Smile from a psychological point of view. How to learn to smile beautifully and master the art of smiling

What is a smile?

A smile is the revitalization of the facial muscles, which shows a person’s good mood. It is a human emotion displayed on the face, in which up to fifty-three facial muscles participate.

First of all, smiling is a process that occurs in the brain. When a person smiles, certain processes are triggered in his brain. The left frontal lobe is activated, which is responsible for the emotions of happiness and joy. That is, when we smile, we feel joy and this joy is felt by the people around us, and when we rejoice, a smile appears. Its absence can become a serious barrier to communication. As a result, you need to learn to smile beautifully.

To learn to smile beautifully, first of all, you need to evaluate your own appearance.

In this video, Evgenia Bobrovskaya will show you what exercises you can use to achieve a beautiful smile:

How to learn to smile correctly in a photo

Today you don’t need to make an appointment in advance at a photo studio to take photographs. You can take a photo with a phone, a point-and-shoot camera, a digital camera - one, or maybe several gadgets are sure to be found in every home. How to make a beautiful smile in a photo without ruining the frame?

  1. Involve your eyes in the process. The worst kind of photography is when the eyes look like slits and the mouth looks like a dark hole. As you smile at the lens, think about the person you would like to give a genuine laugh to.
  2. How to smile beautifully in photographs? Find a good angle that will transform your features. You can turn or tilt your head a little, stretch out your lips and puff out your cheeks - experiment and be completely transformed in front of the camera lens.
  3. Be confident, relax your facial muscles, and close your eyelids tightly for a second before flashing.

What kind of smile can there be? It depends only on the internal state of a person. Psychologists recommend smiling even when experiencing severe stress. Joyful laughter forces the brain to rewire itself to receive positive emotions.

Appearance rating

  1. Smile in front of the mirror;
  2. Assess the condition of your teeth;
  3. If the condition of your teeth is not satisfactory, try to limit your smile to your lips, without showing your teeth;
  4. If the number of teeth is not enough, restore them. To straighten teeth, you can use braces;
  5. Lips should not have peeling or cracks;
  6. To make your lips look good, you need to watch your diet and drink a complex of vitamins.

Immunity will be strengthened

Smiling causes the body to produce white blood cells - leukocytes - faster. Leukocytes are one of the key soldiers of the immune system: they are responsible for protecting the body from viruses, bacteria and other infections. The more quickly the body can produce white blood cells in response to a threat, the greater the immunity. Research “Does happiness help healing?” Immune response of hospitalized children may change during visits of the Smiling Hospital Foundation's Artists, conducted with the participation of children in hospitals, demonstrate: in hospitalized children who are visited by animators and clowns, making them smile, the level of white blood cells is higher than in children who are not having fun.

Purpose of a smile

The main purpose of a smile is to express emotions. Its absence causes mistrust, since it is a means of non-verbal communication.

Basic functions of a smile:

  • It inspires mutual trust;
  • Smiling can convey information that cannot be conveyed in words;
  • It is contagious, so you can direct the person to communicate positively with you.

When a person smiles, “fun” hormones are produced - serotonin and dopamine. He becomes more confident and calmer. A smile makes a person more resistant to stress, helps relax muscles and speeds up recovery, and if a person is sick, speeds up his recovery.

Smiling promotes the production of endorphins. Endorphins are substances that are responsible for feelings of happiness and euphoria. This substance allows you to normalize blood pressure and defeat depression.

Unlike people who frown, a person who smiles is more attractive. And people communicate with such a person, and stay away from gloomy people. Usually when you smile, your interlocutor smiles back at you. Smiling improves interaction between people, attracts positive people and increases self-confidence.

Reduces the load on the cardiovascular system

As the study Grin and bear it: the influence of manipulated facial expression on the stress response shows, people who start smiling in a stressful situation have a lower heart rate. And this leads to restoration of calm and self-confidence. In addition, stress with a smile puts less strain on the cardiovascular system, having almost no negative impact on its health.

For those who in difficult situations prefer to maintain a natural panic or neutral expression on their face, their heart continues to pound, and it is more difficult for them to calm down. So next time, even if everything is bad, try to smile - it will make you feel a little better.

Exercises for a beautiful smile

The condition of your lips and teeth is of course very important, but you also need to ensure that your lips are positioned correctly and learn how to use your facial muscles correctly. For a smile, not only the position of the lips is important, but also how a person’s eyes look when smiling.

For a good smile, you need to perform simple exercises that will not only make it perfect, but also slow down aging and improve blood circulation.

Before performing the exercises, you need to wash your hands, as you will need to touch your face with your hands.

Five exercises to make your smile beautiful:

  1. Smile widely. Correct your smile and check its symmetry. Afterwards, fix your lips in this position for 15 seconds, you can hold the corners of your lips with your fingers. This exercise must be performed 10-15 times a day;
  2. Fold your lips into a tube and stretch them forward, you need to stay in this position for ten seconds. This exercise also needs to be done 10-15 times a day;
  3. Stretch your tongue forward and take it with your lips, holding your tongue for 5 seconds. Perform 10 repetitions per day;
  4. Place three fingers on your cheeks. Pull your cheeks down slightly and smile. Duration of execution is 10 seconds, it must be done 15 times a day;
  5. Inhale quite deeply and exhale through tightly pursed lips. Repeat this task 20 times.

