Can teeth hurt due to nervousness: causes, drug treatment, doctor’s advice

Many people have probably heard the phrase that all diseases are caused by nerves. There is a grain of truth in this. A person's mental state often has a significant impact on his health.

Many people have noticed that if you get very nervous, your health deteriorates and various pains arise. Answering the question about whether teeth can hurt due to nervousness, it must be said that this happens quite often. The problem is that many people go to the dentist, but do absolutely nothing to try to eliminate stress. This is why medications help only temporarily, and then the pain returns again.

What is psychosomatics

Many people know that a person’s tense mental state has a negative impact on overall well-being. Psychosomatics studies these issues. Thanks to this, it is possible to establish the cause of many diseases.

Many people are interested in whether teeth can hurt due to nervousness. This is quite possible, and the reason for this is aggression, fear, guilt, as well as many other negative emotions. Psychosomatics allows you to understand the patterns of pain during stress.

In this case, painful manifestations are a defensive reaction of the psyche. Sometimes a person has a predisposition to the development of psychosomatic diseases. Their cause may be not only the denial of existing problems, but also certain factors, in particular the following:

  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • health-related phobias;
  • constant quarrels in the family;
  • negative attitude towards one's own appearance.

If a tooth hurts when you are nervous, the need arises not only for drug treatment, but also for mandatory work with psychological problems. Some people can deal with their concerns on their own, while others may need to consult a psychologist. This specialist will help make your life much easier and help you get rid of existing problems.

Stress and teeth.

Scientists have long told us and proven that stress is a negative factor for human health. The effects of stress affect the entire body, including the teeth. Most clinical observations suggest that negative events in a person’s life, leading to an increased state of anxiety and tension, are a risk factor for the development of dental diseases or contribute to their progression. When stressed, the level of the hormone cortisol increases in the blood, which immediately affects the state of the immune system. Under the influence of cortisol, the immune system weakens, which means that the body loses its previous ability to resist pathogenic bacteria. If we talk about teeth, the consequences of strong nervous tension in relation to them turn out to be the most unpleasant: stomatitis, periodontitis and even tooth loss.


manifests itself in the form of disturbing white sores in the mouth. Inflammation of the mucous epithelium occurs. With its help, our body provides an immune response to unfavorable factors, which can be stress.

The localization of this process can be different: stomatitis most often appears on the inner surface of the lips, cheeks and palate. Stomatitis on the tongue in adults is also possible.

For a speedy recovery, you should temporarily give up aggressive foods (containing a large amount of acids, salt, seasonings, hard, too hot or cold), and also try to rinse your mouth with disinfectants more often. Frequent rinsing helps reduce the number of germs on the mucous membrane.

If the disease is severe and has signs of a serious infection, then it is imperative to consult a dentist or therapist. Treatment should include measures to quickly relieve pain, heal the mucous membrane, as well as prevent the progression of the disease into a chronic disease with constant relapses.

As mentioned above, due to the effect of stress on the immune system, the risk of gum disease

. Dry mouth appears as a side effect of stress, and there is a lack of saliva, which is the first and most reliable defense against bacteria and infections in the mouth. Under the influence of advancing bacteria, inflammation occurs in the complex of tissues surrounding the teeth - periodontitis.

Signs of periodontal disease can include symptoms such as bad breath, bleeding and sore gums.

Of course, here again you cannot do without a dentist. At the appointment, the necessary treatment and measures for home prevention and care will be prescribed.

In addition, the stress experienced affects daily habits. When under stress, people tend to consume more alcohol, tobacco and sweets. During times of stress, many people neglect oral hygiene. Add to this the habit of strongly clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth, characteristic of a state of passion - all this only enhances the negative factors produced by stress on the condition of your teeth.

About the dangers of alcohol and tobacco abuse

Enough has been said already. Any person understands perfectly well what the consequences are, but being under stress is more difficult to control and motivate yourself. Therefore, awareness and understanding that all stress ends sooner or later, but your health remains, will help here. And whether it will allow you to live life to the fullest and enjoy it as before depends only on your behavior here and now. The same can be said about neglecting hygiene during times of stress.

