How often can you get eyelash extensions without ruining yours?

  • Why and when is extension needed?
  • Main indications for extensions
  • Extension techniques
  • How to grow your front teeth?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of extensions
  • Contraindications
  • FAQ
  • Price
  • Reviews

Dental augmentation is an effective procedure that can eliminate a number of dental defects most simply and quickly, without resorting to implantation.
It is especially in demand when it comes to the front teeth, the appearance of which ensures the aesthetics of the entire smile area. It is important that if you follow the recommendations, the result obtained will be long-term and will allow you to solve the existing problem for many years. For one patient, the use of such a tooth will be 5, for another – 10 or 20 years. How long an extended tooth lasts depends on many factors, the technique and materials used, the skill of the dentist, and the products included in the diet. Care will also play an important role. Due to the consumption of coffee, red wine, or smoking, the color may change, which will require a repeat event.

At the same time, restoring a tooth without a pin will make it possible to guarantee a longer service life. However, in a number of cases, it will not be possible to do without the use of such a technique to strengthen the affected tooth.

Indications and contraindications for tooth augmentation

Teeth augmentation is a multi-stage technology for restoring the aesthetic appearance and functions of the jaw, which was susceptible to chipping or erased as a result of increased tone of the masticatory muscles, called buxism.

Indications for the tooth augmentation procedure:

  • chips resulting from injuries;
  • numerous caries lesions;
  • large distance between teeth;
  • wedge-shaped defect;
  • the presence of a gap between the two front teeth;
  • congenital structural pathologies;
  • thinning and demineralization of enamel due to consumption of junk food and lack of oral hygiene;
  • cervical caries;
  • the presence of errors in previous dental sessions that resulted in the destruction of healthy tissue;
  • malocclusion.

Having asked the dentist a question about what tooth extension is called, the patient will immediately hear the answer. The procedure is called dentition restoration. Modern extension technologies make it possible to restore the structure in most cases without resorting to its removal. The procedure is harmless, but has a number of contraindications:

  • patient age – more than 60 years;
  • children's age when using pins;
  • presence of a cyst;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • pregnancy in the first or third trimester;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • periodontitis and stomatitis;
  • jaw fracture and other injuries.

If a patient is diagnosed with diseases that are contraindications, the dentist first treats them, and then restores the dentition.

Is it possible to grow a tooth without a root?

If a tooth is without a root, there is no support for building structures. Therefore, it can only be restored with the help of implantation or prosthetics.

  • Implantation. It involves restoring a lost tooth by installing an implant into the jaw, which acts as a tooth root. The top of the implant is covered with a crown.
  • Dental bridge. It is a prosthetic structure consisting of several crowns welded together. The outer ones are attached to the pre-ground teeth adjacent to the defect, while the central ones remain hinged.
  • Removable prosthesis Butterfly. Refers to temporary removable dentures. Indicated for hiding an aesthetic defect during the period of implantation or the manufacture of a permanent prosthesis. However, if the patient has contraindications to implantation and basic prosthetic methods, it can be used long-term. Attached to adjacent teeth using clasps.

Teeth extension methods

There are 2 main extension methods:

  • Straight. Used if tooth decay is up to 30%. During the procedure, composite or photopolymer materials are used to build teeth. The former are less durable and harden after 30 minutes. The latter have a service life of 10 years and remain plastic until exposed to the lamp.
  • Indirect. Applicable when damage affects no more than 70% of the structure. The method has several stages, including taking impressions, making and installing ceramic inlays.

If you have ever thought about whether a crown or extension is better, then you should know that a crown is installed when more than 70% of the tissue is destroyed, but a intact and healthy root remains.


  • Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with a dentist (special offer) 100001

    For free


  • Restoring a tooth with a filling (Restoration) 140007

    6 900 ₽

  • Tooth restoration with filling materials using anchor/fiberglass pins (restoration) 140009

    8 900 ₽

  • Tooth restoration with inlay (E.max) 152012

    19 900 ₽

  • Tooth restoration with a crown (E.max) 152013

    21 900 ₽

  • Tooth restoration with Veneer, Half-crown (E.max) 152014

    21 900 ₽

  • Tooth restoration with a full zirconium crown 152015

    13 900 ₽

  • Tooth restoration with a metal-ceramic crown 152019

    13 900 ₽

Teeth extension is aimed at restoring their anatomical shape and color. Used for chips, cracks, and changes in enamel shade. Allows you to correct congenital dental anomalies and eliminate interdental gaps. Methods and materials for extensions are selected depending on the type of defect. These can be composite restorations, installation of pins, inlays, veneers or crowns. The chosen option affects the cost of treatment.

Features of front teeth extensions

Restoration of anterior teeth is carried out in the following cases:

  • Yellowing of enamel;
  • Damage to caries;
  • Minor curvature;
  • Presence of chips or chips;
  • Grayish-yellow coating.

Composites and photopolymers are used for extensions, but veneers are the most popular. They are used for minor damage to healthy tissue. If the tooth body is deeply damaged, it is removed from the roots and an implant is implanted in its place. Types of veneers presented in our clinic: composite veneers, ceramic veneers.

Chips of baby teeth often occur in childhood. Many parents do not pay attention to this, hoping for the speedy growth of indigenous children. This is wrong, as the sharp edges scratch the tongue, causing inflammation and infection. Children's extensions are made using composite materials and are absolutely painless.

Is it possible to do eyelash extensions during menstruation?

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A popular question is whether it is possible to do eyelash extensions during menstruation. Thick eyelashes allow you to emphasize your look and make it more expressive. However, it is not always possible to do eyelashes; there are some restrictions.

In order for the process of gluing eyelashes to go smoothly during menstruation, you first need to prepare. What recommendations should be followed:

  • Avoid curling your hair;
  • Wash off makeup and remove contact lenses;
  • Avoid lamination 2 months before gluing;
  • Do a test for the presence of an allergic reaction;
  • Assess your health status.

If you have mood swings, pain in the chest or abdomen, or nausea during menstruation, it is better to avoid the procedure. Unpleasant sensations in the abdomen and lower back may worsen if you lie motionless on the couch. It is advisable to carry out the procedure after improving your health and well-being. The smell of glue can lead to nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.

Menstruation is not an absolute contraindication for extensions. However, in some cases, hair and skin may become oilier when hormones change. This often leads to the fact that the glue will not reliably hold the artificial bundles.

If the hairs are quite weak at the time of the manipulation, you should not do a large volume. In case of severe fragility and dryness, active hair loss, it is better to completely abandon extensions and choose another procedure that will restore the bristles - lamination or corduroy, Botox.

Not enough research has been conducted on the possibility of performing the procedure on critical days. According to the experience of cosmetologists, the service can be successfully performed during critical days if the client feels well. Typically, health returns to normal in the first half of the cycle, when hormonal levels have stabilized.

It is important to consider that the procedure is performed for at least an hour, and on average about 100-130 artificial eyelashes are attached to one eyelid. The outcome of the procedure is influenced by the quality of the material used and the experience of the master. If the service was performed efficiently, the effect lasts on average about 3-5 weeks.

Tooth extension onto a pin

When thinking about whether it is possible to build a tooth onto the root, the use of a pin comes to mind. It is used if both the body and the root are severely damaged.

The procedure includes:

  1. obtaining an x-ray;
  2. cleaning the mouth, removing stones;
  3. removal of damaged areas;
  4. computer tooth modeling;
  5. removal of saliva;
  6. anesthesia;
  7. cleaning of channels;
  8. implantation of a pin, cleansing the area around it;
  9. filling the space around the pin with a composite or photopolymer;
  10. polishing and grinding.

Dentists build up teeth under crowns only if the remainder is in good condition and does not rot or decompose.

In what cases does prolonged wear cause harm?

Who is not recommended to extend artificial eyelashes for a long time:

  1. Girls wearing contact lenses increase the risk of allergic reactions and the development of an inflammatory process, which threatens ophthalmological diseases.
  2. For women prone to conjunctivitis, constant irritation of the eyelids and mucous membrane will cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  3. Owners of thin, brittle, problematic hairs - naturally weak ones cannot fully support the weight of the extensions as a result of hair loss.
  4. Avitaminosis. For an accurate diagnosis, you must consult a doctor.

