My child ate toothpaste! Should I BE WORRIED?


What kind of TOOTHPASTE can you “eat” and in what cases is it better to consult a doctor!

“Most toothpaste is made up of fluoride, a fine abrasive, and a foaming agent. Often parents are AFRAID of taking toothpaste for children with fluoride and take it without it at all. In order to clean your teeth well, you need to take a paste with a fluoride concentration starting with a dosage of 500 ppm. It is important for your child to choose children’s toothpaste according to his age! Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by maintaining strong tooth enamel and inhibiting the growth of bacteria in plaque. There is no need to be afraid of fluoride itself!” - says pediatric dentist, member of the Association of Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry Yousefian Ehsan. (Shortcut?) To protect children from the dangers of fluoride in toothpaste, parents should treat toothpaste like any other harmful chemical and keep it locked up when not in use. Doctors recommend supervising children under 6 years of age when brushing their teeth and reminding them to spit out the toothpaste rather than swallow it. Parents should also teach children to use toothpaste no larger than a pea-sized amount. Infants younger than 6 months should never be exposed to fluoride toothpaste.

For whom can pasta be dangerous?

There are people for whom getting even a small amount of paste into the body can be very dangerous. At risk: those who are allergic to certain components in the toothpaste, people with disorders of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract, those with ulcers, gastritis and other diseases, as well as those who regularly swallow a lot of toothpaste accidentally or intentionally. In the latter case, a cumulative effect may appear.

If a very small amount of the product is swallowed by an adult or child, it is completely harmless. The content of components such as saccharin and light cleansing additives does not pose any danger.

It’s another matter when a child brushes his teeth with his parents’ regular toothpaste, in which case swallowing it can have unpleasant consequences. Even a one-time exposure to a toxic product can cause intoxication. Next, we will consider the main list of dangerous additives.

Harmful components in toothpaste

Let's figure out what toothpaste consists of. This thick mass is a mixture of antiseptics, pyrophosphates (substances that prevent the formation of tartar), components that reduce tooth sensitivity, essential oils for a pleasant smell and the most important substance - an abrasive, which occupies the largest volume of the paste and gives it polishing properties.

In addition, most pastes contain harmful additives. They are added under a plausible pretext, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Here are the three most harmful and commonly used substances:

  1. Fluoride is a substance that is found in almost every toothpaste. Nowadays, even water is fluoridated! Fluoride strengthens teeth, but an overdose of it (and the daily rate of fluoride is 2-3 milligrams per day) is monstrously harmful to the body. Any paste with fluoride says that it should not be used for more than a month, but many people neglect this, and in vain, because they run the risk of developing cancer, destroying their immunity, and worsening the condition of the skeletal system and thyroid gland. All this applies to calcium.
  2. Antibacterial toothpastes are now widely advertised to fight harmful infections in the mouth. It is not difficult to guess that they contain antibiotics. Some experts do not recommend buying such pastes at all. Destroying microflora does not bring any benefit, only harm.
  3. SLS and SLES are sulfates that help toothpaste (and many other cosmetic and care products such as shampoos and shower gels) foam well. Sulfates negatively affect hair quality and cause skin irritation. In toothpaste, they are dangerous because, when they enter the body, these substances form into lumps that are difficult to remove.

Dangerous additives

Saccharin is a non-hazardous substance that helps manufacturers make the taste of pasta more pleasant and soft. However, sugar can also negatively affect the condition of the oral cavity, because, as is known, sweets provoke the development of bacteria and can lead to the gradual destruction of hard tissues.

Glycerin is a necessary additive that prevents toothpaste from quickly hardening and drying out even when opened. Unfortunately, the substance can cause digestive problems. Another component is paraffin. It is necessary to achieve the thickness and viscosity of the product. Large amounts of this substance in the body can lead to severe vomiting or constipation.

Is menthol included in toothpastes dangerous? Unfortunately, yes, it can negatively affect the functioning of the human heart and blood vessels, while it freshens breath very well. Formaldehyde is necessary to resist dangerous microbes, however, frequent use of pastes containing it, and especially their entry into the body when swallowed, can lead to vision problems and the development of pathological processes in the liver and kidneys.

What to do if a child ate adult pasta

Adult products contain fluoride. They are dangerous when ingested in large quantities into the gastrointestinal tract. Cause the following negative reactions:

  • intoxication with increased body temperature;
  • irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • profuse diarrhea with risk of dehydration.

Parents should give the child a sorbent by immediately going to the hospital. If the doctor sees toxins in the composition, he will prescribe gastric lavage. Additionally, therapy is carried out to replenish the lack of fluid caused by diarrhea. Parents should not give other medications themselves.

Note! The pediatrician will recommend staying in the hospital for 1-2 days after swallowing the substance to eliminate the risk of adverse reactions. If they appear, additional therapy is prescribed.

