State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Republic of Tyva Dental Clinic  

Pharmacological properties

No-spa is an antispasmodic drug. This remedy can be used during treatment and prevention for various pathological conditions, including the elimination of pain.

After taking one tablet, the active substance, drotaverine, is almost instantly absorbed into the blood. This component relieves spasms of muscle fibers, reduces the level of calcium ions, has a dilating effect on blood vessels and relieves the inflammatory process.

A painful spasm appears when the tone of smooth muscles increases. The active substance of the drug affects the enzyme, which is contained in smooth muscles and is responsible for their tone.

Relieving spasms No-Spa reduces pain

Since this remedy has an antispasmodic effect, it rarely helps with toothache. This is due to the fact that toothache usually occurs due to an inflammatory process. It is usually used to relieve pain due to uterine tone, intestinal colic, and during menstruation.

After taking the tablet, its effect begins within 15 minutes. The maximum effect is observed after 30-40 minutes.

The drug is excreted by the kidneys along with urine. Excretion occurs in the form of metabolites.

Effect of the drug

The medicine is available in two forms: tablets for oral administration, injections - for intramuscular or intravenous administration. The tablets are produced in a round convex shape with a rich yellow color. On one side there is an engraving “spa”. The solution for injections is a transparent yellowish liquid, which is packaged in glass ampoules.

The active ingredient is drotaverine. The composition also contains auxiliary components that contribute to its uniform distribution in the medicine. They may vary depending on the release form.

Additional substances:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • povidone;
  • talc;
  • corn starch;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • sodium bilfite;
  • ethanol;
  • water for injections.

What is the mechanism of action of No-shpa? This is a strong antispasmodic, the action of which is aimed at smooth muscles. When it enters the body, the active component is quickly absorbed into the blood and enters the capillaries. This helps to dilate blood vessels, reduce increased muscle tone, and significantly slow down the influx of calcium ions. All these qualities can effectively relieve inflammation.

The mechanism of action of “No-shpa” as an anesthetic is manifested as a result of the penetration of drotaverine into the enzyme responsible for the functionality of muscle tissue. Relaxation of smooth muscles improves blood supply to inflamed organs and relieves pain

The properties of the drug are not able to distort the clinical picture and do not affect the sensitivity of the body, which is possible when taking analgesics.

The effect of the drug is felt after taking tablets after 20 minutes, and instantly when injecting.

Release form and components

No-shpa is available in several forms. Two forms of this analgesic are usually found in pharmacies:

  • In the form of tablets. The tablets are round in shape. The color of the tablets may be orange or yellow-green. On one side there is an inscription - “spa”. The tablets are placed in blisters of 10 pieces. Blisters are placed in cardboard packaging. One package can contain 2, 3 and 5 blisters. Also, tablets can be placed in a plastic bottle in the amount of 100 pieces
  • In the form of a solution for injection. The solution is contained in 2 ml dark glass ampoules. Ampoules are placed in plastic blisters of 5 pieces. One cardboard package can contain 2 blisters


  1. Active ingredient – ​​drotaverine hydrochloride
  2. Additional items:
  • Magnesium stearate
  • Talc
  • Povidone
  • Corn starch
  • Lactose monohydrate

Main features of the medicine

The main feature of No-shpa, for which many buyers value it so much, is that it is an absolutely safe medicine. It contains plant components of natural origin.

In addition, No-shpa has a very small list of contraindications, and they are quite insignificant.

This remedy is used to relieve spasms in almost any condition. As a rule, after application, the effect of the medicine occurs within 15 minutes.

Application of No-shpa against toothache

No-Spa will help with intestinal colic, but with toothache - it is unlikely, as many dentists think. Many
dentists claim that No-Spa is absolutely powerless for tooth pain. This is due to the fact that this remedy can reduce the sensations caused by spasms. And pain in the teeth occurs due to the inflammatory process.

However, many people often use this drug and respond positively to it.

In these cases, the fact of self-hypnosis or the placebo effect works. The medicine No-shpa, which is intended to eliminate stomach cramps or migraine conditions, is perceived by people on a subconscious level. Therefore, when taking a pill, a person is completely confident that this medication will help eliminate all unpleasant sensations in a short period. It is for this reason that there are often people who can say with confidence that No-shpa helped them get rid of toothache.

Negative consequences of use

This medicine is not only ineffective for relieving pain due to caries or inflammation in the tooth. An overdose of this drug or long-term use of this drug may cause adverse reactions in the body.

People who do not know that there is nothing surprising in the fact that after taking this medication the toothache does not go away, sometimes begin to think that the dose taken is not enough for the desired effect. Then they take additional amounts of the drug and thereby increase the likelihood of undesirable consequences.

Taking drotaverine can cause the following problems:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • hypotension;
  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • allergic reactions.

It should also be taken into account that drotaverine has a number of contraindications, the presence of which increases the likelihood of negative consequences. These include:

  • Renal dysfunction.
  • Heart disorders.
  • Hypotension.

Sometimes a doctor may prescribe drotaverine in the presence of these pathologies, but he will not leave the use of the drug without his strict control and will require the patient to inform him of all changes in health status that occur during the course of taking the drug.


  • But spa is contraindicated for toothache in a child. Even if the child has problems that are actually eliminated by the use of drotaverine, the use of this medicine is allowed only for children over six years of age.
  • Spa is also contraindicated for toothache during pregnancy. In exceptional cases, this medicine may be prescribed to a pregnant woman for problems with the digestive system. However, for several days in the postpartum period, the use of this drug is unacceptable for any diagnosis.

