Protefix cream for long-term fixation and comfortable wearing of dentures


Missing teeth is a problem that causes not only aesthetic, but also psychological discomfort. It can be solved by using dentures.

But here another problem arises - they are not always securely fixed in the mouth, and can fall out while talking or eating.

In addition, food often accumulates under the structure, which can become a source of bad breath and inflammatory processes.

Protefix cream is considered a reliable fixative for removable devices. Let's take a closer look at what it is.

General information

The German company Queisser Pharma GmbH and Co. KG, which represents in our country, along with Protefix®, such recognizable brands as Doppelherz®, Escusan®, has more than a century of history.

For more than a hundred years, the main activity of the company has been the production of medicines, complexes of vitamins and minerals, and hygienic products for oral care.

The Protefix® line includes fixation creams, jaw liners, and denture cleaners.

The cream firmly fixes the structures on the teeth for 12 hours. It is applied to dentures, which are then placed on the gums.

How to remove a denture from your mouth after using Protefix

Protefix is ​​a long-lasting fixing cream for dentures. When used correctly, the composition can “work” for up to 12 hours in a row. However, if necessary, “artificial teeth” can be removed from the mouth without much difficulty. How to do it? Rinse your mouth with warm water, grab the crowns of the denture with two fingers and begin to rock the structure from side to side.

Have you removed your denture from your mouth? Do not forget to provide him with thorough care, and also remove any remaining composition from the gums. Details in a specially prepared article on this topic: caring for dentures.


The company repeatedly states that it uses only high-quality and safe raw materials in the production of its drugs. It is these substances that form the basis of Protefix cream.

They not only reliably fix the dental structure, but also have a protective effect on the mucous membrane.

Main active ingredients of the cream:

  • sodium and calcium salts in the amount of 30 grams. They absorb excess moisture;
  • carboxymethylcellulose - 23 grams. Plasticizer provides cream viscosity.

Auxiliary elements:

  • paraffin and Vaseline . Makes the mucous membrane soft.
  • silicon dioxide – ensures uniform distribution of the cream over the surface of the prosthesis;
  • azorubine – dye;
  • menthol is a natural anesthetic and flavoring agent.
  • methyl - 4 hydroxybenzoate - an anesthetic that relieves inflammatory processes.

What are denture spacers and the effectiveness of devices.

Read here about the properties of Rocs denture cream.

Go here to find out where to make a covering prosthesis.

Side effects from use

Rarely, among those who have used the product, there are people who have allergies. To avoid such reactions and irritation of the mucous membranes, choose the safest variety - the hypoallergenic "Protefix". Also, in order not to provoke the development of inflammation on the gums, carefully get rid of any remaining composition after removing the denture from the mouth: they must be removed not only from the removable structure, but also from the mucous membrane.

Remember that standard hygiene products (brush, paste, rinse aid) are not enough to properly clean the denture from residual cream. Sometimes you need to do some “spring cleaning.” This can be done using cleansing tablets, for example, “Protefix”, which contain active oxygen. The tablets will eliminate unpleasant odors, pathogenic bacteria, and carefully restore the natural color of artificial materials.

Release form. pharmachologic effect

Fixation creams are available in the form of gel, cream or pads. The consistency of the cream is denser than the gel, and doctors often recommend it to those who have recently started using dentures, as it is more convenient to use.

On sale you can find the product in tubes of 20 and 40 ml.

The cream fixes full and partially removable dentures. The polypeptides and polysaccharides contained in the product have such an important property as expansion upon contact with liquid, in this case human saliva. They expand and provide good adhesion between the gum and the surface of the structure.

The base adheres tightly to the surfaces to be glued and follows them. Such a tight grip prevents food particles from getting under the denture.

The decomposition of food residues in the mouth, as a result of which an unpleasant odor develops and inflammatory processes are excluded.

Protefix adhesive for dentures reviews

More than half of those who wear removable dentures consider the main problem with their use to be unreliable fixation, which causes the dentures to move during eating, talking or laughing. To increase the reliability of fastening the prosthesis in the mouth, several types of products (creams, adhesives, gels) have been developed for gluing the base of the removable structure to the soft tissues of the palate and alveolar process.

