Removable dentures: how to choose the best option

11/17/2015 Dentistry 24 Clinic is a professional dentistry that provides a full range of services in the field of prosthetics. Advanced equipment, a staff of qualified doctors with impressive practice, the use of exclusively proven methods, and at the same time maintaining the cost of our services at an affordable level - these are the main advantages of our clinic. You can get acquainted with the services and costs in the section > prosthetics.

Dental structures, the installation of which helps restore the physiological abilities of the dental system, in particular chewing function, and return the patient to an attractive appearance, are called dentures. There are several different classifications of such dental structures, the main ones being removable dentures and fixed ones.


Removable dentures are designed for self-insertion into the oral cavity and easy removal. Today, modern dentistry offers its patients structures made from various materials and a wide variety of shapes. The main disadvantage is the need to regularly remove the prosthesis for oral hygiene procedures and clean the prosthesis itself. True, for some patients this factor is rather an advantage.

Removable dentures are usually used to restore the physiology of the jaw system in case of partial lack of teeth, complete loss of dentition, or as a replacement for one chewing tooth. True, removable dentures cannot fully compensate for the work of lost teeth, since if they are installed, the chewing load will still fall not on the denture itself, but on the gums. However, this does not have any effect on the condition of the dental system. Especially if you consider that only microprosthetics and crowns can be considered truly physiological prostheses. After all, it is in this case that the load will first fall on the tooth root, and only after that on the bone.

Fixed dentures are installed for a long period of time, and the patient will not be able to remove them independently. The main advantages of this type of prosthetics are the high aesthetic characteristics of this design and their most natural application. After all, after their installation, the patient almost completely stops thinking about his smile, forgetting that he was once worried about this problem. And to avoid problems, it is enough to regularly observe oral hygiene and slightly limit the load on the prosthesis.

True, fixed dental prosthetics has a lot of different contraindications in comparison with removable dentures. That is why their installation has quite a few indications.

Prosthetics for complete absence of teeth

In cases where the client was unable to save his teeth, all-on-4 or all-on-6 implantation is used. The technology involves implanting 4 or 6 titanium pins into the jaw, which will serve as artificial roots for the future dental structure. The technology of such permanent prosthetics allows you to completely restore the dentition and restore full chewing function.

Installation of prostheses using all-on-4 technology is less reliable compared to all-on-6 technology and can become loose faster. This technique is used when it is impossible to use the all-on-6 technology and when bone tissue atrophy has developed.

The all-on-6 technology (“all on six”) is more reliable, which is especially important for prosthetics for older clients. This technique is more progressive, as it allows you to distribute the load of the entire dentition. The strength of the dental structure is ensured even in cases where bone atrophy has reached a moderate or even high degree. The all-on-6 system is also indicated if the client has periodontitis, periodontal disease and other problems with the gums and bones.

Before deciding how exactly to attach the prosthesis, the doctor will conduct an examination of the oral cavity and complete sanitation, and also check the parameters and strength of the jaw bones. It is also important to establish the presence of contraindications that do not allow all-on-4 or all-on-6 implantation.


There are different types of dentures. However, most often patients are offered three types:

  • clasp dentures
  • nylon
  • acrylic (plate type)

Their main difference lies in the materials used to create the dental structure. However, when choosing the right type of prosthetics, not only the patient’s wishes are taken into account, but also the number of teeth remaining in the oral cavity. The financial capabilities of the patient are also an important factor. But in any case, the cost of removable dentures is an order of magnitude lower than that of structures used for fixed prosthetics. So let’s further get acquainted with what types of dentures are, assessing the pros and cons of each of them.

Dental implantation

Dental restoration using implantation is more effective than prosthetics. Although dentures last a long time, they will still have to be changed after a while, but implants can be placed once and you can walk with them for the rest of your life.

Installing implants is more expensive than prosthetics, however, if you consider that when changing dentures, you will have to pay for them each time, and implantation is paid only once, then in the end the total cost of prosthetics will not differ much from the cost of implantation.