Stress can cause a disease such as bruxism

(Bruxism), or simply grinding teeth. Since this happens on a subconscious level, as a rule, a person does not notice the existence of a problem. Four out of five cases of bruxism occur during sleep, and the remaining 20% ​​occur during stressful situations. Dentists note that many people experience bruxism periodically, during the most difficult periods in life.

Surely you know people who bite their nails?

? Or maybe even you are one of them? ))) This is far from a childhood habit, which gets worse with the onset of stress. They are quite grown-up people, quite consciously putting their fingers into their mouths and getting a fair dose of dirt from under their nails and from their hands, and along with it a bunch of viruses and bacteria. And at the same time, the condition of the teeth worsens: chips and cracks of the enamel are possible.

Maybe gloves, plasters, bitter coatings, frequent manicures can help, but the most important thing in this fight is a strong, very strong will! This bad habit doesn’t just give up, especially during times of anxiety.

All people have different reactions to stressful situations. Some people react more sharply, and such people may not be able to get out of this state in time. Then the process can become chronic, and in this case everything becomes much worse. Therefore, it is important to understand in time that you or your loved one needs the help of a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist. Modern medicine has long been successfully helping to cope with such situations. And it is a pity that quite a large number of people in our country live in a state of constant stress or its consequences, although the problem can be successfully solved.

So, it is very important to be attentive to your psycho-emotional state and behave competently in critical situations. After all, it is completely impossible to avoid them, and besides, short-term stress even benefits the body. A healthy, balanced diet, good sleep (at least 7-8 hours a day, provided you go to bed before midnight!) and exercise will help you counteract the negative psychological factors around us. And, of course, find a hobby you like, communicate with optimistic people, listen to music for relaxation and don’t forget to pamper yourself. And proper oral care will help you respond to stress with a dazzling smile.

Take care of your teeth and don't be nervous!

Can teeth hurt from nerves and should I see a dentist?

Many people are very afraid of toothache, as this means that they need to go to the dentist. However, in some cases it may be necessary to consult another specialist. Many people are interested in whether teeth can hurt from nerves. This is quite possible, and the reasons for this condition are completely different.

Against the backdrop of various worries, teeth can become very sore, and this may be due to anxiety about one’s own health, or previous painful treatment from a doctor. Pain can also appear if a person is worried about something, but he tries in every possible way to drive away bad thoughts.

If the pain occurs due to nerves, treatment by a dentist is not required. You just need to calm down and take the appropriate medications. In addition, it is advisable to visit a psychologist and try to eliminate the cause of the unrest.

Causes of pain in a tooth without a nerve

A tooth without a nerve hurts in those who did not take care or practice oral hygiene. Of course, there are often cases when pain occurs due to a dentist’s mistake. But if you were treated by a professional, then this option is excluded. Various diseases also play a major role. While a healthy tooth can tolerate them, a tooth without a nerve can be destroyed even from a small impact. This is due to the fact that, after removal of the nerve ganglion, it ceases to participate in mineral metabolism. It does not receive enough calcium and other beneficial vitamins. That is why removing the nerve is an extreme procedure, which is required only in very serious cases.

Also, the cause can be direct mechanical impact - a blow, a fall, and so on. Naturally, no one is immune from surprises, so you shouldn’t rule out this possibility of pain. Also, poor nutrition, sour, hot, or excessively cold foods can also cause severe pain. Only a specialist can determine what happened exactly in your situation.

Types of dental diseases associated with stress

Probably every person has experienced toothache in their life. These are simply unbearable sensations that bother you day and night. Sometimes the pain radiates to the head and jaw. This can be caused by various diseases, but it often happens that teeth hurt due to nervousness. There are diseases that can provoke the occurrence of such a condition:

  • caries;
  • bruxism;
  • stomatitis.

During nervous experiences and depression, a person does not want to take complete care of himself. He does not want to devote time to hygiene, including the oral cavity. Forgetting to brush your teeth exposes yourself to the risk of tooth decay. Taking medications against depression can only worsen the situation, as they provoke severe dry mouth. That is why, even with very severe depression, you should not forget to brush your teeth and visit the dentist for periodic check-ups.