Creams to improve fixation are most often used when using dentures made of nylon or acrylic plastic. Fixing agents are also used when wearing temporary removable structures. Well-made removable clasp structures, as well as removable dentures supported by implants, do not require additional fixation.

Fixing gel for dentures is practically no different from cream in its functions, but they differ in consistency. The cream is thicker. Denture fixation cream is best suited for those who are using removable dentures for the first time. It is more difficult to apply too much cream, and too much cream will not allow the prosthesis to be securely fixed.

We will consider the best creams for fixing dentures in detail in our rating.

No. 1 in the rating cream for fixing dentures Rocs

Price from 230 to 350 rubles.

– 10.0

The Russian-Swiss-made cream guarantees 12-hour fixation of the prosthesis, which is not weakened by consuming hot food and drinks.

When distributed over the surface of the prosthesis base, it ensures tightness and protects soft tissues from food particles getting under the prosthesis.

The cream contains ingredients based on menthol and mint, which refresh the mouth and protect against unpleasant odor from the mouth.

From reviews : Irina Nikolaevna, 56 years old – “It so happened that I had to get a lower removable partial denture.

But it wasn’t very successful, either I have such a cavity in my mouth, or the dentist didn’t make it very well, but when talking and eating, the denture kept falling out. Having tried many brands of fixatives, I settled on Rox cream.

This is the best cream for dentures, it does not dissolve when eating or drinking, now at work I can participate in general tea parties.”


  • can be used for wet dentures;
  • not washed out by liquid;
  • does not dissolve when eating hot food;
  • the product does not contain artificial dyes;
  • does not contain zinc.


  • quite high price;
  • Thick, making application difficult.

No. 2 in the ranking cream for fixing dentures Lacalut

Price from 270 to 400 rubles.

– 9.8

High quality cream, produced by a German company. According to the manufacturer, when using the product, reliable fixation is ensured for at least 24 hours. Creates a thin layer between the prosthesis and soft tissues, protecting them from mechanical damage by the edge of the prosthesis, which helps adapt to a removable structure worn for the first time.

From reviews : Ivan Arsentievich, 48 years old - “Due to an injury, I lost two front teeth, the dentist made a temporary removable denture, which held up very poorly. At the pharmacy, the pharmacist advised me to buy Lacalut cream, and I am completely satisfied with the result.”


  • reliable fixation;
  • pleasant taste and smell;
  • thanks to the thin film created when using the cream, it protects soft tissues from chafing.


  • high price;
  • fixation is slightly weakened by consuming hot foods and drinks (especially tea and coffee).

No. 3 in the ranking cream for fixing dentures Protefix

Price from 280 to 400 rubles (cream in 24 gram tubes costs from 140 rubles).

– 9.6

Products from the Protefix series ensure reliable attachment of the prosthesis to the gum tissue for at least 10-12 hours. There are three varieties of this product: hypoallergenic cream, which, due to the absence of dyes and fragrances, causes fewer allergic reactions; as well as creams containing mint or aloe components.

From reviews : Anna, 29 years old - “I persuaded my mother to put in a clasp prosthesis, but she opted for a nylon one, which is quite poorly fixed in the mouth. The doctor advised me to use Protefix fixation cream, now my mother can calmly eat and talk without fear that her teeth will end up on the floor at the most crucial moment.”


  • economical;
  • has high fixing properties;
  • has no taste or smell.


  • the cream tube contains a significant percentage of liquid;
  • slightly inconvenient dispenser;
  • The bottle must be tightly closed and stored in an upright position, as the product may leak.

No. 4 in the ranking cream for fixing prostheses Fittident

Price from 180 to 250 rubles.

– 9.5

One of the best creams for dentures, but when using Fittident, people with highly sensitive gums feel a rather strong burning or tingling sensation. To avoid this effect, you need to let the cream dry on the prosthesis for at least 20-30 seconds. If there is increased saliva production, you can apply a larger amount of cream, which is then removed with a dry cloth until it hardens.

