Prosthetics on implants - types, installation stages

Tooth loss can occur for a variety of reasons and under the influence of various factors. Sometimes a person loses several units due to injuries or dental diseases, but there are also cases of complete edentia. Restoration of dental units in the latter version can be carried out using various types of orthopedic structures, but experts recognize implant prosthetics in the complete absence of teeth as the most stable and durable method of restoration.

This procedure has significant differences with the techniques used for the loss of one or more dental units. We will get acquainted in detail with the features of the procedure, options for its implementation and prices for prosthetics on implants in the complete absence of teeth in the following sections of the article.

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Do not delay your treatment, because in this matter time plays against us.

What is edentia - and its negative manifestations

Adentia is the absence of a tooth. If a person does not have all the teeth (on either jaw or on both), then this is already complete edentia. And if the absence of just 1 tooth brings discomfort - when chewing or biting food (or when a person smiles), then complete edentia greatly reduces the quality of life.

With complete edentia, a person tries to communicate less even with loved ones, because in addition to the loss of the attractiveness of the smile, diction changes and a lisp appears. The absence of teeth completely changes the usual diet. After all, all that remains is to eat only soft and thermally processed foods, which do not contain as many nutrients as hard ones (for example, raw vegetables and fruits). Plus, the face ages greatly - wrinkles appear, the chin moves forward and visually looks shorter.

Nobody wants to leave the situation like this. Therefore, the question of prosthetics naturally arises.

Features of prosthetics of the upper and lower jaw

Prosthetics of the upper and lower dentition with complete edentia has its own nuances associated with some anatomical differences in the upper and lower jaws. Taking them into account is very important when selecting the material of the prosthesis and the type of its fastening. The smile line is formed mainly by the upper teeth, which should also be taken into account when planning treatment tactics.

Lower jaw prosthetics

The structure of the lower jaw is much denser than the upper, so 4 correctly installed implants are enough to restore the entire dentition. Engraftment proceeds quite quickly, taking 3 months.

Before dental implantation of the lower teeth begins, the course of the mandibular nerve (a branch of the trigeminal nerve) is established. Careful preparation for the operation prevents the development of complications associated with damage to the nerve trunk: in addition to the traditional examination, 3D photographs of the jaw are taken, which allow drawing conclusions about the quality and structure of bone tissue, the localization of nerves and blood vessels, as well as selecting the size of the implant and the location of its implementation.

When the mandibular nerve is located very close to the bone, the risk of damage increases. In this case, according to indications, prophylactic cupping of the nerve trunk is performed. If there is no bone tissue in the lower jaw, the patient is provided with individual basal implants.

Upper jaw prosthetics

The bone density of the upper jaw is less than that of the lower jaw, making primary stability of the implants more difficult to achieve. That is why, for successful prosthetics of the upper dentition, it is advisable to install 6 implants, the healing of which takes six months.

The anatomy of the upper jaw determines specific adjustments when performing implantation in this area. So, the doctor needs to evaluate the location of the air sinuses (maxillary sinuses), which are located in the lateral sections near the roots of the teeth. Damage to these sinuses can lead to serious complications with the development of an inflammatory process (sinusitis, etc.).

To minimize risks, before implantation, surgery to raise the bottom of the maxillary sinus (sinus lift) is practiced. If the volume of bone tissue is not enough even to install 4 implants, it is possible to perform zygomatic implantation with Zygoma implants, which are fixed in the zygomatic bone on both sides using a special technique.

How dentistry solves the problem - complete dental prosthetics

Prosthetics in the case of complete absence of teeth are of the following types - either classic, complete removable, or on implants.

Dental bridge on implants = 180,000 rub.

Free consultation with an implantologist +7 (495) 215-52-31 or write to us
Even if a person still has several teeth left on the jaw, but they are in poor condition (mobile, with a lot of tartar, there is severe inflammation of the gums) - then, rather In all, they will have to be removed. After all, they cannot serve as a support for a fixed prosthesis, they become a source of infection in neighboring areas and do not perform their direct function of grinding food at all. It can be morally difficult to part with them, but if the doctor recommends it, then it is necessary. And first of all – for your own health.

