Miramistin: instructions for use for the throat in children under 1 year of age

Miramistin is an antimicrobial antibacterial drug intended for external use. The drug is effective against a number of microorganisms and pathogenic bacteria. The medication is allowed to be used not only by adults, but also by children.

The product is available in the form of a solution, ointment and spray. The choice of dosage form depends on the area of ​​application of the drug.

Indications for use

The medicine is widely used in various branches of medicine. Miramistin for a sore throat in a child not only helps get rid of the infection, but also prevents its spread to other organs.

When to take the medicine:

  • treatment and prevention of suppuration in surgery;
  • elimination of STIs, prevention of inflammation in the female reproductive system in gynecology;
  • treatment of burnt skin surfaces;
  • various skin diseases;
  • treatment of urethritis in urology.

Miramistin is also intended for complex therapy of pharyngitis or tonsillitis in children. The medicine can be used for children from the age of three. It is not recommended to treat a baby, especially without the permission of the pediatrician.

Side effects

Patients and doctors note the high degree of safety of the drug. Serious side effects from its use are rare.

However, this only applies to the case when the drug is used externally. It should be remembered that Miramistin is not an antibiotic and cannot be taken orally. The instructions for the drug do not say anything about whether accidental ingestion of the drug is dangerous, for example, if the patient gargles with it. Most likely not, but you shouldn’t do it intentionally. It is unknown how the gastrointestinal tract may react to the substance entering it. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus or stomach is possible.

However, in some cases, Miramistin can cause allergic reactions, redness of the skin, and burning at the site of application.

If a burning sensation is observed for 15-20 seconds and then goes away on its own, then discontinuation of the drug is not required. If unpleasant symptoms do not go away, then use of the drug must be stopped.

Another advantage of the drug is its lack of odor. But regarding the taste of the drug (when used to treat oral infections), opinions are divided. Some argue that the drug has no taste, others claim that the drug has a not very pleasant, but still not unpleasant, aftertaste. This may be due to the fact that the drug can cause a temporary disturbance in the sense of taste.

Miramistin is also gentle on the skin and mucous membranes, does not cause irritation, and does not change their color, unlike many other antiseptics. However, here it is necessary to remember to comply with the doctor’s instructions. If the drug is used systematically for a long time (more than 10 days), for preventive purposes, the patient may develop dysbiosis and associated inflammation of the mucous membranes or skin.

In addition, the standard Miramistin solution is not intended for instillation into the eyes. For this purpose, there is a special drug containing Miramistin - Okomistin.

Miramistin for the throat of a 4 year old child

From 4 years of age, it is allowed to use Miramistin solution directly through a spray nozzle to treat a child. The application goes like this:

  1. Remove the nozzle installed by the manufacturer from the neck of the bottle.
  2. Put on the cap with the spray mechanism so that the nozzle is at a right angle to the axis of the container.
  3. Test the correct operation with 2-3 test presses directed away from the child.
  4. Spray the clusters of lymphoid nodules in the child’s throat, 2 presses each.

The treatment procedure is carried out twice a day for 5-6 days. If during this time there is no improvement in the condition, and the symptoms are not eliminated, consult a therapist.

Release form and composition

The medicine is presented as a clear solution that does not have any odor, taste or color. Such a liquid includes only two ingredients - the active substance, also called miramistin, and purified water. The concentration of the active compound is 0.01%.

In pharmacies you can see different packages of Miramistin, differing in both volume and attachments. In childhood, a bottle of 150 ml of medication is most often recommended, to which a nebulizer can be attached. But for the youngest patients, smaller packaging is also suitable - bottles of 50 ml of solution, which have two nozzles (urological and spray).

The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years and after its expiration the medicine should be thrown away. Storing the solution does not require any special regime - it is recommended to keep the package of medicine out of the reach of children at room temperature. You do not need a prescription to purchase Miramistin at a pharmacy. The average price of 150 ml of the drug is approximately 350 rubles.

