Baby's breath is bad - a guide for worried parents

Where does bad breath come from in a child?

Bad breath in adults and children is present in almost 80% of the population and occurs due to the accumulation of a large number of bacteria in the oral cavity. But in 25% of cases it is caused by dysfunction of the digestive system and other equally serious diseases.

List of main reasons:

  • Poor oral hygiene.
    Most often, children suffer from this disorder because they do not always follow the rules of hygiene. All parents know how difficult it is to teach a child to brush their teeth thoroughly twice a day. This is how a child develops bad breath.
  • Poor nutrition.
    The problem may also arise due to a certain diet - an abundance of sweet or protein foods, consumption of foods with a specific aroma (onions, garlic, cabbage).
  • Increased body temperature.
    During illness, metabolism increases, moisture is quickly removed from the body, so dry mouth can also cause halitosis. Therefore, temperature and bad breath in a child are also closely related.
  • Change of bite.
    When teething, bad breath in children is associated with partial decomposition of the oral mucosa, since a new tooth injures the gums.

All these causes of bad breath in a child are not dangerous to health. The problem will disappear on its own after hygiene procedures, teething or the baby’s recovery. However, some symptoms should cause an immediate reaction in parents, and we will talk about them in more detail.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract make it difficult for waste products to leave the body. As a result, they stagnate and form a fecal odor. Patients with diagnosed diseases are at risk: diabetes mellitus, gastritis, esophageal dyskinesia, enteritis, pancreatitis. Stagnation of food and feces, a sweet taste, infection with parasitic worms (helminths), etc. are dangerous. If you have an iron taste in your mouth, visit a gastroenterologist. Violation of the functions of the pancreas directly depends on the appearance of amber; it is not recommended to resort to self-medication methods; it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

Causes of iso smell in children

Why does my child have bad breath? All parents are sensitive to the health of their children, and any changes in the baby’s well-being cause anxiety and sometimes panic. We have compiled a table of deviations in which concern is more than justified.

Type of smellCausesWhat to do?
Acetone smell from child's mouthAppears in acetone syndrome. This dangerous condition is characterized by the accumulation of acetone and acetoacetic acid in the body, which in the future can lead to the development of tachycardia, diabetes or urolithiasis. If you suspect the occurrence of these diseases, you should immediately call an ambulance and give the patient a teaspoon of boiled water every 10 minutes.
Putrid odor from a child's mouthOccurs as a result of ENT diseases, dental diseases, and esophageal disorders.It is necessary to contact a dentist who will identify the exact cause of the disorder and prescribe appropriate treatment.
Sour breath in a childIndicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the presence of gastritis.An examination by a gastroenterologist will show an accurate diagnosis.
Rotten breath in a childMay be accompanied by associated symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating, and coating on the tongue. This means that air filled with hydrogen sulfide gases comes out of the stomach. The smell of egg from a child’s mouth can indicate increased acidity of gastric juice, liver failure, ulcers, kidney disease, and even gastrointestinal oncology. The gastroenterologist will order tests and find out why this situation has arisen.
Vinegar smell from child's mouthPerhaps this is a sign of malfunction of the pancreas, intestinal dysbiosis or periodontal disease.The dentist will determine the source of the problem and help your child regain fresh breath.
Sweet odor from a child's mouthIndicates hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver.In this case, parents should urgently visit a gastroenterologist.
The smell of snot from a child's mouthSignals inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.An ENT specialist deals with this disorder; he will diagnose and prescribe the correct course of antibiotics for the baby.
Smell of vomit from a child's mouthCharacterizes poor outflow of bile.An ultrasound of the abdominal organs will help eliminate the disorder.

Dry mouth is another possible cause of bad breath in a child. Infants constantly accumulate saliva in their mouths. It is saturated with oxygen, which destroys harmful bacteria on the gums and tongue. Older children produce less saliva, and dry mouth can be attributed to a number of factors.

  • Adenoids, formations on the tonsils, block the nasopharynx. Air enters the lungs through the mouth much more freely than through the nose.
  • Sinusitis or chronic runny nose also prevents the baby from inhaling through the nose.
  • A deviated nasal septum may obstruct air flow.
  • Unconscious breathing through the mouth during sleep. In this case, you may notice a particularly strong odor from the child’s mouth in the morning, then the best solution would be an examination by a pediatric otolaryngologist.


The easiest way to diagnose an abnormal condition is to ask relatives. If you suspect a problem, you can ask your loved ones about how strong the smell is and how often it occurs. A person can independently diagnose the smell of feces from his mouth.

During the process of natural breathing, a person will not be able to understand the presence of a problem. Because over time it gets used to its own smell. To detect pathology, you need to take some actions:

  1. Place your palms together and inhale sharply into the resulting handful. Instead of hands, you can use a paper bag, plastic cup or any other container. The accuracy of the diagnostic method will depend on how tightly the dishes or hands fit to the face.
  2. licking . A few seconds after the manipulation, the skin on the wrist will have the same smell as saliva. The method may not be reliable if the patient uses perfume and applies it to the skin of his hands.
  3. Cotton thread. Dental floss impregnated with antibacterial compounds is not suitable for this purpose. The thread is passed between the teeth, as well as along the enamel from top to bottom.
  4. Evaluation of the smell of saliva at the root of the tongue. To do this, take a cotton swab and scrape the surface of the organ. Manipulations should be performed very carefully so as not to damage the papillae and not cause gag reflexes.

