Dental prosthetics in the absence of a large number of teeth


Dental prosthetics has always remained a popular service. Now dentists can offer a lot of options for restoring teeth.

Their main difference is not only in the characteristics of the design, but also in cost. As a rule, the cost consists of the type of prosthesis, the material used and the work of the doctor.

Removable prosthetics

This type of prosthetics is used in cases of multiple missing crowns. The main difference between these systems is that they can be periodically removed for cleaning. Designs of this type include acrylic, nylon and clasp dentures.

Acrylic plastic plates

These designs are a classic option that was one of the first to be developed. Plate dentures are indicated in the complete absence of crowns or most of them. Thanks to the use of inexpensive acrylic, this type of construction is considered the most budget-friendly.

The price of a removable device consists of two factors: manufacturing and installation. As a rule, in large cities the price range is wider and amounts to 10 – 20 thousand for the installation of one jaw .

In small towns, the average cost of this service is about 12 thousand rubles .

At the same time, the price for a full plate denture differs little from the price for a partial one. Compare exact prices for dental prosthetics

with average prices in Moscow. Fixed structures may be a little more expensive, but they are more effective.

Clasp removable

Unlike the previous option, clasp dentures are more expensive, since their design involves the use of a metal frame and fixing elements. The device is used for both single and multiple included defects of a number of teeth.

The cost of the clasp will be calculated based on the coverage area and method of fastening. Based on the coverage area, one-sided (simple) and two-sided (complex) models are distinguished. Double-sided models are more complex to manufacture, so their price is 5–10 thousand higher than for simple products.

If the patient decides to opt for a design with clasps, he will have to pay approximately 25,000 rubles . If special locks are installed as locking elements, the product will cost about 50 thousand rubles .

Everything about metal-plastic crowns: properties, manufacturing, installation.

What do zirconium crowns look like on the front teeth? Here is a photo of the patient's mouth.

See the link for the service life of a tooth inlay under a crown.

Removable nylon

In terms of their purpose and functionality, nylon prostheses are analogous to acrylic prostheses. The only difference is the material used, which makes the design more elastic and therefore comfortable to wear. This factor also influences price formation.

Due to the high flexibility of the material, the manufacture of the product requires a careful preparatory period and special equipment. In addition, nylon itself is not a cheap material. Depending on the coverage area, tooth restoration using this method will have the following price:

  • complete denture – from 25,000 rubles ;
  • partial bilateral – from 20,000 rubles ;
  • one-sided (up to 3 teeth) – from 15,000 rubles .

Which teeth are best to insert in case of multiple defects?

If you had to part with several teeth at once, you can restore each of them separately with implantation. To do this, you will have to be patient, because implants need about six months for final engraftment. But the result is worth it: at least for the next 20-30 years, you can forget about prosthetics. If financial capabilities and the condition of the body allow, you can opt for implantation. But there are other options, simpler and less expensive:

  • Bridges.
    They can restore up to 3-4 missing teeth in a row.
  • Clasp dentures.
    This is one of the varieties of removable structures, which consists of a plastic gum base with crowns attached to it and a metal arch, which is the frame. The clasp is attached to the supporting teeth using hooks (clasps), clasps (attachments) or telescopic crowns. If necessary, it can be easily removed and just as easily installed back.
  • Removable dentures
    . The simplest designs to install, which, however, are inferior in functionality and wearing comfort to both bridge and clasp prostheses. What types of removable dentures are there? They can be nylon - softer and more elastic, or acrylic - tougher, better able to withstand chewing loads. The first ones are more comfortable, the second ones are more functional.

Which dentures are the best in price?

When a patient chooses which dentures are best, they often look for price. You already know the cost of bridge structures, removable ones will cost about 15 thousand rubles, clasp ones - 30-60 thousand rubles with fastenings on clasps or attachments and 60-120 thousand rubles with fastening on telescopic crowns.

