Why does my tongue sting and hurt, how can I get rid of the discomfort?

A tongue burn is an injury that damages the mucous membrane, and in some cases even muscle tissue. This problem brings a lot of discomfort - from pain and the inability to eat or drink liquids to death. It is very important to urgently contact a specialist who, after studying the cause of the burn, will prescribe treatment. If you neglect the help of a qualified dentist, serious complications can occur, including necrotic decomposition of soft tissues and infection of the entire body.

What provokes the development of pain in the tongue, like after a burn?

Burn from food or liquid

If you underestimate the temperature of steam, hot food or drinks, you can burn your lips, mouth and tongue. Frequently consuming hot food and drinks without checking the temperature increases the risk of burning your tongue. Before eating hot food, you should make sure that you will not burn yourself.

Burning mouth syndrome

During Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS), a burn on the tongue is felt very strongly for no particular reason. Symptoms can last for a very long time. Along with pain, many patients often notice numbness and tingling of the tongue and mouth and changes in taste preferences. Often this disease occurs in older people.

BMS has no known cause. Its appearance is often associated with dysfunction of the nerves of the mouth. Many experts believe that environment and genetics are involved in the onset of this condition.

Severe stress, anxiety and depression can affect how the body manages pain. These conditions can make BMS symptoms worse. There are other conditions that have similar symptoms.

Secondary causes of burning mouth

They may be related to:

  • dry mouth, which is often a side effect of medications or a symptom of another disease;
  • thrush, which is an oral yeast infection;
  • lichen planus, which is often considered a chronic inflammation of the mouth caused by the immune system attacking the cells in the oral mucosa;
  • with a condition in which the surface of the tongue is missing some of its typical small bumps (papillae), and instead there are areas of reddish and raised spots that have a habit of going away over time and then reappearing in various areas of the tongue;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • dentures for teeth;
  • damage to the oral cavity;
  • allergies to certain foods;
  • stomach acid that enters the mouth from conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD);
  • medications used for high blood pressure.
  • diabetes, hypothyroidism and various endocrine diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • rubbing teeth, brushing too hard, using mouthwash too often and other bad oral habits.

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  • improper oral hygiene;
  • herpes on the tongue or mucous membrane;
  • fungal infection;
  • heavy metal poisoning;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcoholism);
  • congenital pathologies of the tongue;
  • allergic reaction;
  • tongue injury (often caused by malocclusion);
  • oral infections;
  • lack of iron in the body;
  • burn of the mucous membrane (hot food or drinks);
  • infectious diseases (AIDS, tuberculosis, scarlet fever, measles).

Classification of diseases that can cause tongue pain, like a burn

When there are no obvious signs of changes in the mucous membrane, then it is probably due to the following diseases:

  • neuroses;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • neurology of cervical nerves;
  • stomach pathologies;
  • liver pathologies;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hormonal changes;
  • hypovitaminosis.

Diagnosis of the disease

If the pain does not go away after 3-4 days, then you should urgently seek help from a doctor. The doctor will be able to determine the cause of the pain and determine further treatment. To find the source of the problem you will need:

  1. Donate blood for tests.
  2. Set your blood sugar level.
  3. Give a throat swab.
  4. Take an x-ray or fluorography (if necessary).

As soon as inflammation of the salivary glands, lymph nodes, or cancer occurs, the source will be determined very quickly, since they are accompanied by obvious external signs.

If we are talking about other symptoms, then it is probably gastritis, ulcers and other similar pathologies of the digestive and liver systems. With such pathologies, the appearance of plaque and unpleasant odor from the mouth, heartburn, and belching are often noticed. If you have such symptoms, you should seek medical help.

How to treat your tongue

At the very beginning of treatment, first aid cannot be avoided. And then doctors should evaluate the patient’s condition and the degree of the burn.

