Fixed dentures on implants – single, bridge-like, all on four

Fixed dentures on implants are a convenient and beautiful choice for restoring extracted teeth. Replace the required number of teeth - one, two or all in the dentition. The newest fixed dentures are suitable for both delayed and immediate loading. Already on the day of installation of implants, the patient can leave the clinic with teeth. Fully return to a full life and normal diet.

Dental implants are a revolutionary invention in the dental field. With their help, people around the world can restore any number of lost teeth. The prostheses installed on them have increased comfort. They look as beautiful and natural as possible. Unlike removable ones, fixed dentures on implants allow you not to limit yourself when eating and again feel the taste of your favorite dishes.

In the innovative dental clinic "Implantmaster" in Moscow, the installation of dental implants and fixed dentures is carried out by specialists of the highest category, who regularly improve their skills in the best clinics in Europe. We are accustomed to solving complex problems in the shortest possible time and satisfying the needs of even the most demanding patients. Our doctors are constantly improving, mastering new techniques for installing implants. They use modern equipment for diagnostics and placement of implants, setting loyal prices for the services provided.

Today’s article will be devoted to the features of fixed dentures on implants, their advantages and disadvantages. Next, we will talk about options for fixing fixed systems to implants. You will also learn about the stages of installing implants and prostheses, and the rules for caring for them. You can read about these and other points below.

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1 What is a fixed prosthesis on implants?

2 Types of dentures on implants 2.1 In the absence of one tooth

2.2 If several teeth are missing

2.3 Options for those missing all teeth

3 Permanent and temporary fixed prostheses on implants

4 Options for fixing fixed dentures on implants 4.1 Screw fixation

4.2 Cement fixation

5 What are the pros and cons of implant-supported dentures?

6 Stages of installation of implants and prostheses

7 Rules for caring for new teeth

8 Alternatives to implantation

9 Cost of all possible restoration options

Care instructions

In order for implant-supported dentures to last as long as possible, they require careful care. Each patient receives written information about how to care for fixed or removable dentures after the procedure.

Special toothpastes and brushes are used to clean dentures. It is easier to take care of removable structures, because... You can easily remove the prosthesis. For this purpose, it is recommended to visit the dentist's office, who will professionally clean the dentures.

To remove food debris from interdental crevices and hard-to-reach places in the structure, you need to use dental floss, brushes and irrigators.

Remember, proper care of the prosthesis and careful use significantly extends its service life.

What is a fixed prosthesis on implants?

A fixed denture on implants completely recreates the crown and root parts of the tooth. For this design, the support is not the mucous membrane (as in removable appliances) and not the patient’s own teeth (as in classic bridge structures), but rather artificial roots implanted into the jaw bone. These are implants; they replace the root system for artificial teeth.

A fixed prosthesis supported by implants is suitable for restoring any number of missing teeth – one or the entire dentition. But depending on the type of missing teeth - edentia (partial, multiple or complete), the structure will look different. Fixation is possible on the day of implantation, after 4-5 weeks, or only after their complete engraftment (from 3 to 6 months) - this factor depends on the chosen treatment regimen, the patient’s health condition, the amount of bone tissue and the brand of implant.

Complete removable lower jaw prosthesis

For lower jaw prosthetics, up to six artificial roots should ideally be used. But if the bone tissue allows, 2 to 4 implants (whether classic or mini-products) are permissible to fix a removable denture. This is due to the increased density and thickness of the lower jaw bone.

When implanted with titanium roots into high-quality jawbone, structures of any length and diameter have excellent primary stability.

The use of traditional implants is always preferable, but in the case of the lower jaw, the installation of mini-implants is justified for the patient.

Types of prostheses on implants

There are such types as:

  • Single crown: relevant when restoring 1 tooth on an implant;
  • Bridge prosthesis: partial or complete fixed prosthesis on implants, made of several crowns. If a large number of teeth are missing, then it is necessary to cover the atrophied (altered and thinned) mucous membrane;
  • Fixed bridge with artificial gum: for patients with gum problems. Periodontitis, periodontal disease and lack of teeth disturb the appearance of the gums for a long time - it becomes loose, changes its shade and level, and there may be inflamed areas on it. The presence of a gingival margin on the structure saves patients from surgical plastic surgery. Indeed, in the absence of all teeth, this operation is often impossible.

