Metal-ceramic crown: aesthetic budget dental prosthetics

What is a metal-ceramic crown?

A “metal-ceramics” dental crown is an orthopedic structure consisting of a durable metal frame base, coated on the outside with a finishing layer of special dental ceramics.

The base is made of different metal alloys: titanium, nickel, gold and others. The ceramic coating is applied to the frame in layers, with each layer subjected to heat treatment. This technique ensures super-strong adhesion of the ceramic composition to the metal base.

The nuances of installing metal-ceramic dentures: consultations with Berezki dentists

Patients who decide to restore the fullness of their dentition with metal-ceramic products should know that there are different types of structures. They differ from each other in terms of strength and reliability, aesthetic characteristics, service life and price.

You need to understand that to achieve a positive effect, it is not enough to simply choose the most expensive products. It is very important to carry out the preparatory procedures correctly and efficiently:

  • sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • treatment and filling of root canals if they are preserved;
  • grinding of dental units.

After therapeutic manipulations, a control X-ray examination is required to prevent negative consequences. Only after making sure that the preparatory stage has been completed flawlessly does the doctor begin taking impressions from which the crown is made.

Dentistry. Metal-ceramic prosthetics: pros and cons

Having decided to visit the dentist to restore the integrity of the dentition, many patients are interested in the question of whether metal-ceramic dental prosthetics can harm their health or not. A-Medic specialists claim that if the production of metal ceramics is carried out from high-quality certified materials in a professional laboratory, then the risk of complications after prosthetics is minimized.

The dentures are entirely made of non-toxic materials. Individual side effects and complications after implantation in the jaw are caused, to a greater extent, by the characteristics of the body and oral cavity of a particular patient.

The reasons why most patients choose a combination of metal and ceramics are:

  • cost of metal-ceramic prosthetics;
  • strength;
  • lifetime;
  • aesthetic indicators.

The disadvantage of this technology for restoring the integrity of the dentition is the need for deeper treatment of the living tissues of the adjacent tooth. However, if the dentist is properly experienced and the work is done carefully, this side effect will wear off.

How does metal-ceramics differ from other types of crowns?

In comparison with other types of orthopedic products, a metal-ceramic tooth crown is considered one of the best solutions in terms of biocompatibility, functionality and aesthetics. This type of crown is durable and reliable, and much cheaper than all-ceramic, zirconium and other types of products. An important feature of the designs is that they have a minimal list of contraindications and there are no restrictions on the age categories of patients.

Unique Features

The design features of metal-ceramic products allow them to be installed even in those patients who have more than half of their natural teeth destroyed. Perhaps this is due to:

  • a specific frame that minimizes the difference between the base and the ceramic part of the product;
  • features of the relief of the coating, which, like natural enamel, can refract streams of light.

The ceramics contain microscopic crystals that ensure the structural integrity of the structure.


Taking into account the biological characteristics and preferences of patients, orthopedists use different metal alloys to create a frame:

  • chromium-nickel. Easy to customize and low cost. It has a significant drawback - over time, the material oxidizes and a metallic taste appears in the mouth. The material can also provoke allergies;
  • cobalt-chromium. Practically does not irritate mucous membranes, the average biocompatibility is 36%. The material is characterized by strength and economy. Before making a prosthesis, it is advisable to perform a tolerance test, since the alloy can cause allergic reactions;
  • from noble metals: platinum, gold, palladium. This alloy does not oxidize, ideally follows the natural shape of the tooth and has high ductility. The only drawback is the high cost of the products.

Which of the materials will be best for a particular case can only be determined by a doctor after collecting an anamnesis and conducting diagnostic examinations.

Metal-ceramic teeth. How has the material proven itself?

Metal-ceramic dentures are a crown or bridge on a metal frame coated with ceramic. The orthodontic design is identical to the shape of a real tooth, so the prosthesis is easily installed in the jaw and does not cause discomfort to the patient while wearing it. According to statistics, metal-ceramic implants are much less likely than other prostheses to cause an allergic reaction. Most often, specialists at the A-Medic clinic use ceramic prostheses to restore teeth in the chewing region. The material has proven itself optimally not only from an aesthetic, but also from a practical point of view. The main advantages of metal-ceramic prostheses are:

  • reliability;
  • functionality;
  • aesthetic indicators;
  • ease of installation;
  • affordable price for most patients.

