Elmex toothpaste and its main characteristics


Colgate Elmex Kids paste is produced by Colgate in Poland. The product is white in color and has a minty taste and smell. Packaged in soft plastic bottles of 50 ml. The bottle is sealed with plastic and opens with a key located at the end. The lid can be unscrewed, but it is large and the tube can be placed on it if desired. The container is placed in a cardboard box on which a mouse is drawn and all the information about the manufacturer and product is indicated.

On a note!

The formula contains substances that prevent the appearance of plaque and the development of inflammatory processes in the gums. The product perfectly refreshes the oral cavity and prevents dental diseases at the developmental stage of up to 6 years.


  • water molecules;
  • sorbitol;
  • hydrated type silica;
  • hydroxyethylcellulose;
  • CI 77891;
  • cocamidopropyl;
  • betaine;
  • olaflur;
  • flavoring and limonene;
  • saccharin.

The content of unique amino fluoride in Elmex children's toothpaste ensures the formation of a protective fluoride layer on the enamel surface of the teeth. This makes them more resistant to the loss of minerals and prevents the development of carious destruction. Aminofluoride also helps remineralize dental tissue.

On a note!

The series also includes a Colgate Elmex Junior option, which is intended for children from 6 to 12 years old.

Quality control of Elmex brand products

As already mentioned, brands belonging to the GABA concern, including Elmex, have been successfully sold on the world market for many years. This success is due to scientific development and the fact that all products are carefully controlled in terms of quality.
The following activities are being carried out: certification of all hygiene products; conducting regular expert assessments; periodic clinical studies .

Toothpastes and rinses under the Elmex brand are the result of complex work of various specialized specialists, including:

  • dentists;
  • chemists;
  • technologists;
  • hygienists;
  • consultants for the development of quality oral care products.

The company constantly uses innovations in production. Requirements for the quality of the line of oral care and hygiene products are changing; for this purpose, new products are appearing, and old ones are being improved. Thanks to such implementations, the manufacturer is able to withstand strong competition with others and stay afloat for such a long time.


Reviews of Elmex children's paste indicate the need to consult a dentist before using the product.

My child's teeth were covered with yellow plaque, and when I started researching how to get rid of it, I found information about Elmex from Colgate. The product turned out to be not very expensive, so I decided to try it. I noticed the first results within a week; tooth enamel became significantly whiter. At first, my son didn’t like the taste of the paste, but after a few cleanings he got used to it. We consulted with the dentist, and he approved of our choice, but advised us to alternate with a product without fluoride in the composition.

Elena, Moscow

Our dentist recommended Elmex paste from Colgate because of weak tooth enamel. We have been cleaning it for a long time, and there is a positive result noted by a specialist. Your teeth have become not only more beautiful, but also much healthier. This is an excellent remedy for us, but since it contains fluoride, I cannot recommend it to everyone without consulting a doctor. Only a specialist can choose the right care products.

Olga, Voronezh

Elmex Kariesschuts Zahnspulung for rinsing

This product is a mouthwash.
It is used after brushing your teeth. It is needed so that the organic fluoride can penetrate into hard-to-reach places for the brush and is excellent in cases where dental hygiene is very problematic. For example, during straightening or when brushing your teeth is impossible for one reason or another. This liquid helps slow down the development of the bacterial layer, and you can keep your breath fresh for as long as possible. This product also protects against caries.

The rinse aid does not contain dyes or alcohol components. It is used during the day or after brushing your teeth. How to use the rinse aid:

  • Hold the bottle tightly, remove the cap and press down on the bottle until the neck is full for an accurate dosage (for rinsing - 10 ml).
  • Rinse your mouth for half a minute, then spit out the contents.
  • The liquid should not be swallowed.
  • Do not rinse your mouth with water immediately after rinsing.


Other manufacturers also produce children's toothpaste:

  1. Lyon Xilident kids. Made in Lyon, Japan. Contains fluorine and has reduced foaming. The cost is about 390 rubles.
  2. Weleda Children's tooth gel. Produced in Germany. Price – 395 rubles.
  3. Asepta Kids. Gel for children from the Russian manufacturer Vertex. Cost – 194 rubles.
  4. President Baby from Betapharma (Italy). Designed for ages up to 3 years. Price – 132 rubles for 30 ml.

