Features of Listerine mouth rinse and instructions for use

Every person dreams of a snow-white smile, healthy and strong teeth and gums. External negative factors, unbalanced diet and bad habits have a detrimental effect on oral health. There is a wide range of products for caring for teeth and gums on the market. Such remedies are designed to relieve various problems. One popular brand is Listerine mouthwash. Listerine is a powerful agent that blocks the growth of bacteria and freshens breath. According to dentists, regular rinsing with this composition can relieve many problems.

For more reliable care, you should try Listerine. The manufacturer is constantly working to improve the formula, constantly improving the product. Listerine is able to be active against the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Fights plaque and eliminates bad breath. In Russia, the product is in demand and popular among buyers of different ages. According to user reviews, Listerine effectively removes plaque, preventing it from converting into tartar. In addition, Listerine prevents the occurrence of dental diseases.

Operating principle

Listerine prevents the formation of plaque, eliminates unpleasant odor, and reduces gum inflammation.
The active substances contained in the drug inhibit the growth of bacteria and cleanse the oral cavity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Essential oils, acting as the base of the elixir, provide long-lasting fresh breath, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy gums.

Expert series products improve tooth enamel and help maintain the natural whiteness of teeth.

The presence of sodium fluoride in the composition of the drug prevents the formation of caries and also promotes the rejection of microorganisms from tooth enamel. Microscopic doses of this substance help compensate for calcium loss and restore enamel.

The cleaning agent of the composition is poloxamer 407, which has a mild, neutral cleansing effect. A high concentration of menthol oils has a calming antiseptic effect, normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity, and effectively freshens breath.

Listerine: Basic Series

Listerine has the following effects:

  • effectively cleanses the oral cavity;
  • destroys harmful bacteria;
  • has a long-lasting refreshing effect;
  • prevents the deposition of tartar;
  • eliminates mucous plaque in the oral cavity;
  • prevents the proliferation of microorganisms.

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Analogues of Listerine mouth rinse are: mouth rinses – Listerine Expert, Splat Complete, Forest Balsam Forte Active, Asepta Fresh, Lacalut Aktiv, Lacalut sensitive, Colgate Plax Complex Protection, PresiDENT profi, Herbal medicine healer, Fluorodent Protection against caries new formula, etc.


The main advantage of Listerine is its effectiveness. The components of the drug composition are aimed at solving specific problems.

Due to this effect, these rinses are known all over the world, as they are simply more effective than others.

Elixirs freshen breath throughout the day and completely remove food particles and microbes from the surface of the teeth. Listerine can be used every day without fear of side effects. The drugs do not pose any danger to humans.

In the video, watch a specialist’s review of the drug.

Composition of the product

The active ingredients of the drug are eucalyptol, methyl salicylate, menthol and thymol.

They help eliminate unpleasant odor, prevent the appearance of plaque and prevent inflammation. The drug also contains sodium benzoate, water, alcohol, caramel, poloxamer 407. These additives are used to improve the quality characteristics of the composition.

The composition includes the following components:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • sorbitol;
  • benzoic acid,
  • flavorings.
  • menthol (0.042%);
  • thymol (0.064%);
  • methyl salicylate (0.06%);
  • eucalyptol (0.092%).

Mouth rinses, which include Listerine, support healthy gums and teeth.

The use of the product promotes fresh breath, eliminates inflammation of the soft tissues of the oral cavity and prevents the development of inflammation.

The use of Listerine will be an excellent prevention of gingivitis and periodontitis, and in addition:

  • will reduce the formation of soft plaque;
  • protects teeth from the appearance of signs of caries.

What's included

Listerine products contain only safe substances. Active components are derivatives of essential oils, including:

  1. menthol: a natural anesthetic with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, excellent breath freshener,
  2. eucalyptus: has an antibacterial effect and relieves swelling during inflammatory processes,
  3. thymol: has an antimicrobial effect, fights the uncontrolled proliferation of yeast fungi, effectively relieves itching and redness,
  4. methyl salicylate: improves blood supply to soft tissues and helps reduce pain in gum and periodontal pathologies.

These four main components provide a powerful antimicrobial effect. Along with these substances, Listerine products contain fluoride, which nourishes mucosal tissues with useful minerals and helps strengthen enamel, zinc chloride, which effectively softens hardened dirt, including in the subgingival area, as well as alcohol - found only in some products from line and ensures better interaction between other components.

