How can a girl learn to laugh beautifully? Psychology.

Smiles and laughter have a positive effect on your well-being, but many people, growing up, completely forget how pleasant it is. Think about a playground - there are children running around smiling for no particular reason, just enjoying the moment. Parents watching are more likely to express the depth of modern stress with only an occasional smile. In the meantime, they should learn from their children and learn to enjoy life more. Research has shown that smiling has a positive impact on health in several areas. In addition, laughter has a good effect on other aspects of your life. When you smile and laugh, physiological changes occur in your body that you are not even aware of.

When you smile, your body produces endorphins

The reasons for the production of joy hormones lie in certain movements of the facial muscles, which the brain reads. As a result, it stimulates the production of endorphins, which lift your mood and reduce stress levels. Interestingly, if you pretend to laugh or fake a smile, the brain cannot recognize the difference and only pays attention to the position of the muscles. As a result, the hormones are released anyway, and you feel happier, even if your smile was not entirely sincere at first.

Correct perception of humor

The correct perception of humor is how YOU alone see the funny in everything and no one else

. See the world with your own eyes. See humor in everything and you will always feel good.

Don't identify yourself with any particular personality type. To define yourself means to limit yourself. Be water, be everything!

And then you will have a strong presentation and expression of yourself that will allow you to resonate with all people.

Have a positive outlook - all jokes work as long as I say it

You love yourself so much that you value what you say and people get involved and love you too
. If you hate yourself, they will hate you too. If you are interesting to yourself, then you will become interesting in the eyes of others.

How to start laughing and smiling more often?

This is not difficult to achieve. As mentioned, the brain cannot detect the sincerity of a smile, so the more often you consciously force yourself to smile, the better you will feel. Watch funny comedies and television shows. This will give you a boost of humor in your life. Conversely, try not to watch sad programs and news. Spending time with family and friends will fill you with happiness. You will look at life more positively, which means it will become easier to smile. Look for reasons for joy and smiles yourself - you are probably surrounded by many cute and funny things. If you consciously pay attention to them, you will be able to laugh and smile more often without much effort. Spontaneous joy is a valuable feeling that you can achieve on your own.


There is a whole system of laughter therapy that helps people learn to laugh correctly and, thereby, get rid of many ailments. For example, in yoga there is a direction called Khaasya Yoga. Its essence lies in breathing exercises, which you perform by pronouncing the famous “ho-ho”, “ha-ha” and “hee-hee”. Thus, laughter is stimulated.

If you don’t have the opportunity to practice with a yoga trainer, then try to pronounce these magical sounds yourself. The secret is that “ho-ho” must be pronounced from the abdomen, “ha-ha” - from the chest and from the heart, and “hee-hee” - from the place where the yet-unopened third eye is located in the east, that is, from the middle of the forehead.

There is always a reason to be sad, and it is this that pushes out all the reasons for laughter. But it should be the other way around. If you feel a negative weight settling inside, stop and stretch your lips into a smile. Yes, at first it may look stupid from the outside, but you will feel how the dark cloud inside dissipates, and you feel calm again. The more positive you are, the easier it is to bring out your laughter, since it won't encounter multiple obstacles.

Develop your sense of humor and try to apply it to any situation. It often happens that people laugh after bitter tears, but they wouldn’t start laughing right away. Laughter sobers up and helps you find a better solution. Therefore, sharpen your sharp mind and learn to take the world less seriously.

Get rid of all the fears that are hidden deep inside. They not only prevent laughter from penetrating, but also aggravate any minor situation. For example, if you are afraid of doctors, then any illness will cause you panic. But people who are deprived of this feeling and perceive everything that happens with humor can laugh at the temporary situation in which they find themselves. Even if you have a broken leg, rest assured that laughing will only speed up its recovery.

Take advantage of comedies, humorous shows with your favorite artists, go to the circus or rides. You will learn to laugh instantly, because professional actors make even inveterate gloomy pessimists hold on to their tummies.

Sport raises overall tone, evens out breathing and improves human emotions. Remember what a good mood you feel after two hours of skating, when even numerous falls make you laugh sincerely.

Practice your laughter every day, whether there is a reason or not. Just stand in front of the mirror or remember something funny, and at that moment a smile will appear by itself. And then just start laughing, laugh even if you have to make an effort at first. Later you will feel a pleasant tickling in the chest area, this is a sign that everything is working out for you. Do 15 minutes of these exercises every day, and soon people will envy your infectious laughter.

