Effective ways to store removable dentures at night

Many patients, despite the wide choice of options for restoring lost teeth, still opt for removable dentures. There may be many reasons for this - from contraindications to other types of prosthetics to financial considerations. And for comfortable and durable wearing of such structures, proper and regular care of dentures is very important, including proper storage of dentures at night. Moreover, storage methods largely depend on the material from which the structure is made.

Caring for dentures

  • Types of structures
  • Plastic dentures
  • How to care at home
  • How to care and store
  • Nylon dentures
  • Clasp dentures
  • Care products

Dentures require careful care.
In order for them to serve their owners for a long time, you need to learn how to carefully care for them and store them correctly. Their insufficient cleaning and non-compliance with hygiene rules often cause destruction of neighboring teeth, inflammation of the gums, and bad breath. It is also important to listen to the recommendations of the doctor, who, when installing such structures, should tell the patient how to use them correctly. Dentures will retain their original appearance for a long time, provided:

  • choosing the right cleaning product;
  • maintaining daily oral hygiene;
  • Visit the dentist at least twice a year for professional cleaning.

The main task of people who wear such designs is to maintain their aesthetics and durability. This can only be achieved if denture care is carried out in accordance with their type.

Popular brands of storage boxes for removable devices

We've looked at where it's best to store dentures at night or when you're not using them. Purchase a protective box where, if necessary, you can pour a disinfectant solution.

There are a lot of brands of containers available today, and the patient faces a difficult choice. For example, there are models with backlight, some with mesh, some with ultrasound for thorough removal of plaque and dirt, as well as for disinfection. You can also purchase standard classic boxes, which do not provide additional functionality.

To make it easier for you to decide, we present several brands of containers that, according to patient reviews, are in greatest demand.


This is a Swiss brand whose quality has been tested by time. The products are manufactured by CURADEN1, which was founded back in 1940. Today it is represented in Europe, America, Asia, the Middle East, and since 2005 in Russia.

The photo shows a Curaprox container

The container of this brand is made of durable medical polypropylene. It is opaque, which will allow you to hide its contents from others. It has a safety lock on the lid, which prevents unexpected opening of the box and spillage of disinfectant liquid. Cost – from 950 rubles.

Bradex (“Bradex”)

These are Israeli-made products. The container is equipped with an ultrasonic system to thoroughly clean and disinfect your removable devices. Made of plastic, lightweight, has a sealed lid. Operates on 2 AA batteries. Cost – from 600 rubles.

The photo shows a Bradex container

Sonic Denture Cleaner

If you are still thinking about how to store removable dentures correctly, then purchase a device from Song Young (Taiwan) - Sonic Denture Cleaner, which will solve all your problems. This is a universal box for storing and cleaning removable systems. It is equipped with an ultrasound function and will easily help remove dirt, bacteria, stubborn plaque and stains from the product. Cost – from 700 rubles.

This is what the Sonic Denture Cleaner container looks like


This box is a representative of the German company Hager&Werken, which has existed since 1982. The container is shockproof, has holes for air circulation and a very reliable double latch that prevents it from opening and the product falling out. Cost – from 800 rubles.

The photo shows the Miradent container


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  1. According to the official website of the manufacturer curaprox.ru

Expert “Protective containers are suitable for storing dentures at night. It is preferable that it be made of impact-resistant plastic that retains its original characteristics for a long time and does not accumulate bacteria. Also, the choice must be made taking into account the shape and size of the prosthesis; you should not buy a container that is too large or, conversely, too tight, which can lead to deformation of the structure.” Orthodontist Vagapov Zakir Irkinovich

Consulting specialist

Vagapov Zakir Irkinovich

Doctor rating: 7 out of 10 (3) Specialization: Orthodontist Experience: 15 years

Types of structures

There are two types of dentures: removable and fixed. Nylon and acrylic models are removed and can be cleaned with running water, preferably boiled. But it is better to clean with special solutions that are effective in getting rid of bacteria. They are purchased in pharmacies in ready-made form or in tablets dissolved in water. To fix such structures, glue, cream or strips are used.

