Thrush, its treatment. How to treat thrush in women and men

Thrush is one of the most common and not yet conquered infections that affects any person, regardless of age. Today, doctors have enough tools in their arsenal to eliminate pathology - both the most sophisticated and simpler ones, but no less effective. One of these remedies is Sodium tetraborate, which is cheap and has been proven for decades. The drug is not as widely known as other advertised medications, and it is not primarily offered in pharmacies. Nevertheless, Sodium tetraborate helps against thrush in adults and children no worse than other medications used.

Characteristics of the drug

The therapeutic effect of the drug is provided by sodium tetraborate (or borax) - a substance that is a derivative of boric or, more precisely, tetraboric acid.
The compound has strong bacteriostatic and antiseptic properties. The mechanism of its action is to come into contact with pathogenic microorganisms, further blocking their attachment to tissues and destroying fungal mycelium. As a result of such exposure, infectious agents are deprived of the ability to function and form colonies. Despite suppressing the growth of fungi, the boric acid derivative does not have fungistatic or fungicidal properties, and therefore does not directly have antimycotic effects. Borax is often included in combination medications due to its insecticidal and antiseptic properties. In particular, the substance is used for topical use in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

The excipient of the drug is glycerin. It is included in the composition due to its ability to reduce the local irritant effect of sodium tetraborate, as well as to accelerate its transport through the skin and mucous tissues. As a result of drug interaction, the drug easily and quickly penetrates the layers of the dermis, binds to pathogens and suppresses their activity.

The medicinal solution has a bactericidal effect on some types of cocci, as well as bacteria, Trichomonas. Actively suppresses the functioning of yeast fungi of the genus Candida, which are the culprits of thrush.

The drug is well absorbed through the damaged surface of the dermis and into the gastrointestinal tract. When used systematically, it is retained in the bones and liver. It does not form metabolites and is excreted unchanged by the kidneys and through the stomach.

Sodium tetraborate is prescribed for thrush of various localizations (oral cavity, upper respiratory and urinary tract, reproductive system), as well as for the treatment of bedsores and diaper rash.

Thrush, its treatment. How to treat thrush in women and men

On this page I want to give my readers some practical advice on treating genital thrush.

Important! Before starting treatment for thrush (we are talking about adult women and men, of course), it is advisable to take a smear or culture from the genital tract. First of all, for trichomoniasis, gonorrhea and chlamydia. These 3 infections need to be checked first.

The advice given below will be of little help if these sexually transmitted infections are not treated first.

Practical advice for treating thrush

Dear women and men! Instead of “branded” and, frankly, expensive vaginal suppositories and ointments, you can use regular borax in glycerin. It is sold in pharmacies under the name sodium tetraborate .

Borax in glycerin (sodium tetraborate) costs mere pennies. But it removes thrush perfectly!

How to use? Very simple.

Before going to bed, a woman needs to wash herself with boiled water, and immediately after that, lubricate the outer labia with sodium tetraborate And insert a tampon (or cotton ball) richly soaked in sodium tetraborate (borax in glycerin) into the vagina.

After half an hour or an hour, you need to remove the tampon (cotton ball) and go to bed.

The borax itself remains in the vagina all night - there is no need to wash it out until the morning. In the morning you need to wash yourself with soap - but during the treatment period it is recommended to use only neutral soap.

The next night, repeat the procedure. The course of treatment with sodium tetraborate (that is, borax in glycerin) is approximately 5-7 nights in a row.

It’s just important to remember that these procedures should not be performed on women during their periods!

Yes, and don’t forget - during these 5-7 nights, while you are undergoing treatment, your husband should also be treated with sodium tetraborate (borax in glycerin) in parallel with you.

By the way, it is generally better for spouses to always be treated together. Although thrush is not considered a contagious disease, it occasionally happens that candida is transmitted from the wife to the husband. And then he “moves in” back to his wife. By the way, it is for this reason that it is better for spouses to use condoms during treatment.

Treatment with sodium tetraborate (borax in glycerin) for men is very simple: at night you must first wash the penis with soap, and then thoroughly lubricate your manhood with sodium tetraborate (borax in glycerin) - you need to open the foreskin, very carefully lubricate the head of the penis and each fold of skin on the reproductive organ. And close the foreskin.

After lubricating, put on cotton panties without washing off the borax and sleep in them.

The course of treatment is 5–10 nights. Men can repeat lubrication with borax in the morning, after sleep.

Contraindications to this treatment: According to the instructions, sodium tetraborate is contraindicated in cases of significant damage to the skin and mucous membranes, during lactation, pregnancy, and hypersensitivity. The product must not be taken orally!

It is not recommended to use sodium tetraborate (borax in glycerin) to treat children!

Women can enhance their treatment with borax in glycerin if they douche with chamomile decoction immediately before the procedure (instead of washing with boiled water). You need to buy chamomile flowers at the pharmacy and make a decoction - strictly according to the instructions on the pharmacy packaging. Allow the broth to cool to room temperature. And douche with this decoction every time before inserting a tampon with borax into the vagina.