Sometimes people clench their teeth tightly when they are worried, excited or angry. This is called bruxism. At the first signs of a disorder, you should immediately contact a neurologist. Strong clenching of the jaw can cause not only pain, but also lead to the destruction of tooth enamel. This can lead to tooth decay and also cause joint pain in the head area.

Teeth can be very painful due to stomatitis. This disease is similar to herpes, but differs only in that blisters and ulcers form in the mouth. The disease can be treated by a dentist, but it can be triggered by disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.


Many people are interested in whether a tooth can hurt if you are nervous, and what exactly dental neuralgia is. It manifests itself in the form of a shooting, rapid pain impulse that lasts from several seconds to a minute. Pain can appear anywhere. She even makes you close your eyes.

If neuralgia concerns only one branch of the trigeminal nerve, then all teeth located on one side begin to hurt at once. It must be remembered that neuralgia manifests itself in attacks.

If your teeth hurt due to nervousness, then before going to the dentist, you need to visit a neurologist. In this case, the source of pain is considered to be a pathologically arising impulse, which mainly develops separately from the area from which the impulses should come.

It is important to immediately visit a neurologist who can prescribe anticonvulsants. They will bring relief, which mainly consists in the fact that the attacks will completely disappear or will appear less frequently and will be shorter.

Neuritis and trigeminal neuralgia

After making sure that the patient does not have caries, pulpitis or another dental disease, the doctor can assume that the cause of the toothache is inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.

Despite the fact that among the main factors influencing the development of neuritis and neuralgia are hypothermia, compression of the facial nerve as a result of injury, as well as the Zoster virus (shingles), very often experts talk about stress. It is this reason that often leads to an inflammatory process in the trigeminal nerve, which is disguised as severe pain in the teeth.

The clinical picture may also include piercing pain on one side of the face, chills, and fever. Sometimes a nasty rash develops on the affected area. In addition, the pain can be either constant (with neuritis) or periodic (neuralgia).

Trigeminal neuralgia

Contacting a dentist in this case is useless, since the main problem is related to the nervous system, and the pain will go away only with adequate therapy.

Pain due to chronic stress

To figure out whether teeth can hurt due to nervousness, it is important to initially absolutely accurately understand the mechanism of stress. At the moment of danger, the human body produces the hormone cortisol, which is produced during nervous overstrain and, like adrenaline, is capable of activating the work of all the body’s defense systems. They begin to function with renewed vigor. However, as soon as the stress passes, everything returns to normal again, but the consequences of psychological stress manage to affect very important nerve cells.

Nerve endings are also located in the jaw region. It is not surprising that after an active outburst of emotions a person suddenly feels an inexplicable toothache. It can also extend into the head and cervical region. The condition of the oral cavity is assessed as good, but neglected nervous mechanisms provoke quite strong painful sensations. At the same time, the teeth ache and the gums tingle a little.

Phantom nerve pain

The manifestation of phantom pain is quite unusual in its variety of causes. Stressful conditions are the provoking factor. A person does not suffer from dental problems, but he is periodically bothered by unrelated painful sensations.

This condition refers to mental disorders and acts as the body’s reaction to an exciting state. The main signs of phantom pain are:

  • tingling or twitching in the gums;
  • headache;
  • feeling of toothache;
  • severe fatigue.

Often this condition is accompanied by insomnia, since sometimes toothache prevents a person from getting a good night's sleep.


This disease is characterized by such a symptom as teeth grinding, which occurs completely involuntarily. Bruxism can occur due to emotional stress. Experts identify various reasons for this violation. These include defects in the structure of the jaw and joint pathologies.

This condition does not depend on the age and gender of a person. However, as practice shows, children are more susceptible to it. The main problem of bruxism is that such a disorder negatively affects the condition of the teeth, muscle tissue, and also worsens the mental state.

It is divided into day and night. The first is characterized by the fact that it manifests itself during waking hours and is associated with emotional overstrain. Diagnosing the disease is quite simple, since usually the disorders are immediately noticed by relatives and friends. In some cases, when the pathological process is severely advanced, teeth and facial muscles hurt after stress.

