High-quality oral care with ROKS toothpaste (reviews)

“Rox” is the result of the collective work of Swiss and Russian scientists working in Moscow, in the World Dental Systems laboratory. The brand is known for its natural and effective products. Rox toothpastes do not contain alcohol, para-benzoic acid, dyes or other harmful elements. The products are produced for all age groups of people and are manufactured taking into account the needs of the average buyer.

Composition of Rox toothpastes

Toothpastes are made on the basis of mineral complexes , which help enrich the enamel with minerals, protect it and increase resistance to irritants, preventing caries and periodontitis. These components are:

  • Bromelain is a natural enzyme characterized by the ability to break down protein products, which prevents plaque formation and gum inflammation. The addition of bromelain to the composition eliminates the need for high abrasiveness of the product.
  • Xylitol is required to enhance the effects of remineralizing substances and stop the action of carious bacteria.
  • Calcium glycerophosphate, together with magnesium chloride, restores the structure and natural whiteness of teeth.

Some Rox pastes are saturated with amino fluoride. Its use is determined by the rapid formation of a film on the teeth, necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

Depending on the type and purpose of the product, its composition may include glycerin, chlorophyll, tromethamine, hydrogen peroxide, various fragrances and other ingredients.

The advantages of Rox products include innovative manufacturing technology using a special formula. The production process is based on the use of exceptionally low temperatures, which makes it possible to increase the duration of the active elements and the effect of use by several hours. In this way, products are developed for all age groups.

Features of the composition

The paste includes a special component, Mineralin, a patented development of the company . It contains:

  • Xylitol, a component of cereals that protects the oral cavity from bacteria. It is this that allows the enamel to absorb calcium most effectively.
  • Bromelain. This is a purified enzyme from pineapple stems. Its high clinical effectiveness has been proven repeatedly: bromelain eliminates plaque and prevents its reappearance, and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Calcium glycerophosphate and magnesium chloride are similar to the composition of tooth enamel and help strengthen it.

It may be noted that ROKS toothpastes do not contain fluoride , despite the widespread popularity of this mineral in the field of oral care products. However, modern research has proven that fluoride plays virtually no role in the prevention of caries in adults whose tooth enamel has already formed. And if the region has drinking water with a high concentration of fluoride, then its use in toothpaste can also cause fluorosis, damage to the enamel - the formation of defects and stains on it, even leading to tooth loss. That is why it is recommended to replace fluoride in toothpastes with another component.

Due to the fact that ROKS pastes do not contain fluoride, they can be used everywhere, and they can significantly increase the susceptibility of enamel to acids.

Types of children's toothpastes "Rox"

The line of products for children from 0 to 3 years old was developed taking into account the specific hygiene procedures at this age. Babies do not yet know how to rinse their mouths and swallow most of the product, so ROCS Baby products consist of 98.5% biocomponents and do not contain fluoride and other harmful substances.

There are several varieties of ROCS toothpastes for babies:

  • Baby Pro is focused on limiting the activity of carious bacteria.
  • Baby “Tender care with chamomile flowers.” An effective remedy for periodontal inflammation, it has a pleasant taste.
  • Baby "Gentle care with linden." The complex of herbal components in this product helps to cope with teething pain.

line is produced for children from 3 to 7 years old. Types of pastas in this category differ in ingredients and taste. ROCS Kids “Bubble Gum” paste with berry or citrus flavor is saturated with amino fluoride. Kids with barberry, fruit ice cream and Sweet Princess flavors contain the active remineralizing complex Mineralin. In each package, the child can find a surprise, it could be a mini-game or a coloring book.

The Teens series is intended for children from 8 to 18 years old. This line differs from other types of pastes in its increased concentration of the main active elements.

