Buy Corega cream for fixing dentures refreshing 40ml in pharmacies

About 50% of those who use removable dentures in everyday life indicate that the main problem in their use is insufficient strength of fixation in the oral cavity. This feature is the reason that when performing certain actions (eating, talking, laughing), the prosthesis can noticeably shift relative to its normal position.

To avoid such troubles, it is recommended to use special means that ensure high-quality fixation of dentures in the oral cavity.

Typically, when it comes to nylon and acrylic dentures, creams and gels are used. Gels are not inferior to creams in their functionality and differ from them only in consistency. Creams have a denser structure and are better suited for those who are just starting to use removable dentures.

Below we will consider the main means that are used for reliable and long-term fixation of dentures, their advantages and disadvantages.

Review of Corega cream for fixing dentures: how effective and safe it is

Article navigation

  1. What is "Korega"
  2. When is the drug used?
  3. For which prostheses is Corega suitable?
  4. Contraindications
  5. Composition of the product
  6. Types of Corega creams
  7. Rules for using the cream
  8. — 1. How to apply the cream
  9. — 2. How to remove the prosthesis
  10. — 3. How to remove cream
  11. What not to do during use
  12. How to care for your prosthesis
  13. How long does the drug last?
  14. What happens if you take a Corega tablet?
  15. Side effects
  16. What other options for creams are there?
  17. Reviews

question to a specialist
“Korega” for dentures is an effective remedy for those people with removable dentures who strive for the maximum level of everyday comfort.
This is a leader in its industry - so says the company that creates it, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). Let us discuss further the unique qualities and disadvantages of a product that can make life easier for patients with artificial teeth.

Types and composition of PresiDENT creams

Fixing cream "President" is available in two versions.

  1. "President Garant" (PresiDENT Garant) with mint flavor. Contains chamomile and linden extract, which help prevent inflammation of the mucous membranes, and also help soft tissues recover after injury and rubbing. The composition also contains sodium-calcium salts, which provide the cream with high fixing qualities. Another important component is mint, which provides fresh breath. The composition also includes auxiliary substances - petroleum jelly, paraffin oil, flavorings,
  2. "President Garant" with a neutral taste. Interestingly, according to the manufacturer’s website, the composition is almost identical to “President” with mint flavor. However, the concentration of mint here is lower, which allows people who are sensitive to various odors to feel more comfortable.

Both types can be found on pharmacy shelves in tubes of 20 or 50 milliliters.

Interestingly, the collection, which includes products for the care of removable dentures, is called Forever Young1 (“forever young”). This motto makes people from all over the world who wear removable devices want to purchase and try products from this brand.

What is "Korega"

So, let's figure out what "Korega" is. This is a brand. The company itself has existed for more than 160 years, producing prescription and over-the-counter consumer health products, which are successfully sold in 150 countries1 around the world. The corporation appeared in Russia in the 80s of the 20th century. GSK's motto is “helping people live better and longer!”

As for the “Korega” brand, under its auspices today they create “Korega” cream and tablets of the same name, which are intended for fixing and cleaning dentures, respectively. The first product primarily ensures reliable retention of dentures in the oral cavity. The second product, namely tablets, helps people take care of removable products, efficiently clean them from dirt and bacterial plaque.

Purpose of glue in prosthetics

Creams and adhesives in dentistry are used both for fixing dentures and as auxiliary materials in combination with other fasteners to ensure optimal strength and stability of the structure.

Suitable for attaching removable dentures made of plastic, nylon and other materials. Apply in the following cases:

  • regular fixation of removable structures;
  • temporary fixation of fixed prostheses when they break for the period of replacement;
  • fixation of the crown when the cement underneath is destroyed;
  • ensuring a tighter fit of the crowns and preventing chafing of the gums.

The adhesive is selected based on the duration of fixation, consistency, the presence or absence of flavorings in the composition, the individual characteristics of the oral cavity and the type of prosthetic structures.

When there is a need to use the drug

Many people who have decided to restore teeth using removable or partially removable devices are interested in the question of why and in general how much cream is needed - both Corega and any other brand. The need for such a product arises when the reliability of the structure’s fastening in the oral cavity suffers, and you have a fear that it may fall out at the most inopportune moment. This situation when wearing removable devices is, unfortunately, not uncommon. Indeed, during operation, the bone tissue of the jaw sags underneath them, and often unevenly. Because of this, the dentures do not fit tightly, which means they are poorly fixed, causing pain and pressure on the mucous membrane during chewing.

