Ultrasonic cleaning: the best way to look flawless before an important event

  • About the procedure
  • Is it possible to brush your teeth during pregnancy?
  • Stages of ultrasonic teeth cleaning
  • Effect of the procedure
  • Cost of professional teeth cleaning during pregnancy

Every woman knows that it is necessary to prepare for pregnancy several months before conception. It is very important to prepare your body for such changes. The health of your baby largely depends on your condition. The girl visits various specialists, and, of course, she must meet with the dentist. In order to cure all teeth before pregnancy. The fact is that our bones and teeth consist of calcium, phosphorus and other components, and with the development of a new life, the body requires more of these useful microelements. Since most of the minerals will be spent on the structure of the baby’s skeleton, if they are deficient, the necessary components will be borrowed from the bones of the expectant mother’s teeth. As a result, the condition of the dental units will deteriorate, creating a favorable environment for the development of caries. That is why all dentists are attentive to the treatment of pregnant women. An excellent opportunity to maintain oral health throughout the nine months and in general is professional teeth cleaning during pregnancy. In this article we will talk about whether this procedure can be done for expectant mothers, whether it is safe, and what effect should be expected.

About the procedure

An excellent prevention of dental diseases is regular oral hygiene. The essence of the procedure is to remove plaque and stone accumulated on the enamel. A person cannot do this on his own, using only a toothbrush. The dentist uses a special tool for this – an ultrasonic scaler. It produces waves with a high frequency of vibrations, which affect the surface of the dental units, cleaning it from various deposits. The device has a tip with two holes, from one a special cleaning solution flows, and from the other, pressurized water. The combination of these two components allows you to effectively remove dirt from enamel. The power of the scaler is individually selected for each patient, while the dentinal layer of the tooth is not affected at all. Hygienic brushing of teeth during pregnancy is painless, but in some cases anesthesia may be used. After the procedure, the doctor polishes the dentition using special products.

Professional cleaning allows you to restore the natural color of your teeth by removing tartar and plaque. But if a person wants to make his smile snow-white and lighten it several shades, then you should use the whitening service.

Is it possible to do without facial cleansing?

Proper care will help prevent skin contamination: selecting high-quality cosmetics that suit your skin type and needs. Daily thorough (twice a day, morning and evening) cleansing of the skin from decorative cosmetics and impurities, use of toner, non-comedogenic creams that do not cause clogging of pores (in many annotations you can find the term non-comedogenic or oil-free). Use peelings and cleansing masks regularly (1-2 times a week, depending on your skin type). If necessary, a cosmetologist will help you choose home care products.

Is it possible to brush your teeth during pregnancy?

Many people constantly put off visiting the dentist, which can lead to serious problems in the future. If you regularly undergo preventive examinations, you will be able to prevent the development of the disease and take care of the health of your teeth. When planning a pregnancy, a woman has to visit various doctors; one of the required specialists is, of course, a dentist. In order for the expectant mother to have strong teeth, she should be treated for existing diseases and, for preventive purposes, undergo professional oral hygiene. If your doctor prescribes ultrasonic teeth cleaning during pregnancy, then you should not refuse. This procedure is completely safe and perfectly helps reduce the risk of caries. For cleansing, harmless preparations are used, which contain only natural ingredients.

In case of increased tooth sensitivity, the doctor can use local anesthesia; it does not pose a danger to the health of the child and the woman. Brushing your teeth during pregnancy has a lot of positive factors; it not only allows you to clean the enamel of plaque and tartar, but also restores the natural shade of your smile.


Waiting for the birth of your baby is a wonderful time, but this is not a reason to refuse the services of a hygienist. Of course, before the procedure, a woman should consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of complications. Ultrasonic teeth cleaning during pregnancy is not permitted in cases where the patient experiences one of the following conditions:

  • 1. violation of nasal breathing;
  • 2. HIV;
  • 3. asthma, chronic bronchitis;
  • 4. ARVI;
  • 5. Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • 6. diabetes.

Many doctors do not recommend professional hygiene in the first trimester,

The need to consult a gynecologist

Pregnancy is a contraindication to any cosmetic procedure. Therefore, the procedure can only be performed with the approval of the doctor observing you.

To carry out the procedure of ultrasonic facial cleansing during pregnancy, the patient must have a certificate from the doctor managing her pregnancy. The certificate must state that the pregnant woman has no contraindications to ultrasound skin cleansing and that the gynecologist consents to the provision of the service.

If you come to our clinic without a doctor's certificate, you can consult one of our gynecologists. It is advisable that you take the current laboratory diagnostic results with you, and also remember the schedule of your ultrasound scans.

Stages of ultrasonic teeth cleaning

As we can see, professional oral hygiene does not harm the health of a pregnant woman, and even, on the contrary, has a beneficial effect. The procedure can take from 20 to 40 minutes, the duration depends on the degree of contamination of the enamel. Using a scaler, the doctor removes supragingival and subgingival deposits, then cleans plaque from the surface of the teeth.