It is better not to combine sodium tetraborate with other local remedies!


For women. If for some reason sodium tetraborate (borax in glycerin) is not suitable for you, try another method:

Squeeze the lemon, take half a teaspoon of lemon juice per half liter of boiled water, mix well, and douche with this solution at night - 7-10 nights.

This douching helps restore normal vaginal acidity and promotes the growth of lactobacilli - that is, it helps restore healthy microflora.


Along with local treatment for thrush, it is useful to drink cranberry juice without sugar 2-3 times a day. Course - 2-3 weeks.

Or buy lingonberry leaves at the pharmacy. An infusion is made from them: pour 2 tablespoons (with a small heap) of crushed lingonberry leaves into 1 glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 1.5–2 hours.

Then strain and add boiled water to the original volume (that is, you should get 1 glass of infusion). Pour the prepared infusion back into the thermos. You need to take the infusion immediately before meals - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day - for 3 weeks.

Attention: before taking the infusion, be sure to shake it slightly! The finished infusion can be stored for no more than 2 days!


Some doctors recommend doing baths or douching with a soda solution for thrush.

I have some doubts about this method, since the natural environment of the vagina is acidic. And it is in an acidic environment that the healthy microflora of the vagina is better restored.

However, you can find reviews from women on the Internet where they say that douching with a soda solution helped them. Apparently, in some cases, douching with a soda solution softens the irritation of the inflamed mucosa.

Therefore, below I will tell you how to do such douching. But I would like to note that I would advise resorting to them as a last resort, only if all other methods of treatment have not helped you.

Local treatment of thrush for women: Place 2 level teaspoons of baking soda in a glass, brew with hot water (1 glass of hot water), cool. And douching at night - 5-10 days.

Important: This procedure cannot be performed during menstruation!

For men: in the same soda solution you need to make baths for the penis - 15-20 minutes each, course 5-10 days.


The author of the article is Dr. Evdokimenko©. Published 12/12/2017. Attention! When copying or reprinting materials, be sure to indicate the source! All articles, news and book chapters are protected by copyright P.V. Evdokimenko© More details.

How to use Sodium tetraborate

Like any medicine, it is highly undesirable to use the drug for therapy independently, without medical prescription and supervision. In addition, this is due to the characteristics of borax: the substance does not affect the growth and reproduction of fungi, does not destroy their spores, but only prevents the fixation of microorganisms in mucous tissues. And if, after the use of Sodium tetraborate, only partial washing away of the infection occurs, then the surviving pathogens will inevitably cause a relapse of the disease. To prevent its return, the doctor must monitor the progress of treatment: check how effectively the drug has washed away the infection. For this reason, the specifics of treatment for borax should be determined by the treating specialist.

In pediatrics

For stomatitis in newborns, the product is used to wipe the oral mucosa using a sterile stick or cotton wool. The regularity of procedures for thrush in infants is 2-3 r./s. Course – from 3 to 7 days.

In gynecology

Borax in glycerin for thrush is used for lubrication, applications, douching, applied 2 to 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor in accordance with the woman’s testimony.

Instructions for use recommend using the drug after hygiene procedures for thrush (vaginal candidiasis). After this, it is advisable to douche with chamomile decoction or boiled water at a comfortable temperature and then treat the infected area with medication: wipe with a cotton swab or disk soaked in borax, or place inside as a candle for 20-30 minutes.

The frequency and duration of therapy depend on the severity of candidiasis: for light discharge, procedures are carried out once a day (preferably at night), and for heavy discharge, twice a day (morning and evening). The course of therapy is individual for each woman, on average its duration is 1 week.

Colpitis: vaginal douching is indicated for treatment. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times per day. after hygiene procedures. During hygiene therapy, it is recommended to use slightly alkaline detergents or soaps with a neutral pH balance, and change linens, washcloths and towels daily.

During pregnancy and pregnancy

The drug Sodium tetraborate is prohibited for therapy during pregnancy. If it is not possible to replace it with another medicine, the doctor may consider the possibility of using it on an individual basis.

In addition to pregnant women, the drug should not be used by nursing women, since there is no proven data on its safety for the child.