In addition, teeth wear down, become loose and become very sensitive. With bruxism, there is also a headache, and pain in the neck and back may occur. Sometimes a person notices noise and ringing in the ears. A person suffering from bruxism always wants to sleep, depression often occurs, appetite is impaired, and dizziness is also noted.

The patient experiences irritation, complains of tingling in the head and severe sensitivity of the eyes. To confirm the diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is required.

Psychologists believe that the cause of bruxism may be complexes that arise at the subconscious level. Because of this, a person becomes overexerted, angry, and clenches his teeth. According to experts, this is a very serious disease that causes many problems and requires urgent treatment.

The patient may be advised to listen to favorite music, take aromatic baths, read books and take walks. A consultation with a psychologist is required, as useful advice from a specialist will help you overcome stressful situations.

Bruxism or teeth grinding - its causes and consequences, how it can be cured

Due to stressful situations, people often clench their teeth tightly, causing the chewing muscles to become hypertonic.

Overstrain of the facial muscles can cause frequent headaches and chronic fatigue - these symptoms are familiar to many. They are the secondary signs of bruxism.

  • Bruxism is the grinding of teeth during sleep, which occurs due to hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles.

Bruxism causes excessive wear of teeth and overloads the gums, which are what hold the teeth in the bone.

The cause of night grinding of teeth is not only stress and nervousness, but also an incorrect bite, which is corrected by an orthodontist.

  • In order for the bite to form correctly, you need to visit an orthodontist from early childhood to correct defects. In childhood, bite correction occurs faster and easier than in adults.

But adults with malocclusion should not despair either. Yes, to achieve excellent results, you will have to spend more time and effort, but a beautiful smile and health are worth it.

  • People suffering from bruxism may also need the help of a dentist to restore worn-out tooth surfaces and eliminate cracks and chips.

Teeth can be restored using crowns, implants or fillings made of polymer materials. Our specialists are always ready to advise you on the optimal solution.

Gums hurt when stressed

Answering the question about whether teeth can hurt due to nervousness, we must say unequivocally that this happens quite often. In addition, many complain of pain in the gums due to mental imbalance. This is why it is important to continually develop resilience to achieve optimal health.

To get rid of gum pain, you need to control your condition. To do this, you need to remember happy events in life as often as possible. This will help you calm down and eliminate unnecessary nervousness. This habit will not only help normalize your well-being, but will also give you confidence that life is not such a bad thing. Remembering happy moments encourages kind feelings towards other people.

Breathing exercises have a good effect. To calm down, you need to take 2-3 slow deep breaths. Mentally, you need to try to move away from the stressful situation. This will help you take your mind off your worries, and the pain will quickly go away without additional treatment.

Tooth loss from nerves

Quite often, people experience toothache from stress, but it also happens that they fall out as a result of nervous stress. Long-term depression, feelings of loneliness, and anxiety are often accompanied by the development of periodontitis, which is one of the main causes of tooth loss.

Scientists believe that this pattern is due to the effects of the stress hormone cortisol, an increase in the level of which leads to damage to the jaw bones and gums. In addition, changes in habits in a person who has suffered severe stress may play a role.

Cases of tooth loss due to nervousness are due to the fact that during emotional experiences various kinds of pathological changes occur in the periodontium, and it becomes more loose. Because of this, even perfectly healthy teeth begin to become quite loose, which can ultimately lead to their loss. In addition, under stress, a person involuntarily begins to clench his jaw. This negatively affects the health of teeth and gums. The danger lies in the fact that a person clenches his teeth in those moments when he cannot control his actions.

Pain as a result of nervous clenching of the jaws

Dentistry has its own opinion about the possibility of stress influencing dental pain. Many people, when in a stressful situation, clench their jaws tightly. This phenomenon indicates that the person is in a state of nervous overstrain. He may be experiencing stress at work or personally, which is affecting his condition. In this case, aching pain in the mouth may be preceded by psychosomatics.

Clenching teeth causes pain

Nerve-related jaw clenching wears away enamel and overworks the jaw joints, which can lead to wear and tear.

In this case, the problem of pain in the teeth is quite simple to cure: you just need to reduce susceptibility to stress and get rid of jaw clenching, which forms chronic unpleasant symptoms.