How to use LISTERINE®

Learn the general rules and how to use LISTERINE® to ensure complete daily oral care.

  • Measure out the required amount of rinse aid (10–20 ml, or 2–4 teaspoons, depending on which product from the line you use). The volume of product required for single use is indicated in the instructions for use of LISTERINE®, located on the bottle.
  • Rinse your mouth for 30–60 seconds (the duration of the procedure for each rinse is indicated directly on the bottle).
  • Spit out the mouthwash.
  • Do not dilute LISTERINE® with water or other liquids.
  • Do not rinse your mouth with water after using LISTERINE®.
  • Rinse your mouth twice a day after brushing your teeth.
  • Do not use LISTERINE® Rinse Aid if the protective film on the bottle cap is damaged or completely missing.
  • Do not use LISTERINE® on oral care for young children (under 6 or 12 years of age). On the back of the bottle it is indicated at what age the use of a particular mouthwash is allowed.

By using LISTERINE® mouth rinses according to the instructions, you will not only freshen your breath, but also take care of the health of your teeth and gums, which means you will maintain an attractive smile for many years.


It is worth noting! The following factors are contraindications to the use of Listerine:

  • Individual intolerance to the active ingredients in the product.
  • Increased dry mouth.
  • Children's age (up to 6-12 years, depending on the type of rinse aid).

When using the product, side effects such as dry mouth and burning of the mucous membrane are possible.

Changes in the perception of taste for certain products and local allergic reactions are possible.

Efficiency and safety

The clinical effect of the drug is confirmed by laboratory studies. The product has a therapeutic effect for periodontitis and other destructive gum diseases.

According to studies, with long-term use of mouth rinse, there is a reduction in the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, the proliferation of bacteria that cause oral diseases slows down, and the microflora of the oral cavity is normalized.

Using the drug between main brushing procedures using toothpaste promotes better and safer cleansing with a long-lasting effect.

The advantage of this composition is its prolonged action.

Unlike other elixirs for oral hygiene, Listerine has a complex effect on pathogenic microflora, destroying microbes and preventing their reappearance.

Consumer reviews about use

Listerine mouthwash has mostly positive reviews. Here's what users write about this drug:

Svetlana, 32 years old.

Economical and very effective product, easy to use.

I want to tell you about one feature of this drug: unlike other similar products, it foams a lot.

Therefore, I use it in a smaller dosage than indicated in the instructions.

What else can be added - a pleasant taste, long-lasting fresh breath, elimination of minor problems with the gums (bleeding, inflammation, etc.).

In general, Listerine mouth rinse is completely worth its cost and I am pleased with the result.

Irina, 23 years old.

This is the first rinse that I feel benefits from.

Its obvious advantages include: a long-lasting feeling of cleanliness on the teeth, solving problems with the gums (for me they periodically became inflamed and bled a little).

However, during the first use, I literally experienced a state of shock.

It's all about the taste of the liquid: it resembles something between gasoline and kerosene (or so it seemed to me). But even after brushing my teeth, this taste did not disappear.

The disadvantages include a burning sensation in the mouth. Overall, I recommend the product for use.

How to open LISTERINE®

Daily oral care helps prevent diseases caused by insufficient or improper care of your teeth and gums. Rinse aids from the LISTERINE® line are part of hygiene and reduce the growth of bacteria. LISTERINE® products contain essential oils (thymol, methyl salicylate, menthol and eucalyptol), as well as other components, the action of which is aimed at solving problems such as gum disease, caries, darkening of tooth enamel, bad breath, etc.

Mouth rinses are an effective way to maintain healthy gums and teeth. The Listerine series is no exception.

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Mouthwashes of this brand help freshen breath, prevent caries and successfully stop emerging periodontal inflammation.

Listerine mouth rinse: instructions for use and reviews

Latin name: Listerine Antiseptic Mouthwash

Active ingredient: essential oils [eucalyptol, menthol, thymol, methyl salicylas]; fluoride

Manufacturer: Johnson and Johnson (Johnson {amp}amp; Johnson) (USA)

In order to provide complete daily oral care, it is recommended to use the product 2 times a day in the morning and evening after brushing your teeth.

Pour 4 teaspoons (20 ml) of solution into a glass and rinse the mouth for 30 seconds and then spit it out.

Children 6–12 years old should use Listerine rinse to protect gums and teeth, 2 teaspoons (10 ml).