If the gums are damaged, then installing a crown-only structure is unreasonable: the teeth will be long and located at different heights due to a decrease in the amount of bone and gum. It will not look aesthetically pleasing.

As noted above, the installation of fixed dentures on implants may be required for patients with both partial and multiple edentia. In each specific case, the treatment will have certain nuances.

If one tooth is missing

If only one tooth is missing, most often a single crown is placed, supported by an implant. Fixation occurs on the abutment (the periosteal element of the implant), and a little mucous membrane covers it on top for better aesthetics. They are made from an alloy of metal and ceramics or zirconium. It is better to use zirconium crowns when replacing front teeth, because they are as close as possible to them in color and will last longer.

With immediate loading, the crown can be secured to the implant the same day after installation. It is made from an alloy of metal and plastic. The tooth is ground in height so that it does not take part in chewing food. This means that the implant will not shift due to pressure. This preserves aesthetics and reduces the load.

Read more about implant crowns »

If several teeth are missing

To solve this issue, more than 2 implants are placed. Having a good gum level, it is possible to fix a bridge using only crowns. If there is a lack of gums, gum grafting is possible. Or you need to choose another type of prosthetics - a fixed bridge with artificial gum on implants. Artificial mucosa can cover all the irregularities of the gums.

An alloy of metal with ceramics and zirconium are used in production. More durable and natural zirconium can create a long dental bridge consisting of five or more crowns. When installing fixed dentures on implants, this is the best choice. Zirconium has a long service life and will last for more than twenty years (implants will last the same, so the patient will not need to update the entire system).

Options for those missing all teeth

Complete absence of teeth is almost always accompanied by other problems that the patient has: a serious lack of jaw bone level, inflammation of periodontal tissue, chronic diseases (diabetes, osteoporosis), bad habits (smoking), and advanced age. In this case, it is impossible to build a bridge using crowns alone. Unless, of course, large-scale work is first carried out to restore the volume of bone and gum tissue, which costs considerable financial investments, worries and long rehabilitation.

At the moment, there is a more convenient and economical option - restoration using one-stage implantation complexes. Within this method, several different solutions work - fixed dentures can be installed on 3 implants, 4 implants or 6 implants. If the patient has a large bone deficiency, then many artificial roots may be needed - for example, 8-12 (as part of basal implantation). Or they can be extended (zygomatic implants), which are excellent for solving the problem of edentulism in the upper jaw.

At the Implantmaster clinic in Moscow, our top-category specialists use advanced materials and technologies, like Straumann implants. Osteointegration (engraftment into the bone) for these implants takes 3-5 weeks; they can be installed even with a minimum level of jaw bone tissue. Also, for convenience and quality, complete dental prosthetics on fixed implants is carried out using a navigational surgical template for installing implants. With a large number of implants, the template allows you to maintain the correct location of the artificial roots in the jaw bone tissue.

Within the framework of one-stage protocols, a patient with a completely toothless jaw has the opportunity to refuse bone grafting even if there are serious problems, which we discussed above. The prosthesis will already be equipped with artificial gum, therefore, mucosal plastic surgery is not needed. And the most important advantage is the instant restoration of chewing function with fixed dentures on implants. Immediately after implantation according to the protocols, within 2-3 days you will receive high-quality structures that do not need to be removed. You won't have to wear removable devices even for a day.

Thus, a temporary adaptive prosthesis with an acrylic base: intended for loading implants on the day of installation. The components are elastic gums, metal in the base for splinting artificial roots (if necessary) and metal-plastic crowns with diamond chips. It is light, natural and can be adjusted without being removed. This one will last no more than five years. To replace it, a permanent prosthesis on an acrylic base is used. The crowns on it are more natural and stronger, made of an alloy of metal and ceramics or zirconium. And he himself covers up the imperfections of his own gums very well.

As a permanent option after gum grafting, it is possible to install a full bridge. To install such crowns alone, a good gum level is required.

