Gentle and effective cleaning of dentures using Corega tablets

Unfortunately, restoration of dentition using partial or complete prosthetics does not end with the installation of artificial crowns.

Regardless of the material from which the product is made, it needs careful care. It is for this purpose that pharmaceutical companies have developed many products.

Korega tablets have gained particular popularity, the main task of which is to fight pathogenic microbes, remove food debris and eliminate unpleasant odors.

All these functions together extend the life of dentures and prevent many unpleasant problems in the oral cavity.


was founded back in 1715, however, its founders began developing means for cleaning dentures relatively recently, 70 years ago. Today, the rich experience and professionalism of the employees of the manufacturer of the Korega line of formulations has provided an opportunity to reach the world level and take a leading position.

In addition to tablets, the company also produces a cream created specifically for removable dentures.

All products that GlaxoSmithKline produces are improved every year through numerous studies. However, the presence of 5 Nobel Prizes confirms the quality of the products.


Experts, as a rule, prescribe Corega tablets in the following cases:

  • if there are stains on the prosthesis formed by bacterial plaque;
  • as a preventive measure for oral diseases while wearing removable dentures;
  • for preparing a solution for the purpose of disinfecting removable artificial teeth;
  • as an additional hygiene procedure to ensure fresh breath.


An effective result is ensured by the following components:

  1. PVC is a synthetic polymer, a substance that, when reacting with water, forms a compound that actively breaks down bacterial plaque.
  2. Potassium monopersulfate is an oxidizing agent that has the properties of deep penetration into the structure of materials, which ensures stain removal.
  3. Bicarbonate, perborate and sodium carbonate, tetraacetylenediamine are substances that promote the formation of oxygen, which is necessary for the dissolution of the tablet.
  4. Sodium benzoate is a component responsible for the long-term preservation of pharmaceutical properties over a certain period of time.
  5. Citric acid acts as an oxidizing agent.
  6. Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate is the active ingredient for plaque removal.
  7. Proteolytic enzyme is an anti-inflammatory component that acts as a weak anesthetic.
  8. Peppermint essential oil is an antiseptic and breath freshener.
  9. Polymethylsiloxane is a substance that is the connecting link of all the above components, enhancing their properties.
  10. Dye – has a whitening effect.

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Corega tablets

Name: Corega tablets Pharmacological action: Corega tablets contain a number of active ingredients that clean, disinfect dentures and have a deodorizing effect. Thanks to active care, regular use of Corega tablets helps extend the life of the prosthesis. The unique formula of Corega tablets allows you to remove food debris in places that are inaccessible when mechanically cleaning the denture with a brush. Constant use of Corega tablets helps remove complex contaminants such as coffee and tobacco stains from the surface of the prosthesis. Thanks to the antiseptic components, Corega tablets disinfect the denture, and placing the denture in the solution for 8 hours is an excellent way to sterilize the denture. Thus, regular use of Corega tablets to clean dentures allows you to extend the life of the denture and preserve its original color. In addition, reduce the risk of developing inflammation and irritation of the gums and oral mucosa when using dentures.

Indications for use: Corega tablets are used to clean and disinfect removable dentures.

Directions for use: Before using Corega tablets, you must thoroughly clean the denture from food debris using a toothbrush. The denture is dipped into a freshly prepared solution of the drug (to prepare the solution, take 1 glass of warm water and one Coreg tablet). It is recommended to leave the prosthesis in the solution for 10-15 minutes for cleaning; if it is necessary to sterilize the prosthesis, it is left in the solution overnight. After treatment with the solution, the prosthesis should be thoroughly rinsed with running water for several minutes and dried with a paper towel. The drug is strictly prohibited for use in the treatment of dentures in the oral cavity.

Side effects: When using the drug according to the instructions, no side effects were observed, however, when the remaining solution was not thoroughly washed off the prosthesis, patients experienced hyperemia of the oral mucosa, as well as irritation and a burning sensation at the site of the prosthesis.

Pregnancy: The drug is approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Overdose: There have been no reports of overdose.

Release form: Effervescent tablets, 6 pieces in a cell package, 30 tablets in a cardboard package.

Storage conditions: It is recommended to store the drug in a dry place protected from direct sunlight at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. Shelf life: 3 years.

Ingredients: Sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium perborate, PVK-30, blue dye, citric acid, sodium lauryl sulfoacetate, potassium monopersulfate, tetracetylethylenediamine, sodium benzoate, proteolytic enzymes, peppermint essential oil, polyethylene glycol 8000, polymethylsiloxane.

