Correction of bite with mouth guards: features, types of mouth guards, treatment time

Bite defects are not as rare a problem as it might seem. Medical statistics show that every third person has malocclusion in one form or another! If the anomaly is serious and noticeable, it is corrected in adolescence, but people are in no hurry to deal with mild crooked teeth. And most often because they don’t want to wear braces that others can easily see.

But modern dentistry is ready to offer patients an alternative to braces - these are transparent aligners, wearing which can help correct the bite and acquire a beautiful smile. At the same time, your treatment will remain invisible to strangers and will not cause you any discomfort!

In the article we will talk in detail about how bite defects are treated with mouth guards, what are its features, what types of mouth guards exist and how long they will have to be worn in order to straighten the teeth and acquire an attractive smile.

What are orthodontic aligners, indications for use

The aligners also have a second name - aligners. At their core, they are soft and transparent overlays for teeth, which are made from hypoallergenic polymer materials. Mouthguards, unlike braces, are removable structures: you can put them on and take them off yourself, without visiting the orthodontist’s office.

The mechanism of the beneficial action of mouth guards for correcting occlusion is as follows: the design completely covers the jaw arch and creates pressure on the areas of the dentition that need correction. The main advantage of orthodontic aligners is convenience. Wearing them does not cause any discomfort, adaptation to them is quick, and when correcting a bite with mouth guards, there is no need to follow a diet that excludes any food products.

When can mouth guards be used to correct a bite? Indications for the use of orthodontic aligners are as follows:

  • The presence of noticeable interdental spaces;
  • Slight displacement of individual teeth in a row;
  • Slight crowding of teeth;
  • Poor open, cross or distal bite.

IMPORTANT: Unfortunately, serious malocclusion cannot be corrected with mouthguards. To correct significant pathologies, braces are used, most often metal ones, which can create strong pressure on the teeth and thereby bring them into the correct position.

Take a short test and calculate the cost of treatment!

Take a short test

  • Jaw selection
  • Availability of photo
  • Selecting a brace system
  • Date of treatment
  • Cost calculation


Manukyan Artavazd Genrikovich

Chief physician of the clinic

When are children's aligners needed?

You need to correct your child’s bite right away—in the first stages, all procedures are more effective and simpler. But usually parents come to the orthodontist after 12 years. A special feature of our clinic is that we treat occlusion without braces from the age of 7, that is, even the presence of baby teeth does not prevent us from planning treatment with aligners.

If you compare this bite mechanism and classic braces, then in the aligners you can see changes in the structure and position of the teeth in advance. The technique involves 3D scanning and already at the appointment you will be able to see the result - your future smile.

This can motivate the child well and add patience to him while wearing. After the appointment, the doctor will describe all the actual treatment methods, assessing the child’s personal characteristics.

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Cases when wearing a mouth guard becomes necessary:

  • you need to remove the gaps between the teeth;
  • crowded teeth;
  • incorrect alignment of the jaws;
  • rotation of teeth in different directions;
  • protruding jaw;
  • The teeth in the row are positioned incorrectly.

A dental mouth guard for children can solve the same problems as braces. With one difference - they are more comfortable for the child.

How is a bite corrected using mouthguards?

Correcting a bite with mouth guards begins with a visit to the orthodontist's office. During the first appointment, the doctor examines the oral cavity, assesses the correctness of the bite, and additional diagnostic measures may be prescribed - for example, a panoramic photograph of the jaw. A detailed diagnosis before starting orthodontic treatment and bite correction will help the orthodontist choose the most effective correction method for a specific clinical case.

If the diagnosis shows that in your case it is possible to correct the bite with mouthguards, then further treatment will proceed according to the following scheme:

1. Professional oral hygiene will be carried out, necessary for high-quality cleaning of teeth from plaque and tartar.

2. Impressions are taken of the teeth, on the basis of which a plaster model of the patient’s jaws is made.

3. Mouthguards are created using the finished plaster model. Aligners are made not as a single copy, but as a whole set. You will change mouthguards to correct your bite according to the scheme that the orthodontist will develop for you. Changing the aligners is required to create the correct pressure on the teeth, which will promote their displacement and alignment.

IMPORTANT: The effectiveness of correcting your bite with mouthguards will largely depend on your attitude towards treatment. Mouthguards must be worn for at least 20-22 hours. If you break this rule, you may not expect a positive result from bite correction!

Braces or mouthguards - which is better?

