Lower jaw prosthetics with complete absence of teeth

For the lower jaw, special prostheses are used to ensure reliable fixation and restoration of jaw function. Unlike the upper jaw, for this type of construction the supports are made on the alveolar processes, that is, lightweight requirements are imposed on the fastening system. The Two Dentists Clinic offers various types of lower jaw dentures. These are removable and non-removable structures, for the manufacture of which acrylic, nylon and other types of plastic, ceramics, special alloys, and steel are used.

Plate complete removable denture

A complete removable denture of the lower jaw is a base - a specially curved plate of plastic (acrylic or nylon) covering the jaw, on which artificial teeth are fixed, usually made of plastic or ceramic (more expensive). Usually, the lower prosthesis is smaller than the upper one, because it is fixed to the lower alveolar ridge, the upper one is fixed entirely to the palate.

The lower jaw prosthesis is held on the gum due to the anatomical protrusion of the jaws and the peculiar suction ability of the gums, which allows the prosthesis to be held without using any additional means for attachment.

Complete removable dentures are used under the following circumstances:

  • Complete absence of teeth in a person and the inability to attach other types of removable or fixed dentures;
  • Contraindications to bone grafting and dental implantation;
  • Allergic reaction to metals or their individual intolerance;
  • As a temporary solution for the period of implant healing or after tooth extraction.

Modern methods of treating complete secondary edentia of the lower jaw make it possible to restore the functionality of the dental system by 80-90%. In some cases, the aesthetics can also be perfect. We are talking about dental implants.

Features of lower jaw prosthetics

The lower denture differs from the design for the upper jaw in the type of fixation. When choosing the type of prosthesis and mounting option on the jaw, the doctor takes into account the following nuances:

  1. The bone tissue of the lower jaw is dense, the gums sag more slowly, which makes choosing a prosthesis easier. The height of the tissues is usually greater than for the upper jaw, but fixation is complicated by some anatomical features.
  2. Fixation of complete dentures is complicated by the presence of a frenulum in the area under the tongue. This can cause the removable or temporary structure to move when talking, chewing food, or cause pressure and discomfort.
  3. The requirements for the aesthetics of the structure are not as high as for the upper row prostheses. But functionality must be complete, otherwise bone atrophy is likely to develop.

Prosthesis on implants

The main advantages of implantation are the ability to firmly fix the prosthesis in the oral cavity, so a person does not worry that the prosthesis may fall out at an unexpected moment, creating an awkward situation, the ability to chew food without problems and not refuse hard and sticky foods, which has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. -intestinal tract and on the patient’s mood.

One of the main questions that interests most patients planning to install dentures on implants is how many implants need to be installed. After all, this affects, among other things. and the cost of treatment. For each case, this amount is different and is determined after studying the general clinical situation individually. The determining factor is the condition of the bone tissue and the amount of costs that the patient expects.

As basic figures, you can focus on the following: 8 pieces are needed if one large bridge prosthesis is installed on implants and 12-14 for combined prosthetics with single crowns and small bridges. As an example, the work with the installation of a complete ceramic fixed prosthesis on the upper jaw on 8 implants is given.

Which material is better and will last longer?

The material from which the prosthesis is made has the greatest impact on wearing comfort, and this is especially true for removable systems. If no errors were made during the manufacture of the structure itself, but the prosthesis still causes significant discomfort, then the problem is most likely due to the poor quality of the material. Of course, no such system can provide 100% convenience (especially at the adaptation stage), but modern materials make it possible to achieve very high performance. So, what qualities should the best materials for dentures have:

  • Hypoallergenic.
    Many people are allergic to plastic and acrylic.
  • "Friendly" to gums.
    If the denture rubs your gums too much, wearing it will be a complete pain.
  • Color fastness.
    Immunity to staining and environmental influences.
  • Acceptable strength.
    Despite the fact that a removable denture rarely lasts more than 5–6 years, the structure should not be overly fragile.

If we talk about specific brands of removable dentures, the best acrylic denture is considered to be Acry-Free (“Acry-Free”) made from acrylic-free plastic: it is very comfortable, does not shrink when worn, does not stain and does not cause allergies. The best nylon dentures at the moment are the Quattro Ti brand. However, “Quadrotti” has restrictions on its use: to install them, one of the jaws must have several healthy teeth, however, like other clasp-type dentures. As for non-removable systems, metal-free structures are increasingly being used, which look more aesthetically pleasing and do not cause allergies, but are also less durable.

Reliable fixation using mini-implantation

For cases where full-fledged classical implantation cannot be carried out, and the patient is completely unprepared to use removable dentures, it is possible to use a conditionally fixed technique. It involves, on the one hand, reliable fixation of the prosthesis, and at the same time the patient has the opportunity to remove and put it on independently. Of course, such fixation does not allow you to restore chewing function in the same way as with conventional implantation, but it allows you to calmly chew food and communicate without fear of the prosthesis falling out of your mouth.

Mini-implants are very thin implants; they are a one-piece structure; the prosthesis is immediately fixed on them, without the use of additional superstructures. The lower part of the mini-implant - its main body - is similar to a thin screw; it is installed into the jaw bone transgingivally - without cutting the gums, and the outer, smaller part, shaped like a ball, serves as a stopper for the prosthesis. Mini-implants are used to fix a removable denture on the jaw; in this case, the denture is also called an overdenture. A small bone volume is not an absolute contraindication; after installing mini-implants, a prosthesis can be installed immediately. Such implants are not used as a support for crowns, only for fixing a removable denture, acting as a retainer.

The spherical heads of mini-implants are snapped into special locks installed inside the prosthesis.

The mini-implant is made of titanium and is similar to a screw, but much smaller. There are significantly fewer contraindications for their installation than for classic root-shaped implants, only extreme cases of systemic diseases.

