Ear and throat pain on one side: causes and treatment

Quite often, people turn to doctors with a complex of symptoms that interfere with normal life activities. Such a complex is pain in the throat and ear on one side. The patient complains that it hurts to swallow, and the pain continues to radiate to the ear. All these symptoms are observed on one side. In this case, the lymph nodes may become enlarged.

What can cause pain?

During various inflammatory processes, pathology quickly spreads through these channels, affecting the structures of both the hearing organ and the pharynx. This is why patients with various otolaryngeal diseases experience unilateral pain in the throat and ear. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by a number of disorders:

  • otitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • angina;
  • laryngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • lymphadenitis, etc.

Discomfort in the ear and throat area can also occur due to problems in the structure of the dentofacial apparatus. The most common cause of pain is an abscess or phlegmon - an accumulation of purulent exudate in the maxillofacial area.


There are a number of pathologies in which similar symptoms occur. Other symptoms help determine what a person is sick with.

In children, similar symptoms occur with chickenpox, measles, and scarlet fever. These diseases are rarely diagnosed in adults.

Tubootitis can cause pathology. This is an inflammatory process in the mucous membranes of the eardrum and eustachian tube. The patient notes tinnitus, decreased hearing acuity, and a slight increase in temperature. When you move your head, you feel like water is pouring in your ears.

Another disease that causes unpleasant symptoms is eustachitis. Inflammation occurs in the Eustachian tube. Most often there is no temperature. Soreness occurs due to the fact that the inflamed tissues, which have increased in size, compress nearby organs.


With a sore throat, the tonsils and throat become inflamed. A characteristic symptom is a strong increase in body temperature. However, most patients do not have a runny nose. A white or light yellow coating appears on the surface of the larynx. Patients report bad breath. Weakness appears, the patient quickly gets tired. Swallowing is painful and difficult.

The pain may radiate into the ears due to the accumulation of pus. This symptom does not always occur; it often appears when treatment is delayed. The localization of pain in the throat can also be different: sensations can be localized on the left, right, or in the middle.


Pharyngitis is an inflammatory process in the pharynx. This disease is characterized by dryness of the pharyngeal mucosa, sore throat, and dry cough. Sore throat, raw, scratching; spread to the ear area. There is swelling, hyperemia of the palatine arches and the posterior wall of the inflamed organ. The cervical, occipital and submandibular lymph nodes become larger in size, and pain appears on palpation.

There is general weakness, high fatigue, and headaches. Possible fever and chills. Localization may vary. Often discomfort occurs only on the right or only on the left side.


This inflammatory process affects the inner ear. There is a pain in the throat area that radiates to the ear, the intensity of which increases in the evening and reaches a peak at night. Body temperature rises, fever and chills occur. Appetite disappears, weakness occurs. If the pus ruptures the eardrum and leaks out, the shooting sensation in the ear becomes less intense.

The disease often turns out to be a complication of a cold that is not completely cured.


If you have a sore throat, a person may have laryngitis, an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the larynx. A barking cough appears. Gradually it turns into wet, the sputum released contains inclusions of blood. The size of the submandibular lymph nodes increases; palpating them is unpleasant and painful. Swallowing is difficult and speaking also becomes difficult.

As the inflammatory process progresses, other symptoms arise. The patient's body temperature rises to 37-40 degrees, and a lump is felt in the throat. If swelling is present, the person will feel difficulty breathing. Nasal congestion, weakness, and pain in the muscles appear.


A sore throat can also appear due to inflammation of the lymph nodes. This pathology is manifested by an increase in damaged structures, pain when palpating, high body temperature, drowsiness, headaches, and weakness. Advanced stages are characterized by changes in the skin: the skin turns red and swelling occurs. Local temperatures are 1-2 degrees higher than in undamaged areas. If the disease was caused by the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, the lymph nodes will fester and become dense.