By approaching life with humor, you will save a huge amount of nerves. It would seem that there is nothing easier than laughing or joking about yourself, but no, human pride and ego will not let you relax even for a second. In order to develop a good sense of humor, you need to remember a number of rules that must be followed.


Remember to reframe. If you are not satisfied with something, you can find positive aspects in it by slightly expanding the area under analysis or simply turning everything upside down. And if everything is really so tragic that it is impossible to find any advantages, understand that this is precisely the invaluable experience that many people lack.

Admit your shortcomings. Understand that everything that is a minus for you in the here and now and cannot be corrected is actually a plus in another! Once you truly understand this, you will be much easier on yourself, which is one step closer to your goal of learning to laugh at yourself.

Know how to adjust according to each of the three - yourself, the second character and the outside observer who is watching all this. Imagine that each of these parties has its own point of view and its own prism of view, and then the comicality of the situation will be able to appear before you in all its glory.

Keep it simple. People are not interested in abstruse, in-depth thoughts with irrefutable argumentation and confirmation on all points; people need simple and easy communication. So leave it to them. Smooth out the corners, joke and smile more often, without taking anything seriously. Imagine that this is all just a game.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

The key method for learning to laugh at yourself is to forget about your social status and imagine that you are in the company of friends.

A sense of humor is sometimes called the sixth sense, implying that, like vision, hearing, mental acuity is given to a person at the moment of his birth. And if nature has not endowed an individual with this ability, learning to joke and make people laugh is almost impossible. However, it is not. A sense of humor can and should be trained.


Read the classics. For example, “12 Chairs” and “The Golden Calf”, written by Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov. Judging by the fact that these have made generations of readers laugh, quality jokes last a long time.

Use templates. Proverbs, sayings, set expressions are ideal raw materials for jokes. Having heard the familiar, listeners will expect the familiar. And as you know, the secret of a joke is originality and surprise. You can use two techniques: joining and breaking. In the case of joining a template, it does not change, only one of its parts changes. For example, the familiar expression “One is good, but two is better” takes on a new meaning: “One head is good, but two will eat more.” When the pattern is broken, the structure of a familiar phrase changes. For example, the same expression will make a joke: “One head is good. And Siamese twins know this better than others.”

Play with words. The essence of the technique is to use several meanings of the same word. In the first part of the joke this word has a certain meaning, but in the second part a different meaning is used. A classic example: “Stirlitz shot blindly. The blind woman fell." Another way of playing with words is to use metaphor, transferring the properties of one object to another, based on their similarity. The word “bodies” in the expression “authorities” has acquired a completely different meaning. Try returning it to its original meaning: “A government donor is required to save the life of the country.”

Practice constantly. To make people laugh, you don't have to come up with a new clever joke every time. It is enough to avoid cliched phrases when answering ordinary questions. Try to find new, original solutions.

Smile! In most cases, a friendly smile endears you to your interlocutor, helps him relax in your company, and therefore be more receptive to humor.

4 chosen

It’s generally easier to live with a joke, a smile and sincere laughter. And if a person knows how to laugh not only at others, but also at himself, this seriously helps him survive troubles, adversity and his own mistakes. Let's figure out whether it's really useful to be able to laugh at yourself and whether it can be learned.

Who are you laughing at?

Some readers may object - why laugh at ourselves when there are enough “well-wishers” who will do it for us? In fact, self-irony is an excellent defense mechanism. He protects us...

Can this be learned?

There is a saying: “To laugh at yourself, you have to outgrow yourself.”

Let's think about what it means and how to learn to laugh at yourself.

The pathological fear of looking funny is a consequence of complexes and problems with self-esteem. It seems to us that jokes and laughter humiliate us in the eyes of others. In fact, this is not true. If you demonstrate the ability to laugh at yourself, it will show you as a mature and harmoniously developed person. And those who are afraid of any word addressed to them only expose their own complexes.

I have always been interested in watching girls for whom laughing at themselves is a form of coquetry. “This could only happen to me!”

- they say smugly, telling some funny situation from their lives. They are so confident in themselves that they consider even their shortcomings and mistakes to be charming traits, and talk about them with pride.

So in order to learn to laugh at yourself, it’s a good idea to start by working on self-esteem.