So, what should you choose - mouth guards or braces to straighten your teeth? This depends on several factors, the main one being medical indications. Let us list once again the main advantages and disadvantages of braces and mouthguards.

Pros of braces:

  • high efficiency;
  • suitable for almost any pathology;
  • relatively low cost.

Cons of braces:

  • long installation;
  • difficulty of care;
  • unaesthetic;
  • long-term adaptation.

Pros of the mouth guard:

  • aesthetics;
  • do not impair diction;
  • no diet;
  • simple hygiene rules;
  • hypoallergenic.

Cons of the mouth guard:

  • high cost;
  • not suitable for all disorders;
  • long production;
  • risk of loss.

Another important factor to consider when choosing a malocclusion correction method is related to motivation. You need to prepare for the fact that after installing braces or mouth guards there will be discomfort and even pain. You need to be patient for a little while so that the oral cavity gets used to the foreign object. A person who is prescribed aligners may want to remove them. Over time, he will do this more and more often, and because of this, the effectiveness of the treatment decreases. It can last for several years without bringing any results. Braces in this context have an important advantage: they cannot be removed by yourself, so you will have to come to terms with and comply with the orthodontist’s requirements.

How many trays may be needed to correct a bite?

How many trays are included in the bite correction kit? The answer to this question will depend on two main factors:

  • Difficulties in malocclusion that needs to be corrected;
  • Patient's age. The older a person is, the longer orthodontic treatment can be, because after the final formation of the dental system, tooth displacement occurs more slowly. That’s why dentists recommend correcting your bite in childhood and adolescence!

Thus, a full course may require about 15-40 pairs of mouth guards, and each mouth guard will have its own shape and size. To correct the bite, the mouthguards are changed every 2-3 weeks.

Regular change of aligners when correcting a bite is necessary: ​​it allows you to achieve the tightest possible fit of the structure to the teeth. Due to the high density of the mouth guards, they will exert pressure on the teeth, which will cause the teeth to shift in the desired direction. As soon as the pressure becomes insignificant, the used mouth guards are replaced with a new pair.

In what cases is wearing dental guards effective?

Correction with aligners works well for minor defects in the dentition:

  • crooked teeth;
  • incorrect location or rotation of one particular tooth or several;
  • deep bite (the upper row of teeth overlaps the lower incisors by more than a third);
  • diastema and trema (gaps between teeth);

Mouthguards also consolidate the results after treating complex cases with braces.

Mouthguards will not be effective in treating severe malocclusions, including open bites. In such cases, only permanent non-removable structures can cope.

Mouthguards give a fairly good aesthetic result when treating the dental system in children. Before the age of 12-13 years, children's teeth are not yet ready to wear braces, but bite problems may already be obvious. Teeth with unformed roots are easily corrected and change their position in the row, so wearing mouth guards provides good assistance and helps to minimize orthodontic problems in adulthood.

Types of mouthguards for correcting bite

Orthodontic mouthguards for correcting bites have their own classification. They are divided into different types according to the following characteristics:

— Material of production. Mouthguards for correcting bites can be made of silicone or polyester;

- Production technology. On this basis, standard and individual dental guards are distinguished.

Each type of mouthguard for correcting the bite has its own characteristics, which will be useful for people planning to undergo orthodontic treatment.


Contraindications to whitening teeth at home are:

  • Inflammatory periodontal diseases, as well as dental diseases (caries, pulpitis).
  • The period after tooth extraction is up to 4 months after the operation itself.
  • Age up to 18 years.
  • Period of orthodontic treatment.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Lip or tongue piercing.

Customized dental guards

This is the best option for correcting malocclusion, because such mouthguards are made individually for each patient and based on impressions of his teeth. This allows you to ensure maximum tightness of fit of the trays to the teeth.

Individual mouth guards for correcting occlusion are made from silicone - a plastic, hypoallergenic and transparent material, so the designs will be comfortable to wear and completely invisible on dental surfaces. One of the most popular options for customized mouth guards for correcting malocclusion is the Invisalign system. But they are not made from silicone, but from a biopolymer and sufficiently rigid material. We will talk in detail about Invisalign mouth guards for correcting bites in a separate section of our article.

Invisalign aligners for correcting malocclusion

Invisalign aligners are a set of designs, the number of which is determined for each patient individually. The more complex the bite defect that needs to be corrected, the more number of trays will be made for a full course of correction. Unlike other types of aligners, Invisalign aligners can also be used to correct complex malocclusions, such as straight and medial bites.