Corega cream is not an alternative to relining the structure. Therefore, if the prosthesis begins to fit loosely to the gums and constantly causes discomfort, you need to consult a doctor who will carry out a correction. Read about how dentures are relined in our separate article.

The need for reliable fixation is not the only indication for using the product. You can start using it at the stage of adaptation to removable devices, which will make the adjustment period easier. The composition will also help provide comfort for those patients who have sensitive mucous membranes, because... it will protect your gums from irritation, ulcers and chafing.


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The product can also be used by those people who want to prevent food particles from clogging between the denture and the gum, and also allow themselves to eat solid foods - the cream has not only fixative, but also shock-absorbing properties. So it will protect the “artificial jaws” from deformation, and the mucous membrane from painful sensations.

Does the drug have side effects?

Modern manufacturers of products intended for fixing dentures in the oral cavity use components that are safe and biocompatible with the human body. However, in order for creams to have a long service life, you cannot do without “chemistry”. For example, “President” has a shelf life of 5 years (it is impossible to achieve such indicators with natural components).

Accordingly, the chemical component can cause a number of negative manifestations in some people. Nausea, diarrhea, gastrointestinal problems, headache, allergies, taste disturbances, cough, sore throat, increased salivation - all these are side effects of such drugs.

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But again, everything is individual. For example, other creams claim that even if the composition is swallowed (a small amount enters the stomach along with saliva and food in a completely natural way), you do not have to worry about poisoning occurring. However, some patients leave reviews indicating gastrointestinal distress. Therefore, it is important to strictly follow the instructions and try the effect of the product on yourself.

For which prostheses is Corega suitable?

The cream is ideal for full-coverage removable dental appliances, which are held in the mouth only due to the suction effect on the mucous membrane. Especially for the upper jaw, where any shift of the removable device can significantly disrupt the aesthetics of the smile, diction and become noticeable to others.

The drug will also be useful for those patients who wear partial removable structures made of nylon, acrylic or any other material. Such devices rely not only on the mucous membrane, but also on the supporting teeth preserved in the mouth. However, the load on the supporting teeth sooner or later leads to their gradual destruction and loosening, which again affects the quality of fixation of the device.

To be fair, it is worth noting that not all prostheses require the use of special tools. For example, inexpensive acrylic ones, but professionally created, will not cause any discomfort in the first 2-3 years of wearing. After gradual wear and tear - yes, any prosthesis will require additional fixation. But here it’s worth thinking about replacing it completely.

Any means, and Corega is no exception, interact with the moist environment of the oral cavity, due to which they not only improve the quality of adhesion of the removable structure to the mucous membrane, but also create an airtight barrier that does not allow food particles and bacteria to pass under the artificial material.


The cream of this brand ensures reliable fastening of the removable structure for up to 14 hours. Three different types of this product are produced, one of which, due to the absence of any foreign dyes and flavoring additives in its composition, is hypoallergenic.


  • Complete absence of foreign tastes and odors.
  • High reliability of fixation.
  • Economical.


  • Due to its liquid consistency, the fixative may leak out of the bottle if it is not held strictly vertically.
  • Not a particularly convenient dosing system.

The cost of this drug varies depending on the volume of the tube, usually ranging from 150 to 390 rubles.

Contraindications to the use of a fixative

The main limitation is individual intolerance to the components of the composition. The product can be used even during pregnancy and breastfeeding in women. However, allergy sufferers should be careful when using it. For example, if after applying Corega to your prosthesis you have increased saliva production, a burning and itching sensation, swelling and difficulty breathing, you should be wary. These signs may indicate the development of an allergy.

Before using the product, make sure that you will not have a negative reaction to it. Apply a little on the crook of your arm, if no rash or redness appears within 2-3 hours, then you can apply it to the surface of the product.

Is it possible to use Corega if you have sensitive gums? If the drug does not cause a burning sensation or slight tingling of the mucous membrane on an ongoing basis, then it is allowed to be used. Moreover, the cream helps relieve irritation from the delicate mucous membrane, protects it from friction with the removable device, from the ingress of food particles and helps to avoid the development of the inflammatory process.


"Fittident" is considered one of the best drugs for fixing dentures in the oral cavity , however, if the patient has increased sensitivity of the mucous membranes, then during the periods when "Fittident" is used, unpleasant sensations such as burning and/or characteristic tingling sensation.