I offer a few more tips:

  • Try to see the situation from the outside. There is such a psychological technique: imagine that you are looking at this situation from the window of a neighboring house.
  • You don’t have to laugh at yourself publicly right away. Start cultivating self-irony in your own thoughts. Having made some mistake, do not rush to scold yourself, but laugh at your own mistake. Over time, you will get used to this way of thinking.
  • Watch your children and follow their example. They are not afraid to look stupid or funny, they are happy to play the fool, pretend to be something and are not at all embarrassed by it. Maybe you could use a little childish spontaneity?
  • Develop your imagination. Many annoying situations begin to look funny if you use your imagination. For example, to me the crowd in the subway before entering the escalator reminds me of a flock of penguins that walk slowly, practically marking time in one place, but certainly swaying from side to side.
  • Smile at your reflection in the mirror every morning. Make a face at yourself. And leave the house in such a frivolous mood.
  • Admit your shortcomings, come to terms with them. There are no perfect people, and

It is well known that laughter improves the mood of both yourself and those around you - but only if you know how to laugh beautifully.


Part 1

Look for humor

  1. Smile more.

    Studies have shown that it is much easier to laugh with a straw in your mouth than with a straw between your lips. It will be much easier for you to laugh if you are used to smiling. This is because our body subconsciously reacts to a smile and is expected to be followed by laughter.

    • A common facial expression for many people is a frowning face. Learn to smile while working, jogging, and even while reading. Make smiling your normal facial expression.
    • When you arrive at work, try smiling at every colleague. This is a good way to prepare yourself for laughter, especially since it is a sign of politeness.

  2. Surround yourself with cheerful people.

    You're ready to have a wonderful evening with friends when a friend of a friend starts complaining about his job. If you get upset when people dump your problems on you and don't make you laugh very easily, it will be even worse if you surround yourself with such depressed people. Instead of hanging out with these people, hang out with your daredevil friends who make you laugh.

    • Control “bad” conversations. If you find yourself around people who constantly complain, try changing the topic of conversation. If everyone is talking about what they don't like, talk about what you like. People tend to repeat and follow example, so one person can cause collective laughter without difficulty. Ask a stupid question or tell a funny story and you'll see how easy it is.
    • You shouldn't get rid of sad friends, but try to find new ones who make you laugh and are ready to laugh. Next to them you will laugh too.

  3. Watch comedies and funny TV programs.

    Even if you prefer dramas or horror films, take a break from your habits and watch a comedy, for example, with Jim Carrey. Find something that makes you laugh uncontrollably and have a better time doing it than brooding over the plot and being upset by the melodrama.

  4. If modern comedies aren't your thing, watch some of the classics. Perhaps you will be inspired by something from the comedies of the last century.
  5. No matter how old you are: Tom and Jerry are always fun. Grab yourself a bowl of sugary cereal and enjoy your childhood Sunday morning.

  6. Turn off the news.

    It is very difficult to laugh if every morning you are told about cruelty in the world and economic inequality. Instead, listen to comedy podcasts or comedy radio programs, and check the news online later in the day.

    • If you cannot do without news, try to find a program where they are described in a positive way. You will be aware of events, but the form of presenting this news will be much easier.
    • If you can't live without a morning newspaper, start your day with fun news and a life stories section. And then move on to more serious news. Switch from the first to the second to maintain a good mood. And don't overdo it with bad news.

  7. Part 2

    Learn to relax

  8. Laugh at yourself.

    Learning to laugh at yourself is one of the biggest differences between happy and depressed people. If you can turn awkward moments, mistakes, and shortcomings into opportunities to laugh at yourself, they won't affect you.

    • Laughing at yourself helps you differentiate between “who you are” and “what you do.” Everyone can mess something up at some point, but that doesn't define you as a person. And laughing at yourself tells both you and those around you that this is not the end of the world.
  9. Don't worry about how your laugh sounds.

    Everyone has their own unique laugh, so if your laugh is polite and expresses genuine amusement, you don't have to worry about having a "terrible" laugh. After all, such a thing does not exist.

    • If you worry about your laughter and constantly worry about what people will think of you, then you will find it difficult to relax and have fun. If you hang out with people who make fun of someone for laughing, it's worth finding new friends.
  10. Make time for yourself.

    You may be a busy person, but if you learn to take time for yourself and spend it being yourself, your mood will greatly improve, you will be calm and always ready to laugh. Ambition and work are undoubtedly good things, but only in moderation. So learn to balance your goals and aspirations to be the best with a willingness to laugh at yourself and the ability to enjoy life.

