Causes and methods of eliminating unpleasant odor from the nasopharynx

The cause of bad breath is not always found in the mouth. Especially when the most common causes, for example, pathology of the oral cavity or stomach, have already been excluded - perhaps the source of the unpleasant odor is located deeper.

It is purulent inflammation that often leads to the formation of a “bad” odor. If it is in the mouth, the cause is usually discovered quickly. On the other hand, in the case of inflammation outside the mouth, additional diagnostics may be required to find the cause of bad breath.

Features of the development of the disease

The feeling of a rotten, purulent odor in the nasopharynx in most cases develops when the body's immune system fails to cope with its protective functions. This leads to the active proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the nasopharynx and the appearance of a putrid odor. The following general reasons for the appearance of a stale odor in the nasopharynx are distinguished:

  1. The course of the disease is acute.
  2. Development of secondary diseases of internal organs and systems. In this case, a bad smell will be one of the main symptoms.
  3. Bad smell as the main manifestation of the disease.

    The most common causes of odor are chronic diseases of the nose and throat.

Children's and adult ENT doctor, audiologist, otoneurologist, candidate of medical sciences, Budanov E.G.

One of the most typical complaints when examined by an ENT doctor regarding throat diseases is the patient’s persistent bad breath (halitosis), often accompanied by a sensation of unpleasant taste. Parents of young children often notice an unpleasant odor coming from the child's breath, especially in the morning after sleep. As a rule, in most cases, those who sought medical help have already resorted to various means in an attempt to get rid of this unpleasant symptom on their own. Various gargles, gargling, dissolving all kinds of antiseptic tablets, etc. are used, and advice is given on treating the stomach to eliminate bad breath. All this brings only a temporary effect or no effect at all. To successfully cope with bad breath, it is necessary, first of all, to establish the causes of its occurrence, which will be the first effective step towards effective treatment. If we take the entire set of causes known in medicine for the appearance of odor in exhaled air, then they can be divided into several:

  1. Oral diseases. The most common condition for the appearance of bad breath in this case will be poor oral hygiene, including after eating, the presence of untreated dental caries, inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa (stomatitis), gums (gingivitis), periodontal disease, inflammation of the tongue (glossitis) . Under such circumstances, a process occurs in which bacteria enzymatically decompose organic molecules into volatile fractions containing sulfur atoms, which have a characteristic unpleasant odor. In such cases, the leading role is given to both the dentist and the patient himself, who needs to improve the quality of independent oral hygiene, limit food intake containing large amounts of sweet carbohydrates, etc.
  2. Diseases of the digestive and metabolic system. Here we are talking, first of all, about the so-called reflux disease, in which contents containing fragments of food, digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid are thrown into the pharynx from the underlying sections (esophagus and stomach). Possessing aggressive chemical properties and being a breeding ground for certain types of bacteria, this content causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, root of the tongue, upper respiratory tract, etc., and contributes to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the exhaled air against the background of chemical and bacterial decomposition of the components of this content. The reflux process itself can further contribute to the development of secondary diseases of the nasopharynx, sinuses, larynx, etc., which intensifies complaints of bad breath. This category also includes liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, etc.), as well as acute and chronic kidney diseases, in which metabolic disorders occur and volatile fractions with an unpleasant odor accumulate in the exhaled air. Diseases of the liver and biliary tract themselves can contribute to the development of the above reflux disease, including against the background of the development of chronic diseases of the esophagus. Bad breath also occurs in patients with diabetes mellitus, diseases of the hematopoietic system, hypo- and avitaminosis (scurvy, vitamin B12 deficiency, etc.)
  3. Diseases of the middle and lower respiratory tract. Among such diseases that are accompanied by the appearance of persistent bad breath, mention should be made of chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, pulmonary sarcoidosis, metastatic lesions of lung tissue due to cancer and others. In such cases, there is a disruption of the drainage function of the bronchopulmonary tree, accumulation of sputum in the lumen of the respiratory tract, secondary reproduction of bacteria in it and the formation of odorous molecules in the process of their vital activity. We can also talk about the breakdown of lung tissue during tumor growth, autoimmune processes or inflammatory damage.
  4. ENT diseases should be considered one of the most common causes of persistent or recurrent bad breath or taste in the mouth. Just the list of possible causes indicates a wide variety of diseases with which patients turn to an ENT doctor for an appointment: acute inflammatory diseases of the pharynx (bacterial pharyngitis, lacunar, phlegmonous or specific tonsillitis), chronic inflammatory diseases of the pharynx (subatrophic and atrophic pharyngitis); postnasal drip syndrome, when mucus from the sinuses, back of the nose or nasopharynx containing pathogens accumulates and flows down the back wall of the throat; chronic inflammatory diseases of the sinuses (sinusitis); foreign bodies of the nose in children; neoplasms of the pharynx, larynx, root of the tongue; foreign bodies of the pharynx and esophagus; chronic tonsillitis with the formation of caseous plugs on the palatine tonsils, etc.