Invisalign aligners are made to correct the bite using a 3D model of the jaws, which is created by a computer program. The use of computer technology allows not only to obtain anatomically accurate orthodontic structures for effective treatment, but also to show the patient the final result of the correction.

The three-dimensional model and impressions are sent to a laboratory in the USA, where a full set of mouth guards is manufactured to correct the bite. When the kit is ready, the patient is invited to the clinic, where the orthodontist gives detailed advice on wearing the aligners and caring for them.

Invisalign mouth guards are one of the most expensive types of aligners; the total cost of a course of treatment starts at 400,000 rubles. However, these are the most convenient and effective mouth guards to use and, importantly, are invisible on dental surfaces. This quality of Invisalign aligners is especially appreciated by adult patients.

You can get detailed advice on Invisalign aligners and their use in bite correction at our premium dentistry clinic in Moscow - “Aesthetica”. Making an appointment with our dental specialists is very simple: you can do this through a special form on the website or by dialing our contact phone number. "Aesthetica" - advanced technologies for the health of your teeth and the beauty of your smile!

Whiten your teeth at home comfortably and safely

Even the most attractive face, the most charming smile, is spoiled by yellow teeth. Is the enamel yellowed by smoking or food coloring? Or maybe she is naturally slightly yellowish, and this makes her feel embarrassed about her smile? Home teeth whitening will help solve the problem - but not various “folk methods” that literally dissolve the enamel and hopelessly damage teeth, but professionally, under the supervision of a dentist. The doctor will not only select the optimal trays for whitening, but will also give useful recommendations and monitor the entire process. Only in this case, teeth whitening yourself, at home, will be safe and effective.

Advantages and disadvantages of using mouth guards to correct bites

Mouthguards for correcting bites have a number of advantages that make orthodontic treatment comfortable and convenient for patients:

— Mouthguards are removable structures, and this provides a number of advantages. Firstly, the mouth guard can be easily removed before an important meeting or special event, and secondly, this allows for high-quality oral hygiene and comfortable eating. You simply remove the mouth guard while eating for quality cleansing;

— The process of adaptation to mouth guards for correcting malocclusion proceeds quite quickly. In just 2-3 days you will stop noticing the aligners on your teeth;

— Wearing aligners does not cause problems with diction and does not interfere with active communication;

— The elastic material of the mouth guard does not injure the soft tissues of the oral cavity, does not cause allergic reactions and does not have a negative effect on tooth enamel;

— Mouthguards for correcting bites are made from transparent materials and therefore they are invisible on the teeth;

— The structures are easily cleaned from food debris and plaque;

— Correcting your bite with mouth guards can be combined with teeth whitening: to do this, just apply a special whitening gel to the inner surface of the product.

Treatment of bite defects with mouthguards is possible at any age and has fewer indications than therapy using traditional braces. But in addition to the advantages, mouth guards for correcting bites also have some disadvantages that are important to consider before starting treatment.

Among them:

— Mouthguards cannot correct serious malocclusions;

— It will take a long time to produce a full set of mouth guards to correct your bite.

It is worth noting that the price of correcting a bite with aligners may be more expensive than treatment with braces.

Frequently asked questions about wearing retainers

Retainers are a popular product many people wear after braces Therefore, many questions arise about him. The DENT-HUNTER team has prepared answers to the most important of them. If we didn't take something into account, ask questions in the comments.

How to brush your teeth with a permanent retainer?

With retainers, after removing braces, you need to pay maximum attention to brushing your teeth. It goes like this:

  1. First, you brush your mouth by running the bristles over your teeth from top to bottom several times.
  2. Take a brush and use it to clean the gaps behind the retainers.
  3. If there is food left between the teeth, it is removed with floss.

Many patients believe that fixed retainers are a device that provokes the appearance of tartar. It is a myth. But caries can actually develop due to poor care. Therefore, it is advisable to use an irrigator and regularly have professional cleaning of the oral cavity.

An irrigator will make brushing your teeth easier

How to care for a removable retainer?

Caring for removable structures is extremely simple. You need to brush them regularly with a toothbrush, rinse them before placing them in your mouth, and use a special disinfectant solution once a week. Don't forget to wash the device both inside and outside - bacteria and dirt accumulate on both sides.

What to do if the retainer breaks or comes off?