The solution used, coming from a special apparatus, contains abrasive substances and is made on the basis of soda. It carefully cleans the enamel without damaging the mucous membrane. Finally, the specialist polishes the surface of the teeth and coats them with fluoride varnish.

Ultrasonic cleaning steps

The procedure is carried out after consultation with a specialist - a dermatologist-cosmetologist. During this session, you must talk to the doctor as honestly as possible - you cannot hide the fact of pregnancy! If your gynecologist and cosmetologist at the Marina Ryabus clinic allow you to undergo cleaning, you sign informed consent for the procedure.

The skin is cleansed of impurities, makeup and treated with an antiseptic. Then the doctor turns on the ultrasound machine and begins to cleanse the skin. How does ultrasound work? It kind of pulls out all the impurities from the pores without injuring the skin or leaving marks on it.

The procedure lasts up to an hour, so plan your time in advance. As for anesthesia, it is not required for ultrasound cleaning. At the end of the session, a soothing composition is applied to the skin. The doctor then makes recommendations for home care and you leave the clinic.

Ultrasound cleaning will not disrupt your plans - you can even do it during your lunch break! The face will not appear noticeably red or swollen.

Effect of the procedure

It may seem to some that plaque is not dangerous, but its accumulation provokes the development of pathogens that destroy the enamel. A person also develops a characteristic bad breath. Therefore, the benefits of hygienic teeth cleaning should not be underestimated. During pregnancy, this service reduces the risk of caries and prevents the occurrence of oral pathologies. In addition, after ultrasound, the enamel becomes lighter and the dark pigment disappears.

Restrictions after the procedure

  1. It is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics.
  2. Do not touch your face with unwashed hands.
  3. You cannot stay in the sun without a cream with UVA protection.
  4. You cannot use other methods of cleansing the skin: homemade scrubs, peelings, etc.
  5. It is not recommended to overheat or overcool your face.
  6. It is necessary to use the products recommended by the cosmetologist.

The doctor will be in touch with you if you have questions after the procedure. Usually, ultrasonic cleaning has no consequences and does not affect the patient’s usual lifestyle.

Benefits of ultrasonic peeling

  • Gently removes impurities, keratinized microparticles, cosmetic residues, excess fat, and provides a gentle face lift.
  • Activates metabolic processes, increases microcirculation, has a strong lymphatic drainage effect, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Strengthens the protective mechanisms of cellular structures and promotes renewal and overall healing of the skin.
  • Systematic ultrasonic peeling allows you to maintain youth, freshness and healthy glow of your facial skin.
  • Compared to mechanical or chemical methods, ultrasonic facial skin peeling is absolutely non-traumatic and does not require rehabilitation time.
  • The procedure can be carried out at any time of the year.

Benefits of the HydraFacial procedure

  • The main advantage of deep vacuum peeling is safety
  • The care is completely painless and eliminates any discomfort both during the procedure and after.
  • After the procedure, the pores will be carefully cleansed of impurities, the skin will receive powerful hydration with active serums, fine wrinkles will become less pronounced
  • HydraFacial does not require any preparation or rehabilitation period
  • This is an off-season procedure - it can be done at any time of the year
  • The procedure is suitable for any age and skin type, including sensitive ones. At the same time, it provides an individual approach to each patient
  • HydraFacial solves a wide range of cosmetic problems: from basic care to treatment of problem skin
  • The result is noticeable immediately after the first procedure
  • HydraFacial can be used to work on both the face and body (areas where, for example, inflammatory processes occur, are treated in fragments). It can be done separately or in combination with other rejuvenating and healing procedures.
  • The HydraFacial procedure has virtually no contraindications

Is it possible for pregnant women to have their teeth cleaned in Moscow?

On specialized forums for expectant mothers, debates regarding the possibility of dental treatment continue. Meanwhile, the best specialists in the capital urge you not to discuss problematic issues with your friends, but to seek advice from experienced dentists who have all the necessary knowledge and skills. When prescribing any dental procedures, the following are always taken into account:

  • the degree of their need;
  • gestational age;
  • general health of the patient.

Accordingly, if the dentist sees the need to remove tartar and soft deposits, he will act in tandem with the gynecologist. Contraindications may include both pregnancy pathologies and acute or existing chronic diseases of the patient.

What is ultrasonic peeling

To understand whether it is possible to do ultrasonic cleaning while expecting a child, let's take a closer look at its features.

This is one of the most modern professional methods of cleansing the epidermis, which is safe and painless.

To carry out ultrasonic cleaning, a special device is used - a scrubber. An emitter tuned to a specific frequency is passed over the skin, exposing it to ultrashort waves.

