Creams for fixing dentures in complete absence of teeth

Rubbing of the gums with the prosthesis occurs due to its mobility. There are various means to fix it. The choice is great. One of the most popular is a cream for fixing dentures. "Which is better?" - the most common question that arises from a person who has never used such products in his life, and now has decided to purchase it.

What is it for?

The main task of the cream, like any fixative, is to create a small layer between the prosthesis itself and the gum mucosa. This layer is able to ensure reliable fixation of the structure in the mouth. Regular use of the cream will not only fix the structure, but will also speed up the process of getting used to the foreign body in the mouth (denture). In addition, the product is used to attach bridges and crowns.

In rare cases, the dental cement that doctors install under the crowns breaks down. As a temporary measure, when there is no opportunity to visit the dentist’s office in the next few days, you can fix it with the help of such a cream.

Often, dental problems are manifested not by pain or tooth decay, but by the growth of a white lump on the gum. It can be accompanied by various symptoms of inflammation, or act only as an aesthetic defect. Read more in the article: “What a lump on the gum above a tooth will make you think about.”

The tool also has the following functions:

  • protection of the installed denture from the accumulation of food debris. With tight fixation, moisture or foreign objects do not enter the gap between the mucous membrane and the prosthesis;
  • protects the oral mucosa from mechanical damage, including rubbing. Thus, regular use of a special cream helps protect against the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

You can purchase this product at any pharmacy in your city. In addition, there are many online stores where you can order the product you like.

"Protefix" (Germany)

Among the positive properties of the popular cream for fixing dentures, Protefix (“Protefix”), we can note: economical consumption, excellent adhesion, dense structure that limits the penetration of food. The manufacturer has released three types of “Protefix”: without coloring and aromatic components (suitable for allergy sufferers), with mint, and with aloe. The product deservedly receives positive reviews from users due to its affordable price (about 200 rubles) and the possibility of use for increased sensitivity of the mucous membrane. Among the disadvantages, users note the inconvenience of the dispenser and the weakening of the fixation under the influence of hot food.

In what cases should it be used?

Of course, the quality of modern fixing agents is significantly superior to the popular examples of past years, but despite this, there are other, more technologically advanced types of fixation. They do not involve the use of cream at all. For example, additional fastening is not necessary if the patient wears dentures on implants. Provided that the design was made correctly in compliance with all standards, such prostheses will serve their wearer faithfully for several decades. Cream or other fixing compounds are not needed for this, and the likelihood of small particles of food or moisture getting under the prosthesis is zero.

When male power is weakened, representatives of the stronger sex choose medications to improve potency in men. The question is important, the topic is sensitive, so not every patient is ready to openly consult a urologist with such a health problem. Read more in the article: “drugs to improve potency for men.”

Often, patients who have had a nylon structure installed resort to using a special cream. This is a very comfortable material that is difficult to distinguish visually from real gums. Nylon is able to recreate all the contours and structure of the human gum, but its fasteners require additional support. For this, doctors recommend using a fixing cream. Often, special plates in the form of thin suction cups are installed on the surface of such prostheses. They are made in such a way that it is convenient to apply the product to them.

Often, such a cream is also used to fasten structures made of plastic. The design of some models does not have special elements (suction cups) for fixation, and the base itself is made so that the prosthesis holds perfectly with the help of a fixing cream. Even if the structure fits perfectly in the oral cavity and does not fall out, doctors still recommend playing it safe and purchasing a means of fixation. Fortunately, there are many of them, so patients have a lot of choice. The main thing is not to fall for a fake, but to buy a quality product.

"President" (Italy)

Fixing cream for dentures PresiDENT (“President”) creates a dense layer under the structure that prevents particles of food mass from entering. The manufacturer assures that the effect of the product lasts throughout the day and can reach 36 hours. The absence of allergies, economical consumption, low cost (within 250 rubles) and high quality of the composition allow it to occupy a high position in the TOP of means for retaining removable structures. However, many people are faced with the fact that they cannot buy this product in all pharmacy chains.

Tips for choosing

Fixing cream for dentures promotes the formation of a thin adhesive layer that is located between the denture and the mucous membrane. It is with its help that the orthodontic structure is fixed. In addition, the glue allows you to get used to the installation. Denture cream serves as an effective means of fixation. The denture holds firmly in the mouth, does not move or fly out during talking or chewing.