Carrying out treatment

Can teeth hurt from nerves and what can be done about it? These and many other questions are asked by people who have experienced pain and discomfort after experiencing stress. Quite often, after experiencing a nervous shock, people experience various problems with their teeth. It could be a cyst, caries, or just pain of unknown origin. Sometimes she is very strong.

Some advise contacting a neurologist. The problem may also be in the gums, since during times of stress they are especially damaged. In this case, people are helped by various rinses and pastes that strengthen the gums. Professional cleaning will also help, but bleaching should be avoided.

If your teeth hurt due to nervousness, what to do should be decided not only by the dentist, but also by a neurologist and a cardiologist.

Why wisdom teeth haunt me

The reason should be sought in bone tissue, which becomes significantly denser after reaching 13 years of age. Until this age, root teeth erupt through it without problems or severe pain. Adolescents and adults have difficulties with this: the molar cannot quickly “break through” the already formed dense cement. Due to this, severe pain occurs.

It is also important here that the wisdom tooth appears in a hard-to-reach place (at the very edge of the jaw at the top or bottom). It is not included in the basic package and is optional. Nature simply does not provide a special space for it, due to which its appearance entails compression of neighboring molars. Because of this, an acute feeling of discomfort arises, as if the entire dentition is shifting to the side.

The presence of a “stranger” in the mouth is especially felt if its position is incorrect, when it grows towards the right or left, and not up. It’s also hard for those whose “eight” is only halfway through or even less, and doesn’t want to show up any further. In this case, there may be noticeable pain in the gums, radiating to the ear, throat or head.

The peak of pain occurs during the teething stage, which can last from a month to a year or more.

Increased discomfort is possible against the background of:

  • development of oral diseases and their improper treatment;
  • infection getting into the dental canals;
  • advanced caries;
  • the presence of a cyst on the gum.

When several reasons are combined, the situation becomes significantly worse and requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

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Features of pain in the presence of wisdom teeth

Most often, an extra molar appears in the bottom row. In this case, the pain is noticeably stronger than when it erupts at the top. This is due to the fact that the latter less often deviates from the “course of development” and almost never rests against neighboring teeth. This reduces the risk of violating the integrity of the gums, causing bleeding and discomfort. In the case of the lower molar, the bone tissue can become inflamed and cause significant inconvenience when eating.

Most often, the pain is aching and pressing; the patient feels as if they are trying to remove the tooth without anesthesia. These symptoms can occur both with a healthy molar and if there is deep caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, tartar or gingivitis.

You can understand that the situation is very serious when the G8 reacts sharply to the following points:

  • warm;
  • cold;
  • sour foods;
  • external pressure;
  • chewing food;
  • brushing your teeth

Drug treatment

If a person suspects that his teeth hurt due to nervousness, then he should immediately contact a neurologist to prescribe treatment. It is worth remembering that it will be complex and complex. However, complete recovery cannot be guaranteed.

To get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of neuralgia, it is important to eliminate the disease that provokes inflammation of the facial nerve. Toothache from nerves requires complex treatment. Usually, for inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, medications with an anticonvulsant effect are prescribed, in particular such as Carbamazepine. However, using it without the supervision of a doctor is strictly prohibited, since the medicine has many side effects.

Additionally, antihistamines are prescribed, for example, Pipolfen or Diphenhydramine. To reduce the frequency of attacks, the patient is prescribed Glycine. Vitamin therapy is recommended, and anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of injections can be prescribed to relieve pain.

When a tooth hurts, if you are nervous, you can alleviate the condition with the help of antidepressants, since the feeling of pain and depression are caused by the same nerve endings. These drugs affect brain function and help reduce pain. Doxepin and Evalin are considered good remedies. However, due to side effects, their use is often limited.

Doctors quite often prescribe selective inhibitors. These include Effexor and Cymbalta. They give good results and practically do not provoke side effects.

