Toothache during pregnancy: causes, prevention and treatment

Pregnancy is a wonderful time, young mothers are expecting the birth of a child, preparing for motherhood and a new stage in their lives. Unfortunately, toothache is a common companion of pregnancy - it can strike a woman at any time: both in the first days of conception and before childbirth.

Fearing harm to an unborn child, most expectant mothers are afraid to take any action to eliminate toothache, so they endure it as long as they can - this is a fundamentally wrong approach. If you have a toothache during pregnancy, you don’t have to endure it, go to the dental clinic! Dentists know how to reduce or eliminate toothache during early and late pregnancy without harming the baby.

The main causes of toothache during pregnancy

There is a wide range of reasons that cause toothaches during pregnancy. During this period, the female body becomes especially susceptible to various changes, and they often result in dental problems.

The main cause of toothache in pregnant women is caries - it is characterized by a wide range of symptomatic manifestations: from an acute reaction to the temperature of food/water, to destruction of the tooth structure and damage to deep tissues.

Other causes of toothache during pregnancy include:

  • Pulpitis – characterized by inflammation of the tooth pulp, accompanied by acute throbbing, aching pain. May provoke inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes and an increase in overall body temperature;
  • Inflammatory processes of an infectious nature - purulent inflammatory processes are especially dangerous;
  • Changes in the chemical composition of saliva - as a rule, in most pregnant women, the amount of phosphates and other components in saliva decreases, providing protection to tooth enamel from external irritants: acids and alkalis;
  • Gingivitis is a common dental problem, affecting up to 45% of pregnant women. Inflammation of the gums is provoked by hormonal changes in the body and a lack of vitamins;
  • Apical periodontitis is characterized by inflammation of the periodontium (the connective tissue between the tooth and gum). The acute form is accompanied by pronounced pain and swelling of the gums near the causative tooth.

Calcium deficiency plays a significant role in the occurrence of dental problems in pregnant women. A growing fetus requires a lot of building material, so the body quickly uses up reserves of calcium and other useful substances, giving preference to the child rather than the mother’s teeth. Dentists recommend consuming large amounts of fermented milk products and calcium-containing foods.

Why do teeth hurt during pregnancy?

A pregnant woman may become a frequent visitor to the dentist. This is due to several factors:

  • increased acidity of the oral cavity due to toxicosis;
  • changes in hormonal levels, and, as a result, changes and metabolic disorders;
  • lack of microelements and vitamins in the body.

All this provokes the occurrence of caries and inflammation of the gums and mucous membrane; may cause pain. You should not endure inconvenience: the psychological state of a pregnant woman is no less important than her physical health.

The changes that occur in the body due to pregnancy can also trigger the development of dental diseases.

The danger of toothache during pregnancy

The appearance of any painful sensations or general malaise in the body is fraught with the development of a number of complications, because pain is the body’s reaction, signaling the brain about the presence of problems. If a woman “without position” can take medications to relieve or eliminate pain, then during pregnancy there are many restrictions that do not allow the use of a standard set of drugs.

Toothache can be dangerous:

  • The formation and development of an inflammatory process with a source of infection. Such lesions are especially dangerous when toothache occurs in the 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • Intense release of adrenaline during attacks of pain, which are accompanied by vasoconstriction and a parallel decrease in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the embryo;
  • The progress of the underlying disease and the formation of complications, up to the need to remove the causative tooth or perform surgery in the affected area.

Elimination of toothache should be carried out only after consultation with a specialized specialist. Self-administration of medications can lead to complications or pose a danger to the unborn child.

Dental implantation during pregnancy

A dental implant is a prosthetic procedure in which a multi-component implant structure is inserted into the jaw and subsequently fuses with it. This is an important operation from an aesthetic and medical point of view. Sometimes situations arise when emergency implantation is necessary. Otherwise, the patient risks her health - an abscess may form with further decay.

When is it undesirable to undergo dental implantation?

Doctors categorically do not recommend any surgery in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is the period when the fetus is actively forming vital organs. If at the current stage of the “situation” toxicosis is already severely manifested, it is also better to refrain from going to the dentist. It is worth refraining from prosthetics if a pregnant woman is afraid of any surgical operations. The resulting stress after the dentist has been visited and the treatment is completed will have a negative impact on further pregnancy.

Is it possible to think about prosthetics after childbirth?

After childbirth, there is also no need to rush into dental implantation. Dental implantation can be performed 2-3 months after childbirth (if health allows). But doctors believe that it is better to postpone manipulations in the dental office for at least a year. Because During the mother's recovery, even after successful dental surgery, complications may arise that will require her to take medications again and stop breastfeeding for a while.

Video about dental treatment during pregnancy

Features of treatment and pain relief for toothache during pregnancy

Note! Tablets for toothache during pregnancy can only be used as prescribed by your doctor! When prescribing this or that drug, doctors take into account a whole range of factors, including: the physiological state of the patient’s body, contraindications, test results, gestational age, etc.

