Salty taste. What diseases does this symptom indicate?




sour taste in mouth

Helicobacter pylori

What are the consequences of changes in stomach acidity?

The main danger of increasing the secretory function of the stomach is the development of an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the organ, followed by its damage and the development of structural defects. A change in the pH of the gastric environment is always accompanied by clinical symptoms, the severity of which depends on the severity of the inflammatory process and the nature of the structural and functional disorders.

general characteristics

From time to time, an unpleasant taste occurs in healthy people.
It can be caused by the accumulation of food particles due to insufficient oral hygiene, or the consumption of foods with a bright, rich taste. In most cases, the symptom is caused by pathological causes. A bitter taste is felt in the mouth mainly in the morning, immediately after waking up. Unpleasant sensations bother a person for several hours and do not disappear after rinsing the mouth with water. Bitterness or a feeling of sourness are accompanied by heartburn and a sore throat. In this case, the oral mucosa dries out, the saliva is viscous, and is released in smaller quantities. Sometimes patients complain of a strong chemical or metallic taste that lasts throughout the day. If symptoms appear with a certain frequency or constantly, you need to visit a specialist.

Mixture of honey and milk

Milk and honey are an effective combination. This means that a mixture of these ingredients can be used to reduce heartburn in the presence of gastritis. To do this, you need to heat 200 ml of milk over low heat. The temperature of the drink should be no more than 50 degrees.

After this, you need to add one teaspoon of honey to the milk. The resulting product is thoroughly mixed. The product is used daily: approximately 50 minutes after dinner. The average course duration varies from 14 to 30 days.

Causes of taste in mouth

Causes of blood taste in mouth

This symptom occurs when you accidentally bite your cheek or tongue until it bleeds. The characteristic taste in the mouth, repeated several times a week, is due to pathological reasons. The main diseases that cause a taste of blood in the mouth are:

  • Dental diseases
    : gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis.
  • ENT pathology
    : sinusitis, chronic atrophic rhinitis.
  • Damage to the gastrointestinal tract
    : erosive esophagitis and gastritis, peptic ulcer, dilation of the esophageal veins.
  • Cardiovascular disorders
    : hypertension, angina, vasculitis.
  • Rare causes
    : tuberculosis, lung cancer, bronchial asthma.

Causes of bitter taste in mouth

Bitterness is most often felt in the morning, but sometimes the symptom bothers the patient during the day. The bitter taste is accompanied by nausea, loss of appetite, sometimes vomiting with bile, and a specific unpleasant smell of rotten breath. A bitter taste in the mouth can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Age-related mucosal atrophy in the elderly
  • Pregnancy
  • Bad habits
    : smoking, alcohol abuse.
  • Liver pathologies
    : autoimmune, viral or toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration.
  • Damage to the biliary tract
    : cholecystitis and cholangitis, bile duct dyskinesia, cholelithiasis.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases
    : functional dyspepsia, chronic gastritis, duodenitis.
  • Neurological disorders
    : consequences of traumatic brain injury, residual manifestations of stroke, Alzheimer's disease.
  • Iatrogenic conditions
    : placement of fillings, dental prosthetics.
  • Complications of pharmacotherapy
    : treatment with chemotherapy drugs, antihistamines, antibiotics.

Causes of metallic taste in mouth

An unpleasant sensation is more often observed after consuming untreated tap water that passes through poor quality pipes covered with rust. The taste of iron also appears when cooking or storing food in aluminum cookware. Possible pathological causes of a metallic taste in the mouth:

  • Anemia
    : iron deficiency, B12 deficiency.
  • Foreign bodies
    : piercings on the tongue or lips, low-quality metal dentures.
  • Hormonal changes
    : pregnancy, menopause.
  • Chemical poisoning
    : mercury, lead, copper, arsenic.
  • Exposure to radiation
  • Diseases of the urinary system
    : chronic glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis, renal failure.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases
    : esophageal erosion, bleeding gastric ulcer, esophageal varicose veins.
  • Complications of pharmacotherapy
    : taking antiprotozoal, antacid antihypertensive drugs.

