Why does a child develop geographic tongue - information for parents

Causes of geographic spots on the tongue

Geographic tongue is a disease manifested by dystrophic and inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the tongue.
The condition is characterized by alternating areas of peeling and thickening on the surface of the tongue. You should know why a child develops a geographic tongue and what parents need to do in this case. Causes of the disease:

  • lack of B vitamins;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastroduodenitis, malabsorption syndrome, pancreatitis);
  • endocrine diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis);
  • severe forms of viral infection;
  • exudative diathesis, colds;
  • diseases of the oral cavity.

Blood diseases, nervous disorders and autonomic-endocrine disorders are also the causes of geographic spots on the tongue. In children, the disease is often a companion to helminthic infestation. Predisposing factors include heredity and diseases of the spleen.


Due to the fact that the causes of glossitis have not been identified for certain, it would be more correct to talk about risk groups of patients who are more susceptible to developing this disease. The following can be considered as provoking factors that can cause the onset of the disease:

  • Disturbances in the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases of the circulatory system.
  • Disorders of the nervous system.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Dysbacteriosis, including those caused by long-term use of antibiotics.
  • Heredity.

Desquamative glossitis is a chronic disease. It is absolutely not contagious. In about half of the cases it develops together with a folded tongue and glossalgia.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms most often appear on the back and side of the tongue. The disease is characterized by alternating areas of desquamation of the epithelium and thickening of the mucosa, resulting in whitish-gray and bright pink spots. In appearance they resemble a geographical map.

There are no obvious symptoms in this case. The condition is usually diagnosed when a patient is examined for another pathology. In rare cases (especially when eating spicy, hot and salty foods), the patient may complain of:

  • change in tongue sensitivity;
  • burning and tingling sensation;
  • itching;
  • discomfort while eating.

On our website Dobrobut.com you can make an appointment with a doctor and get answers to all your questions. If necessary, the specialist will prescribe additional diagnostics and a course of treatment after receiving the examination results.

Forms of the disease

According to some literature, experts distinguish several types of desquamative glossitis:

  • neurogenic: accompanied by neurological symptoms, neuroses, stuttering, decreased saliva secretion,
  • allergic: in clinical practice it is often observed in combination with urticaria, diathesis, rhinitis, drug, food and pollen allergies,
  • candidiasis: with it, characteristic spots on the muscular organ are often adjacent to plaque, in which, upon examination, fungi of the genus Candida are found,
  • dysbiotic or microbial: with it, as with the candida variety, there may be a general deterioration in health, an increase in body temperature,
  • mixed: usually combines allergic and candidiasis factors.

Diagnosis and treatment of geographic tongue in an adult

Diagnosis of the disease in most cases does not cause difficulties. The diagnosis is made after a thorough examination and history. In some cases, consultation with a dentist and gastroenterologist will be required.

When making a diagnosis in adults, an extensive examination is necessary. When collecting anamnesis, the presence of chronic diseases and allergic manifestations, as well as the state of the immune system, is taken into account. Taking all this into account, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment for geographic tongue in an adult and monitor its implementation.

Geographical language. What kind of disease is this and how to deal with it?

Geographic tongue (benign migratory glossitis) is an inflammatory disease that manifests itself as lesions on the back and sides of the tongue.

Typically, the affected tongue has a "bald" red area of ​​varying sizes that is partially surrounded by an irregular white border.

The appearance of the affected part of the tongue is the result of the loss of finger-shaped projections (papillae) that cover the surface of the tongue. From time to time, similar lesions appear in other parts of the mouth - the palate, cheeks, under the tongue or on the gums. This is called geographic stomatitis or erythema migrans.

Geographic tongue can vary in color, shape and size - hence the name. Manifestations can persist for different periods of time - days, months and even years. They often disappear completely on their own. But they may appear again later.

What causes geographic language?

The causes of this disease are not fully known. Factors suspected include emotional stress, bad habits, allergies, diabetes and hormonal imbalances. An association between geographic tongue and psoriasis has been reported. However, none of these factors have been conclusively linked to geographic language.

Who gets geographic language?

Geographic tongue is a fairly common condition. Some reports in the medical literature indicate that geographic tongue affects women slightly more often than men. This can happen at any age, including in childhood. It is estimated that it may occur in 1-2.5% of the population.

Is it possible to get infected with it?

No, geographical language is not contagious. There is no evidence that the disease is transmitted in any way.

How is geographic tongue diagnosed?

Based on clinical examination and detailed history.

Are there any complications?

Geographic tongue is a disease that does not pose a threat to general health.

Does geographic tongue require treatment?

In most cases, there is no need to treat this condition.

Apart from appearance, geographic language in most cases does not manifest itself in any way. Sometimes it can cause unpleasant sensations: burning, tingling of the tongue, most often associated with eating spicy or sour foods.