Attention! The description of the drug " Corega tablets " on this page is a simplified and expanded version of the official instructions for use. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer. Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

pharmachologic effect

The combination of components included in the drug extends the life of dentures by ensuring their high-quality cleansing. The resulting elements as a result of chemical reactions between water and pharmaceutical substances are able to penetrate deep into the structure of the material of artificial crowns.

In other words, the solution prepared on the basis of the Corega tablet actively fights stains and pigments formed on the enamel of the prosthesis, especially under the influence of caffeine and nicotine, and also easily removes food debris.

In addition, the pharmaceutical product contains components that can prevent inflammatory processes and irritation of the oral mucosa.

Watch the video about the effectiveness and action of Corega tablets.

Analogues of the drug

The drug Corega has substitutes. Analogues include the following products for cleaning dentures:

  • Rox. The product is produced in tablet form. With constant use, the amount of plaque is reduced, food debris and traces of staining are removed. The advantage is that the medication does not contain phosphates and chlorine. The development of an unpleasant odor is prevented, and the denture looks like new.
  • Dentipur. These are tablets that are used to clean dental structures. The drug cleans and disinfects removable dentures. The composition of the product does not destroy the material of the structure, quickly cleans it of mucus, plaque and food debris.
  • Fittydent. Tablets that are used to clean complete and partial dentures and removable orthopedic products. The package contains 32 pieces. The product is used twice a day. The tablet is dissolved in warm filtered water and the denture is left for 30 minutes. After the procedure it is washed. This drug prevents the development of inflammatory and painful processes.
  • MyoClean. A medicine that can be purchased in the form of effervescent tablets. They are used to clean dentures. The product contains active oxygen and disinfecting elements that provide hygienic care. The medication is able to give artificial teeth a fresh smell, protect them from bacteria, and remove plaque from them.
  • Protefix. The products include several pharmaceutical products that are produced for the care and fixation of removable dentures. The tablets contain active oxygen, which helps clean removable dental structures. The active substance is able to penetrate into the most inaccessible places. The tablets are effective against the development of pathogenic microorganisms and the formation of tartar. The result can be observed within 10 hours.


Replacing the product used on your own is not recommended. Specialist consultation is required. This is due to the fact that each product has its own characteristics of use and may have individual intolerance.


Using a lot of toothpastes that contain abrasive substances or putting excessive pressure on artificial enamel can lead to the formation of microcracks in the denture.

Over time, pathogenic bacteria accumulate in them. It is impossible to remove them with a regular toothbrush; special products must be used.

The cleaning solution prepared on the basis of Corega tablets has the following functions:

  1. Preventive - active substances contribute to the formation of a protective barrier on all micropores, which prevents the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into them, and, accordingly, the development of many diseases characteristic of patients using prostheses.
  2. Antiseptic components actively fight existing microorganisms in the oral cavity, which preserves the integrity of the dentures.
  3. Anti-discomfort - the presence of light anesthetics in the tablets reduces the duration of addiction, eliminating unpleasant sensations during use.
  4. Elimination of pigmentation - most orthodontic products are not resistant to food staining. However, this shortcoming was taken care of. Periodic use of an additional cleaning agent can cope with existing pigments, while constant use of a pharmaceutical preparation will completely prevent their appearance.
  5. Maintaining a pleasant odor in the mouth and extending the service life - together, all active ingredients provide the denture with maximum service life. Essential oils provide a minty scent throughout the day.

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The developers of Corega tablets are trying to make life as easy as possible for those with prostheses, so they are expanding the production line with new types. If until recently there was only one type of product for the care of orthodontic structures on the market, today there are already two of them.

Bio Formula

This type of composition was created for daily use, in order to supplement the daily two-time oral hygiene procedure with a denture care product.

The active ingredients of Bio Formula are capable of eliminating pathogenic microflora from the removable structure by 99.9%.

At the same time, the composition does not contain abrasive elements that can eventually lead to the formation of microcracks on the surface of artificial enamel.

The list of properties of the product also includes a preventive measure against many diseases associated with wearing artificial teeth, in particular, denture stomatitis. Experts recommend using the prepared solution for at least 15 minutes.


Unlike the previous analogue, this composition has a higher concentration of active ingredients, which provides a more powerful effect on the structure of prostheses.

The complex drug can cope with plaque on the teeth of even the most active smokers.

Experts note that the effect of whitening tablets is noticeable already 3 minutes after the start of use. However, to consolidate the result, the duration of the hygiene procedure should vary within 10-15 minutes.

Both formulations are available in the form of 6 or 30 tablets, packaged in a cardboard box.