Swallowing toothpaste in small quantities does not lead to disruption of body functions. But if a child or adult has swallowed a large amount of the product, consult a doctor. The paste can cause serious harm to the gastrointestinal tract. To eliminate the risk for young children, consult a dentist to choose a product that contains only natural ingredients.

The first symptoms of intoxication

If there has been regular consumption of toothpaste, the first signs of intoxication of the body may appear. The most common ones include vomiting, upset stomach, severe diarrhea, and high body temperature. Also, a rash and itching often appears on the human body; it may begin to peel, turn red, and itch. The same applies to mucous membranes.

Another frequently diagnosed consequence of pasta consumption is intestinal dysfunction and stool problems. Gradually, internal organs such as the liver and kidneys may be affected.

In rare cases, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract is observed, gastritis, pain, colitis, esophagitis appear, and ulcers with a high probability of bleeding can form. Any of the above-mentioned complications requires immediate consultation with a doctor and the appointment of the correct treatment regimen.

Why toothpaste is a slow poison, the whole truth about fluoride

Sometimes it happens that the heart may seize, and in this case we take a Validol tablet and put it under the tongue, and within 5 minutes you feel good and let go. I don’t know how it works, but I know for sure that we have a lot of capillaries in the oral cavity on the tongue. When we put the tablet under the tongue, it dissolves, and the contents of the tablet very quickly enter our blood.

You may ask, what does toothpaste have to do with it? The answer won't keep you waiting, but first let's look at the composition of children's toothpaste.

If we look at children's toothpaste, we will not find “Fluoride” in its composition, strangely, as they say in advertising, this is the most important component for the health of enamel and teeth, why?

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The latest research regarding “Fluorine” will greatly surprise you. As we know, fluoride is a reliable protection against caries; it is found in toothpaste, chewing gum and even in water. Scientists have found that an overdose of fluoride leads to diseases next to which caries is the most harmless.

It does not heal, but cripples, folk wisdom, more than ever, coincided with the research of scientists, “Fluoride”, which throughout the world was considered the best prevention of caries, turned out to be poison when the dose was exceeded.

As we previously found out, there are capillaries on the tongue, due to which the contents of tablets, food, and toothpaste quickly enter the bloodstream.

Now just think throughout your life, how much do we brush our teeth? Exceeding the daily fluoride intake several times each day.

Why is fluoride dangerous?

An excess of fluoride can cause severe brain damage, kidney disease and provoke the development of malignant bone tumors. Fluorides interfere with the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and weaken the human endocrine system.

Safe dose

Adults and even children are allowed to swallow a small amount of toothpaste daily, but this is not specifically recommended. In order not to worry about the consequences, it is best to first study the composition of the product to determine whether it contains dangerous ingredients.

To protect babies, manufacturing enterprises are developing special baby toothpastes without fluoride in their composition. Fluoride-containing products can be used after the child learns to completely spit the product into the sink after hygiene procedures. It is best to give preference to pastes that do not contain parabens, sulfates, preservatives and antibiotics.

If the patient often encounters the ingestion of paste into the body, then it is better to buy formulations on a natural basis, for example, containing plant extracts, fruits, chalk and even clay. These components are completely harmless, and their properties are no worse than those of artificial additives.

What to do if a child accidentally swallows adult toothpaste? It is recommended to give the baby a sorbent, for example, activated carbon or a drug called Polysorb; those with allergies can be given an antihistamine prescribed by a doctor. If the condition worsens, it is necessary to call an ambulance and rinse the stomach.

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If a child swallows children's toothpaste

For small children, only baby products are used. They are distinguished by the absence of fluorides and other harmful substances. But if a child has swallowed a large amount of a cleaning product for children, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • give a sorbent (activated or white carbon, Enterosgel, Polysorb);
  • if the child is allergic, he is given an antihistamine (Cetrin, Erius, Zodak, Claritin), it is advisable to use a drug of the latest generation that does not cause drowsiness;
  • call an ambulance or go to the hospital department.

If the product was for children, the doctor will not rinse the stomach. Parents must provide the packaging so that the pediatrician can study the composition of the toothpaste . In the absence of harmful substances, he will recommend therapy if symptoms of adverse reactions appear.

How can a doctor help?

If halitosis occurred due to dental pathology and disease, a specialist will help you forget about this trouble forever. Let's consider step by step what the doctor can do:

  • First, a full examination of the oral cavity is performed. The doctor identifies the presence of diseases, assesses the condition of the gums and teeth.
  • Professional cleaning is mandatory, which is carried out using a device that supplies a powerful stream of water with abrasive particles.
  • The dentist then removes the stones using ultrasound. It is not painful at all and does not cause discomfort.
  • If caries is present, appropriate treatment and elimination of carious cavities is carried out. In most cases, composite substances are used for this purpose.
  • If you have a rotten tooth that cannot be restored (perhaps it provokes bad breath), you must get rid of it. In this case, the dentist removes the unit.
  • If gum disease occurs, the doctor carries out professional cleaning of the pockets and prescribes the correct and safe treatment.

