Taste of soap in mouth. Causes and treatment in women, men

A soapy taste in the mouth can occur in children, adult men and women of all ages. The reasons for the occurrence of such unpleasant sensations inside the oral cavity depend on the influence of one or several environmental factors, the functional state of the internal organs and the life support system of the body.

A soapy taste in the mouth that appears suddenly, persists for a short period of time, and then suddenly disappears is not a significant cause for concern. A situation when a persistent sensation of soapy taste is constantly present or continues to intensify is considered an alarming signal.

Causes of a soapy taste in the mouth

The reasons that cause a taste of soap in the mouth in women, men and children are classified into pathological and physiological. In the first case, such unusual sensations are associated with the presence of obvious or hidden diseases. Physiological causes are the body’s reaction to external or internal irritants that disrupt the functioning of receptors in the oral cavity, peripheral nervous system or digestive organs.

Caused by diseases

The taste of soap in the mouth, the appearance of which is caused by the disease, is only one of many symptoms of a painful condition of the internal organ or life support system of the body.

The following pathological causes of soapy taste inside the oral cavity are distinguished:

  • increased acidity of gastric juice, accompanied by gastroduodenitis;
  • disruption of the functioning of the glands of the digestive system, which are responsible for the synthesis of the optimal amount of hydrochloric acid (in this case, a significant change in the chemical composition of gastric juice occurs, which can provoke an unusual taste in the mouth, reminiscent of soap);
  • gastritis of various origins;

  • the presence of foreign tumors in the organs of the digestive system;
  • pathologies of the liver, its ducts, and gallbladder;
  • consequences of traumatic brain injuries;
  • ulcerative or pre-ulcerative condition of the mucous membrane of the stomach or the walls of the duodenum;
  • individual intolerance to certain foods, one of the symptoms of which is the feeling of soap in the mouth;
  • previous cerebral stroke;
  • diseases of the endocrine and female reproductive system, which cause an imbalance of hormones in the blood plasma;
  • a chronic form of inflammation of the pancreas (a soapy taste can persist constantly, but in most cases its appearance occurs at the time of the next exacerbation of the disease).

The type of disease that provokes such an unpleasant symptom is determined based on the results of a comprehensive examination of the patient. Diagnosis begins with an examination of the oral cavity. Then the digestive system is subject to instrumental and hardware examination, a biochemical blood test is performed, and hormone levels are determined.

Not related to diseases

The taste of soap in the mouth (the reasons for women are determined individually based on the results of the examination) occurs not only due to the presence of acute and chronic diseases of the body.

In clinical practice, there are cases when this symptom is caused by permanent or short-term exposure to the following factors:

  • pregnancy (most women complain of the periodic appearance of a taste of soap in the mouth during the 1st trimester of fetal development, and then these sensations disappear);
  • eating food products that contain a large number of chemical components in the form of flavor enhancers, flavorings, dyes (sausages, seasonings, semi-finished products, canned meat 2 or 3 grades, crackers, chips);
  • dehydration of the body, when due to a lack of fluid, an excess amount of sodium chloride begins to enter the saliva, the removal of which requires drinking heavily;

  • eating food from dishes that are washed with aggressive chemical agents, but are not rinsed properly;
  • use of cosmetics based on excess glycerin;
  • chronic intoxication of the body and irritation of the oral mucosa caused by living in an area with an unfavorable environmental situation (for example, near a chemical, metallurgical or coal industry, when toxic compounds, copper, lead, mercury, zinc vapors accumulate in the environmental air);
  • drinking poorly purified tap water, which contains chlorine and other chemical impurities harmful to the human body.

The physiological causes that cause a feeling of soapy taste in the mouth should be established as soon as possible. The impact of these factors on the body of a woman, man or child of any age can lead to the development of an allergic reaction.


Making a correct diagnosis based solely on the manifestation of such a symptom is impossible even for the most experienced gastroenterologist. For this reason, diagnostic measures will be comprehensive and include:

FGDS procedure

  • studying the medical history and life history of the patient - this is necessary to identify the factors of occurrence, since not all of them may be pathological;
  • a thorough physical examination;
  • detailed survey – to assess the entire clinical picture;
  • clinical and biochemical studies of urine and blood;
  • Ultrasound and radiography;
  • FGDS and biopsy;
  • other examination methods prescribed on an individual basis.

