Which toothpaste is better to brush your teeth: rating of products for different purposes

Date of publication: 05.15.2018

until September 30

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What to consider when choosing a teeth cleaning product

Each of us knows that we need to brush our teeth twice a day – morning and evening.
This is how caring adults explained it to us at that blessed time when we were still children. Their worries were not in vain - the habit of brushing their teeth was formed. But the question is: does it matter what toothpaste you use to brush your teeth? Is it possible to just buy the cheapest pasta and not think about anything else? Or, on the contrary, is there the most correct toothpaste, and you only have to use it, no matter what the cost? Both are extremes, but truth eschews extremes, being almost always in the middle. It is this “golden mean” that should be determined.

First of all, you need to take into account the fact that everyone's teeth are different. Some people have complex configurations, which means there is a greater likelihood of plaque formation. Some people have too thin tooth enamel, causing their teeth to be hypersensitive, reacting to sweet tea, hot coffee, cold water, and so on. You should also keep in mind that the condition of the oral cavity may change. Haven't you gone to the dentist for a long time? Perhaps you should take a closer look at your teeth in the mirror: it will not be surprising if you find a white spot on one of your teeth that stands out against the background of the natural color of the enamel. This is the first stage of caries. Have you decided to go on a diet? If you choose a diet on your own (without consulting a doctor), your gums may begin to bleed because they are not receiving enough necessary substances (for example, vitamin C). Do you feel soreness in your mouth? Perhaps there are ulcers there - this is how the infection manifested itself. In all these cases, toothpaste can become part of the toolkit to correct the situation, but none of the toothpastes can be a panacea: you need to use your own toothpaste for each case.

The best whitening products

Their action is based on the use of powerful abrasive and non-abrasive components. Abrasives have a coarse structure and are capable of removing even tartar. You need to be careful when choosing. Strong drugs may damage the surface. Non-abrasive compounds are gentle on hard tissues. But they cannot boast of whitening several shades.

  • Lacalut White
  • President White plus
  • Splat "Whitening plus"
  • Silca arctic white
  • Rocs PRO “Delicate whitening”

Products for smokers should perfectly whiten specific pigment stains.

  • Rembrandt “Antitobacco and coffee”
  • Dentavit “For smokers”
  • ROCS "Antitobacco"
  • Zact "For smokers"
  • White Glo

How to choose the best product

When choosing a hygiene product, you should give preference to one that contains a smaller amount (preferably, if it does not contain at all) of potential allergens and hazardous substances - for example, SLS, triclosan. Preparations with calcium bicarbonate (soda) and silicon dioxide can be dangerous due to their abrasive effect. Various bleaching components - for example, carbamide or hydrogen peroxide, titanium dioxide - can lighten some parts of the prosthesis too much. This will leave unsightly spots or stripes on the structure.


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“The prosthetist recommended toothpaste without fluoride to me. It turns out that it is very harmful if you accidentally swallow such a product. It is better to look for a paste with calcium lactate and hydroxyapatite, which strengthen the enamel no worse than fluoride. And the dentist also said that such forms of calcium should not be confused with soda. These are different substances with different effects. Soda is only an abrasive, and it will not strengthen the enamel, but it will easily scratch it.”

Olga Valentinovna, review from the site irecommend.ru

When choosing, you should also base your choice on your taste preferences - some people like the minty taste of hygiene products, while others prefer to clean with a neutral-tasting product.

Which toothpaste to brush your teeth to restore enamel

There are many reasons that lead to tooth damage: pathogenic bacteria, poor oral hygiene, excessive consumption of sweets, intensive whitening, etc. To restore them, products containing calcium, fluorine, hydroxyapatite and components similar in action are usually used.

  • Silca Herbal Complete
  • ROCS "Active calcium"
  • Biorepair Oral Care
  • President Classics
  • Pomorin Maximum Protection

There is a subgroup of drugs whose action is aimed at preventing the development of caries. They not only restore the enamel, but also protect it from repeated damage.

