Toothpaste with chlorhexidine: features and rating of products

When the compound described above interacts with the salts that make up saliva, its mineralization occurs—hardening. At the exit we get tartar.

Why does this happen? All paths converge to one reason - poor oral care. Skipping a daily mandatory procedure, brushing too quickly and inattentively, not having dental floss and mouthwash on hand, overusing products with coloring pigments and smoking - and plaque, and a little later, tartar is ready!

How to know if you have tartar

Look in the mirror, paying attention to the condition of your teeth from the inside. The fact that at first glance the enamel seems clean and quite light is not yet an indicator. Calculus is a cloudy white, yellowish or almost black deposit between the teeth or at the bottom of the gums.

It would be good if these unpleasant formations caused only aesthetic displeasure. Their presence threatens the formation of gum pockets, where the remnants of eaten food will accumulate, exposing the base and, as a result, diseases of soft and hard tissues.

Customer Reviews

Anastasia, 34 years old, Nizhnevartovsk

“I can’t say anything bad - this is my favorite pasta. I suffered from bleeding gums for two years. Then a friend from Germany gave me Elgidium to try. With difficulty, I found it in Moscow and ordered it. After just 2 weeks, the gums recovered. Now I use it all the time"

Maxim, 28 years old, Rostov-on-Don

“Good. The consumption is small, it lasts for a long time. After use the feeling of clean teeth remains for the whole day. But you just can’t put a lot of it on the brush. Then you won’t be able to get rid of the taste for a very long time. Otherwise, no complaints. The real difference with other products is felt in the breaks between courses. You buy cheap toothpaste from the store and you are left with the feeling of dirty teeth. But we have to endure”

Veronica, 31 years old, Astrakhan

“The periodontist recommended Elgidium to me when I came to have my teeth treated. I fell in love with this pasta! Not only has all the plaque disappeared, my teeth have even become a couple of shades lighter. It is best to also use French toothbrushes from the same company. They clean your teeth much better. Of course, you have to pay for quality, but this is exactly the case when it’s worth it.”

Ways to get rid of plaque and tartar

As has already been said, there are no miraculous ways to end plaque forever. Everything depends only on careful oral hygiene with the right brush and paste.

As for the stone, simple cleaning will not help. Contrary to your ideas and the assurances of brands, not a single toothpaste can cope with a stone that has ALREADY appeared. Here, only professional teeth cleaning from a hygienist will come to the rescue. By the way, dentists recommend undergoing this procedure once every six months.

Previously, cleaning was only mechanical, which is why it was quite unpleasant. Modern dentistry is ready to offer you various options, including an ultrasound procedure with minimal discomfort.

But after brushing, it’s time to choose the right toothpaste for yourself.

Consumer Opinions

There are many consumer reviews on the Internet about Elgidium paste, here are some of them:

Smoking and coffee did their job - tartar, yellowness. Most unpleasant. The dentist recommended Elgidium paste with a whitening effect. Indeed, 2 weeks of use and my teeth became noticeably whiter. In addition to fresh breath, self-confidence. I recommend to everyone!

Natalya, 35 years old

I have been using Elgidium sensitive for 3 weeks. Pleasant smell and taste. Excellent for inflammation and bleeding gums. All inscriptions are in Russian. The instructions for the paste are detailed, there is even a plan for brushing your teeth. The good news is that the ingredients are on both the packaging and the tube. And in Russian. The paste consumption is very economical. Dentist advised. Among the shortcomings, there is one obvious one: you can only buy it at a pharmacy, and not every one has it in stock, but otherwise it’s an excellent product.

Polina, 43 years old

Toothpaste against plaque and tartar: what to look for

Nowadays, there is a huge selection of anti-plaque products. In most cases, such toothpaste may contain:

  • pyrophosphates;
  • fluorides;
  • zinc compounds;
  • citric acid salts;
  • triclosan (as an antibacterial component).

Studies show that with the use of anti-tartar agents, the risk of plaque formation is reduced by approximately 50%. However, it is worth remembering that they will not solve existing problems and it is pointless to use such toothpastes to soften existing stone, especially if it is under the gum.

Features of application

As a therapeutic agent, Elgidium is recommended to be used in courses of 2-4 weeks with a break of 15 days. The best effect is achieved if you use it 2 times a day. But if adverse reactions occur, you can limit yourself to a single morning cleansing, using a different paste in the evening.

According to reviews, the bactericidal Elgidium cleans teeth better if used with Pierre Fabre toothbrushes, especially from the whitening series. On the other hand, the paste gradually becomes addictive. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for more than a year. The effect will be much weaker.

Some tips for choosing the right paste

  1. Products with several active ingredients work well.
  2. You can give preference to a paste that both removes film and prevents the formation of solid deposits to be on the safe side.
  3. It’s not bad when natural ingredients are included in the product. The substances will promote healing and maintain overall oral health.
  4. The components of an ideal toothpaste may include vitamin complexes, panthenol, alloin, and minerals. For the same reason as in the previous paragraph.