In most cases, patients only need professional cleaning. Few people think that if their breath smells bad, it is caused by plaque and tiny particles of food that can get stuck between the teeth. In this case, the doctor will be able to help you in just one visit. Don’t hesitate, it’s time to say goodbye to your inferiority complex and discomfort when communicating with people.

Prevention of halitosis

To avoid becoming a victim of an unpleasant symptom, experts advise following 11 simple rules:

  • Remember that hygienic manipulations are carried out not only on the teeth, but also on the oral cavity as a whole, including the tongue and the inside of the cheek.
  • The minimum duration of cleaning is 4 minutes.
  • Change the brush once a month.
  • Buy additional dental care devices that will help you more effectively get rid of plaque and clean out food particles in hard-to-reach places.
  • If you are prone to dry mouth, drink as much clean water as possible throughout the day to prevent the mucous membranes from drying out.
  • Be sure to floss, preferably after each meal, so that food particles do not have time to rot and cause bad breath.
  • Review your diet. Start eating right, give up unhealthy foods if your breath smells bad.
  • Go to the dentist a couple of times a year. You may need to consult an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist.
  • Avoid excessive consumption of sweets and stop smoking.
  • Be sure to have your teeth professionally cleaned and tartar removed once a year.
  • For prevention, use mint rinses that will prolong your incredible freshness for several hours.

Self-diagnosis methods

A person is not always aware of his problem, because even the closest person may be embarrassed and not tell you that your breath smells bad. Want to test yourself for smell? There are three reliable ways:

  • Arm yourself with a metal dessert spoon. Rinse it under running water and wipe dry thoroughly. Lick the back of the spoon, wait about 5 seconds. If you smell an object, you can understand what smell is coming from your mouth.
  • Another similar method is to lick your hand and hold it in the air for 5 seconds. What you feel is the same thing your interlocutors experience while talking to you. Please note that this test greatly reduces the intensity of the odor. If you feel something unpleasant, it’s time to start treating halitosis.
  • Place both palms tightly against your lips and exhale sharply, then inhale instantly.

If you are not satisfied with the smell, start with a diagnosis and identify the cause, then begin treatment.

What causes the stink: dental reasons

Halitosis is caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to remove them using normal hygiene procedures, because we can talk about various diseases that require treatment. Let's consider several ailments that can provoke a similar symptom:

  • Insufficient hygienic treatment. A standard brush and toothpaste do not thoroughly clean plaque and food particles that are stuck between the teeth. For this reason, dentists strongly recommend adding rinse, floss, and irrigator to your arsenal. It is advisable to carry out all hygiene procedures after each meal to prevent the accumulation and compaction of plaque.
  • Pathological processes localized in the gums. Bad breath usually occurs due to gingivitis, periodontitis, or periodontal disease. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to treat the root cause and restore gum health.
  • Presence of carious cavities. In a colloquial format, they say about this disease that “the tooth is rotting,” so you don’t have to wonder where the foul aroma comes from. If the cavities are large, they are constantly filled with food, which is quite difficult to get out even with the most modern hygienic devices.
  • Stomatitis. This disease is characterized by the appearance of small whitish dots filled with pus. They promote the active proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and provoke the appearance of stink from the mouth.
  • Stone formation. Dentists assure that even banal tartar, which occurs in every second person, provokes this symptom. The solution is to remove the stone in the doctor's office.

About the causes of smell in the program “Live Healthy”

How to mask the smell

Do you know that you suffer from halitosis, but you have a very important meeting coming up? Let's look at several effective ways to help mask the smell for several hours.

  • Strong minty paste. Instead of regular toothpaste, buy toothpaste with menthol particles. Be prepared that brushing your teeth will be very uncomfortable; this paste causes a strong burning sensation, but retains freshness for a couple of hours. Don't forget that in addition to the units, you need to pay attention to the inside of the cheek and tongue.
  • Chewing gum. A win-win option is to use chewing gum. It is best to give preference to the menthol flavor. Chew it for 15 minutes before an upcoming event or meeting.
  • Rinse aid. After standard brushing, rinse your mouth for two minutes with a refreshing mouthwash.
  • Lemon. Another folk remedy is lemon zest. You need to suck it for 10 minutes, then spit it out and rinse your mouth with water.
  • Bay leaf. First, drink a glass of clean water, then suck a small piece of leaf for a minute. Next, rinse your mouth with cool water.

Many people make a huge mistake and try to mask their bad breath with food. Eating seeds, sucking on sweet candies and other things is all useless and only aggravates the process. If you do not clean your mouth immediately after taking such products, the activity and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms will increase, as a result of which the bad breath will only intensify.

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