ROCS line of toothpastes – high-quality dental care for all ages

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At the beginning of 2005, a new line appeared on the Russian market of oral care products - ROCS toothpastes. It is known that in the early stages, caries damage can be reversible as a result of the remineralization process. In this regard, the concept of remineralization became part of the ideology when developing the compositions of ROCS toothpastes. The very name ROCS (ROCS - Remineralizing Oral Care Systems) remineralizing systems for the oral cavity reflects the essence of the concept of this line of products. Remineralizing systems are combinations of ingredients that make it possible to saturate the enamel of healthy teeth and the initial foci of carious lesions with minerals.

Throughout life, the needs of the human body change significantly. The ROKS collection of toothpastes is based on the idea of ​​meeting the age needs of the patient, from infancy to old age. Today on the market there are ROKS toothpastes for children of three age groups and for adults. This line of products is intended for daily use.

The formulations of ROKS toothpastes were developed in the light of modern data on the mutual influence of active additives and basic components of toothpaste, using the phenomenon of synergy. The active additives used in toothpastes are quite rare on the market, and are not found in the combinations and ratios that are recorded in the remineralizing complexes AMIFLUR® and MINERALIN®. ROX toothpaste with the active MINERALIN® complex for adults It is ideal if the toothpaste is able to provide long-term protection against the formation of plaque, since only the elimination (or reduction of activity) of plaque microorganisms can prevent the occurrence and development of major dental diseases. Adhering to such views, the developers focused specifically to achieve a long-lasting anti-plaque effect, while abandoning the use of synthetic antibacterial drugs and coarse abrasives.

MINERALIN® Complex - includes the proteolytic enzyme bromelain, calcium glycerophosphate, magnesium chloride and xylitol.

Each component of the complex, performing its task, increases the efficiency of others: The enzyme, breaking down the non-viable protein components of dental plaque, promotes its high-quality removal from the surface of the teeth. Bromelain, an aqueous extract from the stems and unripe fruits of pineapple, lingers in the oral cavity for a long time, inhibiting the deposition of new plaque. Subjectively, teeth remain smooth and clean throughout the day. This effect is observed on all tooth surfaces, including proximal areas and contact points.

The absence of soft dental plaque provides the teeth with almost constant availability of the mineral components contained in toothpaste and saliva. As a result, remineralization (saturation with minerals) occurs of both healthy enamel and the initial foci of carious lesions.

The remineralizing potential of the MINERALIN® complex is increased due to the content of xylitol in the ROKS paste, which promotes the incorporation of calcium into tooth enamel, suppresses the formation of plaque and reduces the cariogenic potential of microflora.

Local application of pastes containing phosphorus-calcium additives and other biologically active substances, especially with regular brushing of teeth and application of pastes to the teeth, allows not only to prevent, but also to a certain extent to compensate for losses in the presence of the disease.

Magnesium is included in the complex as a microelement, which is a cofactor for phosphatases. Under the influence of these enzymes, glycerophosphate is hydrolyzed, and its bioavailability accordingly increases. Since in the absence of dense plaque the risk of tooth demineralization is significantly reduced, the mineral complex of ROKS toothpaste does not include fluorides. Analysis of clinical literature allows us to determine the role of fluoride as a factor in reducing the solubility of tooth enamel. The presence of fluoride in toothpaste is relevant in a situation where soft plaque produces organic acids during the decomposition of easily fermentable carbohydrates.

But even under these conditions, after the maturation of tooth enamel has completed (in persons over 20 years of age), the local effect of fluorides is practically not felt, which is reflected in a decrease in their effectiveness for the prevention of caries. The possible side effects of fluorides are often assessed as negative, therefore, the introduction of fluorides into hygiene products should have a serious clinical justification. For example, ROKS toothpastes for children contain fluoride, since for this age group its anti-caries effectiveness is very high.

In the process of creating recipes, it is extremely important to ensure the complex action of the finished product. Since inflammatory periodontal diseases are a very common problem, ROKS toothpaste has the ability to improve the condition of soft tissues. This effect is achieved due to the influence of bromelain through the action of two mechanisms: by suppressing the formation of plaque, it reduces the microbial load on the gums; on the other hand, bromelain has a whole range of properties, thanks to which it has found wide use in medicine as an anti-inflammatory drug.