Features of causes depending on gender

The taste of soap in the mouth (the reasons for women depend on the general condition of their body) can appear at any time of the day. In most cases, the occurrence of this symptom has the same origin without adjustment for the person’s gender. From time to time, situations arise when a soapy taste in the mouth is associated with the individual characteristics of the body, the lifestyle of a man or woman.

In men

A persistent taste of soap in the mouth can appear in men who are exposed to the following factors:

  • work at a metallurgical industry enterprise in shops for smelting ferrous and non-ferrous metals;
  • abuse alcoholic beverages;
  • are involved in coal mining (dust and gases that accumulate inside the mine cause irritation of taste buds and the oral mucosa, which can cause a soapy taste and other similar symptoms);
  • smoke a large number of cigarettes every day.

Men who experience a soapy taste in their mouth should seek medical attention from a physician or dentist.

Among women

The taste of soap in the mouth of women may appear due to a sharp change in hormonal levels. For example, during pregnancy, or under the influence of concomitant diseases of the endocrine system. An imbalance of hormonal substances entails changes in the functioning of internal organs and peripheral receptors responsible for collecting, processing and transmitting information in the form of nerve impulses.

Restoring hormone levels to normal levels makes it possible to stabilize a woman’s general well-being and eliminate unpleasant symptoms manifested by irritation of taste buds.

How to help your baby if he ate soap

Unfortunately, not only pets love to eat soap. It also happens that a child ate soap. What to do in this case, what measures need to be taken? First of all, you should calm down and not panic. If you are very worried, then call the children's ambulance, they will give you more than detailed instructions, and, if necessary, arrange a doctor's call to your home.

It is also possible to solve this problem yourself. First, induce vomiting in your baby. This can be done using clean fingers or a teaspoon, pressing slightly on the root of the tongue. After the child has vomited, make a weak solution of ordinary soda to rinse the larynx.

Another sign that a child has eaten soap is the appearance of diarrhea. As a rule, in this case, there is also no need to do anything special; within 24 hours, the stool will normalize on its own. However, remember that stomach upset is extremely dangerous for children under one year of age! If diarrhea persists, consult your doctor immediately.

Other possible symptoms of pathologies that are accompanied by a soapy taste

The taste of soap in the mouth (the causes in women can only be determined after qualified diagnostics) appears under the influence of other factors present in a person’s life.

Consequences of taking medications

Almost all medications have side effects, the manifestation of which is accompanied by the occurrence of various symptoms. A course of medication can cause a soapy taste in the mouth, which disappears within 1-3 days after completion of therapy with drugs in tablet or injection form. In most cases, this symptom appears in men and women who are being treated with antibacterial agents.

In combination with a soapy taste in the mouth, it is not uncommon for additional symptoms to occur in the form of:

  • nausea;

  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • heartburn;
  • darkening of tooth enamel;
  • lack of appetite;
  • vomiting;
  • increased gas formation;
  • constant rumbling in the stomach;
  • heaviness in the right hypochondrium;
  • diarrhea;
  • sour belching;
  • changes in taste preferences.

Women and men who, while taking medications, experience a side effect in the form of a soapy taste in the mouth should report this reaction to their doctor. Therapy with this medication should be suspended until consultation with a doctor.

Genetic features

It is extremely rare, but there are still cases when the appearance of a persistent taste of soap in the mouth is the result of a genetic anomaly. At a certain stage of life, a physiological failure occurs in the implementation of the gene program responsible for the stable operation of taste buds in the perception of various foods.

In this case, the taste of soap in the mouth may persist constantly or appear only when eating a particular type of food. For example, abnormal taste sensations arise when eating cheese, meat, apples, or drinking milk. Genetic characteristics of this type can be inherited from parents to children.

Oral diseases

Pathological conditions of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, gums and jaw apparatus can cause unpleasant sensations in the form of a soapy taste.