Composition of Miramistin for children's throats

The colorless foaming preparation in the form of a solution is based on the substance benzyldimethyl[3-(myristoylamino)propyl]ammonium chloride monohydrate from the group of disinfection antiseptics in an amount of 0.1 g. Additionally, highly purified water is used - up to 1000 ml.

A liquid medicine with a concentration of 0.01% of the main substance for topical use is produced by the manufacturer in the form:

  • polyethylene bottles with a volume of 0.05, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.5 l for household use;
  • glass bottles of 1 and 10 liters for professional use;
  • 5 liter canisters intended for use in inpatient departments of medical institutions.

In pediatric otolaryngology, it is used as one of the areas in the treatment of pathological conditions and elimination of foci of inflammation in parts of the throat:

  • the walls of the pharynx lined with glandular epithelium;
  • accumulations of lymphoid nodules in the palate;
  • pharyngeal tonsil.

The peculiarity of the action of the drug, revealed when taken together with other active substances, is to enhance their effectiveness in the fight against fungi and pathogens.

Can Miramistin be used for children under 1 year of age?

The instructions for use of the medication contain information that it can be given to children over 3 years of age. For this reason, many parents have a question about whether it can be used when most pediatricians prescribe Miramistin to newborns and children up to one year old. This purpose is due to the fact that the drug is harmless to the health of the child. Doctors often recommend that parents use Miramistin for painful throat conditions in children, including children under 1 year of age and newborns.

Even a small amount of medicine can alleviate the child’s condition. For babies under 1 year of age, it is used topically. Immediately after use, it reduces the inflammatory process in the throat mucosa. Unlike other medicinal liquids, it cannot be given to infants. Pediatricians only recommend spraying it so that it dissolves throughout the mucous tissues in doses that are safe for the small body.

Miramistin has an active antifungal and bactericidal effect. It is a fairly powerful antiseptic that can be used by babies from the first months of life. The range of application of the drug is very extensive:

  • the first manifestations of colds and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • thrush;
  • damage to the skin;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • laryngitis;
  • angina.

To treat infected wounds for children under one year of age, apply the solution to a napkin or gauze and apply a compress to the affected area. A big problem is applying the product to the throat mucosa of a newborn. There is no need to dilute the product before use, since it is already ready to actively combat harmful bacteria and microbes.

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There are several ways in which Miramistin can be administered to infants in the throat:

  • It is recommended to spray the solution on the pacifier and give it to the baby; it, along with saliva, will fall on the mucous membrane of the throat;
  • you can wrap gauze soaked in Miramistin on your finger or spatula and then wipe the mucous membrane;
  • For treatment, cotton swabs soaked in a solution of the medicine are also used, but a single dose should not exceed more than 5 drops of the product;
  • instillation into the nose should be performed once a day and only after rinsing the nasal passage with saline or saline;
  • using a spray bottle, if the baby manages to insert the tip of the bottle into his mouth.

In severe cases of gingivitis and stomatitis, it is necessary to apply the medicine directly to the affected areas. It is best to perform the procedure immediately after feeding the baby. You need to prepare the oral cavity by treating it with water and then apply the product 3-4 times a day. To treat the respiratory system, it is good to use the medicine using an inhalation nebulizer.

Failure to comply with the dosage can lead to increased dryness of the baby's mucous membranes. Immediately after treatment, a slight tingling sensation appears, which often causes discomfort for infants. If you are hypersensitive to the main substance, it is not recommended to use Miramistin.

Despite the fact that the drug is practically safe, it can cause an allergic reaction in a child if his body is too sensitive. If parents know about this, they should notify the pediatrician in advance. Hypersensitivity is the only contraindication to the use of Miramistin.

Almost always, the child’s body reacts positively to the use of the product. Its effect can be noticed after 4-5 procedures. If the baby accidentally swallows the permissible dose of the solution, nothing terrible will happen. It settles in microscopic drops in the nasopharynx and does not cause poisoning.