Restoration of teeth with complete edentia

The method of fixed prosthetics effectively copes with the problem of complete absence of teeth. For example, All-on-4, All-on-6 protocols or simultaneous implantation.

The All-on-4 protocol involves the installation of four implants in the jaw: two in the frontal part, two on the sides, at an angle of 45 degrees.

The technology provides instant chewing load, immediately after fixing the prosthesis. Installation of the prosthesis is possible immediately after implantation.

If the patient has severe jawbone atrophy, the All-on-6 protocol is used. An additional number of implants ensures reliable fixation of the prosthesis even with insufficient bone tissue.

But be careful! Due to the popularity of the technology, many fakes have appeared. Poor quality materials and unprofessional work can lead to serious health complications and loss of money.

EspaDent is an official partner of Nobel Biocare, a leader in implantology and developer of protocols for dental restoration in 1 day.

In 2021, with the support of Nobel Biocare, our clinic created its own Center for implantation and complete dental prosthetics, which trains specialists from all regions of Russia.

Permanent and temporary fixed prostheses on implants

Many patients are worried that after implantation they will first have to wear so-called adaptation prostheses. But they are no less convenient and comfortable than permanent ones. They are created from lighter and less durable materials, which allows artificial roots to take root safely in the jawbone. Temporary dentures are needed precisely for the patient’s adaptation to new teeth and for restoring the bite.

Temporary structures are made of metal-plastic (crowns, bridges) and should be worn for at least 6 months. If you take very good care of them and follow all the doctor's recommendations, they can last much longer. It is better to change them after 2-3 years, because... later, the plastic layer of the structures may chip and wear off, which will negatively affect the bite and TMJ.

Permanent fixed prostheses on implants are made of metal ceramics, zirconium dioxide and ceramic composite. Metal ceramics will last more than 10 years, zirconium dioxide and ceramic composite - more than 15 years.

Materials for dentures

To attach prostheses to implants, the material must be highly durable or have a metal base. This is necessary for the structure to withstand the load of the abutment (adapter).

Crowns for fixed structures are made from metal-ceramics, composite, metal-plastic, and also from zirconium dioxide. The prosthesis is attached using cement or screws.

Composite crowns for implants with a metal frame are used for single replacements, as well as for the installation of bridges. The design has a long service life (10-12 years) and is subject to repair. Reliable, lightweight, with a high degree of aesthetics, composite crowns are comfortable to wear and look like real teeth.

Plastic removable dentures last no more than 5 years and are used only for temporary or adaptive prosthetics. At EspaDent clinics, our specialists use more technologically advanced plastic for temporary prostheses. The composition contains crushed diamond chips, which makes the structure more resistant to stress during the fusion of the implant with the bone.

Fixed prosthesis is made of zirconium or metal ceramics. This is due to the high reliability of the design. Crowns for implants cannot be restored, as is the case with composite ones, so they must be as strong and durable as possible. For metal-ceramics, the service life is 8-10 years, and zirconium is a little longer - 15-17 years.

The disadvantages include the imperfect aesthetics of ceramic crowns - the metal base can be visible in the light. Therefore, it is better to use them to restore lateral teeth.

Zirconium dioxide crowns have almost no disadvantages. Decent service life, impeccable appearance, increased material strength, absence of allergic reactions even in patients with high sensitivity. Of course, such prostheses are more expensive than their analogues.

Options for fixing fixed dentures on implants

Fixed prosthetics supported by implants (bridges, crowns, full structures with gums) can be fixed in different ways.

Screw fixation

Experts consider this type of fixation optimal for various clinical cases of permanent dental prosthetics on implants. Such fastening makes it possible to remove it from the support (this manipulation is performed by the doctor at the appointment!) in order to correct, replace, treat. And then return the prosthesis to its place.

The prosthesis is connected to the artificial root with an abutment and small screws. The abutment rises slightly above the mucosa, and the screws look like screws. To ensure stable integration of the elements in the system, the doctor tightens the screw through a special hole from the chewing surface of the crown. Afterwards, the miniature screw head is covered with a small volume of composite so that the restoration looks natural and the fastening elements are invisible.

Cement fixation

It means the same thing as with classic permanent crowns, bridges or veneers. The difference is that a fixed prosthesis is cemented not to its own tooth, but to the implant abutment.