From reviews : Maria Fillipovna, 61 years old – “My daughter bought me Fittident cream; before that I used other products that did not provide good attachment. Now the prosthesis does not even have to be removed at night, it simply does not come off (even while eating). Completely satisfied."


  • when removing the denture, no traces of cream remain on the gums;
  • has no pronounced taste;
  • fixes the prosthesis for a long time.


  • has a rather viscous consistency;
  • can only be applied to a dry prosthesis;
  • difficult to buy in pharmacies (only in big cities or in online stores).

No. 5 in the ranking cream for fixing dentures President

Price from 190 to 230 rubles.

– 9.4

After applying President, a dense elastic layer is formed under the prosthesis, preventing food particles from penetrating under the base of the prosthesis. In some situations, the fixation may be weakened by eating hot liquid food. The product contains fragrances and petroleum jelly.

From reviews : Igor, 49 years old – “I bought President cream for my father to fix complete removable dentures. Without additional means, they did not stay in the mouth and, in addition to the discomfort caused when eating and talking, they rubbed the mucous membrane. A thin layer of cream sets tightly and forms a film that protects the gums from the pressure of acrylic plastic.”


  • affordable price;
  • good fixation;
  • The tube volume is 10 ml more than its analogues.


  • when eating, fixation weakens;
  • Quite a strong taste.

No. 6 in the ranking prosthetic fixation cream Corega

Price from 200 to 250 rubles.

– 9.3

The composition of any of the Coreg fixing creams includes substances that do not cause allergies and do not have a negative effect on the human body when used correctly. All the same, you cannot use the cream more than 2 times a day, and before applying a new portion, the remains of the fixing agent must be thoroughly washed off from the prosthesis.

From reviews : Anatoly, 63 years old - “Unfortunately, reliable fixation of the device lasts no more than 3-4 hours, and even after eating or drinking, the fastening of the prosthesis deteriorates significantly. You’ll have to choose something else, although this cream is quite convenient to use.”


  • affordable price;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • Can be applied to wet dentures.


  • quickly washed out with water;
  • the actual duration of reliable fixation does not exceed 3 hours;
  • when eating, the denture falls out because the cream dissolves and enters the stomach along with food;
  • ends quickly;
  • The neck of the tube is too wide, so it is difficult to apply a small amount of product;
  • after prolonged use, the mucous membrane swells.

How to choose a cream for fixing dentures

Almost all fixation products have the same properties and composition, so when choosing a cream you should pay attention to the patient’s individual sensations.

A well-chosen cream should tightly fix the prosthesis, preventing it from moving when talking and eating, protect the mucous membrane from rubbing and pressure from the prosthesis base, prevent food particles from penetrating under the orthopedic structure and not cause allergies in a particular person.


Doctors prescribe the remedy when the following problems occur:

  • if it is not firmly fixed;
  • as a result of wearing dentures, irritation and chafing appeared;
  • food particles fall under the structure;
  • discomfort during the period of getting used to the dentures;
  • if the microflora of the oral cavity is disturbed;
  • temporary crowns need to be fixed.

Protefix copes with these problems quite well.

How is glue used?

Denture adhesive must be applied to a previously cleaned denture. For cleaning, you can use a regular cotton swab or a special brush that allows you to effectively remove residual glue and food. After cleaning, the denture is thoroughly rinsed with water and dried. The glue should be applied in small quantities in thin strips over the entire lower surface of the prosthesis.

If you apply too much adhesive, the speed of adhesion to the gums will increase, and the adhesive may protrude beyond the denture, affecting the aesthetics and beauty of the appearance. After applying the glue, you need to bring it to the gums, attach it and close your jaw for half a minute so that the prosthesis is correctly and firmly fixed in the oral cavity. The tube with the substance should also not be left open for a long time, so the lid must be screwed on immediately to prevent the product from drying out. After fixing the prosthesis, you must not drink water or food for some time. It is enough to take a break of fifteen minutes; this time is enough for the prosthesis to securely and correctly fasten.