Thanks to the unique properties of ceramics, the dentist has the opportunity to select a prosthesis whose shade best matches the color of the client’s own teeth. Provided that it is installed properly, a ceramic-coated implant is invisible in the mouth and therefore does not cause psychological discomfort to a person.

Types of crowns

To restore severely damaged or completely lost teeth, dentists at the Beryozka clinic offer metal-ceramic dental crowns in several varieties.

Traditional products

For the manufacture of classic crowns, alloys of chromium and cobalt are usually used. The materials are inexpensive and make very durable foundations. But there is one nuance - the frame part is not completely processed with ceramic mass, so there remains a small gap at the junction of the prosthesis with the gum. As a result, the metal comes into contact with soft tissues and an unsightly bluish tint forms on the gums.

If you make a prosthesis with shoulder mass, you can avoid the negative effect. Such structures are completely covered with a ceramic layer, but the manufacturing cost will be more expensive than usual.

Structures with a frame made of precious metals

If you use precious metals to make a frame base, then such structures are more aesthetic and durable. Considering that the most important part of the structure is the frame, to achieve maximum quality the best solution would be to use noble metals for its manufacture.

Crowns using computer technology

When creating prostheses using this technique, the frame is not made by casting, but using a special milling machine. Such structures adhere perfectly to the surfaces of natural teeth, which significantly increases their strength characteristics.

Computer modeling allows you to design structures for each clinical case with maximum accuracy and achieve the highest results in reliability and aesthetics.

Every year, patients become more and more demanding not only about the results of dental treatment, but also about the manipulations that accompany it. This is greatly influenced by the media, which provide a huge amount of information, including negative information, about dentistry and dental procedures. Therefore, it is necessary to be more attentive to the simplest daily manipulations and strictly adhere to the standards of medical care and treatment technology.

One of the main manipulations during orthopedic treatment of patients is tooth preparation. At the same time, almost all patients know that mechanical damage to the gums can occur, and this can subsequently lead to chronic inflammation, which will reduce the aesthetic result of prosthetics. To eliminate or at least minimize injury to the periodontal ligament, it is necessary to perform gum retraction; a number of methods are used for this purpose. The most accessible and therefore most widespread is the method of gum retraction with special threads. The use of retraction cords allows you to create space for optimal access to the hard tissues of the subgingival area, while they isolate the marginal gum, preventing possible injury during the process of odontopreparation. On the basis of the State Unitary Enterprise RO "OHSP", this method of gum retraction is the main one, and is used in everyday work in the manufacture of aesthetic prostheses and performing direct dental restoration. In the article, using the example of manufacturing a metal-ceramic crown, we present material on the importance of performing the gum retraction stage, on compliance with all stages of the technological process, and on the main materials involved in the production process.

Patient R., 24 years old , tooth 3.6 - the coronal part was restored by more than 50% with filling material. Since the tooth had previously been prepared for a crown, it was decided to restore the anatomical shape of the tooth with a metal-ceramic crown.

Clinical picture.

  • Photo 1. View from the vestibular surface.
  • Photo 2. View in central occlusion.
  • Photo 3. View from the lingual surface

Before you begin laying the thread, it is necessary to determine the degree of compliance and the depth of the periodontal groove; this will help you choose the most appropriate size of the retraction thread. Due to the painful nature of the procedure, this manipulation is recommended to be performed under local injection anesthesia. For this purpose, we use carpule anesthesia with drugs produced by Ultradent; we select an anesthetic based on the clinical situation. After anesthesia, we begin laying the thread (photo 4). We begin to lay the retraction thread, one size smaller, from the lingual surface, since there is the tightest fit of the marginal gum to the surface of the tooth, this will allow us to conveniently and securely insert and fix the beginning of the thread. To avoid injury to the periodontal groove, it is better to lay the thread in stages, first to the depth of free penetration. The mucous membrane of the marginal gum has moderate elasticity and sufficient pliability, so after 3-4 minutes the expansion of the periodontal groove will occur, which will allow us to freely advance the thread to its full depth and leave it there for another 3 minutes. Then, we remove a thin thread from the periodontal sulcus and place a thread of a larger diameter using the packing method. We pack the thread in one or several layers, depending on the depth of the periodontal groove (photo 5).