What to choose, removable or partially removable dentures – which is better? If you focus only on cost, then the first ones certainly win. But in terms of durability, wearing comfort and functionality, the latter are the leaders.

Fixed prosthetics

Fixed prosthetics involves the installation of structures with permanent fixation. The cost in this case will depend on the chosen method. The choice of technique is made by the dentist, taking into account the characteristics of the patient.

Single artificial crowns

For the manufacture of artificial crowns, a variety of materials are used, differing from each other in physical characteristics and aesthetic properties. As a rule, the price of crowns is influenced by the aesthetics of the material.

Dental clinics offer the following types of crowns for prosthetics:

  1. Metal. This is the simplest and most affordable method of prosthetics. Installing one crown will cost approximately 5 thousand rubles . For the manufacture of crowns, a cobalt-chrome alloy is used, which is characterized by increased strength. But low aesthetic properties make this type of dental restoration unclaimed. In some cases, such products can be coated with plastic coating, which gives artificial teeth a natural look. The price in this case is 7,000 rubles .
    In addition to the standard alloy, a gold alloy is used to make crowns, which increases the cost of the product several times. The price of one unit starts from 15,000 rubles .
  2. Metal-ceramic. They are distinguished by high strength and good aesthetic qualities due to the combination of a metal frame and ceramic coating. Of all the options that meet aesthetic requirements, metal-ceramic crowns are the most affordable. Their price varies from 6 to 12 thousand rubles. This difference in price is explained by the manufacturing method. The most durable and expensive crowns are made using CAD\CAM technology. Crowns made using classical technology will have a minimal price.
    When choosing, you should take into account that crowns made from domestic materials will be much cheaper than their imported counterparts.

    If an alloy of precious metals was used for the base, then the price of the crown will be 15 - 17 thousand rubles .

  3. Ceramic. In terms of their aesthetic characteristics, they are superior to all other crown options. Porcelain or zirconium dioxide are used for production. A product made of zirconium dioxide is the most expensive. Its price is 16,000 rubles . It will cost a little less to install a porcelain crown, the cost of which is 11,000 rubles .

When performing prosthetic crowns, it should be taken into account that the cost of the service will additionally include the installation of temporary crowns made of plastic. The price of one unit is 1 thousand rubles.


In the absence of a group of teeth, prosthetics with bridge-like structures are used, which are divided into three groups:

  1. Metal-ceramic. They are a one-piece structure made of cobalt-chrome alloy by casting and coated with ceramic coating. The price of a cast bridge is 18 thousand rubles .
  2. Ceramic. Made from expensive zirconium dioxide. The cost of a design that includes 3 crowns is 50 thousand rubles .
  3. Adhesive. The most affordable option for bridge prosthetics. The formation of a bridge is carried out directly in the patient’s mouth using a composite material, which is installed on a fiberglass thread. Restoring a tooth in this way will cost an average of 8 thousand rubles .

Are ceramic crowns on the front teeth visible in the mouth? Photos of patients.

This article explains how durable plastic crowns for front teeth are.

Here a comparison of what types of dental crowns there are and which ones are better.


In cases where only part of the crown is destroyed, but the tooth root remains intact, restoration with inlays is used. Inlays are small partial dentures that perform all the functions of a real tooth. The cost of this service will depend on the material used:

  • porcelain – 10,000 rubles ;
  • zirconium dioxide – 15,000 rubles ;
  • chromium-cobalt alloy – 4,000 rubles ;
  • alloy based on precious materials - from 30,000 rubles .


Those crowns that have only minor damage or deformation, such as chips and cracks, also need restoration. To make the surface of the teeth perfectly smooth, veneers are used. Patients can be offered two types of veneers:

  1. Ceramic. They are thin, ready-made onlays that completely imitate the front part of the tooth. They are used to cover the surface, gluing it onto a special solution. In terms of color rendering, shade and strength, they are in no way inferior to real teeth. The cost of installing one ceramic veneer is 14 – 17 thousand rubles . Here the main role is played by the material used. The highest cost will be for onlays made of zirconium dioxide, and the lowest for porcelain plates.
  2. Composite. In appearance they are analogous to ceramic ones, only the material for their manufacture is composite. In terms of their characteristics, they are inferior to ceramic veneers, which also affects the cost. The price of one product is about 6 thousand rubles .