The result of the use of this paste is also the disappearance of bad breath caused by the activity of anaerobic bacteria, which is explained by the accelerated utilization of proteins due to the action of bromelain, by eliminating the substrate for anaerobic fermentation. The use of bromelain in the paste allows you to remove not only soft plaque, but also pigmentation associated with the pellicle, without using highly abrasive systems. ROKS toothpaste returns teeth to their natural whiteness and protects against the development of new stains, has low abrasiveness, and, as a result, does not injure (does not leave scratches) tooth enamel and restorations.

To provide quality oral care, you need to like the toothpaste. The more pleasant the toothpaste, the more time we spend brushing our teeth, the better we care for our oral cavity. Therefore, the ROKS collection of toothpastes is formed using a variety of flavors: traditional mint and fruit. ROX toothpastes for children Children should brush their teeth with children's toothpastes! Almost the entire childhood of a person is spent in conditions of growth and maturation of teeth. The timing of teething can vary significantly among different children. It should be borne in mind that teeth that erupted too early or too late in relation to the average statistical norm, as a rule, have reduced resistance to caries. After a tooth erupts, its enamel matures over a long period of time. The ripening period can take from 2 to 5 years. Accordingly, during the period of mineral maturation (especially during the first year after eruption), the child’s teeth need careful and effective care. The composition of the toothpastes used should promote accelerated maturation of enamel, while providing a high level of protection against negative influences without causing any traumatic effects. ROKS toothpastes for children are presented with products for three age groups: for children from 0 to 3 years; for children of preschool age and first graders - from 4 to 7 years; for schoolchildren from 8 to 18 years old. The composition of each product group is selected taking into account the specific needs and restrictions inherent in a particular age, which is associated with the physiological characteristics of growth. Features of ROKS toothpaste for children from 0 to 3 years old In Russia, dentists often recommend that children up to 2.5-3 years old brush their teeth only with a toothbrush. This happened due to the lack of special products on the hygiene market that are adapted to the age of children. But using only a toothbrush it is impossible to properly clean a child’s teeth. Even when using toothpaste, it is recommended to brush your teeth for at least 3 minutes. It is practically impossible to carry out such long-term manipulations in the oral cavity of a small child. Apparently, the lack of proper hygienic care for children's teeth is the reason for the extremely high prevalence of caries in primary teeth. By the age of 4, 80% of children have teeth affected by caries, and by the age of 6, the prevalence of caries in some regions of Russia reaches 100%. ROKS toothpaste for babies is different from other children's toothpastes. Children swallow the paste completely, so fluoride and other components that can cause unwanted reactions in the body (sodium lauryl sulfate, flavoring additives) are excluded from its composition. This paste has extremely low abrasiveness, and its cleaning effect is largely due to the action of surfactants. Medical polyvinylpyrolydone was introduced into the paste as a surfactant. The use of this component is explained by a combination of properties such as physiological compatibility and the ability to bind toxins.

The process of tooth emergence is often accompanied by inflammation of the gums and worries the baby. Daily hygienic care helps reduce these phenomena. ROKS toothpaste for babies contains linden extract, which has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, and the natural sweetener xylitol, which not only gives the toothpaste a pleasant taste, but also has the ability to suppress the activity of cariogenic microorganisms, maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

Once your child learns to spit out toothpaste after brushing (around age 4), it is best to use fluoride-containing toothpastes for added tooth protection. Many clinical and laboratory studies have shown that it plays an important role in the process of tooth maturation. Fluoride promotes the inclusion of calcium and phosphate ions into the structure of enamel hydroxyapatite, accelerating its maturation. That is why it is recommended to use fluoride in children's toothpastes.

