Don't eat after 18:00! 7 common misconceptions about losing weight

19.08.2020 09:00


Every woman knows: eating after 18.00 is harmful. It is believed that this leads to the appearance of extra pounds. Therefore, those girls who watch their waistline try to have dinner no later than 18.00. But does meal timing really have that much of an impact on weight gain?

Author: Kalandia Marika Malkhazovna

Every woman knows: eating after 18.00 is harmful. It is believed that this leads to the appearance of extra pounds. Therefore, those girls who watch their waistline try to have dinner no later than 17.30. And after 18.00, drink only a glass of kefir or eat an apple. But does meal timing really have that much of an impact on weight gain? Let's figure it out.

Does eating in the evening affect weight loss?

Yes and no. After 18.00 the body gradually adjusts to rest. It becomes difficult for him to digest large amounts of food. If you put stress on your stomach and intestines late in the evening, they will start to work incorrectly. This may cause you to gain extra pounds. But you won't gain much weight. At most, add a couple of kilograms, which will quickly go away if you play sports.

You can lose weight by giving up late dinner. But not as fast as you want. Statistics show that in order to lose weight, you need to have dinner no later than 17.30 for at least one month. In addition, you will need to monitor the amount of calories consumed during breakfast, lunch and dinner. If there are too many of them, the extra pounds will still not go away. On the contrary, they will begin to increase. Therefore, losing weight by refusing to eat after 18.00 is more a myth than the truth. It is not the time of day that affects your weight, but the food you eat.

Food before workout

Often people deliberately do not eat not only after training, but also before, so as not to interfere with fat oxidation. These fears are not justified.

Research shows that carbohydrates during intense cardio (interval training, HIIT, etc.) have no effect on fat oxidation. Of course, low-intensity workouts (light jogging, brisk walking, cycling or stationary cycling) will be affected, but such workouts usually do not require additional energy, are low-energy in themselves, and can even be done on an empty stomach.

Moreover, carbs before an intense workout can indirectly help with fat loss - simply by allowing you to work harder, longer, and harder. As a result, you burn more calories per workout than if you could barely move from weakness and hunger.

From a weight loss point of view, the ability to train at full strength is much more important than the additional calorie expenditure due to skipping meals, especially since it is very small.

The same applies to strength training while losing weight. The ability to train hard, intensely always takes precedence over the ability to burn a few extra calories. Moreover, strength training does not consume many calories - during the workout, a person rests in total more than he trains.

The goal of strength training during weight loss is not so much to burn calories as to protect your muscles while on a diet. Spending calories is just a bonus, not a goal.

Proper evening nutrition

During dinner, you must follow several rules. They will help you avoid gaining excess weight.

  • In the evening, you need to eat foods that the body can quickly break down and absorb. Fruits, vegetables and seafood are suitable. They are not only healthy, but also filling. Even if you eat only 2 apples, you will be able to hold out until breakfast without any snacks.
  • Count your calories. You can consume no more than 300 calories for dinner.
  • Avoid fatty foods. It greatly overloads the stomach, is deposited in problem areas and leads to insomnia.
  • Include some grains in your dinner (for example, a couple of tablespoons of rolled oats or buckwheat), a piece of baked lean fish, and a spoonful of green peas. These products relax your muscles and help you fall asleep faster and more soundly.
  • If you go to the gym in the evening, have dinner with a salad of cabbage, carrots, and broccoli. You can also add some cucumbers or beets. A good addition to dinner would be crabs or boiled cod. You can also eat a handful of cherries, an apple or a couple of apricots. All these products, combined with intense physical activity, help you burn fat and lose weight faster.
  • Avoid large portions. You won't need energy at night, so you can get by with a light snack. If this is difficult to do, use small bowls for food. In a few days, the brain will get used to perceiving them adequately, and you will begin to fill up faster.

Product No. 11: pp-baking

PP baked goods – a box with a “surprise”. And he's not as nice as he seems. When preparing pp-baking, sugar and white flour are not used. But it is not much inferior in calorie content to regular one. For comparison: the energy value of a pp cheesecake is about 200 kcal, a regular one is about 271 kcal. Sweeteners are added to pp baked goods, the dangers of which all nutritionists today talk about. And there is still flour there, even if it is whole grain.

What time is best to have dinner?

The answer to this question depends on what time you usually go to bed. The break between the last meal and sleep should be 4 hours. Therefore, if you are used to going to bed at 23.00, have dinner at 19.00. In 4 hours, all products will have time to break down, and the gastrointestinal tract will calmly go into rest mode. Thanks to this, you will quickly fall asleep and will not suffer from nightmares. And of course, this regime will help protect yourself from extra pounds.