The master decides how many times in a row each eyelash can be corrected or extended. It is not advisable to carry out more than seven to eight times.

Before the procedure, examine the condition of your own eyes. If any violations are detected, it is better to consult a specialist. It will prevent the development of unpleasant consequences, save time and finances.

Any procedure to interfere with natural processes cannot pass without leaving a trace. If a woman intends to permanently extend artificial eyelashes, she needs to weigh all the pros and cons.

Does it hurt to grow teeth?

Tooth extension is a painless procedure. Anesthesia is not performed if the damage is not significant, since manipulations are carried out at a superficial level. If the damage is severe, the dentist administers local anesthesia. Modern drugs begin to act immediately after administration.

After the session, the first day you may experience pain if the canals were cleaned. Painkillers will help you feel better.

The restored dentition will last a long time if the patient provides proper care. If the question arises about whether it is possible to smoke after tooth extensions, the answer will be negative. Composite and photopolymer materials quickly absorb all substances, which is why the filling quickly changes color. Maintaining hygiene and regular visits to the dentist will help you maintain your smile for a long time.

How often can eyelash extensions be done?

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The effect cannot be maintained forever without harm to the eyes. Regardless of the quality of the materials, rest is necessary. After the end of the period, clients are sent to the specialists for correction.

You can extend eyelashes without interruption for a year using the usual eyelash gluing method with a natural effect. With a beam effect, with a theatrical (puppet, Hollywood) effect, the period is reduced to six months.

If your own skin is thin and brittle, the effect does not last long, and requires constant correction, then it is better to abandon the procedure. It is advisable to treat the hairs, strengthen them with nourishing oils, vitamins, and enrich the diet.

Cost of the procedure

The price of teeth extension from the root can vary. It depends on the location of the clinic, the qualifications of the specialist, the degree of tooth decay and the materials used to restore it. For example, the price of tooth extension on a pin varies from 400 rubles. for an anchor pin, up to 2,000 for a stump inlay. Restoring a chipped front tooth will cost about 1,500 rubles, and to restore half of it will require 5,000 rubles. They can only tell you exactly how much tooth extensions cost directly in the clinic itself after an examination.

In Moscow, extensions with composite materials will cost about 7-8 thousand rubles. This cost includes pain relief, strengthening with a pin and restoration with filling materials. Partial extension will cost from 2.5 to 3 thousand rubles.

Patient reviews

My father asked me to find out how much it costs to put a pin and build up a tooth. I went to the clinic, where they explained everything to me, and it turned out that it was not as expensive as I thought. The main thing is that the pin will make the tooth more stable, and the crown will help it hold on without falling apart.


For a very long time I did not dare to go to the dentist to get extensions done at the site of the chip. After the examination, the doctor advised which method was best to use. Six months have already passed since the restoration of the tooth, it looks as natural as possible.


I recently had a tooth augmented with a crown.
About 50% was completely affected, so a pin was used to strengthen it. The procedure itself was not painful since the pulp was removed. To make the extension look natural, the doctor advised to insert a metal-ceramic crown. The clinic gave me a guarantee on it. Varvara

Experts' opinion

Why can't you get eyelash extensions while you're on your period? Despite the fact that menstruation is considered a contraindication to eyelash extensions, experienced cosmetologists emphasize that this is not a categorical prohibition, but a recommendation.

If a girl is in excellent health and does not suffer from allergic reactions, her body is unlikely to produce an unexpected reaction.

The result in this case, in most cases, will depend on the qualifications and experience of the specialist and the client’s compliance with all recommendations for the care of artificial eyelashes.

Thus, it is impossible to find a clear answer to the question of whether eyelash extensions can be done during menstruation. And whether or not to take the risk, each woman decides for herself.

In this case, it is much more important not to make a mistake with the choice of performer. Although eyelash extensions do not seem to be the most complicated procedure, they require professionalism and a certain level of qualification. You should not skimp on this salon service.

