Inflammation of the gums: causes, treatment and prevention

Article navigation: Causes of the inflammatory process Inflammatory process during pregnancy Prosthetics and installation of crowns Anti-inflammatory therapy Features of the choice of toothpaste and brush Preventive measures Antiseptic rinses against inflammation Gels and ointments against the inflammatory process Toothpastes against inflammation of the gums Traditional methods of treating inflammation of the gums Prices for treatment of inflammation of the gums in our clinic

Causes of the inflammatory process

Everyone has encountered the problem of gum inflammation: for some the process was more pronounced, for others less. However, the reaction to the inflammatory process is different - some people try not to make the disease worse and go to the dentist, while others let things take their course, hoping that “it will go away on its own.” Such an irresponsible attitude towards one’s health can ultimately lead to complications that will be difficult to cope with even with the help of a doctor.

To prevent inflammatory gum diseases, you need to know what can cause inflammation and what symptoms can be seen that it already exists.

What could be the reasons

1. Microbes

The human oral cavity contains a huge number of microorganisms that under normal conditions do not pose any danger. The body's general immune system and local immunity cope with the regulation of their numbers, growth and health effects until conditions favorable for microbes occur, when they become a serious threat.

2. Insufficient or poor oral care

In the absence of regular brushing of teeth, or the wrong choice of toothbrush, toothpaste, elixir or mouthwash, plaque accumulates on the surface of the teeth, which serves as an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms.

3. Presence of tartar

Soft plaque under the influence of bacterial waste products turns into hard tartar. The appearance of these solid formations contributes to the development of the inflammatory process; The gums become injured and “sag,” and pathogens penetrate into the deeper layers of the soft tissue of the gums.

4. Other reasons

In addition to the above reasons, inflammatory gum diseases can occur:

  • due to improper prosthetics and dental fillings
  • smoking and vitamin deficiencies
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system

Also, gum inflammation can be caused by a hereditary predisposition or weakening of the body's protective functions.

How do the symptoms manifest?

Inflammation does not occur immediately and is strong - it occurs in stages:

  • swelling and redness of the gums, excessively soft tissue (this can be felt when palpating with a finger or touching a toothbrush)
  • blood vessels are weakened, which is evident from the appearance of blood on the brush or dental floss (at first these are only traces, but later blood can appear at the slightest touch even with the tongue to the gum)
  • tooth sensitivity increases, as the gums sag, the neck of the tooth is exposed, and since it is not as protected as the crown by enamel, any impact is noticeable
  • the development of the inflammatory process can lead to the fact that the slightest irritation becomes a source of pain: it becomes difficult to chew food, and the contact of cold or hot, sour or sweet food on the inflamed area sometimes causes unbearable pain
  • the surface and outline of the gums look uneven, the tissues become loose
  • Bad breath becomes a constant unpleasant companion, which cannot be eliminated either by dental elixirs or by brushing your teeth.

General factors

The occurrence of inflammatory gum diseases is caused by a number of factors that weaken the functioning of the human immune system and make the gums susceptible to pathogens attacking them (gum inflammation begins - gingivitis). These factors are often:

  • periods of hormonal changes (puberty, pregnancy, menstruation or menopause)
  • stressful situations
  • disorders of the body's protective functions
  • active smoking

Inflammation of the gums can be caused by a disturbance in the composition of saliva, the balance of the bacterial flora in diabetes. Inflammatory gum disease can be caused by a lack of vitamins.

If these risk factors are present in your life, you should carefully monitor the formation of tartar and remove these unwanted deposits as quickly as possible.

Local factors

In addition to general factors, the occurrence of gingivitis is caused by poor oral care, dental plaque, poorly placed fillings and crowns, poor prosthetics, old fillings, malocclusion and the presence of orthodontic structures in the mouth that make normal teeth cleaning difficult. Increasingly growing deposits on teeth contribute to a greater accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms. Periodontal pockets may appear, which means inflammation moves to the gums.

The best dental gels for gums

Most dental gels for gums have a combined composition. Thanks to this, the therapeutic process is accelerated and facilitated.


Rating: 4.9

Our review opens with a nominee from France - the dental product Elugel. Its main active ingredient is chlorhexidine at a concentration of 0.2%. Thanks to Elugel, you can completely get rid of bleeding gums and stop inflammation of any complexity in the shortest possible time. Elugel prevents the formation of tartar. It is also advisable to use it for hygienic purposes or after surgery on the gums.