When the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses becomes inflamed, heaviness in the nasal area, thick discharge from it, and high temperature appear. It hurts when moving the head. Adults often develop a cough, runny nose, and discomfort in the throat.


Otitis is an inflammation of the middle ear that can spread to the inner and outer ears. It occurs due to the penetration of bacteria from the nasal cavity through the Eustachian tube. Causes fluid accumulation in the ear, resulting in pain, headache, discharge from the ear canal, tinnitus, congestion, and soreness of the tragus.

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. If it is pinched, it causes severe pain and other symptoms that require urgent medical attention. Read more in the article: “pinched sciatic nerve: symptoms, treatment, injections.”

Otitis is a dangerous disease, as if not treated correctly it can lead to a number of complications, including paresis of the facial muscles, meningitis and abscess of brain structures.

When diagnosing otitis, there are three main types of this disease:

  1. Otitis externa
    - affects the external auditory structures; middle-aged and elderly people most often suffer from this form of pathology.
  2. Otitis media
    , in which the inflammatory process is localized in the middle ear and usually affects children under the age of 5-7 years.
  3. Internal otitis media
    . Develops against the background of a severe infection, such as meningitis. With this pathology, the patient's labyrinth, the internal structure of the ear, becomes inflamed. The disease has an extremely high risk of complications.

The external form of the disease is divided into local and diffuse. In the first case, a boil forms in the patient’s ear - purulent inflammation in the soft tissues, which has clear boundaries. The doctor opens the pathological formation and drains the cavity.

Stomatitis is a common dental disease. Various medications are used to treat it. One of these is Vinylin. This time-tested product has antimicrobial and restorative properties. Read more in the article: “vinyline for stomatitis - should you expect an effect.”

Diffuse otitis usually develops against the background of chronic otitis, when pathogenic microflora persists in the ear canals for a long period. In this case, the inflammation spreads to the tissues of the ear structures, including the eardrum.

If left untreated, the pathological process moves to the middle ear. The disease can spread through the eustachian tubes to the pharynx. In this case, tubo-otitis or eustachitis develops - a disorder in which the infection affects the mucous membrane of the ear canals.

With otitis media, the pathological process involves the nerves passing through the canals of the skull and connecting the throat and ear. As a result, inflammation and compression of the ganglia occurs, which causes severe pain both in the ear canal and in the pharynx on the affected side. Also, with otitis media, the patient is bothered by other symptoms:

  • hyperemia of the epidermis of the ear with external otitis;
  • sharp discomfort when touching the entrance to the auditory canal;
  • decreased hearing, especially when discharge appears;
  • discharge from the ear canal, usually greenish or yellowish in color;
  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness, cephalgia;
  • sore throat on the affected side, sometimes pain can also affect the jaw;
  • low-grade or febrile fever.

Otitis externa is treated by introducing turundas soaked in alcohol or antiseptics into the ear canal: Otipax

. The patient is also advised to undergo physiotherapy, warm compresses and take multivitamin complexes.

For more severe forms of the disease, the otolaryngologist prescribes antibacterial drugs: Ampicillin, Cefazolin, Augmentin

Drops with an anti-inflammatory effect are instilled into the ear: Otinum, Sofradex

If conservative treatment does not bring effect, then paracentesis is performed - a puncture of the eardrum, which ensures the outflow of purulent exudate. After the procedure, the patient must take antibacterial drugs, neuroprotectors and medications to stimulate blood circulation. Treatment in this case is carried out in a hospital setting.


There are many factors that lead to the appearance of such symptoms. These include sore throat, chickenpox, and diphtheria. Often the cause is measles, pharyngitis, otitis media, scarlet fever. Only a doctor can identify the exact cause of the disease.

Ear diseases

Otitis media is considered the main cause of problems.
Unilateral or bilateral ear inflammation usually results from infections. It also leads to damage to the respiratory tract. This pathology is the result of a weakened immune system, chronic pathologies of the nasopharynx, and abnormalities in the structure of the nasal septum.