      Make sure you do something you enjoy every day. Relax by turning on your favorite music and drink your favorite drink. Control your mood.
      Part 3

      Practice laughing

      Make yourself laugh.

      When you're alone at home or driving to work, try laughing a few times as realistically as possible. Very often, your body needs something like a push to get into the mood for laughter. Even if you have nothing to laugh about, just force yourself - this is how you will take the first step towards laughter, which has health benefits.

    • Start with three quick "ha's" and force yourself to laugh a few times. You'll be surprised how quickly a "special" laugh can turn into a real one.
    • Think of something funny that you laughed at in the past. Play this moment while laughing to stimulate it.

4 chosen

It’s generally easier to live with a joke, a smile and sincere laughter. And if a person knows how to laugh not only at others, but also at himself, this seriously helps him survive troubles, adversity and his own mistakes. Let's figure out whether it's really useful to be able to laugh at yourself and whether it can be learned.

Who are you laughing at?

Some readers may object - why laugh at ourselves when there are enough “well-wishers” who will do it for us? In fact, self-irony is an excellent defense mechanism. He protects us...

How to learn to laugh beautifully?

Realize that this concerns you. It is both easier and more difficult to appreciate our own laughter than our voice, which we have already made beautiful and sexy. Easier

- because what we hear is not very different from what others hear.
It’s more difficult
because as soon as we start listening to our own laughter, the sincerity immediately disappears from it.

And it’s much easier to talk into a tape recorder than to “make fun of” people. A way out of the situation could be a video camera at a meeting with friends, which is better to hide and then “forget” about it.

The essence is the same. You must evaluate your own laughter and decide: do you need to learn to laugh beautifully, or are you already doing great?

What would your ideal laugh be?

Interesting question, isn't it?

Close your eyes and imagine yourself laughing beautifully. To begin with, you can imagine that you laugh as beautifully as your favorite star actress.

Isn't there one? Then focus on the laughter of the unforgettable Marilyn Monroe (just think - she’s been dead for a long time, and the whole world is still crazy about her!)

Rehearsing a beautiful laugh

How to learn to laugh beautifully?

Practice, practice and more practice!

An ordinary mirror in which we will look at ourselves will help us in rehearsals. It’s difficult to remain natural while rehearsing beautiful laughter, but it’s possible!

Trying to laugh beautifully and imagining yourself as a world-class star

Please note that feminine laughter is not very loud (why amaze your interlocutor with decibels? He won’t appreciate it!). It also makes no sense to open your mouth to its full width. It's best to just smile broadly and then laugh.

We assure you the sound will be a little different, more delicate than when laughing with a demonstration of all the dental fillings.

There is no need for “male” gestures that accompany laughter:

  • clapping on one’s own body and the bodies of others,
  • head toss,
  • ostentatious shaking and so on.

Learn to control all sorts of “funny” sounds that accompany laughter:

  • snort,
  • grunt,
  • splashes of drool and so on.

Laughter turning into hysteria is pleasant only to the source of the joke, and even then not always.

Get yourself laughing!

You practiced at home. Everything seems to be as it should be. Now it’s time to practice the acquired skills “in the field.” You don't have to laugh about anything to do this. But nevertheless, it is necessary to practice beautiful laughter!

At home, watch funny shows, movies, read jokes on the Internet and try to laugh beautifully at it all. Meetings with friends, just an unplowed field for experimenting with your laughter. But…

It's not just how you laugh, it's also what you laugh at.

After all, it can tell so much about you! If you only laugh at shallow jokes and below-the-belt humor, you may seem narrow-minded. Laughing can show someone what you like and what you don't like.

For example:

  • If you don't laugh at a joke about a lover, then the man will understand that you want an honest, serious relationship.
  • Well, if you favorably accept humor that emphasizes male sexual abilities, they will probably think of you as a hot thing.

What to do when you want to laugh, but you can’t?

A muffled laugh will not make you look charming in the eyes of others, just like laughing out of place. Therefore, it would be better to suppress this laughter in yourself.

How? We need to take a break. For example, quietly hurt yourself - pinch, bite your tongue... Or think about pressing problems. Come up with something, basically.

Sincerity of laughter

We all know that the best laughter is a sincere laugh, with sparkle in the eyes, emotions and everything else. But if you don’t want to crumple, then just smile broadly and that’s it!

Laughter is very good for health. According to studies, laughter lowers blood pressure, it also relieves pain and relieves depression.

Laughing people have better heart function than sad people.