Elugel is sold in a metal tube (40 ml) with a small but stable lid. This gel can be applied to pathological lesions in any convenient way (washed finger, brush with soft bristles). This product should not be swallowed. However, there is no requirement to rinse your mouth with water after manipulation. The optimal result will be achieved if you use Elugel in courses of 15 days with breaks of 10 days.

This French dental product has a sweetish taste and a pleasant aromatic composition. It perfectly eliminates pain and has a pronounced antiseptic effect. The gel quickly strengthens the gums, solving the problem of blood in the oral cavity. Also, this product does not allow secondary infections to occur. This gel usually does not cause adverse reactions, but allergies may be triggered in some individuals.


  1. excellent antiseptic properties;
  2. solves the problem of bleeding;
  3. soothes gums;
  4. pleasant taste and aroma.


  1. occasionally provokes allergic reactions.


Rating: 4.8

The French manufacturer Pierre Fabre produces another effective product - Parodium. This drug contains 2 active ingredients: rhubarb extract and chlorhexidine. It is excellent for sensitive periodontal tissues. Parodium effectively relieves inflammation, deodorizes and envelops. This product is approved for use from 6 years of age and is also suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

Parodium is available in iron tubes (50 ml) with a small, stable lid. The gel has a rich carrot color. It has a liquid consistency. The taste and smell are dominated by medicinal notes of chlorhexidine. Apply the gel to the gums with a special applicator or simply with your finger. It is recommended to do 1 application per day. The product should not be swallowed. There is no need to rinse your mouth. This gel is used up quite quickly.

Patients share that Parodium perfectly solves the problem of bleeding and heals wounds on the gums. With it, the swelling of the mucous membrane quickly goes away. This remedy perfectly helps to cope with various diseases of the oral cavity. Women who used this gel during lactation note that their babies did not experience any allergic reactions. And those who wear dentures note that Parodium perfectly eliminates pain and discomfort.


  1. rhubarb extract and chlorhexidine in the composition;
  2. Possible from 6 years old;
  3. suitable for pregnant and lactating women;
  4. quickly eliminates bleeding;
  5. heals wounds;
  6. eliminates pain syndrome;
  7. special applicator included.


  1. quickly consumed.


Rating: 4.7

A Polish pharmaceutical plant produces gum gel - Cholisal. Its therapeutic effect is explained by the presence of two main components: choline salicylate (eliminates inflammation, pain, hyperthermia) and cetalkonium chloride (fights bacteria, viruses, fungi). The drug is used to treat all kinds of periodontal diseases that cause inflammation and pain.

Cholisal is produced in small iron tubes of 10 or 15 g. Additionally, they are packaged in cardboard boxes. The gel has a uniform consistency. It is clear and has a rich anise aroma. Cholisal can be used up to 3 times per day. For adults, a strip of 1 cm of gel is enough, for children - 0.5 cm. Use a clean finger to apply to the gums. Rub the product into the pathological focus with light massage movements.

Many people like that Cholisal does not contain lidocaine and sugar. At the same time, the gel is a good analgesic and heals wounds in the shortest possible time, eliminates inflammation and swelling. The analgesic effect develops within 2-3 minutes after application and can last up to 8 hours. Cholisal is suitable for all family members, including babies over 1 year old. Cholisal rarely causes side effects. But some people experience an initial burning sensation that quickly passes.


  1. lack of lidocaine and sugar;
  2. pleasant taste;
  3. relieves pain quickly and for a long time;
  4. Suitable for children from 1 year;
  5. perfectly relieves inflammation, heals wounds.


  1. initial burning sensation after application.

Metrogil Denta

Rating: 4.7

The dental product Metrogyl Denta, produced in India, contains 2 active substances: metronidazole (fights various bacteria) and chlorhexidine (antiseptic and antimicrobial effect). Dentists recommend this drug for various inflammatory gum diseases. In pediatrics, this gel can be used from 6 years of age.

Metrogyl Denta is sold in laminated plastic or metal tubes. Its packaging varies. The gel is soft, translucent, cloudy white. Has a pronounced menthol taste. Easily distributed over the gums. You need to use a minimum amount of product at a time. Application is repeated 2 times a day. After the procedure, the gel is not washed off.

Consumers share that immediately after distributing this gel, the inflamed area stings strongly. After some time, pain relief occurs (without the freezing effect) and a slight cooling effect remains. Many people note that with this remedy, complex inflammations heal much faster. Metrogyl Denta perfectly treats stomatitis, helps with gingivitis and periodontal disease. Side effects of this drug include local allergic reactions and headache.