Causes of sweet taste in mouth

A constant taste of sweetness is observed in people who abuse confectionery and chocolate. If the symptom is not associated with food intake, unsweetened foods predominate in the diet, this indicates serious problems. The main reasons for which a sweet taste appears in the mouth:

  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy, gestational diabetes
  • Dental diseases
    : caries, periodontitis, stomatitis.
  • Diseases of the digestive system
    : chronic pancreatitis, GERD, hyperacid gastritis.
  • Exposure to pathogenic microorganisms
    : Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci and streptococci.
  • Neurological disorders
    : damage to the facial nerve, chronic stress.
  • Pesticide poisoning

Causes of acetone taste in the mouth

A sharp chemical taste is often the result of changes in metabolic processes and the accumulation of ketone bodies. This symptom does not occur normally and always indicates serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. The unpleasant smell and taste of acetone in the mouth is caused by the following reasons:

  • Following a low-carbohydrate diet
  • Endocrine diseases
    : diabetes mellitus and its complication - ketoacidotic coma, thyroid dysfunction.
  • Kidney damage
    : glomerulonephritis, acute and chronic renal failure, necronephrosis.
  • Liver pathology
    : fibrosis and cirrhosis, Wilson-Konovalov disease, neoplasms.

Decoction for rinsing

If you have gum disease, prepare a decoction based on oak bark. The product helps eliminate bad breath. When preparing the product, oak bark is mixed with sage.

The decoction contains 10 grams of sage herb and oak bark. These ingredients are pre-ground. After this, 20 grams of plant material are poured into 450 ml of warm water. The product is boiled over low heat for about 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, the container containing the drink is removed from the gas stove. The product must be cooled and filtered. The drink is used for rinsing.


If an atypical taste is occasionally or constantly felt in the mouth, consultation with a gastroenterologist is required. The symptom is caused by various reasons, therefore, before laboratory and instrumental examination, you should carefully collect anamnesis and accompanying complaints. The greatest diagnostic value is:

  • Blood tests
    . A standard blood chemistry test reveals the accumulation of ammonia and ketone bodies, which often cause an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Clinical analysis can detect a decrease in hemoglobin, changes in the size and shape of red blood cells, which is characteristic of anemia. If necessary, toxicological analysis is carried out.
  • Hormonal profile
    . If patients complain of a sweetish sensation in the mouth, fasting sugar levels are measured. The results of an oral glucose tolerance test are indicative. To clarify the form of diabetes, the concentration of insulin and C-peptide is taken into account. If glucose levels are normal, it is recommended to determine the level of thyroid hormones.
  • ENT examination
    . During the study, the condition of the mouth, throat, and nasal passages is examined. Frequent findings are signs of chronic inflammation, purulent or whitish deposits on the mucous membrane. Bloody crusts are sometimes found in the nose. If carious teeth or bleeding gums are detected, a person is referred to a dentist.
  • Endoscopy
    . The causes of unusual taste sensations, which are combined with abdominal pain and painful heartburn, are diagnosed using FGDS. During endoscopy, inflammatory and destructive processes in the gastric mucosa, insufficiency of the cardiac sphincter with the flow of acidic contents into the esophagus are visualized.
  • X-ray imaging
    . To exclude ENT causes of a persistent unpleasant taste in the mouth, an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses is performed. Excretory urography is indicated for patients with swelling, lower back pain and other signs of kidney damage. To study the condition of the intestines, a barium passage x-ray is prescribed.
  • Additional methods
    . In women, levels of sex hormones must be examined; in young patients, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin is additionally assessed to confirm or exclude pregnancy. If lung cancer is suspected, especially in men with a long history of smoking, bronchoscopy with collection of material for cytomorphological analysis is required.