Previously, I cleaned my dentures with special powders, tooth powder, and even soda. I didn't know such pills existed. Very soon the whole structure became unusable, and my artificial teeth began to look, to put it mildly, not too good. I had to replace it. I am grateful to my doctor for telling me how best to clean and disinfect them! Most often, I leave the dentures on all night, and in the morning I wash them and put them on calmly. I did not notice any side effects from Coreg tablets. Moreover, my teeth look like they were recently made for me (and a couple of years have passed!). In a word, I am very pleased!

A good remedy. My only complaint is that the stated 3 minutes is clearly not enough for quick whitening, although this is exactly the result stated on the pack, and I expected to see it. I smoke, so I have to keep my dentures in the solution for several hours, which is not very convenient for me personally.

They are suitable for one-time cleaning if you are suddenly too lazy to do mechanical cleaning. But I am careful not to leave my “teeth” in such a solution for several hours. Although I washed them thoroughly, even 3 times in running water, I still had a feeling of itching at the place where the structure was attached to the gums, and I suffered all day. It should be noted that I am allergic. Apparently, because of this, the pills did not work for me. Therefore, before use, it is still better to check for allergies.



Instructions for use

An effective result can only be achieved by strictly following the instructions drawn up by the manufacturer:

  1. Clean the denture from dirt using a regular toothbrush.
  2. Select a container that will easily fit the prosthesis and fill it with warm water. Please note that today you can purchase a special container on the market for this purpose.
  3. Next, drop one Corega tablet and immediately follow it with the prosthesis, without waiting for the product to completely dissolve. Leave the structure in the solution for 3 to 15 minutes. When using the composition daily, the duration of immersion should be minimal so as not to disturb the porous structure of the structure.
  4. Afterwards, remove the product from the container and clean it again using a brush and solution. For this purpose, you can also use an irrigator, if, of course, the device is available.

At the end of the process, the structure is washed under running water and thoroughly wiped with a dry cloth. The remaining solution is poured out.

A country

Country of manufacture may vary depending on the batch of goods. Please check with the operator for detailed information when confirming your order.


Corega Whitening denture cleaning tablets provide gentle and effective cleaning of dentures. Main benefits: - Removes stains and prevents their appearance* - Reduces the number of bacteria that cause bad breath by 99.9% in 3 minutes.** - Maintains the original whiteness of dentures *USNPD041 (2011) In-vitro cleaning report, Dullea , C., 'Effectiveness of Quick Cleaning POLIDENT/COREGA with Triplemint Denture Cleanser (MFC51010) **by soaking, based on laboratory tests. Evaluation of the antimicrobial effectiveness of a denture cleaner. GSK company review, 2012


Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Potassium Caroate (Potassium Monopersulfate), Sodium Carbonate Peroxide, Sodium Carbonate, TAED, Sodium Benzoate, PEG-180, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Aroma, VP/VA Copolymer, Cellulose, Gum, Cl 42090, Cl 73015

Product description

Tablets for cleaning dentures.

pharmachologic effect

Corega tablets clean, disinfect dentures and have a deodorizing effect. Release form: effervescent tablets. One cell package – 6 pieces of tablets; in a cardboard package – 30 tablets. When using tablets, the life of the prosthesis increases. The active components of the tablets allow you to thoroughly clean the denture from food debris in places that are difficult to reach with a brush. Constant cleaning of the prosthesis with these tablets allows you to remove stains from coffee and tobacco from its surface.

Indications for use

For cleaning dentures.


Individual intolerance to components.

Directions for use and doses

Before using Corega tablets, you must thoroughly clean the denture from food debris using a toothbrush. The denture is dipped into a freshly prepared solution of the drug (to prepare the solution, take 1 glass of warm water and one Coreg tablet). It is recommended to leave the prosthesis in the solution for 10-15 minutes for cleaning; if it is necessary to sterilize the prosthesis, it is left in the solution overnight. After treatment with the solution, the prosthesis should be thoroughly rinsed with running water for several minutes and dried with a paper towel.

special instructions

Do not use the solution as a mouth rinse or take it orally. The product is intended only for cleaning dentures.

Release form

Tablets, 30 pcs cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 C.

Best before date

3 years. Do not use after the expiration date.


It is difficult to find identical formulations for a universal drug. There are only two of them on the market today:

  1. “Lakalut dent” is available in the form of tablets, of which there are 32 pieces in a package, and as a ready-made solution, presented in separate 30 ml bottles. The average cost of the product is 650 rubles.
  2. "Protefix" is available in the form of capsules in an amount of 32 pieces. The price varies between 500-700 rubles.

Analogs for pharmacological action:

  1. "Memoplant". Form: tablets. Cost – 900 rubles for 60 pcs.
  2. "Vitrum Memory". 60 tablets for 650 rubles.
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