  1. strong composition;
  2. quickly relieves pain;
  3. perfectly relieves inflammation;
  4. heals various wounds;
  5. pleasant taste;
  6. economically used.


  1. may provoke headaches and local allergic reactions.


Rating: 4.6

Asepta gum gel is the brainchild of the Russian pharmaceutical company Vertex. As an active ingredient, it contains a waste product of bees - propolis, which has a bactericidal effect on various pathogenic microorganisms. It also reduces pain, relieves inflammation and heals wounds. This remedy is often used for increased sensitivity of the gums, as well as to stop bleeding.

The iron tube with Asepta gel comes with a special spatula, which should facilitate the application process. The gel is liquid with a yellow-brown color. It tastes and smells like propolis. The product is applied in a thin layer to the gums shortly after hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity. It is distributed evenly throughout the pathological focus. Immediately after the manipulation you should refuse to eat and drink. The gel can be used 2-3 times per day.

This Russian remedy for gums has many positive reviews. Patients note that Asepta gel quickly eliminates bleeding, pain and swelling. It is quite convenient to use and is securely attached to the gum. This natural composition product is usually well tolerated, but in some individuals it occasionally causes a “metallic” taste in the mouth.


  1. as an active ingredient - propolis;
  2. taste and aroma are not irritating;
  3. easy to use;
  4. special spatula included in the set;
  5. quickly eliminates pain;
  6. heals wounds and injuries;
  7. stops bleeding on the gums.


  1. may cause a metallic taste in the mouth.


Rating: 4.5

The German remedy for gums Kamistad contains lidocaine (quickly and permanently relieves pain in the gums) and chamomile flower extract (relieves inflammation, heals). This drug is approved for use by persons over 12 years of age to solve all kinds of gum problems. Please note that instead of sugar, this medicine contains sodium saccharinate.

This German gum remedy is a medium-density yellow-brown gel. It has a mild, floral-herbal aroma. The product is contained in an aluminum tube with a long spout, which facilitates the dosing process. For one procedure, about 0.5 cm of gel is taken. It is applied to the pathological focus and gently rubbed in with massage movements up to 3 times a day. The duration of use of Kamistad depends on the severity of the pathological process.

Many people are very pleased with the Kamistad gel, since it effectively soothes the gums during the eruption of figure eights. Immediately after application, a “freezing” effect develops, and the pain is felt much less. The swollen gums return to normal after 2-3 days. It perfectly eliminates swelling and inflammation. Kamistad usually does not cause any problems. But occasionally this gel provokes allergic reactions.


  1. working composition;
  2. acceptable taste and aroma;
  3. there is no discomfort when using it;
  4. quickly relieves pain;
  5. reliably eliminates inflammatory processes.


  1. Allergic reactions cannot be ruled out.


Rating: 4.4

Russian gel Parodontocid contains 7 active components, mainly of plant origin. Essential oils are also present among the auxiliary ingredients. This product does not contain chlorhexidine, metronidazole, or lidocaine. However, some consumers who are attentive to ingredients are confused by the presence of methylparaben in it.

The periodonticide is contained in a metal tube (15 g) with a small cap. The color of the gel is pure white. It is moderately thick and does not spread. This product is used very economically. For one manipulation, 1 cm of gel is enough. It is applied, pre-washed, with your finger or on a piece of bandage. The product is recommended to be used 2 times a day. The therapeutic course can last 1-2 weeks.

Patients note that immediately after applying this gel, you need to be prepared for the gums to burn slightly. But this feeling quickly passes and an analgesic effect soon sets in. This remedy perfectly reduces the sensitivity of the gums and relieves them from bleeding. Many people are satisfied with periodontocide due to its taste characteristics. Procedures using it do not cause discomfort.


  1. the composition is rich in natural ingredients;
  2. the taste and aroma are quite pleasant;
  3. quickly eliminates pain;
  4. stops gum bleeding;
  5. economically used.


  1. contains parabens;
  2. initial slight burning sensation at the site of application.


Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums caused by local and general unfavorable factors, without a violation of the integrity of the tooth-gingival junction.

Although gingivitis is much easier to cure than periodontal disease or periodontitis, you should not relax: untimely contact with the dentist and delays in treatment can lead to very significant consequences. Firstly, you will need to spend more on treatment; secondly, it is unknown what side effects may appear on general well-being due to “simple” gum inflammation.

The main cause of gingivitis is still non-compliance with basic hygiene rules or a complete lack of oral hygiene. The disease can be caused by injuries of various types, improper installation of prostheses, and weakened immunity. Gingivitis is characterized by shallow inflammation of the gums around a tooth or several teeth. In dentistry, there are several forms of this disease.