To ensure that these side effects are avoided, after the cream is applied, let it dry for about half a minute.


  • Long fixation time provided by this drug.
  • Lack of distinct taste.
  • After removing the denture, no traces of cream remain in the patient’s mouth.


  • Difficult to find in city pharmacies in small towns.
  • The cream must be applied exclusively to the dry surface of the prosthesis.
  • Very thick structure of the drug.

The cost ranges around 270 rubles.

What is included in the product

It is very important to understand what Corega consists of - this will allow you to avoid purchasing the drug if you are prone to allergic reactions or if you suspect that its components are harmful. So, let's look at the composition:

  • calcium and sodium salts: it is due to these components that the product provides “artificial teeth” with strong fixation in the oral cavity. How long does Corega last? The manufacturer assures that for at least 12 hours in a row,
  • Gum Arabic: These are naturally occurring resins. They enhance the effect of salts, have a good adhesive effect,
  • dyes: according to the manufacturer, the composition contains only food dyes, which means safe dyes. At the same time, it is impossible without them, because... they make the shade of the cream as close as possible to the color of the oral mucosa,
  • menthol: not all types of Corega contain it. This component helps keep your breath fresh throughout the day,
  • oils of mineral origin: they allow you to maintain the necessary viscous and at the same time elastic consistency so that those who use them have the opportunity to evenly distribute the composition without much effort,
  • liquid paraffin and flavorings.


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The composition does not contain such a harmful element as zinc. An excess of this substance in the body causes fever, numbness of the limbs and general intoxication. Therefore, if you are thinking about how Korega is harmful, then you can rest assured that it cannot cause significant damage to your health. However, the cream should be used in case of emergency, but not on an ongoing basis. If you need to use it daily, consult your doctor to have your orthotic adjusted or completely replaced.

Manufacturer information

Denture cream "President" is an Italian product, which began its existence back in 1971. The company's employees are focused on creating unique, convenient and effective personal hygiene products and products for oral care. A striking example of this is President toothpastes for children and adults, as well as brushes of the same brand, which are highly respected by dentists and popular among users.

Consumers became acquainted with the first denture cream “President” (PresiDENT Garant) in 1999. The rich history of the company’s development and long presence on the Russian market allows us to say that the developers of this brand create a high-quality and time-tested product that has many advantages. Of course, there are also disadvantages, and we will definitely talk about them further.


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Types of Corega creams

"Neutral taste""Refreshing taste""Extra strong mint"
  • without dyes and flavors,
  • suitable for allergy sufferers,
  • no pungent odor
  • allows you to feel the taste of your favorite dishes - does not distort them
  • contains menthol,
  • promotes fresh breath,
  • has a cooling effect
  • double concentration of menthol,
  • contraindicated for allergy sufferers,
  • Provides fresh breath all day long
Release form40 ml tubes40 ml tubesTubes of 40 and 70 ml
PriceFrom 220 rublesFrom 250 rublesFrom 230 rubles

"The president"

The prosthesis attached with this drug tightly adheres to the mucous membrane due to the formation of an elastic layer of high density, which prevents food particles from entering under the surface of the prosthesis.

The consumption of hot drinks, as well as food, in some cases can lead to a weakening of the fixing strength.


  • Larger volume compared to analogues.
  • High strength of prosthesis fixation.
  • Low cost of the product.


  • Strong foreign taste.
  • Eating can weaken (sometimes quite significantly) the fixation.

The cost of the drug is approximately 250 rubles.

Rules for using the cream

This section of the article will discuss how to use Corega cream.

How to apply cream

The algorithm for how to correctly apply Corega will be as follows.

  1. Preparation of the prosthesis: before using Corega, you need to remove the removable device from your mouth, clean it and dry it (just wipe it with a napkin to remove excess liquid). Of course, this is all done at home,
  2. preparation of the oral cavity: it is necessary to carry out hygiene, that is, brush the living teeth (if they are preserved) with a brush and toothpaste, you can use a rinse that will help remove bacteria and food particles from the gums,
  3. applying the cream: you need to apply it carefully - evenly distribute the composition over the inner surface of the removable device, slightly stepping back from the edge. Use once a day,
  4. fixing the prosthesis: press the device firmly against the gums and hold for 3-5 seconds - this time is enough for the cream to set. Remains of adhesive should be removed with a soft cloth.