Here's how it happens. During laughter, the speed of exhaled air is 100 km/h. Our airways are “ventilated”, the blood is saturated with endorphins, and cholesterol decreases.

IMPORTANT: Endrophins are hormones of joy

Health benefits of laughter

Don't judge your ability to joke

Instead of assessing your condition, analyzing how much fun you are creating around, just let it all go and don’t think about it.

It's pointless to worry and evaluate your sense of humor, whether it's perfect or not.


Otherwise there will be the opposite effect.

When you stop judging yourself how funny you are,

you will never have questions about how to develop a sense of humor and become interesting.

Laughter can be a wonderful medicine. It's a good workout for your abdominal muscles and heart, and regular laughter can help strengthen your immune system. In our busy, serious lives, however, laughter may be the exception rather than the rule. If you want to live a happy, healthy life filled with joy, you should learn to laugh. Let laughter into your life! If you don't know how to do this, the tips below are just for you.

Laughter is the source of happiness

  • Laughter makes a woman more attractive
  • Do you want to strengthen your relationship with your loved one? Just laugh together more often! This will help you understand each other better, which means it will strengthen your connection.
  • Helps overcome stress faster than any sedative
  • Experts have found that laughter increases productivity and creativity.

Laughter is the source of happiness

Little tricks:

  • It's easier to start laughing with a smile. Our body is accustomed to the fact that it will immediately be followed by laughter.
  • Try to smile more often. Do this by reading or working. Smile at your colleagues or family members. This will also help to win them over.
  • All this will make smiling your natural facial expression. This means you will laugh much more often.

How to learn to laugh, how to cause laughter?
Try to be friends with sociable and humorous people. This does not mean that you should abandon pessimistic friends. Just find new fun people and communicate with them more often.

If a sad conversation starts around, change the topic or make a joke. Better yet, tell us about something pleasant for you. After all, any example is contagious.

Hang out with positive people

Look for funny shows and comedians to suit your tastes. Make watching funny programs a habit.

As an example, you can watch the following comedies, shows, etc.:

  • A big difference
  • Ural dumplings
  • Concerts of Mikhail Zadorny
  • Cartoons "Tom and Jerry"
  • Comedies with Jim Carrey or Charlie Chaplin

Watch funny videos on the Internet or comedies more often

  • Morning news about robberies and murders has never made a happier day.
  • Better start your morning by reading jokes. Listen to comedy radio programs
  • Can't imagine your morning without a newspaper? Then start reading from sections from life or the same jokes. And be sure to compare your mood after the news and after a fun program

Avoid news programs, newspapers and radio programs

Laugh at yourself

This useful talent of turning any awkwardness into a funny joke. Thanks to this, you will no longer be afraid of mistakes. Learn to understand that “what we are” and “what we can do so far” are different things.

Laugh at yourself

Don't be afraid of your laughter

  • Maybe you are afraid to laugh because you think that your laughter is strange? In this case, you can deprive yourself of the pleasures of life
  • After all, laughter is a natural manifestation of happiness. He can't be unpleasant
  • And if you are surrounded by people making fun of your laughter, just change the company

Don't be afraid of your laughter

Learn to relax

Set aside an hour of time for yourself every day. Do your favorite hobby and have fun. Especially if you are a busy person! After all, you need to reward yourself for your success and work?

Learn to relax


  • Yes, yes, laughing for no reason can also be useful
  • Try laughing just for fun when you're home alone. Make it as natural as possible. Say a few short "ha's" as you exhale.
  • Start by thinking about a funny joke from the past.
  • This will help the body quickly get into a cheerful state. And you have fun and laugh heartily


"Funny" breaks

Build regular “funny” moments into your work schedule. During them, watch a funny video or a piece of a humorous program. The benefits will be obvious!

"Funny" breaks

What's stopping you

You are hampered by fears, tightness and high standards for laughter. Don't try to be this brilliant guy whose jokes are all very, very smart and subtle. After all, then you yourself will hardly laugh. Which life is better - laughing more or laughing less?

Let go of the bar and laugh heartily! This is better! Why these restrictions - supposedly you have to be a brilliant and smart guy. Get rid of it and learn to laugh at everything!

Your mind will always find excuses not to laugh. It's all ego and limiting beliefs, barriers in the head.

Let go of ego and personality, have fun. You can interpret everything in a funny way. Literally everything! Young children are always cheerful and laugh often; society has not yet instilled seriousness in them. This exercise will help you learn to laugh.