How to use No-Spa for toothache

In order to reduce pain, self-hypnosis cannot always help; in these cases, the remedy should be used correctly.

Basic recommendations for using No-shpa to relieve toothache:

  • You can hold the tablet in your mouth for several minutes. During this period, a feeling of numbness in the tongue and cheeks will occur. The result will be an anesthetic effect, which will reduce the intensity of discomfort.
  • The tablet can be crushed to a powder. Next, add a little water to the powder to make a paste. The paste must be applied to the sore area for some time.
  • If there is deep caries, in which access to the pulp is open, then the tablet can be applied to this area. In this case, the active substance will affect the nerve endings and reduce the intensity of pain. First, you need to rinse your mouth and remove all food debris from it.

Prevention of toothache

The entire responsibility for reducing the risk of developing severe toothache lies primarily with the parents. Of course, none of us is immune from the sudden development of inflammation, but we should do everything possible to prevent the occurrence of serious dental problems in the future. First, you should pay special attention to cleansing your mouth in the morning and evening before bed. To do this, you need to purchase special children's brushes and toothpastes.

To prevent microcracks and chips from appearing on the enamel surface, you should ensure that your baby does not eat too hot or very cold foods. It is also important to avoid sudden temperature changes. The consumption of sweets and starchy foods should also be kept to a minimum, but you can sometimes delight your child with homemade natural products.

The most important rule is regular preventive examinations at the dentist. Since most dental diseases do not manifest themselves in any way at the initial stage, only a highly qualified doctor can identify them. The norm is to visit the dental clinic at least 3-4 times a year. This will avoid sudden pain and help avoid serious medical interventions in the future.

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What medications can it be used with?

In order for No-Spa to help eliminate severe pain, it can be used in conjunction with other analgesic drugs. In these cases, medications will enhance each other's effects, which will ultimately lead to the desired effect.

Injection of No-Spa together with other drugs significantly increases the effect of pain relief

What drugs can No-shpa be combined with:

  • In order to eliminate aching pain, it is necessary to combine No-shpa and Analgin. These medications can be taken in tablet form. But for better effect they are used in the form of injections. A solution of both agents is mixed in equal parts and administered intravenously or intramuscularly.
  • Injections of No-shpa and papaverine. These injections provide gentle relief from unpleasant feelings, temporarily calm you down, and allow you to sleep at night.
  • If you have Analgin and Diphenhydramine in your medicine cabinet, then in these cases the use of No-shpa will not be necessary. When injections of Analgin and Diphenhydramine are administered, pain and inflammation are immediately relieved

What other means can relieve pain?

Still, No-spa does not have the desired effect for acute toothache. It will not be able to help either with mild pain or with intense pain.

In order to quickly eliminate discomfort, you can use other stronger analgesics:

  • Medicines containing the active ingredient ibuprofen. These drugs include Ibufen, Nurofen, Solpadeine
  • Medicines with the active ingredient ketorolac - Ketonol, Ketanov, Ketorol
  • Tablets with nimesulide – Nimesil, Nise

If pain occurs, preference should be given to the drugs listed above. No-shpa is best left in case of stomach cramps, headaches, or menstruation. Even regular Analgin will be much more effective than No-shpa.

Emergency help

All parents are advised to have painkillers approved for their child on hand; they should be prescribed by the attending physician. Ibuprofen, Paracetamol or Nurofen are suitable for many. It is imperative to use children's analogues of medicines, since adults have too high a concentration and may be unsafe at an early age.

The following folk remedies can be used: prepare a decoction of sage tincture with the addition of regular soda. It is important to note that the liquid should not be too cold and not too hot. If there is a carious cavity in the tooth, you can insert a not very large cotton ball, previously soaked in mint oil, into it. Another popular way to reduce pain is to give a light massage of the ear from the side of the diseased tooth.

Until the very moment of visiting the dentist or the arrival of an ambulance, it is not recommended to place the baby in a horizontal position in order to reduce blood flow to the sore spot. It is preferable to sit the child up, this will also help reduce discomfort. There is no need to warm the cheek or wrap the child tightly in warm clothes, this will only lead to the pain intensifying.

Use of folk remedies

If No-spa does not help eliminate tooth pain, and other remedies are not at hand, then you can use home remedies.

In addition to medications, folk remedies are widely used to relieve toothache.

In order to quickly eliminate pain in the tooth, you can use the following methods:

  • Rinse with a solution of baking soda and iodine. In a glass of boiled water, you need to dilute 1 large spoon of soda and add 1 teaspoon of iodine. Next, you need to rinse your mouth with this solution. As a result, soda and iodine will have an antiseptic effect and help slightly reduce discomfort.
  • Using garlic. To do this, the garlic must be rubbed into a paste and applied to the sore tooth. The action will be immediate. Garlic reduces pain for up to several hours
  • Treatment of the gums near the diseased tooth with propolis tincture. This remedy causes numbness, thereby reducing the intensity of pain. But it should be used carefully so as not to accidentally burn the mucous layer of the oral cavity.

In any case, you should immediately consult a doctor. A specialist will be able to accurately identify the cause of discomfort and will be able to provide appropriate treatment. If necessary, the dentist will be able to prescribe an effective analgesic.


“One time I woke up at night from a severe toothache. I didn’t have any painkillers at home except No-shpa. I decided to try to apply it to the aching tooth, because there were no other options anyway. To my surprise, the discomfort quickly subsided, and I was even able to fall asleep. First thing in the morning I went to the doctor. He said that my nerve was exposed, and that’s why No-shpa helped me.”

I didn’t know what relieves toothache! But in general it helps a lot with cramps and is harmless. I always have it in my first aid kit.

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