Toothpastes for sensitive teeth from Italy Elmex and Biorepair

Hi all! The topic of toothpastes on Cosmetist evokes conflicting emotions, but I still decided to share my impressions of two products that I was advised to bring from Italy.

Please, if you are not interested in this topic, just skip this post, I will not be offended. Toothpaste as a product is at the intersection of personal hygiene, medical and cosmetic products. It’s difficult for me personally to talk about such products - I have a very superficial understanding of the issue of compositions and active ingredients and I sincerely believe that only a dentist can help you choose the right paste that’s right for you. But still, you must admit, most people just go to the grocery store and take the most popular/cheapest/prettiest thing off the shelf, because the task is simply to brush their teeth.

A little theory

You can safely skip this part.
I tried to systematize the knowledge gained after reading various articles, if you can add something, I will be glad to receive information in the comments. Tooth enamel is a strong framework consisting of 3% water, 1% organic matrix and 96% mineral inorganic compounds. Despite its strength, it is susceptible to abrasion and destruction under the influence of mechanical (for example, chewing solid food) and chemical (acids formed as a result of the reaction of consumed food and saliva) factors. If nothing is done, the enamel thins and becomes porous, opening the way for bacteria to penetrate, which can lead to tooth decay, various gum diseases, and tooth loss. Actually, toothpaste is used to strengthen the enamel, saturate it with minerals, prevent the accumulation of tartar and fight bacteria.

Many dentists argue that the fact of brushing your teeth is what matters most. For most people without serious dental problems, brushing your teeth 2 times a day for 2-3 minutes is sufficient. And if a problem exists, then you can already turn your attention to special-purpose pastes, but they can be used for a limited time and better under the supervision of a doctor.

The composition of different toothpastes is approximately the same:

⓵ The base of the paste is water mixed with glycerin and often sorbitol, which prevent the paste from spreading and the water from evaporating. ⓶ Abrasives: silicon oxide derivatives, mica or mineral salts, which are needed to mechanically remove plaque from tooth enamel. The greater the abrasiveness, the higher the risk of mechanical damage to the enamel. Highly abrasive pastes are used to whiten teeth; For teeth with increased sensitivity, it is better to choose a paste with a low abrasive content. Look for the RDA abrasiveness rating on the box (for sensitive teeth - no higher than 40). ⓷ Foaming agents - often sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) or other, milder surfactants, help remove plaque when rinsing. Some people consider SLS to be a harmful ingredient, but in fact it should be avoided if you have an individual reaction. The abundance of foam is not an indicator of the effectiveness of the toothpaste. ⓸ Dyes: the most common is titanium dioxide to create a slight enamel whitening effect. An alternative is charcoal (remember black pastes?), it works as a mild abrasive, is safe and can be easily washed out with water. The bright color of toothpaste is achieved with food dyes and does not carry any meaning. ⓹ Flavorings and sweeteners - limonene and menthol, as well as food additives, give the effect of “frosty freshness” or a simply pleasant-tasting product. ⓺ Emulsifiers and thickeners - carrageenan, xanthan gum, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, magnesium aluminum silicate - so that the paste maintains its original thickness and does not separate. ⓻ Preservatives - methylparaben or sodium benzoate - prevent the formation and growth of bacteria in the paste itself and extend shelf life. ⓼ Antiseptics or antibacterial components that prevent bacteria from developing on the gums or under the film of plaque. Long-term use of antibacterial paste can lead to microflora disruption. ⓽ Additional components or special additives for specific purposes: - strengthening gums (chlorhexidine, plant extracts - echinacea, calendula, chlorophyll, tocopherol); - reducing sensitivity: covering the teeth with a protective shell (strontium, arginine) or dulling pain, gradually acting on nerve endings (for example, potassium nitrate or citrate); — enamel lightening: abrasive (see point 2, RDA 100-120), enzyme (papain, bromelain) and coloring (hydrogen peroxide or urea). ⓾ Components for restoring and strengthening enamel. Let's take a closer look at this.

There are 2 ways to saturate enamel with building material (or remineralize): stimulation of natural synthesis and delivery of the finished substance.