  • Splat "Liquum-gel"
  • Colgate "Elmex"
  • ROCS "Caribbean Summer"
  • Blend-a-med “Anti-caries”
  • Glister

How to use the paste correctly

Cleaning algorithm for fixed structures

The algorithm for cleaning a fixed denture with toothpaste differs little from the usual oral hygiene. Those. We proceed in exactly the same way - first you need to rinse your mouth with clean water, wet the brush, squeeze out about 1 pea of ​​product onto it and brush your teeth. The area around crowns, metal-ceramic or ceramic bridges and fixed restorations on implants should also be cleaned by gently massaging the gums. Such movements will remove plaque and bacteria and tone the gums. After brushing, rinse your mouth with clean water a couple of times.

And so - 2 times a day: morning and evening.

Cleaning algorithm for removable structures

The use of toothpaste for dentures made of plastic (acrylic), which represents the bulk of a removable orthopedic structure, differs from the cleaning algorithm for fixed ones. Unless, of course, these are clasp dentures or conditionally removable restorations on implants - they can be cleaned without removing them, i.e. as in the previous section. So, to clean acrylic, covering, nylon, polyurethane, “immediate butterfly”, “sandwich” dentures and others, you need to adhere to the following method:

  • wet the brush and apply a small ball of cleaning product to it,
  • remove the denture from your mouth and rinse it with clean water,
  • distribute the product evenly over the entire surface, on all sides of the structure,
  • Clean the product in a circular motion, also on all sides: this cleaning takes about 3 minutes,
  • rinse the structure in running water,
  • Cleaning should be carried out in the morning and evening, and after each meal - if desired.

To prevent the prosthetic structure from breaking due to a fall from a height onto a hard surface - the floor, a sink, it is advisable to sit at a table while cleaning. Or you can place a soft towel in the sink or on the washing machine.

The best hygiene products for gum restoration

Periodontal damage can be of different types: mechanical, bacterial, hereditary, etc. They are accompanied by bleeding, inflammation of the mucous membrane, and increased sensitivity.

Hygienic products must have wound-healing, antibacterial and nutritional properties, relieve itching and prevent the formation of tartar. In some cases, antibacterial components are included in the active formula to suppress pathogenic microflora.

  • Forest balm
  • Parodontol Active
  • ROCS Bionica
  • Splat "Lavandasept"
  • PresiDENT Exclusive

Tips for caring for your teeth after professional cleaning

To ensure that the results of professional teeth cleaning last as long as possible, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • In the first few days after professional cleaning, teeth should be brushed not only in the morning and before bed, but also immediately after meals. If this is not possible, after eating, rinse your mouth with drinking water or a specialized mouthwash;
  • Use the paste and brush that suits you. If you find it difficult to choose, contact a dentist who knows the characteristics of your teeth and gums. He will definitely help you make the right choice. Remember that the optimal duration of brushing your teeth is 3-5 minutes. Do not forget to clean your teeth from different sides, pay attention to cleaning your gums and tongue;
  • In the first days after professional cleaning, you may experience increased tooth sensitivity. Don't worry, this is a temporary phenomenon that will subside in a couple of days. Temporarily avoiding eating too hot or cold foods and drinks will help get rid of discomfort.
  • Abstaining from smoking for several days is another necessary measure to preserve the natural whiteness and shine of your teeth for as long as possible.
  • It will also be useful to exclude coloring foods and drinks from the diet (coffee, soy sauce, chocolate, etc.);
  • Avoiding sour and overly sweet foods, as well as nuts, candies and hard fruits will help reduce the level of tooth sensitivity;
  • If professional teeth cleaning has been completed with fluoridation, you should abstain from food for at least 2 hours and do not brush your teeth before going to bed.

Despite the long list of recommendations from dentists, it is necessary to understand that professional teeth cleaning will bring noticeable results if the procedure is carried out regularly. Any disease, including the oral cavity, is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, you should not neglect the rules of hygiene and put off brushing your teeth in the morning and before bed.

How to independently determine the need for professional cleaning?

Deciding whether you need professional teeth cleaning or not is quite simple; all you need to do is look in the mirror and assess the current condition of your teeth. If they have a yellowish tint, have brown spots, gums that are red or bleeding, and an unpleasant odor in your mouth, then you should definitely contact a professional and get a professional teeth cleaning.