The patient’s behavior in the event of a breakdown depends on how long the retainers need to be worn and how long has passed since installation:

  • If you have recently put on the device, it is advisable to go to the doctor immediately. The reason is that teeth can break apart in a very short time, and other treatment will have to be prescribed.
  • For those patients who have been wearing a retainer after braces for several years, you can wait a few days. But don’t delay anyway – the cost of delay can be quite high!

Is it possible to do an MRI?

The resolution of an MRI depends on the type of metal used in the wire. MRI is a magnet that attracts metal, which can be dangerous for those who wear retainers. In general, it is better to avoid this procedure. Most often, MRI can be replaced with computed tomography.

Rules for wearing and caring for mouth guards to correct your bite

There is nothing complicated about caring for mouth guards to correct your bite. All you need to do is:

1. Remove the mouth guards from your mouth while eating and each time after removal, rinse them in clean, cool water. 2. After removing the aligners and before putting the aligners back on, carefully and efficiently brush your teeth to remove plaque and food debris. In this procedure, it is recommended to use not only a brush and toothpaste, but also dental floss and rinses. 3. The outer surface of the trays to correct the bite should be cleaned with a soft brush and paste. 4. Aligners should be stored in a special container. 5. If you accidentally damage the mouthguard, it should be replaced with a new pair. 6. Mouthguards cannot be bent, washed with aggressive substances or just hot water.

And of course, don’t forget that mouth guards only work to correct your bite if you wear them regularly and at least 20 hours a day.

What are they and for what purposes are they installed?

What are retainers after braces ? This is the name of a type of orthodontic splint that is worn during the retention period. This is the time when the tooth tends to return to its original position. The retainer prevents curvature until the bite becomes permanent.

A return to the incorrect position of the teeth in the mouth occurs due to the peculiarities of their structure. The fact is that in addition to the usual position, the tooth has a ligamentous apparatus. The ligaments are much more conservative than the bite itself; they strive to return everything to the way it was. It takes a lot of time to retrain ligaments and muscles. Orthodontic retainers help fight muscle memory, which tends to ruin your teeth again.

Until recently, doctors believed that after correcting the bite, teeth remain straight for life. Today it has been proven that this is a myth.

Duration and effectiveness of treatment with mouthguards for correcting malocclusion

The timing of treatment will depend primarily on the complexity of the malocclusion that needs to be corrected. The average duration of aligner therapy in adult patients is 1 year. This is taking into account your disciplined approach to treatment! The orthodontist will definitely calculate the approximate time frame for the general course of correction when drawing up a treatment plan!

Mouthguards for correcting bites are effective in correcting mild anomalies; if you need to eliminate severe crowding of teeth or serious pathology, it is optimal to plan treatment using classic braces.

Aligner technology for children: features

Dental mouth guards for a child are made to order after visiting a doctor. During the appointment, he examines the oral cavity, evaluates options for aligning and improving the bite.

How does a consultation take place at Propricus:

  1. The doctor examines the oral cavity, makes a diagnosis (determines the pathology of the bite)
  2. A photographic puncture is performed to determine how the bite affects the asymmetry of the face and head position. Often, malocclusion leads to changes in posture.
  3. The child undergoes a 3D scan. This is a safe option that takes no more than 15-20 minutes and allows you to display the current location of your teeth on the monitor in 3D format.
  4. The doctor develops a preliminary treatment plan online in the program and within 10 minutes, you and your child can see the future result of their smile, which can be achieved with the help of aligners.
  5. The doctor discusses with you the timing, features of treatment, cost of treatment, possible installment plans.

Invisalign children's dental guards are made from a patented hypoallergenic plastic. This is especially important when a child is allergic to the materials of the braces system or there is severe irritation of the oral mucosa.

Price for mouthguards to correct bite

The total cost of a course of bite correction with aligners will depend on the length of treatment and the number of aligners that will need to be made. In addition to the price of the aligners themselves, it is worth considering additional procedures that may need to be performed before starting orthodontic treatment. Thus, mouthguards should not be worn if you have caries, gum disease, or poor oral hygiene. Diagnostics, photographs and casts of the jaw are paid separately. Therefore, the exact cost of a course of treatment with mouth guards to correct your bite can only be calculated for you in the orthodontist’s office.

If you are thinking about correcting your bite, come to our clinic in Moscow - “Aesthetica”! Our experienced orthodontists will definitely select the treatment method that will be most effective in your case! We offer our patients the best technologies, materials, individual approach and guarantee that with us you can treat your teeth and get a beautiful smile in a comfortable environment and without pain!

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