➤ For the synthesis of minerals, soluble calcium compounds are needed; for this, catalysts are added to toothpastes - fluorine compounds and a special pentaatomic alcohol xylitol. During brushing (and an hour or two after), under the influence of fluoride anion or xylitol, calcium passes from saliva into the enamel, thereby restoring the integrity of the structure. Now there are many articles on the topic of the harm of fluorides, but in fact their concentration in toothpaste is not dangerous and is controlled by manufacturers. The permissible content is 1500 ppm (0.15% fluorine ions). 4 most common ingredients: - sodium monofluorophosphate (Sodium Monofluorophosphate) - the cheapest component. The peculiarity is that after brushing your teeth with such pastes, it is better not to eat, drink or rinse your mouth for 2-3 hours to release fluoride ions from saliva. And if the composition also contains SLS, then there is a risk of reducing the activity of the component - tin fluoride (Stannous Fluoride) works faster than the first comrade, at the same time stopping the growth of bacteria, but has a side effect - staining tooth enamel yellow, although manufacturers have long been using additional components to neutralize this feature. - sodium fluoride (Sodium Fluoride) - works quickly and safely, at the moment the most common component of toothpastes. - aminofluoride/Olaflur (Aminofluoride/Olaflur) - an organic fluorine compound, has a very high remineralizing ability, creates a thin film on the surface of the enamel, which remains on the teeth even after brushing the teeth, which means fluoride will penetrate the enamel from such a film for a longer time.

Pastes containing fluoride are not recommended for use in children and adolescents, as well as in cases of fluorosis and in regions with high levels of fluoride in drinking water.

➤ An alternative method of remineralization is to deliver the substance directly to the tooth surface. To do this, they add, for example, hydroxyapatite (or hydroxyapatite, Hydroxylapatite) to toothpastes - a crystalline form of calcium phosphate, which actually makes up the inorganic part of tooth enamel. It has been studied for more than 50 years, is stable (does not decompose under the influence of temperatures, saliva and alkaline environment), safe for the body, biocompatible (perceived by cells as a related component), because of this it is widely used in surgery (promotes bone growth) and dentistry (for example , coating of implants to speed up implantation). Now it is also used in cosmetology, hygiene and body care products, and even dietary supplements with this component are produced to strengthen bone tissue. Hydroxylapatite is obtained from sea corals and cattle bones, but before conservationists raise their heads, the good news is that the component has been synthesized for a long time. It is a white fine-crystalline powder; added to toothpastes looks like a slightly transparent white substance capable of reflecting and scattering light. When brushing your teeth, it envelops the tooth, laying down with a thin, imperceptible film, giving the effect of whiteness and porcelain shine. It has a complex effect in several directions at once: - helps remove plaque (due to its high bioactivity, during brushing it “sticks” to bacteria and plaque particles, facilitating their rinsing from the oral cavity) - restores the smoothness of the enamel (acts identically to a filling, “bricking up” microcracks on the surface enamel, making it more resistant to bacteria) - replenishes the loss of minerals (provides missing minerals to damaged areas under the surface of the enamel, thereby restoring density). It is important to note here that enamel destroyed down to dentin or damaged by caries cannot be returned; remineralization works as prevention. — eliminates tooth sensitivity (gradually clogs the dentinal canals, thereby dulling the pain. According to the latest data, it only takes a week for results). All these functions apply only to spherical hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (reduced to the level of organic compatibility), larger ones (even crushed to the micro level) will work as a simple abrasive. The catch is that when certifying a product, the manufacturer is not required to confirm the particle size, indicating only the quantity in the composition. Research continues and so far all the results boil down to the fact that nano-hydroxyapatite is as effective as fluorides, but is safe even for children. In Japan, the component is approved and actively used, but in Europe, regulatory authorities can neither confirm nor deny the absolute safety of the component, and for now the recommended amount of pure nanoproduct in toothpastes is 10% (full text in English), and it is better to avoid using such pastes for bacterial damage to the gums. And scientists continue to offer new versions of the component with various compounds and modifications. Synthetic nano-hydroxyapatite is not the only bioactive source of calcium; at the moment there are analogues with an identical pattern of action: calcium nitrate phosphosilicate (NovaMin bioactive glass), amorphous calcium phosphates (ACP) or their compounds (for example, Recaldent - CPP-ACP with casein -phosphopeptides).

In addition, there are also toothpastes from “green” sites, but I’d rather ignore this topic.