In addition, it is worth understanding that you should not wait for all these symptoms to see a dentist. This approach can lead to problems against which professional teeth cleaning alone will not be enough. For this reason, you need to come for preventive professional teeth cleaning in advance to avoid more dangerous problems. Moreover, it is carried out quite quickly.

How often should you have professional teeth cleaning?

This is a very pressing question for many, but it is worth understanding that there is no straightforward answer to it. If it is necessary to carry out preventive cleaning in order to prevent the occurrence of caries, to increase the overall service life of installed fillings or other elements of the oral cavity, then such cleaning should be carried out once every 6 months. Depending on the specifics of a person’s problems, he may be prescribed more frequent professional teeth cleaning. In a separate category are those who actively smoke, drink alcohol, or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or bite. In such people, harmful plaque accumulates much faster, which is why they require more frequent teeth cleaning.

Once every 3-4 months, it is worth carrying out such cleaning for people who have dentures in the oral cavity. If there is periodontitis, then a deeper cleaning will be required, which affects the subgingival pockets. This type of cleaning is performed with hand tools and performed by a periodontist, as it requires different knowledge and equipment than that used by a hygienist.

In order to have beautiful and snow-white teeth, it is important to eliminate caries, if necessary, perform prosthetics, and later have professional teeth cleaning to keep them healthy and beautiful.

How much does it hurt?

This type of cleaning does not cause pain, but some patients claim that they experienced pain when removing plaque or tartar. This can actually happen due to some reasons not related to the fact that the hygienist works with his instrument:

  • inflammation in the gums;
  • exposure of the necks or roots of the teeth.

Unpleasant pain can also occur if tartar in the area of ​​periodontal pockets is removed. They can also occur when mineralized plaque has accumulated in large quantities. In this case, the specialist will first administer anesthesia to reduce pain. But the presence of such problems requires not only cleaning, but also other treatment.

Are there any restrictions on professional teeth cleaning for pregnant women?

Pregnancy requires a woman to be more careful about her health. It is also worth paying attention to your teeth, but very often the question arises about how much professional teeth cleaning is acceptable in this condition, and whether it will harm the female body or the unborn baby?

Such cleaning may well be carried out, but it is very important to take into account the duration of pregnancy. If we are talking about the first and third trimester of pregnancy, then cleaning cannot be done. The second trimester of pregnancy allows such cleaning if the general health is at a good level, and the gynecologist with whom the woman is being observed has not prescribed cleaning as a contraindication.

If you decide to come for a cleaning, be sure to inform the dentist that you are pregnant, tell the exact date, then the specialist will be able to choose the safest and most appropriate cleaning option for you.

Are there any restrictions for children and teenagers?

There is a misconception that you can’t take care of the health of baby teeth, because sooner or later they will fall out anyway and will be replaced by permanent teeth. Following this opinion may lead to the fact that due to the removal of baby teeth ahead of time (this may be necessary if they are neglected), difficulties will arise with the eruption of permanent teeth. For this reason, it is very important to closely monitor even baby teeth and carry out professional teeth cleaning in a timely manner to avoid the development of caries.

Laser and ultrasonic cleaning is not used in this case, since for a growing organism in which the hard tissues of the teeth have not yet formed, this can be a rather harmful procedure. To solve the problem, gentle cleaning with a professional paste is suitable. It will strengthen your teeth and prevent tooth decay.

The Ulybka Clinic has not only professional specialists, but also all the necessary equipment that will allow children to feel comfortable. In special rooms, the child will be able to watch educational cartoons while the dentist performs cleaning. In addition, our specialist will definitely tell the young patient about why it is so important to monitor the health of his teeth.

Professional cleaning and braces

If you are trying to correct your bite and have braces installed, then you should come for professional cleaning at least once every 4 months. When wearing braces, achieving the desired level of hygiene on your own can be very difficult, especially for those teeth on which the structure is installed.

If you do not use professional teeth cleaning, caries may soon develop. To treat it, you will need to remove braces, and this will lead to additional stress and new financial expenses. In addition, all achieved orthodontic changes can be reduced to zero.