The drug must not be swallowed!

To open the bottle, press on the smooth parts of the cap and then turn it counterclockwise. The design of the cap prevents the bottle from being opened accidentally or used by small children without adult supervision. Close the bottle by turning the cap in the opposite direction.

Reviews of Listerine mouthwash are mostly positive. Green tea mouthwash, according to users, gives instant freshness to breath, helps fight plaque, helps prevent caries, and heals gums. The disadvantages of the product, many include its taste.

The mouthwash for strong teeth and healthy gums, according to reviews, destroys harmful bacteria in the mouth, freshens breath for a long time, does not contain alcohol, and has a pleasant aroma and taste. Some users, however, indicate the weak effect of this drug.

Fresh mint rinse relieves soreness and bleeding of gums, reduces the severity of plaque on teeth, disinfects the oral cavity well, and eliminates unpleasant odors. Some reviews, however, express dissatisfaction with the insufficient and short-term refreshing effect of this product, and its overly strong mint smell, as well as increased tooth sensitivity after use.

The rinse protects gums and teeth, eliminates bleeding and inflammation of the gums, protects against plaque, prevents the occurrence of caries, and freshens breath for a long time. Among the disadvantages of the product, users include the medicinal taste of the product, and sometimes complain of a burning sensation after treatment.

The price of Listerine mouth rinse can be:

  • Listerine strong teeth and healthy gums: 250 ml bottle – 150 RUR;
  • Listerine fresh mint: 250 ml bottle – 115 RUR; bottle of 500 ml – 160 rubles;
  • Listerine green tea: 250 ml bottle – 115 RUR; bottle of 500 ml – 190 rub.

Listerine children's mouth rinse

Listerine for children over six years of age is an excellent product for baby hygiene. Manufacturers understand that when brushing their teeth, children miss hard-to-reach places where pathogenic bacteria that cause dental diseases accumulate. Therefore, a highly effective product for the care of baby teeth was developed. Baby mouthwash can clean up to one hundred percent of the entire mouth. Does not contain alcohol and sugar. Children's Listerine will protect baby teeth from caries. This is a great way to ensure effective cleaning and protection.

Mode of application

According to the instructions, Listerine mouthwash is recommended for regular use at least twice a day. As a rule, it

To carry out the procedure, you need to take about 20 ml of the product into a glass, and then rinse your mouth for 30 seconds. There are certain rules to keep in mind when using Listerine:

  • do not dilute the product with water, as the concentration of active ingredients decreases and the desired effect will not be achieved;
  • To avoid discomfort during the procedure, it is best to start using the product with a minimum rinsing time. To begin, irrigate your mouth for no more than 10 seconds.

On the second day you can increase the time to 20 seconds. On the third or fourth day, stick to the standard time - 30 seconds;

  • Basic series Listerine mouthwashes are prohibited for use by children under 6 years of age. For the Expert series, these restrictions apply to children under 12 years of age;
  • avoid swallowing liquids;
  • to increase efficiency, the product can be used with an irrigator.
  • The drug is recommended for daily use. The greatest effectiveness is achieved with twice daily use: morning and evening. 20 ml is enough for rinsing.

    The drug is used in its pure form and does not require dilution. The rinsing duration is at least 30 seconds.

    If, upon first use, an explosive effect of menthol is observed, you can reduce the duration of the procedure to 10 s.

    Your dentist will tell you why you should use Listerine after daily brushing of your teeth.

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Need to use

Standard cleaning with a regular brush only partially removes germs, up to 30%. Their greatest accumulation is observed in hard-to-reach places, on the tongue, palate, and gums. Insufficient quality cleaning leads to caries and inflammation of periodontal tissue.

After using the rinse aid, bacteria are destroyed by more than 90%. Any Listerine product contains anti-inflammatory components that reduce inflammatory manifestations of gum tissue. Regular use of these products significantly improves the color of teeth, making them whiter.

Opinion on the use of rinse aid

Consumers give high marks to Listerine brand mouthwash. The high efficiency of the drug is combined with cost-effectiveness and ease of use.

The product is well packaged and protected with plastic sealing. The maximum effect of the composition is achieved 2-3 weeks after the start of use. 8 out of 10 consumers note a long-lasting refreshing effect that lasts at least 12 hours after use.

Patients with mouth piercings note that the healing process is much faster, and the risk of inflammation is significantly reduced.