Studies have shown that the weakening of the fixation of a fixed prosthesis on implants practically does not occur. Both when fixed with cement and with screws. But with the cement type of fixation, inflammation of the surrounding tissues is more common.

This option is currently relevant for use with permanent single restorations (1 or several teeth are restored). When the implant has taken root in the bone, and the doctor knows in advance that there is no need for adjustments or treatment in the near future for the patient.

Prosthetic options when choosing dental implantation: an overview of all possible solutions

Article navigation

  1. Problems when choosing classic dentures
  2. - problems with dental bridges
  3. - problems with removable dentures
  4. Implant and native tooth as supports
  5. Indications and contraindications
  6. Types of dentures
  7. - removable
  8. Fixed dentures on implants
  9. — single crowns on implants
  10. - bridge structures
  11. - fixed structures with artificial gum contour
  12. Temporary prosthetics on implants
  13. - with a classic two-stage approach
  14. - with one-stage implantation
  15. Types of dental crowns
  16. Stages and deadlines
  17. - with a classic two-stage protocol
  18. - with one-step methods
  19. Disadvantages of prosthetics
  20. - need for re-prosthetics
  21. - high cost of treatment
  22. - need for surgery
  23. What is the price
  24. Rules of care

Question for a specialist
Dental implantation is a complex process that consists of several directions. And the implantation of implants is a surgical stage that lays the foundation for future restoration of the dentition. After installing them in the bone, an aesthetically important stage begins - prosthetics - the selection and installation of the supragingival part of the system (or crowns), which will replace the lost natural teeth. Today we invite you to talk about all possible types of prosthetics on implants, their advantages and disadvantages, features and those nuances that you should definitely pay attention to when choosing one of the many treatment options.

Our team of doctors

Maxillofacial surgeon, Implantologist

Bocharov Maxim Viktorovich

Experience: 11 years

Orthopedist, Neuromuscular dentist

Stepanov Andrey Vasilievich

Experience: 22 years

Endodontist, Therapist

Skalet Yana Alexandrovna

Experience: 22 years

Orthopedic dentist

Tsoi Sergey Konstantinovich

Experience: 19 years

Endodontist, Therapist, Orthopedist

Varvyanskaya Anastasia Andreevna

Experience: 6 years


Enikeeva Anna Stanislavovna

Experience: 3 years

Prosthetics on implants in professorial dentistry “22nd century”

In the professorial dentistry, a whole staff of dentists works for you - therapists, orthopedists and implantologists, including professors, doctors and candidates of medical sciences.
Every patient who comes to the “22nd century” will be consulted by the head doctor of the clinic for free . During the visit, the optimal treatment and prosthetic plan will be selected.

In professorial dentistry, a whole staff of dentists works for you - therapists, orthopedists and implantologists, including professors, doctors and candidates of medical sciences. Our clinic is pleased to offer its patients not only an individual approach to solving the problem, but also affordable prices for services .

To make an appointment for a free appointment, just call one of the numbers listed in the header of the site.

Don't put off your visit to the dentist until tomorrow. Take a look into the “22nd century”, give yourself health and a beautiful white-toothed smile now!

Date of publication: September 20, 2020 Last update: September 22, 2021 © 2020 Professorial Dentistry “22 Century”. All rights reserved.

What are the pros and cons of implant-supported dentures?


  • there is no need to grind the supporting teeth;
  • the mucous membrane is not loaded, which means it is not irritated or rubbed while wearing a fixed bridge prosthesis on implants;
  • the sky is not blocked;
  • Prevents jaw bone loss over time;
  • reliable fixation in the oral cavity without the use of aids;
  • there is no need for the patient to remove it from the mouth (manipulation is performed by the doctor only when necessary);
  • full restoration of chewing function;
  • proportionate redistribution of load in the act of chewing;
  • durable in use: implants, properly installed and maintained, will last a lifetime. They have permanent dentures for more than ten years.