For gum retraction using knitted sutures Ultrapak (Ultradent) - woven, knitted, without impregnation. These threads are characterized by high absorbency and, as a result, a significant increase in volume, which leads to good gum retraction (photo 6). In this case, during packing, the loops of the knitted thread are compressed, and a hemostatic solution is released into the tissue. To place the thread in the periodontal sulcus, special thin instruments are used - gingival cord packers. Since Ultrapak is knitted, it is better to use packers with notches to prevent the tool from slipping. After the process is completed, the thread is removed from the periodontal sulcus. Proper execution of the gum retraction stage allows for good access and visibility of the surgical field (photo 7), which makes the preparation of hard tooth tissues in the subgingival area quite convenient and minimally traumatic (photo 8).

We carry out the preparation using Unident diamond-coated burs of various abrasive grain sizes. Our choice of burs is based on personal sympathy for the manufacturer, the quality and price of the product, and the characteristics of the chosen preparation technique. We carry out the preparation with abundant irrigation of the surgical field with water, and use a saliva ejector to evacuate fluid from the oral cavity.

After preparation, we prepare the surgical field, soft tissues and teeth that fall into the impression area. At this stage, all fractions formed during the preparation process are removed with a stream of water; if necessary, the bleeding is stopped, followed by the removal of residual hemostatic agents and blood clots, and the prepared tooth is dried with a stream of air (photo 9).

To prepare the surgical field, we use a knitted thread Ultrapak (Ultradent) , which is soaked with ViscoStat Clea (Ultradent) for 5 minutes before placing it in the periodontal sulcus. This product is intended to enhance gum retraction, prevent and stop bleeding, and also cleans the tooth surface well of lipid formations (photo 10). After removing the thread, irrigate the oral cavity with a stream of water, ViscoStat Clea is a water-soluble preparation, it is easily removed from the surface, and does not stain the tooth tissue (photo 11)

To take an impression, we will use the ESPE Pentamix 2 ZM and the Impregum F ; in this case, it is advisable to use a one-sided GC , which will not only allow you to simultaneously take an impression of both jaws and save impression material, but will also help to avoid errors in determining the centric relation of the jaws ( photo 12). But this method of obtaining an impression requires ideal preparation of the periodontal sulcus and impression field, since when taking an impression, the possibility of using compression to distribute the material is completely excluded. Therefore, in order to obtain a high-precision impression, it is necessary to first pour, using a special syringe, the polyester mass over the entire area of ​​the impression field, especially paying attention to the penetration of the material into the periodontal sulcus (photo 13), and only after that apply an impression tray with impression material and bring the teeth together in central occlusion (photo 14). the Impregum F polyester mass begins 2 minutes after mixing, this time is sufficient for pouring with a syringe and applying the impression tray. The time for complete polymerization of the impression material is approximately 5-7 minutes, after which we remove the impression and transfer it to the dental laboratory.

The impressions obtained using this method accurately reflect the relief of the surgical field, which is very important when carrying out the laboratory stages of manufacturing metal-ceramic structures (photo 15, 16).

To avoid injury when eating, and for the correct formation of the marginal gum for the entire duration of prosthetics, it is necessary to make a temporary crown for a 3.6 tooth. To make the crown we use Luxatemp produced by DMG Germany , which does not contain methyl methacrylate and is chemically cured. The presence of Luxatemp in combination with plastic anatomical caps Posterior Crowns allows us to use the technique of direct production of a temporary crown. Posterior Crowns are available in sets for posterior and anterior teeth of different sizes (photo 17). We select a cap for a 3.6 tooth, adjust it according to the height and contour of the ledge, try it on (photo 18), then fill it with Luxatemp and install it on the tooth stump (photo 19, 20).

After which the patient closes the teeth in the position of central occlusion, while the occlusal surface of the temporary crown is formed, this is very convenient, since correction of the bite is eliminated or reduced to a minimum (photo 21).

At the end of polymerization, the temporary crown is easily removed from the tooth stump, remove the plastic cap, grind and polish (photo 22). We fix the crown with temporary cement BISICO Provi Bond K, which does not contain zinc and eugenol. A crown made from Luxatemp material is non-toxic, does not irritate the marginal gum, and after polishing it acquires an absolutely smooth surface on which plaque is not adsorbed (photo 23, 24).

After treatment with a disinfectant, in this case we used MD-520 made in Germany, the impression is sent to a dental laboratory to make a collapsible model. Before pouring the plaster into the impression, we install Master-Pin Radix-S to stabilize and fix the collapsible fragments in the occluder after sawing the model into segments. The model is cast with super-hard gypsum class IV Thixo-Rock , with pronounced thixotropy and optimal fluidity characteristics, after which we install it in the segmental occluder F INO Articlip Germany (photo 25, 26).