The following dental diseases are identified, the presence of which may be accompanied by these symptoms:

  • complicated caries of most teeth with severe damage to their enamel;
  • gingivitis, accompanied by severe swelling of the gum tissue;

  • glossitis of infectious origin;
  • stomatitis with a large number of foci of ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa;
  • periodontitis.

Dentists who have extensive practical experience are unanimous in their opinion that putrefactive bacteria parasitizing in the oral cavity cause inflammatory processes and provoke the appearance of a putrid odor and soapy taste. Professional sanitation of the jaw apparatus and gum tissue allows you to normalize the microflora of the oral cavity and get rid of unpleasant taste sensations.


A soapy taste in the mouth can be caused by exposure to chemical or biological substances that have toxic properties. Toxic components enter the human body along with contaminated water, poor-quality food, and polluted air. Intoxication of the body can be acute or chronic with the gradual accumulation of harmful substances in the blood and tissues of vital organs.

Women, men and children who develop a soapy taste in their mouth due to body poisoning almost always experience the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • severe nausea;
  • loss of consciousness or faintness;
  • attacks of headache;
  • vomiting;
  • frequent urination or delayed urine outflow (depending on the functional state of the excretory organs).

It is very important that a patient with signs of acute or chronic intoxication of the body receives qualified medical care as soon as possible. Otherwise, the soapy taste in the mouth may be accompanied by particularly dangerous symptoms in the form of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis, kidney or liver failure.

Psycho-emotional reasons

The feeling of a soapy taste in the mouth can be associated not only with the presence of pathological causes, but also be caused by the characteristics of the psycho-emotional state. A woman who experiences a constant feeling of anxiety, faces a large number of stressful situations every day, does not pay much attention to the quality of food, and over time may experience disorders in the functioning of her taste buds.

Such a reaction of the body indicates a dysfunction of the peripheral nerves responsible for collecting and transmitting information to the centers of the brain. Women who are depressed, experiencing psychological trauma, or severe mental anxiety may also experience a feeling of soapy taste in the mouth.

Other symptoms

Note! When a soapy taste is caused by any disease, the symptomatic picture is not limited to disruption of the papillary receptors on the tongue.

In addition to the existing symptoms, the pathological process is characterized by the appearance of the following factors:

  • heartburn, sour belching, increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • nausea, frequent vomiting;
  • in case of digestive disorders, stool disturbances are observed: constipation or diarrhea;
  • dry cough;
  • muscle weakness;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • increased body temperature;
  • bitterness in the mouth after waking up;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • decreased performance;
  • drowsiness or insomnia.

Keep in mind! Depending on the cause of the appearance of a specific taste on the tongue, the clinical picture of the disease may be supplemented by other symptoms.

Neurological disorders are complemented by a decrease in cognitive functions, loss of spatial orientation, memory deterioration and loss of coordination.

Which doctor to contact, diagnosis

To determine the reasons that cause the taste of soap in the mouth, you need to seek medical help from a dentist or therapist. Doctors of this profile will conduct a preliminary examination, prescribe laboratory tests and select hardware examination methods.

Making a diagnosis will require the following tests:

  • biochemical analysis of venous blood (including determination of hormone levels);
  • clinical examination of capillary blood for general indicators;
  • sanitation of the oral cavity by a dentist-therapist;
  • gastroscopy if there are additional symptoms of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;

  • examination by a psychiatrist of patients who have signs of psychoneurological disorders, experience a state of deep depression, apathy, and suffer from obsessions about the carcinogenicity of food;
  • collection of smears from the oral mucosa in the presence of inflammatory processes in the tissues of the gums, tongue, and oral mucosa (the strain of the infectious agent is determined for subsequent organization of effective therapy).

The above diagnostic methods make it possible to determine the causes of a soapy taste in the mouth within 1-2 days from the moment a person seeks medical help.

What to do if your dog ate soap

Such manifestations are typical for both people and animals, but remember that your four-legged friend simply will not be able to tell about them. In order to assess your pet's condition, simply observe its behavior - does it eat enough, play or sleep constantly, does it ask for a walk? If your dog eats soap, don't panic. Believe me, this happens quite often and, as a rule, ends absolutely normally. However, you should not allow the animal to eat soap constantly, because in this case the level of stomach acidity changes, which can lead to irreversible consequences.