How and with what to relieve toothache during pregnancy at different stages:

Toothache in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

It is not recommended to treat with dental methods or reduce the intensity of pain with medications. During this period, the amniotic placental barrier is formed, providing protection to the fetus from infectious agents and other problems.

Also, in the early stages, it is strictly forbidden to prescribe anesthetics and potent painkillers of any pharmaceutical group. The best way to relieve pain during such a period are folk remedies in the form of decoctions and solutions for rinsing the mouth.

Toothache in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

Toothache in the second trimester occurs more often than in the first and is accompanied by increased pain. At this stage, the use of some painkillers is allowed, including medications - paracetamol, No-shpa, Drotaverine. The above products are quite effective.

Despite the “harmlessness” of the above medications, they should be taken very carefully in small doses, under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Toothache in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

During this period, it is allowed to expand the list of drugs that can be used for pain relief. In the third trimester, it is allowed to take potent drugs (in emergency cases, when the pain becomes unbearable for the woman). These drugs include: Analgin, Ketanov, Novocain, Kalgel, as well as special dental drops.

Despite the expansion of the list of drugs acceptable for use for toothache during pregnancy, it is not recommended to take drugs based on ibuprofen - such drugs reduce the volume of amniotic fluid, which can harm the health of the fetus.

What to do if your tooth hurts during pregnancy and you can’t get to the doctor

For starters, you can drink something painkiller. Paracetamol is considered the safest. Unlike other analgesics, if the recommended dosages are followed, it will not harm the fetus.

Before meeting with your doctor, you can also try to reduce pain with warm rinses. For this, decoctions with an anti-inflammatory effect are used: oak bark, sage, chamomile. You can rinse approximately once every one and a half to two hours.

Severe pain is relieved with novocaine applied to a tampon and applied to the gum in the area of ​​the diseased tooth. However, this method should be used with caution during pregnancy. In any case, you cannot self-medicate; you should quickly see a dentist.

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During pregnancy, you need to fill your diet with calcium-containing foods: milk, cottage cheese, cheese

Treatment of toothache during pregnancy

Toothache is a symptom of an underlying disease that causes a lot of anxiety to the patient. Eliminating it is not a solution to the problem, so an integrated approach to the treatment of the underlying disease is required, as a rule: caries, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease or other dental pathology.

The basis for effective treatment of toothache is correct diagnosis, which can only be carried out by a specialized doctor in an inpatient dental clinic. Doctors use various diagnostic methods to assess the condition of the dental tissues and oral cavity not only visually, but also structurally.

Many young mothers believe that treatment of dental problems during pregnancy is contraindicated - this is a misconception. During pregnancy, there are a large number of restrictions, including on taking medications and performing manipulations. But the consequences of dental diseases can cause serious problems, including the spread of infection, so a decision on the need for certain procedures must be made by the attending physician, who evaluates all risk factors.

Safe anesthesia for pregnant women

Dental treatment during pregnancy is carried out under local anesthesia. Painkillers that have a low impact on blood vessels are selected. However, any anesthesia that enters the mother’s blood is transmitted to the fetus, since during pregnancy they have a single circulatory system. The baby has its own circulatory system from the moment the umbilical cord is cut, until this moment it depends on the mother’s body. When anesthesia is administered, the fetus becomes lethargic and sleepy, which affects its development.

The decision on the use of anesthesia, as well as the choice of the drug itself, is made only by the doctor based on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body and the duration of her pregnancy. The doctor will definitely ask a number of questions: about the presence of past and chronic diseases, about operations performed, allergies, etc. Based on the answers received, the doctor will make recommendations for treatment.

Prevention of toothache during pregnancy

The best way to prevent the disease is high-quality prevention. Toothaches during pregnancy are no exception. To minimize the risk of their occurrence, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • Ensure proper oral hygiene (brush your teeth 2 times a day, morning and evening);
  • Timely treatment of caries - treatment of the initial stages of caries without the use of anesthesia, causes minimal discomfort to the patient and prevents the development of the problem;
  • Follow a proper diet - your diet should include fermented milk products, as well as foods high in calcium;
  • Taking vitamin complexes is recommended by a doctor.

Do you have any questions or need help from a specialist? Contact the managers of the AlfaDent dental clinic and feel the care of professionals!

How to relieve toothache in pregnant women

If a toothache occurs, a pregnant woman should immediately contact her dentist to find out the causes and take timely treatment measures. But it happens that pain appears at night, during a trip, or under other circumstances when it is not possible to visit a doctor. In this case, the woman should call her dentist, make an appointment and explain her condition. Your doctor will recommend what you can do to relieve your pain before visiting the clinic.

