Chewable sulfur: features, properties, indications for use

Chewing sulfur is a larch resin that has a positive effect on the condition of the oral cavity and the entire body. The beneficial properties of this product make it possible to combat premature tooth loss, as well as numerous diseases. Experts recommend consuming chewing sulfur during severe stress. The product will be useful to people living in unfavorable environmental conditions, in places where radiation is present.

Product Features

What is chewing sulfur? Siberian larch resin has many properties. This product has a general strengthening, wound healing, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. After all, the resin of the plant contains many minerals and vitamins.

It is worth noting that the beneficial properties of this product were known in ancient times. Our ancestors used mastic resin, the inhabitants of Siberia used larch resin, the Indians who lived in North America used the resin of coniferous trees.

Chewable sulfur is a reusable product. Before the next use, the resin should be placed in a container of water. If during chewing the product becomes soft again, just suck in air through your mouth - the chewing sulfur will become harder.

Signs of excess sulfur

Under natural conditions, when a person receives a mineral only through food, its excess cannot occur. But if the body is exposed to toxic sulfur compounds, this can cause an “overdose” and poisoning.

Symptoms of obvious excess sulfur are presented in the form of headache, severe weakness, convulsions, loss of consciousness, mental disorders, breathing problems, digestive disorders, etc.

Long-term consumption of foods containing sulfites may result in a less noticeable excess than exposure to industrial or household sulfur-containing substances. However, the health problems that arise from a “sulfite overdose” are also very unpleasant.

Sulfites are preservatives added to carbonated drinks, alcohol, vinegar and food coloring. With their excessive consumption, increased fatigue, nausea, inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, general poor health, etc. are possible. In order to reduce their negative impact, it is worth abandoning the corresponding products and consuming natural sources of sulfur.

Product properties

The product has a natural detoxifying effect. Chewing sulfur cleanses teeth well of food debris and eliminates unpleasant odor from the mouth. Dentists recommend this product as a preventative against caries and periodontal disease.

Chewing sulfur is a good substitute for regular chewing gum. After all, such a product strengthens gums and teeth, helps to maintain good hygiene, and also significantly improves digestion. It is worth noting that this product restores the composition of the enamel. Chewing sulfur is often used to strengthen oral tissues, as well as to protect them from microorganisms that can cause caries.

The use of such a product has a positive effect on the condition of the entire body, due to its antiseptic and desintoxication effect. When chewing larch resin in the oral cavity, the acid-base balance is normalized. This massages the gums, increases salivation, which allows you to naturally clean your gums and teeth.

Help with weight loss

If chewing gum helps you lose weight, as many say, then we are definitely not talking about ordinary “artificial” chewing gum, but about its natural and environmentally friendly analogue made from resin. But you shouldn’t chew it instead of food - chewing sulfur does not have “miraculous” properties that will overcome an excessive appetite.

Without a properly structured diet and willpower in terms of consuming “unnecessary” food, no amount of chewing gum will help. However, sulfur does have one feature - it tastes. If in ordinary chewing gum it is artificially sweet, which further provokes the feeling of hunger, then in sulfur it is slightly bitter, with a pine aftertaste. Such a contrasting taste will easily fight off the “false” feeling of hunger that you want to compensate for with a high-calorie snack.

How does chewing sulfur work?

This product has many valuable properties. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  • strengthening gums and teeth;
  • prevention of oral diseases such as caries, stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, tartar formation;
  • gentle whitening of tooth enamel;
  • elimination of inflammation of gum tissue;
  • cleansing of food debris and refreshing the oral cavity;
  • elimination of strong odors from the mouth, for example, alcohol, tobacco, garlic, onions and others;
  • neutralization and protection of the body from the effects of negative factors, for example, paint, gasoline vapors, exhaust gases, smog, tobacco smoke;
  • protection against microorganisms that can cause the development of infectious and viral diseases;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • suppression of nicotine addiction and craving for smoking.

It is these qualities that make chewing gum such a popular product. However, when using it you should follow the recommendations.

Medicinal chewing gum - a miracle from Siberia

What is chewing sulfur? This is Siberian larch resin, rich in vitamins and minerals. It is not eaten, but it is enough to chew such resin from time to time to be convinced of its healing properties. The product can be used many times - between uses, sulfur is stored in jars with water. If the product softens too much during chewing, simply suck in air through your mouth and the resin will harden.

How does chewing tar affect the body?

“Siberian chewing gum” strengthens the body, destroys pathogenic microbes, and stops inflammatory processes. People who regularly chew tar can avoid many problems.