If an animal has eaten a lot of soap, it is better to play it safe and take it to the vet without delay. If you still decide to stay at home, try to start the detoxification process as quickly as possible, and also ensure that your pet’s vitality is maintained.

Treatment options

The selection of a therapeutic technique is carried out by the attending physician, depending on the reasons that caused the appearance of a soapy taste in the mouth.


Prescription of a specific type of medicine is carried out only after a final diagnosis has been made.

Depending on the type of disease that causes the soapy taste in the mouth, the following categories of drugs can be used:

  • antibiotics;
  • hormone therapy products;
  • medications with sedative properties;
  • antacids;

  • antiseptic solutions for rinsing the mouth;
  • antibacterial dental gels.

Patients with acute or chronic poisoning of the body are prescribed a course of therapy with sorbent drugs. A soapy taste in the mouth caused by an allergic reaction requires treatment with antihistamines in tablet and injection forms. These medications are Suprastin, Aleron, Loratadine.

Folk recipes

To combat the taste of soap in the mouth, which appears due to diseases of the oral cavity, it is recommended to use the following folk recipe:

  1. Take 1 tsp. dried chamomile and a similar amount of oak bark.
  2. Pour these ingredients into 300 ml of boiling water.
  3. Herbal tea based on chamomile and oak bark must be left for 4 hours to infuse.
  4. After the specified period of time, the folk remedy is ready for use.

A medicinal solution based on chamomile and oak bark is used to rinse the mouth and throat. A homemade antiseptic is used 2 times a day with a total duration of the therapeutic course of 10 days.


Changing the diet is necessary to normalize the functions of the digestive tract, restore the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and prevent inflammatory processes in the tissues of the pancreas. The table below lists foods that should be excluded and also added to the menu of a person experiencing a soapy taste in the mouth.

Prohibited ProductsFood allowed for consumption
  • Sausages.
  • Canned meat and fish.
  • Semi-finished products.
  • Crackers.
  • Chips.
  • Nuts.
  • Confectionery.
  • All other types of food products containing chemical additives, flavor enhancers, flavorings and colorings.
  • Cereal porridge.
  • Dairy products.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Greenery.
  • Lenten varieties of fish.
  • Chicken.
  • Rabbit, turkey, veal.
  • Pasta.

During the treatment period, you must completely stop drinking alcohol, coffee and tea. Avoid foods that are too salty, sour, or spicy. Smoked meats and dishes prepared using marinades are strictly prohibited.


The use of physiotherapeutic techniques is relevant if the taste of soap in the mouth is caused by chronic stress, depression, or a depressed psycho-emotional state.

In such a situation, the following treatment methods are used:

  • relaxing full body massages;
  • mineral baths;
  • mud applications;
  • cold and hot shower.

It is recommended to combine these treatment methods with moderate physical activity in the fresh air. For example, with cycling, hiking over rough terrain, swimming in the pool under the supervision of an instructor.

The taste of soap in the mouth is an alarming sign that indicates a malfunction of the taste buds. The cause of this symptom may be pathological or physiological in origin. Diseases of the digestive system, endocrine disorders, as well as neuropsychiatric disorders can provoke a persistent sensation of soapy taste.

In women, such signs appear in the first trimester of pregnancy and then disappear on their own. In men working in coal mines and metallurgical smelting shops, the appearance of a soapy taste in the mouth indicates chronic intoxication of the body with chemicals and irritation of the oral mucosa. Similar taste sensations can occur in the presence of dental diseases.

The best defense is prevention

The question of what will happen if you eat soap usually arises in a situation when the action has already been performed. Remember that it is easier to organize preventive measures than to try to solve problems afterward. Keep supplies of soap and other cleaning products out of reach. Modern industry produces many different soap products that resemble in appearance all sorts of beautiful little things or even sweets. A small child can easily be deceived by their aroma and appearance, and will want to feast on them.

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