Such a wide variety of possible causes of bad breath suggests that eliminating these complaints may require a set of diagnostic and therapeutic measures: consultation with a pediatric or adult ENT doctor, dentist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, pulmonologist and other specialists. You may also need a microbiological examination of the microflora of the nasal cavity, oral strip, pharynx, sputum, endoscopic examination of the nose and sinuses, nasopharynx, larynx and esophagus, X-ray methods for examining the oral cavity, sinuses, nasopharynx, pharynx, esophagus, mediastinal organs and lungs, and also studies of the state of the blood system, metabolism, hormonal levels, etc. Only a comprehensive and holistic approach allows us to hope for the successful identification and treatment of diseases that cause such a widespread complaint as bad breath.


The following are the main reasons for the development of unpleasant odor in the nasopharynx:

  • Ozen disease. Doctors cannot determine exactly why ozena occurs, but there is information that physiological features of the structure of the nasal wings and frontal sinuses can contribute to its development. The most effective way to treat ozena is through surgery aimed at straightening a deformed nasal septum.
  • Foreign objects entering the nasopharynx cavity, which provoke an inflammatory process, as well as the accumulation of pus. Such signs can develop within 1-2 days after penetration of a foreign object.
  • Hereditary predisposition to rhinitis, which in chronic form can provoke a stale odor.
  • Sinusitis, which is accompanied by severe inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, as well as a constant accumulation of pus. In such a condition, when the patient is in a supine position, pus will flow into his nasopharynx, and provoke an unpleasant feeling of pus in the nose and mouth.

Does inflammation in the sinuses lead to bad breath?

Since the air is exhaled through the nasal cavity, it physiologically communicates with the paranasal sinuses; in the event of their purulent inflammation, an unpleasant odor is mixed with the inhaled portion of air. Sanitation of the oral cavity or treatment of stomach problems will not help in this case, since the source of the odor is outside the oral cavity.

Inflammation in the antrum of the maxillary sinus is caused by recurrent bacterial infections. Quite often, staphylococcus becomes such a “bad-smelling” agent.

Symptoms and signs

Most often, diseases of the nasal cavity are accompanied by the following characteristic signs :

  1. Weakness.
  2. Severe headaches.
  3. Nausea and loss of appetite.
  4. Chills and increased body temperature.
  5. Severe intoxication of the body.
  6. Sleep disturbance.
  7. Runny nose.
  8. Inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the affected area.
  9. Fever.

Important! Suppuration in the nasal passages is a dangerous condition, since in addition to severe intoxication of the body, the collecting pus can provoke inflammation of the brain and meningitis.

How to find out the cause of a putrid smell in the throat?

Halitosis has many causes, but a list of them is determined by a specialist. It is recommended to immediately seek help from an ENT specialist; if necessary, he will refer the patient to other specialists.

A common cause of unpleasant odor is dental problems in humans. A similar situation can be provoked by bacteria that have developed in teeth affected by caries.

Other causes of bad breath may include:

  • liver diseases;
  • stomach diseases - ulcers, gastritis;
  • intestinal diseases - dysbiosis;
  • problems with the functioning of the pancreas - pancreatitis;
  • the presence of worms in the body;
  • consumption of alcohol, nicotine;
  • respiratory diseases – tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • painful wisdom tooth, especially if pathogenic microbes have entered it;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • menstruation in women;
  • eating at night;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • formation of tumors in the digestive system or respiratory organs;
  • failure in the production of salivary glands;
  • eating garlic, onions, cheeses;
  • throat infections - tonsillitis, sore throat;
  • development of sinusitis.

The detection of pus on the tonsils indicates the development of tonsillitis in a person, and plaque in the oral cavity demonstrates the appearance of various pathologies in the body. Bad breath, accompanied by stomach pain, nausea, and heartburn, indicates serious malfunctions in the functioning of the digestive system.

In all cases, you need to see a doctor for further tests - a smear, a blood test. A smell from the throat along with suddenly appearing tumors, accompanied by weakness and sudden weight loss, often indicate that a person has cancer.

Treatment options

To get rid of the smell, you need to find out the cause of its appearance.
The method of treating such a condition largely depends on the specific cause of the disease, its form, neglect, as well as the presence of concomitant pathologies in the patient.

Today, three main treatment methods are practiced: drug therapy, surgery, and folk remedies. The selection of treatment measures should be carried out exclusively by the attending physician. Self-medication in this condition is unacceptable.