If you have an unpleasant taste in your mouth, it is important to maintain oral hygiene

Excess salt on the menu

A similar symptom may appear when we eat excessively salty foods. For a long time now, scientists, doctors, as well as adherents of a healthy lifestyle have noted that salt in large quantities is dangerous for the human body. And its main danger is the load on the cardiovascular system, urinary system, and kidneys. It also increases blood pressure. Therefore, to some extent, modification of diets can lead to the fact that taste perception is restored and excess salt begins to be felt.


Help before diagnosis

Many patients feel relief after rinsing their mouth with water and a small amount of lemon juice or a weak solution of soda. It is important to maintain oral hygiene: brush your teeth thoroughly 2 times a day, rinse your mouth with water after each meal, and use dental floss if necessary. In order not to suffer from bitterness in the morning, you should refrain from fatty foods and smoked foods at dinner.

Pregnant women are advised to eat often, in small portions, so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract. After eating, you should not take a horizontal position or engage in physical labor. If an unpleasant taste in the mouth is accompanied by dyspeptic disorders, pain or a progressive deterioration of the general condition, it is important to consult a doctor in time to determine why the taste occurs in the mouth.

Conservative therapy

A specific taste occurs in many diseases, so only the main directions of therapy can be identified, and the selection of an individual set of therapeutic measures is carried out by a specialist. When caries is detected, treatment by a dentist is indicated: usually, after the elimination of chronic foci of infection, the unpleasant taste disappears. Most often used in therapeutic regimens:

  • Antiseptics
    . Regular rinsing of the oral cavity with a solution of chlorhexidine and its analogues ensures moisturizing and cleansing of the mucous membrane, and prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. For stomatitis with pain, solutions of local anesthetics are used.
  • Antacids
    . If the symptom is due to hyperacid conditions, modern non-absorbable drugs that quickly reduce acidity are recommended. A course of treatment with antisecretory agents is often required to achieve a lasting effect and healing of mucosal defects.
  • Choleretic drugs
    . In case of biliary pathology, the composition of bile is improved and its release into the duodenum is stimulated, due to which the bitterness disappears. The drugs can be combined with hepatoprotectors to protect the liver from the effects of bile acids.
  • Antidotes
    . Heavy metal poisoning is an indication for the prescription of specific complexones that bind and remove toxic substances from the blood. To speed up detoxification, large volumes of crystalloid solutions are administered intravenously.

Following a strict diet

In order to reduce a strong sour taste in the mouth due to diseases of the digestive organs, you need to follow a strict diet. At the same time, dishes that increase the secretion of gastric juice are excluded from the diet. Foods that create additional stress on the pancreas are also contraindicated. Limit consumption of the following products as much as possible:

  • strong brewed coffee;
  • chocolate products;

  • eggplant;
  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • mushrooms;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fried and fatty foods;

  • spicy seasonings;
  • semi-finished products.

Following such a diet is especially important while expecting a child. The daily menu should include: boiled fish, steamed cutlets, vegetarian soups. Jelly, dairy products, and steamed omelettes are also healthy. The optimal number of meals is 4-5 per day.

Why does it occur in women?

If the specific taste in the mouth and lips in women does not cause a cough due to problems with the ENT organs or other listed problems, then the unpleasant symptoms are associated with the menstrual cycle or hormonal imbalance. Pregnant women especially often complain about this condition. Temporary restructuring of the body during childbearing followed by breastfeeding contributes to changes in taste buds.

Salinity also occurs due to dehydration caused by toxicosis. A woman may complain of constant nausea, vomiting, weakness, dry mouth, and dizziness. In this case, it is advisable to eat natural food with a minimum amount of dyes, drink drinks that alleviate the condition, and eat sour fruits that smooth out the symptoms of nausea and strange taste in the mouth.

Dysgeusia often develops in pregnant women. This is a taste disorder under the influence of hormones. This phenomenon is temporary and disappears without a trace after delivery.

Salt in the mouth of women can appear as a result of sudden mood swings, crying, or tears. In older representatives of the fairer sex, a salty taste appears during menopause, when hormonal changes occur intensively. It is often accompanied by dry mouth, inability to swallow food, burning, and itching.

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