How Buryat chewing gum is made. Healing properties of Baikal tar

An analogue of regular chewing gum is chewing sulfur or, in other words, resin chewing gum. In the process of manufacturing such a product, resin from coniferous trees, in particular larch, is used. This product is rich in vitamins and minerals, and all because it is natural and environmentally friendly. The substance is very viscous and is released in large volumes. Such chewing gum has a number of advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed in this article.

This product can be used many times. If you don't chew it, store it in a jar of water. When liquefying the wax in your mouth, you can make it harder by breathing in a little air.

The benefits and harms of chewing sulfur for the human body

How is chewing sulfur useful? Essentially, it strengthens the body and eliminates pathogenic microbes. In some cases, it helps to calm down inflammatory processes. Those who chew chewing sulfur constantly remove some health-related problems from their lives. The main beneficial properties of pine gum are listed below.

Benefits of Baikal sulfur in lozenges for humans

  1. In case of painful teeth, it can significantly reduce pain.
  2. Allows significant restoration of tooth enamel
  3. Blocks harmful bacteria involved in the formation of caries, gingivitis, stomatitis and periodontal disease.
  4. Makes gums and tooth roots stronger
  5. In general, it has a beneficial effect on the entire human body
  6. Has bactericidal properties
  7. Creates fresh breath
  8. Protects against everyday stress.
  9. Neutralizes radiation.
  10. Cures intoxication.
  11. Prevents plaque from turning into tartar.
  12. Whitens teeth.
  13. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  14. Brings the acid-base balance back to normal.
  15. Promotes salivation and massages the gums.
  16. Prevents the body from being poisoned by gases from paint, gasoline, smog, exhaust fumes.
  17. Eliminates poisoning from passive smoking.
  18. Destroys viruses and bacteria and prevents them from entering the blood.
  19. Makes the immune system more resistant to pathogenic flora.
  20. Helps in the fight against nicotine addiction.

Thus, Altai larch sulfur will strengthen your body and make your health even stronger!

Harm of Baikal chewing sulfur in lozenges

  1. Periodontal disease worsens because it increases blood circulation in the gums.
  2. If you bite into it, it can damage your teeth and gum tissue because it is hard.
  3. When chewed on an empty stomach, it can cause heartburn and the development of ulcers.
  4. It increases the inflammatory process if you immediately put it in your mouth after eating. The fact is that food debris can get between the teeth. First, it is better to rinse your mouth with water, and then start chewing the sulfur resin of the Siberian larch.
  5. It may pull out the filling. Therefore, be careful when chewing tar gum.

There are also a number of contraindications, that is, who should not chew it.

  1. Pregnant women.
  2. Little children.
  3. Nursing mothers.
  4. In case of individual intolerance, it is also better not to chew natural pine gum.

This natural chewing gum made from tree resin mainly brings only benefits.

Attention! It is prohibited to use chewing Baikal sulfur in lozenges along with smoking. If you smoke and chew at the same time, carcinogens will be absorbed into the body.

Possible harm and contraindications for use

Having a lot of useful properties, chewing sulfur still has some contraindications and can cause harm to the body. But this happens in rare cases.

It is not recommended to use resin:

  • with periodontal disease;
  • in case of personal intolerance to the components included in its composition;
  • if you are allergic to the aroma of pine needles;
  • during smoking: the ability of tar to quickly absorb carcinogens leads to them entering the stomach along with saliva.

Therefore, it is worth remembering that, even with great benefits, chewing resin can in some cases cause harm to the body.

How to prepare chewing sulfur?

In order to make taiga resin with your own hands, you will need to collect resins. To do this you will have to go to the taiga. After the collection is completed, cleaning will have to be done. Next, carry out the extrusion process, that is, give the desired shape. Then dry and mold. All raw materials are harvested in the forests of Altai, Tyva, and Khakassia. It is from these places that taiga resin is especially natural and environmentally friendly.

Video of the process of making chewing sulfur at home

Sulfur plug

Diseases of the external ear are widespread, and one of the first places in their structure belongs to the cerumen plug (lat. cerumen) - an accumulation of earwax in the external auditory canal, closing its lumen. Under physiological conditions, 15–20 mg of earwax is produced monthly. However, it does not accumulate in excess in the external auditory canal, since it is evacuated from it and subsequently brought out when the lower jaw moves - during conversation and when chewing, as well as in the lateral lying position and when tilting the head. Sulfur plug is formed as a result of excessive production of sulfur by the glands: in patients with metabolic syndrome, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus.

Among the factors contributing to the formation of sulfur plugs, it should be noted an increase in the viscosity of sulfur, an admixture of desquamated epidermis and small foreign particles.

Factors predisposing to the formation of cerumen plug include such structural features of the external auditory canal as congenital or acquired changes (tortuosity and narrowness), as well as excessive hair growth in the cartilaginous part of the auditory canal. Changes in the formation of earwax are observed with systematic long-term continuous use and insufficient care of the hearing aid and headphones. Of course, preference should be given to full-size headphone models that completely cover the ear.

Factors that increase the likelihood of wax plug formation include water sports, swimming in open water, non-compliance with humidity standards in living quarters, and prolonged stay in a dusty room without personal protective equipment. Therefore, workers in the coal, flour-grinding, and tobacco industries require the mandatory use of special protective equipment.

