Metallic breath: causes, possible problems, treatment and doctor's recommendations

Bad breath as a symptom of illness

Since the time of Hippocrates, a doctor, when examining a patient, paid attention to the smell of the mouth and could make a diagnosis based only on this sign. Indeed, in this place of the person the mucous membrane is very thin and the blood vessels pass close to the surface. Metallic breath occurs due to diseases of the gums, teeth and oral mucosa. In addition, the esophagus and respiratory tract exit into the mouth. By the smell of your mouth you can judge the condition of the stomach, liver and lungs, not to mention systemic diseases - anemia, thyroid tumor, stomach and duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis.

It happens that a metallic odor from the mouth of an adult is a one-time phenomenon, which arose, for example, under the influence of a medication or a new denture in the mouth. In this case there is nothing to worry about. If the metallic smell in the mouth has become constant, this means that it is necessary to undergo a full examination by a doctor.

Reasons for a strong odor from a person?

Interesting fact: Did you know that of all earthly creatures the only creatures that do not sweat are dogs, cats, piglets, and birds. They do not have sweat glands, and thermoregulation occurs through the respiratory system. Therefore, when dogs actively breathe after a summer walk, this helps to cool down.

This does not happen in humans; sweating is a natural and vital process for us. But many people are not satisfied with their body odor; girls especially suffer from this. After all, wet, yellow stains on clothes, an unpleasant aroma mixed with perfume, drive you into complexes and spoil your mood. But not everyone wants to get rid of the causes and symptoms of unhealthy odor by changing their lifestyle.

What could be the reasons for the appearance of a harsh spirit?

  • Poor nutrition. It is not for nothing that it comes first, because this is the main and most common problem. Spicy, rich seasonings; fast food on a regular basis; fat meat; chocolate in large quantities - have the effect of enhancing heat transfer. The body begins to work more actively to digest the food received, which means that all other processes are launched. Sweating takes on a more pungent and sour odor.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs affect increased sweating. Thermoregulation is disrupted, toxins accumulate in the body, and as a result, bad body odor.
  • Synthetic clothing. If it seems that you are starting to smell “not so good”, then reconsider your wardrobe. Clothing with low breathability prevents moisture from completely evaporating. The body sinks under the material, and the process of sweating is inhibited.
  • Personal hygiene. It is important to take care of yourself, since the presence of hair on the genitals and in the armpit area does not allow sweat to fully evaporate and retains an unpleasant odor.
  • Lack of sports. If you don’t exercise or are overweight, your body won’t thank you. Minimal physical strain will be accompanied by profuse sweating. Because the body will take the opportunity to expel toxins from itself as long as the person is doing something.
  • Diseases. “In American clinics, the method of diagnosing diagnoses using dogs is becoming very popular. Dog handlers say that by the smell of sweat, a dog can detect whether a person is sick with something or not. Upon sensing an unfavorable odor from the patient, the dog sits up and barks.” Diseases and symptoms provoke the body to release toxins more actively for a faster recovery. An unhealthy odor from people indicates decay within the body. Therefore, do not delay treatment until later if your body aroma has changed significantly.

Oral diseases

If a metallic odor appears from the mouth, then the cause of it, first of all, is sought in the mouth. This symptom can be caused by various diseases of the mucous membranes, gums and teeth.

Inflammation of the gums, namely periodontitis and gingivitis, are accompanied by bleeding, which gives a metallic taste in the mouth and the smell of blood. Similar symptoms occur with stomatitis. After all, small ulcers on the mucous membrane can also bleed. Deep caries leads to pulpitis, which often causes bleeding from the tooth. However, this creates a putrid smell.

The characteristic taste of iron is caused by a phenomenon called galvonism. It occurs in people with installed dentures that have metal parts in their design. The galvanic current that occurs under the influence of saliva is manifested by dry mouth, pain in the gums and tongue, loss of the ability to recognize tastes, as well as frequent headaches. In this case, the treatment is obvious - it is necessary to replace the prosthesis.

As for other diseases, a dentist will help you cope with them.

Sour smell

A specific sour aroma, reminiscent of vinegar, most often occurs for the following reasons.

Hormonal disorders. In most cases, such an unpleasant symptom is observed in people suffering from thyroid dysfunction. As a rule, the vinegar smell occurs due to a lack of iodine or its excess, however, any other malfunctions can lead to this problem. Diabetes mellitus. Even a slight increase in blood sugar levels indicates diabetes. In this case, there is usually severe thirst, increased sweating and constant dry mouth. Almost always this condition is accompanied by excess body weight.

Lack of vitamins D and B. It may be worth taking a course of multivitamin medications.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the lungs. Patients with tuberculosis, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs emit a vinegary smell of perspiration. If, in addition to the sour smell, you are worried about general weakness and malaise, fatigue, severe cough, fever, be sure to consult a doctor. In tuberculosis, the release of a vinegary odor is also accompanied by severe sweating, especially at night.