Fluoride increases the tooth’s resistance to the action of acids formed in the microbial plaque as a result of bacterial activity. With this in mind, 95% of toothpaste manufacturers have included fluoride in their toothpastes. ROKS toothpastes for children 4-7 years old and ROKS toothpaste for children 8-18 years old contain the AMIFLUOR® complex, which is a combination of aminofluoride and xylitol. Aminofluoride is an organofluorine compound. Its unique properties are associated with the peculiarities of its molecular structure. Aminofluoride forms a highly stable protective layer of calcium fluoride on the tooth surface that is insoluble in acid. This film is resistant to the action of saliva and cannot be quickly washed off by it, due to which the action of amino fluoride is prolonged. Acting as a surfactant, it reduces the surface tension of saliva, and by preventing the formation of biofilms in the oral cavity, it suppresses the formation of dental plaque. Thanks to its surface activity, it makes it easy to destroy plaque and moisturize all surfaces in the oral cavity. In case of caries, this substance can stimulate remineralization processes and prevent the destruction of enamel in a situation of acid attack. The ability to form a calcium fluoride protective layer on the tooth surface differs among different fluoride compounds. In comparative studies of the properties of aminophoride and other fluorine salts, the ability to precipitate CaF2 and the maturation of its crystals, forming a protective film on teeth, was assessed. The initiation of the process when using AmF occurs after 20 seconds of exposure, in contrast to sodium fluoride, which begins to work only at 60 seconds, and monofluorophosphate, which does not have the ability to form such films at all. This fact is of interest, since the average daily time for brushing the teeth of an ordinary person is less than one minute.

Due to the fact that amino fluoride has surface activity, it allows you to effectively clean teeth, increasing their sensitivity to the action of minerals. In this case, there is a pronounced inhibitory effect on the formation of soft plaque. In ROKS toothpastes, amino fluoride is used in combination with xylitol to increase the remineralizing effect of the paste. The concentration of fluoride in ROKS toothpastes corresponds to age standards:

  • 900 ppm for school-aged children 8-18 years old,
  • 500 ppm for children 4-7 years old.

All ROKS toothpastes for children come in flavors that children like, as determined during testing. They create a favorable atmosphere for brushing teeth and help form proper oral care habits in the first years of life.

High-quality and effective oral care allows you to preserve your teeth into old age.
And in a situation where the process cannot be controlled only by hygienic means, professional ROKS products will come to the aid of the dentist, which will help stabilize the process and increase the resistance of teeth to harmful influences. Source : www.medicus.ru Print version

Types of Rox toothpastes for people with sensitive teeth

Dental hyperesthesia is manifested by unpleasant sensations when eating or oral hygiene. Some people cannot drink hot or cold drinks or eat sweet or sour foods. Often, a dental problem reaches the point where pain occurs when inhaling.

For such people, several types of ROCS toothpastes are produced:

  • Sensitive "Instant effect". The combination of calcium, phosphate and xylitol gently and quickly eliminates pain, saturating dentin with minerals. Microparticles of the elements envelop the tooth and penetrate into the cracks, forming a protective film.

  • Sensitive "Restoration and whitening". A type of paste characterized by an immediate reduction in tooth sensitivity and a whitening effect. Mineral particles restore the natural whiteness of teeth and normalize the microflora of the oral cavity in just 2 weeks.

  • Bionica and Bionica Sensitive pastes consist of more than 94% plant elements. These products do not contain antiseptics or antibiotics, so they can be used by preschool children and pregnant women.
  • ROCS "Viennese dessert". The combination of bromelain and calcium in the product ensures a reduction in hyperesthesia and preservation of cleanliness for a long period. The product should be used in courses of one month.

Features of the ROCS brand

The founder of the ROCS brand is the DRC group of companies, which produces various oral hygiene products (toothpastes, flosses, brushes, brushes, rinses). The company does not stand still and is constantly developing. In 2005, a representative office was opened in Europe. The main feature of ROCS brand products is quality. All oral care products are produced in pharmaceutical production conditions, which, unfortunately, not all competitors can boast of. ROCS toothpaste is EU certified.

