6 Best Brands of Denture Cleaning Tablets

September 12, 2019

Owners of removable orthopedic devices are often interested in how to clean their dentures. Indeed, this moment is very important not only for maintaining artificial teeth in perfect condition, for preserving their original beauty, but also for the health of the entire oral cavity. After all, bacterial plaque accumulates on the materials of removable appliances, worsening their condition and provoking the development of inflammatory processes in the living tissues of the oral cavity. Plaque must be removed in a timely manner, and special tablets are best suited for this purpose - there are a large number of different types and brands on pharmacy shelves today.

Tablets are good at cleaning dentures from plaque

We agree that due to the wide variety, it is very difficult to make a choice and find out which tablets are best. The editors of the UltraSmile.ru portal will help you decide on this issue. From the article you will also learn what else cleansing tablets are useful for, what is included in their composition and how to use them correctly to make a difference.

Purpose of cleansers

There are different types of cleaning products for removable dentures. To carry out high-quality hygiene and care for products, you need a whole arsenal of devices and preparations: brushes, paste, various foams, gels and rinses, cleaning tablets, ultrasonic baths.

Read the article on the topic: the most complete list of products for those who have removable dentures.

A very important and indispensable means for cleaning dentures is cleaning tablets; they must be used on an ongoing basis, in fact, just as the rest of the list of hygiene products cannot be excluded. As for cleaning tablets, cleaning dentures with them allows you to avoid a whole range of problems at once:

  • elimination of pathogenic microflora: plaque accumulates on dentures, the smallest food residues can get stuck in fastening elements and microcracks invisible to the eye of the product. It may not be possible to remove them with a regular brush and paste, and then the product can become a source of bacterial growth and infection, causing inflammation of the gums and other dental diseases,
  • removal of stains and even minor whitening of the crowns of artificial teeth: everyone wants their smile to look beautiful, but not everyone can deny themselves the pleasure of consuming food and drinks with coloring pigments (coffee, berries, tea, soda, juices, sauces). Not everyone can give up the bad habit of smoking. These unfavorable factors gradually lead to a change in the color of artificial crowns, and if you do not periodically use specialized cleaning agents, the appearance of the product will soon deteriorate, and, alas, it will be impossible to whiten it using other methods.
  • Extending the service life of products: prostheses contain various fastening elements, which also require specialized care so that they last longer. For example, metal hooks. The tablets will help protect them from corrosion.

Whitening dentures

If you do not care for the product correctly or do not care for it at all, it may darken over time. To return the original appearance, you will have to try.

Cleansing with whitening toothpaste is highly discouraged: as a rule, such toothpastes are highly abrasive, which allows them to fight plaque on teeth. However, the surface of the denture is not as hard as tooth enamel, so using such a paste will only cause harm.

If there is a need to whiten the denture, the best option would be to take it to the clinic, or resort to the help of special cleansing tablets. There is another option, but it is much more expensive - purchasing an ultrasonic brush, which makes it possible to carry out high-quality cleaning right at home.

Composition of cleansing tablets

Each manufacturer, of course, has its own special ingredients that others do not have. However, there are components that are most often used for the production of tablets - they are found in one form or another and in concentrations by almost all manufacturers:

  • sodium perborate: has a whitening effect,
  • citric acid: promotes bleaching of artificial materials, plus enhances the effect of other components included in the composition,
  • carbonates: help the effervescent product dissolve very quickly and without residue in water, resulting in a homogeneous solution,
  • mint: the most common mint flavor is that it deodorizes well, adds freshness and eliminates unpleasant odors,
  • dye: for example, blue - due to it the crowns visually become whiter,
  • enzymes: they perform a protective function, because by soaking them from the solution, the removable device literally “repels” bacteria from itself,
  • active oxygen: this is a powerful weapon against bacterial plaque control.