The main cause of inflammation is infection entering the Eustachian tube. This provokes blockage of air access to the middle ear. First, the pressure increases in it, and then liquid accumulates. In this case, the following signs appear:

  • a serious increase in temperature - up to 39 degrees;
  • heaviness in the head;
  • headaches that are pulsating in nature;
  • purulent discharge from the ears;
  • the appearance of an echo in the hearing organ during a conversation;
  • ear congestion;
  • shootings in the ears;
  • hearing impairment.

If lumbago occurs with otitis media, this indicates complications. This means that pathogenic bacteria have entered the ear cavity. The purulent form of inflammation develops extremely quickly - within 1-2 days. At the same time, pain increases when swallowing.

When purulent discharge appears, it can be judged that the eardrum is damaged. In particularly difficult cases, there is a risk of complete hearing loss. If the pus cannot come out, this allows the infection to enter the brain, which can lead to an abscess, meningitis and other disorders.

How to recognize otitis media by symptoms:


Pathologies of the throat include disorders such as tonsillitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis. The last anomaly is the most common and is an acute inflammation that is localized on the back wall of the pharynx.

Pharyngitis rarely occurs on its own. It is usually combined with inflammatory lesions of the upper respiratory tract. During the examination, redness of the mucous membranes and tonsils can be visualized.

Sore throat is an acute process characterized by inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils. Laryngitis is commonly understood as inflammation of the larynx.

Throat diseases have the following manifestations:

  • dryness and soreness in the mouth;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • hoarseness in the voice;
  • dry cough;
  • weakness;
  • increase in temperature;
  • pain on palpation of lymph nodes;
  • local redness and swelling in the throat;
  • headache;
  • purulent plaque.

What to do if your throat hurts, watch our video:

How to relieve the condition

Treatment is selected depending on the cause of the disease. So, with purulent otitis media there is a need to take antibiotics. Tonsillitis requires the use of local antibiotics for the throat and means to strengthen the immune system. Ear drops may be used to relieve this.

In addition to traditional methods, traditional medicine is used. Gargling with herbal infusions is especially effective. Warm compresses can help relieve ear pain.

To reduce discomfort, the following measures are recommended:

  1. Gargling with anti-inflammatory agents or antiseptics. You can use saline or soda solution.
  2. Rinsing the nasal cavity. To do this, you can use saline solution or pharmaceutical preparations. These include aquamaris and no-salt.
  3. Instillation of nasal vasoconstrictors. This category includes substances such as naphthyzine and galazolin.
  4. Taking antihistamines. It is necessary to use such remedies in case of severe swelling of the throat.

All these medications help cope with swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. This helps restore the patency of the hearing organ.

How to quickly cure a throat with gargles, says Dr. Komarovsky:


Pharyngitis is a disease in which the epithelial lining of the back wall of the pharynx becomes inflamed. Pathology can be non-infectious, bacterial or viral in nature. The disease in most cases is combined with tonsillitis, accompanied by lacrimation and a feeling of congestion in the nose and ears.

Non-infectious pharyngitis develops due to the patient inhaling excessively hot or cold air, toxic vapors, prolonged contact with substances that irritate the mucous membranes: coal, chalk, wood or stone dust, etc. The infectious form of the disease occurs when a streptococcal, staphylococcal, pneumococcal, fungal or viral infection develops in the human body. In this case, pharyngitis is usually caused by a pathology that has spread beyond the source of inflammation: sinusitis, otitis media, etc.

In case of infectious pharyngitis, it is necessary to identify the nature of the causative agent of the disease. Otherwise, treatment may not be effective.

With pharyngitis, patients experience characteristic signs of the disease:

  1. Pain
    . The pain syndrome is dull and localized in the throat. When swallowing, the discomfort increases, causing unilateral discomfort in the ear area.
  2. Sore throat
    . The patient constantly has a desire to cough; patients often complain of a painful dry cough.
  3. Hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes of the pharynx
    . In rare cases, upon examination, small papules or ulcers may be noted on the surface of the epithelium.
  4. Low-grade fever
    with an increase in body temperature to 37.5-38°C.