To relieve toothache, a pregnant woman can do the following:

  • Rinse your mouth with warm water to remove any remaining food. You need to brush your teeth using a toothbrush and floss (dental floss). If the pain is caused by food getting into the cavity, this may be enough to provide relief.
  • Periodically rinse your mouth with warm infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants: calendula, sage, chamomile, eucalyptus. You can also use a saline solution for this purpose (a teaspoon of table salt is dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water). Rinsing does not anesthetize, but has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, which may reduce pain.
  • Take a paracetamol tablet. Panadol, Efferalgan, Paralen, Rapidol are the trade names of paracetamol. It is approved for use at any stage of pregnancy, but the dosage specified in the instructions must not be exceeded. Paracetamol is effective for headaches, moderate dental and joint pain; in acute conditions, it will only reduce the severity of pain.
  • Take an ibuprofen tablet (trade names: Nurofen, Ibuprom, MIG 400, Ivalgin Rapid, Imet). The use of the drug is permitted in the 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy, that is, until the 26th week, and is prohibited in the 3rd trimester. Ibuprofen should be taken with caution and only in critical situations, strictly following the dosage regimen.
  • Apply Dentol 10% gel to the gums and into the cavity of the diseased tooth. The drug contains the anesthetic benzocaine, its effect after application to the diseased tooth begins within a minute. Dentol can be applied up to 4 times a day.
  • During sleep or rest, take a “reclining” position so that the head is elevated: the pain is slightly reduced, as the blood flow to the periodontal tissues decreases.


  • Take combination medications containing ibuprofen or paracetamol. In addition to these substances, combination medications may contain components that are dangerous to the fetus.
  • Warm the diseased tooth, as this threatens the spread of purulent inflammation (if any) to the tissues adjacent to the tooth.
  • Take any other medications without permission from your dentist or obstetrician-gynecologist. Many drugs have a teratogenic effect - the ability to disrupt the embryonic development of a child.

Treatment of caries during pregnancy at Dentistry on Shchelkovskaya

Finally, we will tell you what the main feature of visiting a dentist during pregnancy in our clinic is. The fact is that a pregnant woman is often subject to changes in her emotional state, so our dentists show sensitivity and attention to the patient’s condition, protecting her from any kind of physical pain and emotional stress. The dentists of the clinic on Shchelkovskaya perfectly understand the specific health and emotional background of a pregnant woman, so they do everything in their power to make your visit to the doctor calm and pleasant.

The most important thing that you should not do during pregnancy is to ignore toothache and allow the development of oral diseases. Remember that your baby’s health depends on your vigilance. Therefore, even if you feel slightly unwell, or have periodic aching pains, do not tolerate it, make an appointment with a dentist now! Treatment of caries during pregnancy at any stage of development is possible in our clinic. We work seven days a week, located in the Eastern Administrative District in the Izmailovo district at Shchelkovskoye Highway, building 44, building 5. Near us are Golyanovo, Pervomaiskaya, Partizanskaya, Cherkizovskaya.

When is the best time to treat teeth for pregnant women?

When the problem is critical, you need to consult a dentist at any time, and as soon as possible. But first, a pregnant woman needs to find out from her gynecologist whether there are any restrictions on dental treatment. If you can be patient, it is better to carry out treatment procedures in the second half of the term, since in the first and third the formation and intensive growth of the baby’s internal organs occurs, so there is a possibility that any intervention and medication will have a detrimental effect on the child’s development.

Dental treatment and pregnancy

Women in special situations should visit the dentist more often than ordinary people. This will increase the chance of catching the problem early and fixing it quickly and safely. The dentist must first explain in detail and gently what he will do, what medications to use, and how this procedure will somehow affect her body or her fetus. It is important that the doctor helps the pregnant woman choose good products for cleaning her mouth, tell her what vitamins she needs to take while the baby is growing and how to properly care for her teeth.

Do pregnant women need to have their teeth pulled out or inserted? When the problem is detected at the initial stage, it will not be difficult to solve it. You will just need to clean the affected area with a drill and close it with a special solution (seal). Modern fillings do not affect a pregnant woman or her child in any way, since their components are absolutely safe.

But if the situation has already started and the infection has reached the roots of the tooth, then the doctor will have to work a little. You must first take a picture to determine how damaged the roots are, remove them, take a few more pictures, and only then proceed with filling. Since the root removal procedure is unpleasant and painful, you cannot do without an anesthetic injection.

It is much easier to restore a damaged tooth than to create a new one in its place. But if the tooth cannot be saved, then there is only one option - removal. Is it possible to have teeth removed during pregnancy? The answer is yes, if there are no contraindications. But doctors still try to save the tooth and carry out treatment with all available methods, and resort to removal only when there is no longer a chance.

As for inserting a new tooth during pregnancy, there are also no contraindications to this procedure. If the gums are healthy and there is no infection, then it is better to postpone such a procedure for a while, since the process of creating a new tooth is quite labor-intensive and will require frequent visits to the dentist.

Can pregnant women have their wisdom teeth removed? It is possible, but if the situation is not critical, then it is better to postpone such a procedure. After all, removing a healthy tooth is not an easy process, and if it is even slightly covered by gum, it will have to be cut. Such an intervention risks causing complications, for example, bleeding from the gums, pain after or increased body temperature, which is undesirable for the mother and her fetus. But if the tooth is damaged and hurts, then it is better to remove it as soon as possible.

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