Zirconium dioxide prosthesis

Prosthetics using zirconium dioxide on implants is the most advanced, comfortable and aesthetic of all existing methods of tooth replacement for edentulous patients. The unique properties of zirconium dioxide are due to its increased strength (more than that of metals), light weight, and refractive index (identical to that of natural tooth enamel). The prosthesis is perfect in all respects, combining excellent aesthetics, strength, and long service life.

Zirconium prosthesis has many advantages:

  • Complete “naturalness” of the design - the artificial prosthesis exactly repeats the color, weight, structure of natural teeth;
  • Biocompatibility with the human body - zirconium dioxide does not cause allergies, gum irritation, or rejection;
  • Preservation of appearance throughout the entire service life - the material is not stained by food, does not absorb odors, remaining aesthetically pleasing for many years.

Thus, the problem of complete absence of teeth (even with jaw atrophy) is successfully solved by progressive implantology techniques, which have proven their effectiveness in the example of many edentulous patients.

Features of complete removable dentures (traditional)

Removable dentures (plate, for example), of course, are considered the most economical option. And they even restore the aesthetics of a smile. But, if you ask any person who wears a “puller” whether it is comfortable for him to chew or talk, then in 99% of cases you will hear a negative answer. And such a negative reaction is based on the following features of complete removable orthopedic structures:

  • the presence of a voluminous artificial palate on the upper jaw and massive gums on the lower jaw: causes a feeling of discomfort, nausea, changes in the pronunciation of sounds,
  • all chewing pressure is applied to the gums, and not to the bone through the roots (because there are none). A person feels pain when chewing, redness, ulcers, bleeding appear on the gums,
  • the prosthesis is not securely fixed on the gums and constantly moves (and even falls out): during eating or talking, during coughing and sneezing,
  • the prosthesis does not prevent bone atrophy and needs frequent relining: the absence of roots in the bone leads to coma, which, without receiving adequate chewing load, the bone substance decreases in volume in width and height. Accordingly, the gingival level decreases - and a gap appears between the gum and the plastic base, which reduces the quality of the fit of the prosthesis and becomes a place for the accumulation of food debris,
  • The structure must be removed and washed even after the slightest snack.

Therefore, modern dentistry recommends removable dental prosthetics only as a temporary solution to the problem of complete adentia (to be more precise, any type of adentia). And as a long-term option, implants are recommended.

Benefits of full implantation

Full implantation has a number of important advantages:

  • Both removable and permanent dentures can be fixed to the implant.
  • Reliable hold even when eating hard foods.
  • High chewing efficiency and absence of pain when chewing, which allows you to eat well;
  • There is practically no period of adaptation to wearing a prosthesis.
  • Minimal additional load on the jaw, minimal risk of injury when wearing.

The main advantage of a prosthesis supported by implants is reliability. The prosthesis does not fall out and does not cause any discomfort. You can not be afraid and eat food calmly and smile. A regular removable denture can fall out at the most inopportune moment.

A conventional denture is fixed in the oral cavity by suction to the palate and protrusions on the jaw. This design can move during chewing movements, conversation and physical activity. You have to eat carefully and carefully monitor the position of the prosthesis. The second option for fixing a conventional prosthesis is gels. They are more reliable, but quite often they cause negative reactions in patients. In addition, to effectively use the gel, the prosthesis must be perfectly adjusted to the structure of the jaw.

The only alternative is full jaw implantation. It is believed that this technique has no obvious disadvantages. First, the required number of implants is selected (there can be from 2 to 12), and a suitable design is selected depending on the structure of the jaw. Then the implants are installed. Each artificial tooth is securely fixed on implants.

There are no disadvantages to complete implantation of the upper or lower jaw. The required number of implants (from 2 to 12) is selected in accordance with the condition of the patient’s jaw and the selected design in which the implants will support artificial teeth.

Full implantation allows you to securely fix any prosthesis. Fixing the prosthesis on implants allows you to avoid increasing its area in order to improve stabilization and fixation. This method is suitable for everyone, depending on the number of remaining teeth and the structure of the jaw.

