Bad breath in children (halitosis): causes, treatment, prevention

The paranasal sinuses (sinuses) are cavities inside the bones of the skull that communicate with the nasal cavity. They are filled with air and perform a number of important functions, one of which is protective. The tissues lining the inside of the paranasal sinuses are covered with small mobile cilia and produce mucus. The cilia drive this mucus to the exit - and along with it, pathogenic particles and mechanical irritants are removed. Even a minor malfunction of the paranasal sinuses can provoke sinus inflammation. It is difficult to diagnose: in its first symptoms, the disease is very similar to a common cold or allergy. It is especially difficult to recognize the signs of sinusitis in children. However, with timely diagnosis, it responds well to treatment, and proper prevention significantly reduces the risk of developing this disease.

Causes of unpleasant odor

An unpleasant odor can occur for various reasons: from stress suffered by a child to a disease of the digestive system. To eliminate an unpleasant odor, sometimes you need to carefully observe oral and dental hygiene. From a very early age, that is, when the baby’s first baby tooth appears, the child should be taught to brush his teeth twice a day.

If the smell from the mouth becomes persistent, then the child should be shown to a dentist, who will check the condition of the child’s gums and teeth. If the teeth are healthy and the gums do not bleed, the dentist will give a referral to a specialized specialist to diagnose the causes of the child’s bad breath.

How to reduce acetone in a child at home

What to do with acetone at home? All the mechanisms for this are in the body; there is no need to invent anything. It is necessary to give the child glucose to restore normal metabolism and drink plenty of fluids to quickly remove acetone bodies from the body.

Theoretically, alkaline water can neutralize acetone on a chemical level, but it has not been medically proven to be an effective treatment for acetonemia. Sweet compotes, sweet tea, water with honey or sugar and drinks with a high glucose content (Coca-cola, Pepsi, Fanta, etc.) will be much more effective.

Types of bad breath

Parents should pay attention if the child's mouth emits a specific odor, which may be:

  • acetone, appearing against a background of high temperature. This smell should especially alert parents. The child should be immediately shown to a doctor, as it appears when acetonic syndrome occurs, which is a serious disease;
  • A putrid odor occurs due to poor oral hygiene, a sore throat, tonsillitis or pharyngitis. With these diseases, the oral cavity, including the tongue and tonsils, become covered with a white coating, which also appears in cases of stomatitis and caries, and increased stomach acidity. The child should be seen by a doctor for advice and to understand how to act in case of such diseases.
  • A purulent odor occurs during chronic inflammation in the child’s nasopharynx, when the tonsils become covered with purulent plaque, and purulent plugs form in the child’s throat, emitting a purulent odor.
  • A sour smell occurs when the stomach is too acidic or when inflammatory processes occur in it. The second cause of sour odor is reflux, when gastric juice enters the baby's esophagus.
  • A sweetish smell indicates liver disease or the development of cirrhosis.
  • A chemical smell appears when there is a disease of the digestive system, especially when there is a disease of the gallbladder.
  • The smell of chlorine occurs when gums bleed and periodontal disease develops. In this case, it is necessary to check the condition of the child’s gums and teeth.

Why is there blood mixed in?

The admixture of blood in a child’s purulent snot especially frightens parents. In this situation, the mucus turns brown. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Most often it is observed due to the development of changes in the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinus. There are also the following factors causing the violation:

  • formation of a boil in the nasal passage;
  • excessively intense nose blowing;
  • malignant neoplasms in the nasal cavity.

Only a doctor can determine exactly what caused purulent discharge with blood from the nose in a child after an examination.

Strange smell from the mouth during an acute respiratory viral infection

When an acute respiratory viral infection occurs against a background of high temperature, a purulent odor emanates from the child’s mouth. This occurs because the tonsils and tongue are covered with a coating that emits the smell of pus. With an inflammatory process in the lungs or sinusitis, halitosis may worsen, which disappears after the child recovers. Rinsing your mouth with antiseptic solutions will help speed up recovery.

Questions for a neurologist

Dron Anastasia Nikolaevna

, pediatric neurologist, doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences. Work experience: 9 years

ꟷ We were prescribed Gliatilin (7 years), but it is expensive and I bought Cereton. The tablet analogues are the same, but the contraindications for children are different. The question is, is there a difference between them or not? Is it true that the side effects are so severe?


