Coated metal crowns are a practical method of restoration

Chief editor of the site:

Snitkovsky Arkady Alexandrovich

Chief physician of the professorial dentistry “22 Century”, dentist, orthopedic dentist

Author of the article:

Scientific team of dentistry “22 Century”

Dentists, candidates and doctors of medical sciences, professors

One of the classic methods of prosthetics in dentistry is gold crowns on the tooth.

One of the classic methods of prosthetics in dentistry is gold crowns on the tooth . This is a relatively inexpensive (no more expensive than metal-ceramics and ceramic crowns) option for restoring a damaged tooth, reliable and durable.

The effectiveness of prosthetics using gold crowns and their affordability make them a worthy alternative to metal-ceramics . At the 22nd Century clinic, dental prosthetics using gold crowns is widely practiced.

Use of gold in dentistry

There are two ways to make such crowns: stamped and cast. For stamped ones, special blanks are made. Cast products are cast from gold using wax casts. They do not require any adjustment during installation because they already have a certain size. Cast products are more expensive than stamped ones, but in this case the tooth has to be ground much harder.

Dental crowns from 850 to 900 gold are used. In order for the prosthesis to be stronger, it is made not from pure gold, but with the addition of silver and copper.

Punching technique

This is a budget option, used in practice quite rarely due to significant disadvantages. These prostheses are created on the basis of factory blanks - sleeves, and then adjusted in the clinic to a specific client.

The shell is thin, which does not require much grinding of the teeth. Such products are quite durable, but do not fit tightly to the tooth. It is because of this that the remaining part under the crown quickly deteriorates.

They are usually made of low-grade gold (to increase resistance to stress) or stainless steel. They have an affordable price, since the stamping process is not particularly difficult and is quick.

Among the disadvantages of the designs, it is also worth noting the partial restoration of the functionality of the problematic unit and the rapid erasure of the material.

The manufacturing process itself takes place in the following sequence:

  1. For modeling, impressions are taken from the jaws (the manipulation must be completed 15 minutes before shrinkage of the material begins).
  2. The boundaries of the crown are marked on the plaster to ensure the exact size required.
  3. Wax modeling is carried out.
  4. Based on the drawn metal sample, a stamp is created, which is then hammered into the sleeve.
  5. External stamping is done using a screw press.
  6. The stamp is removed and the edges of the prosthesis are trimmed.

Important! The entire manufacturing process is accompanied by periodic firing of the metal. This is necessary to ensure greater flexibility of the material and increase its density.

Indications and contraindications

There are both indications and contraindications for the installation of such dental products. First of all, these are situations where it is possible to install only gold prostheses. Such cases include:

  • the need to strengthen teeth;
  • improving the aesthetic appearance of the row;
  • restoration of teeth actively involved in the chewing process;
  • the need to restore the previous shape of the tooth;
  • Having a strong bite or teeth grinding habit.

There are a number of contraindications for installing gold crowns. It is not recommended to install them:

  • under the age of 16;
  • for diseases associated with the psyche;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with periodontitis.

If you are thinking about installing gold crowns to decorate your teeth, then stop. There is an easier way to decorate your teeth - grills:

Price issue

The products have an optimal ratio of quality and price. The last criterion is mainly determined by the material used for spraying.

The table below shows approximate prices per unit, taking into account the type of spraying:

Spray material Approximate cost, thousand rubles.
Gold from 16
Zirconium from 12
Plastic from 4
Ceramics from 10
Silver from 8

Tooth preparation and crown installation

Preparation and installation of prostheses requires certain stages. For this process you need:

  1. Prepare the tooth. If caries is present, carry out special treatment and replace the filling.
  2. Before the procedure itself, the tooth should be numbed.
  3. The tooth is ground down on each side and adjusted to the thickness of the crown. It is given the required shape. Be sure to leave small ledges to secure the crown.
  4. The next step is taking impressions of the upper and lower dentition.
  5. A wax model is made using a plaster cast.
  6. The gold prototype is cast.

The patient is given a temporary crown, which remains in place until the gold one is made, since this process takes a certain time. It will protect the tooth from damage and destruction. After making a permanent crown, it is installed as follows:

  1. First, it is tried on and, if necessary, adjusted to the tooth.
  2. Before fixing it, check how tightly it fits and whether the teeth and the crown fit together correctly.
  3. The last stage is fixation with special dental cement.

Solid models

Manufactured using the one-piece casting method, i.e. mold pouring technique. It's inexpensive, simple and fast, because... No time is wasted on soldering crowns. But the most important difference, and naturally an advantage over the previous method, is a longer period of operation - at least 15 years.

Solid crowns are made only individually based on impressions of the patient’s treated teeth.

In addition, with this approach to manufacturing:

  • it is possible to achieve an ideal fit to the gum tissue;
  • only a homogeneous alloy of material is taken;
  • it is possible to restore the chewing group of teeth;
  • obtain sufficient strength and high wear resistance;
  • reduce the layer of teeth grinding to a minimum.

The manufacturing process involves performing the following manipulations:

  1. Tooth preparation.
  2. Taking an impression with silicone mass.
  3. Fixation of the central relationship of the jaw arches.
  4. Fitting the crown, checking the occlusal relationship.
  5. Creation of a collapsible plaster model;
  6. Modeling a wax sample.
  7. Replacing wax with metal.
  8. Pouring metal into the prepared mold.
  9. Cooling of the material and subsequent removal from the mold.
  10. Technical processing of the structure.
  11. Finishing: grinding and polishing.

Important! The dentist decides which product based on the manufacturing method is suitable for recreating teeth based on an examination. An important factor when selecting the type of design is the client’s budget.

Let's figure out whether it is possible to put a crown on a living tooth, and in what cases this method is justified.