Another serious advantage is maximum naturalness. After a period of adaptation, the patient completely forgets that he has an artificial prosthesis installed. This effect is achieved through an integrated approach. We should not forget that fixing the prosthesis on implants allows you to avoid increasing its area in order to improve stabilization and fixation.

Why dentures on implants are the best option for complete edentia

Complete dental prosthetics[1] with implants are tens of times higher than traditional removable ones in terms of the quality of a person’s future life. After all, when restoring teeth, you want not only to smile beautifully, but also to eat well without pain. This is possible due to the fact that the prosthesis rests not on the gums, but on analogues of tooth roots - implants (or implants, as they are also called). Let's consider the factors that brought implantation to a leading position in the field of dental prosthetics:

  • the dentures are fixed on the implants very firmly and do not move: they are so comfortable to chew that patients even forget that they do not have natural teeth, but artificial ones,
  • gums do not hurt or become inflamed: because they are not loaded during chewing,
  • You can eat any food you like,
  • bone tissue atrophy stops - and the bone even regenerates: implants transfer the load to the bone in a similar way to tooth roots, so the capillary network and bone tissue are restored (and its level is maintained for many years),
  • dentures do not need to be removed from the mouth: in most cases they are not removable at all, but they can also be conditionally removable (we will return to this a little later),
  • the face looks younger: the work of the temporomandibular joint is corrected, the muscular frame of the face is supported, wrinkles are smoothed out - due to the correct distribution of the chewing load and the restoration of processes in the jaw bone,
  • Care is no different from regular teeth cleaning.

The disadvantages of implantation include its high cost. After all, you need to pay not only for the prosthesis itself, but also for the implants and the procedure for their installation. But considering that the service life of a prosthesis on implants is several times longer than that of a classic one, and there is also no need for constant adjustments and relines, implantation is completely worth its cost.

But implantation varies, and there are techniques that are not suitable for all patients (or require lengthy preparation). And there are also technologies that have almost no contraindications.

Metal-ceramic prosthesis

After the implants have healed to the bone, a permanent fixed prosthesis can be installed. One of the most popular options is a metal-ceramic structure with a metal base coated with a layer of ceramic. As a rule, such a prosthesis is more convenient than a removable structure, because imitates the presence of “native” teeth with greater accuracy. Fixed prostheses are devoid of plastic elements, which reduces their size and increases ergonomics. Gum subsidence is successfully hidden with ceramics of a suitable color.

Advantages of a fixed metal-ceramic prosthesis on implants:

  • Convenience.
    There is no need to take off/put on the prosthesis. Chewing functions are restored completely, the palate and gums are open without affecting taste sensitivity.
  • Strength.
    Metal ceramics are particularly resistant to deformation due to the chromium-cobalt alloy, which is resistant to mechanical damage. It is thanks to this that metal-ceramic dentures last a long time, maintaining their performance characteristics to the end.
  • Aesthetics.
    The properties of metal ceramics make it possible to perfectly imitate soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity. An experienced specialist can masterfully work out the color transitions so that the artificial gum will not be noticeable from the outside even upon careful examination.

What depends on the jaw bone

The bone structure of different jaws is different. Therefore, the engraftment of implants - the fusion of their surface with the bone substance - lasts for different times. In the upper jaw, this process lasts 4-6 months (and the survival rate is 97-98%), and in the lower jaw, osseointegration occurs faster - in 2-3 months (here the survival rate is slightly higher - 98-99%). These indicators directly depend on the characteristics of the bone substance, which are worth talking about in more detail.

Upper jaw

On the top, the bone substance is less dense, with a larger number of cells - bone types D3 and D4 most often predominate here. Also, the upper jaw (its lateral sections) is in close proximity to the large air-bearing maxillary sinuses or sinuses. That is, when choosing implants, the doctor should give preference to a model that will fit tightly into the soft bone and will not violate the integrity of the sinus. The task may not be easy, because... If a tooth is missing for a long time, bone atrophy is observed in 90% of cases, and surgery to build it up may be required.