At Ulybka Dentistry, we provide a professional, comprehensive approach to teeth cleaning, which helps to avoid all of these difficulties.

Rating of the best antibacterial toothpastes

A small amount of components that suppress pathogenic bacterial environments is contained in most hygiene products. They help regulate colonies of microorganisms present in daily plaque and reduce the risk of disease.

Products with a pronounced antibacterial effect are used as prescribed by dentists. Most often it is prescribed during the recovery period after dental surgery.

  • PresiDENT Antibacterial
  • Lacalut Fitoformula
  • LACALUT teens 8+

What is better – regular pasta or special one?

Which paste is best for cleaning? Patients often ask whether it is possible to clean crowns, bridges, removable jaws or restorations on implants with regular toothpaste? Here you need to understand that dentures do not consist of natural tissues, like “natural” teeth, but of artificial ones. For example, acrylic of removable or temporary dentures has a porous structure and is approximately 10 times softer1 than its own enamel. A simple ceramic or composite coating is considered fragile.

Therefore, artificial materials can be scratched by abrasives contained in conventional hygiene products. As a rule, it is recommended to use a specialized cleaning agent that is designed specifically for dentures, taking into account their characteristics.

Which Organic Toothpaste is Best for Cleaning Teeth?

Products in this category differ favorably from others by the presence of exclusively natural ingredients in the recipe. They are often able to cope with problems of teeth and gums just as effectively as synthetic ones. At the same time, the products remain safe for health.

The formulation usually includes complexes based on plant extracts. They have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and hemostatic properties.

  • Organic People
  • ROCS Bionica
  • Veda Vedica
  • Gum Gold
  • Lavera Basis Sensitive

Organic products may contain a small amount of synthetic substances.

Organic products

Organic toothpastes are available for all ages. You can purchase the product for both children and adults. They contain only natural ingredients. According to user reviews, these products are able to cope with their functions just as effectively as their synthetic counterparts. Such products are absolutely safe for people of all ages. On sale you can find organic pastes based on medicinal plants. They relieve inflammation well, help speed up the healing process of wounds and are excellent at fighting bleeding gums.

Rating of the best hypoallergenic hygiene products

The formulations of modern products are powerful. It is ensured due to the presence of potent components in the composition. Many of them fall into the category of allergens: strontium citrates and nitrates, parabens, triclosan, potassium pyrophosphate, etc.

To avoid irritation and other negative reactions, you need to eliminate potentially harmful substances as much as possible. Using natural ones instead: pectin, menthol, aminofluoride, silicon dioxide, etc.

  • Weleda “With calendula”
  • ROCS baby
  • Splat Zero Balance
  • Faberlic “Astronautik”
  • Vilsen DENTALUX

Pastes that do not cause allergic reactions

Modern manufacturers who produce hygiene products use advanced technologies, which makes it possible to develop products that have a powerful effect. Such pastes contain active, potent ingredients and are allergens. To avoid allergic reactions, special products are produced that do not contain aggressive substances. Instead, manufacturers add exclusively natural substances. In the ranking of the best funds of this kind:

  • Weleda "With calendula".
  • ROKS for children.
  • Splat Zero Balance.

Which toothpaste is best for diabetics to brush their teeth?

In diabetes mellitus, the microflora in the oral cavity is disrupted, and some types of pathogenic fungi and bacteria actively multiply. This causes increased sensitivity of teeth and gums; they can bleed, and in severe cases, become loose and fall out.

Increased sensitivity makes oral hygiene difficult, which leads to worsening problems. To avoid this, you need to use specialized hygiene products. They quickly relieve symptoms and have a therapeutic effect.