Company manufacturer

) has been successfully operating for more than 40 years not only in France, where it ranks 2nd among private pharmaceutical companies.
Representative offices are located in more than 140 countries. Research and development innovation is the main reason for the company's success. Divisions, in fact, are independent units with a specific focus:

  • Pierre Fabre Medicine – drugs of therapeutic value;
  • Pierre Fabre Health specializes in the production of sanitary and hygiene products;
  • Pierre Fabre Oncology aims to produce drugs against tumors.

The products of this brand appeared on the Russian market back in 1993. In 1999 A representative office was opened, and in 2009 The opening of a subsidiary, Pierre Fabre LLC, took place. The main activity in Russia is the sale of dermocosmetics (dermatological and aesthetic areas). Sold only in pharmacy chains.

TOP toothpastes for removing plaque and tartar

In the rating of toothpastes that will help get rid of plaque on enamel and prevent the formation of tartar, we have collected products of various compositions, actions and costs. Here you can choose a product for gentle whitening, mineralization, you will find a paste with a completely natural composition and an offer for the little ones. Our goal was to talk about the variety of products and components that will help make teeth not just lighter, but also improve both their health and the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

Review of the Elgydium paste line

Let's take a look at the range of pastes.

Elgidium against plaque

The paste is white in color and has a dense consistency. With a refreshing effect. Active ingredients: chlorhexidine, calcium carbonate.

Chlorhexidine in Elgidium toothpaste effectively removes plaque and has pronounced antiseptic properties: it kills bacteria and reduces inflammation.

Calcium carbonate increases the acid-base balance of saliva, which neutralizes the acidic environment in the oral cavity and slows down the growth of bacteria. Restores collagen bonds in the gums. Improves the structure of the gum surface, stops minor bleeding.

Indications for use:

  • helps remove plaque;
  • removes tartar;
  • is part of a set of measures for the treatment of dental diseases.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to individual components included in the composition.

Directions for use: apply 2 times a day. Apply a small amount of paste to the brush and brush your teeth for 2-3 minutes. It is especially good to clean the area between the teeth and gums. You can't swallow.

Application must be agreed with the treating dentist. It is not recommended to use for more than 1 month. You need to take a break for 2 weeks.

Has a pronounced antiseptic effect.


  • high efficiency;
  • low allergenicity;
  • long-lasting fresh breath.

Disadvantages: distributed only in pharmacies and the Internet; high price.

Result: Elgidium bactericidal paste effectively fights plaque, eliminates bleeding, slows down inflammatory processes (gingivitis, periodontitis, etc.).

Elgidium sensitive

The paste is white in color, has a pleasant gel consistency, and has a pleasant mint taste.

Fluorinol is effectively fixed to the enamel, penetrates deeply into it, and seals the dentinal tubules.

Indications: used to reduce painful sensitivity, strengthens and protects teeth, preventing the action of aggressive factors. Used as a prophylaxis for oral diseases.

Contraindications: children under 12 years of age, individual intolerance to the components.


  • quick effect;
  • remineralization of enamel;
  • analgesic effect;
  • increased salivation;
  • low imagery;
  • blocking the development of pathologies.

Disadvantages: it is necessary to take two-week breaks between monthly courses of use; May cause gum burning in some users.

Directions for use: Apply as a regular paste. Using a low-hardness brush, 2-3 minutes, 2 times a day. Swallowing is prohibited. Duration of use is up to 1 month. Use as recommended by a doctor.

Prescribed for dental hypersensitivity, prevention of caries and periodontal diseases.

Result: a noticeable reduction in tooth sensitivity, restoration of damaged areas of enamel, preservation of the integrity of dental tissues.

Elgidium whitening

Beautiful translucent turquoise color, slightly minty smell.

Sodium bicarbonate particles penetrate into the smallest cracks of the enamel, carefully whiten it, and remove stains. In this case, there is no trauma to the enamel. Helps maintain the results of whitening or stone removal procedures.

Contraindications: age under 12 years, individual intolerance.

Advantages: quickly restores the whiteness of teeth, effectively fights stains and darkening, gets rid of stone.

Disadvantages: cannot be used regularly. The maximum period of use is 1 month.

Course of administration and dosage: apply a small amount of paste to the brush, lightly massage the tooth surface for 2-3 minutes. Apply 2 times a day. Recommended course is 2-4 weeks. If the desired effect is not achieved, repeat the course after a 2-week break. Do not swallow.

The components of the paste may irritate the gums. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the use to 1 time per day, alternating with regular paste.

Allows you to easily and quickly get rid of stains on your teeth and whiten them. The result is noticeable after a week of use.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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