Catarrhal gingivitis

There is redness of the gums around a tooth or several. Often the gums bleed, there may be slight itching, pain when eating or performing hygiene procedures. This is the most common form.

Ulcerative gingivitis

A severe form of the disease, when large areas of the gums are affected and a characteristic grayish coating is visible. At an advanced stage, the formation of purulent foci, necrosis of soft tissues, and bad breath may appear.

Hypertrophic gingivitis

In the clinic of this form, compaction and proliferation of the soft tissues of the gums are noted, sometimes leading to keratinization of its individual parts.

If the first symptoms of any form of disease appear, you should immediately see a doctor, because self-medication will not help in this case. Relieving the inflammatory process is not an end in itself; it is necessary to get rid of the cause that provoked the inflammatory process. Only a dentist can determine the cause of gingivitis and prescribe appropriate therapy. You may need to consult a specialized specialist, to whom a doctor will give a referral.

What to do if your denture rubs

It’s not just the first days of installation that are difficult for many patients. Often, removable dentures constantly rub against the gums due to their irregular shape. In this case, therapeutic treatment will not be successful, so dentists carry out a correction or a complete change of the prosthesis.

The plate is filed at the points of contact with the mucous membrane. Thus, the load on the gums will be redistributed and the problem will be solved.

After the manipulations, the specialist recommends a remedy to relieve inflammation caused by rubbing. For example, a gel for lubricating gums. It is important to see a doctor immediately, otherwise complications are possible - inflammation of the inner layers of the jaw apparatus, healthy periodontal tissues.

Inflammatory processes in the oral area

Today, there are a number of factors that can lead to inflammation of various types in the oral cavity.

Inflammation of the gums causes discomfort in the patient and does not contribute to improving communication with others: it is not very pleasant to talk with a person who has constant bad breath (and this accompanies any inflammation). However, one should not think that everything is limited only to the oral cavity: if infected saliva gets into the stomach, it can provoke quite serious systemic diseases.

Inflammatory process during pregnancy

Pregnancy for almost all women is problematic in terms of the condition of the oral cavity: tooth enamel weakens and begins to deteriorate; gums often become inflamed.

The causes of inflammation and pain in the gums can be different:

  • weakening of the protective functions of the whole body and local immunity, as a consequence
  • the diet changes, metabolic processes proceed in an unusual mode for the body, which leads to an acceleration of the formation of dental plaque
  • neglect of the rules of oral hygiene during pregnancy

Ultimately, an impressive layer of plaque accumulates on the teeth during the day, which serves as an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

As such, plaque on teeth does not pose any danger if it is removed on time and well enough. Morning and evening brushing of the oral cavity is enough to avoid the appearance of plaque. During pregnancy, special attention should be paid to the condition of the teeth and gums, without expecting that everything will go away on its own.

If left untreated, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis, which is much more serious and can lead to the loss of completely healthy teeth.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the gums literally from the first days of pregnancy, since already in the first weeks the first signs of inflammation may appear. If there is pain in the gums, inflammation and bleeding, you should immediately go to see a doctor. You should not put off visiting the dentist and dental treatment until the postpartum period: you simply won’t have time, and most importantly, you will waste time, which will cause more serious consequences.

Prosthetics and installation of crowns

Orthopedic dental operations are not easy procedures in themselves, and additional complications arise against the background of gum inflammation. If prosthetics are necessary, then it is necessary to first treat the oral cavity, remove inflammatory processes, and then install orthopedic structures. In the initial stage, it is easier to get rid of any disease, so earlier treatment of inflammation will be more effective. If you need to install dentures for periodontitis, you need to know:

  • the process will be longer due to the need for preliminary treatment
  • “loose” teeth cannot be completely reattached to the gums, and if the teeth are too mobile, they will have to be removed; Even apparently healthy teeth, without traces of caries, are removed, since the dentures must have a strong, reliable support
  • if you do implantation, then periodontitis will not be a contraindication

With periodontitis, the choice of dentures is small. Even in the remission stage of this chronic disease, one-piece metal-ceramic crowns, made of metal and ceramics, cannot be installed. For reliable installation of permanent dentures, it is necessary that the neighboring teeth are motionless, otherwise the denture will begin to loosen and the supporting teeth may become deformed.

Only an orthopedic dentist can determine which type of design is right for you. Based on examinations and examinations, he decides what kind of surgery is required: installation of a bridge, removable dentures, zirconium crowns or implantation. A good specialist will definitely have an option for you, no matter how difficult the dental situation may be!

