral cavity is of great importance in the life of a child; the child’s nutrition, correct pronunciation of sounds, the condition of the mucous membranes, not to mention the child’s bite and facial aesthetics depend on their condition.

Dentists distinguish between the frenulum of the upper and lower lips and the frenulum of the tongue. Each of them has its own location and performs a number of functions. The frenulum of the lower lip connects the body of the lower jaw and the lower lip; normally, the frenulum is woven into the gum of the lower jaw below the level of the central incisors.

The frenulum of the upper jaw is located according to the same principle as the frenulum on the lower lip. This mucous cord also raises many questions and complaints from parents, since it is primarily associated with the formation of an aesthetic defect in the oral cavity - a gap between the teeth. And the last frenulum in the baby’s mouth is the lingual frenulum, which is woven into the tongue and sublingual space.

Lip frenuloplasty in Krasnodar

Laser lip frenuloplasty is a safe and effective method of frenulum correction, which is chosen by dentists in modern dental clinics. Our experts also recommend using laser techniques. This method allows you to achieve results in the shortest possible time.

In the city of Krasnodar, you can perform this procedure in our dental clinic “Symmetry”. The clinic has all the necessary modern, high-quality dental equipment. And our dentists have extensive experience and high qualifications, confirmed by many specialized diplomas and positive reviews from our patients.

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