Mastopathy. If the concentration of vinegar aroma is concentrated in the chest area, perhaps we are talking about mastopathy of the mammary glands. It is necessary to contact a mammologist for an in-person examination and ultrasound diagnostics.

Autonomic neuroses. Avoid stressful situations, maintain a proper daily routine, and do not overuse increased physical activity or lack of sleep.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The causes of metallic breath in an adult may lie in problems with the gastrointestinal tract. This could be a peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, gastritis, or even dysbacteriosis, when the intestinal microflora is disturbed. Inflammation of the gallbladder and liver pathologies can cause a malfunction of the entire digestive system.

A metallic taste in the mouth is not the only symptom; such diseases are usually accompanied by acute pain in the stomach, weakness, nausea, and bowel dysfunction. A gastroenterologist can establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment in this situation.

Body odor and human illness, which doctor should I contact?

People do not know how to diagnose diseases on their own; most often they turn to the Internet to search for information. But if you don’t want to be scared by surfing sites with unconfirmed facts, consult a doctor right away.

Initially, the patient is seen by a general practitioner in a clinic or a personal family doctor. He can make a primary diagnosis and prescribe treatment. If this is not his specificity, then send him for examination to a specialized colleague. Regarding unpleasant body odors with patients:

  • They conduct a conversation where they find out how the unhealthy person eats and what recent symptoms he has discovered in himself.
  • Tests (blood, urine) are prescribed. Is there enough information? – they stop there, establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
  • An oral swab is taken.

Having unsatisfactory test results, they may order an ultrasound of the organs to find out how they function. But the treatment of each person requires an individual approach and specificity. Therefore, it is pointless to predict where and to whom you will be sent. The main thing you should do is see a therapist, and not leave treatment for later.

Thank you for reading our material. Remember, smell is of great importance; it signals possible diseases. A healthy body should not have a strong smell, or even better, there should be no scent at all. Treat your health with care and lead a healthy lifestyle, then you won’t have to look for possible causes of diseases.

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Disturbances in the level of microelements in the human body are called hypovitaminosis. It can also cause an unpleasant metallic odor from the mouth. This condition is accompanied by other symptoms that help diagnose it: weakness in the limbs, increased fatigue, sleep disturbances, mental disorders, problems with memory and brain speed.

Hypovitaminosis is the main cause of metallic breath in a child, since during the period of intensive growth of the body, the level of one or another element in the blood is often disturbed.


Diabetes mellitus is characterized by a violation of the absorption of glucose by the body's cells, which ultimately accumulates in the blood, causing the destruction of the walls of blood vessels in all internal organs and skin.

It is this manifestation of diabetes that can cause a taste of blood in the mouth. That is, the thinnest vessels of the mucous membrane of the mouth and gums burst and bleed. Symptoms of diabetes include constant thirst and long-lasting wounds. If a person experiences all of these manifestations at once, he needs to urgently undergo examination by a doctor and receive a referral for treatment. Otherwise, it may end in diabetic coma and death.

Smell of acetone

Diabetes. It is the smell of acetone from the mouth that often becomes the first symptom of type 2 diabetes that attracts the patient’s attention.

Problems with the digestive system. Fasting and following strict diets, for example, eating only protein foods, leads to the breakdown of fat and protein cells. At the same time, the level of glucose in the blood drops, and the body begins to break down other cells - fat and protein.

Impaired liver and kidney function. They filter all substances that enter them, retain and remove unnecessary ones. If the functioning of these organs is disrupted, the amount of acetone and other harmful compounds in the blood increases. But the smell of acetone from the mouth in such diseases usually appears only in the later stages of the disease and is accompanied by other symptoms that make it possible to accurately establish the diagnosis.

Thyroid diseases. Activation of metabolic processes and increased breakdown of proteins and fats leads to the appearance of the smell of acetone from the mouth. In this case, the person becomes irritable, hot-tempered, and subject to rapid mood swings. There are also problems with sleep, increased appetite against the background of general weight loss and exophthalmos - enlargement of the eyeballs.

Infectious diseases. The appearance of the smell of acetone from the mouth during infectious diseases indicates severe dehydration of the body and massive breakdown of proteins. This condition often occurs with intestinal infections and requires immediate medical intervention.

Causes not related to diseases

It happens that an absolutely healthy person develops a metallic taste in the mouth. The reason for this may be heavy metal poisoning at work, dehydration, addiction to dietary supplements or taking vitamins.

A person himself is able to identify the etiology in this case if he traces the cause-and-effect relationship of being, for example, in a paint factory workshop with the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth. You just need to be more attentive to your body and not abuse dietary supplements.

We also must not forget that metal ions can enter the body through the skin, so an iron taste in the mouth may appear as a result of constant skin contact with iron, for example, as a result of working with it or when wearing metal jewelry such as chains and bracelets.