And now it’s time to more specifically answer the question of how to clean dentures at home, namely, which tablets will cope with this task most effectively. The review below is based on the opinions of experienced orthopedic dentists and patient reviews.

Corega Tabs Dental White ("Corega")

This well-known brand from GlaxoSmithKline produces a whole series of products for high-quality and gentle oral care. He also presents several types of creams for reliable fixation of removable systems in the oral cavity. As for tablets, they are in demand among patients because... help preserve the original color of artificial teeth, as well as restore it if stains appear on the prosthesis or its shade has changed due to contamination. This product removes bacterial plaque quite effectively. Corega Tabs Dental White is available in packs of 30 and 72. The asking price is from 250 rubles.

Corega Tabs Dental White

To find out the composition and understand how to properly clean dentures at home, read the article on the topic: 5 advantages of Corega tablets for removable dentures.


Are you wondering how else to clean your dentures from dark plaque? Judging by the reviews of Internet users, Protefix tablets cope well with this task, which are able to reach contaminants even in the most inaccessible places. This product also effectively combats unpleasant odors due to the components of peppermint and common mint. Protefix can be purchased in packs of 36 and 72 pieces. Their cost starts from 200 rubles.

Protefix tablet


These tablets are not cheap, the cost for 30 pieces in a package starts from 350 rubles, but they help restore the color of artificial teeth, as well as protect it from pigment and plaque accumulation. They disinfect and deodorize well, and remove organic1 residues. The composition contains citric acid, menthol and bleaching sodium perborate. When dissolved, the water turns blue.

LACALUT Dent tablets


The manufacturer positions the product as unique, claiming that it can even cope with the remnants of fixing creams that cannot be removed with other hygiene and care products and do not dissolve in water. If you have decided how to clean your removable dentures and have chosen Fittydent, then after using them you will certainly get a whitening effect and will be glad that the product is no longer a source of bad odor. The asking price is from 300 rubles per pack of 32 tablets.

Fittydent tablets

The Fittident brand is respected in 68 countries around the world; it provides customers with a fairly wide range of products for the care and fixation of removable systems: creams, tablets, pads. Read about the features, advantages and disadvantages of the brand in the article on the website: 4 products from “Fittident” that will improve life with removable dentures.

ROCS (“R.O.K.S.”)

The composition of this product is safe for metal elements of removable devices. The role of the “main violin” here is played by bleaching oxygen, which helps to cope with severe stubborn stains and is able to return artificial crowns to their original whiteness. The composition also contains antibacterial substances that help fight germs that have settled on the surface of the orthopedic structure. Another plus is that the price of this brand is quite reasonable - from 220 rubles for a package consisting of 32 tablets.

ROCS tablets

Dentipur ("Dentipure")

For those who can’t decide how to clean their dentures at home, we recommend trying Dentipyur brand tablets (Germany), which have a very attractive price - about 140 rubles (for 30 pieces). They have antiseptic properties, a whitening effect, and quickly dissolve and soften plaque.

Dentipur tablets

Selecting tools for cleaning the prosthetic structure

Only soft brushes are suitable for cleaning removable dentures. In pharmacies you can buy special instruments designed for these purposes. They are usually equipped with artificial nylon bristles, which do not scratch the base part and crowns, while carefully cleaning all surfaces from dirt. The working part of such brushes consists of two elements, one of which is intended for cleaning the internal areas of the dental structure.

But it is not necessary to buy a special brush for dentures; you can use a regular one. The main thing is that the degree of rigidity is minimal. If the bristles are overly elastic and the effort applied is significant, then after a year or two noticeable scratches will appear on the artificial teeth and gums.

How not to make a mistake with your choice

If you have installed dentures and still don’t know how best to clean them, you can seek advice from your doctor. He will help you choose the product that will be most effective for you. However, it is not always possible to choose your ideal option the first time, and you have to use the trial method. However, when choosing, you should definitely take into account contraindications for use and possible side effects. Sometimes it happens that in some patients tablets of one brand cause allergies and individual intolerance, while in others they do not.