Lower jaw

The lower jaw (which is mobile and receives most of the chewing pressure) is dominated by denser bone types D1 and D2. But atrophy after tooth extraction occurs here in the same way as on the upper one. In addition, the lower the jawbone becomes, the closer the trigeminal nerve is, which can become an obstacle to installing an implant without bone tissue augmentation.

Installation of a fixed prosthesis immediately after implantation

To install the prosthesis immediately after implantation, in preparation for the operation, impressions must be taken from the upper and lower jaws. Based on them, the technician makes plaster models of the dentition, on which the future prosthesis is created. It models the holes where the implants are planned to be installed. This design can be used as a ready-made template for placing implants.

This technique is notable for the fact that the prosthesis is placed immediately after implantation is completed. However, if the implants are introduced with the simultaneous removal of teeth, the prosthesis will correspond to the picture before the teeth have been removed (after all, this is when impressions are taken). The approximate accuracy of the design will have to be compensated by significant relocation of the prosthesis. Moreover, the predictability of the position of implants is always higher in an edentulous jaw than with implantation with simultaneous tooth removal.

You can do it differently - take impressions immediately after installing the implants, and fix the prostheses within a week, starting from 1 day. This time interval is not due to the duration of production of the prosthesis (today’s technologies make it possible to do this in hours), but to the swelling of the soft tissues, which goes away in 6-7 days. The main advantage of this approach is that the prosthesis is manufactured more accurately, because It is easier to determine the location of the implants and the gum contour. The doctor fixes the prosthesis after removing the sutures on the 7th day. The disadvantage of the technique is that until this moment the patient remains without teeth.

Bone grafting and sinus lift

Bone grafting (or osteoplasty) is a surgical operation to restore the width and height of the bone in places where implants will be installed. Osteoplasty can be performed using either the patient's own bone (for example, from the palate) or synthetic materials. After the operation, you need to wait 4-6 months for the graft to take root, and only then install the implants. But repeated osteoplasty is often required, because the material does not always take root, or quickly atrophies without chewing load.

Sinus lifting is raising the bottom of the maxillary sinus to a height that is “not enough” for installing an implant. The operation is quite traumatic, with a long rehabilitation period and a frequent complication - perforation of the sinus mucosa with an instrument. Simultaneously with the sinus lift, bone material is replanted, and an implant can even be installed immediately. But if this is not possible, and you must wait for the bone to heal, then after a few months you may also need to re-build it up.

Methods for fixing a prosthesis to implants

There are 2 main ways of fixing a fixed prosthesis on implants - using the screw method or using dental cement. Each of them has its pros and cons, so the preferred option is selected for each clinical situation individually.

All-on-4 prosthetics are performed using screw fixation, while cementation is used in the classical technique.

Screw fixation of the prosthesis

The method of screw fixation together with the All-on-4 prosthetic operation has earned particular popularity in the dental community - the prosthesis is “screwed” onto the implants without the use of any cementing composition. The technique is attractive because there is no excess material left under the prosthesis, because it's not there to begin with. In the future, the dentist can easily remove the prosthesis without damaging the implants and other components of the structure.

It is noteworthy that the prosthesis and implants are not directly connected to each other during screw fixation - so-called multi-component abutments are involved in this. These are additional elements that are screwed to the implants to ensure precise interaction of all components of the orthopedic system.

Screw fixation not only ensures reliable fastening of the crowns, but also simplifies the replacement of the product in the event of a loose screw. The doctor only needs to clear a small hole to install a new suitable screw. From this point of view, the method can be considered the safest for the patient, because there is no need for additional manipulations, and the procedure itself is non-traumatic and does not take much time.

The all-on-4 prosthesis is attached to the tops of the implants using special screws

Cement fixation of the prosthesis

Special cement has long been used in dentistry for fixation of orthopedic structures. Its essence is that the prosthesis is attached to abutments (transitional links screwed onto implants) using a special dental material that firmly fixes the product in its place.