If discomfort persists, your doctor may recommend anti-inflammatory medications (topical corticosteroids, such as triamcinolone in toothpaste applied several times a day as needed) or pain medications (local analgesics) applied directly to the affected areas. Antiseptics and anesthetics may also be effective.

Some authors have reported that the use of cyclosporine, topical and systemic antihistamines, and topical retinoids can sometimes produce beneficial results.

Can geographic tongue transform into cancer?

There are no documented cases of geographic tongue causing cancer.

Should you see a doctor if you suspect geographic tongue?

Geographic tongue is an uncomfortable condition but does not cause health problems. However, tongue damage can be a sign of other serious illnesses.

If you or your child has tongue lesions that do not go away within 10 days, be sure to contact your primary care physician/pediatrician or dentist.

Treatment of pathology

Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating the underlying cause. Geographic tongue is not an independent disease, but a condition that signals serious problems in the body.

Additional events:

  • sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • exclusion of salty, spicy and hot foods from the diet;
  • alkaline rinses, local applications with anesthetic;
  • prescription of antihistamines;
  • prescription of multivitamin complexes.

If you strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, the prognosis for the disease is favorable.

Traditional medicine recommends using oak bark decoction, calendula or chamomile decoction as rinses. You can also use propolis (applied to the affected areas), vegetable oil (oral baths) and honey.

Possible options for general and local treatment

The attending physician will best tell you what to do if your child has a geographic tongue in each specific case. Some doctors still classify desquamative glossitis as a group of acute inflammatory[2] diseases, especially if concomitant factors have been identified. Therefore, general and local symptomatic therapy is prescribed to eliminate problems that lead to the appearance of an unpleasant symptom.

General treatment

It is carried out jointly with dentists, allergists, endocrinologists and other specialists through whose line the pathologies were identified. Typically includes the following set of measures:

  • sanitation of the oral cavity: removal of plaque, treatment and removal of diseased teeth, restoration of damaged and missing row units,
  • taking sedatives: for the neurogenic form of desquamative glossitis, patients are often prescribed motherwort and valerian, Novopassit, Persen. Also, in severe cases, tranquilizers and nootropic drugs, for example, glycine, pantogam,

What to take to treat geographic tongue

  • taking detoxification drugs: Enterosgel, Filtrum, activated carbon and others,
  • identification and treatment of somatic diseases: prescribing anti-inflammatory, antifungal or antibacterial drugs appropriate to the situation,
  • taking desensitizing (antihistamine) drugs: “Tavegil”, “Suprastin” and others,
  • taking vitamins and calcium pantothenate, as well as immunomodulators.

Complications and prevention

Geographic tongue is not an independent disease, but its appearance signals serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. The sooner you contact a specialist, the sooner adequate treatment will be prescribed. Timely therapy is a guarantee of a high-quality cure for the disease.

In childhood, complications are very rare.

Preventive actions. Fighting bad habits, taking vitamins in the spring and autumn, adequate treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and timely sanitation of the oral cavity will help avoid this condition.

Book a consultation with our specialists and find out how to treat geographic tongue disease.

To treat or not to treat: doctors' opinion

It is interesting that some experts consider desquamative glossitis to be a normal variant or a feature of the body. Especially if it appears in childhood and during puberty. And then doctors only offer wait-and-see tactics and observation, claiming that sooner or later everything will go away on its own. But this, of course, is only provided that a comprehensive examination of the body has been carried out and no causes have been identified.

Expert opinion
Alina Vyacheslavovna Fedulova
Specializations: Dentist-therapist, hygienist

Experience: 5+

“Geographic language in itself is not dangerous in a child or adult. Does not contribute to the deterioration of well-being, does not affect the quality of life (only from a psychological point of view). It does not degenerate into oncology and is not considered contagious. In many children, it tends to go away on its own, so it is not always treated if the cause has not been established and all possible factors have been excluded. However, sometimes the cause that provokes the appearance of desquamative glossitis can pose a threat to the body, and therefore this symptom obliges adults to conduct a comprehensive examination of the child and, if necessary, undergo specific treatment.”

What is this pathology?

Desquamative glossitis is a disease that affects the mucous surface of the tongue. It is characterized by the appearance of localized desquamation formations.

An inflamed epithelium is found on the affected area, having a white raised rim containing dead particles of the epithelium. The papillae of the tongue are greatly changed.

As a rule, the pathology affects the lateral surfaces and back of the tongue. Most experts are of the opinion that the desquamative form of glossitis is a process of a neurodystrophic nature.

Some attribute the disease to inflammation of the oral cavity. Others accept geographical changes in the mucous membrane as a normal condition of the tongue, without considering it a pathology.

Glossitis of the desquamative type can last from two weeks to tens of years.