  • President Unique
  • Elmex Mentholfrei
  • Ecolux
  • DentYucral
  • DiaDent

Properties of cleansers

Toothpaste for fixed and removable dentures must have the following properties:

  • remove soft food plaque and “light” pigmentation,
  • penetrate into areas of the structure or dentition that are inaccessible to a toothbrush: for example, between the teeth, between the crown and the adjacent tooth. Those. the paste should not be too thick,
  • have an antiseptic effect (but not very powerful): this reduces the number of pathogenic microbes that settle on plaque, gums, teeth (including artificial ones),
  • do not contain harmful impurities: abrasives, toxic substances (for example, triclosan), foaming agents (sodium lauryl sulfate) - they greatly dry out the mucous membranes in the oral cavity,
  • have a pleasant or neutral taste,
  • eliminate unpleasant odors,
  • give a feeling of freshness in the mouth for several hours,
  • Do not paint the construction material.


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These properties ensure that the prosthesis retains its color and shape, as well as its physical characteristics. Therefore, with proper care in compliance with all doctor’s recommendations, prosthetic structures will last much longer - for example, not 2-3 years, but 5-7 years.

List of the best hygiene products for cleaning braces

After installing braces, oral hygiene becomes too difficult. Metal elements interfere with high-quality surface treatment. Plaque accumulates in areas directly adjacent to the braces and tartar forms.

For cleaning you have to use special brushes and brushes. At the same time, increased demands are placed on cleaning compositions. They must carefully remove dirt, but not damage the enamel and elements of the bracket system.

  • Dentaid Vitis Orthodontic
  • Pierrot Natural Freshness
  • ROCS Pro Brackets & Ortho
  • Professor Persin
  • Biorepair Junior

Medical Internet conferences

Relevance. According to official WHO statistics, 60-90% of school-age children and almost 100% of adults have dental caries, and inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissue are found in 15-20% of middle-aged people (35-44 years) [2]. An important and mandatory component of the prevention of these diseases is professional oral hygiene. One of the stages of professional cleaning is the removal of pigmented and soft plaque, the formation of which is facilitated by modern nutrition, lifestyle (frequent consumption of coffee and tea, smoking and eating food that does not require intensive chewing) and neglect of individual oral hygiene. Therefore, to select effective abrasive pastes, it is necessary to know the main characteristics of the components included in their composition.

Purpose: comparison of special pastes for professional dental hygiene in terms of composition and abrasiveness.

Objectives: 1) study the composition of various abrasive pastes for professional hygiene, their abrasiveness, indications for use;

2) conduct a comparative assessment of abrasive pastes for professional hygiene.

Materials and methods. In the process of work, the content of dental journals was studied, an analysis of domestic and foreign articles, as well as various websites and brochures was carried out.

Results and discussion. Recently, much attention has been paid in dentistry to the study of plaque on teeth in both adults and children. It has been proven that soft plaque plays a significant role in the development of dental caries and some periodontal diseases [5]. Therefore, professional oral hygiene is an integral stage in the work of a dentist. An ideal abrasive paste should combine a high degree of cleaning with simultaneous polishing (smoothing the surface of enamel and dentin). In the process of removing plaque with abrasive pastes, the enamel is polished, resulting in the ideal smoothness of the treated surface, which further reduces the risk of tartar formation and plaque retention [3]. However, it should be remembered that removing plaque with abrasive pastes, if used incorrectly and if the paste is selected incorrectly, can lead to damage to the enamel, the appearance of roughness and cracks on its surface.

The speed of abrasion and polishing is determined by the following factors: speed, pressure, amount of paste applied, shape of abrasive particles, size and hardness of abrasive particles [1]. The effectiveness of the abrasive paste generally depends on the last three factors. The speed and pressure are monitored by a physician and should be kept to a minimum. The shape of the abrasive particles also affects the rate of abrasion. Round or oval-shaped particles abrade more slowly than sharp, irregularly shaped abrasive particles. An important indicator is the RDA indicator - radioactively measured dentin abrasiveness [8]. The lower the RDA number, the lower the abrasiveness. The higher this number, the higher the abrasiveness [7]. The hardness of an abrasive agent is determined by the Mohs hardness scale. To prevent damage to the enamel, while at the same time achieving effective cleaning, the hardness value of the abrasive agent must be less than or equal to the Mohs value of the surface being cleaned. For effective polishing, the abrasive must be equal to or 1-2 units higher on the Mohs scale than the enamel [6].