“Before I met Protefix, I always gave preference to Corega - I used all care products only from this brand. It was so convenient and it seemed that it was very correct, because... All products from the same series complement each other. But Protefix won me over the first time - it seemed to me that the results from their use were better, because They were able to remove a stain that the cores couldn’t handle at all.”

Tamara Vitalievna, review from the dental portal gidpozubam.ru

How to choose a product to care for removable dentures

It is unlikely that anyone knows better than doctors all the nuances of using certain prostheses and care products. By looking at the clinical picture, a professional doctor can suggest the most effective drugs. It is also worth carefully studying the components. Despite the fact that most drugs are positioned as hypoallergenic, individual intolerance has not been canceled.

For comprehensive care, it is advisable to use products from one manufacturer (paste for mechanical cleaning and tablets). However, the patient will have to determine the ideal remedy through trial and error. You should always pay close attention to the list of contraindications. In addition, each drug must first be tested for an allergic reaction. There is no single remedy that suits everyone; if one patient does not get enough of it, then another may experience side effects from the same medicine, or, moreover, individual intolerance.

Doctors recommend carefully studying the composition of the tablets before you start using them. The instructions for the drug, which indicate side effects and contraindications, will help them with this. Most pills are considered hypoallergenic, but the human body is unpredictable and can produce an individual reaction. In addition, the compatibility of tablets for the care of removable dentures with medications that the patient takes for chronic diseases should be taken into account.

Another important point for the patient is the correct choice of oral care products, that is, toothpaste, mouthwash or protective ointment. When using partial dentures, it is best if all products are from the same brand.

Dentures come with an expense, and the price of denture maintenance tablets will also impact your budget downwards so should be taken into account. In this case, calculating the cost of a dose per use will help, usually one or two tablets. Thus, you can calculate which packaging will be more profitable.

Listen to the recommendations of experts to avoid the consequences.

Precautionary measures:

  1. There is no need to try to dissolve and swallow the medicine. This can cause a burn to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
  2. There is a strict prohibition on rinsing your mouth with a cleansing solution.
  3. Do not use the product if you have an allergic reaction to one of the components.
  4. Do not use the tablet if there is damage to the mucous membrane.
  5. Do not use the product if the expiration date has expired. There must be a separate container for preparing the product, not used for food products.
  6. After removing the prosthesis, you need to hold it under running water.

Rules for cleaning dentures with tablets

Regardless of which brand of product you end up choosing, you should read the instructions for use, which will tell you exactly how to clean your dentures. You should not neglect these instructions and use the product longer than recommended by the manufacturer, because... otherwise, you may harm the artificial teeth or your health, for example, cause an allergic reaction or irritation, and even a burn to the mucous membrane after returning the denture to the oral cavity.

It is important to follow the instructions for proper cleaning

Let's take a closer look at how dentures should be cleaned using tablets at home, and what can and should be done, and what absolutely cannot be done:

  1. take a convenient container that can be filled with water so that the solution completely covers all parts of the prosthesis,
  2. fill the container with warm water: it should not be hot, you cannot use boiling water, because this may lead to deformation of product elements,
  3. place the tablets in water: the one-time quantity of tablets is indicated in the instructions, dissolve them thoroughly - the solution should not have sediment,
  4. Dip the orthopedic structure into the resulting solution and leave it for exactly as long as indicated in the instructions. This could be 1-2 minutes or even 10-15. There are also products in which the prosthesis must be kept overnight,
  5. remove the product from the water and rinse thoroughly under running water: under no circumstances put the product in your mouth until you rinse it with water, otherwise you may cause an allergy or burn the mucous membrane,
  6. dry the surface of the product with a soft napkin or paper towel, and also conduct a thorough inspection: if chips or scratches are found on it, it is better not to use it for its intended purpose, but first consult with an orthopedist.