What should parents remember?

When treating with Miramistin, the following precautions must be observed:

  • comply with the prescribed regimens and dosages of the drug;
  • in case of irritation and swelling of the mucous membranes, you should stop using the medication and consult a doctor, as this may indicate an overdose;
  • when using medicine to treat a child under 1 year of age, it is better to use a spray;
  • It is prohibited to prescribe the drug to children who have hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate and use the drug without the consent of your doctor.

In most cases, young patients tolerate the drug well. A slight burning sensation may occur when the antiseptic gets on the mucous membrane, but the unpleasant symptoms disappear after 15-20 seconds.

In some cases, skin irritation is observed as a result of external treatment. These manifestations require discontinuation of the drug.

What to do if your baby swallows medicine?

The drug is an antibacterial agent, which means that it has a detrimental effect not only on pathogenic microflora, but also destroys beneficial bacteria. The least trouble that can threaten a child if he drinks the solution is the occurrence of dysbacteriosis.

If the dose is too high, symptoms of poisoning appear: nausea, diarrhea and cutting pain in the abdomen. In this case, it is necessary to give the child a large amount of water and induce vomiting. However, this can be done if no more than 30 minutes have passed since the antiseptic entered the body.

In a situation where more than half an hour has passed, you need to give the baby 1-2 tablets of activated carbon, lay the baby on his side and call an ambulance.

What to do if the solution gets into your eyes?

This drug often causes a burning sensation when it comes into contact with the mucous membrane. If a child pours an antiseptic solution into his eyes, he should rinse them with plenty of water and immediately seek medical help.

Is it possible for children to swallow Miramistin?

In the instructions, manufacturers do not indicate the likelihood of swallowing the product and the possible consequences. But it would be advisable not to allow large amounts of the drug to enter the stomach. As for the dose of medicine that gets inside during rinsing and irrigation, it is so insignificant that it is safe even for children. The drug does not cause a burning sensation or redness after use, even on the mucous membranes.

Despite the safety of the ingredients, this does not mean that you can use the product thoughtlessly or leave it unattended. The instructions mention that, like any medicine, it should be stored out of reach of younger family members. This could be the top section of a cabinet or a high-hanging shelf.

It’s good if the storage location is locked with a key. In addition, storage conditions must be observed in accordance with the instructions. Namely: it should be a room with a temperature not exceeding +25 degrees. Therefore, you should avoid storing in places close to central heating or in direct sunlight during the summer months.

How to do inhalations in a nebulizer

Inhalations with Miramistin in a nebulizer will help speed up the recovery process for colds and severe runny nose, suitable for children over 3 years old. To achieve maximum effect, the procedure should be carried out in accordance with certain rules:

  • start treatment with inhalations at the first signs of the disease;
  • carry out the procedure for at least 5 minutes (maximum duration is 15 minutes);
  • use 3 to 4 ml of solution per inhalation;
  • carry out treatment at least 3 times a day;
  • For children under 12 years of age, dilute the medication with saline solution in a ratio of 1:2; for children older than this age, the medication is used in its pure form.

Inhalation in a nebulizer is effective and simple

Contraindications Miramistin

There is no prohibition on the use of this antiseptic in pregnant and lactating women, since the drug has no resorption and the active component will not be passed on to the child. Miramistin also does not have an impressive list of contraindications: only individual intolerance, which will be expressed by an allergic reaction of the skin.

It is advisable for children to follow the precautions specified in the instructions

Terms of sale and storage

Miramistin can be freely purchased at any pharmacy (the only difficulty is purchasing the ointment); it is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. The bottle with the solution (both the spray and the classic version) should be stored in a cool place - the air temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. The shelf life is 3 years, the date of opening does not matter.

Contraindications to the use of Miramistin for the throat in children

The use of Miramistin for the throat by children is limited only due to one absolute contraindication - increased allergic susceptibility to the constituent components of the drug.