After sawing the working part, installing and fixing the fragments into the base of the occluder with a plastic stopper, we revise the model. The ledge is clearly visible on the model, which is very important when manufacturing a metal-ceramic structure (photo 27).

We manufacture the frame using generally accepted technology, using compensatory varnish Pico-Fit and hard wax CROWN WAX produced by BEGO Germany. The frame of the 3.6 tooth is cast from the non-precious alloy Viron 99, which does not contain beryllium, and we process it and fit it on the model.

We carry out the stage of fitting the 3.6 tooth frame in the oral cavity only after disinfecting the metal cap! We carry out disinfection with ADS-521 , produced in Russia, which has bactericidal, tuberculocidal, fungicidal and virucidal activity. It should be noted that disinfection must be carried out after all laboratory stages, and the patient must see the process of processing the product. For clarity and greater persuasiveness, it is better to carry out disinfection in mini-ultrasonic units, using the product Alaminol, manufactured in Russia. Losing a few minutes during this procedure will help you further protect yourself from accusations of infecting the patient. After disinfection, place the frame in a sterile tray.

We carry out fitting in order to determine the quality of fit of the frame to the ledge, stabilization and fixation on the tooth stump, occlusal location in relation to the antagonist teeth (photo 29, 30). We install the frame on the model only after completing all fitting procedures, before sending the work to the laboratory.

One of the main requirements for the frame of a metal-ceramic crown is the need to replicate the anatomical shape of the tooth in a reduced form; this will allow the ceramic mass to be applied evenly and the chewing pressure to be distributed over the entire area of ​​the crown, thereby minimizing the risk of chipping. It is better to carry out the color determination procedure in daylight, determining the color shade according to the scale recommended by the manufacturer of the ceramic mass. , Shofu Vintage ceramic mass will be used to cover the frame , the color range of which corresponds to the Vintage HALOShofu scale. Using the scale, we first determine the transparent shade of the cutting edge - A2, then in the cervical area the main color is A3.5. Due to the fact that 3.6 tooth has practically no transparent layer, we take A3.5 as a basis (photo 31, 32).

After transferring the frame to the laboratory, it undergoes final polishing and begins applying the opaque mass, which determines the main color of the crown. In practice, experienced dental technicians have to use two or three colors to create the final color of the crown, which are placed on different areas of the frame. Subsequently, this gives the illusion of depth of light penetration and the effect of non-uniform dentin of the finished crown. The thickness of the opaque mass is controlled by the degree of translucency of the metal at the moment the liquid reaches the surface of the applied layer after its condensation. After applying the opaque, we cover the cervical area with a golden sublayer of Blendgold Neu Heraeus Kulzer , which, due to the high gold content, allows you to apply the ceramic mass in an ultra-thin layer, through which the black or dark gray color of the oxide film covering the surface of the metal frame will not show through (photo 33, 34).

Ceramic mass is applied layer by layer to the frame covered with opaque. The first layer of dentin mass is applied, following the contours of the crown and condensed, leaving space for the enamel and, if necessary, a transparent mass. An enamel layer is applied on top of dentin porcelain, which, like dentin, has many shades, but is always lighter than dentin masses. In the photographs shown, the dentin is pink. The enamel is white and blue. Opaque dentin masses are white or cream. The masses are painted in different colors for visual distinction and the ability to control the layers on the tooth surface as they are applied. Layer-by-layer application of dentin and enamel ceramic masses provides the effect of color depth and allows you to obtain the desired shade. To correct the shape of the crown, if necessary, additional portions of ceramic mass can be applied (photo 35, 36).

After applying each layer of mass, firing is carried out in a special vacuum oven (photo 37, 38).

Shofu Vintage ceramic mass (photo 39), we re-fit the crown for 3.6 teeth (photo 40).

We check the closure of the occlusal surfaces using articulating Paper BLUE RED RADAR (photo 41, 42), monitor the fit of the edge of the crown to the ledge of the tooth, and also, together with the patient, evaluate its aesthetic aspects, and, if necessary, correct the shape and color of the artificial tooth.

After successful fitting, the metal-ceramic crown is polished and covered with a thin layer of glaze, to which we add various dyes to give the individual characteristics of the tooth. We apply dyes in the cervical area, as well as along the fissures on the chewing surface of the crown. Next comes the final firing with glaze.