Negative effects of wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth begin to erupt after 18–19 years of age. This third pair of chewing teeth is not easy for a person: the gums become inflamed, swollen, and are literally “torn”. But if the pain or gum swelling is too severe, you should consult a dentist. Medical intervention or the use of special medications and hygiene products may be necessary.

Inflammation of the gums around wisdom teeth can occur for many reasons:

  • it is difficult to clean with a toothbrush from food debris and plaque, which leads to the active proliferation of microbes
  • the soft tissues of the gums are injured: eruption itself is difficult, plus improper growth of the wisdom tooth is possible
  • inflammation around the figure eights can be caused by stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease

In any case, inflammation of the gums around wisdom teeth requires treatment to prevent it from spreading further. Eights are often removed soon after they appear.

Local inflammation of the gums in 1-2 teeth –

In this section we will tell you how to relieve gum inflammation if it occurs in the area of ​​only 1-2 teeth. The reasons for such limited inflammation may be, for example, a localized form of periodontitis or an exacerbation of chronic dental periodontitis. Swelling of the gums with localized periodontitis is usually located in the projection of the interdental space, and closer to the gingival margin (Fig. 9-10). Often, when you gently press on such a swelling, you can see that pus begins to ooze from under the gums.

Swelling of the gums with localized periodontitis: photo

The main causes of periodontitis localized in the area of ​​1-2 teeth are most often the following factors:

  • Traumatic bite (super contact) – so-called “premature biting” may occur in the area of ​​some teeth, i.e. antagonist teeth do not close evenly, and there is premature biting on one of the teeth. The presence of such supercontact causes mechanical overload of the tooth, which leads to destruction of the bone tissue around it and inflammation of the gums. Supercontacts can appear independently, or be the result of poorly made fillings and crowns.
  • Overhanging edge of the filling in the interdental space - when treating caries between teeth, the dentist may leave an overhanging edge of the filling, which will injure the gingival papilla in the interdental space. This is a gross mistake by the dentist. In addition to injuring the gums, the overhanging edge of the filling creates conditions for retaining food debris in the interdental space, which also contributes to the development of inflammation.
  • The absence of a contact point between the teeth - when the part of the tooth that contacts the lateral teeth in the interdental space is destroyed - it is very important to restore correct contact. This is quite complex and painstaking work that requires skill, and not every dentist knows how to restore the “contact point” between teeth. Lack of good contact will lead to food getting stuck in the interdental space, followed by rotting of food debris and the development of inflammation (especially in patients who do not use dental floss).
  • Overhanging edges of crowns –

    Poorly made crowns can lead to permanent gum injury. For example, crowns may also have an overhanging edge that can injure the gums. In Fig. 12 you can see an X-ray of the tooth under the crown: in the interdental space, arrows indicate a deep periodontal pocket, which arose due to chronic trauma to the gums by the overhanging edge of the crown.

Inflammation of the gums near the tooth: treatment if the cause is the overhanging edge of the filling or crown, then it is necessary to grind off the overhanging edge of the filling with a bur (if possible, otherwise, completely replace the filling), and make a new crown. If there is no good contact point between the teeth in the interdental space, it is also necessary to replace the poor-quality filling or crown that caused the lack of contact. In the presence of traumatic supercontact, “selective grinding of teeth” is performed.

All of the above is basic therapy aimed at eliminating the causative factor that caused inflammation. Further, depending on the severity of the inflammation and the degree of destruction of the bone tissue around the tooth, curettage of the periodontal pocket can be carried out (with synthetic bone tissue placed in the bone pocket in order to try to restore the bone level), a course of anti-inflammatory therapy, tooth splinting, etc. .

Inflammation of the gums due to periodontitis -

With localized periodontitis, inflammation develops in the interdental space, in which a periodontal pocket is formed due to inflammatory bone resorption.
In turn, swelling of the gums during exacerbation of chronic periodontitis is already associated with the development of purulent inflammation at the apex of the tooth root (Fig. 13). In this case, swelling of the gums or a fistula with purulent discharge will no longer be closer to the gingival margin, but closer to the projection of the apex of the root of the diseased tooth onto the gum. Inflammation of the gums due to periodontitis: photo

The cause of periodontitis (inflammation at the apex of the tooth root) is an infection in the root canals. Periodontitis occurs either as a result of lack of timely treatment of dental caries and pulpitis, or due to poor-quality dental treatment, especially often due to poor-quality root canal filling. Inflammation of the gums during periodontitis is usually limited to 1 causative tooth, but when a large purulent abscess forms, it can spread to several teeth (Fig. 14).

