Oral candidiasis (thrush) is an infectious disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida. These yeast-like microorganisms are part of the normal human microflora and can exist on the skin, vagina, intestines or mouth without causing negative effects. However, under the influence of a number of factors, the fungus begins to multiply, causing candidiasis. Thrush can cause significant discomfort and affect your quality of life, so don’t put off going to the doctor. Only comprehensive treatment of oral candidiasis will help cope with the disease.
Causes of candidiasis in the mouth
Candidiasis in the mouth most often affects children, especially infants. In adults, thrush is much less common. People over 60 years of age are at risk, especially those who wear dentures, as well as people suffering from various diseases that cause decreased immunity. Among the factors contributing to the development of candidiasis in adults are:
- immunodeficiency states;
- pregnancy (the causes of thrush are metabolic disorders, changes in hormonal levels, decreased immunity);
- diabetes mellitus, HIV, tuberculosis and other serious diseases;
- prolonged or uncontrolled use of antibiotics and other medications that reduce the body's defenses;
- dysbacteriosis and other gastrointestinal diseases;
- lack of vitamins B, C and PP;
- radiation and chemotherapy;
- bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction);
- injuries to the oral mucosa due to malocclusion or incorrectly selected implants, dentures or braces.
In addition to the fact that Candida bacteria are present in the human body, thrush can also be contracted from another carrier, for example, through sexual contact, a kiss, through a toothbrush or shared utensils.
How does thrush develop?
At the initial stage, the fungus penetrates the cells, where it begins to multiply and secrete enzymes that irritate the mucous membrane and dissolve surrounding tissues. In this regard, candidiasis causes swelling, redness, increased sensitivity, a feeling of dryness and soreness in the mouth. As the disease develops, a white cheesy coating forms on the mucosa, consisting of destroyed epithelial cells, fibrin, keratin, food debris and bacteria. At the initial stage, candidiasis in adults looks like small white grains, which subsequently increase in number and size. As the disease progresses, plaque turns into large plaques or a milky film. In the absence of timely treatment for thrush in the mouth, the affected areas begin to merge with each other, covering the inner surface of the cheeks and lips, gums, tongue, palate, and tonsils.
Composition of the drug and beneficial effects
The composition of the drug "Cholisal" includes the following active components:
- Choline salicylate - quickly acts on nerve endings, providing pain relief. Has antimicrobial and antimicrobial effects.
- Cetalkonium chloride - intended for antiseptic, antimicrobial and antifungal action. The main component for the treatment of thrush in children.
- Additional components - propyloxybenzoate, glycerol, anise seed oil, alcohol and water - they accelerate the absorption of active medicinal components and prevent the gel from quickly disappearing from the mucous membrane.
The gel relieves irritation of the oral mucosa.
Therapeutic effect of the drug:
- relieves pain;
- helps heal damage to the mucous membrane;
- relieves swelling and inflammation;
- fights pathogenic microorganisms;
- eliminates viral and infectious diseases in the mouth.
Release form
The drug is available for sale in the form of a transparent gel, which is packaged in tubes of 10-15 grams. Place the tubes in a cardboard box, along with instructions for use. The product does not have a strong odor and, for ease of use, is rich in a sweetish taste. "Cholisal" is also available in the form of a suspension, for use in cases of severe emetic effect in infants.
Symptoms of oral thrush
In addition to the appearance of white plaques and milky plaque, the following manifestations of candidiasis are observed.
The mucous membrane under the plaque is irritated and easily injured, so tissue bleeding and wound formation can often be observed.
Discomfort in the mouth
. Candidiasis is accompanied by itching, burning and pain in the affected areas of the mucous membrane. This may cause a metallic taste in the mouth or temporary loss of sensitivity in the taste buds.
Feeling of a lump in the throat.
This symptom of thrush may appear if candida has spread to the pharynx area and makes swallowing difficult.
Temperature increase.
This symptom is often observed with thrush. An increase in temperature becomes a response to the proliferation of the fungus and its pathogenic activity.
The appearance of mycotic seizures.
With this condition, the skin in the corners of the mouth turns red and small cracks appear, often covered with a whitish coating or transparent scales.
Although the product is recommended for children, the following may be contraindications for use:
- age up to 12 months;
- sensitivity to the components of the drug;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- acute inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes.
Precautionary measures
Do not allow the medication to enter the gastrointestinal tract.
When using "Cholisal" for the treatment of candidal fungus in newborns and older children, the dose should not be exceeded, and the gel should not be swallowed. If ingested, the components of the drug can enhance the effect of analgesic and antipyretic drugs, causing an undesirable effect that is hazardous to health. For a one-time procedure in children, a pea-sized dose is sufficient; for adults, the amount of gel increases to 1 cm when squeezed out. When applying the product, a short-term burning sensation is allowed, but it quickly goes away on its own.
What happens in case of an overdose?
Serious consequences from an overdose of the drug have not been recorded in medicine, but exceeding the dose indicated in the instructions is strictly prohibited, especially when treating children. If an excessive amount of the drug gets into the mouth or stomach, rinsing with plenty of water is recommended. Using the gel too often can lead to allergic reactions. Symptoms of an allergy to the drug:
- rash;
- itching or burning;
- redness of healthy areas of the epithelium.
Diagnosis of candidiasis
If the listed symptoms of candidiasis appear, you should contact your dentist for an examination. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis, determine the cause of the disease and prescribe comprehensive treatment for oral thrush in adults. As part of the examination, a detailed medical history is collected, mucosal scrapings are made, and a clinical blood test is performed. The diagnosis can be confirmed by microscopic examination of a scraping, in which a pathogenic fungus can be detected. After receiving all the results, an individual treatment plan is drawn up.
