Corega glue for dentures, instructions for use

People who wear removable dentures know that it is problematic to choose a high-quality and safe composition for securing them. If only because today there is so much to choose from. If you do not use a retaining agent, the artificial teeth will stand out, which will spoil the appearance of the oral cavity. One of the most effective is Coreg glue. It securely holds the prosthesis, using it, you can be sure of the aesthetics of your smile.

What to do if dentures do not fit well in the mouth. Cream "Korega" - the most optimal solution

"Corega" for dentures can significantly improve the quality of fixation of removable orthopedic structures. Of course, the strength and reliability of the installation of the prosthesis largely depends on the material from which the product is made, as well as on the level of professionalism of the dentist. Even an insignificant gap between the gum and the structure leads to the accumulation of food debris and bacteria under the parts of the structure, which can subsequently lead to irritation and inflammation of the soft tissues of the oral cavity. Corega is an excellent tool for guaranteed fixation of orthopedic solutions.

On a note! The Corega brand is owned by the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), which is one of the world's leading manufacturers of pharmaceutical products in a wide range of fields. It is noteworthy that it is GSK that supplies the markets with the most effective vaccines against influenza, hepatitis and chickenpox.

"Korega" - what is it?

In accordance with the instructions, this product provides excellent fixation of a removable denture, reduces the risk of food debris penetrating under the structure by 74%, and also significantly reduces discomfort and prevents chafing of the soft tissues of the mucous membrane. How reliably the drug fixes the product can be judged by numerous positive user reviews.

Retainer for prosthesis

The components of this product react with the moist environment of the inner lining of the oral cavity, resulting in an airtight seal that serves as reliable protection against food particles getting under the denture. However, this remedy has a rather short duration of action. How long does Corega last? According to user reviews, the cream allows you to reliably fix the structure for just a few hours.

Detailed instructions for use

Let's look at how to use the drug correctly. To achieve maximum effect, you must strictly follow the instructions for use:

  1. clean and dry the prosthetic structure: with running water, a brush or using a cleaning tablet (we will consider this point below),
  2. distribute the composition evenly inside the device: the product must be applied correctly. For the lower jaw, 5-6 point applications are sufficient (along the edges, in the sides and in the center). How to apply the product to the top? We repeat the steps as for the lower part, plus apply a small amount of the composition to the far part of the plastic sky,
  3. rinse your mouth thoroughly with plain water,
  4. press the device tightly to the surface of the gums and squeeze the jaws for 5-10 seconds,
  5. Carefully remove excess drug with a regular napkin,
  6. After use, screw the tube cap tightly.

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Corega cannot be used after its service life has expired. It is better to store the tube in a cool, dry place, protected from direct sunlight.

Applying cream

  • To increase the effectiveness of the cream, before applying it, the prosthesis is washed under running water and dried thoroughly.
  • Before installation, high-quality oral hygiene procedures are carried out. Even minimal food residues in the form of crumbs or specks, if they get under the structure, can cause inflammation and chafing, as a result of which the patient will not be able to wear the structure for several days.
  • The product is applied in dotted strips closer to the dentition line. There is no need to try to increase the amount of glue, wanting to achieve a more powerful fastening. Excess product will be visible on the surface of the gum tissue and will spoil the aesthetics of your smile. In addition, with this application, the suspension will not last long.
  • The instructions show a diagram of which you can use as an example to apply.
  • Fixing the prosthesis does not cause any difficulties. It needs to be inserted into the oral cavity as the design features suggest, and pressed tightly with your fingers for a few seconds.
  • To make the fixation more effective, it is recommended to supplement the pressure by closing the jaws.

If the prosthesis is made for the upper jaw, application is performed in the middle of the palatal part.

How to remove the prosthesis?

  • Before removing the denture, you must rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • Carefully and slowly move the structure in different directions until it is completely disconnected.
  • If after several swings the prosthesis cannot be removed, this indicates that the bonding was strong. In this case, apply gentle pressure on the gum tissue in the cheek area.
  • Next, using a toothbrush, the structure is cleaned of any remaining suspension in warm water.

Cleansing will be effective if you use special tablets of the same brand for these purposes.

How often and for how long can I use it?

Corega cream can be used once throughout the day. One tube with a volume of 40 g is designed for 21 days; if the consumption during this time is slightly higher, this indicates the need to adjust the insert design.

Using soft and gentle rocking movements, remove the removable elements from the gums.

What is included in the product

Corega is considered one of the safest drugs used to improve the fixation of orthopedic solutions. When answering the question whether this cream can be used for sensitive gums, it is important to consider the key components of the drug. What does Corega consist of? The composition includes components such as methyl vinyl ether maleic acid, silicon compounds, gum, dyes, flavors and menthol as a flavoring agent. If you are not allergic to any of the listed substances, you can safely use this fixative.

Precautionary measures

  • for people experiencing allergic reactions to substances and flavoring additives included in the drug, it is best to avoid using the cream;
  • ingestion of a small amount of the drug into the body does not cause harm;
  • if you experience discomfort from use, you must stop using the cream composition and consult your dentist;
  • experts do not recommend the simultaneous use of Corega cream and dietary supplements that include zinc compounds in their internal composition;
  • exclude or, if possible, limit as much as possible the intake of very hot liquid food or drinks;
  • store the tube of cream in places that are safe from children.