The peculiarities of this manufacturer include the fact that from the moment of its founding the company did not copy products already available on the market, but worked to create a fundamentally new, high-quality and safe product.

Types of Rox whitening toothpastes for adults

The formula of Rox whitening pastes is based on the Mineralin complex, including bromelain, xylitol, calcium and magnesium. The combination of elements allows you to quickly eliminate staining of the tooth surface, remove plaque and protect tooth enamel. A specific characteristic of the product is the absence of fluorine in its composition.

Manufacturers of ROCS products offer several types of whitening pastes:

  • “Bionica Whitening” is a unique paste, more than 95% consisting of natural elements that are included in the diet of a healthy person. Active substances qualitatively clean and protect tooth enamel from pigmentation, the spread of carious bacteria, and periodontitis.
  • ROCS “Magic Whitening” and “Magic Whitening” are therapeutic and prophylactic products enriched with polishing microparticles of minerals. The manufacturer claims that thanks to the multi-stage cleansing system, the surface of the teeth becomes significantly lighter after a week of using the product.
  • "Blank verse". Special compressed silicon dioxide particles whiten teeth, and the combination of minerals prevents the appearance of harmful microflora, the development of caries and gingivitis.
  • Uno Whitening is one of the pastes in the line for people with thin tooth enamel, rich in calcium and phosphorus. The elements provide protection and remineralization of the enamel. The products are suitable for people who have recently had a tooth filled, especially if inexpensive filling technologies have been used in dentistry.

For people who drink caffeine-containing drinks and tobacco products, dentists recommend the use of Anti-Tobacco and Coffee and Tobacco pastes. The active biocomponents of toothpastes act for a long period. The products get rid of unpleasant tobacco odor, dry mouth and pigmented plaque. The products also contain vitamin E, the lack of which negatively affects gum sensitivity.

ROCS pastes for adults

For consumers over 18 years of age, the company has developed pastes for adults. The products are produced taking into account individual problems that arise in the oral cavity.

For sensitive teeth

The line of cleansing products for the care of sensitive teeth is presented in 2 directions:

  1. Instant Relief.
  2. Repair & Whitening.

The first direction is intended for the care of sensitive teeth in order to restore damaged tooth enamel. This effect is ensured by the addition of hydroxyapatite to the calcium composition, which allows the remineralizing components to better penetrate the enamel. The same substance reduces tooth sensitivity by sealing the dentinal tubules.

The second direction of this series is intended to lighten the enamel and restore it. The manufacturer promises a visible effect (2 shades whitening) within a few weeks after regular use of the whitening paste.

For teeth with thin enamel, ROCS Uno paste is available in two versions:

Uno Calcium is designed to saturate enamel with minerals. Citrus essential oil, which is part of the product, has a tonic effect.

Uno Whitening allows you to remineralize the enamel simultaneously with teeth whitening.

Anti-inflammatory pastes

For adherents of natural ingredients, the company has released Bionics paste. Contains 94% natural ingredients (thyme, kelp, licorice). This product is approved for use by pregnant women.

The main direction of action of the product is to eliminate bleeding gums and reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane. To combine these functions with whitening in care, Bionics Whitening paste was developed, and for the care of sensitive teeth - Bionics Sensitive.

Whitening pastes

ROCS Teeth Whitening Pro toothpaste is designed to effectively lighten tooth enamel in a short time. The product contains microparticles of silicon dioxide, the properties of which allow you to achieve maximum whitening effect.

Antitobacco paste has been developed for lovers of coloring drinks (coffee, tea), as well as for smokers. The product's two active cleansing ingredients (bromelain and silica) remove plaque and stains. The components of this product completely neutralize the smell of tobacco smoke.