These care methods also apply to partially removable structures, which include clasp models. Fixed veneers, implants, bridges, crowns require more careful care. Dental floss is used to clean hard-to-reach areas. Interdental brushes are also effective. You need to complete the procedure of cleaning from food debris by rinsing your mouth using special products.

Methods of fastening the clasp

Several varieties of clasp-type products have been developed, which differ from each other not only in the material of manufacture, but also in the method of attachment to living teeth or implants.

The following types of fastening the structure in the oral cavity are distinguished:

  1. On clasps. This type of fastener consists of metal hooks that hook onto supports at the base. When using this design, there is no need to grind the teeth. This variety is inferior in aesthetic characteristics, since hooks can catch the eye when talking or smiling.
  2. On attachments. This type of fastening is a locking design and consists of 2 parts. One of them is fixed on a ground tooth or implant, and the second is fixed on a prosthesis. When fixing the device in the oral cavity, the 2 parts of the fastening snap together. This variety is distinguished by reliable fixation and uniform distribution of load while chewing food. This model is more expensive compared to the previous one.
  3. On telescopic crowns. When using such a system for fixing the device, permanent crowns are put on living supports, and the prosthetic crowns are installed on them. This method of fixing the dental apparatus is distinguished by high aesthetic indicators and the degree of reliability of fastening. The disadvantage is its high cost, which limits its distribution.

Each of these structures requires its own approach to storage and repair.

Plastic dentures

Rinsing after eating, cleaning with toothpaste, disinfection - these are the main rules for caring for plastic dentures.

The ideal option would be to clean them regularly after eating. If this is not possible, thorough cleaning 2 times a day is allowed. To remove plaque in hard-to-reach places, brushes and dental floss are additionally used.

Plaque is removed by washing with water, brushing with a special paste, and the procedure ends by placing the structure in an antiseptic solution. Twice a year it is necessary to take it to the dentist for professional cleaning to remove deposits and stones.

Causes of wear

  • Use of abrasives. When cleaning the denture with toothpaste with a whitening effect, scratches may appear on the structure, which contributes to the accumulation of bacterial plaque on the denture.
  • Insufficient maintenance of the structure. A dirty denture often causes rapid wear and tear and causes inflammation in the oral cavity.
  • When smoking, drinking coffee or strong tea, dental structures turn yellow and a brown plaque forms on them, which is difficult to remove.

How to care at home

The products used to clean your home can achieve good results. The most important thing is to regularly care for your dentures at home. But professional cleaning should be an equally significant addition to home care.

When cleaning them at home you need to use:

  • with a soft toothbrush (carefully treat areas of contact with the gums);
  • non-abrasive toothpaste (you can use gentle children's toothpaste);
  • tablets - indicators of bacterial plaque;
  • disinfectant solutions (antiseptics, rinses containing chlorhexidine, special tablets).

Treatments using vinegar or lemon are especially popular. Frequent cleaning with vinegar is not advisable, as it negatively affects the strength of the teeth. You can use this method sometimes by placing the structure in vinegar for 2 hours.

It is safer to mix a quarter of a lemon with toothpaste or powder and apply the mixture and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with running water. Some people try to use baking soda, but doctors say there are no results from such cleansing, despite the prevailing opinion about its effectiveness.

How to care for and store dentures

In the past, when removable plastic structures were made from air-drying rubber, they were stored in an aqueous solution. Now they are made on the basis of acrylic and nylon, which do not require such storage.

Proper care and storage of dentures is an important condition for their long service life. Therefore, it is worth listening to the advice of doctors who recommend not removing them at night, especially immediately after installation, so that the person can get used to them and the articular heads of the jaws do not move. When removing them at night, they do not need to be kept in liquid; they can be left dry, wrapped in a clean napkin.

It is not recommended to remove clasp structures while sleeping, especially if you have periodontal diseases, but if you need to remove them for a short period of time, they need to be thoroughly cleaned, dried and placed in a case.

Your questions and answers

QUESTION Hello, is it possible to store a removable denture not in a special box, but in a kitchen container. New, of course. Tatiana P.