When choosing which cream is best for fixing dentures, you need to consider its consistency. It can be viscous or liquid. If the prosthesis is used for a short amount of time, it is recommended to purchase the product in liquid form. The disadvantage is rapid consumption. There are also creams with flavors. When using glue with aromatic additives, a person’s taste perception may change. To avoid this, you should choose a glue that is tasteless and odorless.

It is important to choose a denture cream that is right for you. To do this, you can consult a dentist, but under no circumstances choose a cream based on reviews or advice from friends. Remember that everything is individual. And what is good for your friends may cause a negative reaction in you and provoke side effects.

"Rox" (Switzerland)

ROCS (“Rox”) is the best denture cream in terms of cost and quality. It contains special substances that prevent and eliminate the inflammatory process, as well as compounds that maintain the normal balance of beneficial microorganisms in the oral cavity. Another advantage is resistance to high temperatures of consumed foods and liquids. In addition, the product has a low price (on average 250 rubles per tube), ensures stable retention of the prosthesis for 12 hours, and gives freshness to the breath thanks to the mint component. Rox contains no zinc or dyes.

“I was forced to install a removable denture on the upper jaw, I spent a long time looking for some kind of glue, because it was constantly falling out. I tried everything... I settled on Rox. Now I feel confident and comfortable in any situation.” Olga Sergeevna, 58 years old

Starting to choose a cream

Despite the wide variety of types of fixing agents, only 6 manufacturers are the most popular on the market. Let's consider each of them separately to have an idea of ​​the composition, properties and cost. The table below provides a brief overview.

Table. Review of the best fixing creams.

Name of cream, photoDescription
This drug is distinguished by its anti-allergenic chemical composition, because each product from this manufacturer does not contain any substances that can provoke an allergic reaction. But it is still not recommended to apply cream to the surface of the prosthesis more than 2 times a day, and before each procedure it is necessary to remove all its residues. Proper use will not lead to any negative reactions. The average cost of the drug on the market ranges from 180-300 rubles.
Another effective remedy that creates a special layer on the mucous membrane. This layer is able to protect the oral cavity from food debris entering the lumen above the structure. The great popularity of the cream is due to its low price and good chemical composition. In addition, this cream does not provoke the development of allergic reactions. The average cost is from 200 to 250 rubles.
One of the most popular fixatives, which still has some side effects. For example, patients with highly sensitive gums complain of severe burning. In this case, experts recommend waiting about 15 seconds after applying the cream and only then installing the prosthesis. The average cost of the cream varies between 190-240 rubles.
The cream is slightly different from others, since manufacturers present it on the market in several versions, so you can choose the product that best suits the consumer. For example, you can buy a cream for sensitive gums - it has a pleasant aroma and neutral taste. After application, the effect of the product lasts about 12 hours. The average cost is 320-440 rubles.
A very effective tool that can easily adapt to the use of a new design if you suddenly decide to change your prosthesis to a more modern or expensive one. With its help, you can securely fasten dentures for 24 hours, while protecting the oral mucosa from rubbing thanks to the created protective layer. The average cost of the cream is from 300 to 360 rubles.
An excellent fixing agent from a Swiss manufacturer that provides reliable fixation of the prosthesis for 12 hours. In addition, the fastening is not weakened by hot drinks or food. If the cream is distributed evenly over the surface of the prosthesis, this will protect the soft tissues from the penetration of moisture or food particles. The cream contains components based on mint and menthol, so throughout the day the patient feels a menthol odor from his breath. The average cost varies in the range of 220-380 rubles.


All components of fixing preparations from this manufacturer are hypoallergenic and do not cause any side effects when used as intended.


  • Corega cream is equally suitable for use with both dry and wet dentures.
  • It is characterized by low allergic activity and ease of use.
  • It has a very low cost.


  • A short period of full fastening, which does not exceed four hours.
  • Not waterproof, washes off quickly.
  • It comes to an end pretty quickly.
  • During the absorption of food, the prosthesis may fall out due to the dissolution of this product.
  • If you use Corega cream for quite a long time, swelling of the mucous membrane may develop.

The average cost of this cream does not exceed 300 rubles.

We would also like to note that in case of any complications associated with the use of dentures, you should immediately contact the VivaDent clinic.