Treatment of oral thrush in children
Treatment of oral thrush in newborns is complicated by the fact that classical therapy with antifungal drugs is not suitable in this case. However, there is a group of medications approved for use in very young children. But only the attending physician can prescribe them.
Comprehensive treatment of oral thrush in infants includes:
1. General strengthening therapy, the purpose of which is to restore and support the immune system.
2. Organizing a proper diet and rest for the child. It is necessary to make sure that the baby receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements.
3. If the cause of candidiasis is frequent regurgitation, then treatment of oral thrush in a newborn should begin with improving feeding techniques. It is necessary that the child grasps the nipple or bottle correctly so that excess air does not enter the stomach. An important point: if the child is breastfed, therapy should be carried out in parallel with the treatment of the mother to avoid re-infection.
Treatment of candidiasis (thrush) of the oral cavity
Treatment of oral candidiasis in an adult should be aimed not only at combating the pathogen and eliminating unpleasant symptoms, but also at treating chronic diseases and other conditions that cause a decrease in immunity and activation of pathogenic flora. Conventionally, treatment can be divided into general and local.
General therapy.
The basis for treating oral thrush in adults is taking medications that have a systemic effect on the entire body. These are antifungal agents (polyene antibiotics or imidazoles) that kill candida not only in the oral cavity, but throughout the body. In addition, as part of treatment, antimicrobial and antiparasitic drugs may be prescribed to stop the growth of the fungus. General strengthening therapy aimed at increasing and maintaining immunity also plays an important role. Vitamins of group B, C and PP can be used for this. They stimulate redox processes in the body and strengthen its natural defenses. The general treatment of oral thrush may also include other medications, for example, calcium gluconate, antihistamines, iron supplements, etc. All medications must be selected individually by the doctor. In addition, treatment for oral thrush includes following a diet. It is necessary to exclude sweets and yeast products, as they provoke the development of candidiasis. Spicy, sour, salty or very hot foods irritate the mucous membranes, increasing unpleasant symptoms, so you should also avoid them.
Local therapy.
In the treatment of oral thrush, agents that act directly on the mucous membrane play an important role. They help relieve unpleasant symptoms, stop the growth and reproduction of candida, and restore tissue damaged by the fungus. This can include applications with iodine-based compounds, rinsing with alkaline solutions and disinfectants, and sucking lozenges with bactericidal properties. Special dental gels have proven themselves to be effective in the treatment of candidiasis. An example of such a product is Cholisal®. It has a local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The antiseptic included in the composition prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria. The analgesic effect occurs within 2-3 minutes and lasts for 2-8 hours.
An important role in the treatment of oral candidiasis is played by visiting a dentist in order to eliminate dental diseases, malocclusions and prosthetic errors. In addition, it is important to maintain oral hygiene: brush your teeth twice a day, use mouthwash after meals. Dentures must be treated with antifungal agents during treatment.
On average, treatment for oral thrush in adults lasts 14-21 days. Therapy should be continued for the time specified by the doctor, even if the symptoms have passed. This will avoid relapse of the disease.
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thrush in a child or the stingy one pays twice (candida, Cholisal, Miramistin)
it was still wet in November. soda, brilliant green, giving up sweets, in general everything went away but returned within a day. I've read everything. And so I chose three medications for myself. I wanted to save money, so I bought Miramistin, many praised that it helped with stomatitis, I was seduced by the fact that it has an extensive list of indications, from pharyngitis to stamotitis, it will come in handy in any case, since I have chronic pharyngitis, and it’s also safe for children... alas and oh, three weeks did not produce any results. Next on the list, the choice fell on Cholisal gel, again it is written that it treats a fungus such as candida, and it is also good for teething as a pain reliever. The composition among gels for gums, especially when teething, made me very happy. the price in our pharmacy is 400 rubles, in the city you can buy it for 350. At first I thought about buying it from hand, the gel is not an aqueous solution, it’s less scary to buy. I found three advertisements “almost full tube, taken a couple of times” with prices ranging from 100-200 rubles. one address was very far away, 2 and 3 were closer, but while I was trying to persuade my husband, he was against buying medicines with his own hands, and I understand him perfectly well, while I asked my friend to stop by after work. generally sold. After another jump, when in the evening there was a small spot on my cheek, and in the morning both cheeks and lips were covered, I went and bought it... the result. after a week, still the same jumps. in the morning, during the day I smear it with the gel, in the evening I burn it with brilliant green again, after that I smear it with the gel again (I started wiping my breasts and pacifier with soda again (oh yes, we started gnawing on the pacifier, it seems to me because the gums are itching) in general, the poor daughter is like a guinea pig =( today I couldn’t stand it again and bought Candida. The price is 358 rubles. If it doesn’t help, then I don’t know what else to do T_T (ps: I smeared it with Candida, in a couple of days everything went away and there were no plaques for a couple of days, we just went to the doctor The day before yesterday, during the examination, she said that there seemed to be a small spot, and maybe the phone was shining, if I smeared it with candida again. This morning I again found a couple of plaques on my cheek ((...
ps: sterilization of nipples and toys, lubrication with candida on average 3 times, still did not help. a month has passed. The doctor has only one answer to my questions - apply candida, baking soda and boil everything... yes it helps, the amount has decreased, but... I took a break a couple of times. It didn’t happen for a day, a day later the plaque came again. Almost a month has passed, I don’t know if it’s Candida or not (clothes, chemicals, etc., all the same), but some kind of allergy has appeared. In general, I stop treatment. The dots really bother me more than my daughter, I burn them with brilliant green (no matter how scary) once every few days and after a couple of hours I apply Cholisal. Anyway, now everything will be put in your mouth..
25.02, for a week now there has not been a single white spot