A new product in the whitening paste series are PRO pastes, presented in three types:

These products lighten the enamel using active oxygen, which does not damage it. The first version of the paste allows you to achieve a lasting, delicate result, the second allows you to whiten your teeth by several tones in a week, the third is designed specifically for lightening sensitive enamel.

Complex pastes

Jasmine complex paste is intended for regular use and is approved for both adults and children over 4 years old. The paste contains mainly herbal ingredients, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums. The minerals contained in the product saturate the enamel, and xylitol inhibits the growth of bacteria that destroy teeth. The paste removes plaque well and polishes the surface.

Complex care products include ROKS Energy paste. The composition includes taurine, which improves the metabolic processes of periodontal tissue and increases resistance to microbes. The product cleanses teeth well of plaque and strengthens tooth enamel. The effect of the paste is clearly noticeable with its systematic use.

Toothpaste ROKS Active calcium is an innovative means of caring for teeth and gums. A distinctive feature is that the paste contains bioactive calcium, which penetrates deeply and is fixed in the teeth. Continuous use of the product can reduce the risk of caries and reduce the sensitivity of the enamel.

Among the company's effective products, ROKS Minerals paste should be noted. This product, which has a gel-like consistency, strengthens tooth enamel. Contains bioavailable compounds of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, as well as xylitol, which increases the capabilities of the complex by suppressing microorganisms that destroy teeth and cause inflammation of the gums. The gel forms an invisible film on the surface of the crown, due to which minerals gradually penetrate into the tooth enamel.

Read also: Toothpaste for tooth sensitivity

The gel is recommended for:

  • caries prevention;
  • treatment of white spots;
  • improving the appearance of the surface of teeth with fluorosis;
  • decreased sensitivity;
  • lightening tooth enamel;
  • normalization of microflora in the mouth.

The product is absolutely harmless even if ingested, so it can be recommended for use by consumers of any age category.

ROCS is a young company that, thanks to the high quality of its products, is constantly expanding. The popularity of the brand is increasing due to regular scientific developments and clinical studies to improve the quality of toothpaste. For example, a new product is ROCS toothpaste without fluoride. Previously, it was believed that caries could be effectively combated only with the help of compounds of this substance. The company managed to develop a complex that does not contain fluorine.

The ROCS brand offers a wide range of toothpastes that allow you to cope with various problems in the oral cavity at any age. The quality of this manufacturer's products is confirmed by numerous awards. In 2014, the manufacturer received a seal of approval from the Russian Dental Association.

Author: Alexander Grebennikov, dentist, especially for Karies.pro


According to the manufacturer, with daily use of any type of ROCS PRO toothpastes, a person will be able to boast of healthy gums, teeth and persistent fresh breath, coupled with a snow-white smile. The WDS scientific laboratory has created products that can clean teeth and oral cavity efficiently, effectively and carefully. Products are manufactured using new technology, which improves their cleaning and protective properties without increasing the amount of abrasive substances.

Product range:

  • “Sweet Mint” and “Fresh Mint” are products for regular use that eliminate yellowness of the enamel. Suitable for use in case of increased tooth sensitivity.
  • “Oxygen bleaching” is a substance enriched with oxygen and recommended for use in conjunction with bleaching agents. The product can be used both together with the whitening paste and after it. It is preferable to use it in courses lasting no more than a month.
  • Brackets & Ortho is an advanced whitening paste with special microparticles aimed at enhanced cleansing of the oral cavity. The product is relevant for people who have dental structures in the form of braces and removable dentures.
  • Young & White Enamel. The paste formula is designed to maintain healthy and white teeth with “young” enamel.
  • Electro & Whitening. Dentists recommend using this type of product in combination with electric brushes. According to them, the complex of products will more carefully, thoroughly and quickly clean tooth enamel from plaque, preserve fresh breath for a long time and prevent the appearance of harmful microorganisms.

Composition of Rocs products

High-quality plaque removal is ensured thanks to proteolytic enzymes of plant origin, which are part of hygiene products from the Rox company, which perform the following functions :

  • restoration of natural whiteness;
  • preventing the occurrence of tartar and plaque;
  • comprehensive protection of teeth and gums.