In order to prevent infection and cope with pain and discomfort, you must:

  1. Drink and rinse the area with cool water for five minutes.
  2. Suck on anesthetic lozenges to soothe the pain.
  3. Rinse your mouth with cool water or salt water (1 teaspoon of salt should be diluted in 8 tablespoons of water).
  4. Avoid warm or hot liquids, which may cause irritation.
  5. Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain and inflammation.
  6. Consider sprinkling some sugar or tasting honey on your tongue to help relieve the pain.
  7. Check with your doctor or dentist if the burn does not improve or if there are signs of infection.

Signs of infection may include:

  • increase in reddened areas;
  • increased pain;
  • poor quality treatment;
  • swelling;
  • drainage of pus;
  • fever.

How to get rid of a burning tongue?

When the tongue stings severely, rinsing with antiseptics helps relieve the unpleasant symptom. For the procedure, use Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt, baking soda solution, Furacilin.

A decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula flowers or oak bark has an astringent, analgesic and wound-healing effect. To prepare the medicine, brew 2 tablespoons of the herb with 0.4 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes.

Rinsing must be done daily, 5-6 times a day until complete recovery. Hygiene procedures must not be neglected.

If a burning sensation appears after using toothpaste or mouthwash, they need to be replaced. Preference should be given to products with natural composition.

Burning mouth syndrome

If you have BMS, you will benefit from the same treatment options that apply to treating first-degree burns.

Although there is no medically approved treatment specifically for BMS, treatment professionals have found that the following treatments are relevant in specific situations: medications (lidocaine, doxepin, and clonazepam), as well as prescription medications, such as gabapentin, SSRIs and amitriptyline, there are also procedural treatments such as alpha lipoic acid, cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation and other relaxation methods.

Treating secondary causes is the key to eliminating symptoms. For example, if the medications you currently take cause dry mouth, your doctor may prescribe an alternative.

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If acid reflux or GERD is causing stomach acid to return to your mouth, your doctor may prescribe medications such as omeprazole to reduce stomach acid production.

Possible diseases that cause tongue stinging

Burning, pain in the tongue area may indicate the development of diseases of the oral cavity, disruption of the digestive and immune systems.

Based on the condition of the mucous membranes, bacterial, viral, fungal infections, glossitis, and symptoms of lichen planus are diagnosed.


The simplest microorganisms of the genus Candida multiply quickly, affect soft tissues, and cause erosions

Thrush or fungal stomatitis develops when the microflora is disrupted and the pH level changes.

The simplest microorganisms of the genus Candida multiply quickly, affect soft tissues, and cause the appearance of erosions covered with a cheesy coating.

The lesions are localized on the tongue, cheeks, gums, palate, and can merge to form films.

Bacterial deposits are easily removed, leaving a bleeding wound in their place. Patients complain that their tongue hurts and stings while eating.

The kids refuse to eat and are constantly naughty. In adults, an unpleasant metallic taste appears in the mouth, and taste sensations change. In advanced forms of the disease, an inflammatory-purulent process develops.

Candidiasis most often affects young children and older adults, but can occur at any age.

The cause of fungal infection is a weakening of the body's immune defense, long-term use of antibiotics, endocrine disorders, wearing dentures, hormonal imbalance, and dry mouth.

Desquamative glossitis (geographic tongue)

Glossitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue, accompanied by dystrophic changes.

Smooth red, round-shaped lesions are formed on the surface of the organ, surrounded by a white border. Externally, the tongue resembles a geographical map; the spots can be of different sizes and shapes.

Causes of desquamative glossitis:

  • Smooth red, round-shaped lesions surrounded by a white border form on the surface of the organ.

    tongue injuries;

  • teething in children;
  • concomitant chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • acute bacterial and viral infections;
  • chronic dermatoses.

Soft tissues quickly epithelialize (1–3 days), but due to the alternating processes of keratinization and exfoliation, the pattern on the tongue is constantly changing.

The crown of the erosions is inflamed, causing the patient to experience pain, burning during eating, and problems with diction. The tongue swells, constantly stings, and longitudinal cracks often form on its surface.

Herpetic infection

Manifestations of herpes infection are observed in people with weakened immunity

Manifestations of herpes infection are observed in people with weakened immunity.