Pharyngitis therapy is aimed at relieving the symptoms of the pathology and eliminating the factor that caused the disease. The patient is prescribed antibacterial or antiviral agents: Doxycycline, Ampicillin, Acyclovir

Taking these drugs is necessary in the treatment of infectious pharyngitis. It is also recommended to use sprays with local anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects: Hexoral, Strepsils, Chlorophyllipt

To treat a disease of a non-infectious nature, the patient should stop smoking, use personal protective equipment when working with irritating substances, and avoid eating spicy or excessively hot foods.

Sore throat and pain in the ear: what to do? First aid

When a sore throat when swallowing radiates to the ear, you should immediately start using antiseptics. They will help to quickly alleviate the condition and eliminate pathogenic microflora.

To eliminate discomfort in the throat, rinsing using solutions is ideal:

  • Furacilina;
  • Chlorophyllipt alcohol;
  • Angilexa;
  • Givalexa;
  • Tantum Verde.

If these or similar drugs are not at hand, you can thoroughly rinse your throat with saline solution. To prepare it, take 1 tsp per glass of warm boiled water. regular table or sea salt and 1 drop of iodine.

In order to eliminate discomfort in the ears, antiseptics will also be required.

It is advisable that the drug contains lidocaine or other painkillers, which will literally eliminate the pain in a matter of minutes, which is extremely important if there is a shooting in the ear. These include:

  • Otipax;
  • Anauran;
  • Otinum;
  • Ototone;
  • Candibiotic.

To normalize the outflow, it is recommended to use vasoconstrictor drugs. They are instilled into the nose, even if there is no runny nose. These medicines include:

  • Eucazoline;
  • Nazik;
  • Knoxprey;
  • Rinazoline;
  • Galazolin;
  • Xylo-Mepha.

Such manipulations for purulent otitis media will speed up the process of pus production and its spread to the surrounding tissues. And, as you know, the brain is in close proximity to the ear structures.

If you experience an elevated body temperature, you should not bring it down immediately. It is recommended to take antipyretic drugs only when the thermometer readings exceed 38.5°C. In such situations, you can drink:

  • Panadol;
  • Nurofen;
  • Has;
  • Rapimig;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Nise.

It is also advisable to stop smoking, thoroughly wipe away dust and pay attention to the level of humidity in the room. Normally, it should fluctuate between 50–65%

To achieve the necessary air humidity, you can install a special device or place wide-necked containers of water around the house.

It's important to drink a lot. Any warm drinks are ideal for these purposes, but not hot ones.


Sore throat is a whole group of acute diseases that arise due to the development of an infectious process on the tonsils of the pharyngeal ring. In this case, pathology can be of both endogenous and exogenous nature. In the first case, the pathogen enters the throat from the sinuses, ear canals, or teeth destroyed by caries. With exogenous inflammation, pathogens are transmitted by airborne droplets or nutrition.

In patients with immunodeficiency conditions, sore throat can be caused by opportunistic microorganisms that make up the microflora of the oral cavity and normally do not cause infectious processes.

With angina, patients are concerned about the characteristic symptoms of the infectious process:

  1. Hyperthermia up to 38.5-39.5°C.
  2. Plaque on the tonsils, the appearance of ulcers.
  3. Intense pain in the throat and ears, which gets worse when swallowing. In this case, the pathology often affects the tonsils only on one half of the pharynx, in which case the pain syndrome is also one-sided.
  4. General deterioration in health.
  5. Severe hyperthermia of the palate, tonsils, and uvula.
  6. Decreased appetite.
  7. Weakness, lethargy, drowsiness.
  8. Attacks of sweating.
  9. Myalgia and arthralgia.