There is one more important aspect. The break between dinner and breakfast should be no more than 12 hours. If the time interval increases, the body will begin to ask you for the missing calories. And this will most likely happen at night. There are two options for the development of events. Or you will wake up from terrible hunger and be angry until the morning, holding back the impulse to eat something satisfying. Or get up and go make yourself sandwiches. The first will lead to a breakdown of the nervous system, the second will lead to obesity. In addition, fasting can slow down your metabolism. Because of this, extra pounds will be gained faster and more difficult to lose. Therefore, if you wake up later than 6 am, under no circumstances listen to those who advise not to eat after 6 pm. If you refuse a later dinner, you will only harm yourself.

Finding the cause of uncontrollable appetite after 6 pm

Emotional and physical hunger

Sometimes you want to eat at such times, because the body is really hungry, especially if it did not receive enough calories during the day. In other cases, night eating occurs due to emotional hunger. Determining whether evening snacking is physical or emotional is an important step in addressing the problem. To decide, you need to answer the following questions:

  • Does hunger appear suddenly or gradually? Emotional hunger most often manifests itself in the form of sudden attraction. Physical hunger comes gradually.
  • What exactly do you want to eat? When a person experiences emotional hunger, they are more likely to crave sweet or salty junk food than something substantial. And the list of foods that can be eaten after 6 fades into the background.
  • How many calories did you eat during the day? If a person is on a calorie-restricted diet or skipping meals, they are likely to feel physically hungry in the evening. However, if there was no such problem, hunger is emotional in nature.

  • Was breakfast missed? If so, it makes you crave mindless snacking throughout the day. Skipping breakfast is especially bad for those people who like to reward themselves with food in the evening after a working day.
  • How many snacks did you have? Sometimes eating small "empty calorie" snacks (snacks, cookies, soda, etc.) results in less food being eaten during dinner. Naturally, after a short period of time, the stomach will understand that it is missing something.

Emotional hunger most often manifests itself while watching movies on the computer or on TV, light reading, traveling on the Internet, etc. At the same time, the brain is completely focused on the main activity, and not on what is currently happening to the stomach. It’s not for nothing that they say that while watching a movie you can eat much more food than you need.

How to control hunger hormones?

The four main hunger hormones are often responsible for the desire to eat after 6 pm. An abundance or deficiency of insulin, leptin, ghrelin, peptide YY, or cortisol can lead to unnecessary snacking.

  • Insulin helps the body process sugar. Insulin levels tend to rise significantly after consuming empty calories in the form of refined sugar and processed wheat. The peak is temporary, and then you will feel hungry again. Sugary foods, white bread and pasta should be avoided, especially during lunch, as this can help maintain normal insulin levels and prevent unwanted hunger.
  • Leptin is a hormone that is primarily responsible for telling the brain that you are full of food. However, increasing consumption of sugar, flour and processed foods interferes with this process. Again, avoiding sugary, processed foods throughout the day allows leptin to adequately protect the body from overeating.
  • Ghrelin is a hunger hormone and helps regulate appetite. This allows a person to know when to eat. As with the above-mentioned hormones, it can be exceeded due to unsustainable eating habits and poor quality food. Therefore, every day you need to get foods based on whole wheat, fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins.
  • Peptide YY is a hormone found in the gut that, like leptin, helps the body know it has enough food. When the intestines are not supplied with healthy calories, peptide YY will signal that more food is needed, even if the person has just eaten. Therefore, you need to eat nutritious meals, not sweets and snacks.

Another hormone that affects the desire for food after 6 is cortisol, a stress hormone. Although cortisol levels are less related to hunger than the above hormones, they do cause insulin and blood sugar levels to rise. This causes hunger. In other words, stress can lead to overeating. Meditation, various physical exercises, and communication with loved ones will help you cope with stress.

What should a healthy dinner be like?

If you want to stay healthy and slim, prepare a protein-vegetable dinner every day. The protein that the body needs to receive in the evening must be quickly absorbed. It is found in eggs, chicken, cottage cheese, seafood, lean fish and lean meat. Remember that there should be half as much protein as vegetables.

It is advisable not to eat fresh vegetables for dinner. The exception is cucumbers. Everything else is recommended to be stewed or steamed. It is better to give preference to cabbage, eggplant, and zucchini. If you don't have time to cook, just take a store-bought frozen vegetable mixture, lightly fry it in a pan, cover and cook until done. You can also cook pumpkin. It doesn't have to be cooked for long. Cut the pumpkin into thin pieces and microwave for 5 minutes. It will turn out slightly sweet, soft and satisfying.