  • high cost: this moment is relative. For example, a standard bridge of three crowns and a budget implant (together with a crown made of a metal alloy with ceramics) are in equal price categories. Treatment in one stage, compared with the two-stage method, for patients with complete absence of teeth is more profitable and half the cost;
  • performing surgical procedures: surgery to install implants. In some cases, it is necessary to add bone tissue, as well as plastic mucosa;
  • a highly qualified specialist is required: even today, a patient can fall into the hands of an insufficiently experienced doctor, after which complications are possible, including rejection of the implants.

The result of temporary prosthetics of the upper teeth

With the help of a temporary removable clasp prosthesis, the aesthetics of the smile is completely restored:

With temporary dentures, a woman can calmly wait until she can begin permanent dentures. The patient really liked how quickly and conveniently the temporary denture was made and she did not have to go without teeth.

The price of a clasp denture starts from 44,000 rubles (data as of October 2021).

Stages of installation of implants and prostheses

Standard two-stage delayed fixed dental prosthetics on implants follows a specific scheme and includes the following stages:

  1. Preparatory: taking an anamnesis, excluding medical contraindications, assessing the level of bone tissue, treating teeth and gums if necessary. At the very beginning of the procedure, our specialists have the opportunity to 3D simulate implantation and a new smile. This way the patient will see the result that can be achieved. At the Implantmaster clinic in Moscow, for the convenience of patients, we have CBCT technology available. The pictures are more accurate, and the X-ray radiation is even less. Thanks to a computed tomogram, the diagnosis has maximum accuracy. The clinic also has a 3Shape trios scanner. It scans everything in the mouth, individual teeth and spaces planned for implant placement. The workflow becomes more efficient and comfortable for patients. With its help, it is easy to take color 3D impressions for the subsequent creation of adaptive and permanent prostheses.
  2. Removal of decayed teeth: carried out according to indications. First, the doctor needs to remove individual elements of the dentition. Afterwards, the patient is sent for rehabilitation - it will be possible to proceed to the implantation operation only after the sockets have healed.
  3. Addition of bone tissue: necessary if teeth were removed long ago. Without teeth, bone tissue decreases and becomes insufficient for the installation of a classic implant and its reliable fixation. Also, insufficient bone can lead to injury to the sinuses or nerves, because... they are very close to the areas where the structures are installed.
  4. Implantation: this is a surgical stage using local anesthesia, anesthesia or sedation. The mucous membrane is peeled off and a bed for the implant is created with a special tool. A titanium rod is fixed into the bone tissue and the gum is then sutured. Next, osseointegration occurs, when the rod takes root in the bone. It can last from 4-6 months.
  5. Installation of the gum former: at this stage, the contour of the mucosa is formed around the body of the implant. It will help you achieve a naturally beautiful smile.
  6. Fixation of the abutment: after complete engraftment of the rod, the gum is opened and an abutment is installed on the implant. Next, impressions are taken to make the crown. It is possible to use the 3Shape trios scanner instead of impressions to take color 3D impressions. Afterwards, the prosthesis is tried on and then attached to the abutment.

Instant implantation is performed slightly differently. The doctor can remove decayed teeth and install implants in one procedure. The patient may not require bone grafting at all, or the specialist may perform it along with implantation. Already 1-3 days after installation, permanent dental prosthetics on implants is carried out and you should be included in the natural process of eating with your new teeth. This will help activate the cells in the jaw bone tissue and recover faster.

This method saves resources: money, time, effort. It is suitable for those who are missing a large number of teeth, and also have related problems - periodontitis and periodontal disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, craving for smoking, oncology, old age.


It is obvious that implant prosthetics is a complex and expensive procedure. Therefore, even at the initial stage, it is important to eliminate all possible risks for the patient.

The reason for refusal or delayed treatment may be jaw deformation, pathological atrophy of bone tissue, bruxism, increased tooth wear, and malocclusion. Contraindications to surgery are also diseases of the nervous system, bleeding disorders, reduced immunity, intolerance to painkillers, and the presence of tumors.

Rules for caring for new teeth

Dentures need to be cared for in the same way as natural teeth. A brush, paste, rinse and irrigator are the main devices for achieving good oral hygiene. After each meal, it is necessary to clean the oral cavity of food debris using an irrigator if you have single restorations installed. Or an irrigator together with a special super floss - if there are structures to replace the entire row.