I have relatively problem-free teeth, but by the age of 30 I managed to get implants. There is a tendency to form a wedge-shaped defect (no need to Google, the photos are unpleasant, in fact it is erosion of the enamel in the cervical area of ​​the tooth), accompanied by increased sensitivity. I don’t smoke, I drink tea and coffee in moderation (1-2 cups a day), but I can’t give up sweets and lemons. As a standard, I brush my teeth 2 times a day with an electric brush, choose a toothpaste for sensitive teeth, plus dental floss. Once a year I undergo professional dental cleaning followed by remineralization. For the last 8 years I haven’t thought about sensitive teeth, because... On the advice of the dentist, I used Sensodine paste, just changed different types. But some time ago I decided to take a whitening solution and after 2 weeks I experienced an aggravation of sensitivity: my teeth not only reacted to the air with acute pain, but also constantly ached, adding to the discomfort. At that time, I remembered the discussions in the comments to posts about toothpastes on Cosmetist and, while in Italy, I purchased two different ones - for sensitive teeth.

Today I just want to share my impressions of using them. I applied one after another, took a two-week break between them, returning to the old paste - for the purity of the experiment. Let me remind you that I am not an expert, much less a dentist, so my review is based on my own feelings and the cosmetic effect of the pastes.

Paste for sensitive teeth Biorepair Plus Sensitive Teeth


brand belongs to the Italian company
, which supports innovative technologies, has its own production and laboratory and collaborates with the University of Bologna (the oldest in Italy and Europe, where Nicolaus Copernicus, Luigi Galvani, Enzo Ferrari and Giorgio Armani graduated).
The company is a family-run company that produces consumer products: cosmetics (shower gels and deodorants, as well as Transvital facial care products), perfumes, herbal teas and dietary supplements, as well as insect sprays. The pharmaceutical division produces products in the mass market segment - Biorepair
, which can be found on the shelves of even grocery stores with an appropriate price tag. In addition, BlanX teeth whitening systems and products for dental offices Rapident and Stomygen are produced (there are also products for fillers in cosmetology).

Biorepair toothpastes

— absence of fluorides in the composition.
An innovative development is used as the main remineralizing component: zinc-substituted carboxyhydroxyapatite (trade name microRepair
), essentially a chemically modified version of hydroxyapatite, where calcium is replaced by zinc ions, which stimulate collagen synthesis, accelerate the process of bone tissue formation, have antibacterial properties, This preserves the properties of nano-hydroxyapatite. This method made it possible to achieve a minimum particle size of (nano) flake shape without increasing the cost. The resulting patent (full text in Russian) smoothly bypasses European restrictions.

Biorepair Plus

- medical products, intended to treat specific problems, contain a higher dose of the active drug, but can be used on a daily basis.

The packaging is a standard cardboard box with a lot of information, I have the version for eliminating tooth sensitivity.

Easy to open

Standard volume: 75 ml, enough for 2-3 months of daily use 2 times a day. Retail price (and in the official online store of the brand) is 4 euros.

Soft plastic tube

with screw-on corrugated lid

The dispenser opening is initially protected with foil

Free of SLS, parabens, fluorides and titanium dioxide, non-abrasive formula (RDA = 14.7)

If we look at the composition in more detail: - Standard water (base) + glycerin + sorbitol (prevents drying out and gives a sweetish taste to the paste) - Zinc hydroxyapatite ( microRepair

) is the main active component, a remineralizing agent, in an amount of 24% by weight. It should also be responsible for antibacterial and hypersensitivity-reducing functions. — Thickeners — cellulose resin and PEG-32 — Silicon dioxide — a mild abrasive — Sodium myristyl sarcosinate and methyl cocoyl taurate — mild surfactants that help water mix with food debris and mechanically cleaned plaque for easy rinsing — Sodium saccharinate — sweetener, food flavorings are also added — Citric acid is a regulator of the acidity of the mixture so that the paste does not irritate sensitive gums and mucous membranes — Phenoxyethanol, benzyl alcohol and sodium benzoate are preservatives

Based on the analysis of the composition, our knowledge of hydroxyapatite and the manufacturer’s promises, the following picture emerges: thanks to the increased content of bioactive components ( microRepair

) nanoparticles related to the enamel structure bind to the natural hydroxyapatite of enamel and dentin, penetrate microscratches, block dentinal tubules, thereby dulling sensitivity, and create a protective layer on the surface of the enamel, which remains in place for 24 hours and reliably protects against an aggressive external environment. Let me remind you that there are no components in the composition that instantly relieve pain, and hydroxyapatite begins to work in full force only after a week. In my case, my expectations from the paste were initially too high, because... I didn’t understand the composition at that time (and I didn’t know much about it), but I needed relief from pain here and now.