Product #2: Whole milk

Milk and fermented milk products are not the best option for the evening diet. They contain a lot of milk sugar - lactose (lactose intolerance, for example, is not such a rare phenomenon). Bloating and other unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms are not the best “companions” for sleep. Just like cottage cheese, fermented milk products have a high insulin index. No kefir at night!

What can't you eat for dinner?

It is strictly forbidden to eat fried potatoes for dinner. Boiled is possible, but in very small quantities. Beets and carrots are not very well digested. It is also worth giving up those foods that can be beneficial during the day, but in the evening will cause harm due to long digestion. These are fatty fish, nuts of all kinds and legumes, pearl barley and buckwheat porridge. It is very difficult to sleep from such food. Fatty meat is also not suitable for dinner. It can be replaced with a piece of lean meat or poultry. Definitely exclude pasta, pasta, and sweets from your diet. These products will lead to changes in blood glucose levels, which is not very good for night mode.

As you can see, eating after 18.00 is possible, and in some cases even necessary. The main thing is to correctly formulate your diet, excluding heavy foods from it, and not overeat. For men, the optimal dinner volume is 350 grams, for women – 250 grams. If you follow this norm and do not overdo it with the amount of calories, excess weight will not bother you. On the contrary, you will notice that you have become slimmer, more energetic and more resilient.

Possible complications of non-compliance with the diet

Be sure to “audit” the products you consume over the next few days after extirpation. Swelling on the gums and pain are phenomena that are inevitable. But if you violate the nutritional rules, you can provoke more serious pathologies.

If you ignore your doctor's recommendations, this may lead to:

  • to the inflammatory process;
  • to bleeding (this may be aggravated by infection);
  • to the development of flux;
  • to stomatitis;
  • to alveolitis.

When the first adverse symptoms appear, you should consult a specialist. Also go to the clinic when you don't know what to do if you have a fever after wisdom tooth removal.

Myth No. 2. While eating, you need to drink as much water as possible so that less food fits in.

Some nutritionists believe that the first signal of satiety for our brain is the pressure of the food bolus on the walls of the stomach. And if you wash down your food with water, the food bolus will be larger and will put pressure on the walls of the stomach earlier. In fact, the signal to the brain that you are full is an increase in blood sugar.

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An important point is that for people with reduced secretion of gastric juice, drinking water on an empty stomach or during meals, to put it mildly, is not beneficial. It is better to drink a glass of water 10-15 minutes after.

The bran will really help you feel full. Their properties are somewhat similar to activated carbon. Bran itself has low nutritional value. But, passing through the digestive tract, they are able to accumulate liquid and swell, creating the illusion of saturation. Thus, they help suppress hunger and reduce the amount of food consumed. Bran and pectins have the following binding capacity: 300–400 g of water per 100 g of substance.

In this case, of course, a prerequisite for their use is increased water consumption (1.5–2 liters per day). Without this condition, fiber ceases to perform its absorbent function. When treating patients, especially the elderly, who often have fluid deficiency, it is necessary to pay attention to and control its sufficient intake.

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Myth No. 6. If you actively sweat in a sauna, then the kilograms will melt away along with your sweat.

Sweat is water. And fat cannot flow out of us like liquid from a faucet. Excess fat can only be burned in the muscles as a result of physical activity. Moreover, training should be aerobic, that is, performed with an excess amount of oxygen. If you are out of breath while doing exercises, the excess weight will not go away. Therefore, the most optimal exercise for those losing weight is regular daily walking for 40–60 minutes.

I think many people have noticed that when fighting extra pounds, it’s not the problem areas that lose weight first, but the face and chest. This is directly related to their good blood supply. To reduce fat deposits on the stomach and thighs, it is useful to visit the sauna and bathhouse to improve blood circulation. Regular quality massage will also help. It will make your skin smoother and more beautiful, and help partially get rid of cellulite. Such procedures also improve lymph circulation, strengthen the cardiovascular system, and reduce stress. You can read more about effective weight loss in my book “Minus Size.”

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Features of nutrition during the rehabilitation period

It is advisable that the diet after dental implantation include:

  • Calcium-rich foods. These include milk, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, and natural yogurt. This macronutrient helps bone tissue grow faster and stabilize the implant.
  • Foods high in vitamin D3 and Omega-3. These include cod liver, herring, mackerel, salmon, and sardines. These substances promote better absorption of calcium, increase immunity, and improve metabolic processes.
  • Porridge, vegetables, fruits. Enrich the diet with essential vitamins and minerals.

Also, the daily menu should include meat and fish dishes. If solid food is not indicated, you should prepare minced meat dishes by steaming them so that the consistency is as tender as possible.

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