How to remove a prosthesis

Removing Corega is not difficult in most cases. To make it easier to remove the denture and remove it from your mouth, first rinse your mouth with warm water, then begin to slowly and gently rock the removable device from side to side.

How to remove cream

What to do next and how to remove the Corega from the prosthesis? Clean the removable device using a regular soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. Wash off any remaining adhesive by rinsing the device in warm water. A special cleanser, such as Corega tablets, will also effectively remove dirt.

You also need to remove the remaining cream from the gums, from the roof of your mouth, and from the entire oral cavity. This must be done to avoid irritation of the mucous membrane, and also to ensure that the remaining composition does not become a breeding ground for bacteria. To cleanse your mouth of Corega, use wipes and mouthwashes.

We have already figured out how to remove the prosthesis after using Corega cream and how to remove the remaining glue. But after removing the removable device, do not forget about thoroughly cleaning the oral cavity, the teeth remaining in the mouth, and the gums. If the cream is removed from the mucous membrane well, then you can use a dry napkin to remove it, but if the residue is difficult to remove, then first moisten the napkin in an oil solution and carefully treat the gums with it. After these manipulations, you should rinse your mouth with mouthwash.

Once every six months, do not forget to see the dentist for preventive examinations, so that the doctor promptly adjusts and repositions the structure, as well as determines the condition and, if necessary, treats the supporting teeth and restores the mucous membrane.

What are the disadvantages?

Reviews about the cream for dentures “President” are mostly good. But most people who use this product agree that the cream has literally a couple of not very pleasant drawbacks:

  • the fixing properties of the drug are weakened after consuming hot food, soups, drinks,
  • the cream lasts too long - that is, if you want to remove the prosthesis in the evening, it will be extremely difficult to do so,
  • The persistent smell of mint distorts the taste of food and irritates the taste buds.

What not to do while using the cream

  • The product cannot be applied directly to the oral cavity and gums: it should be distributed only over an artificial structure that has previously been removed from the mouth,
  • Do not eat or drink drinks for the first 30 minutes after applying the cream,
  • you should not frequently consume hot foods and drinks during the day: the high temperature of your favorite dishes can adversely affect the fixing properties of the composition,
  • It is prohibited to use expired product,
  • you cannot continue to use the composition after side effects occur,
  • Do not store the drug in sunlight or in places where small children can easily find it,
  • You should not leave the adhesive composition on the gums after removing the prosthesis: this can lead to irritation and hyperemia of the mucous membrane, and the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

How long does the product last?

Fixation cream "President" provides a very long fixation period after application - up to 36 hours. At least that's what the manufacturer says. However, reviews from people who have used it are very mixed. Some claim that it does not retain its positive properties even for 8-10 hours, while others claim that it works for up to 40 hours. Therefore, if you choose this particular remedy, you will have to evaluate its effect only in your own practice.

According to some studies, almost all patients noted that when using adhesive creams, the quality of fixation of removable devices improves. And only a little more than 4% of patients complained of inconvenience, for example, that the adhesive spread in the mouth.

How to care for your denture after using Corega

Specialists from the manufacturing company believe that the Korega tablets of the same name will best cope with this purpose. They work better, softer and more effectively than regular toothpastes. The tablets do not contain abrasives that can damage artificial materials. In addition, the tablets allow you to remove pigment and plaque and preserve the original color of “artificial teeth”. After using them, you will be protected from bad breath (of course, only if your teeth and gums are healthy).

The rules for using the tablets are quite simple: you need to dissolve one tablet in a container with warm water. Next, place the removable device inside, cleaned of food residues and rinsed under running water - the solution should cover it completely. Hold for 3-5 minutes.

Read the article on the topic: rules of hygienic care. How to make dentures last as long as possible and look natural.

If you are saving money and don’t want to spend money on cleansing tablets, then citric acid can be an alternative to expensive drugs. One teaspoon per 200 ml of water can clean removable devices no worse than tablets. However, before using this remedy, you should consult your doctor, because... not all artificial materials will retain their original appearance and integrity after this cleaning composition.

How to properly store PresiDENT cream

The shelf life of the drug is 5 years. With daily use of a 50 ml tube, it lasts for about 1-1.5 months. However, if you violate the storage rules, the composition may lose its positive properties long before the expiration date, and even before you use up the entire tube. To prevent this from happening, follow these rules:

  • After using the drug, close the tube cap tightly. Otherwise, the contents of the tube will dry out, and pathogenic microorganisms may enter it,
  • store the drug in a place protected from light and direct sunlight at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

What other cream options can you consider?