The pasta came with an information sheet with a description in Italian and English

lists all released products of the brand

The paste itself is white, thick, creamy, medium density, squeezed out of the tube with a thick sausage. To brush your teeth you only need a pea, but because of this consistency, I subconsciously try to squeeze out more, since the size of an electric toothbrush is limited

Standard smell of sweetish minty chewing gum. When cleaning, the paste is very pleasant: it hardly foams (I’m used to this in toothpastes for sensitive teeth and for me this is the norm), mild in action (due to low abrasiveness), feels like a cream, does not irritate or sting the mucous membranes, tastes like sweet mint, which remains in the mouth for a long time, giving a fresh effect. When girls wrote in reviews about the smoothness of their teeth, I chuckled skeptically - all toothpastes have approximately the same cosmetic effect. But it was worth trying for yourself and I must note that I was wrong: the paste really seems to envelop the teeth, laying down with an imperceptible film, thereby imparting smoothness and a moist shine. Touching your teeth with your tongue is extremely pleasant, no roughness at all. With standard brushing 2 times a day, the effect is really different from many regular toothpastes, where by the end of the day you can already feel plaque on your teeth. Here the effect of hydroxyapatite is evident, which visually makes the teeth a little whiter and the enamel smoother and more even. From the point of view of cosmetic (visual) effect and ease of use, the paste is truly ideal.

But getting rid of sensitivity is mediocre. I repeat once again, my expectations were too high, but you must admit that when all your teeth ache so much that it is impossible to sleep, and especially sensitive places closer to the gums react with sharp, stinging pain when breathing, it is difficult to talk about patience. I expected quick relief from acute pain, as indicated by the manufacturer on the tube. But in my case, my teeth stopped aching only after a week (yes, I kept a diary and noticed every change), but the acute reaction in the cervical area, where my teeth are prone to wedge-shaped defects, did not go away even after 2 months while I was using pasta. If this were my first toothpaste for sensitive teeth, then I would sincerely believe that my fate was to put up with eternal pain, but having many years of experience behind me using other toothpastes for similar purposes, I prefer not to hurt, even if I have to spend your entire life on “dopings” that instantly mask pain.

To talk about protection against caries, you need to use the paste for several years and notice changes, but after two months I can only draw preliminary conclusions: the paste really prevents the accumulation of plaque, visually makes the teeth smooth, and a slight whitening effect has been noticed. No caries appeared during this time, but in general I have no problems with it. The paste, alas, did not cope with hypersensitivity, but in fairness I can say that the teeth stopped whining and after stopping the paste the situation did not worsen.

Still, I don’t want to take on the responsibilities of a dentist and recommend or, on the contrary, dissuade you from buying this paste, but if you have problems similar to mine, then the result will be approximately the same. If it is important to you how pleasant the paste is to use, feel free to take Biorepair

, positive emotions are guaranteed to you. As for the main function of toothpaste - quickly eliminating sensitivity, I would rather use this paste not in moments of sharp exacerbation, but as a support, or alternate with a paste with the effect of instant relief from pain. For everyday use it is quite ok.

Country of Origin:

500-600 rubles in Russia and 4 euros in Europe.
This paste is a product of the mass market segment, in Europe its cost is identical to standard pastes, but in Russia the price is clearly overpriced (plus the exchange rate affects), it is definitely not worth the money. Testing period:
2 months 2 times a day
5 out of 10, quite a pleasant paste, but without a therapeutic effect

Paste for sensitive teeth Elmex Sensitive Professional


toothpastes are produced by
(I hope it doesn’t need an introduction) for the European market, sold not only in Italy, but also in other countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The products are recommended by dentists (like many others, in principle), there are 4 lines: for children, protection against caries, for sensitive teeth and strengthening enamel. In the line for sensitive teeth, I counted 6 different toothpastes - for a specific problem.

My version (bought at random, by the way) is a medical toothpaste for immediate and long-term pain relief on pain-sensitive teeth. Remineralization is achieved by adding fluoride in the standard permitted concentration plus the addition of pro-Argin

(developed by Colgate) to relieve pain.
The same technology is used in Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief

Packaging is standard cardboard, although all information is in Italian

To open, you need to tear off the end

Volume: 75 ml, standard consumption - enough for 2-3 months of daily use 2 times a day. The price is relevant to standard pastes in the mass market segment - 4-5 euros (I got it at a discount from the original price).