ANSWER Hello, Tatyana.
If it is not possible to purchase a special box for storing the prosthesis, then, in principle, a new container for products will do. Only a few conditions must be met. First, only the prosthesis in its pure form is stored here; there is no need to put food in the container. Secondly, you need to make holes for ventilation. Third, remove the container away from heat sources, household chemicals, and out of the reach of small children. Of course, it is better to purchase a special box that is designed specifically for prostheses, because... it is made from durable, certified material, and is also conveniently sized specifically for the prosthesis. 1Bark K., Burgoff W., Hede N. Diseases of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and lips, 2021.

Nylon dentures

To preserve the properties of nylon structures for a long time, we must not forget about special care, otherwise the loss of their aesthetics and functionality and an unpleasant odor are guaranteed.

Caring for nylon dentures involves home and professional cleaning. When cleaning the house, nylon can be scratched if you use hard brushes. Therefore, it is recommended to acquire only soft models of brushes and pastes that do not contain abrasive substances. To protect against damage, they should be put on or taken off over a sink filled with water. You can fold a terry towel in several layers and carry out these manipulations over it.

Due to the fact that this material is capable of absorbing foreign odors and being stained by drinks and food, wearers of such prostheses need to disinfect them more often. For these purposes, dental nylon liquid, cleansing tablets such as Corega or ROCS are used.

To remove bacterial plaque from them that cannot be cleaned at home, an ultrasonic bath is used. The procedure is performed by a doctor in the clinic, where he also examines the gums under the structure. Thanks to the use of ultrasound, the surface gets rid of not only bacteria, but also coloring substances (nicotine) and tartar.

Clasp dentures

Partially removable clasp structures are made from different materials. The most commonly used materials are cermets and plastics. Depending on the type of material, it is determined what the optimal care for clasp dentures will be.

The peculiarity of caring for them is explained by the fact that their arches are made of metal. This requires a special approach to cleaning. When an arc is made of several separate parts, the joints should not be mechanically processed to avoid darkening and staining on them. When cleaning, only use a soft brush. Otherwise, care is similar to that of other removable models. Only once a week you need to treat them in a biological solution designed to remove stubborn stains and food debris.

If home care does not give the desired effect, then professional cleaning is recommended to remove hard deposits and plaque. This needs to be done once every six months.

It is not necessary to remove the clasp structures at night, especially during the first 2 weeks.

Care products

Modern means for caring for dentures are varied and more effective than the old-fashioned solutions with soda and potassium permanganate, which will do more harm than good. They are specially designed for different types of structures, therefore they are absolutely harmless.

Care products can be fixative or cleansing. The most popular of them are fixing adhesives and creams. They contribute to a reliable fit of the prosthesis and redistribution of the load during chewing. It prevents food debris from getting under them and does not rub the gums, since the glue creates an airtight cushion. At night, the structure with fixing substances must be removed, this is the condition for their use.

Fixing powder is suitable for people with weak salivation. A thin layer of powder is applied to the structure, which is pressed tightly against the gums, creating an obstacle to food particles. And strips of special canvas for fixation are necessary if a person has an abnormal jaw structure.

Another common remedy is special tablets that dissolve in water. This solution can not only clean dentures, but also whiten them. True, they do not work on persistent nicotine stains; you will need the help of a dentist who will remove them with ultrasound. This needs to be done every six months.

Rinsing, cleaning, disinfection, professional care - these are the main components of the care process. And what means are used for them will depend on the specific model of prostheses.


  • When using a clasp design, in the first time after installation, while adaptation to the design occurs, you need to eat only soft food.
  • You should not bite food with your front teeth. You need to chew food only with the help of your lateral teeth, distributing it moderately on the right and left jaws.
  • When you get used to the prosthesis, you can gradually switch to regular food, but still, for the successful functioning and durability of the clasp prosthesis, you need to minimize or eliminate hard, sticky and viscous food from the diet.
  • When chewing hard food, the artificial tooth may break off and cause structural failure.
  • You can train your chewing ability by eating fruits or vegetables cut into small pieces.
  • Viscous and sticky food can stick to the denture and cause it to break.
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