One of the most dangerous consequences of unprotected sex can be HIV infection (human immunodeficiency virus). The initial phase of the development of the disease has no symptoms, so a person may not even realize for a long time that he is a carrier of a dangerous virus, continuing to infect others. Read more in the article: “how does HIV manifest in men.”


Queisser Pharma produces several varieties of Protefix cream. Among them there are products for allergy sufferers and for people with excessive salivation.


This variety does not contain any dyes or other additives that improve the taste. It is recommended for people with high and normal salivation.

The denture will be firmly in place, and you will be able to smile, talk and eat without fear of it falling out. The cream is colorless, with a light texture, easy to apply and has no odor.

For a 47-gram tube you will have to pay about 210 rubles.

Aloe vera

The product contains dry aloe vera powder. This plant is used in modern medicine as a biogenic stimulant, which improves metabolism at the cellular level, the regenerative properties of tissues and their trophism.

The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial qualities of aloe vera are also important.

The product costs from 180 rubles for a 47 gram tube.

With mint

The unobtrusive mint aroma will make wearing dentures even more comfortable. Peppermint essential oil has a good effect on the gums, and if there is slight inflammation in the cavity, it has a slight analgesic effect.

In addition, the likelihood of a gag reflex that occurs when wearing dentures at first is significantly reduced due to the properties of this plant.

The cream has absolutely no effect on the taste of food and drinks, and does not release substances that affect the activity of the stomach and its microflora. It is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the prosthesis and is not washed out by saliva.

Price – 215 rubles for a 40 ml tube.


The components that are responsible for strong fixation in this type of drug are presented in the maximum permissible dose. This means that the fixation will be more reliable and the time spent on adhesion will be reduced.

You can eat within 5 minutes after application and installation of the dentures. Doctors often recommend a remedy for complete dentures. The price for a 47-gram tube is 186 rubles, for a 24-gram tube – 144 rubles.

Cost of Protefix brand products

Type of productPackaging volumeCost / rubles
With aloe40 mlfrom 240
With propolis40 mlfrom 210
With mint40 mlfrom 270
Hypoallergenic40 mlfrom 240
Extra-strong40 mlfrom 250
Fixing gaskets30 pcs.from 300
Fixing powder20 gfrom 180
Cleansing tablets 32 pcs.

66 pcs.

from 200

from 370


Protefix is ​​a fairly popular product that attracts buyers due to the following qualities:

  • cheaper than other similar products;
  • the duration of fixation is more than 12 hours;
  • in less than 5 minutes the drug exhibits its adhesive properties;
  • does not respond to increased salivation;
  • tolerates changes in high and low temperatures well;
  • no side effects;
  • the mint variety of the drug makes breath fresh;
  • does not affect the taste of food and drinks;
  • The composition is advantageously complemented by natural antiseptics.

In addition, buyers are attracted by the ease of application, thanks to the special shape of the spout, and the fact that the product is used sparingly.

Recommendations when choosing glue

Comfort of use and oral health directly depend on the compatibility and type of adhesive. To choose the right adhesive for dentures, you need to carefully read the composition and features. The first time you use a new product, severe discomfort may occur or inflammation and irritation may appear in the oral cavity.

When choosing a remedy, you need to pay special attention to the presence of side effects. Most products can negatively affect the taste of food and have an effect on the gastrointestinal tract. For people with increased salivation, it is necessary to select special means that will be resistant to this feature and will be able to reliably hold the prosthesis in the correct position for a sufficient time. By determining which adhesive for dentures is best, you can ensure comfortable use. However, it is quite difficult to choose the optimal remedy the first time.

Instructions for use

If you want the prosthesis to be fixed efficiently, follow the instructions for use. Do not put too much glue on it, as it will either not stick at all, or later it will be difficult to remove it even after the time specified by the manufacturer.

In order to remove the denture, you will need to keep it in your mouth for some more time to weaken the adhesive properties of the product.