You can watch a lot of videos on how to learn to laugh at everything for your own pleasure and never worry about it again.

Why do laughter yoga?

IMPORTANT: Hasya yoga is a branch of yoga that combines breathing techniques and laughter exercises.

  • Laughter is very good for health: you can lose weight from it, get sick much less often and have healthy nerves
  • But in order for the benefits of laughter on the body to be stronger, you need to laugh continuously for at least 15 minutes. Even during a funny talk show, this is not easy to do.
  • But during laughter yoga classes, it will be simply impossible to remain serious among laughing people.

Why do laughter yoga?
This technique was invented by Madana Katharya. This Indian doctor noticed that after a daily dose of funny jokes, his patients felt much better.

Over time, the technique has improved. Now the laughter yoga course combines breathing exercises, basic yoga asanas and, of course, exercises to induce laughter.

Laughter yoga exercise

Nowadays, laughter yoga courses are offered in many health centers. Therefore, the set of “funny” exercises may be different everywhere.

Most often, classes begin with a set of asanas. Warrior, downward facing dog, tree and others. Then perform a set of breathing exercises


Then there are exercises for laughter. Here they are:

  • Talking on the phone

The group is divided into pairs. Two people sit down next to each other and start talking on an imaginary telephone. At the end of the conversation, you need to laugh and look your partner in the eyes.

  • Greetings

Participants begin to walk around the hall. When two people meet, they try to be happy with each other. You can shake hands, hug or pat on the back. The main thing is to look natural.

  • How does a crocodile laugh?

Participants take turns imitating the laughter of various animals: chicken, lizard, fish or crocodile.

Some courses require participants to try laughing like an inanimate object.

  • Meter-long laughter

Participants move freely around the hall at arm's length.

Starting position: stand straight, hands at your sides. Then the arms are raised to the sides. You need to raise your hands up in three steps.

Every movement is an exhalation with a loud “ho.”

  • Chain

Everyone lies down on the floor. Each participant places his head on the stomach of another person. At the coach's command they begin to laugh. The vibration of laughter is transmitted to everyone. At the end everyone laughs.

  • Affirmation

IMPORTANT: Affirmation is a statement, a positive formula. When repeated many times with expression, it improves a person’s condition.

Participants stand in a circle and simultaneously say loudly: “I am the happiest person in the world!” Repeat several times. And at the end they laugh out loud.

Some health centers also add daily tea and exercises to the course for relaxation and peace.

How not to make an attempt to cheer up a girl in vain

Even the best joke can be ruined by simply adding unnecessary details or presenting it incorrectly. Here's what we can recommend to make a girl laugh without risk:

  1. An attempt to cheer up should not be forced. If both of you are not in the mood, then there is no need to try to sprinkle in memorized phrases. There are days when you don’t want to joke and all the jokes seem stupid.
  2. Avoid crude jokes and open sarcasm, otherwise she may see it as cruelty.
  3. A joke should not end in silence or be a series of endless jokes. We joked, laughed, defused the situation and talked about more serious things. You are not a clown to make her laugh all the time.

Now let's move from theory to practice and look at phrases that will help make a girl laugh.

Independent exercises for Hasya Yoga

Quiet laughter

  • You can turn on leisurely, gentle music
  • Starting position: stand straight, straighten your shoulders
  • Close your eyes. Imagine a beautiful landscape. Think about the small details. If it's a sunny beach, feel the warmth on your skin. Imagine how the waves hiss and roll onto the sandy shore
  • Laugh. Quiet at first, then louder
  • Did you laugh? Take a few deep breaths and exhalations. Don't forget to breathe correctly, that is, deeply.
  • Repeat three times
  • Starting position as in “Silent Laughter”
  • Take a deep breath. As you exhale, tighten your stomach, its lower part, and say: “ha.” The exhalation should be short. Repeat 30 times
  • Then laugh out loud
  • Repeat the exercise 2-3 times
  • You will need a mirror. Stand in front of him. Imagine your mouth being zipped shut. When you open it, you will start laughing
  • Unzip an imaginary zipper with two fingers. You'll want to laugh. Close the zipper quickly. Stop laughing
  • Can be performed in pairs and unfasten the zipper for a partner
  • Number of repetitions: 3 - 4

exercise "lightning"
Laughter is good for the health of body and spirit. Therefore, spend 10 - 15 minutes daily on hasya yoga exercises. These simple and fun activities will quickly change your life for the better.

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