In addition to the question of how to clean dentures at home using tablets, people are also interested in how often this should be done. You need to use specialized products at least 2-3 times a week, then your smile will always look well-groomed and snow-white. Also, to enhance and maintain the effect, do not forget to have the product professionally cleaned twice a year at the dental clinic where it was made for you.


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  1. According to the official manufacturer lacalut.ru

Expert “During operation, removable dentures can periodically rub the mucous membrane and injure it (especially if correction and relining were not carried out in a timely manner), therefore it is very important that they are always clean and undergo the necessary disinfection in order not to become a source of bacterial growth and provoke an acute inflammatory reaction in the mucous membrane. To prevent all unpleasant consequences, it is better, even at the stage of manufacturing and installation of orthopedic devices, to immediately think about what and how to clean dentures. And one of the options is the use of cleansing tablets.” Dental hygienist Victoria Nikolaevna Kashaeva

Consulting specialist

Kashaeva Victoria Nikolaevna

Specialization: Dental hygienist Experience: 7 years

Who is it suitable for?

Nylon denture systems can be installed to either recreate missing teeth or cover existing but unsightly ones. The use of prostheses is indicated in the following cases:

Products are installed if one or part of the teeth in the jaw is lost; they are installed in cases of complete edentia - the absolute absence of teeth. They are used when, for financial reasons, it is impossible for a patient to have implantation and installation of clasp types of prostheses.

Indicated when implants are prohibited from being implanted into a patient due to the presence of various diseases. Although nylon prostheses can be used even with existing diabetes, disorders of the cardiovascular system, even epilepsy and other diseases.

Nylon structures are often recommended for installation by children. They are used in situations where a baby tooth has been removed and a permanent replacement does not appear for a long time. In this case, prosthetics prevent the displacement of a number of teeth in the jaw and subsequent deformation of the bite.

Used in the presence of pathology such as periodontal disease. This untreated disease can lead to the loss of all teeth. Wearing a prosthesis is indicated only in the first and second stages of the disease.

Used for temporary prosthetics during the period of tissue adaptation during implantation.

Dentists sometimes recommend wearing them for people involved in dangerous work, a high risk of various injuries, including damage and loss of teeth: athletes, employees of the military and law enforcement agencies, and others.


My financial situation is quite tense; I can’t afford to buy pills every time. What else and how can you clean dentures at home? Maybe there are some safe folk methods?

Galina Semenovna (09.25.2019 at 19:00) Reply to comment

    Dear Galina Semyonovna! You should be extremely careful with traditional methods, because... they can cause harm: spoil the outer covering of the prosthesis, deform it, and contribute to the appearance of cracks and scratches. You cannot use soda, alcohol, and especially white. Avoid using potassium permanganate and salt. You can try dissolving a teaspoon of citric acid in a glass of warm water and immerse the denture in it to clean it (but leave it for no more than 5 minutes) - this method can sometimes be used, but not on a permanent basis. In general, it is better to consult your doctor about the advisability of using such methods.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (09.29.2019 at 09:14) Reply to comment

I have clasp dentures, I always used tablets for them, but then we went to a friend’s dacha and forgot to take them with us. She had chlorine tablets there and offered them. They say they disinfect and clean well, but I was afraid. Can they be used?

Olga Yuryevna (10/12/2019 at 15:44) Reply to comment

    Dear Olga Yurievna. For any prosthetics, the use of chlorine is unacceptable, because... Although chlorine cleanses, it acts very aggressively; in addition, it will negatively affect the oral mucosa, cause allergies and irritation, and it will be very difficult to thoroughly rinse the denture after it. As for clasp dentures containing metal elements, the use of chlorine is harmful for them, because the metal will darken under the influence of this substance.

    Editorial staff of the portal UltraSmile.ru (10/22/2019 at 09:24) Reply to comment

Tell me, what is the best product to choose for cleaning my grandfather’s removable dentures? We've heard that there are special tablets for cleaning dentures, but I have no idea how effective they are!