The drug effectively destroys bacteria, which makes it especially valuable for those who have serious dental problems.

Some consumers note the sharp taste of the drug, which is especially pronounced in the expert line products. The elixir copes well with the smell of tobacco, onions and other products with a persistent odor. If discomfort occurs during rinsing, the dosage can be reduced.

Half of consumers note a pronounced whitening effect. Listerine is not a bleach and therefore does not have a destructive effect on enamel.

With prolonged use, plaque is removed, which significantly affects the color of teeth. Dark spots and yellowness disappear, and teeth acquire a natural shade.


In recent years, there has been a tendency towards an increase in the incidence of gonorrhea, which is associated with an increase in unprotected sexual intercourse, especially among homosexual men. The study authors noted that in Australia alone, the number of new cases of infection doubled from 6,892 to 11,508 over the past 5 years, with 70% of cases occurring among homosexual men. The growing antibiotic resistance is also noteworthy. In the context of the above, the development of new preventive measures is necessary. Interestingly, as early as 1879, long before the advent of antibiotics, Listerine manufacturers claimed that it could be effective in patients with gonorrhea, but to date no studies have tested this hypothesis.


Listerine rinses are presented in a wide series, including products for a wide variety of purposes: strengthening teeth, relieving inflammation of the gums, restoring the color of enamel, etc. You can buy them in bottles of 250 or 500 ml

"Green tea"

A mouthwash intended for daily use by both adults and children under 6 years of age, twice a day or more.

The green tea extract included in the composition actively fights microbes and promotes gum regeneration. To completely restore the gums and reduce the amount of hard plaque, you must use the rinse for at least two weeks.

The product has a soft, unobtrusive taste of green tea, which significantly freshens breath.

The cost of Listerine “Green tea” varies from 120 to 180 rubles.

This type is suitable

. The product actively destroys bacteria and prevents their appearance, thereby reducing the risk of developing dental diseases and stopping existing periodontal pathologies.

The components included in the composition break down plaque and saturate the crown, making it more durable. Regular use restores the balance of saliva, preventing the proliferation of new microbes.

The mouthwash has a mild mint flavor that is suitable not only for adults, but also for children.

The price of the product is up to 150 rubles.

"Protection against caries"

Rinse aid recommended

. After using Listerine “Protection against caries”, 99% of all bacteria die. This effect lasts for 12 hours after use, which prevents the formation of plaque and caries.

A properly selected complex of active substances promotes the production of acid, which has a detrimental effect on microorganisms. Fluoride, which is part of the product, forms an invisible protective film, where, when released, it penetrates into the deep layers of the surface of the crown, saturating and strengthening it.

The “Protection against caries” mouthwash has a distinct mint flavor.

The average cost of the product is 130 rubles.

Read reviews about laser teeth whitening from patients at dental clinics.

If you are planning to buy toothpaste from Thailand, here is a review of this product.

Total Care

Listerine Total is different from other mouthwashes of this brand.

. At the same time, it is distinguished by a whole range of useful properties, thanks to which

With regular use, the amount of hard plaque and pigmented areas noticeably decreases. After two weeks of use, the crowns are guaranteed to lighten to a natural shade.

Using the product promotes enamel remineralization. The main components actively fight bacteria, providing long-lasting protection.

Total Care Listerine has a mild menthol flavor that helps maintain freshness all day long.

Purchasing this product will cost 150–180 rubles.

Listerine Advanced

This type of mouthwash is effective

. The active ingredients have a slight irritant effect,

. Listerine Advanced

Regular use prevents the formation of new deposits on crowns. This product has a sharp, burning menthol taste, so when using it, it is best to start procedures with minimal exposure time.

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The average cost of this product is 300 rubles.

Listerine Fluoride is a product used

. It effectively destroys microbes that cause putrid odor from the mouth, even in the interdental space.

This product is characterized by a high content of sodium fluoride - at least 0.022%. Thanks to this, the crowns are strengthened and the risk of caries is minimized.

Price – from 110 to 150 rubles.

Rinse aid "Expert whitening" is intended

. Regular use for two weeks allows you to lighten the enamel by several tones. In addition to this, the fluoride contained in the composition

The active components have an antibacterial effect, preventing plaque formation. When using, please note that the product is contraindicated for use by children under 12 years of age.

The cost of this product varies from 220 to 350 rubles.