For what orthopedic structures is it used?

In general, this product is actively used for fixing any removable orthopedic solutions. How much the drug is needed is decided in each individual case by the person himself and his attending physician.

The drug "Corega" is designed to improve the quality of attachment of the structure to the gum. Therefore, it is more suitable for those removable dentures that are poorly fixed in the oral cavity. For example, plates made of hard plastic, acrylic or made of nylon. This elastic material perfectly adapts to the anatomical shape of the gums, but due to this property it stretches greatly. And after a couple of years it really requires means for fixation.

Lamellar prosthesis

“As I got older, my teeth started falling out and I fell into a deep depression. I was terribly embarrassed by my toothless mouth; they couldn’t help but talk, much less smile. After numerous consultations with different dentists, I decided on a nylon design. When the new teeth were installed, I was in seventh heaven! However, there were still a couple of nuances. During this time, I managed to try a lot of different fixing agents, but everything was not the same. My dentist advised me to buy Corega, and I was very pleased! I don’t understand why many people write that the cream does not hold the prosthesis. In my opinion, everything is fine with this. No discomfort, the design stays securely in the mouth, no aftertaste! I recommend this product to everyone!”

Marina, 48 years old, review from

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How to use the cream

If you use Corega correctly, you can achieve truly high-quality and reliable adhesion of the structure to the soft tissues of the oral cavity. How to apply cream to upper and lower dentures? Here are detailed instructions about this:

  1. The product is applied to a previously cleaned and dried structure. To clean the product, you can use a Corega tablet,
  2. the contents of the tube are squeezed out by pressing a special dispenser; the drug should be applied pointwise into the recesses of the structure,
  3. Before installing the prosthesis, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly,
  4. pressing the denture tightly to the jaw, you need to hold it in this position for a few seconds,
  5. How to remove “Corega” from the surface of the product - to remove excess cream from a denture, you can use a napkin pre-treated in regular sunflower oil.

Correct use of a denture retainer
It is not recommended to touch the tube cap with wet hands. Corega should not be used more than once a day.


Corega cream is a plastic substrate of a cement-like fraction, which, in contact with air, becomes dense . This allows the dentures to adhere tightly to the gums. For this:

  1. the product is applied to the recesses of the prosthesis;
  2. The prosthesis is firmly fixed in the mouth.

Since the cream fills the entire space between the dental structure (the prosthesis itself) and the gums, this prevents mechanical food particles from getting under the structural part of the prosthesis.

Corega is also an excellent preventive measure to prevent chafing and irritation of the gums. Patients feel comfortable, eat without problems, and smile.

Types of Corega creams for dentures

  • neutral taste: the cream contains additives that allow you to enjoy your favorite dishes without the slightest change in taste. One of the key advantages of this product is the presence of natural resin in its composition, which acts as a safe alternative to zinc,

    Neutral taste

  • extra strong gel: this type of fixing cream for dentures involves a double concentration of active components in its composition. The drug allows you to securely fasten the structure without harming your health. It provides high levels of comfort, and mineral oils give it a certain degree of elasticity, which makes it possible to evenly distribute the product over the surface,

    Extra strong

  • refreshing taste: optimal option for people with hypersensitive gums. As in previous cases, this product does not contain zinc, so it is completely harmless to human health.

    Refreshing taste


In parapharmaceuticals, there are three types of creams under the Corega brand. The key difference between them is in the additional components that affect taste perception and consist of menthol and mint extracts.

Neutral taste. This variety is suitable for those who do not perceive flavors and dyes. It does not interrupt the main taste of food and allows you to enjoy the process of eating.

When used, the cream does not cause discomfort due to the pungent odor.

The product is supplied to the market in special aluminum tubes with a volume of 40 ml. All containers with cream are equipped with a tip with a flat configuration, allowing you to apply the product comfortably and accurately.

The first time you need to distribute it in a small amount, otherwise excess cream will come out from under the prosthesis. In the future, you can independently control the dosage.

Extra strong. Mint. This type includes a component that gives the breath a pleasant minty freshness. The presence of this kind of extracts makes it possible to soften the urge to vomit in those who experience this condition when removing and putting on covering dentures.

The cream is contraindicated only for those who are allergic to the components of the product. Reliably fastens dentures to the gums throughout the day. Available in tubes with a volume of 40 ml.

To ensure that the cream is squeezed out well, it is not recommended to store it in the refrigerator . Suitable temperature is room temperature.

Refreshing taste. This type has a mild mint taste. One of its components is menthol, which gives fresh breath and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

This variety of Corega is suitable for those who like the taste of mint, but in small quantities and without a pronounced smell. “Refreshing Taste” is also available in tubes with a standard volume of 40 ml.

One application is enough to keep the prosthesis securely in place throughout the day. The main condition is to follow the recommendations of the instructions for the product.

Which plastic crowns for the front teeth are better: photos before and after installation.