In all cases, inflammation, as a rule, is localized and is located in the projection of the causative tooth. In a periodontitis tooth, a “cyst” (a sac filled with pus) forms at the apex of the root, which causes swelling of the gums. In this case, swelling and swelling of the gums can either constantly increase, or will appear periodically, then disappear, etc.

How to relieve gum inflammation due to periodontitis - first you need to make sure that the inflammation is actually caused by the development of periodontitis. An x-ray will help us with this, which we will compare with the data from a visual examination of the teeth. Externally, the causative tooth will always have either a filling or a carious defect (although if the caries is located in the interdental space, you may not notice it). An x-ray will allow you to see inflammatory changes in the bone tissue in the area of ​​the apex of the tooth root, as well as the quality of root canal filling, if it was previously performed.

Next, dental treatment is carried out. If root canal treatment in a tooth has not been previously carried out, then the nerve is first removed and the root canals are mechanically treated, after which the inflammatory focus at the apex of the tooth root is treated using special pastes based on calcium hydroxide. Next, the root canals are filled with gutta-percha and the tooth crown is restored with a filling or crown. For comprehensive information on the treatment of periodontitis, read the article:

→ Algorithm for the treatment of periodontitis

An integrated approach to treatment

To stop the further development of the disease and eliminate discomfort, you must do the following:

  • diagnose the disease to prescribe appropriate therapy
  • remove deposits and stones from teeth
  • treatment of inflammation
  • sanitize the oral cavity

If necessary, loose teeth are splinted, dentures are placed, and teeth that cannot be treated are removed. After completing the treatment course, maintenance therapeutic procedures are prescribed. Only an integrated approach guarantees complete cure of inflammation, and following the recommendations will avoid relapses.

Consultation and initial examination of a specialist

At the first visit to the dentist, the patient undergoes an initial examination and receives advice on possible treatment methods for the identified disease. After a thorough examination of each tooth, the doctor records data on the condition of the teeth and gums in the patient’s medical record. The visitor is given information about which and how teeth need to be treated, and the approximate cost of the necessary procedures can be calculated.

Anti-inflammatory therapy

The problem of gum inflammation is a common phenomenon, however, self-medication cannot get rid of it. In order not to start the disease and not lose teeth, you should promptly seek the help of a dentist.

The combined use of conservative local therapy and physiotherapy gives good results. Medications used in the treatment of periodontitis are divided into several categories:

  • antibacterial agents (antifungals, antiseptics, antibiotics)
  • enzymatic, steroidal and non-steroidal drugs
  • hormonal, immunostimulating agents, vitamins

If the inflammation worsens, an operation may be prescribed to open the gums so that the accumulated pus can be released. For periodontitis, planned operations are performed:

  • patchwork
  • gingivectomy
  • curettage

Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed after getting rid of severe inflammation.

Treatment of inflammation caused by injury

There are two types of gum injuries - chronic and acute. The former are a consequence of the action of a constant irritating factor - an incorrectly installed prosthesis, unsuccessfully made bridges, crowns, etc. In this case, you cannot do without contacting an orthopedic doctor. Acute injuries can occur when using cutlery, dental floss or a hard brush, as well as in fights and falls.

Anti-inflammatory treatment is carried out by a periodontist. First, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the inflammatory process:

  • replacement of old or low-quality fillings is carried out
  • uncomfortable dentures are removed
  • It is recommended to buy a soft toothbrush

Next, the treatment course is carried out in stages:

  1. acute pain is relieved
  2. anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed

Features of choosing toothpaste and brush

A toothbrush is a personal hygiene item; it should be individual for everyone. The brush should not be used for more than two to three months.

If there are no problems with your gums, a medium hardness toothbrush will do. If there are any gum diseases, then the brush should be soft to avoid injury to the gums.

If you are used to using an electric brush, then you need to know that you should not brush your teeth for more than 3 minutes, and the brush movements are the same as when brushing with a regular brush. To reduce the load on the teeth, the electric brush should be applied to the surface of the teeth with less force compared to a regular one.

The choice of paste and the rules for using it are of great importance. Don’t think that the more toothpaste you squeeze out of the tube, the better you can clean your teeth. The volume of the paste does not affect the quality of the procedure - just squeeze out a little paste, the size of a pea.