Before the rash appears, the body temperature rises, the mucous membranes of the mouth become red and itchy.

After 2–3 days, multiple blisters filled with cloudy liquid form on the tongue, gums, lips, and skin of the nasolabial triangle.

The blisters quickly open, leaving painful erosions in their place. Eating is difficult, irritating foods and drinks cause severe burning.

Over the course of several days, new rashes may appear; upon examination of the oral cavity, ulcers and papules are simultaneously present. Healing occurs spontaneously within 1–2 weeks without scarring.

Oral leukoplakia

The lesions are most often localized in the corners of the mouth, on the inside of the cheeks, lips, side surface or back of the tongue

Leukoplakia is a lesion of the mucous membranes of unknown etiology, in which keratinization of stratified squamous epithelium occurs.

The lesions are most often localized in the corners of the mouth, on the inside of the cheeks, lips, side surface or back of the tongue.

Plaques can be single or multiple and look like whitish or grayish spots with clear contours.

In the initial stages, the disease does not cause discomfort.

As the lesions progress, they become denser, grow, acquire warty outlines, and rise above the surrounding tissues by 2–3 mm.

Later, the problem area may crack, erosions and ulcerations form on it. With this form of leukoplakia, the tongue swells and stings. The disease is dangerous because it can degenerate into a cancerous tumor.

Lichen planus

Chronic stomatodermatosis looks like papules, nodules, blisters or plaques on the surface of the palate, tongue, gums, and the inside of the cheeks.

The exact cause of the development of the disease has not been established; people with weakened immune systems, suffering from gastrointestinal pathologies, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus are most often affected.

Lichen planus also forms due to poor-quality prosthetics and disruption of the salivary glands.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • In patients with the erosive-ulcerative form of lichen, the nodules become inflamed and turn into deep purulent ulcers,

    hyperemia, swelling of the mucous membranes;

  • gray nodules of irregular shape, rising above the surrounding tissues;
  • dry mouth;
  • roughness of the tongue, gums.

When merging, the papules form a pattern resembling lace.

In patients with the erosive-ulcerative form of lichen, the nodules become inflamed, turn into deep purulent ulcers, and become covered with fibrinous plaque.

General health worsens, body temperature rises, the tongue stings while eating, and it is difficult for the patient to open his mouth and talk.

Note! Lichen planus can degenerate into a malignant tumor. Malignancy is diagnosed in 1–2% of patients. At risk are older people and people suffering from a peptic ulcer.

How long will it hurt?

A minor tongue burn will heal in a couple of weeks or even less without any special treatment. But it should be noted that sometimes it may take 5-6 weeks to heal a tongue burn. In general, everything will depend on how severe the burn is and the reasons for getting it.

Treatment for BMS may require quite a long time (from 3 months to 3 years). Sometimes treatment can be very difficult. Numerous studies show that only a few out of 10 people feel improvement after 7 days of treatment.

How exactly to neutralize a chemical burn in the mouth?

Carbolic acid is well neutralized by glycerol.

Baking soda and water neutralize acidic compounds.

If alkali gets into your mouth, rinse the cavity with citric acid diluted in water.

If exposed to aggressive household chemicals, the mouth should be rinsed with cool running water.

It is important! Tongue burns take a long time to heal. Unfortunately, these tissues cannot be made motionless for a certain time; the tongue is constantly in motion. On average, it can take several weeks for the tongue to recover from injury.

How to prevent tongue burns

Tongue burns are easy to prevent; all you need to do is check the temperature of your food and drinks. Drinks or foods heated in the microwave may heat unevenly, so be very careful.

But there is no known way to prevent BMS. To reduce the burning sensation, you need to reduce stress and stop using tobacco and various foods and liquids (soda, sour and spicy). During treatment, give up such products and notice slight improvements.

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Providing first aid

First actions

Your initial response to a tongue burn determines the speed of your recovery, and this first step is simple. As with any minor burn, cold water can quickly regulate tongue irritation.

Drink a glass of water to lower the temperature of your tongue and keep your mouth moist (saliva flow is key to ensuring that bacteria don't cause further harm to the area). Stay away from hot foods and drinks, which will only irritate the burn until it heals.