An original drug (innovative drug, “brand”) is a drug synthesized for the first time and undergone a full cycle of research, the active ingredients of which are protected by a patent for a certain period. Distinctive characteristics of original drugs: high quality, efficiency and safety; patenting the chemical formula, methods of synthesis and production; a full range of preclinical and clinical studies; informative instructions; production is carried out only according to GMP rules; high cost per package.

Causes of cholitosis in children

Halitosis can develop in children of different ages and for various reasons: from poor oral and dental hygiene or the presence of a foreign object in the baby’s nostril. A doctor who examines a child can determine several causes of cholithosis:

  • an incorrectly chosen diet, from which it is necessary to exclude fatty, fried foods flavored with garlic and onions;
  • the stressful situation experienced by the baby causes dryness in the baby's cavity, and can cause cholithosis. In case of stress, the child should be given acidified water to drink or the child should be given a slice of tangerine so that he can suck on it;
  • unpleasant smell in the morning. Bad breath after sleep is caused by the fact that a sleeping child does not produce saliva, which is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. After the morning hygienic brushing of teeth, the smell disappears.

Questions for a gastroenterologist

ꟷ Question for a gastroenterologist. The child is 3 years old, suffering from constipation (stool every day, but dry, with pebbles), was treated, tests were all normal (feces, ultrasound of the stomach, blood), nothing has changed. Every day the child gets fresh cucumbers or carrots, fruits, dried fruits, drinks 200-300 ml of clean water (excluding compote, tea), I give only fresh sour milk (today’s), we don’t overuse flour products. I don’t know what else to do, the doctors didn’t help us.


In your case, you need to conduct a detailed analysis of your diet and create an individual menu. Rule out congenital intestinal pathology and thyroid disorders. Also, problems with “dry” stool can be caused by impaired bile secretion. What physical activity does the child have during the day?

It is very important to know when problems with bowel movements first appeared.

ꟷ My daughter is 5 years old. 1) A year ago, an ultrasound revealed that the liver (10 years old in size) and spleen (7 years old in size) were enlarged. The ultrasound doctor didn't say anything definite. He said that it could be a consequence of ARVI. The pediatrician spread his hands. This question still bothers me. What are the reasons for this and is treatment necessary? The girl is big, if that matters.

2) My daughter has had mild neurology since birth. There was excess fluid in the head, hyperexcitability. She has a very emotional behavior, any emotions are over the edge. Does this need adjustment?

3) In recent days, my daughter often yawns, says that she wants to sleep, but does not go to bed, has difficulty getting to bed, but sleeps enough, plus she has become irritable. Could this be a sign of iodine deficiency in the body?

O.A., A.N.:

1. The ultrasound must be repeated, because a year ago is no longer informative. And with the results it is better to contact a gastroenterologist.

2. Whether your child requires behavior correction or not can be determined after a more detailed survey, examination, and observation of the child’s behavior; counseling with a psychologist may be necessary.

3. Whether your child has iodine deficiency or not, an endocrinologist will help determine after a detailed survey, examination, and the necessary examination.

ꟷ 1) My son is 7 years old, he was diagnosed with Gilbert's Syndrome, and we have been seeing a gastroenterologist since birth. Bilirubin has been elevated since birth. The child and the family do not have hepatitis, parasites, or other infections. What is the prognosis for quality of life? Treatment and prevention? We drink Ursosan.

2) Does ADHD affect a child’s character traits and academic performance? My son is 7 years old, sloppy, uncollected, all requests and instructions must be repeated 3 times. Performance at school is good, but there are big problems with diligence and fulfilling requests. I dance three times a week. Is it worth increasing physical activity? How can I help with my studies?

O.A., A.N.:

1. What is the bilirubin level? Does it decrease after taking Ursosan?

Have you taken a genetic test? Because Important in diagnosis is a genetic blood test for Gilbert's syndrome (in this case, the DNA of the UDFGT gene is analyzed and a TATAA-level mutation is detected in one of the alleles). A genetic blood test for Gilbert's disease is the most informative and decisive, because identifies the source of the disease, and not indirect signs.