The dental implantation method is more effective than prosthetics

However, not all patients can receive implants. There are a number of contraindications if you have health problems. The main advantage of implants is their strength and durability. Essentially, posts implanted into the bone can completely replace your teeth. They do not need to be removed or replaced.

Another advantage is that there is no need to grind down adjacent teeth. An implant is a separate structure that is screwed directly into the bone rather than simply attached to adjacent units. These teeth look as natural as possible.


Clasp dentures have a metal base onto which the dentist attaches plastic gums and ceramic crowns. The basis of the prosthesis is represented by a metal arch or clasp, firmly connecting all the elements of the dental structure.

For clasp prosthetics, it is mandatory to have teeth in the oral cavity to which the prosthesis will be attached using hooks. If there are no natural natural teeth that will serve as support, then the installation of implants will be required.


  1. The main advantage is the affordable price, compared to the cost of other removable structures. Thus, the lowest price for clasp dentures is about 11 thousand rubles, while the most expensive design will cost the patient 60-70 thousand.
  2. Improving the techniques of their installation makes it possible to make overlay dentures without a palate not only aesthetically attractive, but also as convenient as possible to use.
  3. A wide range of uses allows you to install clasp dentures even with dental defects, in the absence of front or lateral teeth, and in the presence of inflammatory gum disease.
  4. Possibility of choosing fastenings depending on financial capabilities and structural features of the dentition.
  5. Service life is five years or more.
  6. They do not need to be removed frequently.

Types of fixed dentures

With the help of fixed dentures, you can restore individual teeth or several teeth. To restore a partially destroyed tooth, ceramic crowns, inlays and veneers are used, and bridges and adhesive dentures are installed in place of missing teeth. Separately, it is necessary to mention such a method of restoring the dentition as implantation.


A veneer is a thin ceramic plate that is fixed to the front surface of the tooth to eliminate minor imperfections: chipped enamel, cracks. The veneer can be selected according to color, so the restored teeth will not differ from natural ones.


An inlay is a special ceramic structure that partially restores a damaged tooth by replacing part of it (without removing it).

Metal-ceramic crowns

After special treatment, almost completely crumbled teeth can be restored by making metal-ceramic crowns for them. They are made of metal, which is then coated with a thin layer of ceramic.

Adhesive prosthesis

Bridges are custom-made and placed on the jaw by attaching the bridge to healthy teeth. Such prostheses are also called adhesive. With this type of prosthetics, it is necessary to grind down the supporting teeth, albeit minimally. The average service life of bridges is 3-5 years.


Implantation is one of the most effective methods of dental restoration. A dental implant is a structure consisting of the implant itself and an abutment. The restoration is carried out in several stages and consists of implanting special titanium pins - implants - into the jaw bones. After a certain period of time, one artificial tooth or a bridge of several teeth is attached to these pins. Due to the complete fusion of titanium with living tissue, artificial dental implants adhere very securely to the jaw, have an aesthetic appearance and are no different from natural teeth, completely restoring chewing function. The implantation process takes much longer and requires repeated visits to the dentist, but these inconveniences are justified by the high reliability and quality of the restoration.


  1. The main advantage of a nylon prosthesis is the possibility of use in patients prone to allergic reactions to metals.
  2. A special method of fastening allows you to do without grinding the supporting teeth.
  3. Plastic hooks, unlike metal parts, are invisible during a conversation. And more reliable fixation is ensured by using special creams and gels.
  4. Nylon dentures can be used in the absence of either one tooth or the entire dentition, as well as in case of dental defects and in the presence of an inflammatory process in the gum area.
  5. No irritation on the gums due to the use of soft plastic.
  6. Robust construction with such high elasticity.
  7. Possibility to choose the color of the prosthesis to match the color of natural teeth.
  8. The service life of prostheses is about 5-7 years.