To fix the metal-ceramic crown, we use dual-curing composite cement Kerr Maxcem . The main difference between Maxcem and its analogues is the absence of the need for conditioning, etching, or applying a primer to the hard tissues of the tooth; the amount of applied material is easily and accurately dosed using a syringe for automatic mixing. Cement is characterized by simplicity and ease of use. The presence of a certain amount of moisture does not affect the adhesion process and allows for fixation, while the adhesion strength of it is twice that of glass ionomer cements. About a minute after installing a crown with cement on a tooth, the material turns into a gel state, the excess of which is easily removed from the surface of the metal-ceramic (photo 43, 44).

To enhance the adhesion effect in the area of ​​contact between the cement and the tooth shoulder, we recommend carrying out final polymerization for 60 seconds on each side. The complete completion of chemical polymerization occurs after 60 minutes, so it is necessary for the patient to be given recommendations that will limit him from eating and other stress on the teeth during this time.

Crown for one tooth

A metal-ceramic crown for one tooth is used to restore the upper part destroyed by caries or damaged by cracks and chips. Single denture structures differ in the method of fixation and materials of manufacture.

The choice of crown attachment method is carried out taking into account the degree of preservation of the tooth root:

  • if the roots are not damaged and more than 50% of the coronal part is preserved, then there is no need to use auxiliary structures for installation. The prosthesis is attached to a previously depulped, filled and ground tooth;
  • in case of complete destruction of the coronal part and satisfactory condition of the root system, the prosthesis is fixed by installing a pin. This is a rod that is installed in the root canal and cemented to increase stability;
  • in the complete absence of a unit in the dentition, the prosthesis is installed using the implantation technique. The artificial root ideally replaces the natural one in functionality and is a reliable support for the crown.

Regardless of the type of fixation, a very universal procedure is the installation of a single crown. It is made individually for each patient according to an impression and only after fitting and adjustment is fixed to the selected support.

The process of installing metal-ceramic crowns

The main task of a specialist in prosthetics using metal-ceramic crowns is the accurate reconstruction of the root part of the tooth and its crown part. This is essential for completely restoring the functionality of the tooth.

In the restoration of the root part of the tooth, the following can be used:

  • Stump inlays. Their use is advisable when the tooth root is healthy and does not have significant damage;
  • Dental implant in cases of lost root part.

The prosthetics process takes place in two main stages, which are worth talking about in more detail.

Crowns for all teeth

If two or more units in a row are missing in the dentition, then the prosthesis is made in the form of a bridge. It can be installed only if there are healthy teeth on both sides of the defect or at least intact roots that can act as a support.

Metal-ceramic crowns on all teeth are fixed as follows:

  • the outer units are ground;
  • if there is no coronal part, a pin is installed;
  • The prosthesis is installed on the prepared supports.

During the production of permanent structures, it is possible to install temporary ones. As a rule, they are made of plastic and are low in cost.

Indications for installation of metal ceramics

Dentists install crowns and bridges made of metal-ceramics in case of functional, anatomical or aesthetic inferiority of natural teeth.

The main indications for use include:

  • destruction of natural crowns due to carious processes or traumatic factors, in which restoration with inlays or fillings is impossible;
  • increased abrasion of tooth enamel;
  • abnormalities in the development or incorrect position of the front teeth and other methods do not provide the desired effect in eliminating such anomalies;
  • wedge-shaped defects of teeth in the smile area and fluorosis;
  • changes in the color of tooth enamel and the inability to achieve whiteness using whitening technologies;
  • absence of one or more units in the dentition;
  • inconsistency of existing orthopedic structures in terms of functionality and aesthetics.

In some cases, metal-ceramic products are used for mild and moderate periodontitis as splinting structures.

Indications and contraindications for the installation of metal-ceramic crowns

Installation of a metal-ceramic crown is indicated in the following circumstances:

1. If there is a need to reconstruct damaged teeth to restore full chewing function and aesthetic appearance.

2. Metal-ceramic crowns are indicated for installation in case of abnormal position of teeth in a row, to eliminate a number of aesthetic defects: discoloration of natural enamel, severe chips.

Like any other medical procedure, prosthetics with metal-ceramic structures also has a number of limitations:

1. Metal-ceramic crowns cannot be installed if you are allergic to metal alloys.

2. You should refrain from the procedure if you have weak and painful gums, periodontal diseases, or malocclusion.

Metal-ceramic crowns are not placed on young patients under 16 years of age.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any type of orthopedic structures, metal-ceramic dental crowns have certain positive and negative qualities.