By performing these exercises, your smile will become truly beautiful. Also, do not forget to monitor the condition of your teeth and lips.

Give up bad habits and try to drink less coffee, as it turns your teeth yellow, and the sugar contained in this drink causes tooth decay.

In this training video, Alexandra Possokhova will tell you how to become the owner of a beautiful smile, what exercises will help develop it:


A beautiful smile can have a truly magical effect on the people around you. There is even a special type of it - the Hollywood smile. Her secret is that stars use all the facial muscles when they want to show their joy, so they seem to be happy and contented people. However, this is not the only secret that can help you smile beautifully and win people over.

Conscious smiling: is it possible?

More recently, Swedish scientists stated that facial muscles are controlled by the human subconscious. During the experiment, the researchers analyzed muscle tissue from more than a hundred subjects, showing them photographs of people whose faces were happy or angry. At the same time, the scientists asked the experiment participants to react to what they saw in some way: to depict a similar emotion or an opposite one.

It was found that people could not completely control the emotions that were expressed on their faces. Many subjects were unable to portray happiness when an angry face was looking at them from a photograph; the smile was rather strained and unnatural. It is likely that there is some kind of “mirror” neuron in the human brain that reads the emotions of other people and automatically takes them into account when depicting their emotions.

However, this does not mean that a person’s face is beyond control, it only shows how dependent we are on our environment. A positive smile can involuntarily appear on the face as a sign of positive and joyful emotions, and can also be transmitted to other people.

Why is it important to smile beautifully?

Many researchers agree that laughter prolongs life and has an anti-stress effect on the body. It promotes a positive attitude, improved mood and a sense of security in an unfamiliar environment. A beautiful smile attracts the opposite sex, helps to make a good impression, and shows others that we are friendly and open towards them.

How to learn to smile beautifully?

Think about pleasant moments. A beautiful smile is a sincere smile. You can put a radiant and happy smile on your face only if a person really thinks about something good. Then joy is read not only on the lips, but also in the gaze, face and even the pose in which we are. You can remember how much you love your partner or friends, about the last joke your friend made, about some funny moment in your life.

Take photos more often. Photos help us understand what our face looks like when we smile, as well as which smile suits us best. In addition, the more often a person takes successful photographs, the more he feels confident in himself and his irresistibility. This is an indispensable feeling for a beautiful smile. You can take selfies - this way you can learn to smile beautifully.

Train the right look. Models have a special concept - “smile with the eyes.” According to the sharks of the modeling business, without her it is impossible to take a beautiful and high-quality photograph in which the girl would look natural. This means that when depicting joy with your lips, you should not forget about the expression in your eyes. It is the eyes that convey a person’s mood and emotions, so it is easy to understand from them whether the smile is natural.

Take care of your lips and teeth. Chapped lips and black spots on teeth cannot make a smile beautiful and attractive. If you have dry and chapped lips, you can purchase lip care products, such as scrubs, oils or lipsticks. There are also a large number of folk methods that will help make care effective at home. For dental treatment, you need to see a dentist. Healthy lips and teeth can make your smile irresistible.

Do facial exercises. To make a beautiful smile appear naturally, you can first practice making an unnatural wide smile: puffing out your cheeks, pulling your lips into a tube and exhaling sharply, as well as doing other exercises for your mouth. They will help you feel your lips better and control those moments when they tense and relax.

There is an opinion that residents of America and Europe smile much more often than residents of other regions. This is because positivity and laughter are a part of their daily life and they maintain a cheerful expression throughout the day. This is the secret to their perfect smile.

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27.03.2019 01:28

Sincere smile

To prevent your smile from looking “tight,” you need to relax your facial muscles. Because only on a relaxed face can a beautiful and sincere smile appear.

The most sincere smile is when the muscles around the eyes contract while smiling. Smile in front of the mirror and pay attention to the muscles around the eyes; if the eye muscles remain unchanged, while smiling, try squinting your eyes a little and feeling the small pads under the eyes.

Once you learn to use your eyes when you smile, it will look more sincere.

Do the following three exercises to relax your face :

  1. Open your mouth wide so that the skin on your lips, chin and cheeks stretches. Freeze for 5 seconds and then relax. Do the exercise 5 times;
  2. Take a deep breath and stick your tongue out as far as possible. Then exhale sharply. Repeat the exercise ten times;
  3. And in the last exercise you need to lightly pinch your cheeks. This will improve blood circulation.

Also, to keep your smile looking natural, try to avoid negative thoughts. And if suddenly your interlocutor evokes negative thoughts, try to abstract yourself and think about something positive.

Doing all the above exercises and having a positive attitude will allow you to smile naturally and beautifully. Over time, you will achieve a perfect smile, but do not forget to monitor the condition of your teeth and consult your dentist from time to time, and also systematically do exercises and practice in front of the mirror.

How to make your smile wider?