What to do if a wisdom tooth interferes with normal life

Modern dentistry initially suggests using painkillers, for example, Ibuprofen or Analgin, to relieve severe pain. Further, if it does not subside, you need to immediately contact a specialist. He will study the nature of the unpleasant sensations, evaluate the position of the “eight” and its role in the future (possibility of use for prosthetics). If it is unhealthy, then in 70-80% of cases the patient will be recommended to remove the wisdom tooth. This is due to difficult access to it. They also resort to its removal when it does not erupt for a long time and interferes with other molars.

A wisdom tooth causes a lot of trouble for its owner, and if you are faced with it, it’s time to visit an experienced dentist. Believe me, the problem will not be solved by itself! The specialists of the clinic will quickly and reliably relieve you of pain and restore the joy of life.

Folk remedies

Many people are interested: if teeth hurt due to nervousness, what to do? And is it possible to cope with the problem using folk remedies? There are alternative medicine recipes that are great for coping with stressful situations. These are mainly medicinal herbs, the naturalness of which makes them safe and well accepted by the body.

Mint, motherwort, and valerian are good for strengthening the nervous system. All of them have a calming effect. You can also use homeopathic medicines made from plants. This could be “Novo-Passit”, “Persen Forte”, “Fitosed” and many other medicines that help cope with disorders of the nervous system.

If you have a toothache due to stress, you can rinse your mouth with comfrey tincture. Take 1 tbsp. l. plant root, pour 50 ml of 70% alcohol and leave to infuse for 1 week in a dark, cool place. Other herbs are also suitable for preparing the tincture, in particular oak bark, mint, chamomile, thyme, and lemon balm.

Doctors' recommendations

Despite the wealth of available information, the problem of toothache caused by stress has not been sufficiently studied. Doctors say that anxiety is an emotional state that arises in a situation of danger and is accompanied by the expectation of unfavorable changes.

For nerve pain, doctors recommend initially visiting a psychologist to analyze what exactly triggered the stress and anxiety. Yoga and meditation are good for coping with internal problems. You need to try to control your thoughts and actions, as well as show the best character traits.

Carrying out prevention

It is important not only to know exactly whether stress can cause teeth pain, but also how exactly to prevent the occurrence of unpleasant sensations. A qualified neurologist can answer all these questions. The problem of toothache largely depends on the correct treatment of pathologies of the nervous system. It is very important to try to prevent discomfort and pain as quickly as possible. Prevention involves activities such as:

  • normalization of work schedule and reduction of stress;
  • regular and healthy sleep;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • maintaining a proper, balanced diet.

Can a tooth hurt when you're nervous? This question worries many people who, due to stress, begin to suffer from toothache. To get rid of pain, you need to protect yourself from worries, and also strengthen your nervous system.

Treatment and prevention measures

Since the problem is purely nervous in nature, the questions “What should I do?” and “How to get rid of these feelings?” A neurologist usually gives the answers. With proper treatment of the nervous system, toothache will disappear.

What recommendations can be given to those who suffer from tooth pain due to nerves?

  1. Working hours and stress reduction. If it is established that your teeth hurt due to nervousness, then you should pay attention to your lifestyle. Very often, stress is provoked by overwork and nervous shock, and they lead to pain in the oral cavity. Psychological problems begin if there is an incorrect lifestyle.
  2. Healthy and regular sleep. Even those who know little about medicine know about the importance of sleep. Rest is a necessary process for every living being, because... It is during sleep that the brain receives the relaxation and relaxation it needs. Attempts to “save” on vacation, as well as lack of sleep, are a direct road to stress and illnesses that arise due to nerves. Sleep duration should be at least 8 hours.
  3. Moderate physical activity. Excessive exercise is just as harmful as physical inactivity, so relaxation exercises are recommended to improve the nervous system. This could be yoga, Pilates, swimming or cardio training. An excellent cure for stress and, as a result, for pain in the teeth, is meditation.
  4. Diet. A balanced diet is the key to health, no matter how banal this phrase may sound. It is no secret that fasting or a diet generously “flavored” with fatty, salty, spicy and unhealthy foods can affect the state of the nervous system. Strict diets that limit the intake of nutrients and protein can also reduce resistance to stress. A diet enriched with vitamins and minerals is an excellent opportunity to strengthen the nervous system and help cope with dental pain caused by stress.

Don't be nervous - medications as prescribed

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