What are flosses for cleaning teeth? Top 6 Popular Dental Floss Brands

The close arrangement of teeth, wearing braces and other orthodontic structures significantly complicate hygiene procedures. Plaque and food particles may remain in hard-to-reach areas, which provokes the development of carious processes. To avoid this, you need to use additional tools. Dental floss is a huge help in cleaning hard-to-reach areas. And if you decide to correct your bite with braces, then the best option for you is “Superfloss”. In this article you will find all the necessary information about their structure, rules of use and advantages.


Caries prevention is possible by brushing your teeth twice a day. The reproduction of bacteria is stopped, since they cannot live on a clean surface. However, the brush only copes with the internal and external areas. Meanwhile, food particles get stuck in the spaces between the teeth, where the bristles of the brush cannot penetrate.

As a result, pathogenic bacteria develop vigorous activity as food decomposes. The prerequisites for the formation of caries are created. The next stage is the appearance of carious cavities.

Use a thread to clean hard-to-reach areas. It is important to floss with a broken bite and with teeth located close to each other. It is partially possible to sanitize the cavities between the surface of the tooth and the gum - pockets. They are formed during periodontitis, and if you don’t take care of them, you can lose a tooth.


Flosses differ in the processing method:

  • waxed;
  • not waxed.

In the first case, the thread is covered with a thin layer of wax. This facilitates easy sliding and unhindered removal of deposits.

The “tool” is made from:

  • silks;
  • nylon;
  • nylon;
  • acetate.

Natural silk is rare. It was originally used when floss first appeared. Today, mostly artificial options are presented on pharmacy shelves.

The threads are made according to the shape:

  • flat;
  • round;
  • tape

Dr. Zubastik advises purchasing the first ones for people with tightly spaced teeth, the second and third ones for those with wide gaps.
The floss subtype with the prefix “super” is intended for those who wear braces. This design consists of several parts. But we'll talk about it a little later.

Non-waxed threads can be used by those who have experience in cleaning the interdental space with floss. It is believed that they cope better with this task.

Waxed ones are convenient for beginners. The thread does not get stuck anywhere, glides freely, and does not split. There is no risk that a piece of it will remain between the teeth.

To increase the effect, floss is impregnated with therapeutic and prophylactic drugs. This:

  • sodium fluoride (prevention of caries);
  • chlorhexidine (disinfection);
  • menthol (breath freshens).

You should choose a floss only after consulting a doctor, because when choosing it on your own, you may not take into account the peculiarities of the condition of your teeth and gums, as a result of which, instead of benefiting your health, you will cause harm to your health.

Use it correctly

There are 2 approaches to flossing teeth:

  1. Before carrying out the usual hygiene procedure using a brush and paste.
  2. After morning or evening cleansing is completed.

The first approach is closer to American dentists. They advise cleaning hard-to-reach areas before picking up a brush and starting the usual procedure. In Russia, doctors often recommend operations in the reverse order: brush your teeth, floss.

Regardless of what order you follow, the following rules are mandatory:

  1. Wash your hands.
  2. Cut a piece of floss 30-40 cm long.
  3. Take it so that part is wound around the middle finger of your right hand, and pinch part between the thumb, index and middle fingers of your left hand.
  4. Place the strip behind the tooth, trying to grab it, and move it up and down.
  5. Start with the upper jaw.

Remember : you cannot use one piece twice! If there is food or bacteria left on it, it can be transferred to the adjacent tooth. Inflammation will arise, and you will end up with what you were running away from: caries.

If there are no special recommendations from the dentist, then carry out the procedure once a day.

Popular brands

There are many companies that produce floss. Most often these are well-known brands that produce toothpastes, brushes, brushes and other devices for hygienic teeth cleaning.

Popular ones include the following manufacturers :

  • Oral-B;
  • SPLAT;
  • Jordan Expand;
  • ROCS;
  • Colgate;
  • Lacalut.

Dental floss from the manufacturer Oral-B (Oral bi satin floss) is one of the most popular.
They are quite durable and allow you to penetrate even the narrowest spaces between teeth. Available in skeins of 25 and 50 m. There is not only a standard thread, but also a variety with mint impregnation.

SPLAT company has several types: super thin with silver and waxed with different scents. All products from this manufacturer are impregnated with a special antibacterial agent.

Jordan Expand company produces bulky threads. Their advantage is that during use they delaminate, thereby cleaning more space. Such threads are impregnated with fluoride or mint-flavored toothpaste.

For your information! Jordan Expand flosses are not suitable for cleaning very narrow spaces between teeth.

Dental floss from ]ROCS[/anchor] has a mint impregnation. It is perfect for people with sensitive gums, as well as for patients with fluorosis. Such products do not contain fluorine.

Colgate flosses are used to prevent the formation of tartar. They are soaked in mint extract, so they freshen your breath well. Lacalut threads are coated with wax. They are recommended for use by those who have not yet encountered the use of floss. There are models with a cross section.

What if I have braces?

Regular oral care with floss is required.

Braces can become a source of infection if they are not cared for properly. Complete cleaning with a brush is not possible. The smallest particles - food debris and harmful bacteria - are located in the places of fastening.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

To avoid this, make it a rule to keep dental floss in the bathroom and regularly do “spring cleaning.”

You will need waxed floss - they will not touch the elements of the system. The second, more reliable way is to buy superflosses. The difference is this: superfloss is made of three materials. There are:

  • hard fiber;
  • sponge fiber;
  • synthetic thread.

The principle of use is the same as for a regular one, only the result is achieved faster.

Finally, superfloss

Examples of superfloss: Miradent or Oral-B. With braces in place, if you're just starting to master the art of flossing, also try Sensodyne Floss or Lacalut.

What is the difference from regular dental floss?