Abrasive paste based on perlite

The paste is intended for both cleaning and polishing procedures and is available with and without fluorine. Unlike traditional professional dental pastes containing pumice, one of the components of the paste is perlite, which is a natural volcanic glass. Perlite particles have the shape of flat plates; initially they act as an abrasive and clean the surface of the teeth [10]. A few seconds after application, under slight pressure, the perlite particles disintegrate and their edges become more rounded. Thus, 7 seconds after the start of use, the cleaning paste turns into a polishing paste [9]. Therefore, there is no need to first use a highly abrasive paste to remove plaque, and then another paste to polish the surface of the teeth. The rapid change in the shape of the paste particles significantly reduces the risk of excessive abrasion of the surface of hard tooth tissues (average RDA value is 169). A toothpaste containing fluoride helps prevent tooth decay.

Silicon dioxide abrasive paste

The paste contains silicon dioxide as an abrasive and has a purely mechanical abrasive effect, which allows you to remove dental plaque without damaging the enamel. Indications: finishing treatment after removal of dental plaque; removing tobacco and food stains; polishing fillings. Cautions: Risk of allergy to formaldehyde. The average RDA is 150. Available without fluoride.

Abrasive paste based on zirconium

The abrasive paste contains crushed zircon, silica and plant essences. The paste has an abrasive effect, which is explained by the special structure of the zircon grains it contains. Under a microscope, these grains are visible in the form of flat scrapers, the surface of which is divided by sharp partitions of great strength. When this powder is ground on an uneven surface, it is these sharp partitions that eliminate roughness. Thanks to this property of crushed zircon, the abrasive paste removes tartar without damaging the enamel [4]. The essences included in the composition give a feeling of freshness; in addition, the essences have a slight anti-inflammatory effect, so they easily relieve irritation that may appear after removing tartar. Indications: removal of tartar (indicated for smokers, as well as patients with lithiasis); for polishing filled teeth. The average RDA is 200.

Silicon oxide abrasive paste

Contains silicon oxide as an abrasive. Indications: treatment of enamel before restoration or teeth whitening, before sealing fissures; removal of soft plaque. Average RDA 130.

Pumice-based abrasive paste

Ingredients: water, pumice, glycerin, xylitol, sorbitol, sodium aminofluoride, dye and fragrance. They differ in composition and abrasiveness (coarse, medium and fine). The preventive effect is provided by the addition of aminofluoride and xylitol. The RDA value ranges from 7 to 83.

Aluminum hydroxide abrasive paste

Pastes containing aluminum hydroxide are available in varying degrees of abrasiveness and may contain fluorine compounds. Pastes differ in RDA values: RDA 250 (blue stripe) - for removing dense plaque, rough processing, RDA 170 (green stripe) - for removing dense plaque, RDA 120 (red stripe) - fine paste for removing light plaque, RDA 40 ( yellow stripe) is an extra-soft paste for final polishing of teeth and fillings.

Titanium dioxide based abrasive paste

The paste contains titanium dioxide, sodium silicate, as well as NovaMin - calcium and sodium phosphosilicate. The paste is intended for professional cleaning and polishing of teeth before and after scaling and root planing procedures, which are part of preventive treatment performed by a specialist. In addition, desensitization of the tooth and closure of the dentinal tubules is ensured due to the release of calcium and phosphorus, the precipitation of calcium phosphate on the surface of the dentin, followed by the construction of a new hydroxyapatite-like structure on the surface of the exposed dentin and in the dentinal tubules. RDA value 311.

Highly abrasive pastes are suitable for professional teeth cleaning for patients with dense plaque and pigmentation. The advantage of pastes containing perlite particles is the ability to simultaneously use both teeth cleaning and polishing, without wasting time replacing highly abrasive plaque removal paste with polishing paste.

Conclusions: 1) composition of abrasive pastes: water (solvent), abrasive filler, preservatives, binding agents, fragrances, dyes, flavoring agents, active agents (F). They differ in the abrasive component and the abrasiveness value.

2) the composition of abrasive pastes, the characteristics of the abrasive component included in their composition, as well as the abrasiveness value of the pastes significantly influence the result and optimize the process of mechanical cleaning of the surface of the teeth. Based on the analysis data, perlite-based paste can be considered a universal and effective abrasive paste for professional teeth cleaning.