Improper hygiene of the outer ear, the use of cotton swabs or self-removal of earwax using improvised objects (hairpin, match, etc.) are unacceptable, as they contribute to the pushing of wax into the bony part of the ear canal, irritation and mechanical damage to the skin of the ear canal and can cause otitis externa.

Interesting facts about pine chewing sulfur

  1. Sulfur is absolutely recommended for children who have a malocclusion. It perfectly develops the muscles of the mouth.
  2. Normalizes saliva secretion and eliminates dry mouth.
  3. Can replace toothpaste. It will be especially useful on hikes and long trips.
  4. For sore teeth and gums, it can relieve pain temporarily.
  5. Gives energy and protects against car accidents. By improving blood circulation, it can invigorate and relieve tension. And this does not allow the driver to sleep.

Features of application

To relieve inflammation and swelling of the gums, chewing sulfur should be softened in the mouth without chewing. The result is something like plasticine. In this form, the product must be placed on the damaged area.

It is worth noting that in this form the resin can be used to heal cuts and wounds, as well as relieve toothache.

But you should not chew larch resin if you have periodontal disease. After all, with prolonged use of the product, blood flow to the gum tissue increases, which only intensifies the symptoms of the disease and contributes to its rapid development.

Types of chewing gum

There are several types of resin that are used to create sulfur.

  • Deciduous. Excellent for the oral cavity.
  • Pine. Helps cope with colds and strengthen the immune system.
  • Cedar. Well suited for creating balms and tinctures.
  • Spruce. The resin of this tree helps treat skin diseases.

It is from these trees that sulfur is collected. It is also available on Fir, Apple, Apricot, Cherry, and Plum.

The main symptoms of wax plug

  • ear congestion;
  • autophony - you can hear yourself in this ear;
  • hearing loss;
  • earache;
  • ear noise (monotonous, low-frequency).

The most typical clinical manifestation of wax plug is a sharp decrease in hearing and a feeling of ear fullness, which often occurs suddenly when water gets into the ear canal. Earwax coming into contact with the eardrum can cause painful tinnitus. When accumulated earwax presses on the eardrum, reflex headaches, dizziness, nausea, and cardiac dysfunction are possible. It is extremely important for divers, scuba divers, and divers whose work or hobbies involve long stays under water to remember that they should not perform deep-sea diving when wax accumulates in the ear canal, since a closed space of “relative vacuum” is formed between the wax plug and the eardrum, which can lead to to barometric trauma. In addition, coughing is possible due to a foreign body in the external auditory canal and cerumen plug. A paroxysmal cough can occur when the posterior-inferior wall of the external auditory canal and the posterior quadrant of the eardrum are irritated.

Violation of the protective properties of earwax, its absence or infection can cause the development of external otitis.

Recommendations before use

Taiga tar or chewing gum made from resin is very sensitive to temperature changes. Therefore, it is best to keep it in warm water before chewing. You can also just put a piece in your mouth and warm it there. Well, then start chewing.

In fact, chewing gum made from larch resin is a natural antiseptic that destroys most bacteria in the oral cavity. It is great for people suffering from diabetes, as it contains no sugar. And for everyone else, chewing gum and tar will not hurt. Does not cause allergies.

Product Features

What is chewing sulfur? Siberian larch resin has many properties. This product has a general strengthening, wound healing, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. After all, the resin of the plant contains many minerals and vitamins.

It is worth noting that the beneficial properties of this product were known in ancient times. Our ancestors used mastic resin, the inhabitants of Siberia used larch resin, the Indians who lived in North America used the resin of coniferous trees.

Chewable sulfur is a reusable product. Before the next use, the resin should be placed in a container of water. If during chewing the product becomes soft again, just suck in air through your mouth - the chewing sulfur will become harder.

Taste properties of chewing sulfur

Natural gum made from resin is produced in different flavors. Basically, when chewing, the taste of pine is felt. But at the moment, manufacturing companies have developed new unique tastes. And here is their list:

  1. Sea buckthorn.
  2. With mint.
  3. Larch.
  4. With propolis.
  5. Cedar.
  6. With cranberries.
  7. Eucalyptus.
  8. Rosehip
  9. Blueberries.
  10. With coffee bean extract.

Thus, Siberian resin chewing gum can please you not only with its medicinal properties, but also with its range of flavors!

Physiological significance of earwax

Earwax performs the following functions:

  • a barrier to dust and other small particles, along with short hairs located in the external auditory canal;
  • maintaining optimal humidity and temperature in the external auditory canal in various climatic conditions, with fluctuations in ambient temperature and humidity;
  • bactericidal, fungicidal effect;
  • helps cleanse the external auditory canal by evacuating small foreign components;
  • due to the high lipid content, it prevents the penetration of water into the skin of the ear canal and maceration of the skin when water enters the external auditory canal.

These properties of earwax are ensured due to the acidic reaction of the environment, pH 4.5–5.0, and the reaction of the environment in women is more acidic than in men. A change in pH towards the alkaline side is possible with frequent use of hygiene and detergents containing alkali, which contributes to infection of the outer ear. The composition of earwax contains the leading factor of local immunity - secretory immunoglobulin A, as well as lysozyme, antimicrobial fatty acids, and peptides.

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