If your bottom row of teeth is irregularly shaped, you must learn to smile in a way that partially hides them. It is extremely important to show the surface of the upper row of teeth while relaxing your face and trying to smile sincerely with your eyes.

Remember also that the width of a smile largely depends on the shape of the lips. Unless you have very large lips, an overly stretched and wide smile will create an impression of tension and anxiety. You need to learn to smile so that the canines of the upper row of teeth only lightly touch the lower lip - but are not completely exposed.

Beautiful smile and face type

A smile can change the visual perception of the shape of the face and skull in the same way that a haircut changes a woman's face or a beard changes a man's face. For example, people with a long face are advised to focus on the vertical aspect of their teeth and not smile too widely or too openly - this will not be read as a beautiful smile, but as an indicator of aggression.

For those with square and round faces, a wide smile, on the contrary, will help make the face visually more oval and “correct” - while a smile with a closed mouth will create the impression of modesty. In turn, for people with an oval face type, both a modest smile with a closed mouth and a wide Hollywood smile are suitable.


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The Hollywood smile is not just a wide-open mouth, but the ability to smile with your whole face. In fact, a correct and beautiful smile is a combination of joyful and calm eyes with moderate tension of the facial muscles, allowing only the upper row of teeth to show. In order to learn to smile, it is important to practice.

Other factors

In addition to these factors, there are others that affect how others perceive your smile. What should you also pay attention to? An important point is proper lip makeup. Inept, vulgar makeup will ruin the impression of your smile, no matter how beautiful it may be. There are many recommendations from professional makeup artists on the Internet that will help you learn how to do proper lip makeup.

The condition of your skin has a huge impact on your appearance. Choose the skincare products that best suit your skin type. If there are any problems, consult a cosmetologist. In most cases, facial skin problems can be eliminated with the help of well-chosen skin care.

The skin of the lips also requires care. Often it dries out under the influence of the external environment, cracks appear, and the skin begins to peel off. Moisturize your lips regularly, use hygienic lipstick and lip balms. If there is a possibility of herpes, try to always have the appropriate medications nearby so that at the slightest sign, treatment can be started immediately. This disease often appears when the immune system is weakened, so experts advise taking measures to strengthen it.

Developing a smile

The main exercise is called fixing the smile muscles. Looking in the mirror, find the smile shape that you like best. Using your fingertips, press the edges of your lips on both sides and hold it there for a count of seven. After that, release, count to seven and repeat the exercise several times - press and release the tips of your lips. During this procedure, a smile should remain on your face. If the shape of your lips has changed, you will have to look again for the proportions that you liked. Repeat the exercise until you can easily maintain a smile without thinking about it. Your brain must remember which loads are carried by which facial muscles, and pick up the necessary configuration if the need arises.

Smile, controlling the symmetry in front of the mirror, close your eyes and count to thirty in your head. Try to ensure that after you open your eyes, the smile remains the same as at the beginning.

But in order for the smile to be lively and open, the participation of the eyes is necessary. You may be surprised, but it is the eyes that give a smile its shine, and if they are not involved in the process, the smile will be lifeless and completely unconvincing. What happens to the eyes at this moment? They narrow, and so-called rays appear at the edges of the eyes. Therefore, it is important to remember: the whole face should smile, not just the lips.

Life expectancy will increase

People who smile often have an average 70 percent chance of living to age 80, while their less smiling friends only have a 50 percent chance. These are the results of the study Smile Intensity in Photographs Predicts Longevity, conducted by Ernst Abel and Michael Krueger from Wayne State University (Michigan, USA).

Scientists came to this conclusion after analyzing old photographs: they identified smiling and frowning faces, and then traced through the archives the fate of the people depicted in the photographs. The connection between smiling and life expectancy has been proven in most cases.

In general, smile more often, and your life will not only be long and healthy, but also extremely enjoyable.

Smile with uneven teeth or no teeth

Not everyone has been blessed by nature with beautiful and straight teeth. And some lost them during their lives. But expressing joyful emotions, everyone smiles. Even toothless ones. Not everyone has the financial opportunity to get their mouth in order, or maybe you are terrified of dentists? Then a closed smile will suit you, without exposing your teeth.

If the natural color of your enamel is yellowish and you are unable to cope with this, you will need to visit a dentist and undergo a hardware whitening procedure. This is the only way you will achieve the desired whiteness. And all the tricks with toothpastes remain just a successful advertising ploy.

Practical advice

  • Train your facial muscles. In front of the mirror, try to smile so that symmetry appears on your face. It may not work the first time. When you achieve the desired result, fix the symmetrical smile for a minute or two. If you do this regularly, your facial expressions will get used to it and your muscles will obey you more clearly.
  • Only a sincere smile can attract and charm. If you smile with bad intentions, it will look like a grin and is unlikely to please others. Your eyes should also laugh, because they are called the mirror of the soul.
  • Find the time, finances and courage to get your teeth in order. The most fervent laughter involves opening your mouth wide and exposing your teeth. Otherwise, you will constantly have to cover yourself with your palm.
  • Take care of your lips. If you do not use decorative cosmetics, then use hygienic lipstick and give up the bad habit of constantly licking your lips.

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