Pros of crowns

The advantages of crowns with a metal frame and ceramic outer coating are as follows:

  • To install a prosthesis, there is no need to remove a natural tooth. It remains completely, with the exception of the layer ground to the thickness of the structure;
  • metal ceramics can withstand high loads and maintain structural stability when eating solid foods;
  • increased strength ensures the quality and durability of structures, which allows them to be installed on chewing teeth;
  • with proper execution of products, there is no free space between the gums and the crown. The prosthesis turns out to be one-piece and fully corresponds to the structure of the natural tooth;
  • the material is not dyed, so even with long-term use, the color of the coating does not change and does not distort the beauty of the smile;
  • metal ceramics do not cause harm to the human body and are suitable for almost every patient;
  • with proper care, structures made of metal alloys with a ceramic finish can last up to 15 years or more;
  • caries does not form on the prosthesis, it is not a source of spread of harmful bacteria;
  • external attractiveness. Metal-ceramic dentures imitate natural enamel as much as possible and are in no way different from natural teeth.

Speaking about the advantages, one cannot fail to mention the cost of the products, which is much lower in comparison with other types. When it comes to permanent prosthetics, metal-ceramics as a material is considered one of the best options.

Cons of crowns

Along with numerous advantages, the designs also have some disadvantages. These include:

  • the need for depulpation of soft tissues and grinding of the hard enamel coating;
  • under excessive loads, chips may appear on the ceramic layer;
  • if the frame is made from inexpensive materials, then they can be translucent and such products will look unsightly on the front teeth;
  • the possibility of allergic reactions in some patients due to individual intolerance to the constituent components.

In most cases, these disadvantages are invisible, and the prosthetics themselves allow you to achieve an excellent final result.

Metal-ceramic dental prosthetics

The technology has proven itself most actively in the restoration of chewing teeth, where not only aesthetics, but also strength are important. The widest range of ceramic coatings for dentures allows the material to imitate the structure of human dental tissue as accurately as possible.

Inexpensive metal-ceramics are used a little less frequently for the correction of front teeth, because the metal frame can be seen through the thin ceramic coating. That is why, for prosthetic treatment of front teeth, A-Medic dentists recommend that patients opt for ceramics based on zirconium. Essentially, this is the same metal-ceramics, which is based on white metal. Zirconium metal ceramics can be installed on any patient, even those prone to allergies, because the material is 100% biocompatible with the human body.

Manufacturing process

Patients who want to install truly high-quality metal-ceramic dentures should understand that this will not be possible quickly. It will take at least 10-14 days to produce them. The procedure for making crowns is as follows:

  • The doctor applies a special mixture to the already ground teeth, which hardens almost instantly. After removing it, the dentist takes an impression;
  • if the impression is made successfully, then it serves as the basis for creating a plaster model of the tooth being restored;
  • Next, a model of a metal frame made of wax is developed. The finished model is transferred to a dental prosthetic workshop for the manufacture of a prosthesis from an alloy agreed with the patient;
  • When the frame is completed, fitting is required. It is put on the patient’s teeth and if all is well, it is returned to the technicians;
  • in the workshop, a ceramic composition is applied to the frame in two layers and sent to a specialized oven for heat treatment;
  • then enamel is applied to the product, corresponding to the shade of the patient’s natural tooth covering;
  • The orthopedist performs a control fitting. When the crown fits snugly and meets all the requirements, it is sent to the workshop again. There, a special glaze is applied to the prosthesis to add shine and the final firing is performed.

Only after all the above steps are the crowns considered ready for installation. If some specialists offer you shorter terms for making crowns, then this is a serious reason to doubt the quality of the products and the professionalism of the doctors themselves.

Stages of metal-ceramic prosthetics

Any types of dental crowns are installed in stages and metal-ceramic products are no exception. It is important not only to install prostheses in a high-quality manner, but also to properly prepare for prosthetics.

Therapeutic stage

The quality characteristics of prosthetics directly depend on the correctness of therapeutic procedures. The essence of preparatory therapy is as follows:

  • diagnostic measures. An x-ray is taken, from which the dentist determines the actual condition of the root canal, the presence or absence of inflammatory processes in it;
  • If any violations are found, then endodontic treatment followed by canal filling is mandatory. In some cases, complete pulp removal is not required and the teeth remain “alive” under the crown;
  • if more than half of the coronal part is destroyed, then the doctor installs a stump tab. It is necessary for a more durable fixation of the future crown.