The main advantage of the method is its easy execution without damaging the crown. However, the disadvantages of this fixation method should also be noted:

  • Difficulty removing the prosthesis. Any type of cement hardens after a certain time, so the doctor faces difficulties when removing the prosthesis.
  • Presence of excess material. The removal of cement into the surrounding tissues negatively affects the condition of the bone and mucous membrane, and it is quite difficult to ensure the complete absence of excess.
  • Movement errors. It is difficult to achieve the transfer of the prosthesis to the exact position in which it was on the model during manufacture.

Classic two-stage technique

The two-stage technique is called because implants are first placed, and after a few months a complete removable or fixed prosthesis is fixed on them. This is the most famous, most scientifically and clinically studied protocol, but, nevertheless, now it can already be called outdated (but not for single restorations - where it is appropriate). Let's figure out why this happened. Classic two-stage implantation includes several features:

  • it is necessary to carry out at least 2 operations: first to install implants - after which they are left at rest, without loading the prosthesis, and then to install gum formers (several months after implantation),
  • traumatic installation: with peeling of the gingival flap from the alveolar ridge and sometimes sawing the bone to prepare the bed,
  • implants are installed strictly vertically: therefore, they may not have enough space - this leads to the next point,
  • very often you need to build up the bone in advance: this is 1 more operation (ideally, but maybe 2-3), after which you need to recover for a long time,
  • strict dietary restrictions: since until the implants are completely implanted they cannot be loaded, so the person wears a removable denture supported by the gums,
  • you need to visit the dentist many times: about 25-30 times during the entire course of treatment.

What is a beam prosthesis?

The peculiarity of the beam prosthesis is the method of its fixation. The fastening element consists of two parts - a beam and a semicircular metal pipe. The beam connects the implants, the pipe is inserted inside the prosthesis. When fixed, it is put on the beam and latched with a special lock.

Bar dentures are conditionally removable; for daily hygiene it does not need to be removed from the oral cavity. The structure should be removed when visiting the dentist for thorough cleaning or replacement.

One-stage implantation with complete fixed prosthetics

One-stage implantation is a technology that involves only 1 surgical intervention - namely the installation of implants (teeth are removed simultaneously) and immediate prosthetics. The operation often occurs in a minimally invasive manner through a puncture in the gum and bone (for example, using surgical guide templates), i.e. you can do without incisions, and this speeds up rehabilitation and reduces risks.

With one-stage technologies, a whole complex of different implants can be used, which are often installed even at an angle to bypass difficult areas of atrophied bone tissue. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to avoid building up bone tissue and restore completely lost teeth in an extremely short time - no more than one week. Moreover, implants must meet a number of requirements:

  • have excellent stability (osteofixation) immediately after installation,
  • have a chemically and biologically active surface: for faster and denser fusion with bone substance,
  • suitable for difficult cases: for example, for patients with inflammation of the gums or bones, with severe tissue atrophy.

A very important feature is that after implantation using the one-step method, it is mandatory to install fully functional prostheses immediately (3-4 days after implantation). And the patient must immediately begin chewing food with new teeth. Because due to the load from the prostheses, natural metabolic processes inside the bone are activated, and its cells actively grow around the installed implants. The orthopedic design may include a durable metal or glass-ceramic frame, which splints the upper parts of the implants, preventing them from moving.

Now let’s look at the most popular and proven one-stage technologies for complete dental prosthetics.

All-on-3 or Trefoil – only for the lower jaw

Complete dental prosthetics is possible with only 3 implants, but not mini-models, but classic size and root-shaped. This technology was developed by Nobel Biocare and went through 15 years of research before being used in the world. The essence of the method is to install a complete denture on the lower jaw, which is fixed on a special metal beam (it is non-individual and comes with Trefoil). The beam combines 3 implants implanted in the frontal part of the jaw (where the bone is denser and atrophies more slowly).

All-on-4 – for any jaw

The all-on-4 technique was introduced by Nobel Biocare about 20 years ago. And the manufacturer obliges to use only Nobel implants - because... only they passed all the necessary tests for the original protocol. The essence of the “all on four” protocol is to install 4 implants, which must be loaded with a prosthetic structure for three days. Another feature is that implants in the lateral sections of the dentition are not installed strictly vertically, but at an angle.