Contraindications for implant installation

  • General contraindications include diseases such as diabetes, AIDS, hypertension, cancer, bleeding disorders, diseases of the nervous and immune systems, and bone tissue.
  • Implants are not placed on children and adolescents because during the growth period the implants become loose and can be rejected by the body. In addition, installed implants can lead to slower growth of individual organs.
  • Implants are not installed during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Specific contraindications for installing implants include the proximity of the maxillary sinuses, or sinuses. The width and density of the bone tissue of the upper jaw is also of great importance, especially at the point of contact with the sinuses. If it is insufficient, sinusplasty will have to be performed before installing implants.
  • The installation of implants is contraindicated in case of chronic diseases, especially diseases of the oral cavity, as well as if the patient does not comply with the rules of personal hygiene.
  • If the patient has insufficient height and bone density in both the lower and upper jaws, it is necessary to undergo bone grafting before installing implants.

Disadvantages of nylon prosthetics:

  1. Incorrect distribution of load during the process of chewing food. Risk of developing atrophy of the alveolar process of the jaw.
  2. Poor chewing of food with a high degree of hardness.
  3. Regular corrections in the dental clinic due to subsidence of the prosthesis.
  4. Cleaning nylon dentures should be done only with the help of special products.
  5. The cost of dentures made of nylon is one and a half times higher than clasp dentures (from 15 thousand rubles and more, depending on the number of artificial teeth).
  6. After installation of a nylon prosthesis, patients are prohibited from drinking strong tea and coffee, as well as eating hot dishes and foods with high acidity.

What are they made of?

The range of materials used in dental prosthetics is quite large. Specialists working in this field use both long-known and well-tested options, as well as the latest, high-tech achievements of science. The main materials used can be divided into the following categories :

  1. Polymers - a category of materials characterized by low price and relatively short service life. They are most often used to create temporary crowns and removable dentures. The most common polymers in dentistry are:
      Acrylic is a plastic, elastic polymer. It is one of the most common due to its low price and good appearance of new products. Disadvantages include relatively rapid wear and the possible occurrence of allergic reactions. In practice, a special modification of high-strength acrylic is often used - acryfree.
  2. Nylon is a type of plastic that is resistant to wear and scratches. There is a high probability of deformation and color changes during use.

    A serious drawback associated with the use of nylon-based dentures is possible atrophy of bone tissue.

  3. Metals - alloys based on gold, chromium, titanium and nickel. They are most often used in the manufacture of basic elements of crowns: frames, rubbing surfaces, etc. They are distinguished by a long service life and a wide range of prices for products. Cost is often determined by the availability of precious metals and the size of the final product.
  4. Ceramics is a category of the most modern materials that are most similar in appearance to teeth.
    It is divided into several categories, which differ greatly in mechanical properties. If relatively recently implants made of ceramics were insufficiently durable, then products made from modern types of this material, especially glass ceramics, are practically eternal.
  5. Metal-ceramics - is created on the basis of a metal frame, on which a layer of ceramics is applied. High strength, excellent portability, and wear resistance are compensated by the high prices of products made from these materials.
  6. Composites are complex polymer-based compounds containing additional components: porcelain flour, silicon dioxide, quartz, etc.
  7. Metal oxides, among which the most commonly used are:

  • Zirconium dioxide - a high-strength material with very good mechanical characteristics and excellent biological compatibility. Often used in combination with ceramic products.

    In appearance, products made from zirconium dioxide are as close as possible to teeth. The disadvantages include the high price and complexity of using products made from this material.

  • Aluminum oxide is a cheaper alternative to zirconium dioxide. Inferior to the latter in a number of mechanical characteristics.

Disadvantages of acrylic removable prosthetics:

  1. Dentures are made of hard plastics, which during use can lead to pain due to rubbing of the gums and the formation of wounds.
  2. Installation of an acrylic denture can lead to partial loss of taste due to the plate completely covering the palate, where a huge number of taste buds are located.
  3. Impaired diction, as well as the appearance of nausea and vomiting with an increased gag reflex.
  4. Regular preventive examinations at the dentist for correction.
  5. Due to its low strength, such dentures are not suitable for chewing food of a high degree of hardness.
  6. To ensure reliable fixation, it may be necessary to prepare healthy teeth and cover them with metal crowns.
  7. Acrylic dentures contain a monomer, which in some cases can cause a burning sensation and the onset of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity.