Come here if you haven’t decided yet which crowns are best for implants.

At this address we will consider materials that can be used to repair ceramic chips on the crown.

Advantages and disadvantages

Gold dentures have their pros and cons. Before deciding to install a gold crown on a tooth, you should study their advantages and disadvantages. The positive points include:

  • beneficial effect of precious metal on teeth and microflora in the oral cavity;
  • inertness of the metal in relation to the components of saliva and food;
  • completely hypoallergenic;
  • their ability to withstand any chewing load;
  • quite a long lifespan, the durability of gold crowns with proper care can be extended to almost 15 years;
  • protecting the tooth from caries, as gold has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • inability to cause a destructive effect on the teeth in the opposite row at the junction of the jaws.

In the first days of installation, patients usually feel discomfort, which is not a disadvantage of the procedure. After a short period of time this condition will pass. The disadvantages of gold-plated teeth are:

  • the softness of gold and gradual abrasion over time;
  • very expensive installation, because gold itself is a precious metal;
  • unaesthetic appearance of the front teeth.

A tooth with a crown and a living nerve becomes sensitive and reacts painfully to hot or cold food or drink, but this is a temporary phenomenon.

Such crowns are reused if they are in good condition, and they can also be sold or melted down.

Competent care

If you properly care for metal dentures, they will last a very long time. Here are the rules that the patient must adhere to after fixation:

  • Do not eat very hard foods (nuts, etc.).

  • Use high-quality dental floss on a regular basis. It is important to promptly clean the interdental spaces from food debris.

  • In the morning and evening, rinse your mouth with antibacterial compounds, self-prepared saline or soda solutions.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, and preferably after every meal. The brush should be of medium hardness and made of artificial bristles.
  • Minimize smoking. The fact is that tobacco smoke causes the prosthesis to turn an unsightly gray color.

If the restored unit becomes mobile, the gums at its base become inflamed, you should immediately make an appointment with the dentist. The doctor will conduct the necessary diagnostics and tell you what to do to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Patient reviews

And I like gold teeth. This has always been considered an indicator of financial importance. I still have dentures from my grandmother; I can take them to a pawnshop. You just need to find out how to clean gold crowns from your teeth and check what kind of gold dental crowns are made of. But I wouldn’t put one on myself, because it’s unfashionable now.

Sergey, St. Petersburg

I am against gold teeth. They look unnatural. But last year I knocked out my front tooth during training. I went to the dental clinic and, as it turned out, not all dentures suit me. The dentist recommended inserting a gold tooth. I doubted it very much, but there were no other options for me. It turns out that they are placed for medical reasons. Especially if there are problems with the kidneys or liver.

In addition, gold dentures last about 15 years. You just need to take proper care of them. I asked what type of dental crowns are used. The doctor explained that gold teeth are of high standard and joked that this is a good investment.

Maxim, Nizhny Novgorod

Several years ago, on the recommendation of a doctor, I had gold teeth installed. It’s good that they are not front, so they don’t interfere with the aesthetics of the look. Gold interacts well with gums and does not cause discoloration. I didn't have any allergic reaction. I know that such teeth do not cause any negative reaction in the body. They are placed if the patient has significant stomach problems. Coated teeth often cause various complications.

However, I think that from time to time it is necessary to take pictures to make sure that everything is in order with the teeth.
It's just for insurance. And so they will serve for at least 10 years, or even more. Marina, Orel

Structural features

Any coated metal crown is a one-piece construction. Previously, they were produced according to a standard sample, and then the doctor had to “adjust” the system to the characteristics of the patient’s oral cavity. Of course, this was difficult to do. Today the situation is different - all prostheses are made exclusively from individual casts, so little or no time is spent on adjustments.

The main advantage of metal systems is the variety of choices. Taking into account his financial capabilities and personal wishes, a person can order the production of units with lining, with or without coating. If you need to make a dental bridge, then the artificial teeth are not soldered together, but the system is immediately made in the form of a single, aesthetic row. This completely eliminates the presence of interdental spaces in which food accumulates.

New trend for a golden smile

The fashion for gold teeth has been around for a long time. They are actively used in modern prosthetics. At the same time, flashing a golden smile with different inserts is now at the peak of popularity. For this purpose, grills are used - precious jewelry that can be worn on one or more front teeth.

Fashionable jewelry for teeth - gold grills
This accessory is not tightly fixed and can be easily removed if necessary. They can have absolutely any shape, be inlaid with stones, and made from various materials. You can buy jewelry in Russia via the Internet with delivery to Podolsk, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Togliatti, Chelyabinsk, Samara and other cities of the country. You can also find a specialist who can make custom-made grills.

Rehabilitation period

If the work is performed at the proper level, there will be no need for special adaptation to gold microprostheses, since from the point of view of sensations they do not stand out in the dentition and are almost immediately able to withstand a full chewing load.

You will have to refrain from eating and drinking for several hours after installation. This need is determined by the materials used to secure the prosthesis.

In order to increase the service life and comfortable adaptation to the crown, it is not recommended to eat solid food.

Possible unpleasant consequences of installing crowns:

  • Increased tooth sensitivity . Failure to remove the nerve under the treated tooth in advance increases the risk of a reaction to cold, hot, sour, etc. It is necessary for the dentist to prescribe a special toothpaste.

  • A crown that is too high can cause pain when chewing . In such a situation, a second visit to the dentist will be required.
  • When performing parafunction of the masticatory muscles on a patient, you will need to use a night guard.
  • Washing out the cement on which the microprosthesis was fixed . This increases the risk of crown mobility, or its complete destruction, and infections penetrating under the structure. A second visit to a specialist is required to secure the crown more firmly.
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