In this section, we will tell you what you can use to secure dentures, except for Corega cream. These may be quite worthy analogues - “Protefix”, “Rox”, “President”, “Fittident”. Which one is better to choose? It all depends on your individual preferences and body characteristics. Sometimes, to find the ideal option, you have to go by trial and error, because... Even reviews on various forums are not a guarantee that a particular drug will suit you. Each person is individual, and what is good for one may not be suitable for another.


Corega cream contains safe ingredients that allow the structure to be firmly and reliably fixed. They may vary slightly depending on the type of fixing paste.

Extra strong mint flavor

The composition includes the following components:

  • sodium-magnesium-zinc mixed salt of methyl vinyl ester maleic acid;
  • secondary metabolite of mint;
  • silica;
  • wood glue (locust bean gum);
  • menthol lactic acid ester (methyl lactate);
  • paraffin oil;
  • mixture of mineral oils and solid paraffins E905b;
  • food colorings;
  • flavor and aroma enhancers.

Gum (gum arabic) is a natural resin, which in the composition of the cream provides reliable fixation, that is, it has adhesive properties.

Substances with high physiological activity are used in the composition of the product in double dosage. Despite this, their concentration allows the cream to be used for a long time, without harm to health.

Mineral oils, also contained in the product, provide it with an elastic consistency, which simplifies uniform distribution on the surface of the structure.

Dyes color the cream light pink to control accurate application.

Refreshing taste

The product Corega refreshing has the main feature from other varieties. It contains no zinc, which means it is absolutely safe.

Many people take dietary supplements containing zinc every day. The integrated use of internal and external products with this element over a long period leads to its excessive accumulation in the body.

In addition, sources of zinc are found in some cereals, vegetables and fruits that are eaten almost regularly. An excess of zinc in the blood and soft tissues can cause neurological manifestations - loss of motor activity and sensitivity of the limbs, hand tremors.

Therefore, Corega Zinc Free Suspension is designed for those people who take dietary supplements and minerals.

It is important to know! If you strictly follow the instructions for use, the zinc contained in the cream will not be able to enter the body. The fixing paste is made in such a way that its components cannot be absorbed into soft tissues and accumulate in the blood.

A certain dose of zinc can only be obtained by accidentally swallowing the cream.

All varieties of the product contain various flavorings. These include mint and menthol. They do not affect the effectiveness of the cream, but only change the taste, so the choice of type is made based on individual preferences.

Why are containers for dentures needed?

Now let's take a closer look at why protective containers are needed and how they work:

  • cleaning: a special solution that can be poured inside the container washes away small fragments of food and food debris from the structure, and also stops the growth of pathogenic bacteria that have managed to settle on the surface of the product. It is important to clean and disinfect every day; this can be done using a special tablet or a ready-made liquid preparation,
  • Storage: The insert can be left in the container overnight or transported while not in use. The fact is that the artificial structure is a fragile thing, and the box allows you to securely hold it, ensuring safe transportation and storage.

On a note! The special case for artificial teeth is compact, lightweight and easy to use. Holes on the body help quickly dry the orthopedic product. No humid environment means no pathogenic bacteria. Dentists note that those patients who carefully care for and store their dentures correctly use them longer, and almost never experience unpleasant consequences in the form of inflammation of the soft tissues in the mouth.

Selection criteria: what to look for

At first glance, all boxes for artificial teeth look almost the same, outwardly resembling a small box. The only difference between them is the price. However, this is not quite true. All devices on the market differ in the material from which they are made, the shape and the presence of mesh inside.


It is important to understand that the cost of a mistake in choosing a container is rapid wear of the orthopedic structure. Plastic containers are cheaper, but will also last less. And the pores inside this outdated material quickly absorb dust, dirt and various kinds of microorganisms, which subsequently has the most negative impact on the false jaws. Remember: high-quality cases are created today from medical polypropylene. This material is durable, it does not deform over time and does not accumulate bacteria.

Polypropylene is also reliable, which is especially important for those who often transport orthopedic structures. This impact-resistant material easily absorbs possible impacts from a fall. The tightness of the container lid also plays an important role - this will prevent bacteria from getting inside and spilling the disinfectant solution, regardless of the position in which the box is located in the bag.