After implantation, the gums become less sensitive, so flossing must be used with extreme caution. In addition, it must comply with the “super” label (super floss), other types are harder, and you may not notice how the gums are damaged and provoke their bleeding and inflammation.

Patients need to visit their doctor once every six months for examination. It is also advisable to have a comprehensive professional cleaning at least once a year at the dentist.

How many artificial roots are needed?

Theoretically, two titanium rods are enough to secure the removable system. In this case, it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of treatment, but at the same time the performance properties of removable appliances are significantly deteriorated: the fastenings become loose, the structures do not fit tightly to the gum (it often atrophies) and are displaced. As a result, the aesthetics of the smile deteriorate, discomfort and pain arise, and you have to give up solid food. Therefore, dentists recommend screwing four screws into the lower jaw, and six into the upper jaw.

Alternatives to implantation

Considering the comfort of use, external characteristics and quality of fixation on implants, there are virtually no alternatives. But it is possible to install a standard prosthetic structure based on your own teeth or mucous membrane instead of a fixed prosthesis on 4 implants. Bridge structures for partial replacement or complete removable. They can be attached only to the gums or to the remaining living teeth. The main thing to remember is that they do not prevent bone loss over time.

Fixed structures, compared to conventional removable ones, have a high level of convenience, compact size (even with an artificial gum attached), and a long service life. Moreover, they have a better attachment system and there is no need for regular removal. Caring for them is not difficult - cleansing in the morning and evening, and also using a rinse after meals.

All-on-4: the essence of the protocol

The patient has 4 dental titanium implants surgically implanted into the bone tissue of the toothless jaw. Based on the casts, a permanent prosthesis is prepared, which is installed almost immediately. The first artificial jaw is temporary. It is worn for 5-36 months - it all depends on the design and material of the prosthesis. Then the orthopedic product is replaced with a new one, which the patient wears for decades.

Cost of all possible restoration options

The price of fixed dentures on dental implants will depend on various components: the number of missing teeth and the necessary implants, materials for the production of structures, additional manipulations (gum grafting).

The price of 1 implant together with a metal-ceramic crown is from 50 thousand rubles. If the crown is made of zircon dioxide, then the price starts from 65-70 thousand rubles. If you choose high-quality premium implants, then the cost of restoration starts from 75 thousand rubles per 1 piece.

For a comprehensive solution to the problem of edentia using a fixed denture on 4 implants (All-on-Four), the price will start from 150 thousand rubles. For a one-stage procedure that involves immediate loading with a fixed prosthesis on implants, the price will start at 320 thousand rubles. Also, for the treatment of complete adentia, depending on the structure of the jaw bone and the condition of the gums, it is possible to install a prosthesis on 6 implants (All-on-6) with a price starting from 200 thousand rubles.


What is the cost in Moscow?

The pricing of the procedure is influenced by a number of factors:

  • Difficult to install.
  • Type of construction.
  • Materials used.
  • Qualification of the implantologist and rating of the clinic.

On average, high-quality installation of a prosthesis on an implant starts from 25,000 rubles. If you need to replace a large number of teeth or the entire jaw, then it is wise to choose the turnkey option. For example, All-on-4 or All-on-6 protocols. The price already includes all stages of the procedure and the material of the prosthesis. In terms of dental unit, it turns out to be more profitable than installing point implants or bridges.

In addition, these protocols ensure fixation of prostheses immediately after implantation of the pin. Those. tooth restoration will take 1-3 days, without a long adaptation period, with the ability to load the prosthesis immediately after surgery.

Advantages of our clinic

EspaDent dental clinics work only with trusted manufacturers, experts in the field of implantology: Nobel Biocare (Switzerland), Cortex (Israel), Noris Medical (Israel).

Primary diagnosis is carried out using professional equipment - an Orthophos SL 3D dental tomograph, which allows you to obtain volumetric layer-by-layer images of the jaw and carry out precise treatment planning.

In the clinic’s own laboratory, our specialists will make a prosthesis in just 1 day and fix it immediately after installing the implants. Or, maximum, within 72 hours.