The naturalness of artificial eyelashes is an indicator of the professionalism of the master

When choosing a master, it is strongly recommended to pay attention to his experience, make sure that he has certificates and diplomas confirming his qualifications.

Before making the final choice in favor of a particular salon, it will not be superfluous to read reviews about it on the Internet.

As a rule, clients of cosmetologist’s offices who have had a negative experience share it with others with great pleasure.

You should not settle for eyelash extensions at home. This is a salon procedure that requires sterility and a special approach, and this is unlikely to be achieved at home.

Correction with crowns

If the tooth is severely damaged, but the root is not destroyed, correction with crowns is used. The technique is implemented on the front and chewing teeth. Crowns are installed when it is impossible to install a filling - when the carious cavity is too extensive, when the tooth is destroyed by 70% or more.

How to install a crown:

  • The tooth is prepared, freed from affected tissue, and the walls are ground down;
  • An impression is made and sent to the dental laboratory.
  • The finished crown is tried on and installed.

Modern technologies make it possible to obtain crowns that perfectly imitate the transparency, shade and texture of natural teeth.

Signs that you may need extensions

It is recommended for all patients who notice all or only a few of the following symptoms to think about how gum tissue is built up: exposure of the necks and roots, enlargement and lengthening of the crowns, swelling and redness of the mucous membrane, bleeding from any mechanical impact, the appearance of gum pockets (the gum exfoliates and moves away from the tooth), increased interdental spaces, tooth mobility, increased sensitivity to hard, cold, hot, sweet, spicy and salty foods.

Often, in addition to the listed signs, patients who have recession note a strong accumulation of plaque at the border of the enamel and gums, as well as the appearance of bad breath, which is in no way associated with eating food or lack of daily hygiene.

Cycle disturbances and premenstrual syndrome

Refrain from going to the salon if hormonal imbalances occur, this manifests itself in a decrease or increase in the normal duration of the cycle. Regular periods are an indicator of the normal functioning of the female reproductive system. But PMS and its manifestations: abdominal pain, bad mood – these are negative consequences. And, if you notice these symptoms, then on such days it is really better to refrain from visiting a beauty salon. The procedure should be scheduled for another day when PMS has passed.

Forms or tips – which is better?

Both types and forms have their advantages and disadvantages. First of all, it is worth taking into account individual characteristics. Tips are recommended for those who have short, narrow or irregularly shaped nails. And for nails that grow downwards and bend, shapes are more suitable.

Tips are easier to use and easier to handle at home. But the shapes look thinner and more natural.

In addition, forms have several other advantages:

  • they do not cover the main part of the plate, so the natural nail has access to oxygen;
  • extensions on forms strengthen brittle tips on short nails;
  • with this method of extension, correction can be performed without the need to completely remove the extended layer;
  • The cured gel polish perfectly complements the natural nail without any obvious transition.

Whatever you choose, in any case, when adding extensions, you need to take care of your nails and make corrections regularly.

Photopolymer method

The simplest extension method is the use of photopolymer materials. This technique allows you to completely hide the cavity where caries was treated and restore the natural appearance. For restoration, only those materials are used that are compatible with gum tissue and do not cause irritation to the mucous membrane.

Most photopolymers contain fluorine. This component allows you to restore enamel even after serious damage. The main advantage of this technology is that there is no need to remove the root. To carry out the extension you will only need one session with the dentist.

Before and after extensions

Composite materials are used for extensions in cases where it is necessary to eliminate a chip or remove a stain on the enamel. It will be very difficult to distinguish the extended tooth from the rest.

Installing a seal

For restoration using filling, special compounds are used that do not damage either the mucous membrane or the enamel. They practically do not differ in color and texture from ordinary enamel.

Modern filling materials make it possible to completely imitate the natural transparency of tooth enamel. The advantages of this type of extension:

  • the ability to hide minor defects;
  • rapid restoration of chewing function;
  • nerve preservation;
  • the ability to adjust the shape and size of the tooth.

In the video it looks like this:

It is important that the doctor uses high-quality materials, otherwise the filling may simply fall off.

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