Cool down

After the “event” itself, drink something soft and cold so that the numbness begins to be felt naturally throughout the day. Choose foods that are easy to eat, such as fruit porridge, yogurt, or applesauce, all of which will help soothe the burning sensation. Also, be sure to drink a glass of water to wash away any food debris that may damage your tongue.


Once your mouth has cooled, you will need to rinse with the warm salt water mixture. Add 1/8 teaspoon salt to a glass of warm water, gargle gently in your mouth, and then spit it out. Salt is a natural antiseptic that can reduce swelling and pain, ultimately relieving burn symptoms.

A little sugar

Sugar is a little-known painkiller available in any home. A tiny drop on your tongue can dull the pain when you burn your tongue. Sprinkle some sugar on your tongue, let it dissolve and feel how it helps - but be careful with your portions as it's not so good for your teeth.

Honey is another delicious burn remedy used in countries like India for its antibacterial properties to speed up the healing process of ulcers. The most important advantage of these remedies is that they are available in almost every home and can very quickly help dull the pain.

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Take a pill

When all of the above suggestions fail to provide you with the relief you need, there are always standard over-the-counter pain medications. Take the recommended dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen to treat inflammation.

Keep in mind that hot foods can also harm the surfaces of your teeth, so to ensure your tongue heals completely, use a toothbrush with very soft bristles.

If you are unsure about the cause of your burning tongue symptoms or if they simply do not go away, consult your dentist to rule out burning tongue syndrome, which is a chronic problem.

Small sips and bites should be taken when eating and drinking hot things. And if your burning tongue doesn't improve, call your dentist to find out what you should do next.

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Pre-hospital assistance

It is recommended to avoid foods that are too hot, cold, hot or spicy. You should eat soft foods that do not injure the tongue, preferably stewed, boiled, steamed. The best option is a diet that includes purees, slimy porridges, pureed soups. Before and after meals, you need to rinse your mouth with weak solutions of chlorhexidine and potassium permanganate or a solution of furatsilin. For severe pain, the surface of the tongue can be lubricated with local anesthetics.

Conservative therapy

An important part of the treatment is the sanitation of the oral cavity, and, if necessary, the replacement of dentures and orthodontic structures. The list of therapeutic measures is determined by the nature of the pathology:

  • Glossitis
    . Rinses and applications with anesthetics are indicated. For intense pain, lubrication with a mixture of glycerin and anesthesin is effective. Plaque is removed with a swab containing proteolytic enzymes. Treat with antiseptics. Local healing drugs are used.
  • Phlegmon and tongue abscess
    . For superficial abscesses, rinse with antiseptic solutions, prescribe antibacterial agents, and if ineffective, surgical interventions are performed. For deep abscesses and phlegmons, conservative therapy is an auxiliary treatment method, carried out against the background of operations, and includes antibiotics, analgesics, antihistamines, and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Candidiasis
    . Alkalinizing rinsing solutions are used as local remedies. The oral cavity is lubricated with antifungal ointment and treated with solutions of iodinol, lugol, fucorcin. The therapeutic regimen also includes general antifungal drugs and, in severe cases, immunotherapy.
  • Glossalgia
    . It is recommended to take light tranquilizers, motherwort, and valerian. A good result is achieved with trimecaine blockades of the lingual nerve and injections of B vitamins. Unpleasant sensations are eliminated through oral baths and applications with anesthetics. The main pathology and neurotic disorders are treated.
  • Xerostomia
    . It is recommended to stop smoking and drinking alcohol, use soft-bristled toothbrushes, drink frequently to moisturize the mouth, and suck on sugar-free lollipops to stimulate saliva production. The oral cavity is lubricated with a solution of vitamin A. Novocaine blockade of the salivary glands is performed, vibration massage, medicinal electrophoresis, and galvanotherapy are prescribed.
  • Neuralgia
    . Anticonvulsants, non-narcotic analgesics, and vitamin complexes are used. For severe pain, antidepressants, sleeping pills, sedatives, and antipsychotics are recommended. Therapeutic blockades are carried out. Lubricate the tongue with a solution of cocaine. Patients are given a referral for SMT, galvanization, and diadynamic therapy.
  • Anemia
    . In case of iron deficiency anemia, treatment of the underlying disease, nutritious nutrition with a high content of heme iron, and ferrous preparations are required. In case of pernicious anemia, the provoking pathology is corrected and vitamin B12 is prescribed.