How to apply the cream?

For good and reliable fixation, you need to use this product correctly, according to the instructions:

  1. The denture itself must be completely cleaned of any dirt, plaque, food debris and previous cream. A simple toothbrush and toothpaste are suitable for this purpose (how to clean dentures?).
  2. It is applied to a damp product, so there is no need to dry it too much.
  3. Place the tube strictly vertically and squeeze out a small amount of product onto the side that will touch the gums. For the first time, it is recommended to apply the cream pointwise, and later you can squeeze it out in the required amount in a thin continuous strip. If the denture lags behind on the palatal surface, then a few drops of adhesive can also be left in the corresponding area.
  4. If at this time an oily liquid comes out or there is too much product on the product, they should be removed with a napkin.
  5. The structure itself is fixed in the mouth and lightly pressed against the mucous membrane for a few seconds.
  6. You need to carefully wipe the neck of the tube and close the lid tightly.

It is believed that after just five minutes you can start eating food, drinks, etc.

The best ways to fix dentures - life without complexes

May 29, 2021 Last revised: September 12, 2020 Prosthetics

Old front-line doctors knew that it was diseased teeth that most often lead to chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

However, many modern people increasingly have to replace their natural teeth with artificial dentures. And, according to scientists, the number of people with such tooth replacements is increasing every year.

Let us find out together what fixation of dentures is and how it is carried out.

Causes of tooth loss

Most often, removable orthodontic structures are installed when several teeth are lost. Sometimes congenital malformations lead to missing teeth. But more often the following reasons lead to their loss:

  • consequences of dental disease (caries, periodontitis, etc.);
  • jaw injuries;
  • taking narcotic substances (pervitin, etc.)
  • Loss of teeth leads to such serious problems as speech impairment, deterioration in chewing food, and excessive stress on the remaining teeth with consequences such as their loosening and loss.
  • Often, the absence of teeth leads to psychological problems that prevent a person from realizing himself in many areas.

How safe are the creams?

Remember that any tooth cream contains many chemical compounds. Not all of them are neutral and harmless. During use, some amount will be ingested regularly. What this will lead to is unknown. Side effects include:

  • Allergy;
  • Nausea, vomiting, heaviness in the stomach;
  • Impaired sense of taste;
  • Headache;
  • Increased salivation.

The very first site with reviews showed that unpleasant consequences are not uncommon, and there are many more side effects. For example, one person developed a persistent cough, another complained of a sore throat. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, judging by the comments, are a common occurrence. We'd be happy to say that only one specific product causes these problems, but there are complaints across multiple brands.

Some denture bonding creams contain zinc. If they are constantly swallowed, the negative consequences described above are possible, as well as numbness and tremors in the limbs. The risk of such troubles is especially high if your diet includes foods rich in zinc compounds.

Contraindications and side effects of fixing agents

Fixing agents are contraindicated for use in the presence of hypersensitivity to their components. Also, they should not be used in the presence of acute dental inflammatory diseases, side effects, or expiration date.

You should choose products without zinc, since it has a negative effect on the body, has a toxic effect and can cause neurological pathologies. Other side effects - weakness, headache, stomach pain - can occur with excessive use of fixation devices.

Category Medicines / drugs Published by Mister stomatolog

Ultrasonic baths

The device cleans the prosthesis efficiently: after treating the product in the bath, there will be no plaque or stone left on it.

Outwardly, it looks like a container made of stainless steel (other metals that are not susceptible to rust can also be used), on the bottom or walls of which ultrasound emitters are placed.

The principle of operation of the device is as follows: sound waves pass through plain water or other cleaning liquid, during which contamination is completely removed from the products placed in the bath.

The advantages of cleaning in an ultrasonic bath are undeniable:

  1. allows you to clean hard-to-reach places;
  2. extends the service life of the prosthesis;
  3. the quality of cleaning is higher than with the manual cleaning method;
  4. the likelihood of damage during the procedure is minimal.

The cost of such an ultrasonic bath depends on many characteristics: volume and dimensions (for the same volume, the dimensions of the device may vary); frequency and maximum power (the higher these indicators, the more effective the cleaning will be); the presence of a heating system (the function allows you to improve the quality of cleaning); the presence of a timer and a system that controls the temperature of the environment.

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