There are several main types of sore throats, each of which has specific manifestations. Typical types of sore throats

SymptomsCatarrhal – acute inflammation of the tonsils or acute catarrhal tonsillitisLacunar - damage to the tonsils with involvement of the lymph nodes in the pathological processFollicular - a purulent inflammatory process in which the lesions are located in the form of separate points
HyperthermiaUp to 38°CUp to 39°CUp to 40°C
Patient's conditionSatisfactoryModerateModerate
Enlarged lymph nodesNot expressedExpressedExpressed
Soreness of the lymph nodesModerateStrongly expressedStrongly expressed
Plaque on tonsilsAbsentExpressedAbsent
Pain when swallowingModerateExpressedStrongly expressed

In most cases, sore throat is treated on an outpatient basis. The exception is severe or atypical forms of the disease. The patient is advised to take local and general antibacterial agents: cephalosporins, macrolides and sulfonamides. The average course of treatment is about 7-8 days. Tonsils are treated with Chlorophyllipt, Stopangin, Ambazon

etc. Irrigation with products containing chlorhexidine or streptocide is possible. During the period of treatment and rehabilitation after illness, the patient is recommended to follow a gentle diet.

Antiviral agents

With the help of traditional medicine, it is possible to reduce ear pain and improve the effect of drug therapy.


Use the product as drops, sending them into the ear in case of severe pain. You can do without oil if you drip garlic juice into your ear. This article explains how to use onions and garlic for colds.

This budget option effectively relieves ear pain. At the same time, onions also have an antiseptic and antibacterial effect. During therapy, it is possible to stop the inflammatory process.

You need to take one onion, remove the husk and crush it. Wrap the pulp in gauze. Apply the compress to the affected ear for 20 minutes. This procedure can be performed 2-3 times a day. You can take onion juice in an amount of 20 ml, heat it and add 2 drops.

You need to fill a plastic bottle with thermal water. Place it on the affected ear and place a towel on top. The duration of the thermal procedure will be 5 minutes. This therapy option can relieve pain when swallowing in the ear.

Ginger root

With the help of this plant it is possible to have an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, ginger root perfectly relieves pain. It is necessary to extract the juice from it and then send it to the affected ear. You can also combine 20 g of fresh ginger juice and combine with 50 ml of warm sesame oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected ear when it has cooled. This article explains how to use ginger against flu and colds.

Bishop's weed

To relieve ear pain, use the oil of this plant. You need to combine 20 ml of bishop oil with 40 ml of sesame oil. Place 3-4 drops of the product into the affected ear. Be sure to warm the mixture before use.

Camphor oil

This product can be used in the treatment of ear pain in two ways:

  1. Compress. You need to take 20 ml of the main product, warm it and dip gauze in it, folded in several layers. Apply the compress to your ear for 30 minutes. Then place a cotton swab in your ear.
  2. Drops. You can drip 4 drops of camphor oil into the affected ear, and then apply a cotton swab. Lie like this for 10 minutes and leave the tampon overnight. But this article will help you understand how to use oil for dry throat.

Pain in the ear when swallowing is an unpleasant symptom that may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. Most often this occurs with otitis and injury to the eardrum. Each case is assigned its own treatment regimen, the essence of which is to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and the underlying factor.

A drugPhotoPrice
ArbidolFrom 162 rub.
KagocelFrom 212 rub.
TerafluFrom 161 rub.
TsitovirFrom 242 rub.
RemantadineFrom 71 rub.
AnaferonFrom 206 rub.
ColdrexFrom 192 rub.
AmiksinFrom 593 rub.
TamifluFrom 1276 rub.

They destroy viruses, reduce throat swelling, and increase the body's immune defense. Release forms for children are syrups, for adults - capsules, tablets.

Plant decoctions have an analgesic effect:

  • mint,
  • oregano,
  • fragrant rue,
  • bloodroot,
  • caraway,
  • meadow lumbago.