Application procedure:

  1. We clean the denture from plaque and dirt using a brush and toothpaste, then rinse it.
  2. The manufacturer recommends applying the cream to wet dentures, so do not dry them before applying.
  3. We place the prosthesis with the surface in contact with the glue facing up. Place the tube vertically and squeeze out the cream. Sometimes a clear, oily liquid may come out of the tube. It should be removed as it will interfere with uniform application.
  4. Squeeze out the product in the middle of the inside of the prosthesis. Beginners who have not yet determined their individual dosage can apply the product pointwise, and then in a thin broken line. Excess is removed with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil.
  5. To better secure the denture, you can apply a little product to the palatal part of the denture.
  6. The orthodontic structure is brought into the mouth and pressed firmly against the gums. Then the jaws are clenched tightly for 30 seconds. After 5 minutes you can eat and drink.
  7. Clean the neck of the tube dry and close the cream.

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In this publication we will tell you what the price of a removable Sandwich denture is made up of.

At this address we will talk about the types of clasp dentures for the lower jaw.

Advantages and disadvantages of Protefix cream for fixing dentures

In pharmacies you can find Protefix cream for dentures. We will briefly describe the instructions for its use, as well as indicate the prices and reviews of those clients who have already tried its effect on themselves.

A person suffering from missing teeth in the mouth and the inconvenience of removable dentures needs to find an ideal remedy that will immediately solve all the issues that arise and relieve most of the discomfort. And such auxiliary creams for fixing dentures have already been invented.

About the manufacturer

This product is produced in the product line from the company Queisser Pharma.

This is a German company that creates hygiene products for oral care, as well as vitamin complexes and medications.

There is a separate series for dentures, where you can find not only the Protefix fixing cream for dentures, but also various gaskets, cleaners, etc.

Thanks to constant quality control and the latest developments, this German company has been able to occupy a leading position in the market for many decades in a row. Each product meets all standards and tries to solve the difficulties of people facing one or another health problem.

Release form

On the shelves you can find such volumes of tubes with Protefix cream - 20 ml and 40 ml. The product itself has a dense consistency, which is convenient to apply to the prosthesis. The tube has a narrow neck, thanks to which you can precisely squeeze out the cream in the desired amount, which significantly saves its consumption.

It is designed for fixing both complete dentures for the entire jaw and removable structures of partial type, that is, covering individual units. The main element that influences the adhesion of artificial material and the surface of the gums are polypeptides and polysaccharides.

When they come into contact with saliva, the particles swell and expand, which leads to the adhesion effect. As a result, a small cushion is formed between the prosthesis and the soft tissues, which is responsible not only for fixing the product, but also protects the mucous membrane from mechanical damage. Due to this, a perfectly tight fit is achieved, which prevents food particles from getting under the structure.

Indications and contraindications

Doctors recommend using this cream in the following cases:

  • when the denture does not fit well in the mouth;
  • inflammatory reactions, chafing and other damage from hard material appear;
  • food remains get stuck under the structure;
  • adaptation period;
  • in case of microflora disorders in the oral cavity;
  • for fixing temporary crowns;
  • due to the presence of a prosthesis, the patient’s salivation increases;
  • any sensations of discomfort that this cream can eliminate.

But not in every case you can use this tool:

  • if an allergic reaction to any component in the composition is detected;
  • with individual intolerance to aspirin;
  • in case of significant damage to the mucous membrane with open wounds, ulcers, etc.

Instructions for use of Protefix cream

For good and reliable fixation, you need to use this product correctly, according to the instructions:

  1. The denture itself must be completely cleaned of any dirt, plaque, food debris and previous cream. A simple toothbrush and toothpaste are suitable for this purpose (how to clean dentures?).
  2. It is applied to a damp product, so there is no need to dry it too much.
  3. Place the tube strictly vertically and squeeze out a small amount of product onto the side that will touch the gums. For the first time, it is recommended to apply the cream pointwise, and later you can squeeze it out in the required amount in a thin continuous strip. If the denture lags behind on the palatal surface, then a few drops of adhesive can also be left in the corresponding area.
  4. If at this time an oily liquid comes out or there is too much product on the product, they should be removed with a napkin.
  5. The structure itself is fixed in the mouth and lightly pressed against the mucous membrane for a few seconds.
  6. You need to carefully wipe the neck of the tube and close the lid tightly.