Effective protection against caries, gingivitis, periodontal disease, and other dental diseases is provided by the patented MINERALIN ® complex:

  • bromelain enzyme;
  • calcium hypophosphate;
  • xylitol;
  • magnesium chloride.

Bromelain - effectively fights plaque.

Xylitol has an anti-inflammatory and restorative (mineralizing) function.

Calcium and magnesium, which are part of the products of this brand, constitute the main protective formula for the stability of the tooth coating.

The leaching of calcium and magnesium, under the influence of acid, leads to carious tooth decay, which leads to undesirable consequences.

Depending on the composition, the ROCS line of toothpastes prices vary from 170 to 250 rubles.

Children's pastes, divided by age groups and composition, cost from 160 to 200 rubles in Moscow and the regions of the capital.

Despite the higher cost of similar products from other manufacturers, toothpastes in this series justify themselves with their quality.

Other types of Rox toothpastes

Among the series of oral hygiene products is the Uno line. It is intended for use after dental operations that involved polishing the teeth. Such procedures make the enamel thin and susceptible to pathogenic microbes.

Another unique toothpaste is Energy with taurine. An increased concentration of the element has a beneficial effect on the metabolic process in the soft tissues of the oral cavity. The use of the paste is not recommended for children under 16 years of age.

produces other complex pastes that differ in taste and concentration of active substances. The company adheres to the principle of creating a natural and effective product, regardless of age category and dental problems. Therefore, all types of Rox pastes remineralize, restore and strengthen teeth, restore and maintain the natural color of enamel, prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and inflammation of the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

The components used in Rox toothpastes are well accepted by the human body, and their degree of abrasiveness is minimal, which eliminates damage to tooth enamel during hygiene procedures.

Variety of products

For children under 3 years of age

Proper dental care at such a young age is very important, because it reduces the likelihood of caries not only in milk teeth, but also in molars. For the little ones, ROKS offers pastes in the following flavors:

Any option has a soft base, which allows you not to injure fragile enamel, but at the same time brush your teeth at the proper level! Made almost entirely from natural ingredients (more than 98% of them in the paste), using ultra-modern cold cooking technology, this pasta is simply ideal for children. After all, careful care of the oral cavity should begin with the appearance of the first tooth!


  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Helps strengthen teeth;
  • Destroys bacteria, the development of which can lead to caries;
  • It is an excellent prevention of dental diseases from gingivitis, caries, periodontal disease;
  • Protects gums from inflammation;
  • Restores the biobalance of the oral cavity;
  • Absolutely safe if accidentally swallowed;
  • The unique composition does not require special storage conditions.

ROKS toothpaste for babies does not contain dyes , fluorine, fragrances or parabens. That's why it can be chosen for delicate children's teeth.

For children from 3 to 7 years old

At this age, it is necessary to take special care of your teeth and teach children how to brush them. The right choice of toothpaste is also important. Among the ROKS series, specifically for this age, you can choose a scent that will suit your child’s taste:

Read also: Rox pasta without fluoride

Pastes with fluoride complex:

  • Berry fantasy (strawberry and raspberry);
  • Citrus rainbow (lemon, orange, vanilla);
  • Bubble Gum (chewing gum)

Pastes with an active remineralizing complex

  • Barberry;
  • Fruit cone (ice cream flavor);
  • Sweet princess (pink delight flavor).

Brushing your teeth can be fun! These toothpastes do not contain fluoride, making them completely safe if accidentally swallowed.


  • You can choose the paste that is more suitable - containing fluoride or without it;
  • Variety of flavors loved by children;
  • The presence of interesting bonuses for each tube - games and coloring books;
  • Absolute safety, natural composition;
  • Ideal for allergy sufferers;
  • Reliable protection against caries;
  • Saturates teeth with minerals;
  • Due to the xylitol content, it improves the tooth’s resistance to acids;
  • Reduces the risk of gum inflammation;
  • Fights oral microbes.