The prognosis is favorable if provoking factors are avoided: infections, physical and mental stress, consumption of alcohol and hepatotoxic drugs. Insolation is also contraindicated, i.e., if the diagnosis is confirmed, your child cannot sunbathe or actively relax in the sun.

2. Has your child been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder by a specialist? Has your child previously received drug treatment for this disease? If so, what was the effect and was it? Children with this diagnosis should not be given 10 tasks at a time. It’s better to give one, wait until it’s done, then the next. If his academic performance is good, it means he is diligent and the diagnosis is unlikely.

ꟷ The child is, as they say, “small”: light weight, eats little, small stature, on the verge of normal. 5.5 years. What can you do to “grow up” a guy?))


When examining a child, a pediatrician evaluates anthropometric data using centile tables (this is the percentage of fluctuations in anthropometric data for a given age and gender). Simply put, what is the most common weight and height for children at this age and how much it can deviate, while being the norm. And it indicates which corridor the values ​​for a given child fall into. In addition to weight and height, chest and head circumferences are measured, which makes it possible to assess the harmonious development. If the child develops harmoniously, is somatically healthy, has a good appetite, then nothing needs to be done. Very often, children stretch out during puberty.

I recommend contacting a pediatrician for a comprehensive assessment of the child’s condition and, if indicated, an endocrinologist for a full examination.

ꟷ Are there currently any vaccines that are absolutely safe for a child’s health?


As you know, in the entire history of medicine, more lives have been saved with the help of vaccinations than with the help of all other methods of medicine combined.

By refusing vaccinations in modern conditions, we become absolutely helpless in the face of many dangerous infections.

It is an indisputable fact that the history of mankind is the history of epidemics. In the modern world there is an alternative to many diseases - vaccination. Vaccines use live, killed and chemical (genetically engineered) ones.

The main role in the composition of vaccines is given to microorganisms, their fragments or their metabolic products, which cause the development of immune defense against the corresponding infection. This is an “ideal” vaccine, but there are no “ideal” vaccines, because... Each vaccine has additional components that are added due to the peculiarities of the technological process for creating vaccines.

And before using vaccines, it is better to find out whether the child has an intolerance to any component.

You can donate blood for a comprehensive study using the lmmunoCAP method - this includes testing for baker's yeast, egg, tryptase (these are the main additional components of vaccines).

The child must be prepared for each vaccination. It is advisable to take the OAC and OAM before vaccination. An examination by a pediatrician is required. On the day of any vaccination, the child must be somatically healthy.

In some cases, antihistamines are prescribed individually if the child has any signs of allergies or is predisposed to them.

In any case, timely and successful vaccination is protection against many infectious diseases.

ꟷ The doctor prescribed the antibiotic Flemoxin to the child, but did not say anything about drugs for restoring intestinal microflora. Should a mother always buy such a drug herself, taking care of the child’s health? Or in some cases they are not required? And if so, which one would you recommend, besides Linex, which is suspiciously advertised a lot?


Usually all medications are prescribed by a doctor. If your child has problems with digestion or bowel movements, you should inform your doctor about this.

The human intestinal microflora is a collection of various microorganisms, the work of which is very closely related to each other. If, under the influence of some factors (in your case, antibiotic therapy), the quantity of these bacteria or their quality begins to change, then this becomes the cause of disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is reflected in the condition of the entire organism. Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose a violation of the intestinal microflora as early as possible and begin its treatment in order to avoid serious complications and health problems.

With this problem, you can contact both a pediatrician and a gastroenterologist.

What to do?

If a child has persistent bad breath, he or she should be shown to a doctor for a comprehensive examination. Usually, when you establish a drinking regime and exclude sweet foods from your diet, the unpleasant odor disappears. Parents should be alarmed by the unpleasant odor emanating from the baby’s mouth, which should be immediately examined by a doctor.

Preventive measures

To prevent the development of cholithosis, the child must follow some preventive measures:

  • brush your teeth twice a day (morning and evening);
  • parents should organize a diet that contains vegetables and fruits containing phosphorus and calcium;
  • observe drinking regime;
  • be systematically checked by a dentist and, if you have sick, damaged baby teeth, have them treated, since rotten teeth can be a source of bad breath from the child’s mouth.
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