A teaspoon per 150 ml of water, leave for 15 minutes in a thermos.

If you have a sore throat, or if there is pain in the hearing organs, you need to prepare drinks from medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and sedative properties for gargling:

  • chamomile,
  • elecampane,
  • calendula,
  • St. John's wort,
  • oak bark,
  • sage.

To gargle and gargle in case of purulent inflammation of the throat, teeth, or if the ear hurts when swallowing, it is necessary to use solutions with salt; it, by changing the osmotic pressure of the cells, draws out all pyogenic bacteria from them. Mix a teaspoon into half a glass of water.

After a cold, tea, rose hip drink, black currant, and lemon are useful to boost immunity.

Treatment of tubootitis: disinfection of the ear cavity at home is done with hydrogen peroxide 3%.

  • mint;
  • oregano;
  • fragrant rue;
  • bloodroot;
  • caraway;
  • meadow lumbago.
  • chamomile;
  • elecampane;
  • calendula;
  • St. John's wort;
  • oak bark;
  • sage.

Traditional healers recommend gargling with a solution of salt and iodine, decoctions of chamomile and calendula. Warming up is possible (if the body temperature does not exceed 37 degrees) - vodka or alcohol compresses on the neck. Inhalation is the procedure of inhaling steam from solutions of medications, herbs or just potatoes.


Laryngitis is a disease in which the mucous membrane of the larynx becomes inflamed. In most cases, pathology is caused by various viruses, leading to hyperemia and swelling of the inner layer of the respiratory tract. If left untreated, laryngitis, especially in preschool-age patients, can lead to the development of false croup, a disease during which the movement of air masses in the larynx becomes difficult or impossible.

Acute laryngitis rarely occurs as an independent pathology; in most cases it develops against the background of a severe form of acute respiratory viral infection, measles, scarlet fever, etc. The chronic form of the disease is formed due to improper treatment of acute laryngitis or as a result of prolonged harmful effects on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract of various pathogenic factors: dust, chemicals, smoke.

The disease manifests itself as a dull pain and burning sensation in the throat, while the unpleasant sensations can be localized on one side of the larynx. Patients often also complain of discomfort in the ears, difficulty swallowing, and dry mouth and throat. When diagnosing laryngitis, you should pay attention to other symptoms of the disease:

  • hoarseness or hoarseness of the voice;
  • sensation of a foreign object in the throat;
  • dry cough in acute laryngitis or wet in chronic.

A patient with uncomplicated laryngitis does not require hospitalization, so treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. In this case, bed rest is necessary only for patients whose pathology has developed against the background of ARVI. Other patients can lead their normal lives, but try not to talk or whisper to reduce the strain on the vocal cords.

Patients are prescribed ultraviolet treatment, magnetic therapy, quartz procedures, alkaline or oil inhalations. To relieve pain and stop coughing, it is recommended to drink plenty of warm drinks and use lozenges with eucalyptus, sage or chamomile extract.


Lymphadenitis is an inflammatory process that affects the tissue of the lymph nodes. In most cases, it occurs as a syndrome of various bacterial or viral pathologies; in some cases it can be caused by exposure to toxins on the body, including the use of cytostatics. Damage to the lymph nodes in the neck or behind the ears leads to the appearance of a rather intense pain syndrome that radiates to the throat and ear canal.

With lymphadenitis, patients are concerned about symptoms characteristic of the inflammatory process:

  • enlargement and pain of the lymph node;
  • possible hyperemia in the affected area;
  • pain in the head and ear on one side;
  • increased discomfort when tilting or turning the head;
  • it is possible to form an abscess at the site of the node;
  • low-grade fever, chills.

In children, lymphadenitis can occur in a severe generalized form, in which the patient feels a sharp deterioration in health, he experiences severe hyperthermia to critical levels. In the absence of timely treatment, there is a risk of developing sepsis.