The medicinal solution is considered one of the safest, since there is no data on negative consequences of an overdose.

Negative manifestations after topical use include only a slight tingling or burning sensation in the area of ​​the glandular epithelium affected by the infection. The symptom goes away in 25-35 seconds and does not require additional intervention.

Miramistin for children

If we consider the list of the safest medicines that have antiseptic properties and are approved for use even in infants, Miramistin will take the first place. It is used in almost all medical fields:

  • gynecology;
  • otolaryngology;
  • dentistry;
  • dermatology;
  • venereology;
  • surgery;
  • urology;
  • combiustiology.

The only point that continues to cause controversy among doctors is the degree of effectiveness. According to official data, the Ministry of Health conducted only 1 clinical trial aimed at assessing the safety of the drug when used as part of vaginal suppositories (for the treatment of thrush). However, this does not negate the possibility of using the drug in children of any age, since there are no worthy analogues.

Composition and release form

Initially, pharmacies offered only a solution in plastic bottles with a long narrow spout, which could be used to squeeze out the drug drop by drop. Afterwards, pharmaceutical companies released 2 more versions:

  • Spray differs from solution only in the presence of a removable sprayer, as can be seen from the photo. The concentration is the same (0.01%), the liquid is colorless. If you shake the bottle, the solution will foam. The spray comes in volumes of 50, 150 and 300 ml.
  • Ointment - sold in small tubes of 15 and 30 g. It is difficult to buy this form in Russia, since the manufacturer is Ukraine.

The suppositories mentioned above, which are used in gynecology, are a combination medicine containing miramistin and methyluracil, and therefore are not included in the list of the main forms of release of this antiseptic. The composition of the solution is as simple as possible - only benzyldimethylmyristoylaminopropylammonium chloride monohydrate and pure water. The ointment has a large number of ingredients:

Active components (per 1 g)Excipients
Miramistin (5 mg)Propylene glycol
Edetate disodium
Macrogol 500, 1500, 6000
Proxanol 268

Effect of the drug

The official instructions classify Miramistin in the group of antiseptics and note that it has pronounced antimicrobial qualities: it can even influence nosocomial strains of pathogenic bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Miramistin mainly works against:

  • gram-positive microorganisms (streptococci);
  • gram-negative bacteria;
  • aerobic/anaerobic pathogens;
  • penicillin fungi;
  • yeast/yeast-like fungi;
  • dermatophytes;
  • herpes virus and human immunodeficiency;
  • causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases.

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This antiseptic drug is also capable of preventing infections in the area of ​​a burn or open wound and stimulating skin regeneration. This is explained by the activation of the digestive and absorbing functions of phagocytes and the monocyte-monophagal system. The use of Miramistin is also relevant in the presence of purulent inflammation, since it absorbs pus. Absorption through the skin and mucous membranes does not occur when applied topically.

Indications for use

In patients of all ages - from infants to adults - Miramistin solution can be used to carry out antiseptic treatment of the mucous membrane or skin in the treatment of wounds and burns, or:

  • for fungal skin diseases (especially candidiasis, dermatomycosis);
  • for the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis;
  • for the treatment of runny nose, sinusitis, external otitis, purulent tonsillitis, pharyngitis;
  • for chronic tonsillitis (part of complex therapy);
  • for sexually transmitted infections;
  • for the treatment of conjunctivitis (in young children);
  • as a prevention of purulent inflammation after childbirth;
  • in case of acute urethritis.

Miramistin ointment has a smaller spectrum of action - instructions for use for children and adults indicate the possibility of its use only in dermatology, surgery and combustiology. It is used to treat burns and wounds, bedsores, fistulas, ulcers; it can be effective for skin diseases and fungal infections, frostbite and during preparation for skin grafting.

For what purposes and at what age is the drug prescribed to children?