Classic drug therapy involves the use of the following drugs:

  1. For bacteriological damage, antibiotics are used.
  2. Prescription of analgesics and antispasmodics (No-Shpa).
  3. Rinse the nasal cavity with saline solution and hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Installation of turundas soaked in medicinal solutions.
  5. Rinse the nose with a solution of sea salt.

UHF therapy and electrophoresis are used as physiotherapy procedures.

Important! If the root cause of the disease is systemic diseases of the internal organs, the main treatment should be aimed at eliminating them. Only by curing the source of the disease will it be possible to get rid of the symptoms that it provokes.

Most likely you need to contact an ENT specialist.
Different specialists can treat bad odor from the nasopharynx. This will depend on the specific provoking factor of the disease. The patient may need to consult a dentist, ENT doctor, gastroenterologist, or therapist. If the disease is in an advanced form, surgery may be required.

As an auxiliary therapy, it is allowed to practice traditional treatment. With its help you can not only eliminate bad odor, but also get rid of pain and inflammation. The most effective folk remedies for this purpose are:

  1. Regular rinsing of the nasal passages with a solution of water and aloe plant juice.
  2. Rinse the nose with a warm solution of sea salt.
  3. Grind one onion to a porridge state, add a spoonful of water and the same amount of honey. Leave for half an hour and strain. Place three drops of the prepared liquid in your nose several times a day.
  4. Take equal amounts of mint, sage and wormwood. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture. Leave for an hour. Strain and take a third of a glass 3 times a day.

Children, pregnant women, elderly patients, as well as those who suffer from severe chronic diseases should use traditional methods with extreme caution and only after permission from a doctor.

Features of treatment in this situation.

Brushing your teeth only eliminates the odor for a short time. With chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, bad breath is usually not the only problem. Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses also causes other symptoms, such as pain in the affected sinus area and postnasal drip. Thus, for more effective help, the possibility of surgical treatment of inflamed paranasal sinuses should be considered, if conservative treatment methods are ineffective. If the inflammation is eliminated, bad breath usually goes away on its own.

The main goal in the surgical treatment of chronic sinusitis is to normalize the anatomy of the nasal cavity and restore the aerodynamics of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Corrective operations in the nasal cavity are performed: septoplasty, vasotomy with lateroposition, bullotomy cf. turbinates. The natural openings of the paranasal sinuses expand, allowing pus and mucus to leak out, and sinus ventilation is restored.

Restoring normal air exchange prevents the resumption of inflammation. In addition, as part of the operation, the affected sinus is washed out. The pus is removed, which usually eliminates the odor immediately. If secondary infection does not occur after surgery and healing proceeds normally, then the symptoms of halitosis disappear completely.

Prevention measures

To avoid the discharge of pus from the nasopharynx, as well as an unpleasant odor in this area, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Take vitamin complexes regularly.
  2. Avoid hypothermia.
  3. Carry out wet cleaning indoors.
  4. Carefully maintain oral and nasal hygiene.
  5. Consult a doctor promptly if you experience any discomfort in your mouth or nose.
  6. Treat any diseases of internal organs and systems in a timely manner. It is also important not to delay the progression of acute respiratory diseases.

  1. Eat properly. At the same time, the diet should be well balanced and rich in nutrients. Thus, the basis of the menu should be vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals, and dairy products. With the help of proper nutrition, a person can strengthen his immune system, making him more resistant to a number of bacterial and viral diseases.
  2. Be physically active and do hardening.
  3. To refuse from bad habits.
  4. Practice useful breathing exercises.

Algorithm for patients in case of persistent bad breath.

In this situation, some features of the actions of patients in the absence of oral pathology should be considered.

  1. If a consultation with a dentist does not reveal inflammation in the oral cavity, a consultation with an ENT doctor is necessary.
  2. During the initial examination, several chronic diseases of the ENT organs may be identified, which can contribute to unpleasant odor from the oral cavity: tonsillitis, sinusitis, nasal polyps, rhinitis, etc.
  3. In case of sinusitis and other sinusitis, endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity may be required.
  4. In addition to general diagnostics, the doctor may prescribe another examination: CT scan, x-ray (panoramic image), etc.
  5. As a rule, in the presence of a persistent unpleasant odor, conservative therapy is ineffective. Therefore, surgery should be considered as the most optimal solution to this problem - endoscopic sinus surgery.

If you have any questions about the specifics of the treatment or want to get advice, then I am available in WatsApp chat at this number. The addresses of medical institutions in Moscow where I receive appointments are located on the page: “Contacts”.

Sincerely, otorhinolaryngologist surgeon candidate of medical sciences Boklin A.K.

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