This product:

  • reduces the harmful effects of stress on the nervous system;
  • neutralizes radiation;
  • treats intoxication;
  • does not allow the development of caries, periodontal disease, stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • prevents plaque from turning into stone;
  • cleanses and gently whitens teeth;
  • restores the composition of tooth enamel and makes gums stronger;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • normalizes acid-base balance;
  • massages the gums and stimulates salivation;
  • weakens odors from the oral cavity that arise after eating onions, garlic, alcoholic beverages, and smoking;
  • prevents poisoning from fumes of paint, gasoline, exhaust gases, and smog;
  • neutralizes the destructive effects of passive smoking;
  • kills germs and viruses, preventing them from entering the blood;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • Helps overcome nicotine addiction.

This is the effect of chewing Siberian larch resin, and it will soon make it a mega-popular product. In some cases, chewing sulfur is not just a valuable preventive measure; it is recommended to be used to make it easier to endure the symptoms of serious diseases.

In what cases should the product be used?

Siberian chewing sulfur is recommended by experts in the following cases:

  • For children for a beautiful and healthy bite, which only well-developed muscles can create.
  • For dry mouth, since slow chewing of chewing sulfur increases salivation. The cause of the pathology, by the way, can be not only the use of certain medications, but also hypertension and diabetes.
  • As an additional means for cleaning the oral cavity. Chewable sulfur can be used outside the home when a toothbrush is not available.
  • Larch resin is used as an emergency remedy for gum inflammation. The product also works great for acute dental pain. To eliminate discomfort, applications are made to the damaged area. You can also use chewing sulfur for stomach upsets. ½ tablet is enough.
  • For drivers to improve blood circulation. This process relieves general languor and tension, and also prevents falling asleep while driving.
  • To protect against the negative effects of tobacco smoke, gasoline vapors, smog and exhaust gases.
  • As a breath freshener.

It is worth noting that sulfur chewing gum does not contain dyes, flavors, preservatives, food additives or sweeteners.

Who can't do without pine gum?

When there is an urgent need to improve their well-being, people often start taking medications or drinking harmful drinks, without caring about the doses and recommendations of doctors. Painkillers, tonics, antiseptics - this is an incomplete list of such drugs. And sometimes all of them can be replaced with regular chewing gum!

Dental care for children

Parents of children diagnosed with malocclusion are advised to buy chewing sulfur. Chewing this healthy product will help your child to properly develop the muscles of his mouth, which is necessary for the formation of a “Hollywood” smile.

Eliminating dry mouth

Certain synthetic drugs, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus cause a feeling of dry mouth. Why suffer if you can chew tar - salivation will be normalized, and you will not have to drink excess liquid, risking causing swelling.

Toothpaste substitute

You should also stock up on pine gum before traveling, during which you won’t always have the opportunity to use a toothbrush. The tar will perfectly clean the mouth and freshen your breath. It is wonderful that the gift of the Siberian taiga will help you feel freshness in your mouth even with diseases that make this sign of oral health an unattainable desire.

Means of waiting for the dentist

Your gums are inflamed, your tooth hurts a lot, but you can only see the dentist tomorrow, or even in a couple of days? This means that you need to apply resin to the sore spot, and the painful sensation will become much weaker. Cuts and wounds, not only in the mouth, are also treated with applications of healing resin.

Amulet against car accidents and “energy”

Drivers should pay special attention to chewing tar. This product improves blood circulation, relieves fatigue, reduces tension, invigorates, preventing you from falling asleep while driving. If you need to get a “second wind” at work, do not overuse coffee, use pine gum.

Unlike most chewing gum, chewing sulfur does not contain dyes, flavoring additives, preservatives, sweeteners or flavor enhancers. This is a completely natural product!

Features of application

To relieve inflammation and swelling of the gums, chewing sulfur should be softened in the mouth without chewing. The result is something like plasticine. In this form, the product must be placed on the damaged area.

It is worth noting that in this form the resin can be used to heal cuts and wounds, as well as relieve toothache.

But you should not chew larch resin if you have periodontal disease. After all, with prolonged use of the product, blood flow to the gum tissue increases, which only intensifies the symptoms of the disease and contributes to its rapid development.

Chemical composition of larch resin

The resinous formations of larch have an astringent structure and due to this, the resin is used as a raw material in the manufacture of chewing resin. Like the resin of other coniferous trees, it mostly consists of resin acids.

It includes:

  • vitamins A, group B, C, E, P;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iodine;
  • fatty acids and so on.