Rinse solutions and decoctions

The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is very often injured and after this many simply do not know what to do next. Some people simply ignore pain, others panic and immediately look for suitable medications.

But in such a situation you need to act a little differently. Above is information about first aid. First aid measures include rinsing with homemade solutions and decoctions.


It is no secret that aloe is famous for its medicinal properties and the list of them can be endless. The juice of this plant helps in gastrointestinal pathologies, skin ailments, and also helps in restoring the immune system and respiratory diseases.

This plant can also be very useful for injuring the oral mucosa. Aloe juice will help solve this problem in a short time. How to use aloe if you burn your tongue?

Every few hours, treat the affected area with the juice of this plant. You can also apply a small piece of aloe to the affected area. This will help cope with the inflammatory process, but affect wound healing.

Lavender oil

To relieve pain, apply lavender oil to the affected area. This remedy will help have an antiseptic, disinfecting effect.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E oil solution is famous for its healing properties. You will need to open the vitamin E capsule and pour the contents onto the affected area.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is a plant that is famous for its medicinal properties and will also help with tongue burns. To reduce the pain from a burn, sea buckthorn should be used as an oil. If you don’t have sea buckthorn oil, then the bark and leaves of this plant will also work.

Use sea buckthorn oil, and if you don’t have it, you need to chew the berries and hold them on the affected area. After a few minutes, the pain will become much less.

You can prepare sea buckthorn solution yourself. You need to use sea buckthorn leaves or pieces of bark. First, rinse the leaves thoroughly. Then pour boiling water over the leaves. And wait 30 minutes and you can use the decoction.

How to cure stomatitis on the tongue?

At the first signs of stomatitis, specialists at the LeaderStom clinic recommend contacting a dentist for diagnosis and prescribing appropriate treatment. A person’s attempt to cope with a stomatitis disease that appears on the tongue on his own may not only not lead to the desired result, but on the contrary, increase the symptoms of the disease. The drugs that are used to treat stomatitis on the tongue can be divided into local therapy drugs and medicinal formulations that have a general effect on the human body. Let's take a closer look at each of these forms.

Treatment of stomatitis with local therapy:

  • Treatment of stomatitis ulcers on the human tongue with antiseptic gels, ointments and sprays.
  • Rinsing the mouth with antiseptic solutions, which can be purchased at the pharmacy (chlorhexidine, miramistin, etc.) or prepared yourself using medicinal herbs such as chamomile or calendula.
  • In order to relieve the pain symptom, doctors recommend using local preparations containing lidocaine for a person with stomatitis formations on the tongue.

General therapy for stomatitis:

Depending on the cause that provoked the stomatitis disease, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal or antihistamines are used. Such drugs are prescribed to a person only by a dentist or therapist. To relieve the symptoms of stomatitis, modern antipyretic and painkillers are used.

Taking vitamin complexes allows you to compensate for the lack of essential microelements in the body, which for one reason or another a person does not receive with food, and vitamin deficiency, as is known, is one of the factors that can provoke stomatitis on the oral mucosa and tongue.

For stomatitis, immunomodulatory drugs are also used - drugs that increase human immunity. They can be of both plant and medicinal origin. All patients, regardless of the reasons that caused stomatitis on the tongue, are recommended by doctors to take these medications.

Drugs are also used to treat somatic diseases. The use of such remedies is necessary if the cause of stomatitis on the tongue lies inside the body. Chronic diseases of certain systems, and especially the human gastrointestinal tract, weaken the body and contribute to the launch of an immune reaction, manifested in the formation of stomatitis ulcers on the palate and tongue.

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