If a tooth is completely lost, it can be restored using implantation. Implantation is a multi-stage and expensive procedure, which includes lengthy preparatory work, the implantation period and prosthetics.

If we consider the procedure step by step, we can trace the pricing process for this service:

  1. Preparation period. To carry out detailed diagnostics, you will need to use various equipment. In addition, before implantation, it is necessary to put the dentition in order. Costs can range from 3 to 10 thousand rubles . At the same stage, bone tissue is prepared if its volume is insufficient, which adds about another 5,000 rubles .
  2. Implantation. To carry out implantation, the implant itself and a temporary abutment (plug) are required. The cost of the implant will depend on the manufacturer. The highest quality implants are considered to be products from European manufacturers, which cost an average of 14 thousand rubles . After implantation, the implant cavity must be closed with a plug, the price of which is within 5 thousand rubles . After implantation, the plug is replaced with a gum former costing about 3 thousand rubles .
    Before prosthetics, a permanent abutment is installed, the cost of which varies from 5 to 10 thousand . depending on the design.
  3. Prosthetics. Only certain metal-ceramic and ceramic crowns are suitable for implants. The cost of crowns is usually included in the total cost of the service and ranges from 10 to 17 thousand rubles per unit.

In dental clinics, the service for restoring teeth using the implantation method will cost an average of 40 thousand rubles . Depending on the status of the clinic and the materials used, the price may vary.

Advantages of the “Teeth in 1 Day” method:

  • The operation can be performed in the presence of bone tissue atrophy and some chronic diseases;
  • Preparation takes minimal time;
  • The minimally invasive operation is performed immediately after the removal of natural teeth;
  • Prosthetics are possible on the day of surgery;
  • The quality of original products meets high quality standards;
  • The service life of implants is 25 years, temporary prosthesis - 3 years, permanent prosthesis up to 15 years;
  • Optimal price-quality ratio.

Bottom line

The average cost of all dental restoration methods, taking into account material and labor, is shown in the following table:

MethodMaterial (rub.)Work (rub.)Total cost (RUB)
Implantationfrom 17 0005 000–15 000from 35 000
Metal crown3 5003 000from 7 000
Metal-ceramic crownfrom 6 0004 000from 10 000
Ceramic crownfrom 12 0004 000–5 000from 16 000
Metal-ceramic bridge prosthesis12 0005 000–6 000from 18 000
Bridge ceramics25 000–40 0006 000about 50,000
Tabs3 000 – 8 0006 000up to 20,000
Veneers6 000 – 12 0007 000about 20,000
Nylon prosthesisfrom 15 0003 000up to 30,000
Acrylic prosthesisfrom 12 0003 000–4 000up to 20,000
Clasp prosthesisfrom 5 0005 000up to 50,000

We recommend watching a short video in which a specialist from one of the clinics talks about implantation and prices:

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Tags crowns prosthetics how much does it cost

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About Us

The international center for dental implantation "EspaDent" is a modern medical center in Moscow near the Dynamo metro station. The clinic has the latest equipment and highly qualified staff. The main areas of work are: dental implantation, prosthetics, bite correction (orthodontics), artistic restoration and teeth whitening.

The main goal of our activities is to introduce implant prosthetics using the ALL-ON-4 method into everyday practice and to popularize this method both among doctors and patients. We want high-quality dental implantation to be available to as many people as possible, regardless of their income and area or region of their residence. Come to us and you will, without a doubt, be satisfied with the result of the treatment. EspaDent - Your dentistry!

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