Pathology therapy includes the mandatory use of antibacterial drugs: Ampicillin, Doxycycline, Cefazolin

etc. The doctor prescribes a broad-spectrum antibiotic or selects the most appropriate drug after identifying the causative agent of the pathology. The patient is also indicated for UHF therapy and vitamin and mineral complexes.


A disease in which one or more sinuses become inflamed is called sinusitis. The pathology is inflammatory in nature and develops as a complication of various bacterial or viral infections. Most often, this disorder is diagnosed in children and adolescents aged 4-15 years. Sinusitis is a whole group of diseases that are classified according to the location of the inflammatory process:

  1. Sinusitis
    is inflammation of the epithelium of the nasal sinuses of the upper jaw.
  2. Frontitis
    is a lesion of the mucous membrane of the frontal sinus.
  3. Ethmoiditis
    is sinusitis of the ethmoid bone cells.
  4. Sphenoiditis
    is a pathological process in the sinuses of the sphenoid bone.

With sinusitis, the patient experiences characteristic symptoms indicating the development of inflammation in the paranasal sinuses:

  1. There is an unpleasant sensation in the nose. Depending on the location of the lesion and the number of sinuses involved in the pathological process, the pain can be localized in the bridge of the nose, above the eye or between the eyebrows. In this case, the discomfort increases sharply when pressing on the inflamed area or when tilting the head.
  2. Cephalgia. The headache is dull or aching and gets worse in the evening.
  3. With sinusitis, there is often discomfort in the throat and ear area on the affected side.
  4. Impaired nasal breathing. Due to nasal congestion, the patient's voice acquires a characteristic nasal sound.
  5. With normal outflow of pus from the sinuses, the patient experiences yellowish-green or brownish discharge with an unpleasant putrid odor from the nose.
  6. Low-grade or febrile fever, weakness, chills.

Treatment for sinusitis should be aimed at stopping the inflammatory process and ensuring the free outflow of purulent exudate from the sinuses. For this, various antibacterial or antiviral drugs are used: Amoxicillin, Meropenem, Ceftriaxone


If conservative treatment does not have an effect, then surgical drainage is performed. It is performed to cleanse the sinuses of pus and collect material to identify the pathogen. After the analysis, the specialist can select the most effective drug for the treatment of sinusitis.

Pain in the throat and ear on one side is a fairly common symptom, which may indicate the development of various diseases of the upper respiratory tract, hearing organs or lymphoid system. If any signs of pathology appear, it is recommended to consult a specialist.


It would be a great misconception and self-deception for a person if he independently diagnoses himself, relying on his intuition, experience of past illnesses or the advice of friends.

It is possible to choose treatment wisely only after establishing the exact cause of the ailment. Indeed, often, medications against one ailment turn out to be powerless against another.

Moreover, “shots” or heaviness in the ear with pain in the pharynx should already indicate a connection between inflammatory processes in these organs.

The doctor will make a diagnosis primarily based on the patient's complaints. He will carefully examine the patient's nasopharyngeal area.

Often, you have to turn to laboratory readings. This will require taking a smear for bacterial culture from the almond inflammatory surface.

And after this, the specialist determines the cause of the ailment, the severity of the inflammatory process and prescribes adequate treatment.

After establishing the exact cause of the ailment, you can choose the right treatment

Features of ear injury

Injuries and damage to the ear can be superficial, that is, affecting the outer, or deep, extending to the middle and even the inner. Serious consequences of ear injuries include perichondritis, which leads to disfigurement of the auricle or melting of the cartilage. The most common ear injury is a blood tumor - a swelling that occurs when there is hemorrhage between the cartilage and the perichondrium.