Pastes developed specifically for children will help provide delicate, still fragile teeth with reliable anti-caries and anti-inflammatory protection, and balance the microbial composition of the oral cavity. And their pleasant taste, aimed at the age segment, will teach the child to brush his teeth thoroughly and even enjoy this process.

For teenagers (from 8 to 18 years old)

It is teenagers who are characterized by the greatest prevalence of oral diseases, due to the fact that parents no longer seriously control whether their teeth are brushed at night, and the children themselves are sometimes unaware that failure to comply with the simplest rules of hygiene leads to irreparable consequences.
To avoid caries, periodontal disease and other diseases, you should thoroughly brush your teeth with a good toothpaste. ROKS products contain organic fluorine salts (aminofluorides), which, according to recent research, are the most effective in the fight against dental diseases. The concentration of active fluorine in them is reduced, which is why these pastes are completely safe for teenagers.

There are often cases when, due to diseases of the thyroid gland or endemic fluorosis, additional use of fluoride is contraindicated for a child. In this situation, in the ROKS line, you can choose pastes that do not contain this mineral.

for teenagers :


  • Protecting gums from inflammation;
  • The soft formula prevents any harm to still fragile teeth;
  • Strengthens teeth;
  • Effectively fights caries;
  • Normalizes the balance of oral microflora;
  • Due to the content of minerals, it saturates the teeth, leading to the formation and strengthening of enamel;
  • Fashionable youth packaging design;
  • Flavors designed for users of a certain age motivate them to brush their teeth.

Pastes for teenagers are aimed at children’s teeth that are not yet strong and are an excellent preventative against many oral diseases.

For adults

ROKS pastes are unique because they allow you to simultaneously perform three functions that promote oral hygiene:

  1. Strengthening hard dental tissues;
  2. Removing dental plaque;
  3. Its prevention.

In addition, ROKS for adults allows you to whiten enamel without damaging it, and effectively fights caries and gum inflammation.

Various flavors are available for adults:

  • mint;
  • tangerine;
  • with green tea aroma;
  • grapefruit and mint;
  • lemon and mint;
  • chocolate and mint;
  • mango and banana;
  • raspberries.

In addition, toothpastes are also offered for smokers, for people with weakened tooth enamel, for problem gums, for whitening and shine, and polishing enamel. Among such a wide variety, everyone can choose a product based on their needs.


  • Can be used daily;
  • Low abrasiveness prevents damage to the enamel;
  • Provides cleaning of enamel, gives it shine;
  • Excellent prevention of caries;
  • Guarantees fresh breath;
  • Fights gum diseases: bleeding, inflammation;
  • Strengthens tooth enamel.

And ROX toothpastes, developed for fans of coffee and cigarettes, provide enhanced cleaning of teeth and protect them from staining.

ROKS for sensitive teeth

Owners of sensitive teeth find themselves in a very difficult situation: on the one hand, they want to have a snow-white and healthy smile, but on the other hand, they do not have the opportunity to use regular whitening, so as not to cause serious damage to the enamel.
However, the new product from the ROKS series allows you to reduce the sensitivity of your teeth while simultaneously whitening them. contained in the calcium is the laboratory’s own development; it contributes to the mineral saturation of the enamel. Hydroxyapatite, similar in composition to dental tissue, penetrates microcracks in the enamel, blocking them, which reduces tooth sensitivity. Thus, a protective mineral cover is formed on the surface of the tooth. This paste does not cause damage to enamel and dentin, freshens breath, and helps prevent caries.

ROKS product for smokers

This toothpaste allows you to achieve effective tooth whiteness without damaging the enamel, which is especially important for coffee and cigarette lovers. The product neutralizes unpleasant odors , making your breath fresh.

In the wide range of ROKS, everyone can choose the product that best suits their oral problems.

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