New teeth in 1 day - All-ON-4 - 180,000 rub.

All inclusive!
3D modeling of the structure with a prosthesis, implantation of 4 Osstem implants, installation of a fixed prosthesis on the same day. Free consultation with an implantologist +7 (495) 215-52-31 or write to us

All-on-4 technology can be used on any jaw, but the structural features of the bone are such that most often such implantation is carried out on the lower jaw, where the bone substance is denser. Mild periodontitis and slight bone atrophy are not considered contraindications.

All-on-6 – for any jaw

All-on-6 implantation can be called a modified all-on-4 protocol. Only here 6 implants are used per 1 row of teeth, and the side ones are also implanted at an angle. The method is suitable for moderate bone atrophy, periodontitis (moderate), and if the bone substance is loose. The load also occurs within 3 days.

Most often, all-on-6 is proposed to be performed on the upper jaw (but this protocol is also used on the lower jaw), if the patient lost his teeth not many years ago, and the atrophy is not yet pronounced.

Basal implantation – for any jaw

There are still many unreliable rumors around basal implantation. And they are supported, among other things, by dentists themselves - especially those who do not follow the development of their professional field. Now basal implantation is different from what was used 10-15 years ago. And first of all, because the shape of the implants has radically changed, and their installation has become less traumatic (it occurs minimally invasively).

Basal systems have aggressive threading (in the lower and middle parts) and have a compression effect. Therefore, during the installation process, the bone is compacted around the implant. And the thread turns are very firmly fixed in the densest parts of the jaw - the basal layer and the cortical plate. Depending on the complexity of the clinical picture, 8-14 implants may be required for installation on 1 jaw, which will also be splinted with a prosthesis within 3 days.

Basal technology becomes a real salvation for people with severe bone atrophy, pronounced periodontitis and periodontal disease, as well as for patients with diabetes mellitus (its compensated form).

Zygomatic implantation – only for the upper jaw

Already from the name it is clear that the cheekbones are involved here, or rather the cheekbones, which are very dense and are not subject to atrophy at all. By the way, for the first time, Nobel Biocare proposed installing implants not only in the jaw bones, but also in the zygomatic bones. Only here, not classic root-like systems, up to 2 cm long, are used, but special elongated Nobel Zygoma models (Nobel Zygoma) up to 6 cm long. Installation is carried out after a thorough examination and multispiral tomography, so that nerves, large vessels and nasal vessels are not affected sinuses.

Zygomatic implantation can be combined with all-on-4 and all-on-6, and in case of severe atrophy of the maxillary bone, 4-6 zygomatic models can be installed at once.

Stages of prosthetics

  • Diagnosis - at the first consultation. The doctor examines the patient, talks with him, evaluates the CT scan and sends the patient for a blood test. The dentist determines the condition of the bone, characteristics of the jaw, and contraindications for prosthetics.
  • Three-dimensional modeling of prostheses helps to correctly plan treatment, select implants, and identify the optimal angle of inclination and their location in the bone.
  • Pain relief with high-quality anesthetics. They first check whether the medications are suitable for the patient and whether they are allergic to them.
  • Implantation surgery (tooth extraction, implantation of 4-6 artificial roots). The implantologist screws the implants into the bone tissue. If possible, manipulation is performed through punctures in the gums - with minimal trauma.
  • Taking impressions, forming a fixed prosthesis for temporary use. Bridges are placed on abutments for up to 3 years. Subsequently, they are replaced with a more reliable design made of metal-ceramics, ceramics, and zirconium.

Adaptive and permanent type of dentures with complete edentia - what is the difference

Patients considering immediate loading dental implants may often hear that they will first receive a fixed adaptive prosthesis. In fact, you can wear it for even 3 years. But ideally, it is better to re-prosthetize with a permanent structure in 6-12 months. Of course, there is no need to change the implants - if installed correctly, they last indefinitely.