During the period of implementation of the metal-ceramic structure, a plastic temporary crown is installed in place of the defect, if necessary.

Preparing a tooth for prosthetics

This stage consists of the following procedures:

  • When the root canals have been treated and filled, the doctor begins to grind the enamel to a thickness corresponding to the prosthesis. On average, it is necessary to remove 1.5-2.0 mm of native enamel;
  • impressions are made using silicone mass and transferred to dental technicians;
  • In the workshop, the frame is first made and after fitting, the structure is brought to aesthetic perfection.

The color for painting the ceramic coating is chosen so that it fully matches the shade of the patient’s teeth.

Crown installation

The prosthesis, made in a dental prosthetic laboratory, is installed in the patient’s oral cavity and fixed with a temporary cement composition. This is necessary so that the patient understands whether wearing a crown will be truly comfortable for him. If the patient does not experience any discomfort for several months, the prosthesis is fixed with a permanent mixture. When there are complaints of discomfort or pain, the crown is sent for correction.

Examples of work by Berezka dentists before and after crown installation

The Berezka dental clinic offers different options for prosthetics with metal-ceramic crowns depending on the condition of the patients’ teeth. But regardless of the type of structure and technology for installing the prosthesis, the emphasis is on the exceptional quality of orthopedic products.

Our clinic’s specialists use metal ceramics from leading brands, which are characterized by maximum wear resistance and safety.

In the photo below you can see examples that depict different clinical pictures of the installation of prostheses and see the professionalism of our orthopedic doctors.

Types and costs of metal-ceramic crowns

The cost of metal-ceramic crowns directly depends on their composition, manufacturing method, experience and professionalism of the orthopedist and dental technician.

For the manufacture of metal-ceramic crowns in modern orthopedic dentistry, about fifty types of alloys and more than one hundred types of ceramics are used. Products can be based on alloys, both precious metals (gold, platinum, palladium) and non-precious ones (cobalt, chromium, nickel).

The most affordable version of a metal-ceramic crown consists of a nickel-chrome frame coated with highly mineralized ceramics. However, an allergic reaction may occur to this alloy. There is also a high probability of ceramic chipping and the risk of blue gums due to oxidation of the edge of the frame.

Metal ceramics made from chromium-cobalt alloy and synthetic ceramics are more biocompatible and durable. But the possibility of blue gums is also possible.

Noble metals are more biocompatible, durable and aesthetically pleasing. The advantages of the products also include non-oxidation. However, the price of metal-ceramic crowns made of gold, platinum or palladium is much higher than those made of non-precious alloys.

The cost of making a metal-ceramic crown depends on which tooth needs prosthetics and how many grams of material are required for it.

How much a metal-ceramic tooth costs depends on the method of its manufacture. Metal-ceramic crowns can be made by milling or stamping. A product made using the first method will be more reliable and of higher quality, since it more accurately reproduces the anatomical features of the patient, but, accordingly, the cost of manufacturing metal-ceramic crowns using the milling method will be higher.

The cost of installing metal-ceramic crowns in our clinic in Krasnodar can be found on our website in the “Cost of Services” section or by calling our toll-free number.

How long does cermet last?

Dental crowns made from metal ceramics are quite durable. On average, the service life of products is at least 10-12 years. But patients who choose this type of prosthetics need to know that the service life directly depends on several factors:

  • correct preparation of teeth for prosthetics. If the canals are filled with poor quality, inflammatory processes soon occur, the gums become swollen, and the patient feels severe pain. As a result, the dentures have to be removed, the tooth must be treated, and the denture must be made in a new way;
  • orthopedic professionalism. It is very important that the doctor performs the grinding of hard tissues flawlessly. If irregularities and tubercles remain on the tooth, then the prosthesis will not fit tightly to the tooth tissue. Food, saliva and air enter the resulting gaps and very soon carious processes occur in such cases;
  • experience and technical skill. It determines how closely the prosthesis matches the shape and shade of natural teeth.

By seeking prosthetic services at the Beryozka clinic in Balashikha, you can be sure that all stages will be performed flawlessly and you will receive a guarantee on the installed crowns.

Metal-ceramic teeth: prices for the service

Metal-ceramic prosthetics prices depend on many factors. In any case, such a crown is cheaper than one made from solid ceramics or with a zirconium base. The cost of a metal-ceramic tooth is determined precisely by the material used to make the structure. Dentists note that prosthetics with metal and ceramic crowns are considered the most budget-friendly option, while the quality and aesthetic properties of the prosthesis are no worse than those of other models.