The use of Miramistin is indicated in the treatment of the following diseases in children:

  • infectious diseases of the throat (sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and others);
  • dental diseases (stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and others);
  • thrush and chickenpox;
  • as a means for washing and instilling the nose for rhinitis and sinusitis;
  • for treating the ear canals for otitis media;
  • with inflamed adenoids;
  • as a solution for inhalation and rinsing for colds;
  • for the treatment of skin lesions (wounds and burns);
  • in order to prevent diseases of the throat and oral cavity.

It is recommended to use Miramistin for the treatment of children over the age of 3 years, however, in some cases it is permissible to prescribe the drug to infants.

Rationale that Miramistin can be used to treat children from a very early age, right up to infancy:

Dosage: general data

Infancy is a problem when a child gets sick, so any mother worries about how to treat and what medications can be used.

Miramistin, being an antiseptic, is produced for external use. Its components can relieve the inflammatory process that affects the baby’s mucous membranes and skin.

Due to the fact that a few drops of this remedy are enough to improve the patient’s condition, it is prescribed for the treatment of babies, in particular, children under one year old. Its range of applications is wide:

  • This drug perfectly treats various ENT diseases.
  • It is used to disinfect a child's dirty hands.
  • It is used to treat inflamed body folds.

Due to their restless nature, some mothers are afraid to drop Miramistin into the baby’s throat and nose, fearing that he will swallow the product.

Effect of the drug

Miramistin effectively acts on the cellular tissues of pathological microflora. Upon contact with it, various bacteria, viruses and fungi instantly die. For example, if you lubricate a baby’s folds, which are easily inflamed, with it, the result will not be long in coming. The skin quickly restores its original appearance.

To the surprise of all doctors, miramistin, once in the auditory section of the ear, destroys the microflora, quickly bringing a therapeutic effect. As soon as the sprayed product enters the ear, it immediately begins its action, and the inflammation stops in a matter of hours. This remedy has long shown good results in pediatrics.

Doctors, having become convinced of the effect of miramistin in practice, began to actively recommend it even in the treatment of infants. It treats ARVI and candidiasis very effectively and helps relieve severe nasal congestion. Especially if you rinse your sinuses with it.

As a preventive measure, this drug can be used if there is a risk of contracting a venereological disease that can be transmitted through household contact to a newborn from his mother.

This remedy helps to increase the protective qualities of the immune cells of the child’s body and at the same time enhances the positive results of treatment with other antimicrobial drugs. Thanks to this, miramistin is combined with various therapeutic agents.

Application situations

Miramistin, produced for infants, is considered one of the universal medicines that must be in every family medicine cabinet. Doctors and patients appreciate its broad effect and fairly low cost, because, while exerting a local effect, it does not have any effect on the body as a whole. Its effective effect has been tested in the treatment of:

  • Colds: if a runny nose begins, you need to urgently drop it into your nose and treat your throat.
  • Thrush: constantly treat the oral cavity.
  • Fungal diseases.
  • Conjunctivitis (dropped into the eyes).
  • Bruises, abrasions, burns, insect bites (used as compresses).
  • Laryngitis, sore throat, pneumonia (irrigate the throat or use in a nebulizer).
  • Stomatitis, gingivitis (with a cotton swab, wipe spots covered with pus on the oral mucosa several times a day.

If there is a threat of becoming infected with bacteria, use it to disinfect hands as a preventive measure. Miramistin is convenient for treating infants because it has neither smell nor taste. It can be used from the very first days of the baby’s life.

Release form

Miramistin is available in the form of ointment, solution, spray and drops. The bottle comes with a spray bottle to use the spray. The volume of the bottle for the solution is 150 ml, for the ointment – ​​15 g. An important factor in the availability of the medicine is its low cost: from 150 to 300 rubles, depending on the consistency.

Miramistin price for throat for children

The cost of the medicine in liquid form of release of different dosages for Russia and Ukraine is presented in the table.