The adaptive structure is installed so that the patient, after a long and complete absence of teeth, develops a correct bite and corrects the functioning of the jaw joints. After this, you can install a permanent orthopedic structure - it is more durable and aesthetic, and the artificial teeth are no longer made of plastic, but of ceramic composite or zirconium dioxide.

Some patients can receive permanent fixed dentures immediately after implantation - but only according to indications and if the person himself desires to immediately get a perfect smile.

Upper jaw implantation

The bone in the maxillary region has a reduced density and therefore, in order to obtain the most durable fixation of the prosthesis, it is necessary to use a significantly larger number of units of implanted artificial roots - up to eight pieces. The process of integration with the tissues of the human body will also take longer – up to six months.

In removable prosthetics on implants in the absence of teeth, from four to six implants are used. A cover-type prosthesis with spherical attachments is usually fixed on four titanium roots. This type of orthopedic design will completely cover the palate, but if you want to install a prosthesis without a palate, keep in mind that it will be fixed on a significantly larger number of implanted implants, which will of course affect the final price of the procedure.

Dentures without a palate for removable prosthetics on implants in the complete absence of teeth can be fixed using micro-locks, locators, or a beam. The beam will provide maximum fastening strength, but the price of the prosthesis will be equal to the cost of a fixed orthodontic product.

Fixed prosthetics on implants in the complete absence of teeth in the upper jaw requires the preliminary implantation of six to eight implants; all-on-4 technology is also applicable to restore lost dental units. Implants are placed in the upper jaw in the traditional way, which allows you to get the most reliable, stable and durable result in permanent prosthetics on implants with complete edentia. The exact number of implants for the procedure is selected based on the condition of the bone tissue and the structural features of the jaw.

During the healing of the implants, the patient is given a prosthesis made of polymer material, which is subsequently replaced by a permanent structure made of dental ceramics or zirconium dioxide. Prosthetics on implants in the absence of teeth in the upper jaw can also be conditionally removable. In this case, implants with screw fixation in the jaw bone are used.

Photos of patients before and after treatment

How the appearance of patients changes after implantation with immediate prosthetics can be assessed from the photo. It’s hard to disagree that even adaptive dentures are no different from real teeth, and artificial gums look natural.

“I took a long time to decide, visited several clinics, but almost everywhere they quoted me exorbitant sums, and the waiting period for installing new teeth was greatly delayed from the implantation itself. But then I asked around among my friends and found a modern center where I was offered to do EVERYTHING in just a week. Indeed, 3 days after implantation, a prosthesis was installed that could be chewed. This is such a joy, you can’t imagine! For so many years I limited myself in food..."

Svetlana Gennadievna, review from the website stomatology.rf

Complete dental implantation in CELT

Full jaw implantation is one of the services of the CELT Dentistry Department. We guarantee high quality work. Our specialists provide complete information about the implants used, the advantages of the chosen technology and tell you how the process itself is carried out step by step. In addition, as a multidisciplinary clinic, we provide our patients with the service of complete dental implantation under anesthesia, provided by the staff of the anesthesiology and intensive care department.

Full complex implantation is carried out in our clinic using the most modern equipment and technologies. All procedures are painless: anesthesia is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patients. We use high-quality titanium implants from the budget segment “Implantium” and the premium segment “Astra Tech”.

High-quality full dental implantation at an affordable price ─ this is quite possible. Replacement of a complete dentition is possible using various methods, which will certainly be offered to you during the consultation.

Mini-implantation and conditionally removable (removable) prosthetics

Just 10 years ago, mini-implantation was very popular because of its apparent simplicity and low cost. This method is based on installing 2-3 mini-models and fixing the prosthesis on them. But experienced implantologists quickly realized that such a system would last a maximum of 2-3 years, because... the implants will not be able to provide long-term support for the prosthesis; they will become loose and will have to be removed. Therefore, mini-implantation can now only act as a temporary solution.

Conditionally removable prosthetics (i.e., removable dentures on implants that the patient can remove himself) are also not considered a good option for long-term wear. Although it has a positive quality - it is able to fix the patient’s old prosthesis. The negative side is the rapid wear of the tops of the abutments, which snap into the prosthetic base. They have to be changed regularly. And frequent replacements plus increased load on a small number of implants leads to a loss of system stability. Removable beam structures on implants are more reliable, but they become loose due to frequent removal. And the cost of such a solution is quite comparable to fixed prosthetics on implants.