The tube looks the same as that of the first hero of the post - soft plastic

and screw-on corrugated lid

Plastic gear protection, to remove you need to use a special recess in the cover


— Base — water + sorbitol — Sodium monofluorophosphate (fluoride concentration 1450 ppm) — the main remineralizing component — Arginine (at a maximum concentration of 8%) — a natural amino acid that can neutralize acids and, in combination with calcium carbonate and sodium monophosphate, forms insoluble compounds that seal dentinal tubules and block pain signals. The manufacturer allows 2 weeks to create a durable protective barrier and relieve pain. — Calcium carbonate (chalk) is an abrasive, a supplier of calcium for remineralization and a direct participant in the pro-Argin technology. - Soda - an abrasive and light whitening - Sodium lauryl sulfate - as a foaming component - Thickeners - cellulose resin, sodium pyrophosphate and xanthan gum - Titanium dioxide - a bright white substance, deposited in microcracks and roughness of the enamel, creates an optical effect of brightening the teeth, is quickly washed out. — Sodium saccharinate is a sweetener, food flavoring and limonene are also added for flavor — Benzyl alcohol is a preservative

The composition raises questions for me, it is not much different from standard Colgate, the combination of fluoride + calcium is quite controversial, and the level of abrasiveness according to the network = 65

The paste is grayish-white in color, dense and somewhat dry in appearance, with small inclusions. Standard consumption

The smell is peppermint, slightly medicinal. When brushing your teeth, it foams slightly, rather turning into a semi-liquid emulsion, without pronounced bubbles, but due to the dryish texture you have to first brush the paste in your mouth in order to distribute it normally. It tingles the mucous membrane a little, but does not burn, the taste is standard mint. After cleaning, you get that same feeling of “frosty” freshness. The teeth are smooth, but without lasting results, although it lasts me until the next cleaning. No whitening effect was noticed, although due to abrasive particles it removes plaque well.

Getting rid of hypersensitivity comes gradually, but the paste never completely copes. Initially it was a little easier for her - my teeth no longer ached, but the reaction to cold air persisted, Biorepair

. Over the course of about two weeks, the pain became less, it was no longer felt so sharply and did not throb, but simply pricked with a needle and went away abruptly, but even after 2 months of using the paste, the teeth did not lose sensitivity completely. Again, this effect is already good for some, but I’m used to not feeling pain at all. Perhaps with long-term use one could talk about a better result, but I was frankly unpleasant to use this paste due to the dryish texture and tingling of the mucous membrane. It is also difficult to talk about the prevention of caries and complete removal of dental plaque; you need to look at the results of several years.

As a result, the pasta turned out to be ordinary everyday pasta, of which there are millions on the shelves. I don’t see any point in specifically chasing it, much less buying it at an inflated price.

Country of Origin:

4-5 euros in Europe.
Testing period:
2 months 2 times a day
4 out of 10, it’s quite mediocre

Both pastes are very similar in packaging: the same volume, the same tubes

The mechanism for extracting the paste is identical - it is simply squeezed out of the tube


(below) is more pleasant,
(above) is dry, grayish and boring, although it did a better job with tooth sensitivity.

Ultimately, which toothpaste to choose is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Personally, I don’t bother with the lack of fluoride in the composition, they didn’t do anything bad to me, I have no contraindications, so for my sensitive teeth I’m more likely to choose the one that helps relieve pain - in any way. For me, the use of hydroxyapatite in pastes is analogous if the question arises of completely abandoning fluorides, but I will still wait for more clear research, and in parallel it would be interesting to try the Japanese version, with a confirmed size of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles.

At the moment, I have added a “problem” of sensitivity as a result of dental restoration, I switched back to Sensodine, which removed all the symptoms from the very first use and after two months they have not yet returned, just as they had not returned all 8 years before. My experience with going “left” to other pastas taught me not to experiment if I am completely satisfied with the proven option.

I wish you all beautiful smiles and thank you for stopping by.


Advantages and disadvantages

The presence of fluorine-containing substances in both children's and adult toothpastes can be both a plus and a minus.