The selection of toothpaste is also individual and depends on the condition of the gums and teeth. If your gums are bleeding, then the toothpaste should contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components. Most often these are medicinal plants: chamomile, eucalyptus, oak bark, sage, coniferous extracts, echinacea and others. Paste with propolis works well.

As a prophylactic paste, you should use those containing zinc citrate and aluminum lactate. They have an astringent effect and prevent periodontal disease and periodontitis. To restore mucous membranes, you need to buy pastes containing allantoin and bisabolol.

To choose the most suitable paste for your case, it is better to seek the help of a dentist. After examining and assessing the condition of the oral cavity, the doctor will be able to recommend exactly the paste that you need to prevent disease or as part of a treatment course for existing inflammation.

How to get rid of pain

It is important not to take independent action. Treatment of gum inflammation from dentures is carried out by a dentist, who first of all conducts an examination, identifies the cause of the pathology, and only then prescribes therapy and answers the question “how to treat.”

To cure the inflammatory process and eliminate pain caused by improper installation of the structure, correction of the prosthesis is undertaken. If the cause of the pathology is an allergic reaction to metal and its alloys, then there is only one way out - the manufacture and installation of a metal-free structure made of zirconium dioxide.

In a clinical setting, specialists treat and irrigate gums for regeneration and remove necrotizing tissue.

At home, patients use:

  • Medications. The use of antibiotics and painkillers is prescribed by the dentist only if the gums under the dentures hurt as a result of complications.
  • The most popular use of rinses, creams, gels and ointments, balms with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiseptic effects. The following popular brands accelerate the healing of gums - “Metragil-Denta”, “Miramistin”, “Cholisal”, “Forest Balsam”, “Malavit”, “Chlorhexidine”. Regular use and surface treatment helps relieve unpleasant symptoms and destroy bacteria accumulating under the structure.
  • The use of special toothpastes (“Lakolyut”, “President”, “Parodontax”) helps reduce bleeding gums and relieve inflammation. The medicinal paste is used for a month. It is impossible to treat the gums after this time. You can add a drop of tea tree oil to a pea-sized amount of product. This is a natural antiseptic that is actively used in dentistry.

The application of collagen plates and pads under removable dentures is recommended by the doctor in case of constant friction. They perform the function of protecting the mucous membrane and disinfecting the surface. The plates are applied three times a day to the mucous membrane.

Preventive actions

It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. To prevent gum inflammation, a whole range of hygienic and general health measures is necessary. It is necessary to prevent the appearance of tartar; maintain favorable microflora of the oral cavity; prevent the proliferation of microbes that cause inflammation and properly carry out hygienic procedures for caring for the oral cavity.

Comprehensive prevention includes the following measures:

  • maintaining oral hygiene, using properly selected care products and a toothbrush for regular care
  • mandatory doctor visits twice a year; When the first signs of inflammation appear, go to an appointment with a dentist outside of your plan
  • treatment of general somatic diseases
  • maintaining a proper diet with the introduction of a large number of foods containing a lot of fiber and vitamins into the menu (it is advisable to consume fruits and vegetables without heat treatment)
  • introduce celery, apples, carrots into your daily diet
  • the use of mouth rinses with antiseptic properties that do not destabilize the balance of microflora in the mouth

Antiseptic rinses against inflammation

They are good at removing microbes and the toxins they produce, partially destroying pathogens, protecting the enamel and reducing the enzymatic activity of various types of rinses.

Rinses used for inflammatory processes can be divided into:

  • antimicrobial action;
  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • mixed (or combined) action.

Antimicrobial solutions include antiseptics or antibiotics. They don’t just temporarily remove inflammation, they act on the root cause of inflammation – pathogenic microflora.

Important note: when using rinses with anti-inflammatory agents, it is recommended to simultaneously use gum gels containing antibiotics or antiseptics.

How not to do it

Patients often self-medicate and try to get rid of gum disease with hydrogen peroxide. Despite the fact that this is a good antiseptic, it is not suitable for use in the treatment of inflammatory gum diseases and does not give any effect other than foam in the mouth. It is not possible to rinse periodontal pockets on your own using a syringe; certain knowledge and skills are required.

Gels and ointments against the inflammatory process

To treat periodontitis, applications with various therapeutic agents are used. Each has its own recommendations for use, however, during all procedures one should strictly adhere to one rule: hands must be clean (processing can be carried out with cotton swabs)

After eating, you should brush your teeth and squeeze out a small amount of gel from the tube. Apply the product to the affected part of the gum, then do not eat or drink for half an hour. You should not take a lot of gel or ointment: the effect will not increase, and a reaction to the swallowed drug may follow.