I thought that this was a unnecessary formality.
I tried to tell the doctor that I had recently visited a gynecologist, completed a course of treatment for thrush and, if necessary, bring the necessary certificate. Now I am very grateful to this doctor for the examination and consultation. During the examination, I asked what could cause thrush and how to treat it. They explained to me why thrush may appear. There may be several such reasons. This includes the use of antibiotics, which I was taking at that time. And I took antibiotics because of a terrible sore throat, and if there is a sore throat, it means inflammation. And any inflammatory diseases lead to a decrease in immunity. This can also cause thrush. Then they told me in a correct manner that I was slightly overweight and that I probably liked sweets. Yes, I love cookies, cake, ice cream, and sometimes I can eat a decent amount of candy. And these sweet joys can lead to thrush. You should eat fruits and vegetables, not sweets, the doctor advised. And, excuse me for the detail, she said that I was wearing the wrong kind of underwear. It’s beautiful, but it’s synthetic, and you have to wear cotton underwear. Since I underwent a course of treatment, I was advised at the first signs (those who have had thrush understand what I’m talking about) to use the antiseptic Sodium Tetraborate 20% solution in glycerin. After some time, I bought this solution and started using it. A small bottle made of dark glass, with a regular screw cap. The neck of the bottle is closed with an additional cap pressed inside. Nothing spills through it, but it is easy enough to get out. The packaging is simple, and why bother with bright stickers, the main thing is the result. The bottle, as written, contains a 20% solution of the drug and, accordingly, 80% glycerin. The solution is clear, like water, but the liquid is viscous and slightly oily. The smell can only be detected by sniffing well. I can’t give an exact definition of the smell, it’s some kind of medical smell. For the best effect, I first douche with herbs infused in a “water bath” (on the advice of the same doctor). This herbal collection includes calendula and chamomile flowers, as well as licorice root. They have an anti-inflammatory effect. Sage leaves are also added there, which have antimicrobial and rejuvenating properties. Eucalyptus leaves are also present; they have a bactericidal effect. After douching, I apply the Sodium Tetraborate solution to a prepared cotton swab of any type and send it deeper to its destination. I do this in the evening for the whole night. Of course, there is not much discomfort. But in 2-3 days, maximum in a week, all the symptoms of thrush go away. I carry out the procedure approximately once every six months. When purchasing this solution, I learned that Sodium Tetraborate is also called sodium borate or borax. And my mother and I treated my daughter’s neck and mouth with an aqueous solution of borax (we wrapped cotton wool around a wooden stick and treated it). They brought her from the maternity hospital, and her entire neck and mouth were whitish. It helped her very quickly at that time. Without the advice of a doctor, I could not even think that it was possible to treat such different parts of the body with different solutions of the same medicine. This medicine has contraindications. Not for pregnant and nursing mothers. And maybe someone has an individual intolerance. The price of the Antiseptic Sodium Tetraborate (20% solution in glycerin) is purely symbolic, less than five hryvnia. The consumption is economical; the contents of a 30 g bottle last me almost a year of use (the period of use is two years). The product is effective and efficient, it helps me without pills or injections. All the best to you and stay healthy.

Sodium tetraborate (borax solution in glycerin) (flask 20% 30g), MFF

A country

The country of production may vary depending on the batch of goods. Please check with the operator for detailed information when confirming your order.

Active substance

Sodium tetraborate


Bottle 30 ml Borax (sodium tetraborate) 20 g Excipients: glycerol 80 g.

pharmachologic effect

Antiseptic. Sodium tetraborate has bacteriostatic activity. Effective against candidiasis. Removes the mycelium of the fungus from the mucous membranes, disrupts the process of attachment of the fungus to the mucous membranes and inhibits its reproduction (it is not an antifungal drug, because it does not have a fungicidal or fungistatic effect). As an antimicrobial drug, it is included in combination drugs for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Sodium tetraborate has insecticidal properties (class IV in terms of toxicity level).

Indications for use

Candidal lesions of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, pharynx, upper respiratory tract, urinary tract and genital organs; diaper rash, bedsores.

Mode of application

Sodium tetraborate is used for rinsing, lubricating the skin, and douching 2-3 times a day.


You should not practice the simultaneous use of topical antibiotics, as well as those drugs that contain boric acid and phenol. Sodium tetraborate should not be used with hormonal agents. When taken simultaneously with other drugs for external use, allergic manifestations may occur.

Side effect

Local reactions: hyperemia and burning sensation at the site of application. With prolonged use, symptoms of chronic intoxication may develop: From the digestive system: anorexia, gastrointestinal disorders. From the central nervous system: weakness, confusion, seizures. Dermatological reactions: dermatitis, alopecia .Other: menstrual irregularities, anemia.


Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation. Violation of the integrity of the skin (during skin processing).


It should be taken into account that when taking the drug orally, the lethal dose for an adult is 10–20 g. In case of an overdose, the following symptoms may be observed: - abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting; - headaches, a feeling of general weakness; - loss of consciousness, dehydration; - convulsions, twitching of the muscles of the face or limbs; - damage to the liver and kidneys; - cardiovascular failure. In this case, it is necessary to immediately rinse the stomach and carry out forced diuresis. For severe poisoning, hemodialysis is practiced. Riboflavin is prescribed intravenously, a mononucleotide. Correction of acidosis and water-electrolyte balance is carried out. Also, a solution of sodium bicarbonate, solutions of sodium chloride and glucose, and plasma-substituting solutions are administered intravenously. If the patient complains of pain in the stomach, he is prescribed a solution of platyphylline and atropine, a 1% solution of promedol, and a glucose-novocaine mixture is injected intravenously. Drugs are also prescribed to support normal functioning blood vessels and heart. Read more:

special instructions

Can be used together with boric acid as a buffer and antimicrobial agent in eye drops. Not for internal use.

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