Treatment of such a tumor is carried out using a pressure bandage applied after suctioning the blood with a syringe, or, in case of threat of suppuration or necrosis of the cartilage, using an incision and administration of an antibiotic. Symptoms in sick people vary depending on the type of disease. The surest sign of the presence of the disease is the appearance of pain in the ear, which can then radiate to the head and jaw. Severe illnesses are characterized by severe shooting pain. General symptoms:

  • pain;
  • hearing loss;
  • dizziness;

In inflammatory processes, there is a feeling of stuffiness, weakness, fever, and discharge from the ear. If symptoms of the described diseases occur, you must contact an otolaryngologist to establish a diagnosis and prescribe the treatment that is appropriate for you. To prevent such ear diseases, you need to follow these rules:

  • protect the sink from injury;
  • do not pick your ears with hard objects;
  • do not clean the inside of the ear canal

Scratches, scratches and other damage to the skin on the sink should be treated with antiseptics to prevent infection. Injuries to the middle and inner ear lead to decreased or complete loss of hearing ability, accompanied by severe ear pain and even bleeding. Deeper trauma sometimes results in facial paralysis. Head contusions, severe hearing stress, or sudden changes in atmospheric pressure can lead to rupture of the eardrum or damage to the eardrum.

Prevention of ear pain

Ear pain can cause a lot of discomfort. That is why it is worth paying due attention to prevention so that you do not have to spend a lot of time and money on treatment. The following preventive measures are known:

  • Despite the convenience of ear sticks and other oblong objects for cleaning ears, their use is undesirable because the wax can move even deeper;
  • be sure to use special earplugs if you swim in ponds or pools (after finishing swimming, you must definitely dry your ears);
  • it is necessary to protect the ear canals from excess noise not only in working conditions, but also in everyday life;
  • to avoid possible problems with the ears, you should carefully monitor the condition of your nose and prevent liquid from getting into it;
  • foreign objects should not get into the ear canal (sometimes even a small sliver or something similar can cause a serious inflammatory process);
  • In case of the slightest discomfort and deterioration of hearing, immediately go to see a specialist.

Ear pain is a fairly common symptom that, unfortunately, many people pay insufficient attention to. As a result, unpleasant sensations develop into a serious chronic disease. The reason for this situation is that not all people know about the possible causes of ear pain.

Diagnosis of the disease

You should not overuse self-medication and adopt the experience of friends. Medical statistics show a huge number of examples of premature disability due to incorrect use of medications.

Groups of pharmaceuticals effective for inflammatory infectious diseases of the throat:

  • antiseptic drugs;
  • antiviral;
  • combined agents - antiseptic and anesthetic.
  • antiseptic drugs,
  • antiviral,
  • combined agents - antiseptic and anesthetic.

To determine what caused the condition to worsen, you should consult a doctor. You should not diagnose yourself at home, since you can make an incorrect diagnosis and prescribe inappropriate treatment, which will cause your health to worsen.

The doctor will interview the patient and find out his complaints. An external inspection will then be carried out. The doctor will look at the throat and examine the patient by palpation. Tests will be ordered if necessary.

To avoid the occurrence of pathology, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures on a regular basis.

Immunity should be strengthened. Hardening, daily exercises, and taking vitamins with food or in the form of special complexes will help with this. It is recommended to give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol, consuming various substances that are toxic to the body. Healthy sleep and sufficient rest time are important. It is necessary to walk in the fresh air. To prevent pathological conditions, you can drink herbal decoctions in courses. It is recommended to consult a doctor to select appropriate medicinal plants.

During the cold season, the head and neck should not be allowed to become hypothermic. It should be remembered that you can get sick not only in winter, but also in summer. During the hot season, you should not drink too many cold drinks or consume excessive amounts of ice cream and fruit ice. During epidemics, public places should be avoided. It is recommended to spend as little time as possible in large stores, public transport and other locations where infection is likely to occur. To reduce the risk, you need to wear a special face mask

It is important to change it promptly: if you wear a mask for too long, it will cease to be an effective means of protection against infection.

It is important to wash your hands with soap. Unwashed hands are especially dangerous after visiting a hospital, where there are often a large number of infected people.

When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a therapist. This will help avoid the development of the pathological process and facilitate treatment.

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