Bottle volume, mlRussiaUkraine
50250 rub.90 UAH
100280 rub.120 UAH
150400 rub.320 UAH

In Belarus and Kazakhstan, the drug is not sold in the pharmacy chain and is replaced by analogues: medicinal solutions Septomirin (7 Belarusian rubles per 100 ml) and Miraxidin (680 Tenge per 100 ml).


Other medications from the antiseptic group can serve as a substitute, for example:


This spray based on povidone-iodine and allantoin is used for sore throat and stomatitis from the age of 8, and the solution is prescribed from the age of 6.


This hexethidine preparation in the form of an aerosol or solution is used from 3 years of age. It is in demand for infections of the throat and mouth.


This aerosol containing biclotymol is used for patients over 6 years of age. It is prescribed if a child has stomatitis, tonsillitis, glossitis and other bacterial lesions of the oropharynx.

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These eye drops are used for bacterial eye infections - for children over 3 years of age.


This combination remedy, which contains camphor, menthol, chlorobutanol and eucalyptus oil, is prescribed from the age of five. The aerosol helps get rid of rhinitis and sore throat.


This tablet drug is used for pain and inflammation in the mouth and throat - from 3 years of age. It includes lysozyme supplemented with pyridoxine.


This solution, containing povidone-iodine, can replace Miramistin during surgical procedures, skin infections, wounds, burns, and so on. For children it is used from 4 weeks of age.


The effect of this solution is provided by polyvinox. The drug is recommended for skin infections, open wounds, bruises, diaper rash, chickenpox, stomatitis and many other lesions. Doctors prescribe it to children of different ages.


A drug based on miramistin with the same name is available (in the form of an ointment). The product has a disinfectant effect and is in demand in the practice of surgeons and traumatologists.

It is used:

  • for the treatment of purulent wounds;
  • to prevent secondary infection of wounds;
  • in the treatment of severe burns;
  • with keratomycosis;
  • with candidiasis of the mucous membrane or skin;
  • with onychomycosis;
  • with streptoderma;
  • when the skin is damaged by staphylococcus;
  • with a fungal skin infection.

The medicine is released in tubes containing 15 g of a homogeneous light substance. The concentration of miramistin in the ointment is 5 mg/1 g. This active ingredient is supplemented with propylene glycol, macrogol, disodium edetate, purified water and poloxamer.

The only contraindication to the use of such a drug is hypersensitivity to any component of the ointment. This drug is not prescribed to children, since its effect on the children's body has not been studied. But in fact, the drug is used because it extremely rarely causes side effects and acts mainly locally.

More information about this drug is in the video below.

Miramistin for gargling for children

Treatment of children's throats with an antiseptic solution is carried out in two ways:

  1. Rinse undiluted (15 ml of solution twice a day).
  2. Rinse with a mixture of water in a ratio of 1 to 20 (2 tsp Miramistin per 200 ml of water).

The correct rinsing procedure is as follows:

  1. An amount of medicine equal to one sip is taken into the mouth.
  2. The head is tilted back so that the product gets into the nasopharynx area.
  3. Holding your breath through your nose, try to pronounce a long sound “y” with your throat while exhaling, for 25-30 seconds.
  4. The liquid is spit into the sink.

To enhance the effect of therapeutic manipulation, rinsing with Miramistin is alternated with decoctions of medicinal herbs or soda solution.

How to dilute Miramistin for gargling for a child

For children's medicinal rinse 1 tbsp. l. Miramistin solution 0.01% is diluted in 100 ml of warm purified water. There is no need to use the entire volume of the mixture: 3-4 rinses are enough. For the new procedure, a fresh solution is prepared, and the remaining one is disposed of.

The child’s throat is treated with an aqueous solution of the drug twice a day after meals, so that the particles of the active substance remain longer on the surface of the mucous epithelium of the pharynx and larynx.

Relief from regular rinsing occurs on the 3rd day. If the symptoms of a sore throat or pharyngitis in a child persist for longer than 6-7 days, this is a reason to seek advice from a specialist.