Their action:

  • warming up the skin, increasing its elasticity;
  • accelerating the regeneration process by increasing the activity of cellular molecules;
  • low frequency vibration.

Main stages of HydraFacial


Simply put, this is the removal of dead cells.

At this stage, gentle cleansing and light moisturizing of the skin occurs. HydroPeel attachments effectively exfoliate dead skin particles and remove sebaceous secretions. In this case, active serum is used.

The manipulation is very easy to bear, as the doctor cleanses the skin with a special attachment with a vacuum very gently and carefully.

Acid peeling

At this stage, the pores are cleansed of impurities.

At the second stage, GlySal acid peeling deeply cleanses the skin of oil and impurities. This is the prevention of acne. Glycolic or salicylic acids are selected individually.

The advisability of using acid peeling is determined individually.


We are talking about painless deep vacuum cleansing of the skin. Vortex suction is painless and deeply cleanses pores.

Rejuvenation and treatment

The fourth stage is the fight against specific skin problems, anti-age therapy.

The main goal of the fourth stage of the procedure is to combat various skin problems and signs of skin aging.


Nourishing and protecting the skin with antioxidants, peptides and hyaluronic acid is an important step in complex therapy.

At the fifth stage, intensive hydration and detoxification of the skin occurs. Thanks to the active components of serums (antioxidants, peptides and hyaluronic acid), its structure and functions are restored.

Extension and protection

Enhancing and maintaining the achieved result by including Daily Essential cosmetics in your skincare routine will help you always maintain your skin in perfect condition.

At this stage, the result of the procedure is consolidated at home using professional means.

How often should you undergo the HydraFacial procedure?

The HydraFacial procedure can be indicated one-time, as an express treatment, or carried out in courses.

Program “Basic skin care”

Cleansing, moisturizing, improving skin texture and color. Carried out regularly or as needed.

Skin Health Program

Treatment of acne of I-II severity and post-acne, care for oily and porous skin, care for dry and dehydrated skin, combating hyperpigmentation and dyskeratosis. Conducted in courses.

Anti-age programs

Fighting signs of skin aging, swelling, pastiness, loss of turgor, lifting. Held regularly.

Acid peeling program

Deep cleansing of the skin using acid peels containing glycolic and salicylic acids in different percentages. As prescribed by the attending physician.

Complex therapy program

The HydraFacial procedure prepares the skin for radical cosmetic interventions and restores it after them. Improving metabolic processes and blood circulation in the dermis, increasing the firmness and elasticity of the skin, stimulating the regeneration of skin cells, preventing the appearance of scars and pigmentation - all this is achieved thanks to HydraFacial.

Indications for ultrasound peeling

The ultrasound peeling procedure instantly refreshes the skin, moisturizes, tones, and eliminates symptoms of fatigue and stress. It is suitable for all ages and has such a gentle and gentle effect that it is completely harmless even for the thinnest and most sensitive skin. Indications for the procedure are:

  • Traces of chrono- and photoaging of the skin (wrinkles, dryness, pigmentation, sagging, hyperkeratosis, etc.).
  • Acne and pimples.
  • Comedones.
  • Increased secretion of sebaceous glands.
  • The need for intensive cleansing of oily and combination skin.
  • Dull complexion.
  • Enlarged pores.
  • Dry, dehydrated skin, post-acne (post-acne marks, scars, spots).
  • Swelling and focal inflammation.
  • Freckles, pigmentation.
  • Complex anti-age therapy.

Ultrasonic cleaning can be carried out not only in the face, but also in other areas of the body where the skin is especially vulnerable - in the décolleté area, on the back.

Why do you need to get rid of soft deposits and tartar?

Excess hormones, lack of minerals and vitamins, and impaired metabolism lead to swollen and bleeding gums in pregnant women. Even if pregnancy is absolutely uncomplicated, approximately every fifth woman still experiences gingivitis in the first or second month, an inflammatory disease of the gum tissue.

  1. Every third pregnant woman notes an increase in the production of saliva, which contributes to the formation of soft plaque on the lower incisors and canines. It is near them in the oral cavity that the excretory ducts of the submandibular salivary glands are located.
  2. Due to toxicosis, which provokes vomiting, the environment in the oral cavity becomes more acidic. The acidity level is increased by the acid added to the stomach. This destroys tooth enamel and accelerates processes that cause hardening of soft plaque.
  3. The resulting hard deposits gradually spread downwards, under the gum, causing the formation of dental pockets and peeling of the gum tissue.

If you do not clean the tartar in a timely manner, the gums will turn red and swell, partially covering the dental crowns, become painful and bleed, especially when performing hygiene procedures. An unpleasant odor will settle in the oral cavity. The woman will have difficulty chewing food. Bleeding gums provoke the spread of infection through the bloodstream, which can cause serious harm to the body of the expectant mother and fetus.

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