It is believed that after just five minutes you can start eating food, drinks, etc.

Side effects

Manufacturers insist on using the cream sparingly, without applying too much of it to the denture, otherwise an unexpected reaction may occur. For example, the product will no longer stay in the mouth or, conversely, after the required amount of time it will be impossible to remove it.

Among the negative reactions during overdose in some patients the following were observed:

  • allergic symptoms in the form of swelling of soft tissues;
  • deterioration of general condition;
  • burning or redness at the point of contact.

In this case, it is advisable to switch to a more hypoallergenic version of the cream offered in the product line. This product does not cause any other reactions, poisoning or other dangerous consequences.


The cost of the product depends on:

  • cities and pharmacies where you buy it;
  • selected variety;
  • tube size.

A large package is considered economical, since for 40 ml of cream you can pay 180-215 rubles, while the price of a small tube (20 ml) will be slightly cheaper - 150 rubles.

Side effects. Overdose

In case of overdose, the holding properties of the cream are reduced. The manufacturer recommends individually determining the optimal dosage and using the product sparingly.

The instructions for use indicate that the drug has no side effects. However, in reviews of the use of the product you can find the following comments:

  • allergies in the form of cough, swelling of the mucous membrane and deterioration of the general condition;
  • local reaction in the form of burning and redness.

Therefore, you should start getting acquainted with the line of drugs with Protefix Hypoallergenic.


The disadvantages of the product include:

  • excessive water content, which results from sometimes premature breakdown of the fixative component of the product. The problem cannot but affect its effectiveness;
  • if the dosage of the product is exceeded, it may cause irritation;
  • the need to store strictly vertically, otherwise the drug may leak;
  • with constant use, the cream can cause problems in the mucous walls of the stomach.


Pharmacies also offer other similar preparations for fixing dentures:

  1. Corega. The manufacturer emphasizes that the product does not contain zinc, which has a negative effect on the human nervous system.
  2. Rox. The cream contains preservatives, dyes and xylitol. The latter has antimicrobial properties that prevent inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  3. Lakalut. The action lasts longer than Protefix and lasts 24 hours.
  4. Fittydent. Contains the controversial component polyvinyl acetate, commonly known as PVA cream. It does not dissolve when eating hot foods. The orthodontic structure does not slip and is firmly attached to the gums.

Contraindications for use

The cream is not recommended for use by people with diseases of the upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract pathologies, as well as pregnant women: it contains a component such as azorubine (this is a dye or food additive E122). This food additive, when ingested, leads to intoxication.

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The concentration of this substance in the cream is minimal, it should not cause serious consequences for the body, but it cannot be ruled out that in people with the listed diseases, as well as in pregnant women, it can lead to undesirable consequences: an asthma attack, gastrointestinal upset, deterioration in well-being, increased heart rate , the appearance of shortness of breath. Scientists from the UK have also proven that azorubine can have a negative effect on the nervous system of children.


Reviews about Protefix cream are generally positive, but there are also negative consumer opinions.

Some people like the way it secures the prosthesis; they write that they practically forget about removable structures.

Others are not satisfied with the short duration of the cream. Leave your review about using the product, noting its advantages and disadvantages.

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Precautions to be observed when using fixative

We have already found out how to use Protefix cream, but in order for it to serve flawlessly and not deteriorate ahead of time, follow the rules that the manufacturer recommends.

First, use the product sparingly, because... its excess on the structure worsens the fixing properties. In addition, excess product can lead to irritation of the delicate mucous membrane.

Secondly, after using the product, do not forget to tightly close the tube so that moisture and pathogenic microorganisms do not get inside. If moisture gets inside the tube, its contents may harden, and you will have to spend money on new packaging.

Thirdly, do not use the product after the expiration date.

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