  • Reliable protection against caries, reducing the rate of plaque formation.
  • Increasing the remineralizing potential of saliva. It is known that when there is a sufficient amount of fluoride in the blood plasma, the work of the salivary glands is activated. Good salivation plays a very important, sometimes decisive role in the prevention of caries, since saliva neutralizes acid and normalizes pH in the oral cavity.


  • Fluoride compounds are not absorbed through mucous membranes, which means they cannot penetrate the body. However, if accidentally or intentionally ingested, the substance becomes toxic. Only a large dose, at least 1000 ppm, can cause poisoning. Approximately this volume of the element contains a package of 75 ml of “adult” fluoridated toothpaste.
  • Fluorosis. Most often it develops during the eruption of permanent teeth or somewhat later. Milk teeth are extremely rarely affected. The cause of this disease is an excess of fluoride in tap water, which is available in some regions of Russia. In most populated areas, the concentration of F in water is below normal. Pastes with fluoride cannot provoke fluorosis, but it is better not to use them when drinking highly fluoridated water.

How to use

The use of Elmex paste can be recommended by a dentist or started independently for the purposes of oral hygiene, effective prevention and protection of teeth from caries, or to reduce their sensitivity.

Features of application:

  • any of the products in the line are unsafe if swallowed;
  • Consultation with a doctor is required when using supplements containing fluoride in parallel to avoid the development of fluorosis.

There are no contraindications for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Has no side effects.

Manufacturer Elmex

Elmex products have been produced since 1962 with the participation of leading European dentists. It is distinguished by high quality and proven effectiveness. The brand's headquarters is located in Switzerland, with subsidiaries operating in France, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, and Finland. Since 2004, the brand has been owned by Colgate-Palmolive. All products are subject to certification, clinical testing, and expert assessments.

Products for the oral cavity of adults and children are classified as therapeutic and prophylactic. It has the following advantages:

  • gentle care,
  • thorough cleansing
  • safe components,
  • quality control,
  • strengthening the enamel.

Instructions for use

Children under two years old have their teeth brushed by their parents. From the moment the first tooth erupts, the number of brushings is 1 time per day. Starting from the age of two, the hygiene procedure is carried out in the morning and evening.

Elmex Junior is used in the same way as any toothpaste for adults: applying a small amount of product (the size of a pea) to the brush, you need to brush your teeth for 2 - 3 minutes. Then rinse your mouth with water several times. The frequency of procedures is twice a day.

On a note!

If the paste is used in very young children, parents need to monitor the process and make sure that the child does not swallow it.

How to buy the original?

You can buy Elmex toothpaste at pharmacies or by ordering online. You can find out about the availability of goods and the possibility of delivering them to one of the pick-up points in your city through online services.

You can also purchase products abroad (Ozon, Onlinetrade, Aptekanomer1). The price ranges from 200-280 rubles depending on the supplier.

The line of hygiene products from GABA has proven its effectiveness in the prevention and control of oral diseases for many years.

To focus on solving a specific problem, you just need to choose one of the presented products, which is very convenient. The disadvantage is that purchasing pastes from the manufacturer is mainly possible only “to order”.

Therapeutic effect

General medicinal properties of the entire Elmex line are characteristic of both adult and children's pastes:

  • fresh breath throughout the day;
  • effective cleaning of the surface of teeth, removal of plaque;
  • preventing the development of caries and stone formation;
  • strengthening tooth enamel;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, protection of gums.

Comprehensive care with the help of therapeutic and prophylactic products will help maintain a beautiful, healthy smile for many years.

I have an opinion

Elmex toothpaste is rapidly gaining popularity in the Russian market, which is confirmed by numerous reviews.

Decent pasta, you can’t say anything - the experts did their best! I got what I had been looking for for a long time - freshness throughout the day and really stronger teeth and enamel. I was advised by a dentist whose appointments were scheduled almost a month in advance. I've been using it for 3 months now and I'm very pleased.

Nina, 20

I am a coffee drinker in the morning, because of this I started having problems with tooth sensitivity and darkening of the enamel color. I dug through a sea of ​​information on the Internet and decided to choose Elmex. I chose the Sensitive series.

I’ve been using it for about 2 months now, during 1-1.5 of which I notice an effective effect. The sensitivity of the enamel has decreased considerably, and the color is gradually returning to normal, I think I will continue to use paste from this manufacturer.

Oleg, 35

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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