A metallic taste may occur as a result of eating it. It comes from old water pipes or metal utensils. To identify this reason, it is enough to let tap water sit in a glass cup for several hours and see if sediment has formed at the bottom. It’s better to avoid metal utensils altogether.

What does a healthy person's skin smell like?

The sweat of healthy people should not smell like anything. Each person is universal, has his own body aroma depending on how he lives and takes care of his health. Theoretically, people can be divided into 3 main groups:

  1. Sweat doesn't smell. This suggests that there is no large accumulation of toxins and bacteria in the body of such a person. Most likely, he leads a healthy lifestyle, watches his diet, exercises moderately and visits doctors. Or he was simply lucky to be born with a good immune system that does not allow viruses and bacteria. Strong immunity reduces the risk of catching a sore and acquiring the smell of viburnum from the body.
  2. Nice smell. 50% of people think their scent has a pleasant note. Men especially hold this opinion. In fact, this also happens. Some smell like paprika, rose, dessert. But a tasty body odor does not always indicate the proper functioning of organs. However, if you feel great and take care of your hygiene, then there is no point in steaming.
  3. The smell of hydrogen sulfide from a person. Nutritionists say that a person smells what he eats. And this is so, since fatty, spicy, high-calorie foods can negatively affect all organ systems. The more waste products remain in our body, the more toxins accumulate in it. And toxins come out through sweat and give off an unpleasant body odor.

The main thing to remember is that sweat is not to blame. On the contrary, with the help of sweating, all the “rubbish” comes out of a person, led by bacteria and harmful toxins. It also supports thermoregulation at different ambient temperatures. And the smell of sweat depends on the type of bacteria, and not on their number in the body.

Have you noticed that there are people who sweat a lot, but don’t smell at all? And there are people who sweat a little during physical activity, but have a strong odor. This once again proves that it is not a matter of quantity, but of quality. In our case, the quality of the state of the body.

Iron odor from the mouth during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman’s body is completely rebuilt in preparation for pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. Internal metabolism often leads to disruption of iron levels, which consequently causes bad breath. This usually happens in the first months of pregnancy.

Lack of iron and calcium, in turn, leads to dental diseases, periodontal disease, caries, and so on. This definitely affects the cleanliness of your breath and bad breath.

That is why a pregnant woman must regularly undergo tests throughout her entire pregnancy to determine the level of essential microelements in her blood in order to prevent their deficiency.

Principles of treatment

You can get rid of bad breath only by eliminating the cause of its occurrence. If this occurs as a result of diseases of the stomach or liver, you need to undergo a course of treatment from a gastroenterologist. If the cause of the unpleasant taste is a disease of the teeth and gums, then you need to consult a dentist. It is best to first visit a therapist; he will be able to detect the primary cause and refer you for examination to a more specialized specialist. For example, the causes of metallic breath in a child are determined by a pediatrician, and in pregnant women - by a gynecologist.

A quick way to get rid of the metallic taste in your mouth

It is clear that the unpleasant taste in the mouth will go away after appropriate treatment, but nothing prevents a person from taking steps to get rid of it while treatment is ongoing.

To do this, you can rinse your mouth with lemon juice 2 times a day or simply eat a few slices of lemon for breakfast and dinner. This, by the way, is very beneficial for the kidneys and immune system.

You can put some ginger, cinnamon or cardamom in your mouth throughout the day. Sweet lollipops are a good way to get rid of the iron taste, but if you have bad teeth, it is better not to use this method. A person's diet should include oranges, grapefruits, tangerines and tomatoes. They permanently eliminate the feeling of blood taste in the mouth.

Preventing iron taste in the mouth

In order to reduce the likelihood of conditions in the body accompanied by the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth, it is necessary to take care of prevention:

  1. More attention needs to be paid to the condition of the oral cavity. Teeth should be brushed regularly using silk floss to clean the interdental space. After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth.
  2. You should cook and eat food only from ceramic or glass dishes.
  3. It is better not to drink tap water at all. It definitely needs to be filtered. In most cities, water pipes have not been replaced for many decades. Naturally, water containing iron oxide and a lot of other impurities now flows through them.
  4. You should include citrus fruits and nuts in your diet. They strengthen the immune system and help avoid many diseases that cause bad breath.
  5. During pregnancy, a woman should regularly see her doctor and undergo all tests that he prescribes. This will allow you to monitor the progress of the child’s development and the mother’s condition, and prevent many fetal defects caused by metabolic disorders. For example, if there is a lack of iron, the fetus may develop anemia and the hematopoietic function of the body may be impaired.
  6. Young children should also be examined regularly by a pediatrician, as their growth and metabolic rates are very high.
  7. Adults should also be examined by a doctor at least 2 times a year with mandatory ultrasound examination of internal organs and blood tests for biochemistry. This will allow developing pathologies to be identified at the very beginning and easily treated.

A metallic odor from the mouth can indicate various problems in the body. To identify the reasons, it is better to consult a specialist.

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