Turpentine is obtained in small quantities from the resinous consistency of this tree. This substance is used in the form of patches, medicinal ointments for the treatment of rheumatism and gout.

Video: Benefits of larch resin

What to consider?

Experts do not recommend biting off larch resin with your teeth, since in its solid state it has a crystalline structure - there is a risk of damage to the gums.

The product should not be consumed on an empty stomach or immediately after eating. In the latter case, food debris may be pressed between the teeth. And this, in turn, can cause gum inflammation. Before using chewing sulfur, it is recommended to rinse your mouth thoroughly. You can chew larch resin 5 - 10 minutes after eating.

Also, you should not use chewing gum while smoking, as the product can quickly absorb carcinogens, which, together with saliva, will then enter the stomach.

Properties of larch resin

Due to the presence of many useful elements, resin is used for medicinal purposes.

Did you know? Due to its strength, buildings made of larch can last for a very long time. Archaeological excavations have established that wood petrifies, but does not collapse. These processes occur thanks to the resin.

Benefits and medicinal properties

  • Larch resin is healing not only for tree wounds, but also for humans. It has the following medicinal properties:
  • relieves inflammatory processes;
  • promotes healing of wounds and cuts;
  • helps with oncology;
  • able to withstand polluted environments;
  • is a good antiseptic, suppresses pathogens;
  • improves the immune system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has a positive effect on the vascular system;
  • saturates the body with vitamins.

Chewing tar or sulfur is most useful. This remedy is very helpful for diseases of the oral cavity - caries, gingivitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis. Promotes whitening of tooth enamel and helps against tartar. This “chewing gum” eliminates bad breath and cleanses plaque from teeth.

Did you know? Resin is the oldest chewing gum. Archaeologists have found pieces of resin in northern Europe with imprints of human teeth dating back to the 7th–2nd millennium BC.

Chewing sulfur is prepared as follows.
The resin is carefully removed with the remaining bark, and then placed in a cloth bag and boiled. A small weight is placed in the bag to weigh it down. The sulfur begins to melt first and float up. It is collected and formed into briquettes or tablet form. The resulting mass is then used as chewing gum in the treatment of certain diseases.

Chewing gum helps heavy smokers get rid of this bad habit. Many people, in order to quit smoking, replace the cigarette with something else - sucking candy or chewing gum. This allows you to dull the desire to smoke. Instead of synthetic chewing gum, a natural product like sulfur is a good choice.

Important! If the resin is in a too hard frozen state, then heated vegetable oil with which it is mixed will help make it softer and more plastic.

Chewable larch resin is successfully used to combat extra pounds. This chewing gum containing sulfur has a somewhat bitter-pine taste, which dulls the desire to eat well. But it is worth remembering that to lose weight you still need to adhere to a diet, since oleoresin alone will not help.

Moreover, the elements contained in this natural remedy remove nicotine from the body. It is enough to use it for 2-3 months, which will cleanse the lungs and reduce nicotine addiction. It is useful for children to chew such a resin containing sulfur to form a correct bite and develop the chewing muscle system. This chewing gum helps combat dry mouth. The chewing process promotes the production of saliva. Dry mouth often occurs with diabetes and high blood pressure.

Pay attention to the information about the benefits of spruce resin.

This product is also recommended for truck drivers, as it improves blood circulation, and this relieves fatigue and invigorates while driving, preventing you from falling asleep. Larch resin, due to the content of essential oils, protects against gas pollution from industrial production in urban environments.

Harm and contraindications

  • Despite the undoubted benefits, there are contraindications for the use of oleoresin:
  • Individual intolerance.
  • You should not chew it if you have severe periodontal disease, as increased blood in the gums will cause more bleeding.
  • It is not recommended to use this chewing gum on an empty stomach, so as not to harm the gastrointestinal tract. This is especially harmful for gastritis and peptic ulcers with high acidity.
  • You should be careful when chewing this product if you have fillings. The resin may well adhere well and pull them out of the tooth if the filling is weak. If a good dentist has worked on your teeth and the fillings are firmly in the teeth, then this problem will not arise.

You should not use this chewing gum after eating, as food debris will simply stick into the gums, which can cause an inflammatory process, so after eating you should definitely rinse your mouth with warm water, and then use this product after 5-7 minutes.

You cannot smoke a cigar and chew such gum at the same time. This is due to the fact that the resinous consistency quickly absorbs carcinogenic elements, which, together with saliva, enter the intestines and stomach.

Important! You should not bite the resin with your teeth, as it is quite hard in structure and has a crystalline form, which means it can damage the gums.

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