So, which dentures are best in your case can only be determined by a highly qualified doctor, who will take into account all the indications and contraindications for installing a particular type of structure, as well as all the structural features of his patient’s dentition. And only in this case will it be possible to get the desired smile without flaws and defects, as well as the ability to eat food painlessly.

Advantages and disadvantages of implants

If no contraindications are identified, then dentists advocate implantation. The only people against implants are doctors who do not have sufficient qualifications to perform such operations and recommend the installation of a removable prosthesis in their own interests, and not in the interests of the patient.

After all, the undeniable advantages of implantation are the restoration of the functions of a lost tooth, the prevention of deformation of bone tissue and facial features, and the absence of the need to grind adjacent teeth.

For many, the rather high price can be an obstacle to installing implants. But implantation pays off in the future, because as stated above, I install implants for almost my entire life.

Materials used

Not only their functionality, but also their service life depends on correctly selected materials for artificial teeth.

Completely different designs can be used to restore and restore the anterior or posterior chewing teeth. The most popular materials are as follows:

  • Metal is an excellent material in terms of its physical properties. It has low aesthetic qualities and a relatively affordable price.
  • Metal ceramics are ceramics with a strong metal frame underneath. This design is characterized by increased wear resistance, long service life, and also aesthetic appearance.
  • Ceramics (porcelain, zirconium dioxide) is a durable material that replicates the appearance of natural teeth. It is resistant to mechanical damage and also has hypoallergenic properties. It takes a long time to produce, taking into account the characteristics of the patient.
  • Plastic is a very budget-friendly, but at the same time short-lived material. Not for use on chewing teeth. It stains quickly and loses its aesthetic appearance.
  • Nylon is elastic and very durable. It is used to form dentures, imitates the color of gums, is comfortable due to its softness, but requires special care.
  • Acrylic is a durable and lightweight material that is used in plate dentures to form the gum base. It is distinguished by its hardness and reasonable price. May cause allergies, often breaks.

The choice of this or that material usually depends on a number of factors: the financial capabilities of the patient, the condition of the oral cavity, as well as the period of time during which the procedure is planned to be performed.


For removable:

  • Among the materials for removable dentures, the most affordable is acrylic. The price of complete jaw prosthetics using this material will cost the patient from 15,000 rubles.
  • A similar product made of acrifir (a high-strength modification of acrylic) will cost a little more - from 25 thousand rubles.
  • A nylon prosthesis will cost the patient about 30 thousand rubles.
  • The most expensive modification of a removable denture is the yoke version, the design of which may include expensive metals. The cost of such a product starts from 35 thousand rubles.

For fixed:

  • When considering materials for fixed dentures, it should be noted the low price of ceramic products. The cost of inlays made from this material will be from 5 thousand rubles.
  • The same product made of zirconium dioxide will cost from 20 thousand rubles.
  • Among the materials for making crowns, metal-ceramics is the most affordable. Such crowns will cost from 7 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of a ceramic crown will be from 12 thousand rubles, and from zirconium dioxide - from 15 thousand rubles.
  • One of the most expensive categories of fixed dental prostheses is implants with metal-ceramic crowns. Their cost starts from 20 thousand rubles.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Implant rejection

I heard that implants are rejected in most cases, is this true?

In fact, such a situation occurs. In rare cases, the body may not accept the implant. But still, as practice shows, in 95% of cases such surgical intervention is successful, and the person receives beautiful and straight teeth. Don’t be afraid, you just need to choose a good specialist and clinic.


I would like to know why prosthetics are necessary?

Prosthetics are primarily necessary to ensure that chewing function is restored. First of all, this includes gastroenterological indications, because if the food is chopped poorly, the stomach will begin to work incorrectly.

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