How to use Corega tablets for dentures? Here are detailed instructions.

How to properly use Fittident cream to fix dentures? Instructions via the link.

How does Corega affect the body?

According to D. Kickrow, a professor at the Indiana University School of Dentistry and a recognized expert in the field of prosthetics, when using fixing agents, improved retention of the structure is achieved through two main components of the drug. The sodium salt provides a high degree of viscosity to the product and improves its adhesive properties. The second important component is cellulose gum, which, when interacting with other active substances and a moist environment, gives the composition a jelly-like form.

So how can Corega be harmful? According to the results of numerous studies, this drug is completely harmless to human health. Even if you accidentally swallow a little cream, its components will not affect the condition of the body in any way. In addition, most of the substances contained in this drug are also found in toothpastes and topical dental products.

Important! The manufacturer emphasizes that its products do not contain zinc. Many analogues include this component, as it significantly increases the quality of fixation. However, in 2010, GSK stopped adding zinc to its products. Studies have shown that prolonged exposure to this substance on the body can cause serious damage to health.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug should not be used in case of individual hypersensitivity to the components contained in its composition. First of all, this applies to people suffering from various forms of allergies. If after applying the cream a person experiences nausea, excessive salivation, as well as a pronounced change in taste, you should immediately seek professional help from a specialist. Before this, you need to remove the denture and cleanse your mouth of Corega.

Adverse reactions

How to remove a denture after cream

Before removing the denture and removing Corega from the gums, you need to thoroughly rinse your mouth with regular running water. After this, it is necessary to remove the structure from the oral cavity using inclined movements. If the product is under the influence of strong fixation, you need to lightly press on the surface of the gums and slightly loosen the prosthesis. If the process of removing the structure causes significant discomfort, leave it in your mouth overnight. Under the influence of saliva, the properties of the fixing cream will weaken, and in the morning you can remove the denture without any problems.

Washing the prosthesis

The product should be thoroughly cleaned of food residues and fixing composition. How to remove remnants of Corega glue? It is recommended to wash off the product from the structure using a standard toothbrush or a special brush. To remove the cream from the mouth, in particular from the roof of the mouth and hard-to-reach places, just brush your teeth thoroughly. You can also use special Corega tablets to clean the prosthesis.


Before removing a removable denture, you must:

  • rinse the mouth with warm water;
  • slowly, with gentle rocking . If the structure is firmly adhered, then you need to press on the gum mucosa from the buccal side;
  • remove any remaining cream from the denture. This can be done by rinsing the product with warm water and wiping with a toothbrush with a soft layer of bristles. It would not be superfluous to use antiseptic compounds for treating the prosthesis.

Tablets for cleaning dentures

To care for orthopedic solutions, many people use an ordinary toothbrush and toothpaste. However, most products used for cleaning teeth contain abrasive substances that can damage the denture and gradually render it unusable. In this case, the best option would be to use special tablets. According to the instructions, even a short treatment of the product using this product ensures up to 99% disinfection of the prosthesis. The solution successfully copes with age spots, plaque and dental deposits.

Denture cleaning tablets

After becoming acquainted with this drug, many begin to ask the question of what could happen if they accidentally take a Corega tablet. This drug is not intended for oral administration, and therefore such an oversight may be followed by corresponding signs of poisoning, such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and headache. If such symptoms develop, you should rinse your stomach and seek professional medical help.

How much does the drug cost?

This product costs approximately 250 rubles for a 40 ml tube. At the same time, the cost is not affected in any way by the release form. But tablets for cleaning dentures will cost a little less. For the current year, the average price varies from 190 to 220 rubles for 30 tablets. By the way, the drug is available in two variations: Bioformula and Whitening. It should be noted that they will cost almost the same, and in composition they are not particularly different.

Price, where to buy

The cream is sold in pharmacies and is available without a prescription. Can be ordered online. The cost of one tube with a capacity of 40 g is from 270 rubles. It varies depending on the region and the pricing policy of the establishment.

Until recently, it was believed that Koreg had no analogues.

Currently you can find similar products:

  • Protefix;
  • Lakalut Dent;

  • Dentipur;
  • ROX;
  • Fittydent;
  • The president.

Possible alternatives - analogues of cream

Today, pharmacy counters offer a wide variety of different creams, gels and adhesives designed to improve the quality of fixation of orthopedic solutions. They differ among themselves in the degree of effectiveness, duration of action and, of course, price.

How can you replace Corega at home? You should not resort to folk recipes, because the individual reaction of the body can be unpredictable. If you are looking for something to secure your dentures with other than this drug, pay attention to products such as “Protefix”, “Blendamed” or “President”. People with increased salivation are advised to give preference to creams or gels. In other cases, powder preparations have worked well.

Video review from a patient about dental prosthetics with 4 implants

  1. According to data presented on the official website of the manufacturer


You can learn in detail about the properties of the cream that fixes dentures after studying the reviews of patients who use it daily.

We invite readers to leave feedback about their experience of using the cream and personal impressions of its properties.

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Tags corega prosthetics removable dentures denture care

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