Metal-ceramics installation cost at the A-Medic clinic includes:

  • primary treatment of the tooth surface for a crown (dental treatment, if necessary, is paid separately);
  • taking and making impressions;
  • production of a permanent crown in the clinic laboratory;
  • implantation by an orthopedist.

During your initial visit to a specialist’s office, the dentist will necessarily draw up a financial treatment plan. The patient will be offered several options to restore the aesthetics and function of the teeth. Metal-ceramics price allows you to perform effective oral treatment that does not go beyond the budget planned by the clinic client for treatment. You can make an appointment with an orthodontist by phone or on the clinic’s website at a time convenient for the patient. Consultations are provided free of charge.

Caring for metal-ceramic crowns

Along with the fact that caring for artificial metal-ceramic teeth is quite simple, there are some rules that, if followed, can extend the service life of the products:

  • You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Movements should be vertical, directed towards the tooth edge from the gum;
  • The brush should have soft bristles. Any paste can be used according to the patient’s individual preferences;
  • You should not limit yourself to just brushing, since food remains remain in the interdental spaces. To remove them, you need to use dental floss;
  • After brushing, you should rinse your mouth with clean water and only then use an antiseptic mouthwash;
  • Lovers of coffee or other coloring foods and drinks, as well as smokers, are recommended to have their teeth professionally cleaned at least twice a year. Whitening pastes will not provide a positive effect in caring for metal ceramics, so home whitening is not advisable.

In addition to hygiene procedures, you also need to know that strong mechanical loads can lead to cracks and chips in the ceramic coating. Also, sudden temperature changes worsen the condition of the dentures, so it is not recommended to eat excessively hot or very cold food.

Dental metal ceramics. What does the crown look like?

Metal-ceramic dental prostheses have a simple design. This is a metal frame, coated with hypoallergenic ceramic. Compared to previous composite prostheses, this design has a number of significant advantages:

  • the material reproduces well the color and texture of natural teeth;
  • ceramics do not absorb food dyes and do not fade over the years;
  • the product is hypoallergenic, therefore it does not cause side effects in the first days after installation;
  • The prosthesis turns out to be very strong, capable of withstanding heavy loads that are applied to the chewing teeth every day.

Dentistry "A-Medic" offers patients removable and non-removable ceramic dentures. The installation of a removable orthodontic structure is justified if the patient has a number of contraindications to the installation of permanent metal or ceramic dentures. The dentist will help identify the presence of such contraindications after a visual examination of the patient’s oral cavity and study of the general history.

Cost of crowns

To find out what costs await you when using metal-ceramic prosthetics, you should consider a number of factors:

  • complexity of the defect to be eliminated;
  • materials used to make an orthopedic product;
  • diagnostic and therapeutic procedures;
  • prosthesis manufacturing technologies;
  • doctor's qualifications.

Only after a thorough examination and diagnosis will a specialist be able to determine how much it will cost to install a crown. Depending on the material, prices vary between 4.5-17 thousand rubles. The cheapest products are made from domestic materials. Foreign-made alloys will cost more. And naturally, the most expensive are structures made of noble metals.

If the patient has temporary crowns installed, then the cost of each structure will be approximately 900-1200 rubles.

The Berezka clinic installs metal-ceramic prostheses made of various alloys. In the price list you can see the cost of products and choose the most suitable ones for yourself. You should not skimp on the health and attractiveness of your teeth. Contact our dentists, regardless of whether you need correction of already installed structures or prosthetics from scratch.

Service life of metal-ceramic crowns

Metal-ceramic crowns have a long service life, which reaches up to 8-10 years. Whether the prosthesis will last that long depends on the quality of the work of the prosthetist, dental technician, as well as on the behavior of the patient himself. Insufficient oral care worsens the cariogenic situation, increases the risk of developing caries and acute inflammatory process, including under an artificial crown.

The Yusodent dental clinic provides a guarantee for prosthetics, which lasts for 1 year. This period is usually enough to identify inflammatory processes and technical errors of a specialist. If immediately after installing the crown or a few weeks after this, signs of inflammation appear (redness, pain, swelling of the mucous membrane), or a large distance appears between the gum and the crown, immediately contact the clinic, the doctor who performed the prosthetics. A specialist will understand the situation and correct any mistakes.

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