  • Long wearing . The rod is usually used for life, the crown is replaced as it wears out.
  • Natural attractive look.
  • Comfort in use.
  • Universal application - the possibility of implanting implants in many clinical cases.
  • Preservation of adjacent teeth.
  • The survival rate is approaching 99%.
  • Low maintenance requirements - the standard one is quite suitable.
  • Preservation of natural diction and the same taste.

Cost of prosthetics on implants

If we consider classic two-stage implantation, then its cost together with permanent prosthetics will be above 700 thousand rubles (for both jaws). But bone augmentation and sinus lifting are paid separately - on average 35-45 thousand for each operation. One-stage protocols with immediate installation of an adaptive prosthesis cost from 180 thousand rubles for 1 jaw - but this includes diagnostics, planning, all implants and orthopedic design.

[1] S. Wohlfarth Implant-supported prosthetics. Planning based on results, 2021

Prosthetic methods

At the moment, there are two main methods of restoring teeth with complete edentia:

  • Manufacturing of a complete or partial permanently fixed - i.e. FIXED (like your own teeth) or REMOVABLE prosthesis. In both cases, the prosthesis is fixed on implants.

The first method is considered more convenient and durable, while the second is often indicated for cases of extensive bone loss and the impossibility of augmentation (bone grafting). The patient has the opportunity to choose a removable or fixed option. If we take into account the recommendations of specialists, the best method is implantation followed by permanent prosthetics.

The administration of CELT JSC regularly updates the price list posted on the clinic’s website. However, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings, we ask you to clarify the cost of services by phone: +7

Service nameprice, rub)
Taking an autograft10 000
Wax-up for implantations8 500
Diagnostic impressions for implantations3 500
Manufacturing and application of PRF membrane2 500
Consultation with an implantologist (when conducting CT or OPTG studies at CELT - free of charge)1 500
Bone material BIO-OSS11 000
Bone material Osteomatrix5 000
Membrane BIO-GUIDE PERIO15 000
Osteomatrix membrane7 500
Simple soft tissue plastic surgery in the area of ​​1 tooth10 000
Complex soft tissue plastic surgery of 2-3 teeth15 000
Simple plastic surgery of hard tissues (minor regeneration)7 500
Complex plastic surgery of hard tissues (block)35 000
Complex hard tissue plastic surgery (veneer)35 000
Plastic surgery of hard tissues (membrane)20 000
Opening the implant and installing the ASTRATECH gum former6 000
Opening the implant and installing the INNO healing abutment5 000
Sinus lift closed (soft)15 000
Classic sinus lift35 000
Transposition of the inferior alveolar nerve46 000
Removal of a dental implant installed at JSC "CELT"2 000
Removal of a dental implant not installed in CELT5 000 — 10 000
INNO implant installation35 000
Installation of the ASTRATECH implant60 000
Installation of the MIS implant22 500
Installation of an orthodontic implant15 000
Implantation template12 000

Complete implantation and food intake

With complete dentures, chewing efficiency is much higher. This is especially important when treating older people. After all, high-quality chewing of food has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. And irregular eating and poor chewing can lead to various diseases. Some owners of conventional removable dentures have to eat ground food, since the denture cannot ensure the correct functioning of the jaw. Complete dentures provide adequate nutrition immediately after the adaptation period.

It is important that complete prosthetics allows you to minimize the pain that constantly occurs in those who wear a removable denture. The design of implants and prostheses does not injure the mucous membrane and does not put pressure on soft tissues.

Missing teeth is not a death sentence. With new teeth, simply having fun while eating and socializing is a completely different quality of life. The friendly atmosphere of our clinic will help you recover faster. And experienced doctors will choose the best prosthetic option and help you get your teeth back.

Full dental implants are an excellent alternative to removable dentures. Contact CELT Dentistry - we will give you back the opportunity to smile and live life to the fullest!

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