However, no ointments or gels used at home can replace dental treatment. They can become a good auxiliary component of a complex of treatment measures prescribed by a doctor. They can relieve discomfort, prevent gingivitis or periodontitis, but cannot replace treatment.

Symptoms that require immediate medical attention

Patients often think that if their gums hurt under dentures, then this is normal, so they delay going to the doctor. Swelling and redness appear on the gums. If nothing is done at this stage, erosions and ulcers appear on the mucous membrane. Traumatic (prosthetic) stomatitis develops; drug treatment is needed.

Constant mechanical irritation leads to the formation of papillomas, which can degenerate into tumors.

Burning, discomfort, and unpleasant sensations are sometimes caused by common diseases: diabetes, alcoholism, immunodeficiency states. If you have teeth, in such cases it is better to install clasp dentures, and if this is not possible, then plate products with a soft layer under the base. The soft layer is also used if the palate is rubbed with a prosthesis.

Toothpastes against gum disease

If your gums are bleeding, you should choose the right toothpaste. Aluminum lactate has a good hemostatic effect; chlorhexidine and mineral salts are slightly inferior to it.

As for the other components included in the toothpaste for gums - bisabolol, allantoin, medicinal plant extracts - they do not directly affect bleeding gums. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, as a result of which bleeding is reduced and may disappear. Thus, we can only talk about their indirect effect on bleeding gums, which is why a positive result is observed later than when using a paste with aluminum lactate or chlorhexidine.

At the same time, you need to know that even the best paste only temporarily removes bleeding, but in no case is a remedy. To get rid of the disease, you need to see a dentist.

Rating of the best products for gums

The best dental gels for gums1Elugel270 ₽
2Parodium370 ₽
3Holisal420 ₽
4Metrogil Denta225 ₽
5Asepta200 ₽
6Kamistad268 ₽
7Periodonticide160 ₽
The best gum rinses1Biorepair Mouthwash Gum Protection990 ₽
2Listerine Expert Gum Protection197 ₽
3Lacalut Active308 ₽
4Asepta Active rinse aid258 ₽
5Forest balm with pine nut oil and sage extract109 ₽

Traditional methods of treating gum inflammation

Alternative medicine offers many ways to treat inflammation in the oral cavity. Gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease are treated with ointments, tinctures, rinses and special “masks”. In addition to medicinal plants, honey, salt, soda, and peroxide are used to prepare medicinal compositions.

But we must understand that traditional medicine cannot seriously become a full-fledged treatment. When you notice the first signs of inflammatory diseases, you should go to see a dentist, and use folk remedies only on his recommendation.

Advantages of prosthetics on implants

  • Bone tissue does not decrease, the facial contour is preserved, the smile looks younger;
  • the supporting teeth do not deteriorate;
  • any number of teeth are restored;
  • immediately after implantation, a temporary prosthesis or a permanent ceramic-composite structure is put on (using the Resmile method);
  • there is no problem with suction (as in removable ones), the structures are fixed with screws or dental cement.

Work of ROOTT dentists on implant prosthetics for periodontal disease

Prices for treatment of gum inflammation in our clinic

We can talk about the cost of treatment for any inflammatory gum disease only after clarifying the diagnosis, determining the cause and level of neglect of the disease. With a timely visit to the dentist, professional teeth cleaning is often sufficient. In severe cases, surgery may be prescribed. If the examination reveals the presence of concomitant diseases of the oral cavity that complicate the therapeutic treatment of gingivitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis, consultation with a specialized dental specialist - an orthopedist, surgeon or therapist - will be required. This also affects the final cost of treatment.

You should not delay the treatment of periodontitis and gingivitis, because they can quickly develop into a more severe form. If your gums become swollen, red, or begin to bleed; there is pain and itching when eating; If stones and heavy plaque appear on your teeth, you should immediately visit a dentist.

A competent doctor is always aware of the most modern treatment methods and, after examination, will give recommendations and, if necessary, prescribe an appropriate course of treatment.

Types of inflammatory diseases

There are two categories of diseases that provoke the development of such a process. These include:

  • Diseases affecting soft tissues. They are caused by injury to the gums. It occurs due to mechanical pressure and chemical burns.
  • Diseases of the mucous membrane. Most often they are provoked by infection or fungi. These include diseases such as stomatitis, gingivitis, periostitis, and periodontitis.

Only a doctor can tell you the exact reason. A visual examination of the oral cavity is carried out, and tests for various pathogens will also be required.

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