How to keep your tongue healthy

The tongue, like teeth, is visible to others, and if it looks unhealthy, you may feel self-conscious. If your dentist or therapist has already determined that the discoloration of your tongue is not due to disease, you can improve its appearance by gently brushing your tongue twice daily during your normal oral hygiene routine. Use a toothbrush with a special scraper or pad to clean your tongue and cheeks.

Also, get into the habit of sticking out your tongue and examining it after brushing your teeth, this will allow you to immediately notice changes in its color or detect other problems. However, you need to understand that a healthy tongue color does not guarantee good dental health. Remember to visit your dentist regularly to check the health of your teeth, gums, and overall mouth.


Treatment of the desquamative form of glossitis is carried out only in the event of sensations causing discomfort and other complaints. In other cases, treatment of this pathology is not considered necessary.

You can stop the first symptoms of the disease either with the intervention of a specialist or independently, using folk remedies.

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Let's talk here about what antibiotics to take for gumboil.

Here: https://zubovv.ru/detskaya-stomatologia/yazyik/chto-delat-esli-poyavilis-krasnyie-pyatna.html - find out what red spots on a child’s tongue mean.


If desquamative glossitis is accompanied by pain, then dental intervention is necessary. He carries out complete sanitation of the oral cavity, eliminating foci of caries and relieving periodontal pathologies.

Additionally, he prescribes a number of specific medications:

  • rinsing with a solution of 1% citral, prepared according to the scheme of 25 drops per 100 grams of water;
  • applications of a suspension of 10% anesthesin, as part of an oil solution of vitamin E;
  • applications of independent keratoplasty agents; oil with vitamin E, carotoline, rosehip. For a therapeutic effect, they must be applied for 3 minutes;
  • General treatment is prescribed. Calcium pantothenate is isolated as an effective drug. It is necessary to take it orally, at least 0.1 g at least 3 times a day. Treatment should last about a month;
  • in case of severe pain, painkillers are prescribed: ketorol, analgin, nurofen;
  • in severe cases, blockade of the lingual nerve with novocaine is used. To relieve symptoms, a course of 10 injections is prescribed;
  • Additionally, a course of a complex of vitamins and hyposensitizing drugs that reduce allergic reactions may be prescribed;
  • Treatment is prescribed depending on the cause of the disease.

Elimination of symptoms of desquamative form of glossitis at home

If it is not possible to get an appointment with a doctor, and the disease bothers you with uncomfortable manifestations, then you can try to eliminate them at home.

The most effective home remedies for relieving pain and regenerating damaged tissue include the following:

  • rinsing your mouth with herbal solutions. It does an excellent job of eliminating dry mucous membranes. For this, it is recommended to use St. John's wort, chamomile, and sage .
    Rinse should be repeated after meals, or at least 6 times a day. Medicinal elixirs are also well suited for these purposes. For example, "Lesnoy". To prepare, dissolve 7 drops in 200 g of water. The maximum effect with the use of these products can be achieved using an irrigator;
  • vegetable oil , previously sterilized, help well Take the required amount of oil into your mouth and hold it for about 5 minutes;
  • As an antiseptic, you can use a complex solution prepared from a teaspoon of soda with 3 drops of iodine . Irrigation with the product is carried out 2 times a day until the symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated;
  • Propolis is used to heal wounds . It increases the body's overall resistance and restores oral flora. Propolis is applied to damaged areas 3 times a day. In this capacity, you can also use carrot juice, potato juice or rosehip oil ;
  • To actively destroy pathogenic microbes, applications with tea tree oil and sea buckthorn oil , diluted in equal parts, are used. The mixture is applied to the tongue for 3 minutes;
  • It is recommended to use a complex decoction consisting of the following components: dandelion, coriander, coltsfoot, nettle, basil, turmeric . This product has a pronounced immunostimulating effect and replenishes the lack of minerals and vitamins;
  • For the same purposes, you can use tea with ginger, echinacea, and ginseng . They are powerful natural stimulants of the immune system, promote rapid regeneration of damaged tissues, and restore energy potential;
  • if the cause of the pathology is gastrointestinal disorders, then it is recommended to use a herbal collection consisting of currants, St. John's wort, chamomile, anise, lemon balm .

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This article explains why a white coating forms on a child's tongue.

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Black coating on the tongue

The presence of a black coating on a child’s tongue looks quite scary, and there may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

Bacterial sore throat is often accompanied by the appearance of dark plaques on the mucous membranes, even black. In this case, the child will have signs of inflammation in the tonsils: red throat, high fever, pain when swallowing, weakness.

Hidden forms of diabetes mellitus, which lead to persistent disruption of the acid-base balance in the body. Excess acid or acidosis will cause darkening of the tongue.

Taking some antibiotics causes the growth of pathogenic microflora in the mouth, which causes the mucous membranes to become permanently stained black.

Treatment of such plaque will consist of eliminating the causes that caused its appearance. After a sore throat is treated, medications are stopped, or diabetes is identified and compensated for, this symptom will most likely go away on its own.

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