Which paste is best for cleaning dentures?

Removable orthodontic structures require almost the same care as teeth. Bacterial plaque forms on them, and if left untreated, tartar develops. This can cause gum problems.

Denture care products contain cleaning and antibacterial components. They remove daily plaque and suppress potentially harmful microflora. At the same time, the active ingredients treat the materials with care.

  • Dentipur
  • LACALUT dent
  • Dontodent Prothesen
  • Protefix
  • President Garant

The benefits of professional teeth cleaning, its features

Professional teeth cleaning gets its name from the fact that it is carried out by a specialist, using professional tools and technologies that make it possible to qualitatively remove both light plaque and a more complex form - tartar. After the procedure, the teeth, gums, and subgingival pockets are completely freed from plaque, and the oral cavity is cleansed of pathogenic bacteria. At the same time, the teeth return to their beautiful, natural color and shine. Comprehensive teeth cleaning is one of the ways to take good care of the health and beauty of your teeth.

In what cases is it necessary to have professional teeth cleaning:

  • If you want to keep your teeth beautiful, strong and healthy for a long time. Professional hygiene helps prevent the occurrence of caries and gum inflammation;
  • After undergoing complete dental treatment to maintain the achieved positive result over time;
  • Before the procedure of treatment, prosthetics, orthodontic dental treatment, implantation. Thanks to comprehensive cleaning before dental treatment, the condition of the gums improves, it becomes possible to detect caries in the early stages of development, whiten the enamel to a natural shade and simplify the process of installing fillings.

There are no contraindications to the procedure of professional teeth cleaning, but there are restrictions on some techniques, so only the attending dentist can correctly select the set of necessary procedures.

Next, information about the stages of professional teeth cleaning will be presented in more detail to make it more clear what benefits this procedure brings.

Which toothpaste is best for pregnant women?

Oral hygiene during pregnancy is complicated by hormonal changes in a woman’s body. The slightest discomfort provokes symptoms of toxicosis. Some aggressive substances can have a negative effect on weakened periodontal tissues.

Compositions based on the most natural recipes can minimize negative manifestations. It is better if they are odorless and without allergy-causing components.

  • ROCS Bionica “Green Country”
  • 9 months Pregnadent
  • Splat Organic
  • LACALUT sensitive
  • Weleda Sole-Zahncreme

Which toothpaste is better - with or without fluoride?

No matter what anyone says, you should not be afraid of toothpaste with fluoride. Nothing is known today that is more effective against caries than fluoride prophylaxis.

In general, most people choose toothpastes based only on flavor additives and how the paste foams. Now there are toothpastes that even taste like alcoholic beverages. However, you need to understand that these are all chemical compounds that are not harmless to everyone. For example, patients whose mucous membrane is thinned and prone to the formation of aphthae (vesicles and ulcers) in stressful situations should refrain from such pastes. It is better for them to avoid toothpastes that have a lot of foam, and use toothpastes with extracts of medicinal plants. And for many, we generally recommend toothpastes for children, since they, as a rule, do not contain anything irritating.

There are toothpastes that maintain the whitening effect achieved at the dentist, or with a high cleansing effect (for smokers), or created specifically for patients with reduced salivation (contain panthenol and xylitol), medicated toothpastes with a high percentage of chlorhexidine - these cannot be used for longer 10 days.

Rating of hygiene products for children

Young parents pay increased attention to the choice of this type of product. It should be safe for the child, clean enamel and care for the oral cavity. At the same time, it does not cause negative effects even if swallowed.

It is important to consider the child's age. The active formula of products for the first erupted teeth, for milk and permanent teeth is different.

A special requirement is a pleasant taste and smell. If the baby doesn’t like it, it will be very difficult to teach the child personal hygiene.