This type of implant is installed through surgery; it is possible to use implant templates. It is very important to maintain strict hygiene during this period of time and follow all doctor’s instructions.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for lower jaw prosthetics:

  • partial edentia, the absence of one or more units in the lower jaw;
  • elimination of anomalies;
  • periodontal disease (in this case, a clasp denture is used, which allows you to fix the lower dentition);
  • bruxism (clasp removable dentures are recommended);
  • various malocclusions.

Contraindications for installation:

  • inflammatory tissue diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • presence of oncology;
  • drug addiction, mental and nervous system diseases;
  • worsened diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • allergic reactions.

Rules of care

After installing the prosthesis on the lower jaw, the patient is required to follow the following rules:

  • It is recommended to visit a doctor every six months for a preventive examination;
  • You should brush your dentures and teeth twice a day, and additionally use mouthwash;
  • for self-care, the removable structure must be removed, washed under running cool water, and stored in a container with a disinfectant solution;
  • for plastic dentures, it is recommended to correct the diet and use a “white diet” with the exclusion of coloring drinks and foods, and quit smoking.

For permanent dentures, removal at night is not required; professional cleaning of stones is carried out once a year or six months. For ceramic and zirconium structures, a diet is not required, since the material is resistant to coloring products.

About Us

The doctor can calculate how much dentures cost in dentistry after examining the oral cavity and choosing the type of design. The cost is influenced by the following factors:

  • material of manufacture, type of prosthesis;
  • type of coating, its features;
  • features of fixation;
  • the presence of infectious, inflammatory tissue diseases, caries, subject to treatment;
  • diagnostic measures, features of preparation before prosthetics.

You can make an appointment by calling us at +7 (812) 438-21-17. The clinic’s specialists will provide preliminary consultation and make an appointment at a time convenient for you.

How much do the best dentures cost?

Construction typePrice
CrownsFrom 12,000 rubles for metal ceramics to 40,000 for zirconium crowns
Veneers20,000 – 25,000 rubles per unit
Partial denture on implantsFrom 70,000 rubles
Classic bridgeOn average 8,000 – 15,000 rubles
Complete denture on implants150,000 – 600,000 rubles for one jaw. Depends on the number and brand of implants implanted.
Butterfly prosthesisFrom 4,000 rubles depending on the material
Plate denturesFrom 20,000 rubles. 30,000 – 35,000 rubles for Quadrotti prostheses
Removable complete dentureOn average 35,000 rubles for a full Acry Free prosthesis
Removable denture on mini-implants100,000–120,000 rubles for one jaw

Types of dentures for chewing teeth

The choice of which dentures to put on chewing teeth largely depends on how well the tooth is preserved. In a situation where it is severely destroyed, but a sufficient part for support has been preserved, the traditional option for prosthetics in the absence of chewing teeth would be crowns.

  • Metal-ceramic.
    Consist of a metal frame and a ceramic top layer. The combination of materials makes the structure durable and quite aesthetic. Such crowns last up to 15 years. However, to install a metal-ceramic crown, you have to grind down the abutment teeth quite heavily.
  • Ceramic.
    They are made entirely of ceramics and perfectly imitate natural enamel, its transparency and texture, preserving its aesthetics for a long time. Ceramic crowns are strong, but at the same time fragile, so they are installed on chewing teeth in rare cases - they will withstand a lot of pressure, but can chip if exposed to a sudden force.
  • Zirconium.
    Orthopedic structures made of reliable and durable material. The price of a chewing tooth prosthesis made of zirconium will be significantly higher than metal-ceramic and ceramic analogues. They can withstand heavy chewing loads, and at the same time are visually almost identical to natural teeth. The structures will last up to 20 years.
  • Ceramic based on zirconium dioxide .
    One of the most aesthetically pleasing, and at the same time incredibly durable: resistant to chipping and cracking and able to withstand heavy loads. Crowns are carefully adjusted to the anatomical features of a person and provide strength equal to metal-ceramic structures.

Prosthetics of chewing teeth

Molar replacement is one of the most difficult procedures in orthopedic treatment. The fact is that many structures for prosthetics of chewing teeth are designed in such a way that they are attached to the supporting teeth, and in the absence of the last unit in the row, this is difficult. For the success of prosthetics in the absence of chewing teeth, it is extremely important:

  1. Create a structure identical to the anatomical shape of a natural tooth, since this is the only way to ensure optimal chewing of food.
  2. Take into account the load on the tooth by choosing a durable orthopedic design.

Caring for clasp dentures

The process of getting used to the clasp design takes about 2-3 days. Initially, the patient may feel slight discomfort during communication, which is quickly eliminated with the help of special exercises. You may also have difficulty chewing food. That is why experts recommend dividing food into small portions at the initial stages. It is advisable to avoid products that are too hard and sticky. To get used to the prosthesis faster, it is not recommended to remove it while sleeping at night.

In the morning and evening, the structure should be removed from the oral cavity, thoroughly cleaned using special compounds, and also placed in an antiseptic solution. To store the clasp, it is recommended to use a special container, without water.

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1 Removable clasp dental prosthesis: what is it?

2 In what cases is this prosthetic option preferable?

3 Photos before and after installation of the clasp prosthesis

4 Types of clasp dentures

5 Characteristics of clasp dentures?

6 Clasp prosthesis with locks

7 Designs using telescopic crowns

8 Prices for clasp dentures 8.1 Cost of clasp dentures with clasp fastenings

8.2 How much does a clasp prosthesis with locking retainers cost in Moscow?

9 Reviews about prosthetics with clasp structures

10 Caring for clasp dentures

11 Are there alternatives to clasp dentures?

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