Super Floss can clean areas that regular dental floss cannot reach. This is explained by its unique structure. It consists of three parts.

  1. Solid fiber. It has a hard tip. It helps the thread easily penetrate into the spaces between orthodontic structures.
  2. Spongy fiber. Promotes high-quality removal of small particles and plaque under and around orthodontic structures.
  3. The regular floss section is designed to clean areas free of orthodontic appliances.

Thus, “Superfloss” is not an ordinary dental floss. It is intended specifically for the care of teeth burdened with braces and bridges. Its three components work together to achieve high quality hygiene. Sponge fiber has a special structure that swells under the influence of saliva. This feature guarantees high-quality removal of food debris, plaque and microbes.

Crowns are not an obstacle

Many people are wary of advice to use floss if part of the teeth are covered with crowns. This fear is unfounded: such teeth also require careful care. The material that is placed between the crown and living tissue dissolves over time. Bacteria and plaque accumulate in these places. It must be cleaned off, because otherwise inflammation of the adjacent soft tissues is possible. This is fraught with the development of periodontitis.

We brush in the same way as usual, without distinguishing between “live” teeth and those covered with a crown. It is especially important to observe this rule in relation to metal ceramics. It is convenient to use superfloss.

Recommendations for children

Dental floss is recommended for adults. In childhood, use is not always advisable. Dentists do not recommend using it under 12 years of age because:

  • the mucous membrane is delicate and easy to injure;
  • not all milk teeth were replaced by permanent ones;
  • The child’s movements can be sudden, which sometimes causes bleeding gums and inflammation.

After reaching the age of 12, and with the approval of the dentist, a teenager can floss their teeth. The first session should be conducted under parental supervision.


Floss has its contraindications for use. Such a product should be discarded if there are carious lesions . In this case, dental floss can lead to chipping of hard tissues.

Other contraindications include the following dental diseases:

  • pulpitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • bleeding gums.

When using the product during such diseases, activation of the inflammatory process and the formation of wounds on the gums is possible .

Attention! Before using such a dental device, you should consult a doctor and carry out a complete sanitation of the oral cavity.

Toothbrush or floss

The natural question is: why do I need floss if I always brush my teeth twice a day with a modern brush, the manufacturer of which promises that it provides penetration into the “most difficult to reach places”?

Despite the improved shape of the brush, it is not able to achieve the degree of cleaning that the thread provides. The villi do not penetrate into the gaps between the teeth. This means that part of the plaque remains untouched.

At the same time, the brush is safer: if you carry out hygiene procedures 2–4 times a day, it is impossible to cause injury. Floss should not be used more than once a day.

Floss does not clean the front or back surfaces. Therefore, these hygiene items are not interchangeable. They complement each other.

special instructions

Like any therapeutic and prophylactic method, the process of flossing teeth has contraindications. Avoid this oral care method if you have:

  • caries has been diagnosed and not yet healed (pieces of teeth affected by microbes break off);
  • gums bleed;
  • Many crowns, bridges and implants have been installed.

The last case is a relative contraindication. Doctors allow and even recommend dental floss, but only after a thorough examination of the oral cavity. Old crowns and bridges are replaced and approval is given for the purchase of floss.

How to use?

To get good results, the thread must be used correctly. There is nothing complicated about this - just follow the instructions carefully.

  1. Insert the thin tip under the arch of the bracket system, under the bridge in the area of ​​missing teeth or other structure. Can be used to clean wide interdental spaces.
  2. Pull the thread to the sponge fiber and begin processing. When wet, this area will increase in volume.
  3. Make smooth movements back and forth, trying to remove all plaque.
  4. Pull it all the way through and remove the thread.

Regular use of Superfloss dental floss will help maintain dental health while wearing fixed orthodontic structures and thereby prevent the development of carious processes.

Advice from Dr. Zubastik

Strips or threads are a universal remedy for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Therefore, use them along with a brush. But follow your dentist's recommendations. So, let me remind you:

  1. Brush your teeth carefully! Excessive force can cause wounds and microtrauma to the gums.
  2. If you do touch the gum and see blood, stop the procedure and rinse your mouth with warm, salty water. Do not floss until the tissue is completely healed.
  3. Once a day is enough. Don't go overboard with your desire for cleanliness.
  4. Get your children used to flossing and tell them in advance about the benefits of the hygiene product.
  5. If there are contraindications, visit your dentist for advice. You may be allowed to buy floss after treatment.

Useful video:

Don't forget the main thing: oral care should be regular! Only then will it guarantee the absence of pathologies. Take care of your teeth and gums, and they will remain healthy until old age.

Tags: dental floss, floss, teeth cleaning

About the author: Dr. Zubastik

Typically, a toothache begins to subside on the way to the clinic and finally goes away after 10 minutes of sitting in line to see the dentist.

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Advantages of Superfloss threads

Superfloss threads, developed by the Oral-B brand, have several main advantages, and therefore are recommended for use by dentists and orthodontists.

  1. Can be used for high-quality cleaning of teeth under dentures and braces.
  2. Plaque below the gum line is removed.
  3. Available in the form of already measured pieces, which simplifies its use.
  4. Thanks to its elasticity, it easily penetrates into any areas inaccessible to a toothbrush.
  5. The special structure prevents rupture during use and particles getting stuck between the teeth.
  6. Gentle on teeth and gums when used carefully.
  7. Special impregnation has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. It prevents the development of caries, protects and strengthens the enamel.
  8. Mint taste makes the procedure more pleasant, leaving a feeling of freshness and cleanliness.
  9. Sold in convenient cases that you can take with you anywhere.
  10. The perfect combination of efficiency and affordable price.

Constant use of Oral-B dental floss will provide complete care. It is recommended for everyone, without exception, to use it in conjunction with daily teeth brushing.

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