The technology for installing a fixed prosthesis is low-traumatic and is carried out using local anesthesia. This significantly shortens the rehabilitation period.

A large selection of implants allows you to install a prosthesis within your financial capabilities, without loss of quality. The presence of various form factors of structures will ensure fixation of a fixed prosthesis even with bone tissue atrophy.

Types of implants for complex implantation

The peculiarities of a one-stage operation are that a temporary or permanent prosthesis is immediately put on the implanted implant. Therefore, the ideal implant for one-stage implantation should be monolithic, that is, the titanium root should not be detached from the abutment. Although collapsible structures can also be used, they are less convenient and functional for this type of implantation.

Features of the structure of implants for one-stage dental implantation:

  • monolithic structure - the root is firmly connected to the abutment; this reduces the risk of fractures in the area of ​​the implant neck, the development of infection in the gap between the root and the abutment, and also contributes to a more even distribution of the load on the jaw bone tissue;
  • cone-shaped root with aggressive thread - when screwing in such a root, the hole should have a smaller diameter than the titanium rod; it aggressively screws into the bone, creating a reliable support for the prosthesis; in this case, bone compaction occurs (autospreading);
  • material – pure titanium (Grade 4 with a minimum of impurities), or with a small percentage of vanadium and aluminum impurities (Grade 5); impurities make the material more durable, but reduce the rate of implantation of the titanium root; All materials are hypoallergenic and take root well in tissues.

After one-stage implantation, it is possible to perform fixed (bridge) or removable (beam, spherical, equatorial, screw fastening of the prosthesis) prosthetics.

Many global manufacturers produce monolithic implants for one-stage dental implantation. Based on cost, implants are divided into three price categories: premium, medium and budget.

Brand% survival rate Survival rateGuaranteeClass
Nobel biocare, USA Zygomatic bone implant Nobel-Zygoma99,4%acceleratedlifelongpremium
Straumann, Switzerland99,4%acceleratedlifelongpremium
ROOTT, Switzerland99,3%acceleratedlifelongpremium
Denti System, Germany99,4%acceleratedlifelongpremium
Alpha Bio, Israel99,6%acceleratedlifelongaverage
Osstem, South Korea99,2%acceleratedlifelongaverage
Conmet, Russia99%regularlifelongbudget

How many implants are needed if there are no teeth?

At least 4 implants are installed on a toothless upper jaw, but sometimes, with severe rarefaction and thinning of the jaw bone, more are required. With classic and basal implantation, up to 14 implants are installed on each side.

Fewer implants are installed in the lower jaw, since the bone there is stronger and less susceptible to resorption. Usually 3–4 designs are enough.

The doctor decides how many implants to place on each jaw. This depends on the bone volume and the patient's budget.

Complications after complete implantation

Implantation in the absence of teeth rarely causes complications, since gentle technologies for this operation are used today. As a rule, they are associated with the individual characteristics of the patient’s body or non-compliance with the doctor’s recommendations in the post-implantation period.

  • Complications that appear in the first 2 - 3 weeks and are directly related to surgical intervention: discomfort - goes away in 3 - 5 days;
  • swelling and soreness are a sign of a rush of lymph, which helps eliminate inflammation; lasts up to 5 days;
  • light bleeding or moderate bleeding – lasts no more than 3 days;
  • suture dehiscence (applied during two-stage implantation) - the complication can be easily eliminated by treating the tissues with antiseptics, re-suturing and prescribing antibacterial therapy;
  • implant rejection - the dentist takes individual measures, depending on the cause of rejection; This complication mainly occurs with frequent smoking.
  • Complications during the period of osseointegration (3 – 6 months after surgery). An inflammatory or degenerative-dystrophic process in tissues, leading to implant rejection. The complication is typical for patients suffering from diabetes, atherosclerosis and active smokers.
  • When to see a doctor

    You need to urgently run to the dentist if the following situation suddenly arises:

    • sudden onset of fever with chills and severe pain,
    • low (subfebrile) temperature will last more than three days,
    • gumboil will grow on the cheek,
    • the discharge of pus from the gums will begin,
    • bleeding will continue for more than three days in a row,
    • There will be a violation of the general condition - headache, malaise, weakness.
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