Karina (10/14/2019 at 07:44 pm) Reply to comment

Tell me, can tablets for cleaning dentures cause an allergic reaction? After all, their particles can remain on the dentures themselves, causing irritation in the oral cavity or am I mistaken?

Luda (10/14/2019 at 07:47 pm) Reply to comment

Tablets for cleaning removable dentures are the best solution, because it is not very convenient to constantly clean them manually. How to properly use such tablets to clean dentures and how often?

Etella (10/14/2019 at 09:17 pm) Reply to comment

An elderly person has removable dentures, and sometimes there is a problem with cleaning them. I read about special tablets for cleaning dentures. How should they be used?

Felix (10/14/2019 at 09:19 pm) Reply to comment

In the near future I plan to put on dentures; at the consultation, the doctor said that the best cleansing agent is tablets for cleaning dentures, but I am terribly allergic. Please tell me, is this method of cleansing suitable for me? Perhaps there are some tablets for allergy sufferers, with a gentle composition, for example?

Elena (01.11.2019 at 13:32) Reply to comment

How to use tablets for cleaning dentures correctly, are the weight of the tablets suitable for this, where is the best place to order them? I heard that this method of cleaning dentures is more effective.

Tonia F (11/01/2019 at 10:08 pm) Reply to comment

How to properly use tablets to clean dentures, are all tablets suitable for this and where is the best place to order them? I heard that this method of cleaning dentures is more effective.

Tonia F (11/01/2019 at 10:10 pm) Reply to comment

I’m looking at tablets for cleaning LACALUT Dent dentures. Could these tablets not be suitable for allergy sufferers? And if so, what alternative options can I choose?

Anastasia (11.11.2019 at 17:12) Reply to comment

I had no idea that there were so many different types of denture cleansing tablets. My relative only uses tablets for cleansing, are there any other cleansing options needed for comprehensive cleansing or are tablets alone enough?

Veronica (11.11.2019 at 20:30) Reply to comment

I bought tablets to clean dentures and did everything according to the instructions. The tablet dissolved, but there was a small sediment left at the bottom. Does this mean that the quality of the tablets leaves much to be desired?

Natalya Valerievna (11.11.2019 at 20:32) Reply to comment

I have only recently been using a prosthesis. I was very afraid because I didn’t know about such easy ways to clean dentures and was worried that I wouldn’t be able to clean the denture myself. My daughter recommended the pills and together we figured out how to use them. Very good item, no smell or residue. The only question is: is it harmful for the prosthesis if you add more tablets than necessary?

Vasilisa Arkadyevna (11/27/2019 at 6:07 pm) Reply to comment

My grandmother has dentures. I don't even know how she cleans them. And, to be honest, I never thought about it. She needs to be advised to take tablets to clean her dentures. Of course, I heard advertising about Corega. Which of these do you think should I buy so that the price matches the quality!?

Maria (11/28/2019 at 08:36) Reply to comment

My grandmother has acrylic dentures. This is the second year with them. It was hard to get used to. My gums also hurt, and I couldn’t eat at all. But gradually I got used to it. For fixation, I now buy her Mostaden Twins Tech cream. Excellent fixation and long lasting. Prevents food particles from getting under it.

Natalya (01/19/2021 at 04:26 pm) Reply to comment

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Cost: what it depends on

The price of nylon removable denture systems varies depending on the specific model. With complete edentia, the cost of the structure is 30-50 thousand rubles, when correcting partial edentia, the costs will be in the range of 15-40 thousand rubles, a fixed nylon prosthesis for 1-2 teeth will cost 12-15 thousand rubles.

The exact cost of a removable nylon denture can be found out at a consultation with an orthopedic dentist, who, after a diagnostic examination of the oral cavity, will indicate the exact amount required for prosthetics.

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