Breath freshness tests should not be performed after brushing teeth, chewing gum, or immediately after eating.

How does a child's age affect bad breath?

Surely all parents remember the smell of a baby's breath - a pleasant, milky aroma.
This happens as a result of the activity of lactic acid bacteria, which create a favorable environment and prevent pathogenic microflora from multiplying. The smell from the mouth of a child under one year old should be exactly like this, reeking of milk. Bad breath in a child aged 2-3 years indicates poor oral hygiene, since the child at this age is just learning to brush his teeth properly. Observe him during the procedure and explain how important it is to monitor the condition of the mouth.

Bad breath in a 4-year-old child is most likely associated with an excess of sweets, protein and carbohydrate foods, since children at this age actively explore the world around them, discover new tastes and put not only edible treats in their mouths, but also any interesting things in general .

In a 5-6 year old child, bad breath indicates the possible development of pathological processes. The dentist and pediatrician will find out the cause of the problem and prescribe treatment while the disease is at an early stage.

Bad breath after 10 years in a child is an alarming symptom. He can talk about poor nutrition, disturbances in the functioning of the body. If the smell persists for a long time, visit a specialist as soon as possible.

Symptoms of the problem

Sometimes the problem is only in the person's mind. There are several types of problems:

  • true halitosis – when an unpleasant odor is noticeable to others;
  • pseudohalitosis – the problem is felt when communicating at close range;
  • halitophobia – no problem.

Why does my breath smell in the morning?

Bad breath is a deviation that affects the attitude of others towards a person.

In order to get rid of pseudohalitosis, it is enough to observe daily hygiene procedures and use special mouth rinses.

True halitosis with fecal odor is additionally accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • constipation;
  • disruption of intestinal function;
  • loss .

Treatment of bad breath in children

In most cases, halitosis does not require special treatment; it is enough to pay attention to your baby’s oral hygiene, change the diet, and reduce the consumption of sweets and protein foods. You can also get rid of an unpleasant odor using traditional methods - for example, rinsing your mouth with an infusion of chamomile, mint or oak bark.

If, after taking the measures, the smell still does not disappear, you should contact your pediatric dentist.

During diagnosis, the doctor must assess the intensity of the unpleasant odor, examine the tongue and oral cavity, ask the patient to take the necessary tests, and also conduct an instrumental examination or x-ray. Based on this data, he can prescribe the necessary medications himself or refer you for consultation to a specialized specialist - a gastroenterologist, an ENT specialist, or, in some cases, a pulmonologist. If the cause of bad breath in a child is identified in time, treatment will proceed faster, and the risk of reoccurrence of this phenomenon will be reduced to almost zero.

Treatment measures

As has been mentioned more than once, if you have been diagnosed with bad breath, avoid self-medication! The first doctor is a dentist! Perhaps the presence of a stale aroma from the oral cavity is due to poor oral hygiene and caries. Then make an appointment with a gastroenterologist and have your intestines checked.

Gut health check

Simple and uncomplicated recommendations:

  • Strict compliance with hygiene requirements.
  • Using dental floss and toothpicks.
  • Visiting a test control at the dentist.
  • Constantly rinse your mouth after eating.
  • Inclusion of fruits and vegetables in the diet.
  • Rinsing with strong tea (when it is impossible to carry out a procedure based on herbal infusion).

If such a minor symptom is ignored, serious diseases develop. The body does not send signals just like that. Preventative measures are important. They are only valid if there are no symptoms of halitosis. As a preventative measure, you can use hydrogen peroxide. You will need to dilute 5 ml of peroxide in 1/2 cup of water. Rinse your mouth with this solution after eating. It is necessary to get enough sleep, because adequate sleep stimulates the tone of the stomach, which means that the digestion processes will be successful.

Preventing bad breath in children

To prevent the occurrence of this unpleasant problem, you should follow a few simple but very important rules.

  1. From the moment the first baby tooth emerges, parents need to brush their baby’s teeth twice a day with a soft brush. And when the child grows up, make sure that he correctly performs the procedure on his own.
  2. Teach your child to brush his teeth, show him by personal example how to do it. If you have difficulty in this matter, contact your hygienist for advice. This specialist has many manuals, films and interesting devices to teach your child the necessary skills in a playful way.
  3. Review your diet, add more sour fruits - apples, oranges and lemons increase salivation.
  4. Eliminate sweets from your diet and replace them with honey.
  5. Make sure your child drinks enough fluids. But not juice and soda, but clean drinking water.
  6. Visit your dentist regularly for preventative checkups.

Dear parents, remember that strong breath in children is a possible symptom of much more serious problems. It is in your power to prevent the formation of pathological processes in the body or stop their development at an early stage. Pay close attention to any negative changes in your child's health to prevent complications and chronic diseases in the future.

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