“Gum protection” refers to products intended

. It is distinguished from the regular Listerine line by its more powerful action.

The rinse helps stop inflammation, restores gum tissue, eliminates bleeding, relieves swelling and relieves pain. The use of mouthwash has a positive effect on the microflora of the oral cavity.

The average cost is 270 rubles.

The effectiveness of Listerine rinses has been proven not only by the manufacturer, but also by time. If you have ever used Listerine for preventive or therapeutic purposes, you can share your opinion in the comments to this article.

Release form and composition

The product is available in the form of a mouth rinse:

  • protection of gums and teeth: light green solution with eucalyptus and mint flavors (250 ml in a bottle);
  • green tea: a pale green solution with the taste of green tea (250 or 500 ml in a bottle);
  • fresh mint: light blue solution with mint flavor (250 or 500 ml in a bottle);
  • strong teeth and healthy gums: a pale blue solution with herbal and menthol flavors (250 ml per bottle).
  • Active components of the product: essential oils of eucalyptol, thymol, menthol and methyl salicylate; fluoride (to protect gums and teeth, in the form of sodium fluoride); additionally for green tea – natural green tea extract.

    Pharmacological properties

    The Listerine line of rinses contains preparations for comprehensive care of teeth and gums, preventing darkening of the enamel, reducing the risk of caries and periodontitis, and eliminating bad breath.

    Studies have shown that daily use of mouthwash leads to the destruction of a significant number of bacteria remaining after brushing with a toothbrush, without disturbing the balance of microflora. An active complex consisting of essential oils ensures the elimination of almost 99% of harmful microorganisms located on the teeth, tongue, gums and in hard-to-reach places in the oral cavity.

    The combination of active components of the product causes the death of cariogenic (Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus) and other pathogens by destroying their cell wall, thereby demonstrating a bactericidal effect. The drug, according to laboratory studies, inhibits the activity of bacteria even after a single treatment.

    The effect the product provides is due to the properties of the active components contained in the essential oils included in its composition:

    • thymol: this oil is obtained from ajavan seeds; it exhibits antiseptic properties, reduces the threat of infections in the oral cavity, reduces the likelihood of developing periodontitis, and eliminates unpleasant odor;
    • menthol: essential oil similar to menthol, obtained from mint; exhibits antimicrobial activity that blocks the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity;
    • eucalyptol: essential oil is extracted from the leaves and young shoots of eucalyptus; has antifungal and antibacterial effect;
    • methyl salicylate: oil produced from wintergreen leaves; freshens breath, used as a flavoring agent.

    The essential oils contained in Listerine mouth rinse are chemically synthesized, their mechanism of action and chemical formula are completely similar to natural ones, and the threat of allergies when using them is minimized.

    The product also contains fluoride, which helps strengthen and restore tooth enamel and prevent the development of caries.

    Indications for use

    Listerine brand rinses are recommended by dentists both as a therapeutic and preventive agent, part of comprehensive dental care. All Listerine rinses are divided into two groups: basic and expert.

    For use for preventive purposes or for minor inflammation of the gums, products from the basic line are recommended. The Expert line is most often used for treatment.

    The main indications for the use of Listerine mouthwash are:

    • presence of dental plaque;
    • constant formation of bacterial plaque;
    • periodontal inflammation: periodontitis, gingivitis;
    • crown mobility;
    • bad smell.

    If you don’t know which is the best oral irrigator to choose with braces, we’ll give you recommendations.

    Here we recommend a good electric toothbrush from Oral Bee for children.

    Follow the link: https://zubovv.ru/krasota-i-uxod/zubnyie-shhetki/kak-pravilno-chistit-video-rekomendatsii-stomatologov.html - there is a video on how to properly brush your teeth.

    Types of Listerine

    The Listerine line of mouth rinses includes formulations designed for a variety of intended uses.

    "Green tea"

    This type is suitable for daily use by adults and children over 6 years old.

    To maximize the effect, it is recommended to use the product at least twice a day - after hygienic brushing of teeth.

    Green tea extract, which is one of the components of this type of Listerine, effectively destroys microbes and also speeds up the process of restoration of problematic gums.

    It is ideal for stopping periodontal inflammatory processes. For this purpose, Listerine “Green Tea” is recommended to be used for 14 days. The light aroma and tea flavor will make the rinsing procedure pleasant and will prolong the freshness of your breath.

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