The shape inside the container is also important. It must match the size of the removable denture. Do not be large or, conversely, tight - although the “pullers” are not particularly fragile, their integrity may suffer due to too much pressure. The ideal shape for the inside of the storage box is one that follows the shape of a person’s jaw. This allows you to economically use liquid to clean artificial teeth, keep them intact, and reduce the size of the box itself (which is especially important for those who have to carry it with them).

Important! The disinfectant liquid is poured into the container only after the prosthesis is placed in it. This is necessary to ensure that the solution does not overflow and reliably cover the entire surface of the orthopedic product.

Special mesh

Some modern cases for storing dentures are equipped with a special system for removing the insert - a mesh separator. Its presence is not necessary, but it is desirable - it makes it more convenient to carry out the procedure for cleaning the orthopedic device, as well as its removal. The separator has a holder that allows you to easily remove artificial teeth without allowing your fingers to come into contact with the disinfectant solution.

Starting to choose a cream

Despite the wide variety of types of fixing agents, only 6 manufacturers are the most popular on the market. Let's consider each of them separately to have an idea of ​​the composition, properties and cost. The table below provides a brief overview.

Table. Review of the best fixing creams.

Name of cream, photoDescription
This drug is distinguished by its anti-allergenic chemical composition, because each product from this manufacturer does not contain any substances that can provoke an allergic reaction. But it is still not recommended to apply cream to the surface of the prosthesis more than 2 times a day, and before each procedure it is necessary to remove all its residues. Proper use will not lead to any negative reactions. The average cost of the drug on the market ranges from 180-300 rubles.
Another effective remedy that creates a special layer on the mucous membrane. This layer is able to protect the oral cavity from food debris entering the lumen above the structure. The great popularity of the cream is due to its low price and good chemical composition. In addition, this cream does not provoke the development of allergic reactions. The average cost is from 200 to 250 rubles.
One of the most popular fixatives, which still has some side effects. For example, patients with highly sensitive gums complain of severe burning. In this case, experts recommend waiting about 15 seconds after applying the cream and only then installing the prosthesis. The average cost of the cream varies between 190-240 rubles.
The cream is slightly different from others, since manufacturers present it on the market in several versions, so you can choose the product that best suits the consumer. For example, you can buy a cream for sensitive gums - it has a pleasant aroma and neutral taste. After application, the effect of the product lasts about 12 hours. The average cost is 320-440 rubles.
A very effective tool that can easily adapt to the use of a new design if you suddenly decide to change your prosthesis to a more modern or expensive one. With its help, you can securely fasten dentures for 24 hours, while protecting the oral mucosa from rubbing thanks to the created protective layer. The average cost of the cream is from 300 to 360 rubles.
An excellent fixing agent from a Swiss manufacturer that provides reliable fixation of the prosthesis for 12 hours. In addition, the fastening is not weakened by hot drinks or food. If the cream is distributed evenly over the surface of the prosthesis, this will protect the soft tissues from the penetration of moisture or food particles. The cream contains components based on mint and menthol, so throughout the day the patient feels a menthol odor from his breath. The average cost varies in the range of 220-380 rubles.

What is it for?

The main task of the cream, like any fixative, is to create a small layer between the prosthesis itself and the gum mucosa. This layer is able to ensure reliable fixation of the structure in the mouth. Regular use of the cream will not only fix the structure, but will also speed up the process of getting used to the foreign body in the mouth (denture). In addition, the product is used to attach bridges and crowns.

In rare cases, the dental cement that doctors install under the crowns breaks down. As a temporary measure, when there is no opportunity to visit the dentist’s office in the next few days, you can fix it with the help of such a cream.

Often, dental problems are manifested not by pain or tooth decay, but by the growth of a white lump on the gum. It can be accompanied by various symptoms of inflammation, or act only as an aesthetic defect. Read more in the article: “What a lump on the gum above a tooth will make you think about.”

The tool also has the following functions:

  • protection of the installed denture from the accumulation of food debris. With tight fixation, moisture or foreign objects do not enter the gap between the mucous membrane and the prosthesis;
  • protects the oral mucosa from mechanical damage, including rubbing. Thus, regular use of a special cream helps protect against the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

You can purchase this product at any pharmacy in your city. In addition, there are many online stores where you can order the product you like.

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