Can Miramistin be used for children under 1 year of age?

The instructions for use of the medication contain information that it can be given to children over 3 years of age. For this reason, many parents have a question about whether it can be used when most pediatricians prescribe Miramistin to newborns and children up to one year old. This purpose is due to the fact that the drug is harmless to the health of the child. Doctors often recommend that parents use Miramistin for painful throat conditions in children, including children under 1 year of age and newborns.

Even a small amount of medicine can alleviate the child’s condition. For babies under 1 year of age, it is used topically. Immediately after use, it reduces the inflammatory process in the throat mucosa. Unlike other medicinal liquids, it cannot be given to infants. Pediatricians only recommend spraying it so that it dissolves throughout the mucous tissues in doses that are safe for the small body.

Instructions for use of Miramistin for infants

Miramistin has an active antifungal and bactericidal effect. It is a fairly powerful antiseptic that can be used by babies from the first months of life. The range of application of the drug is very extensive:

  • the first manifestations of colds and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • thrush;
  • damage to the skin;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • laryngitis;
  • angina.

Very often, this remedy is used for preventive purposes when there is a risk of contracting viral infections.

To treat infected wounds for children under one year of age, apply the solution to a napkin or gauze and apply a compress to the affected area. A big problem is applying the product to the throat mucosa of a newborn. There is no need to dilute the product before use, since it is already ready to actively combat harmful bacteria and microbes.

There are several ways in which Miramistin can be administered to infants in the throat:

  • It is recommended to spray the solution on the pacifier and give it to the baby; it, along with saliva, will fall on the mucous membrane of the throat;
  • you can wrap gauze soaked in Miramistin on your finger or spatula and then wipe the mucous membrane;
  • For treatment, cotton swabs soaked in a solution of the medicine are also used, but a single dose should not exceed more than 5 drops of the product;
  • instillation into the nose should be performed once a day and only after rinsing the nasal passage with saline or saline;
  • using a spray bottle, if the baby manages to insert the tip of the bottle into his mouth.

In severe cases of gingivitis and stomatitis, it is necessary to apply the medicine directly to the affected areas. It is best to perform the procedure immediately after feeding the baby. You need to prepare the oral cavity by treating it with water and then apply the product 3-4 times a day. To treat the respiratory system, it is good to use the medicine using an inhalation nebulizer.

Contraindications and application features

Failure to comply with the dosage can lead to increased dryness of the baby's mucous membranes. Immediately after treatment, a slight tingling sensation appears, which often causes discomfort for infants. If you are hypersensitive to the main substance, it is not recommended to use Miramistin.

Despite the fact that the drug is practically safe, it can cause an allergic reaction in a child if his body is too sensitive. If parents know about this, they should notify the pediatrician in advance. Hypersensitivity is the only contraindication to the use of Miramistin.

Almost always, the child’s body reacts positively to the use of the product. Its effect can be noticed after 4-5 procedures. If the baby accidentally swallows the permissible dose of the solution, nothing terrible will happen. It settles in microscopic drops in the nasopharynx and does not cause poisoning.

This universal remedy always copes with many diseases that children are often exposed to. It should always be in the home medicine cabinet of a family with children.

Miramistin for the throat of a 6 month old baby

Miramistin solution for infants in the gargling format is not used. Instead, a small amount of the product (2-5 ml) is applied to a sterile medical napkin and the mucous epithelium is wiped from the inside of the cheeks, provided that the child is already six months old.

An alternative option for infants is to smear a silicone pacifier and give it to a child with a sore throat to suck on. An overdose of the drug in this case is impossible. The procedure is performed twice a day after morning and evening feeding.

Before the first use, it is recommended to conduct a skin test for allergies: drop 2 drops of the solution on the elbow or popliteal fold of the child’s body. If after a quarter of an hour a small pinkish rash, redness, and itching do not appear on the epidermis, then the medicine is used as directed.

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