  • SPLAT Baby
  • ROCS Kids
  • LACALUT Kids 4+
  • Colgate Elmex "Junior"

How to recognize signs of tartar

Tartar can be recognized not only visually, but also by many other symptoms. Among them are the following:

  1. inflammation of the gums
    - most people do not even realize that they have a stone until this symptom occurs. This happens especially often when stones are located on the inside of the dentition, and are difficult to see from the outside.
  2. bad breath
    – always appears when bacteria actively multiply;
  3. bare edges of the gums
    - at this moment itching usually appears, you want to push back the edges of the gums and clean under them. There may also be a feeling of swelling;
  4. the appearance of dark spots on
    or between the teeth that cannot be removed with a brush.

The appearance of tartar is not only an aesthetic problem. If not treated in time, it can lead to more serious consequences:

  1. spread of caries
    on all teeth, gingivitis and chronic itching;
  2. mobility of the dentition
    - at first it is just discomfort, and then the teeth may begin to fall out;
  3. the formation of very deep periodontal pockets
    , where germs and infections will penetrate, causing even greater inflammation;
  4. Gastrointestinal diseases
    - the presence of tartar in the mouth constantly maintains pathogenic flora and directly affects the condition of the stomach due to the entry of infected saliva into it.

The best compositions for professional oral care

Products in this category are distinguished by the presence of special medicinal components or an increased concentration of active substances. Thanks to this, you can quickly and effectively cope with diseases or lighten your teeth.

Due to the nature of the formulation, the products are not always suitable for daily use. Some types can only be used once a week. You definitely need to pay attention to this. The best solution is to consult a dentist.

  • Dental Clinic 2080 “Professional protection”
  • Biorepair Desensitizing Repairer Treatment
  • President White
  • Parodontax "Gentle Whitening"
  • Colgate Total 12 “Professional Cleaning”

Adequate alternatives to paste-based hygiene products

An alternative to toothpaste for cleaning can be water-soluble tablets with a similar effect. They remove dirt, bacterial deposits, stubborn stains and adhesive-fixing residues for removable structures well, and eliminate unpleasant odors. The effect is achieved by soaking in a freshly prepared solution for 3-15 minutes, after which the solution is immediately poured out, and the prosthetic device is washed with clean water and wiped dry. These effervescent tablets are available under the following brands:

  • Fittydent super: preventing discoloration of structures and rust on metal parts,
  • “Corega Bio Formula”, “Whitening”, “Double Strength”: with a non-abrasive composition, which, according to the manufacturer, destroys 99.9% of bacteria that cause bad breath,
  • Protefix Active Cleanser: with antibacterial action and active oxygen, removes plaque and 99.9% of germs,
  • PresiDENT Denture: removes food debris, bacterial plaque, and prevents the formation of new plaque.

Instead of tablets, which are used for cleaning once every 7 days, you can use CURAPROX concentrated solution. It can also be used once a week for disinfection and contains citric acid and eucalyptus oil.

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Another alternative, but only as a short-term replacement, is rinsing with rinses or foams that prevent the formation of plaque. Or use regular paste without abrasive particles. By the way, the latter can be used with fixed dentures in children. But in the latter case, you need to select a remedy in accordance with the age of the child.

The best toothpaste according to experts “Test purchase”

It is impossible for a person to determine truly high-quality products. Opinion always becomes subjective. Therefore, as part of the TV show “Test Purchase”, an independent laboratory study of teeth whitening compositions was conducted. Five brands were studied:

  • "Ftorodent"
  • Aquafresh
  • "New Pearl"
  • Blend-a-med
  • Colgate

The winner of the program was the products of the Aquafresh brand.

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User Questions

QUESTION Is it possible to replace toothpaste for removable dentures with tooth powder? It costs much less. And they say it cleans coffee stains just as well. Alexei

ANSWER Hello, Alexey. If the tooth powder contains no abrasive particles (soda, salt), then the risk of damaging the orthopedic structure is minimal. But be careful, because not all manufacturers can indicate the full composition of the drug. And not all manufacturers carefully control the quality of the “grinding” of raw materials for tooth powder. So it is unknown whether it will scratch the prosthetic material or not. If the dirt on the denture is very strong, then it is better to take it to the dental clinic for professional cleaning. It will definitely be of high quality and safe.

1According to laboratory research results, 2012.

Author: Chorny S.V. (Thank you for your help in writing the article and the information provided)

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